[Q] PhotoSphere issues - What am I doing wrong? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey all,
I've had my Nexus 4 for about 3 and a half weeks now, and I'm absolutely loving it. However, I seem to be experiencing an issue with PhotoSphere that I haven't seen reported yet.
When I take a PhotoSphere panorama, there is always a hole in the top part of the image which effectively leaves a black area along the top edge of the image (see attachments). I haven't seen this issue on anybody else's photos, so I am curious if I am doing something wrong or if there is a setting I missed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Shrew said:
Hey all,
I've had my Nexus 4 for about 3 and a half weeks now, and I'm absolutely loving it. However, I seem to be experiencing an issue with PhotoSphere that I haven't seen reported yet.
When I take a PhotoSphere panorama, there is always a hole in the top part of the image which effectively leaves a black area along the top edge of the image (see attachments). I haven't seen this issue on anybody else's photos, so I am curious if I am doing something wrong or if there is a setting I missed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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lol because you have to take a pic up there too.

Are you holding the device portrait or landscape? I wasn't able to get a full photosphere (top and bottom) until I held the phone portrait.

FaDeGFX said:
lol because you have to take a pic up there too.
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That's the problem; it doesn't let me.
negroplasty said:
Are you holding the device portrait or landscape? I wasn't able to get a full photosphere (top and bottom) until I held the phone portrait.
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I never even thought of that. I'll try this tomorrow and report back.


MMS landscape only?

Of all the rotation features why do they disable it in mms? Every picture I have forces me to view in landscape mode. Pictures originally taken in landscape mode come out fine and the portrait seem to be on the small size. Is there any regedit or "hack" to fix this?
Save the file(s) and view in the Photos and Videos tab?
Tis what I do.
That is absolutely obnoxious... plus the pictures come in small for as large as the screen is.
jvcjbl said:
That is absolutely obnoxious... plus the pictures come in small for as large as the screen is.
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i don't quite know what you are referring to as obnoxious, I don't exactly see people bending over backward to help you, and as I said that is what I do.
Rotate Screen might work, I don't know I don't have any MMS's since I last hard reset.
Search the forums for MMS fix.
It'll fix the small picture size real well.
rickyoon.vegas said:
Search the forums for MMS fix.
It'll fix the small picture size real well.
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Tried all the fixes and they either remain the current size or smaller. I looked at our demo HD2's and all my buddy's HD2's and they are all the same. If the picture was originally taken in landscape mode it is considerable larger than one taken in portrait. Maybe I'm being just too picky I figured a MMS would come in full screen but that isn't anywhere near the case.
Kalavere said:
i don't quite know what you are referring to as obnoxious, I don't exactly see people bending over backward to help you, and as I said that is what I do.
Rotate Screen might work, I don't know I don't have any MMS's since I last hard reset.
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I appreciate the input... I mean having to save the picture to get it to rotate is the obnoxious part. Do all MMS pictures play as a slide show? What happened to the old days where someone sent you a picture and it just displayed no fancy slide show. I feel the slide show time indicator as well as the play and pause is what is causing the issues... it takes up like 1/4 of the screen if not more
I have this problem as well, and I don't think it's the same as what the others have posted about small mms sizes. I have tried enabling rotation for messages and albums app using BSB Tweaks, but it's a no go. Also, is anybody else having the same problem as me where an image mms file will play as a 10 second video clip when opening from messages?
EDIT: jvcjbl I think I am experiencing the same problem as you where it plays as a 10 second slide show. No clue how to fix this.

Still no fix for phone trying to send pics sideways if taken in portrait mode?

I have tried the Vibrant, Galaxy S, and Captivate camera software, none of which seem to work correctly when trying to send a picture or upload a picture I took in portrait mode, the picture always comes out sideways. Its odd because in the gallery, it shows the picture in portrait mode but as soon as I try to send it, it turns the picture sideways. Dont have this issue on my old iphone 3gs nor my G2. Strange thing is, the pics I uploaded from iphone onto my Vibrant, it correctly orients those if i try to upload them or send them. Looks like there is some sort of breakdown of communication between the camera software and the "share" portion. I find this pretty annoying as its such a small simple thing that should be fixed. Anyone got any ideas what to do? Is there a program to modify orientation so i can fix it before uploading or sending? Although the pics show up in the correct orientation in the gallery so not sure if that would help?
So nothing?
Use Picsay to fix your pictures
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And upload directly from picsay
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
How about you rotate the pictures before doing anything with them??
I agree with the OP and have always experienced the same issue. The suggestion that you rotate the pic before uploading is completely ridiculous. The reason we have the "share" function built into the gallery is to make things fast and convenient. Having to edit/rotate defeats the purpose.
ohmyggg said:
I agree with the OP and have always experienced the same issue. The suggestion that you rotate the pic before uploading is completely ridiculous. The reason we have the "share" function built into the gallery is to make things fast and convenient. Having to edit/rotate defeats the purpose.
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exactly, cant wait to get rid of this phone, samsung couldnt even get a little feature like this right. Plus the pictures are also already correctly oriented in the gallery, so not sure if rotating would fix the problem?
PolishDude said:
exactly, cant wait to get rid of this phone, samsung couldnt even get a little feature like this right. Plus the pictures are also already correctly oriented in the gallery, so not sure if rotating would fix the problem?
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Its weird because on computer its right but when upliading to facebook its sideway, perhaps its facebooks problem?
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PaiPiePia said:
Its weird because on computer its right but when upliading to facebook its sideway, perhaps its facebooks problem?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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even when the pics are taken within the facebook app, this still happens, so it might not just be a share issue from within the gallery.
anyone find anything on this? quite annoying..
I also noticed this, I wasn't sure whether I made a mistake with uploading or what
I've always had this problem too
Don't you think you are doing it wrong op?
you are supposed to take pictures in landscape mode.. not in portrait, the default is landscape even though it will let you take pics on portrt.. so best solution is to take pictures in landscape... is that too hard to do?
Even if you take a picture with the phone upside down.. your screen will always show you the upright view of the image so that you won't have to twist your head around while taking pictures side ways or upside down... gyroscope is it? But it will be saved on your gallery in the way you took the picture in...
dmolition said:
How about you rotate the pictures before doing anything with them??
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even if you rotate the pic in the gallery it will still send it sideways
Ms_Vibrant said:
Don't you think you are doing it wrong op?
you are supposed to take pictures in landscape mode.. not in portrait, the default is landscape even though it will let you take pics on portrt.. so best solution is to take pictures in landscape... is that too hard to do?
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but what if it's not a landscape-type picture, which is the issue here.. pics should be able to be taken, saved and uploaded in both landscape and portrait, or frikin sideways or upside-down if the user so chooses.
solace.discord said:
but what if it's not a landscape-type picture, which is the issue here.. pics should be able to be taken, saved and uploaded in both landscape and portrait, or frikin sideways or upside-down if the user so chooses.
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Umm you mean a vertical type picture? I think the landscape mode itself is the portrait aswell.. I tried taking a picture in landscape then sent it to myself as mms... i got the picture in the upright position.. then i took another picture in portrait.. i got the picture side ways.. although the image in camera was in upright position during portrait, the pic was still side way because ovbiously the phone was in side way position..
When the camera comes up, its set to landscape, even if you hold the phone normally for a portrait shot, the screen orientation doesn't change. No matter how we tried to take this picture, no matter what it looked like in the gallery, when it uploaded or sent, it was in landscape.
The camera doesn't work like it does on other Androids.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Problem on instagram

Trying to take a picture earlier on instagram and when I press the sun button at the top the whites of the image go green. Anyone else able to test this please?
johnbhoy89 said:
Trying to take a picture earlier on instagram and when I press the sun button at the top the whites of the image go green. Anyone else able to test this please?
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Same here
philliplavelle said:
Same here
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is there anyone who DOESNT have this problem?
Same problem here. Must be a bug.
johnbhoy89 said:
Trying to take a picture earlier on instagram and when I press the sun button at the top the whites of the image go green. Anyone else able to test this please?
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yea it is a bug which i think is only specific to the galaxy s4, not sure if it is a world wide thing or only on certain models, i have the i9505 and it is present on mine, very annoying because i actually really like using that filter.
have emailed instagram various times but they have no replied so its nice to see their customer service are as helpful as can be.
heres hoping for an update soon tho.

[Q] Nexus 4 Photos Missing Data

My Nexus 4 seems a bit Hit & miss with its ability to take a good photo. The main problem appears to be missing data when the subject of the photo is moving. Attached an example. Is this a common and/or a known issue?
iamdek said:
My Nexus 4 seems a bit Hit & miss with its ability to take a good photo. The main problem appears to be missing data when the subject of the photo is moving. Attached an example. Is this a common and/or a known issue?
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go home right side man u r drunk
try another apk like fx camera
Karo. said:
go home right side man u r drunk
try another apk like fx camera
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Thanks for the suggestion - but that's just another Instagram like app which I've already got a few of. It's the HDR option that looks to be the problem.

Nexus 4 Autofocus Problem

Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys
Its the way it is.
w1ndhawk said:
Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys
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I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.
em.faris said:
I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.
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Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.
w1ndhawk said:
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.
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Thats good, I myself noticed this thing on the stock camera app. but then again just few more taps fixed this but yes I tried Snap Camera
there no such issues with that, even on Instagram camera.
But I don't know why i feel that stock camera app is the best.
I'm having this big problem too.
Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal
biscuitownz said:
Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal
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davibs said:
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Damn. Any idea why it does this?
biscuitownz said:
Damn. Any idea why it does this?
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Nope, i've searched everywhere but nothing.

