Nexus 4 Autofocus Problem - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys

Its the way it is.
w1ndhawk said:
Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys
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I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.

em.faris said:
I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.
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Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.

w1ndhawk said:
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.
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Thats good, I myself noticed this thing on the stock camera app. but then again just few more taps fixed this but yes I tried Snap Camera
there no such issues with that, even on Instagram camera.
But I don't know why i feel that stock camera app is the best.

I'm having this big problem too.

Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal

biscuitownz said:
Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal
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davibs said:
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Damn. Any idea why it does this?

biscuitownz said:
Damn. Any idea why it does this?
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Nope, i've searched everywhere but nothing.


Epic not rotating pictures correctly

Pictures taken in PORTRAIT (with just holding the phone straight up) do not save EXIF data correctly, and are shared as LANDSCAPE when "Shared" to Messaging, Gmail, etc. This is ****ing embarrassing.
You can try out Camera 360. I love that app and use it as my default photo app, I have the paid version. It might resolve your issue. Since I have not gotten my phone yet I cannot test to see if it works.
Link to free version.
You sure it's not just your web browser, or Gmail? I haven't checked in a while, but Exif rotational data was rarely used in browsers in recent history. Try opening your photo using the new version of Picasa to see if it's rotated correctly.
No, it is still screwed up. Take a picture in portrait. Then click "Share" to Messaging, Gmail, Facebook, whatever. It will preview as a sideways (landscape) photo, thus looking stupid.
It does preview that way, have you confirmed it sends that way?
Picture related, my panorama shots do not work, I get panorama failed pop up
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
ImSoHungry said:
It does preview that way, have you confirmed it sends that way?
Picture related, my panorama shots do not work, I get panorama failed pop up
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Yes, I've confirmed that it "shares" that way to Messaging, Gmail and Picasa, and of course Facebook.
Interestingly enough, the original Droid has this problem. It doesn't seem to bother anyone. This is a huge bummer. No idea how to fix this.
Also after taking a photo, and previewing it, the whole screen orientation is in Landscape, no matter what you do. Keyboard open, keyboard closed - all the same. That's frustrating as well. Anyone got any ideas or insight?
Try using a photo editor such as PicSay and rotating the picture into landscape. Then maybe when you send it, it will send the right way
That definitelyorks, although I prefer Photoshop Express. But that is an honest unecessary hassle.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Does this eriously not bother anybody else??
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
oxeneers said:
Does this eriously not bother anybody else??
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Bugs the hell out of me.
As far as I can tell there is no portrait mode on the Epic - that's why all of the controls are locked to landscape mode and rotating the phone doesn't do shiz.
I really hope they fix this.
pissinguoff247 said:
Bugs the hell out of me.
As far as I can tell there is no portrait mode on the Epic - that's why all of the controls are locked to landscape mode and rotating the phone doesn't do shiz.
I really hope they fix this.
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Yeah, I noticed that too. The EVO 4G used to be like that, but in the Froyo 2.2 update they made it so the controls will auto-orientate to portrait mode. But, when you used to take photos pre-Froyo, they would always rotate correctly.
I've been rotating my photos in Photoshop Express but holy **** it compresses the hell out of them, making them go from 1MB~ to almost 30kB. Anyone have any ideas?
Same issue on my Vibrant
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oxeneers said:
Yeah, I noticed that too. The EVO 4G used to be like that, but in the Froyo 2.2 update they made it so the controls will auto-orientate to portrait mode. But, when you used to take photos pre-Froyo, they would always rotate correctly.
I've been rotating my photos in Photoshop Express but holy **** it compresses the hell out of them, making them go from 1MB~ to almost 30kB. Anyone have any ideas?
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Maybe our Froyo update will fix the whole shebang. I really hope that Samsung didn't just frak me over with a crippled crappy phone that doesn't get bug fixes like they did with my Intrepid (the bastard child of Windows Mobile and Samsung) - Galaxy S is their flagship and they need to get on top of stuff.
I am not getting this issue. Can you give me the steps to duplicate it?
I pressed the camera button.
I took a portait picture.
I went into gallery.
I shared with both Picasa and emailed via gmail to myself.
In both it was displayed as Portait.
I noticed this last night. It's extremely annoying. Have to go on photoshop express as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Again, I am not getting this issue at all. Can someone detail how to duplicate it?
This could be a usage pattern thing. I detailed how I did it, and it works fine. What are you guys doing differently? If needed I can make a video showing that it works for me.
Pops_G said:
Again, I am not getting this issue at all. Can someone detail how to duplicate it?
This could be a usage pattern thing. I detailed how I did it, and it works fine. What are you guys doing differently? If needed I can make a video showing that it works for me.
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I am doing the exact same thing as what you're doing, and still getting pictures showing up as landscape, when they were taken with the phone held straight up.
Do you notice after you take a picture and click the PLAY button from the camera UI, the whole "preview" mode is in landscape?
oxeneers said:
I am doing the exact same thing as what you're doing, and still getting pictures showing up as landscape, when they were taken with the phone held straight up.
Do you notice after you take a picture and click the PLAY button from the camera UI, the whole "preview" mode is in landscape?
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No, in preview they are also correctly in Landscape. Perhaps you need to have the phone in portrait when you start the camera application?
Even while the camera app is loaded I took one picture in Landscape, then Portrait. Both displayed correctly in preview and after emailing.
I can feel your frustration though, that would be lame if it didn't do that. I will make a video tonight, not sure if it will help, but it might give you hope. As a last resort maybe you should try a hard reset back to defaults? I hate to recommend that, but it might work. Seeing as mine works and I have not tweaked anything camera related.
p.s. This might not be related, but I did not get the OTA patch after starting my phone, my GF's epic did. So my phone shipped already patched. I will test her camera tonight as well.
Settings > About Phone > Hardware Version = D700.0.5
my phone does the same thing and it annoys me A LOT

[Q] Nexus 4 Photos Missing Data

My Nexus 4 seems a bit Hit & miss with its ability to take a good photo. The main problem appears to be missing data when the subject of the photo is moving. Attached an example. Is this a common and/or a known issue?
iamdek said:
My Nexus 4 seems a bit Hit & miss with its ability to take a good photo. The main problem appears to be missing data when the subject of the photo is moving. Attached an example. Is this a common and/or a known issue?
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go home right side man u r drunk
try another apk like fx camera
Karo. said:
go home right side man u r drunk
try another apk like fx camera
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Thanks for the suggestion - but that's just another Instagram like app which I've already got a few of. It's the HDR option that looks to be the problem.

Google Camera problems.

Hi everyone,
I hope this is the right section for this kind of questions.
Anyway, I'd like to know if someone can help me.
I'm absolutely not able of getting Google Camera to work.
I tried different version, I think the problem is caused by the fact that our phone has a SD801...
But I have no idea how to solve it.
Camera just crash as soon as I open it.
Thanks to everyone!
Lorenzo Benevento.
Not just coz soc is sd801
It is arm based
Google camera is nowadays built for arm64 architecture
And which version would work?
If there is one obviously!
Lorenzo Benevento said:
And which version would work?
If there is one obviously!
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The versions which came with nexus 6 would work
That will be around v3
I tried but I can't downgrade. How come? It shows "corrupted package".
i use Google camera 2.7 in my zuk z1
I downgraded to 2.7.010, It works and connect to camera but I'm unable of taking videos!
It start recording but when I tap on the stop icon it freezes and the only thing that I can do is to reboot the phone. Or close the app (but camera would be busy, so no tourch for example or no other photos until the next reboot).
magnet1215 are you able to take videos?
Lorenzo Benevento said:
I downgraded to 2.7.010, It works and connect to camera but I'm unable of taking videos!
It start recording but when I tap on the stop icon it freezes and the only thing that I can do is to reboot the phone. Or close the app (but camera would be busy, so no tourch for example or no other photos until the next reboot).
magnet1215 are you able to take videos?
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Yes. Everything works fine except the resolution of lens blur is low.
magnet1215 said:
Yes. Everything works fine except the resolution of lens blur is low.
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Which version are you using exactly?
Try this snapdragon camera. It will crash on first pic taken, first video taken, first slow or fast motion video. But honestly I tried lot of camera apps and this is best one of all.
Lorenzo Benevento said:
Which version are you using exactly?
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Here you are. I extracted from /data/app.

Open 6 + Camera Service...

After open 6 update, I notice that photos looks worse than in open 5 and some functions like hdr are not working. Is the camera service not working?
Tiago A said:
After open 6 update, I notice that photos looks worse than in open 5 and some functions like hdr are not working. Is the camera service not working?
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Same here. ._.
Mr.ShivanshVerma said:
Same here. ._.
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Instaled oneplus camera mod and problem solved
Tiago A said:
Instaled oneplus camera mod and problem solved
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And what about the ones who have not rooted there devices? ?
Mr.ShivanshVerma said:
And what about the ones who have not rooted there devices? ?
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Wait for the open 7. Sad but true. I tried everything that you can imagine. The only way that I fixed this, was installing the oneplus camera mod. The problem seems to be with the new camera app or camera service. The stranger thing is that I only saw you and another guy complayning about this.
Did you both clean installed Open Beta 6? Cleaned cache?
Sorry if this seems trivial but to have the same common ground it would be helpful to know this.
wasjapupkin said:
Did you both clean installed Open Beta 6? Cleaned cache?
Sorry if this seems trivial but to have the same common ground it would be helpful to know this.
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Sure. The problem is with latest camera app (2.5.25). I uninstalled it and installed the 2.5.23 from open 5, and everything is working now. The problem with 2.5.25, is when you take a picture and see it from the gallery shortcut on camera app, the post processing will not working, but if you go into gallery app, the post processing will be realized.
Tiago A said:
Sure. The problem is with latest camera app (2.5.25). I uninstalled it and installed the 2.5.23 from open 5, and everything is working now. The problem with 2.5.25, is when you take a picture and see it from the gallery shortcut on camera app, the post processing will not working, but if you go into gallery app, the post processing will be realized.
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I am asking because i am using OB6 and i cant reproduce this misbehavior. It is working as it should and if this would be a reproducible problem, the OP forums would be filled with this i guess.
wasjapupkin said:
I am asking because i am using OB6 and i cant reproduce this misbehavior. It is working as it should and if this would be a reproducible problem, the OP forums would be filled with this i guess.
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But, here is not working as should be. If I take a picture and try to see it directly from gallery shortcut on camera app, the pictures will be with much noise and hdr and hq will not be applied. But, if I go into gallery, the pictures will looks great and hdr and hq will be applied.

Video problem (focus hunts)

Does anyone else have a problem with video recording? No matter which app I use the camera hunts for focus occasionally resulting in the frame zooming in and out, or out and in, slightly. I can't manage to get more than 3/5 seconds of rock solid framing?
I have the same issue (LineageOS 14.1) and came here to ask which app I should use to avoid this problem!
This video shows the refocusing really well:
GotoDengo said:
Does anyone else have a problem with video recording?
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Do you use the stock ROM or a custom ROM like I do?
Maybe ZTE will repair your phone?
SGH-i200 said:
I have the same issue (LineageOS 14.1) and came here to ask which app I should use to avoid this problem!
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It looks like your camera is refocussing a lot more frequently than mine!
I'm running the Stock ROM and camera app at the moment. I don't think it's a hardware problem as the camera does not refocuss when taking a still photo.
I can't have ZTE look at it as there's no service center in the UK (and I bought it from Gearbest).
GotoDengo said:
I don't think it's a hardware problem as the camera does not refocuss when taking a still photo.
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You are right! :good: I changed the 'touch focus duration' in the LOS camera app from '0s' to 'infinite' and now the focus does only change if I click elsewhere!
There should a similar setting in the stock camera app!
SGH-i200 said:
You are right! :good: I changed the 'touch focus duration' in the LOS camera app from '0s' to 'infinite' and now the focus does only change if I click elsewhere!
There should a similar setting in the stock camera app!
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I can't find such a setting in the stock camera app!
But I did find it in the Open Camera app!
GotoDengo said:
I can't find such a setting in the stock camera app!
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Can you upload a screenshot of the video settings?
You mean 'Open Camera' (Camera App) - Which setting you changed? I had no refocussing without changing any setting.
SGH-i200 said:
Can you upload a screenshot of the video settings?
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Using Open Camera has fixed the problem for me!
The stock camera app only seems to have fixed focus settings for the stills camera!
SGH-i200 said:
'Open Camera' (Camera App) -
Which setting you changed? I had no refocussing without changing any setting.
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To answer myself: The small icons in the menu represent the different focus modes! :good:
SGH-i200 said:
To answer myself: The small icons in the menu represent the different focus modes! :good:
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Yes it took a while to find the settings! The continuous autofocus setting ("c") causes my Mini to hunt for focus every 2/3 seconds. All the other settings work as expected with no hunting.
Doh! I've just found that you can lock focus and exposure using the Stock camera app! You just need to long press on the target circle after you have selected the object you want to focus on.
Once locked you can choose another object to focus another and it will lock focus on that without having to long press again.

