Phone rings when called but unable to answer - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hopefully this is the correct forum, if not please let me know.
I have tried a couple custom stock XT1575 ROMs. Everything installs great except when my phone is called, the dialer
won't open. I hear my phone ring or vibrate depending on what it is using, just nothing comes up to allow me to answer
it. The latest custom stock ROM I installed today is moto_x_pure_edition_custom_stock_x1575_mphs24.107-58-1_v1-odexed.
Has this happened to anyone else, is it a known problem with the custom stock ROMs? Any help is appreciated. I can't
use the phone so it's just sitting in a corner.

Have you tried puretrue rom . I have flashed 3 roms 2 custom stock Rom and one nexus rom.But never faced this issue . Maybe clean install will help you.

azzammalik said:
Have you tried puretrue rom . I have flashed 3 roms 2 custom stock Rom and one nexus rom.But never faced this issue . Maybe clean install will help you.
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Every time I've installed the ROM, everything was wiped first, including the install I did earlier today.
I've tried a few other ROMs from here, didn't quite like them (not sure if the one you mentioned is one I tried) so wanted to use the custom default Motorola ROM which I liked. They are rooted and have super user. If you know the link to that ROM you mentioned, I don't mind looking into it. Thanks

Go to Settings > Apps > Gear icon > Default Apps > Select 'Telephone' for Phone

Can't believe this is still a thing! This is an old *ss small issue which has been discussed over and over again!
Now with this Help thread open I hope people will learn!

ban.codrut said:
Can't believe this is still a thing! This is an old *ss small issue which has been discussed over and over again!
Now with this Help thread open I hope people will learn!
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Yes, I understand it's been around a while. I've searched for answers and all the suggestions have not made a difference for me. I have also searched a little on here using different terms but could not find anything either. If you know the answer, can you assist? I understand you may have seen this a few times but not everyone has, like me. I just want to know the fix, is that so bad?

davidrocher said:
Go to Settings > Apps > Gear icon > Default Apps > Select 'Telephone' for Phone
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I've already attempted that, didn't help. Tried a new dialer app, didn't make a difference either. Made sure it was the default and that notifications were on for the app also. Thanks

michont said:
Yes, I understand it's been around a while. I've searched for answers and all the suggestions have not made a difference for me. I have also searched a little on here using different terms but could not find anything either. If you know the answer, can you assist? I understand you may have seen this a few times but not everyone has, like me. I just want to know the fix, is that so bad?
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Your described issue seems just the usual "no default phone app selected" , which solution is to just set one. If something else is going on I can't help, I've never encountered other root issues to this (not by experience not by reading). Sorry!
But we could go through this and try troubleshooting.
You are using a custom stock so probably already got root permission.
1) Install logcat or matlog
2) start recording and call your phone right away using a second phone while leaving the screen on
(try upping the screen time to 5 minutes let's say, this way there is no loginfo we are not interested in there beside the call intent)
3) After that, hangup and stop recording the log then share a link to the file here (file ! Don't paste in pls)
Let's hope there is a debug warning or error which will tell us what's actually going on!
On the other side of thing, you do have a XT1575 right ? Or you are using XT1575 Ron on XT1572 ? Not a biggie but quit relevant for modem file!
In the morning I'll give it a look, now I'm heading to bed (2AM here)

michont said:
Every time I've installed the ROM, everything was wiped first, including the install I did earlier today.
I've tried a few other ROMs from here, didn't quite like them (not sure if the one you mentioned is one I tried) so wanted to use the custom default Motorola ROM which I liked. They are rooted and have super user. If you know the link to that ROM you mentioned, I don't mind looking into it. Thanks
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Hope you have already solved this problem. But if you are still facing same issue then this is perfect rom if you want to stay close to stock.

ban.codrut said:
Your described issue seems just the usual "no default phone app selected" , which solution is to just set one. If something else is going on I can't help, I've never encountered other root issues to this (not by experience not by reading). Sorry!
But we could go through this and try troubleshooting.
You are using a custom stock so probably already got root permission.
1) Install logcat or matlog
2) start recording and call your phone right away using a second phone while leaving the screen on
(try upping the screen time to 5 minutes let's say, this way there is no loginfo we are not interested in there beside the call intent)
3) After that, hangup and stop recording the log then share a link to the file here (file ! Don't paste in pls)
Let's hope there is a debug warning or error which will tell us what's actually going on!
On the other side of thing, you do have a XT1575 right ? Or you are using XT1575 Ron on XT1572 ? Not a biggie but quit relevant for modem file!
In the morning I'll give it a look, now I'm heading to bed (2AM here)
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Thanks, just got home from work myself. I am using the XT1575. The default phone app is chosen. I'll see what I can
do about the logging suggestions you mentioned. I may not get to that today as I have a few things to do before
heading into work.

azzammalik said:
Hope you have already solved this problem. But if you are still facing same issue then this is perfect rom if you want to stay close to stock.
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Thank you, I'll download now.

Thanks for the assist all of you. I decided to install the TruPureXMM-2.9 ROM and so far I'm liking it. It has a few quirks but the dialer works
from the get go which is the main thing. Those ROMs from the other Moto style installs must have something inherently wrong designed
in them not to work right from the start.


need a clear answer on this one

hey guys ive had a look through a number of rom forums and other stuff like that and i cant seem to get the answer im looking for. so let me tell you my story so you guys can understand what im looking for:
ok so i first got into xda forums and all that because i bought my legend, and it was awesome and what not, and then i get to uni and oh wtf i cant connect to the internet. so then i did some research into proxy settings and one thing led to another and i found out about these roms and rooting and whatnot.
anyways after playing around with a lot of roms and mods and yeah i found indigo bean to be the best rom for me, it would be that cyanogenmod but thats outdated and the camera doesnt work, and it would be azure if not that but azure doesnt let me connect to my uni network at all and yeah. oh and the proxy only works for browsers so its not 100% working.
ANYWAYS ive come to realise after unrooting and rerooting and back and forth that i prefer the original rom ie htc sense and all that, everything stock. however if i go stock it means i have the proxy issue again. now i found out about this "transproxy" app which from my reading actually allows you to use not only the browsers but also apps such as google maps, andorid market etc. however this still requires root access i read as well.
so now my main question is:
what is the most updated, stock rom with like apps to sd and you know all those standard features people like to have with root access which will let me use this "transproxy" app??
if someone could give me a clear answer or maybe some info on transproxy or any other help with my problem that would be awesome
EDIT: i just realised that im not meant to ask questions in this area of the forum.. its still related to development though lol
um well if its in the wrong place i guess one of the admins can move my question then? cheers
maybe trying this?
only thing you have to do is rooting, afterwards you can install stock rom
yep thats the app i was talking about. the "transproxy" thing
ok so ive put this rom on
and ive also installed the transparent proxy app
so tomorrow ill check to see if proxy works and if it does then well that was pretty easy and i probably didnt even have to post this thread
im back to square one i think, well not quite
this rom im using is kinda dodgy
like its stock, but its not stock stock
like theres a number of things that are annoying me
so uhhh yeah i reckon i might have to find another close to stock but rooted rom
curto said:
im back to square one i think, well not quite
this rom im using is kinda dodgy
like its stock, but its not stock stock
like theres a number of things that are annoying me
so uhhh yeah i reckon i might have to find another close to stock but rooted rom
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Thanks for the detailed, easy to follow statement there.
You could try "cooking" your own ROM. It's actually quite easy. If you find the HTC-WWE 2.03 ROM ( for the Legend, and look into dsixda's kitchen (here) you can just put the stock ROM in, just add the rooting thing ("2. Add root permissions") and then build and flash that; you'll have the latest (ish) stock ROM with root access. Nothing else changed.
TheGrammarFreak said:
Thanks for the detailed, easy to follow statement there.
You could try "cooking" your own ROM. It's actually quite easy. If you find the HTC-WWE 2.03 ROM ( for the Legend, and look into dsixda's kitchen (here) you can just put the stock ROM in, just add the rooting thing ("2. Add root permissions") and then build and flash that; you'll have the latest (ish) stock ROM with root access. Nothing else changed.
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats interesting.. ive cooked my own before but that was only with other peoples roms. i didnt know you could grab one of those stock roms you find on that site and turn it into a .rar thing. well obviously you can do that i realise now but yeah nah thats pretty cool. ill play around with it, thanks

[Q] Can anyone post a fixed Mokee rom for the Redmi 4G?

I have installed Mokee on my 4G. But I have some security concerns with it. Google throws up a security warning when you reboot it complaining about an app that is trying to be installed. Numerous antivirus applications have problems with some of the apps.
Does anyone have a clean version of this rom that has the crap removed? I tried and failed. I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate it. Thanks!
tripper22 said:
I have installed Mokee on my 4G. But I have some security concerns with it. Google throws up a security warning when you reboot it complaining about an app that is trying to be installed. Numerous antivirus applications have problems with some of the apps.
Does anyone have a clean version of this rom that has the crap removed? I tried and failed. I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate it. Thanks!
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As development for this device appears to be mostly at a standstill, you are more likely to be successful if you do it yourself. I lack the time/patience for this (might change during the summer) so unless someone else jumps in, you're on your own. In the mean time, there is nothing wrong with MIUI 5 at the moment.
Appl_Usr said:
As development for this device appears to be mostly at a standstill, you are more likely to be successful if you do it yourself. I lack the time/patience for this (might change during the summer) so unless someone else jumps in, you're on your own. In the mean time, there is nothing wrong with MIUI 5 at the moment.
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If you cant do it or don't want to do it. Why do you even bother replying?? I already tried and I couldn't figure out how to do it. That's why I asked the question in the first place. I know people have done it. I was hoping someone would be nice enough to upload it.
So disable all those Chinese apps then it won't pop up the warning again..I'm using Mokee rom Now
sks93 said:
So disable all those Chinese apps then it won't pop up the warning again..I'm using Mokee rom Now
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I have done that with Titanium. When I reboot I get the Google security warning when an app installs itself. Antivirus programs Avira and others throw up warnings under a full scan for different things.
tripper22 said:
If you cant do it or don't want to do it. Why do you even bother replying?? I already tried and I couldn't figure out how to do it. That's why I asked the question in the first place. I know people have done it. I was hoping someone would be nice enough to upload it.
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Excuse me? If I had a computer with Linux that I could work on I would, but I don't at this time. See the issue? This thread is rather redundant as you could have just as easily asked that question in a topic where it is discussed.
As a side note, I am able to delete all the Chinese apps, don't even need to use Titanium Backup. Just take the app from the app drawer and drag it to the trash. It worked for me, chances are good it will work for you.
You may find this interesting:
By the way, CM11 and Mokee are so similar it's ridiculous. Mokee is basically CyanogenMod with all the icons and names changed to 'Mokee'.
Appl_Usr said:
Excuse me? If I had a computer with Linux that I could work on I would, but I don't at this time. See the issue? This thread is rather redundant as you could have just as easily asked that question in a topic where it is discussed.
As a side note, I am able to delete all the Chinese apps, don't even need to use Titanium Backup. Just take the app from the app drawer and drag it to the trash. It worked for me, chances are good it will work for you.
You may find this interesting:
By the way, CM11 and Mokee are so similar it's ridiculous. Mokee is basically CyanogenMod with all the icons and names changed to 'Mokee'.
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Those apps get re-installed after a reboot. Every time.
Then why hasn't that happen to me?
Appl_Usr said:
Then why hasn't that happen to me?
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How would I know? I just did a fresh clean install. It was the first thing I did after it booted. I uninstalled the apps like you did from the app drawer. Next reboot they are re-installed. Others have the same problem so I don't know how it can be different on your phone.
Uninstalling apps with Titanium/Link2SD/other apps won't work due to the non standard location of the apks.
With Root Explorer (or similar) go to /system/third-app and delete apks of these chinese apps. They won't reinstall again. I did that when installed Mokee, months ago, and they never reappeared.
Remember to uninstall also System Server (probably ad/analytics/spy, not needed)
r ex
i used built in root explorer to delete those chinese apps except fm . no problems now.

V4A Not Processing

So Viper doesn't seem to be working for me. I've installed the Super high Quality driver, but it does not seem to be affecting the sound at all. I've followed the instructions posted by @Beefheart in the How to Root thread, including disabling Adapt Sound, but I still can't seem to get it to work.
I thought it might have something to do with the "Sound Quality and Effects" settings I had set previously, but I can't get back into that setting anymore. I re-enabled Adapt Sound, but every time I go to that section of the settings, Viper launches instead. Anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
This is what I'm looking at
AKW said:
So Viper doesn't seem to be working for me. I've installed the Super high Quality driver, but it does not seem to be affecting the sound at all. I've followed the instructions posted by @Beefheart in the How to Root thread, including disabling Adapt Sound, but I still can't seem to get it to work.
I thought it might have something to do with the "Sound Quality and Effects" settings I had set previously, but I can't get back into that setting anymore. I re-enabled Adapt Sound, but every time I go to that section of the settings, Viper launches instead. Anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
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Using flashfire, flash this file ( you will have to find it which shouldn't be to hard )
Works perfectly on the s7. I'm on version 1.0 of tekhd and have had zero problems. Or try here and flash one of these straight from the source
g1-and-only said:
Using flashfire, flash this file ( you will have to find it which shouldn't be to hard )
Works perfectly on the s7. I'm on version 1.0 of tekhd and have had zero problems.
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Word. Thanks, brother. I'll report back once I flash.
AKW said:
Word. Thanks, brother. I'll report back once I flash.
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Sure, sorry for so many edits, I'm at work while still trying to help. I know how important viper is as I always flash this first before anything else
g1-and-only said:
Sure, sorry for so many edits, I'm at work while still trying to help. I know how important viper is as I always flash this first before anything else
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No worries man. Just flashed the whole package from the source thread. Phone is rebooting after installing the Viper Driver. About to test now.
EDIT: Works. You're awesome.

eXistenZ v10 port for locked bootloader, plus mods

Port is not my work. It's by @kavatzas7, originally posted here - That one only works on unlocked bootloader, so I swapped the boot img with stock Sony one, for use on locked. I also made many framework and system app mods, (shown in screensshot), including menus, toast, backgrounds and scrolling navbar, by @Ticklefish. If you want the rom and don't like my mods, just download both and replace boot img.
- Flashing rom with stock boot img will remove your recovery, so you'll have to reflash recovery.
- Attempting to flash kavatsaz7's rom with locked bootloader will result in black screen, with no boot, even to recovery. You'll have to use Flashtool to get kernel/rom back on your phone.!Is0ShbCY!8fLKUYPmFt7is0M7jyjLr_ApiK7maL-Ydg5zuYMv0Ec
Updated with some fixes. Not so messy looking anymore. Update does not include scrolling navigation bar. Let me know if you want it, and can't do it.
Few more...
Is now all problems göne ?
Murtie said:
Is now all problems göne ?
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I didn't change anything in the build, but I worked out most of the visual bugs with 3rd-party apps, like black-on-black menus, etc. You can use Holo Themer per app if you need to. For fm radio, use a different app from Play Store. I tested out RadioFM, and it works fine.
Can i instal this port for so-02f docomo with locked bootloader??
zanahar said:
Can i instal this port for so-02f docomo with locked bootloader??
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Sorry, I don't know much about that phone. From what I remember in other threads, it is the same, but I can't say for sure...
levone1 said:
Sorry, I don't know much about that phone. From what I remember in other threads, it is the same, but I can't say for sure...
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It means this port use stock boot img??
zanahar said:
It means this port use stock boot img??
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Original port has modified boot img, but I replaced it with stock one for locked bootloader, (read op).
levone1 said:
Original port has modified boot img, but I replaced it with stock one for locked bootloader, (read op).
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ok thank... i will try ... and give riview soon
levone1 said:
I didn't change anything in the build, but I worked out most of the visual bugs with 3rd-party apps, like black-on-black menus, etc. You can use Holo Themer per app if you need to. For fm radio, use a different app from Play Store. I tested out RadioFM, and it works fine.
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Which radio application you used and it's worked?
kavatzas7 said:
Which radio application you used and it's worked?
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Radio Fm -
Ah, ok...because i thought that you talking about a real "fm radio" app based on fm mobile antenna resever, not in an internet radio app...
I just installed the ROM and it already restarts a few times, the phone currently is installing all the apps from Google Play Store..
It happens randomly or if I open/select certain settings that provided..
BTW can I change the transparent notification off?
@levone1 : Flashed your modded ROM but it's getting restarted repeatedly between bootanimations...
giriz1c said:
@levone1 : Flashed your modded ROM but it's getting restarted repeatedly between bootanimations...
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OK, I'll check it out. I've been messing with Dstrikers rom for a while now, so can't remember issues exactly. First question always did you do a full wipe, (data, system, and caches)?
I'll try to flash today and see...
thesims2customs said:
I just installed the ROM and it already restarts a few times, the phone currently is installing all the apps from Google Play Store..
It happens randomly or if I open/select certain settings that provided..
BTW can I change the transparent notification off?
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It's been posted about this port that you will get reboots at first, but they will stop. I didn't port it, so can't help with technical stuff.
For notifications you can try LPThemer from Xposed, or replace your system ui with stock one, (you will also lose other systemui mods) or decompile systemui apk, and search xml files for color b32c3539, and change it to ff2c3539.
BTW, if anyone wants to try, I made a similar mod with some improvements for latest Dstrikersz1 build.
giriz1c said:
@levone1 : Flashed your modded ROM but it's getting restarted repeatedly between bootanimations...
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Just flashed with full wipe and clean install and everything good...
levone1 said:
It's been posted about this port that you will get reboots at first, but they will stop. I didn't port it, so can't help with technical stuff.
For notifications you can try LPThemer from Xposed, or replace your system ui with stock one, (you will also lose other systemui mods) or decompile systemui apk, and search xml files for color b32c3539, and change it to ff2c3539.
BTW, if anyone wants to try, I made a similar mod with some improvements for latest Dstrikersz1 build.
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Ah, I see.. But it will start restart by itself if you click certain settings.
Thanks for answering. I found another problems tho, the internet speed seems so slow, it takes minutes to download small files from Play Store, even restoring things from WhatsApp took ages. And it seems killed app in the background because, once I open a messenger, it will flood by notifications.
thesims2customs said:
Ah, I see.. But it will start restart by itself if you click certain settings.
Thanks for answering. I found another problems tho, the internet speed seems so slow, it takes minutes to download small files from Play Store, even restoring things from WhatsApp took ages. And it seems killed app in the background because, once I open a messenger, it will flood by notifications.
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It's a port, so not surprising to find bugs. The best part about eXistenZ is probably the customization, which is all there. Overall, it's a solid ROM, and the bugs are, for the most part, in the realm of extras, (although slow Internet is more of a real problem, but I haven't experienced that). If you want more of stability and less of extras, go for dstrikersZ1 ROM.
BTW - I never did quite finish modding this one, it's kind of messy looking. I got sidetracked with dstriker... I'll probably revamp this one and re-post.
levone1 said:
It's a port, so not surprising to find bugs. The best part about eXistenZ is probably the customization, which is all there. Overall, it's a solid ROM, and the bugs are, for the most part, in the realm of extras, (although slow Internet is more of a real problem, but I haven't experienced that). If you want more of stability and less of extras, go for dstrikersZ1 ROM.
BTW - I never did quite finish modding this one, it's kind of messy looking. I got sidetracked with dstriker... I'll probably revamp this one and re-post.
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So it is just me who have the problem with internet, is it because "doze" mode or something because I find that my phone will go to its deep sleep often, it does save battery but I don't quite like it, I keep missing phone calls or texts from people. Guess I will go back to DstrikersZ.

Is it possible to install Cyanogenmod on a GT I9507?

Was just wondering if it was possible and if so, what version of Cyanogenmod would I need?
First off, there is no more CyanogenMod. The CyanogenMod people started a new project called Lineage.
Now to answer your question. Yes, it is possible.
The Optimized LineageOS ROM should work on your device.
Pwnycorn said:
First off, there is no more CyanogenMod. The CyanogenMod people started a new project called Lineage.
Now to answer your question. Yes, it is possible.
The Optimized LineageOS ROM should work on your device.
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Ok, thanks.
Is it easy to install? (my first Android phone and my first time installing a custom rom)
razerphynx said:
Ok, thanks.
Is it easy to install? (my first Android phone and my first time installing a custom rom)
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The install process is a subjective matter.
For me it's easy since I've been doing these things for over 4 years.
For you it might seem complicated at first.
There are various guides and video tutorials that will show you how to do it. The process is usually the same for every phone and for every ROM.
Pwnycorn said:
The install process is a subjective matter.
For me it's easy since I've been doing these things for over 4 years.
For you it might seem complicated at first.
There are various guides and video tutorials that will show you how to do it. The process is usually the same for every phone and for every ROM.
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Fair enough, I guess I'll have to educate myself on the matter before attmepting to install anything.
I do have a couple more questions;
1. Does Lineage improve performance and battery life like Cyanogenmod claims to do?
2. I think Lineage is based on a newer OS (Android 7.x.x) then my phone natively supports (Android 5.0.1), would that be an issue?
razerphynx said:
1. Does Lineage improve performance and battery life like Cyanogenmod claims to do?
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Yes and yes.
razerphynx said:
2. I think Lineage is based on a newer OS (Android 7.x.x) then my phone natively supports (Android 5.0.1), would that be an issue?
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Yes, although the LineageOS guys, the XDA community and devs (who work on it for free, during their spare time) manage to port the last version of Android to this device, you can expect some bugs, a degraded camera quality (because of proprietary blobs Samsung do not publish), and to loose some functionalities (smart pause, smart scroll).
However, the stock Android experience is worth the switch and you will learn a lot of things here, which is invaluable.
Try the unofficial LineageOS by side (original development forum).
Ok, thanks for the answers
Last question, would you be able to send me a download link to it? I couldn't find the right one for my phone.
razerphynx said:
Ok, thanks for the answers
Last question, would you be able to send me a download link to it? I couldn't find the right one for my phone.
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I already told you, you need the Optimized Lineage ROM. It has your device listed as "supported".
It's in the GT-I9505 Original Development section. Impossible to miss, it's always around the top of the list.
And it is universal, meaning that there is no special version for your device.
Do note that the developer himself has a GT-I9505, and so do most of his test team members. So there's no guarantee that it will be a flawless experience.
Sorry, I must've missed that. Will report back once I get it installed
Thanks for all the help
Edit: On the download page there's two different versions
Which one do I download?
YAY, it's all set-up and working now. Thank you all very much
Whenever I lock my phone, the screen stops working. I then have to restart my phone to get the screen working again. Any solutions?
razerphynx said:
Whenever I lock my phone, the screen stops working. I then have to restart my phone to get the screen working again. Any solutions?
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Use the stock kernel. On the download page there should be an "extras" folder.
If you can't find it then download the aroma version and flash it. This one gives you some options during the install process.
Thanks, that fixed the issue.
Got another question,
How do I make my phone show up on my PC? Like it shows up as "GT-I9507" but when I open it, it's just empty. Before on stock Android it had 2 main folders, something like "Internal" or "System" and "SDCard" and they both had multiple subfolders.
razerphynx said:
Thanks, that fixed the issue.
Got another question,
How do I make my phone show up on my PC? Like it shows up as "GT-I9507" but when I open it, it's just empty. Before on stock Android it had 2 main folders, something like "Internal" or "System" and "SDCard" and they both had multiple subfolders.
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That I do not know.
Should work straight away normally.
Try enabling/disabling USB debugging while the phone is connected.
Tried that, still nothing
razerphynx said:
Got another question,
How do I make my phone show up on my PC? Like it shows up as "GT-I9507" but when I open it, it's just empty. Before on stock Android it had 2 main folders, something like "Internal" or "System" and "SDCard" and they both had multiple subfolders.
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Select notification "USB charging this device" or anything similar, select MTP. It'll auto reconnect and it should work.
Sent from my Redmi 3 using XDA Labs
Oh, yeah. Try what he said.
I haven't connected my phone to a PC in years, so I wouldn't know what to do.

