Do you recommend Nexus 7? Any drawbacks? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm looking into getting one, but I'm unsure whether to drop £199 on the 32GB one. I'm primarily going to be using it for games and movie watching, hence the extra money. Do you guys recommend it? I've used Android before obviously but just want something a little newer than my dinky WFS, for movies and such. I've heard bad things about 4.2 on them too...
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app

I got a 32GB last week and use it primarily for games, watching movies, reading ebooks and web browsing. The Nexus 7 does all these things very well. For movies, it may depend on what app you are using, especially if you want to be able to play different file formats. I use MX Player, which is free from the market and it has played everything I've thrown at it. The one thing I still am unsure about is battery life when it comes to gaming. I've never had a problem in this regard, but I also don't play any games for longer than an hour at a time. The size is nice and compact, but still big enough for my needs.

JellyBeanToby said:
I'm looking into getting one, but I'm unsure whether to drop £199 on the 32GB one. I'm primarily going to be using it for games and movie watching, hence the extra money. Do you guys recommend it? I've used Android before obviously but just want something a little newer than my dinky WFS, for movies and such. I've heard bad things about 4.2 on them too...
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app
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Carphone warehouse are doing the 32GB for £179, and don't worry, 4.2 is just fine, a couple of minor quirks, but nothing to get too excited about. It's easily the best 7in tablet on the market right now, regardless of price, totally killing the Kindle Fire HD and iPad Mini, in build quality, screen quality, performance and looks.

CrazyPeter said:
Carphone warehouse are doing the 32GB for £179, and don't worry, 4.2 is just fine, a couple of minor quirks, but nothing to get too excited about. It's easily the best 7in tablet on the market right now, regardless of price, totally killing the Kindle Fire HD and iPad Mini, in build quality, screen quality, performance and looks.
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Nice, thanks man you've just saved me 20 quid!
Android Police wrote an article about some of the issues that 4.2 has, but I guess after asking a group who own the device, its a non-issue. Gotta love XDA haha I'm cooking up a ROM for the WFS based off AOSP, if its good enough ill post and port
kishin14 said:
I got a 32GB last week and use it primarily for games, watching movies, reading ebooks and web browsing. The Nexus 7 does all these things very well. For movies, it may depend on what app you are using, especially if you want to be able to play different file formats. I use MX Player, which is free from the market and it has played everything I've thrown at it. The one thing I still am unsure about is battery life when it comes to gaming. I've never had a problem in this regard, but I also don't play any games for longer than an hour at a time. The size is nice and compact, but still big enough for my needs.
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Awesome, I use MX Player on my phone and it offers a good experience, for 600MHz anyway haha. Have you tried Dead Trigger on it? Awesome free game, I play it on my brothers iPad (except he had to pay up. Suck it, iOS users )
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e running SenseMOD v2.3 using xda app-developers app

I have a N7 32gb and a P100 Sprint GTab 7" that I recently updated to CM10.
I haven't played Dead Trigger on the GTab but it plays great on the N7. Overall the GTab still runs great with JB 4.1 and I couldn't see replacing the GTab for the N7. The N7 is a GREAT device but so is the GTab.
Moving to a N7, you'll losing a back camera, cellular (unless you buy the 3G model), and SD Card Slot. All that + $200 for just a better CPU/GPU? Tough choice.

Well if you like to play with custom roms then i would tell you to stay away from nexus 7 , it doesnt have a SD card slot which now i realize is a big drawback.
Want to flash a different ROM??? BAM have to delete everything on your N7 all data everything , there is no such thing as a full wipe which doesnt wipe your own data. After buying N7 i have sworn never to buy anything that doesnt have external SD you will spend so many hours just restoring data , you will want to throw the tab to a wall. MTP??? well thats a joke , transfer speeds are so slow you would actually regret your decision of putting in another ROM . Plus its really awkward having a thumb drive hanging hanging from your tab all the time since you have a tablet with just 13 GB storage. I am really regretting my investment in this Tablet .
Want to hear more problems???
* Automatic brightness is completely bonkers.
* Had to install a software Tegra Prism just so that i can watch HD videos, screen dims out to completely black if you dont have that software installed and this is also for games not just HD videos.
If i were you i would invest my money in something else. next years nexus 7 maybe , but this one's a real disappointment for me.

smartanks said:
Well if you like to play with custom roms then i would tell you to stay away from nexus 7 , it doesnt have a SD card slot which now i realize is a big drawback.
Want to flash a different ROM??? BAM have to delete everything on your N7 all data everything , there is no such thing as a full wipe which doesnt wipe your own data. After buying N7 i have sworn never to buy anything that doesnt have external SD you will spend so many hours just restoring data , you will want to throw the tab to a wall. MTP??? well thats a joke , transfer speeds are so slow you would actually regret your decision of putting in another ROM . Plus its really awkward having a thumb drive hanging hanging from your tab all the time since you have a tablet with just 13 GB storage. I am really regretting my investment in this Tablet .
Want to hear more problems???
* Automatic brightness is completely bonkers.
* Had to install a software Tegra Prism just so that i can watch HD videos, screen dims out to completely black if you dont have that software installed and this is also for games not just HD videos.
If i were you i would invest my money in something else. next years nexus 7 maybe , but this one's a real disappointment for me.
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To be perfectly honest, I can't see myself installing ROMs on it because my family may use it too ("Toby, where has X feature gone?" ), and auto brightness is a non-issue for me, but thanks for the input
Also, if a mod reads this, can you authorise my account please and get rid of that damn 5 minute restriction? I understand why its in place (I myself run a small to medium sized forum with around 1k users) but it is a little annoying when editing posts, something I do a lot haha
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app

smartanks said:
Well if you like to play with custom roms then i would tell you to stay away from nexus 7 , it doesnt have a SD card slot which now i realize is a big drawback.
Want to flash a different ROM??? BAM have to delete everything on your N7 all data everything , there is no such thing as a full wipe which doesnt wipe your own data. After buying N7 i have sworn never to buy anything that doesnt have external SD you will spend so many hours just restoring data , you will want to throw the tab to a wall. MTP??? well thats a joke , transfer speeds are so slow you would actually regret your decision of putting in another ROM . Plus its really awkward having a thumb drive hanging hanging from your tab all the time since you have a tablet with just 13 GB storage. I am really regretting my investment in this Tablet .
Want to hear more problems???
* Automatic brightness is completely bonkers.
* Had to install a software Tegra Prism just so that i can watch HD videos, screen dims out to completely black if you dont have that software installed and this is also for games not just HD videos.
If i were you i would invest my money in something else. next years nexus 7 maybe , but this one's a real disappointment for me.
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Now I haven't flashed ROMs onto my 7, but I don't think what you're saying about wiping all data is correct. My galaxy nexus didn't have external storage and I flashed ROMs, wiped data, and I never lost data on phone(pictures, files on SD card, etc).
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

smartanks said:
Well if you like to play with custom roms then i would tell you to stay away from nexus 7 , it doesnt have a SD card slot which now i realize is a big drawback.
Want to flash a different ROM??? BAM have to delete everything on your N7 all data everything , there is no such thing as a full wipe which doesnt wipe your own data. After buying N7 i have sworn never to buy anything that doesnt have external SD you will spend so many hours just restoring data , you will want to throw the tab to a wall. MTP??? well thats a joke , transfer speeds are so slow you would actually regret your decision of putting in another ROM . Plus its really awkward having a thumb drive hanging hanging from your tab all the time since you have a tablet with just 13 GB storage. I am really regretting my investment in this Tablet .
Want to hear more problems???
* Automatic brightness is completely bonkers.
* Had to install a software Tegra Prism just so that i can watch HD videos, screen dims out to completely black if you dont have that software installed and this is also for games not just HD videos.
If i were you i would invest my money in something else. next years nexus 7 maybe , but this one's a real disappointment for me.
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You can turn off automatic brightness. Which is always a smart thing to do to save some battery anyways.
And you don't know what you're talking about on the data wipe. Wiping data and system does not touch /sdcard
Your issues are user error.
Any nexus device is absolutely the best and easiest thing to mod. Its a single click to unlock, root, recovery, etc. You really can't mess it up.

I am a bit of a flashaholic when it comes to ROMs and kernels. I use titanium backup and don't even bother using my otg flash drive. Not had any problems restoring apps after a ROM wipe.
As for the 7 I too felt a bit wary dropping to a smaller screen from my old tablet, but this really is so much more fun when gaming and just about everything I throw at it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

So you guys do not wipe /data or ever tried factory reset of the the tab while installing a ROM with a different base ?? And I really dont understand if you enabled root cause even that completely wipes data ????? I dont know if you guys really know what you are talking about ....
Oh yeah if you are comparing N7 to GNex ... Please check this forum .... You will understand what I am talking about

Definitely recommend nexus 7. I bought the 32gb version a couple weeks ago while my laptops down with the mindset that tablets aren't for me and I'd just play with it a couple days then return. Not happening. Only drawback is it takes so much of my time now, I don't want to put it down.
Its by far my favorite electronic device to date. As for smartanks list of drawbacks, I always do clean installs of ROMs anyway so data wipe is normal (though I'm actually happy with stock now and haven't flashed a ROM since my G'nex got 4.2). You want the 32gb so you'll end up with 27gb of storage, not 13. Automatic brightness never does a good enough job, that's why there's quick settings to a brightness slider. And you already (as do I) use MX player for movies.
As for dead trigger, plays and looks excellent on this amazing device.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

One drawback I have and its one I find costly is the fact that my laptop is now almost redundant. Online banking and that is it, everything else is done on my N7.
Sent from my GT-I9100

Thanks for the input, guys! I'm now the proud owner of a 16GB Nexus 7 after remembering that I can just use USB OTG to access all the stuff on my external HD
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app

This is a really nice tablet that I recommend.
One drawback might be the lack of hdmi, it was a real bummer for me .

I would not recommend because since i bought it i use it 5-6 hours every day and dont learn anything for exams..i just cant put it out off my hand when i am at home.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

smartanks said:
So you guys do not wipe /data or ever tried factory reset of the the tab while installing a ROM with a different base ?? And I really dont understand if you enabled root cause even that completely wipes data ????? I dont know if you guys really know what you are talking about ....
Oh yeah if you are comparing N7 to GNex ... Please check this forum .... You will understand what I am talking about
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That doesn't wipe your sdcard, though. And unlocking wipes data, but you only really need to do it once.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

smartanks said:
Well if you like to play with custom roms then i would tell you to stay away from nexus 7 , it doesnt have a SD card slot which now i realize is a big drawback.
Want to flash a different ROM??? BAM have to delete everything on your N7 all data everything , there is no such thing as a full wipe which doesnt wipe your own data. After buying N7 i have sworn never to buy anything that doesnt have external SD you will spend so many hours just restoring data , you will want to throw the tab to a wall. MTP??? well thats a joke , transfer speeds are so slow you would actually regret your decision of putting in another ROM . Plus its really awkward having a thumb drive hanging hanging from your tab all the time since you have a tablet with just 13 GB storage. I am really regretting my investment in this Tablet .
Want to hear more problems???
* Automatic brightness is completely bonkers.
* Had to install a software Tegra Prism just so that i can watch HD videos, screen dims out to completely black if you dont have that software installed and this is also for games not just HD videos.
If i were you i would invest my money in something else. next years nexus 7 maybe , but this one's a real disappointment for me.
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Sounds like you should have bought an ipad
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

I'm very happy with my new N7 16 gb and if you like playing with custom roms, it's perfect (using Multirom) !
DZonikg said:
I would not recommend because since i bought it i use it 5-6 hours every day and dont learn anything for exams..i just cant put it out off my hand when i am at home.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I have also this problem...

Only main gripe is if the touch screen gets damaged you can’t as yet get a new touch on its own, only with the screen at almost the same cost as a new device, a cheap way to recoup costs tablets good mind bar that


Galaxy Tab 2 7" owners input wanted.

Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
The only thing I wouldn't use it for would be note taking because of trying to type on the keyboard would feel to slow for me. For note taking, I'd think the Note 10.1 would be great because of the s-pen that you could use. It is really easy to flash anything custom to the tablet, just flash recovery via Odin or Heimdall, then boot into recovery and flash whatever you want. I use my tablet for web browsing and as an e-reader and it's fit my uses just fine. Also thinking of using it as a "portable" media player as well since the audio output from the small speakers is really good IMO, and it also has the same audio codec as the SGS3, WM1811, which is a really good audio processor.
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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go for it its an excellent tab...
No lags at all...
All your needs will satisfied in a premium touch even without rooting/overclocking the tablet...
It can be overclocked to 1.3 ghz and for rooting tutorial search the forum you will get it...
Thanks for the speedy replies guys...I'm really leaning toward this tab just because of its' priceerformance ratio
Its a great tablet for its price.
Sim supported, 3G with 14.4 Mbps speed
Good battery life (comparing to other tablets)
Light weight and looks awesome in white color
64 GB Expandable memory
USB On the go support
Some awesome games are not supported (i think it because its new developers will add support soon)
No Gorilla Glass
The Samsung galaxy is full worth the money dude I'm 24x7 online in it using 2g gprs the battery stands for more than one day and the screen on time is 5 to 7 hours depends on the usage with games and stuff that means you can continuous use upto 5 to 7 hours till drain this is he only best tab at 18k to 20 k price range with ICS and don't forget to update to 4.0.4 from 4.0.3 from the box good luck
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda app-developers app
Well, I strongly disagree about the note taking, I use Evernote, and for note taking it has been a dream-come-true! Its optimized for our screens, and syncs to their servers for backup. Price is very good for what you get. It has a couple of things other 7" tablets dont have, such as GPS (Glonass), and an IR emitter (universal remote for your entertainment system).
This tablet has also had most of its source code released so all the devs here should, in theory, have a field day hacking at it. It also has a very decent CPU and GPU; these chips are used in many other devices aswell, so their technically should be tons of support for lots of games and apps that indulge in nicer hardware (they run smoother, sometimes).
This has become my main music device. I use bluetooth headphones and they, and my tab, support Bluetooth 3.0 and Apt-X Bluetooth lossless audio codec by CSR; listening to music is simply delightful!
Bought mine to replace a Arnova 10g2 that was just not up to the job i wonted it for which was to read E books and Comics (My father now has it now! He loves it?) as the screen was really poor! Happy with the Tab 2 once over-clocked and cyanmod flashed! Got a bit disappointed with the announcement of the Galaxy 7 until they mentioned the lack of external memory support! Still if they release a Nexus 7 with external memory! Then I think my mother might soon be the owner of a nearly new Tab 2! lol!
Good screen, plays Dead Trigger well and SD Slot! What more could you ask for?
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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I'm generally pretty happy with this tablet, it was supposed to be a stopgap tablet until the Nexus 7 was officially announced but once I realized that there would be no external storage (which I pretty much knew anyway) I stuck around with this.
I'm not happy with the tablet but I am content with it, if that makes sense.
It doesn't have the fastest processors/gpu, the screen isn't the greatest and the proprietary dock (makes having to buy all new accessories a pain) but as
long as you come into this tablet knowing what to expect, then it's pretty damned good. It doesn't have a huge Rom community but that also cuts down on the over saturation
from some of the more popular phones (have you seen the Galaxy sII or Desire HD forums?!? Ai yi yi) off the top of my head, I think this has a Stripped down stock Rom,
CM9, CM10 (alpha) maybe a Miui Rom which covers all the major basics as far as I'm aware.
I've been running CM9 RC2 since about 2 weeks after I bought this and I'm pretty happy and Once I wake up from this nap I'll probably be flashing CM9 stable & supercharge
I know that I didn't really productively answer your questions but I hope I gave you some perspective on the tablet.
P.S. The thing I hate and I mean hate is the limited internal memory (I think it's 4.7gb or some such) which didn't seem bad at first cuz I was planning
on buying a 32gb card for everything, but apps especially games chew into that space so damn quickly and it doesn't get saved to teh ext card instead, even though I have all my media moved to the external card, I still run into scenario's where I can't update apps because I get that dreaded notification Tablet space is low.
Dev's are working on ways to utilise ext cards for storage bbut there is nothing stable I'm willing to try yet.
I'm running CM1O and its sooooo cool.
The Tab itself is very nice to touch and use . The tab has a nice weight to it and is balanced to hold. one draw back is the placement of the speakers.... sometimes playing games the sound becomes "muffled" due to hand/control positioning. Same as charging /playing music , It is sometimes awkward to use, but not overpowering.
Cant say i have any issues with the Tab , apart from the ones that i have caused lol.
Screen quality is VERY good for a budget tablet /size, same as sound quality.
Storage could become an issue but has workarounds , but over all........ WOW.....LOVIN IT !!!11!!!
I liked it when I bought it but the Nexus 7 is far and away the better 7" tablet in my opinion with one exception. The advantage of the Samsung is the internal micro SD. If you are staying stock, and want to watch media from non cloud based sources, the Samsung is better. If you will be rooting, you can use an OTG USB cable and use micro sd cards on the 7. The 7 is better in almost every other way and has a plain JB interface without the extra bloat Samsung puts on their tablets. My guess is we may never even see an official Jelly Bean release for the Galaxy 2 given the speed at which Samsung updates their software. Of course, there are multiple JB ROM's already out for the Galaxy 2, just not stock versions.
My Galaxy 2 died last weekend. It would just go dead and then required you plug in to the computer and hold the power button for 60 seconds. As soon as the screen would shut off, the same issue occurred. I called Samsung and they were very quick to send me a shipping label to return it for repair. Within 4 days the unit was supposedly repaired with a "Software Upgrade (External Factor)" whatever that means. It should arrive back on Tuesday. Hopefully it is fixed.
Just my opinion....
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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I have no complaints. Does everything my Thrive does , i can put JB on, and have used this as a credit Card terminal. I had audio issues with a custom rom and video playback, nothing major. Only things i dont care for are the stock predictive text and that some of my tegra specific apps dont work (this having and OMAP cpu and all).
Was definitely worth the cash since it actually outperforms my Thrive for most uses and cost half as much. Thrive wins points for the full sized usb and hdmi ports though.
Thank you all for your time on replying...I think this is the tab I am gonna settle on...a good solid all rounder.
I have this (the 3G version) for a week now. So far I'm perfectly happy with the purchase. Excellent value for money.
I really like my tab 2 7.0", but....
My Pros
- TouchWiz actually has some nice apps on this device. File manager, email, pop-up apps, power toggles are nice features
- Speakers are awesome
- Expandable memory
- Works great with USB thumb drives, mouse and keyboard (with adapter)
My Cons
- Screen resolution sucks, things are blurry (like most Android tablets). Some newer devices like Nexus 7, Asus Infinity, iPad3 have HD screens
- No TV out
- TouchWiz although I think is quite nice slows it down at times. I rooted and froze a ton of unwanted apps. Not all can be to be disabled through native ICS settings
- Chrome that comes with the latest update crashes a lot. New bookmark widget is also bad. Install ICS browser+ from the market instead.
I got it yesterday, rooted and installed AOKP JB. The size feels perfectly great to me. I have not cycled the battery enough to give any input on tat. Games run awesomly well, including minecraft PE on fancy graphics. Its an awesome tab, i love it
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
The Tab27" wireless reciever is weak compared to the Nexus 7
samcory said:
The Tab27" wireless reciever is weak compared to the Nexus 7
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the wireless receiver on galaxy tab 2 7" is the worst thing on this tablet, the second is the battery life with wifi on! i got mine, i like it but......
For typing, Thumb Keyboard is the best coming from a blackberry. The split keyboard is excellent and fully customizable. The only issue is holding this in portrait mode leads to the death grip but if you are note taking and don't need a strong wifi connection you got to try it. Landscape mode resolves this also.
I am going to try a custom rom to help boost this baby up a bit.
Yea this device may start out with OK performance but it does get pretty laggy. Rooting and running a Jellybean ROM will increase performance a good amount.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

[Q] 8GB or 16GB help

Please help me choose between the 8 or 16 model. I really don't think I will need the 16GB Nexus for I will use it for but I also d o not know what type of storage is left on a stock device.
It will mostly be used to stream movies / TV shows from my home server with the occasional game. I enjoy games but have found tablet gaming lacking to me, so I find myself installing games but then deleting them. I do like to tinker so I doubt I will stay with ta stock rom but would assume most are going to be AOSP.
Thanks for the help.
Here's my 2 cents...i regret getting the 8.i have 1.3 gb left, and i have no music or movies, or books for that matter. It's just apps. I have one large games, 1.3gb, the rest are small apps. I don't remember the last time i had to worry about storage. It sucks. I love the tablet though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Please.. Buy 16gb
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
I head somewhere that the 8GB model come with less than 6GB free (IF im not wrong).
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
OS takes up about 2GB. So you'll have about 6GB out of the box. I guess some people can get by with the 8GB model, but it may be awfully tight.
It kinda sucks to have to pay $50 more for 8GB more, but I think it's worth it.
The thing these guys are missing is that you can attach a usb stick of whatever size you like to the N7 via an otg cable, ok you can't run apps from it but you can keep music, books, videos etc there. 16Gb is always going to be better but it's not so much of a problem now if you go for the 8Gb unless you really want tonnes of apps on it at once.
Troute said:
The thing these guys are missing is that you can attach a usb stick of whatever size you like to the N7 via an otg cable, ok you can't run apps from it but you can keep music, books, videos etc there. 16Gb is always going to be better but it's not so much of a problem now if you go for the 8Gb unless you really want tonnes of apps on it at once.
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Couple of nice games and you're begging for more space. I am easily taking 10 GB with my apps alone.
Definitely 16 GB. I'll sell mine to you. I hardly ever use it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
16gb. The 8 GB only really has 5 GB left for the user anyway vs 13 on the 16. Thats a big difference.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I'm amazed how fast apps take up space so glad I went for the 16gb, a few large games and you won't have much storage left on the 8gb.
As for connecting memory sticks, yeah its a nice option to have, but not always good to have to carry memory stick + on the go USB cable around with me.
Sent from my Nexus 7
It really depends what you do with your tablet. I have the 8 Gig but for me that is enough. I have all the apps I use installed and still have 5 Gig free but I only use it to check my mail or Facebook and the occasional Skype call or a few smaller games and to surf the web. For me 50 buck for 8 more Gig was not worth it but for someone else the 16 Gig may be the way to go.
Depends what you want to use it for. I dont really play any of these big games on mine because the controls are garbage. I got like 20 games on here, few of them being gameloft and ea games, i have all the apps i need. Not much music or movies stored locally, i use an app Vkontakte for music streaming and google drive for everything i might need. I have access to internet all day, so if you think you will want to store a lot of content locally, get the 16, if not, get the 8
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Get 16gb if you are flashing rom addicted or a gamer, 8gb if your only interested in some games and apps
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Thanks everyone. Just going to go with the 16 to play it safe.
I was fine until this five day all sale started. Now I'm going to 3-4gb in apps alone and I've had the tablet like two weeks. But a used 16gb one so you don't need to worry. I have a otg cable coming too for my car rides home when I need music and can't stream because the middle of pa is nothingness.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Troute said:
The thing these guys are missing is that you can attach a usb stick of whatever size you like to the N7 via an otg cable, ok you can't run apps from it but you can keep music, books, videos etc there. 16Gb is always going to be better but it's not so much of a problem now if you go for the 8Gb unless you really want tonnes of apps on it at once.
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Have to agree, I got the 8GB version, and bought a 32GB flash drive and an OTG cable with the difference with change to spare. All my music, movies and things go on the flash cable.The 6.5-7GB left out of the box is plenty for me to run any apps, games and anything else. Only downside I do see is the problem that when OTG cable is plugged in, you cannot connect to charger.
slaxer07 said:
I really don't think I will need the 16GB Nexus..
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I used to think I wouldn't need the 16GB Nexus. But with Google's recent sale.. I somewhat regret just going for the 8GB model
Go for the 16GB
I have a 8GB Nexus 7 and regret buying it for lack of any credible storage. It offers only 6GB storage. This can accommodate 2 large games, few applications. However, even in this you will face issues upgrading a game, as it wont have enough storage space to download a update file. So please go for 16GB version, if you plan to have even 2 large games on your Nexus 7. Further, you wont have space for your occasional, movies, music for use on the move.
No Brainer... 16gb
Sent from my Rooted, LazyPanda, White "Destroy Mode" Evo
I m happy with my 16g.
Did well. Because u can resell later at higher price.... On ebay... Or else. And u can install anything you want.... And have a super tablet with lot of software, pic and music... Even a few movies for travel.

[Q] So how are you guys holding up with 8gb?

I'm debating weather to get the 8 or 16 gig. I'm meaning toward the 8 because I'm on a budget. But I was wondering how you guys/gals that's have the 8 are doing on space. How much space is actually available on the phone?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
stacio88 said:
I'm debating weather to get the 8 or 16 gig. I'm meaning toward the 8 because I'm on a budget. But I was wondering how you guys/gals that's have the 8 are doing on space. How much space is actually available on the phone?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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You get 5.67GB and after you install a couple games it goes FAST!
ackliph said:
You get 5.67GB and after you install a couple games it goes FAST!
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So you have the 8gb? And if so are you regretting it. I'm not much of a gamer on the phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Actual user available space posted above.
As for running out, it depends on YOU . Will you stream music, or keep it on your device? Will you keep movies on it (this I personally think is stupid because I can never enjoy a movie on a less than 60" of screen)? Will you play heavy 3D games, or just the light casual games like Subway Surfer or Bike Race? Even Dead Trigger is only 130MB of space, some games like Asphalt 7 take a whopping 2GB.
Also, if you plan on taking full advantage of the camera's 1080p video recording and like to take lots of 8mp stills, or photospheres, then you'd need to transfer all those to your computer rather requently to save space.
Just my $.02
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
I have all my apps on the phone including some games, titanium backup, a few roms , 4/5 pinned albums in google music (rest i stream) , i have aokp build nov 26th installed (which is a bit smaller i believe) and I have 4.12 gb remaining.
More than enough for my personal needs. Guess it depends on the person.
One thing differently is I no longer save my nandroids on my device. I use tool kit to save to PC (which saves about 3.6 gigs) Pointless to save on the phone either way.
gagdude said:
Actual user available space posted above.
As for running out, it depends on YOU . Will you stream music, or keep it on your device? Will you keep movies on it (this I personally think is stupid because I can never enjoy a movie on a less than 60" of screen)? Will you play heavy 3D games, or just the light casual games like Subway Surfer or Bike Race? Even Dead Trigger is only 130MB of space, some games like Asphalt 7 take a whopping 2GB.
Also, if you plan on taking full advantage of the camera's 1080p video recording and like to take lots of 8mp stills, or photospheres, then you'd need to transfer all those to your computer rather requently to save space.
Just my $.02
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
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I stream music all the time with spotify any Google music. Never keep movies on my phone since I also can't enjoy movies on a small screen, plus I have Netflix. Don't really record a whole lot either, but I do take lots of pictures and they'll all be at 8mp. I can sacrifice game downloads as i find myself not really playing any. The one thing I do a lot is download Roms. But I dont think paranoid android is out in the N4 so I won't be doing that soon. Hmmm, so should I just get the 8gb ?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
aimetti said:
I have all my apps on the phone including some games, titanium backup, a few roms , 4/5 pinned albums in google music (rest i stream) , i have aokp build nov 26th installed (which is a bit smaller i believe) and I have 4.12 gb remaining.
More than enough for my personal needs. Guess it depends on the person.
One thing differently is I no longer save my nandroids on my device. I use tool kit to save to PC (which saves about 3.6 gigs) Pointless to save on the phone either way.
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Agreed yes I use a toolkit and don't save a bunch of nandroid backups. I still have over 3.5gb left. I'm amazaid everything is the same as my skyrocket and I had over 10gb of space used up. Its just much cleaner and I'm making the effort to keep it clean. Now if I could go back I would still buy a 16gb. It just didn't end up that way even though I tried at the time and rushed into a buy. But now that I have an 8gb. I'm not worried at all just having to learn to use for pictures and such. Its just up to the person I guess.
Sent From My Buttery Smooth LG Nexus 4
stacio88 said:
So you have the 8gb? And if so are you regretting it. I'm not much of a gamer on the phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I regret it VERY much. I was of the understanding that this phone would have USB OTG like the Galaxy Nexus so I could just hook up a USB drive. But as of right now it doesn't... and you may recognize me from the USB OTG forum as I'm OCD checking it until a solution comes out. ha
ackliph said:
I regret it VERY much. I was of the understanding that this phone would have USB OTG like the Galaxy Nexus so I could just hook up a USB drive. But as of right now it doesn't... and you may recognize me from the USB OTG forum as I'm OCD checking it until a solution comes out. ha
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what's the problem with the OTG? is it not working because of the hardware or software?
Not regretting it one bit. I stream all of my music and very rarely play games. All my photos are uploaded to Google plus so I can delete them if needed.
I have 4.6 GB free and the majority of space taken up is from Google music cache.
Basically, I'm using the cloud like a good little Google fanboy should.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
ceejay83 said:
what's the problem with the OTG? is it not working because of the hardware or software?
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I am going with the 8GB, $50 is a pretty big premium for only a little more space. Basically my thinking is that if I wanted to keep a lot of stuff (movies and music) on my device then 16GB wouldn't come close to enough. This will be my 4th android phone and I have never installed more than a 1-2GB of apps. I have almost a 30GB dropbox accounts where my pics and home movies get uploaded automatically, a 50GB box account for any additional storage (ROMs, backups, etc), about 5GB of music on Google Music (I have an Ipod that is part of my car stereo anyway where I listen to most of my music) and then I have Netflix if I ever get bored with movies. Once I decide on a solution to stream my 1TB of HD movies from my home HTPC I can't imagine myself ever needing more than 1-2GB of phone storage, that still leaves me a 3-4GB buffer which should be enough if I ever want some local storage for movies/music when I'm somewhere without a signal.
stacio88 said:
I stream music all the time with spotify any Google music. Never keep movies on my phone since I also can't enjoy movies on a small screen, plus I have Netflix. Don't really record a whole lot either, but I do take lots of pictures and they'll all be at 8mp. I can sacrifice game downloads as i find myself not really playing any. The one thing I do a lot is download Roms. But I dont think paranoid android is out in the N4 so I won't be doing that soon. Hmmm, so should I just get the 8gb ?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Looks like the 8 GB is enough for your needs.
Just remember to save all your pictures somewhere besides the phone (should be a habit on any device anyways) periodically.
From my experience, GB ROMs are less than 100 MB but from my understanding ICS ROMs are at 150 MB, or less...? Either way you have plenty of breathing room after what your media uses up so you can hold plenty of ROMs. Other users above said they put backups on PC and had a lot of space freed up, so friendly suggestion to do that.
And me, I just ordered the 16 GB version. Just because I'm one of those people who just want extra space for the sake of being there. I'm probably going to have 8 GB or so of extra space.
The USB OTG thing was something I did HEAVY research on, because I assumed if older versions of Android supported it, then a newer one would too. Almost jumped for an S3 because Touchwiz adds complete native no root support for all things USB OTG. I guess I'll live without it until some dev gets a software mod working.
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
I'm doing fine with the 8GB. All my pics are automatically uploaded online and I delete them right away from my phone. Don't have many apps installed on my phone. As for Nandroid backups, I copy them to my computer for safe keeping and to save up space. Can always move it to the phone if need be.
As for music and videos - don't transfer much. Just stream mostly.
Just fine, I have a dozen video podcasts, a dozen audio podcasts, ~100 songs, a couple large games (RPGs) and some pics/vids...still have 2.22gb of free space.
Just go with the 16GB. It's better to have more storage, than to have not enough.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
FatalityBoyZahy said:
Just go with the 16GB. It's better to have more storage, than to have not enough.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Not if you spent an extra $60
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
gagdude said:
Not if you spent an extra $60
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
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But that $60 can make a difference in the long run when you are trying to sell your phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
FatalityBoyZahy said:
But that $60 can make a difference in the long run when you are trying to sell your phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Very true, not a factor I usually keep in mind because I keep my old phones in a box.
But @OP maybe this might matter to you?
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
gagdude said:
Very true, not a factor I usually keep in mind because I keep my old phones in a box.
But @OP maybe this might matter to you?
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
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Well, as a 17 year old, it's one of the only things I can do right now to support my Android needs.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

Thinking of investing in one of these..

I'm in the market for a new 10 inch tablet. Its either between this or a Nexus 10. I'm a little weary on getting the TF300 for some of the issues I've read about. Just would like to hear if anyone has any problems with it or not, and if so, are they bearable or fixable?
Might also want to add that I'm generally very lenient when it comes to bugs..but, having a N7, I've kind of spoiled myself lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Ive had mine since June 2012 and I've read about people with many issues but none of that for me. I unlocked it and I am running cm10.1 and I just love it.
malamalaful said:
Ive had mine since June 2012 and I've read about people with many issues but none of that for me. I unlocked it and I am running cm10.1 and I just love it.
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I'm a little obsessed with buying new gadgets after around six months, so I'd really like this to last a while. Obviously it can hold against the test of time pretty well if its lasted almost a year for you lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
On the stock rom the tf300t is almost ubearable. I hardly ever used the tablet.
I recently bit the bullet unlocked installed twrp recovery and cleanrom. It runs amazingly fast and smooth now. I was shocked when I first used cleanrom, I wasn't expecting such a vast improvement. Now I use it more than my pc.
I have the keyboard dock and would recommend it to everyone even if it's just for the additional battery life. The keyboard is easy to use and works well with a wireless mouse.
White tf300t and dock, 32gb tablet, 64 gb micro sd and 1tb white portable HD & white USB card reader / usb hub.
Only issue I have had with cleanrom is my EA Games Real Racing 2 and NFSMW won't install from the market, other than that everything else is perfect.
Word of warning if you unlock and install twrp (or cmw ... twrp is recommended) NEVER do a full wipe from the Asus recovery or you'll likely end up with a brick. To avoid this I always do a reboot into recovery rather than entering recovery when the tablet is booting (Just in case I accidentally stuff up).
Keyboard dock is great for typing, not as good as a dedicated desktop keyboard but plenty good for lecture notes etc. I tend to use a wireless mouse rather than the trackpad.
The stock Asus software is actually quite useful. I keep applocker mynet and a few others when I install a custom rom...
I have a cheap $7 10 inch tablet sleeve I bought from Kmart a cheap set of screen protectors.. I am careful with the tablet but not obsesively so. No issues with it hardware wise (I keep mine overclocked to 1.6 all day everyday).
o0o.paw said:
On the stock rom the tf300t is almost ubearable. I hardly ever used the tablet.
I recently bit the bullet unlocked installed twrp recovery and cleanrom. It runs amazingly fast and smooth now. I was shocked when I first used cleanrom, I wasn't expecting such a vast improvement. Now I use it more than my pc.
I have the keyboard dock and would recommend it to everyone even if it's just for the additional battery life. The keyboard is easy to use and works well with a wireless mouse.
White tf300t and dock, 32gb tablet, 64 gb micro sd and 1tb white portable HD & white USB card reader / usb hub.
Only issue I have had with cleanrom is my EA Games Real Racing 2 and NFSMW won't install from the market, other than that everything else is perfect.
Word of warning if you unlock and install twrp (or cmw ... twrp is recommended) NEVER do a full wipe from the Asus recovery or you'll likely end up with a brick. To avoid this I always do a reboot into recovery rather than entering recovery when the tablet is booting (Just in case I accidentally stuff up).
Keyboard dock is great for typing, not as good as a dedicated desktop keyboard but plenty good for lecture notes etc. I tend to use a wireless mouse rather than the trackpad.
The stock Asus software is actually quite useful. I keep applocker mynet and a few others when I install a custom rom...
I have a cheap $7 10 inch tablet sleeve I bought from Kmart a cheap set of screen protectors.. I am careful with the tablet but not obsesively so. No issues with it hardware wise (I keep mine overclocked to 1.6 all day everyday).
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If we're being honest, it would be unlocked and ROM'd by the end of the night were I to get it lol. So it handles external hard drives well?
I wasn't even aware the keyboard dock had a track pad on it. How well is the sound on it while docked/in landscape?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
As far as handling external hard drives, I have had no problems transferring backups of my DVDs through the USB dongle from a 2TB NTFS HD to the tablet.
I bought a 1TB laptop drive from my local PC shop and a cheap HD enclosure from eBay .. I simply searched for a white one to match my Tablet. Yeh it handles the hard drives really well.
I have a 8 TB hard drive enclosure that has 4 x 2 TB drives ... it uses USB through 1 USB port and allows the drives to show as 1x 8 gb drive or 4 x 2 gb drives... works great on windows 7 I have it set up as 4 seperate drives. It only showed as 1 x 2TB drive on the tablet (well it was worth a shot)...only picked up the first drive in the enclosure.
I use FX Explorer with the additional add ons (I coughed up the $ for these as the app is that good) .. I access my drives on the PC via wifi using this app (looks great on the tablet).
Sound from the speakers sound great... movies can be a bit soft, depends on how you encode them.
My son is using the tablet each day for taking notes for his programming course. He touch types and thinks the keyboard is great. The additional battery life is an added bonus
This is the first Android device that I have NOT rooted.
With the ability to DISABLE apps a standard feature in Jelly Bean, I just didn't feel like messing aroun d with it since the tab runs REALLY WELL IMO with the Stock Rom on it.
I love this thing. It's plenty fast enough, runs everything I throw at it.
Also agree the Keyboard is nice even thought I RARELY ever use mine. I keep thinking about selling it while I could still get a few bucks for it, but... I just can't quite part with it.
I have a 16GB Pad, with a 16GB card in it. In the dock I have a 32GB card. I take my SD Card from my camera and put it in the dock, and bam, there are my pics.
Not to mention when the tab gets low on battery, I will just put it on the dock for 20 minutes. It sucks the juice out of the dock and is charged again. Very nice feature.
7eregrine said:
This is the first Android device that I have NOT rooted.
With the ability to DISABLE apps a standard feature in Jelly Bean, I just didn't feel like messing aroun d with it since the tab runs REALLY WELL IMO with the Stock Rom on it.
I love this thing. It's plenty fast enough, runs everything I throw at it.
Also agree the Keyboard is nice even thought I RARELY ever use mine. I keep thinking about selling it while I could still get a few bucks for it, but... I just can't quite part with it.
I have a 16GB Pad, with a 16GB card in it. In the dock I have a 32GB card. I take my SD Card from my camera and put it in the dock, and bam, there are my pics.
Not to mention when the tab gets low on battery, I will just put it on the dock for 20 minutes. It sucks the juice out of the dock and is charged again. Very nice feature.
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How do you get yours running "really well"? I'm on stock as well - rather because I don't wanna unlock it before knowing, if ASUS will make nvflash possible or not - and with everyday using it the urge to flash a custom rom gets bigger.
I expect a 1,3ghz quadcore tegra to run a bit smoother and faster - but on stock rom it just doesn't really run smooth and fast...
For example: I use a app to record my bloodpressure over the day - doesn't really run that smooth on my tf300. Frankly, it runs a lot smoother on my desire hd. And I don't think a 1ghz cpu can beat a 1,3ghz quadcore
Also, the biggest disadvantage of stock rom: the microsd card is just a removable storage...if you have a lot of apps on a 16gb tf300 you'll experience insufficient storage here and there, especially when you're having games on it that require around a gb of space for their data.
As soon as I know whether the petition was successful or not I'll get rid of this lame stock rom and try clean rom
7eregrine said:
This is the first Android device that I have NOT rooted.
With the ability to DISABLE apps a standard feature in Jelly Bean, I just didn't feel like messing aroun d with it since the tab runs REALLY WELL IMO with the Stock Rom on it.
I love this thing. It's plenty fast enough, runs everything I throw at it.
Also agree the Keyboard is nice even thought I RARELY ever use mine. I keep thinking about selling it while I could still get a few bucks for it, but... I just can't quite part with it.
I have a 16GB Pad, with a 16GB card in it. In the dock I have a 32GB card. I take my SD Card from my camera and put it in the dock, and bam, there are my pics.
Not to mention when the tab gets low on battery, I will just put it on the dock for 20 minutes. It sucks the juice out of the dock and is charged again. Very nice feature.
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I totally agree with you. I have not had any issues at all with my tf300. I changed a few settings in developer options and disabled a few apps (stock browser for one), but other than that, I have found it runs really well on stock everything.
If possible, could someone post before and after actual usage videos of stock and then a custom rom? Or point me in that direction? I've done searches and all I get are benchmarks, which are decent to show raw performance, but I would like to see real world performance differences (such as web browsing, or games loading and running on stock and then custom) before I take the plunge of unlocking, rooting and voiding.
monsterduc1000 said:
I totally agree with you. I have not had any issues at all with my tf300. I changed a few settings in developer options and disabled a few apps (stock browser for one), but other than that, I have found it runs really well on stock everything.
If possible, could someone post before and after actual usage videos of stock and then a custom rom? Or point me in that direction? I've done searches and all I get are benchmarks, which are decent to show raw performance, but I would like to see real world performance differences (such as web browsing, or games loading and running on stock and then custom) before I take the plunge of unlocking, rooting and voiding.
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I can't find any comparison videos, but there's plenty custom ROM and stock videos on YouTube..maybe can try to judge from there?
Also, on my front, I found a really cheap one on amazon and am having a hard time keeping myself away from it. I reckon if there are problems with it, there's nothing the XDA community can't solve, right?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] I sould buy the nexus or....

I sould buy the Nexus 4 or the LG Optimus G?
i'm dont know what to buy, i really like the Optimus G he get a lot of memory and very very intresting OP with cool features,
but the thing that i'm very concerned of is that the nexus is more pupolar and he's the first to get the android update, and he get a huge developer community, what do you think, what i sould buy?
and forget about the price lets say that both of them are the same.....
Yarin1312 said:
I sould buy the Nexus 4 or the LG Optimus G?
i'm dont know what to buy, i really like the Optimus G he get a lot of memory and very very intresting OP with cool features,
but the thing that i'm very concerned of is that the nexus is more pupolar and he's the first to get the android update, and he get a huge developer community, what do you think, what i sould buy?
and forget about the price lets say that both of them are the same.....
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It's your choice buddy, if you want a large amount of memoy take the G, - about memory, i can tell you that for my usage the 16 Gb of the N4 is really not enough, I mean I have several music, two FLAC album, 1 movie (700Mb), plus my titnium backup, (no nand backup), some little HD Games (~30-40 MB, angry birds, etc...) and I have 3 GB left, it's not enough cause I can't put interesting HD Games at the same time, like GTA VC+3, Need for speed, real racing, shadow gun, let's golf, (at the beginning, I use to put 1 or 2, and uninstall/install another when I like, ut it's really annoying)... it's really short - but if you want a really powerful android device, go for N4, and you'll get th best software support ever,
As said above, it comes down to what you are looking for in a device. I myself love to mess with roms and tweaks. I don't have more than 1Gb of music on my N4, and no movies, and 3-4 simple games. Only thing I care about is enough space for photos, which I usually save on my MacBook once a month, and for my nandroid backups and roms/tweaks. So, I choose the huge developing community behind N4, and the freedom that it gives me to do what I like with the device.
N4 has an excellent screen, is really well built (compared to my other device Galaxy S4), has a good camera and good battery life. On the other hand you can't (easily) change the battery and no sd card to expand the memory.
So, it's up to you to decide wich one you like best.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium.
arc_u said:
It's your choice buddy, if you want a large amount of memoy take the G, - about memory, i can tell you that for my usage the 16 Gb of the N4 is really not enough, I mean I have several music, two FLAC album, 1 movie (700Mb), plus my titnium backup, (no nand backup), some little HD Games (~30-40 MB, angry birds, etc...) and I have 3 GB left, it's not enough cause I can't put interesting HD Games at the same time, like GTA VC+3, Need for speed, real racing, shadow gun, let's golf, (at the beginning, I use to put 1 or 2, and uninstall/install another when I like, ut it's really annoying)... it's really short - but if you want a really powerful android device, go for N4, and you'll get th best software support ever,
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Dropbox,Google Drive....then you won't have that problem. I have pictures,roms,movies,videos all that to my Dropbox
Getting Ready for my mini bath with my N4
arc_u said:
It's your choice buddy, if you want a large amount of memoy take the G, - about memory, i can tell you that for my usage the 16 Gb of the N4 is really not enough, I mean I have several music, two FLAC album, 1 movie (700Mb), plus my titnium backup, (no nand backup), some little HD Games (~30-40 MB, angry birds, etc...) and I have 3 GB left, it's not enough cause I can't put interesting HD Games at the same time, like GTA VC+3, Need for speed, real racing, shadow gun, let's golf, (at the beginning, I use to put 1 or 2, and uninstall/install another when I like, ut it's really annoying)... it's really short - but if you want a really powerful android device, go for N4, and you'll get th best software support ever,
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The optimus G is not powerful as the N4??
its not only about memory i concorened beucase is not pupolar as the N4 like here, there is forum for N4 but there is no forum for OPTIMUS G,
its look like no one really buy him and he look pretty well....
Yarin1312 said:
I sould buy the Nexus 4 or the LG Optimus G?
i'm dont know what to buy, i really like the Optimus G he get a lot of memory and very very intresting OP with cool features,
but the thing that i'm very concerned of is that the nexus is more pupolar and he's the first to get the android update, and he get a huge developer community, what do you think, what i sould buy?
and forget about the price lets say that both of them are the same.....
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For me personally,I will never own any other phone but a Nexus.
Getting Ready for my mini bath with my N4
tennandcoz1 said:
For me personally,I will never own any other phone but a Nexus.
Getting Ready for my mini bath with my N4
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I will have to agree with tennandcoz1 on that. Even on my Galaxy S4, I'm running 4.2.2 Google Edition rom (Jamal2367 V13 today!). So I can have great battery life, simple-clean-fast-smooth android experience!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium.
tennandcoz1 said:
Dropbox,Google Drive....then you won't have that problem. I have pictures,roms,movies,videos all that to my Dropbox
Getting Ready for my mini bath with my N4
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Agreed. Cloud storage is your friend.
Yarin1312 said:
The optimus G is not powerful as the N4??
its not only about memory i concorened beucase is not pupolar as the N4 like here, there is forum for N4 but there is no forum for OPTIMUS G,
its look like no one really buy him and he look pretty well....
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better that way, hope LG gets the message. in a perfect world you let people do what they do best. lg makes great phones, google makes a great OS, xda developers build great extensions. every second LG wastes by trying to screw with that it should be their loss. seriously, there has not been a device with that much support, the n4 is a very special thing.
This lack of expandable memory was really a sticking point for me with the N4 as well.. I came from an S2 Skyrocket which I loved, and was seriously looking at the S3 as my next phone..
This lack of SD slot and replaceable battery had been a huge negative stuck in my head ( from ancient apple ipod days most likely)
Once I sat down and really looked at it, I never even used the expanded memory on the SII.. Sure I had a 32GB SD in there, but in combined storage, I never came close to the 16GB.
ROMS - I had 2-3 Nandroid backups on there, but most roms I played around with I simply deleted..
Music - Pandora and Google Music - Didnt store any locally.
Pictures / Videos - Went str8 to dropbox, would clear the small cache on the phone (1-2GB) every few months
Apps and Games - Same as roms.. Might download tons to try out, but typically only set into 2-3 GB worth of "daily drivers" that stick around
And the battery, its still on the original one and going strong, so that I never technically "used" either.
Once I sat down and looked at things this way, getting the N4 was a no-brainier ( esp due to the price premium for the S3 in my situation)
