Use Volume key on camera - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

hey guys,
I know that somewhere deep on the forums there is something about it, but i've looked and didnt found it.
How can i use the volume key to shoot pictures on camera on ICS or elora rom ?

Use Camera Zoom FX for this.

I want to use default camera hope someone know some how :laugh:


Tytn and maximum lcd backlight

Hi, did anyone noticed that maximum Tytn's backlight is much dimmer than Wizard's? But it seems that it is only a software block because when you start Camera application, brightness goes much higher.. It's not matter of life and death, but it quite annoys me.
So.. Do anyone know if there is some way how to enable higher values? Probably some registry fix or something like that...
naciniak said:
Hi, did anyone noticed that maximum Tytn's backlight is much dimmer than Wizard's? But it seems that it is only a software block because when you start Camera application, brightness goes much higher.. It's not matter of life and death, but it quite annoys me.
So.. Do anyone know if there is some way how to enable higher values? Probably some registry fix or something like that...
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Well thanks to the fantastic Vijay555 there is something you can do:
check this:
oh.. thanks
I have to say, I hate using my Hermes without VJLumos. The normal max brightness is horrible, washed out and weak...
i remapped the record button for youre great app works well
Yeah.. nice program.. but unfortunately it is still just trying to bypass the problem by using the camera application. So when Vjlumos is running you are unable to use the camera.. There must by some other way. I hope somebody will find it..
But still.. It is a great program
There is another way, but remember that the extra brightness is tied to the camera functions.... I've been thinking about rewriting this app to turn it into a service so it takes less resources.
If and when, I'll try to make it camera independant. But the problem with that is that it will be device specific ie Hermes.
But then I thought, meh? Whatever, it'll still be better!
naciniak said:
Yeah.. nice program.. but unfortunately it is still just trying to bypass the problem by using the camera application. So when Vjlumos is running you are unable to use the camera.. There must by some other way. I hope somebody will find it..
But still.. It is a great program
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This is a great app. However for me, I'm able to use the camera without having to disable the app. I just hit the camera button to access the camera function, then hit the camera button again and was able to take a picture. With that being said, once I exited the camera function, the screen was dim again and I had to hit my VJLumos icon twice (once to disable, once again to enable) to get the screen back to its brightness. Currently a small price to pay.
Vijay, nice apps. Even if you make this app specific to Hermes, I think you'll have a lot of satisfied people. Thanks for great apps!

turning on flash with an easy button??is there a way

I was wondering if its possible to edit the registry and have the flash from the camera turn on with one of my keys on the pie..or side keys.??? I want to avoid turning on the camera itself to have to activate the light.
I would like to use it for a small flashlight at night when dark.
Yes, VJ has one. Look for it at VJ's homepage.
got a link?
Google is your friend! lists them all is the one you're looking for
sorry...such a newb..I had found it right after I posted. But what do you expect when i had only slept for 2 hours and was getting aggravated trying to search for tweak!
Thanks a lot
just you use this tweak.?

Camera Background Image App

Can anyone tell me where I can find this App! I would love to have this. it looks so cool!
Wow nice application man... i would love to hav it too but i see taht nobody posted any reponse to your request Hope we both have mor luck son.
Its fake sorry guys! he "made" it look like that with some type of photoshop program
I manage to get my phone to do something a little like that once.
I tried to take a photo with the sportsfunction and the cameraapplication shutted down, but the camera was still on.
So some colors where turned in to what the camera sees.
Its like in windows, if you try to take a screenshot of a movie, you'll only get a specific color, and thats the color windows use for mapping videos over.
I did'nt manage to find out what color that reacted as the camera mapping on the phone, but i know that it should be possible to find out.

iPAQ 614 - Using "flash" as light - Create a possible Titanium plugin?

One of the "accidental" features of our phone is that the camera "flash" can be used as a GREAT flashlight when you're out in the dark. I probably use it once or twice a week, and I am sure I am not the only one. I was wondering however, if it might be possible to enable the LED without opening up the camera program.
Since I have winmo 6.5 installed, I was thinking about maybe taking advantage of the Titanium plugins, or perhaps even a mortscript application to make the flashlight a homescreen option. I'm new to phone modding, but I have coding experience so it shouldn't be too hard for me to figure out.
If this seems possible, I am willing to put in the effort of making it, but I'd like to know if it seems doable before I start coding or anything.
Thanks in advance.
hi all,
i use the flash as light like you.
one year ago i tryed to find an API to write a little application to poweron/poweroff the camera flash led but without success.
can anyone share with us some experience about this?
in alternative you can use an application called plamp that use the screen like a camera flash led. it is not the same but it is useful, also configuring an hardware button.
regards, Soldato
i used to use a mortscript that would launch teh camera then turn on the flash after 10 seconds it will auto close the camera app.
only down side was that the camera app would take about 10 seconds to load anyway (for my phone) so it was not a instant flash light.
thebranded said:
i used to use a mortscript that would launch teh camera then turn on the flash after 10 seconds it will auto close the camera app.
only down side was that the camera app would take about 10 seconds to load anyway (for my phone) so it was not a instant flash light.
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Yeah that's part of the reason I would like to just skip the camera app altogether. It would be nice to have the light on quickly and not have the camera on.
DSwarP said:
Yeah that's part of the reason I would like to just skip the camera app altogether. It would be nice to have the light on quickly and not have the camera on.
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hi @ all!
I'm also very interested in an app like that.
Unfortunately I'm not experienced in coding for PPCs. So my question:
Was there any success or found a solution?
Thx a lot!
^ this is one for htc touch pro but i just tried it and it didnt work on the 614c
also tried htorch and that didnt work either
bungle2k3 said:
^ this is one for htc touch pro but i just tried it and it didnt work on the 614c
also tried htorch and that didnt work either
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The method to control the camera flash is device specific. At this moment, no one know how to control the ipaq 612 flash light
ke_steve_le said:
The method to control the camera flash is device specific. At this moment, no one know how to control the ipaq 612 flash light
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Indeed. I'd love to know what sort of things I have to look at to get this started, but I really don't know where to start. Anyone who's made this for another phone: point me in the right direction?
DSwarP said:
Indeed. I'd love to know what sort of things I have to look at to get this started, but I really don't know where to start. Anyone who's made this for another phone: point me in the right direction?
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Basically, the camera flash can be controlled in this way:
Use CreateFile() to get the Camera handle :-
CreateFile( _T("CAM1:") ....... )
then, use DeviceIoControl() to send command, this is the most important step, I don't know how to fill the InBuffer in order to turn the flash on.

increase camera bitrate/frame rate

Hi all,
I found that compared to the HD2, the camcorder function of the S200 is VERY bad, basically very blurry when there's motion. I've tried searching the registry for something that determines the bitrate/fps of video but couldn't find anything definitive.
Does anyone know a way to increase the quality of the camcorder?
I think there is little you can do about.
The camera of neotouch is very poor and so is video recording... It's a flaw u'll have to live with if you stick with the neotouch...
doubt it...the camera just sux..
Xakep from find the answer -
Camera from 1.002c is faster then from 3.003c(b)!
Don't work with EzInput - just switch to other keyboard before starting camera.
capture mode: "Photo" or "video", don't try "anti-shake" - it's not work with this..
Deleted because of the error.
I try it on your manila rom and official 3.003c, it works.
Student_of_Russia said:
I try it on your manila rom and official 3.003c, it works.
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Yes, I know. I didn't mean that there was error in the Camera app, but in my posting. That's why i deleted my post.
Thx for your rom's, it's really good..
i tried that mod and it works flawlessly, camera recording is fluent as it should have been since day one.
there is just one single bug : shutter sound cant be disabled eventhough i ticked the option to disable it.
is there any work around ?
thanks for that mod btw
riotman said:
i tried that mod and it works flawlessly, camera recording is fluent as it should have been since day one.
there is just one single bug : shutter sound cant be disabled eventhough i ticked the option to disable it.
is there any work around ?
thanks for that mod btw
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Just rename the file "ShutterSound.wav" in the Windows folder or delete it.
LOL thank you for this patch, you can really appreciate the improvement!! (form very crappy, to ammm... not really bad)
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the cab, seems to work very well.
Also pushing out the little plastic lens protector in the back cover seems to improve things as well, mine had marks that couldn't be cleaned off it
yep, i did the same
The plastic lens decreases the picture quality very noticably.
Also decreasing the light value reduces the chances that pictures are blurry
Thanks for sharing. It really improved a lot.
With regards to the camera I found the following. If you have SPB shell active and you press the camera button to activate the camera, it also presses the fist item on the spb shell screen (in my case the clock or depending on the screen a contact or widget adjusting screen). This doesn't happen with WM standard UI.
I find it strange that nobody else noticed this. I use the stock acer 3.003c rom and have this problem with spb shell 3.5.3,3.5.4 and 3.5.5
Anyone else noticed this?
epdm2be said:
With regards to the camera I found the following. If you have SPB shell active and you press the camera button to activate the camera, it also presses the fist item on the spb shell screen (in my case the clock or depending on the screen a contact or widget adjusting screen). This doesn't happen with WM standard UI.
I find it strange that nobody else noticed this. I use the stock acer 3.003c rom and have this problem with spb shell 3.5.3,3.5.4 and 3.5.5
Anyone else noticed this?
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yes. there is a solution. just disable tap to edit option in shell dttings.actualy i donot remeber the exact name.
xmaxin said:
yes. there is a solution. just disable tap to edit option in shell dttings.actualy i donot remeber the exact name.
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I have the same issue
I have the same issue
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As the former poster tried to explain. There's no solution but to disable "click and hold" in SPB Mobile Shell settings
Settings --> System --> last item "support click and hold" -> off
that way the camera press won't interfere with the click to "edit layout" function. A minor hassle indeed but a hassle nonetheless.
Oh well, for the price. The S200 ain;t that bad. It's weird that the next model in Acer's WM-line, the P300, is LESS capable (and much slower) than our beloved Neotouch? But it does get a newer WM6.5?!?!?! What's with these morons? Just keep the S200 in your line-up and goddamn keep selling it. Soon all those Android ppl will return and they need a Windows Mobile phone NOT a Windows Phone phone!
increase camera bitrate/frame rate post 425

