turning on flash with an easy button??is there a way - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I was wondering if its possible to edit the registry and have the flash from the camera turn on with one of my keys on the pie..or side keys.??? I want to avoid turning on the camera itself to have to activate the light.
I would like to use it for a small flashlight at night when dark.

Yes, VJ has one. Look for it at VJ's homepage.

got a link?

Google is your friend!
http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases lists them all
http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJCandela is the one you're looking for

sorry...such a newb..I had found it right after I posted. But what do you expect when i had only slept for 2 hours and was getting aggravated trying to search for tweak!
Thanks a lot
just wondering....do you use this tweak.?


Screen Brightness

When I open the camera application on my I-mate JAM/HTC Magician, the screen goes bright for a second when the camera app. is about to open but it goes back to slightly dull after i close the camera.
I have maximum brightness in the settings.
Is there anyway to make the screen stay bright just like the second before the camera opens?
There are at least a couple of ways to do this.
One is VJLumos, which I don't recommend.
Another is VJLumos II - which is being released in a few days.
Thank you! Awaiting the release of VJLumos 2. How soon do you reckon you'll release it?
Magician version is done, and works great. Just tweaking the Universal version (which also works, but needs a little refining). Release hopefully around this weekend or so.
I don't have a wizard so can't support it for now, unfortunately.
Implementation is cool now, automatic superbrite every time you switch on, and no more risk of a hard reset :shock: I was showing Mrs Vijay555 yesterday. She wasn't impressed I'm so misunderstood...
oh lol sigh. I had a look at your site...people should praise your talent more often
Anyway, why don't you share the Magician one now
I thought I had it on my ftp but I don't, so give me a while and I'll send you over a beta, if I remember. If you don't get by tomorrow, PM me.
Ok then...i'll be waiting. Thanks!
hi all
i'm very interested to by this soft. I was looking for this since 1 year so it's very nice you done it.
waiting for that to
I've been investigating in the brightness hack and could finally track down what's necessary to enable it. This is the real way to enable it, which means no unneccessary DLLs are loaded and you're no chance of risking a soft reset because of this. The other advantage is that if you have your camera hardware removed this hack still works - on a Magician at least. I hope I can try this hack on a Hermes next week (don't own one).
I'm almost done creating an app like VJLumos II. If it's ready I'll post it in this forum.
PS: I was experiencing a hard reset during my research... so I hope you can esteem what I immolated
Ok, here it is.
For the moment this is for Magician only! And even on them you run this at your own risk!
This app is very freaky - it has no (obvious) dependencies and therefore loads fast like hell. Although being already ruddy slim and thus perfect staying resident it doesn't. But it accepts four parameters which are as follows:
on --> enable SuperBrightness
off --> disable SuperBrightness
install --> install a OnWakeUp event
remove --> remove event
Again: this app does not load anything (and consume memory) nor does it expose you to risk a soft reset.
Nevertheless I still encouter the odd behaviour, that Magicians without the camera hardware do not get superbright on WakeUp.
ahh vjays555 worked for me..
might prove usefull when im using my magician as a GPS..
oh btw, i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'
whitemoo said:
i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'
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No problems here - got a zip with one exe and 4 lnk's as it was supposed to.
Some news about our backlight:
Well, above a certain a minimum level brightness can be controlled continously from dark to (super-)bright. Keypad light can be controlled independently, but on/off only. Another news: absolute minimum is still a little darker than official (Control Panel) minimum. So if you're in for a little book reading under your blanket this could safe your eyes a little more. So currently I'm thinking of a new cmdline app which offers you to set brightness in all possible levels (super-dark to super-bright).
I dunno when I'll find the time for it, but is anyone interested at all?
pick me!
heheh, i use msn messenger and type up notes in the dark, it strains the eyes. Sometimes i watch movies on it in plain darkness.
Would be a cool utility to have. Dont know if anyone doese the same things i do, Since its so hard to sync for me through bluetooth.
Bring on the interest!.
I got a wicked idea: how about flashing a new brightness dll into the living device like it is done with the splash screen? The usual brightness control panel applet would then operate in the wider range and this hack would not eat up any memory.
Whohoo... exciting... lots of work to do, but interesting project.

Program to turn on Flash (LED light_

I would like to be able to program one of the buttons to turn on the flash, it takes too long to sometimes open the cammera so I would like to get the flash to go on.. (and on the brighter light also).. any ideas, links?
Nope - no solution as of yet. Your best bet is to go to the following thread, and choose "Watch this topic" at the bottom.. then just follow any updates to it:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=41642&highlight=flashlight - VJCandela - torch/flashlight on HTC Phones
Just to make this clear - at the time of this writing, vijay's utility does not work on the HTC Wizard. If anybody has an HTC Wizard to spare to send to him, he can probably make it work
any news on this one ?
or has anyone an idea where to look in the registry for it ?
i really like to have a litte prog or shortcut key for the flashlight to
function as a flashlight
vj has one
if you would read then u should have noticed this little part of text which says: vijay's utility does not work on the HTC Wizard.
offcourse i tried it and many others and even tried to alter the program
but since no-one knows what keys involved i thought i might bring this to
attention... hopefully someone will try and find this out as i think many
people would like to have this feature.

Flashlight using camera "flash" without launching camera?

Ok, I'm probably gonna get flamed for this... heck I'm probably gonna flame myself for this
Is there an application to turn on and off the so-called flash on the camera without launching the camera app itself? In other words is there a simple way to use my $500 phone as a $0.50 LED light?
try VJCandela ...... where? google knows it .....
k4sus said:
try VJCandela ...... where? google knows it .....
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I thought that used the screen backlight - I specifically want to turn on the LED flash on the camera side...
Nope, I'm wrong - looks like it does exactly what I wanted:
I'll have to try it on the TyTn....
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
VJLumos for screen brightening. VJCandela for flash. VJPlumBum for stupidity.V
vijay555 said:
VJLumos for screen brightening. VJCandela for flash. VJPlumBum for stupidity.V
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Hello vijay, is there any chance to have it working on Asus P525?, this ppc has the facility to record video with flash on.
I been trying your candela but dosen't work.
I can look into it - but it's not a device I've ever used so unlikely. Can you get me a rom dump? Thanks... V
vijay555 said:
VJLumos for screen brightening. VJCandela for flash.
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Got it, and another confirmation that VJCandela works on the Hermes. Thanks for an awesome app!
vijay555 said:
VJPlumBum for stupidity.V
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I might need two of those
vijay555 said:
I can look into it - but it's not a device I've ever used so unlikely. Can you get me a rom dump? Thanks... V
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Can you have a look on here please :
or here
I think that it will be enough for you, but please advice if you need more info.
Cheers mate.
also looking for a program for this. hope vijay can help us.
it says that doing this will cause permanent damage to the led
What does?
Leaving the flash on for too long will cause the flash to blow on some devices. Some guys have had it running for days. Some have blown it after a few hours.
I limit its use to 30 seconds I think, in VJCandela. However, you should use it with your own caution. But now, it won't blow your flash with a single use or whatever.
The LED is obviously over driven to make it bright enough for use with the camera and in normal use it is restricted to only short bursts.
PDA Paul said:
The LED is obviously over driven to make it bright enough for use with the camera and in normal use it is restricted to only short bursts.
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With P525 if you are in video mode you can hold the led illuminated, so i think that if you don't use it for very long time the led will not be damaged.
Hello there vijay...
a question for you regerding vj candela and hermes...
you may have already noticed that when you use the flash light in hermes to take a picture with default camera apps...then the flash light up bit more (say double) brighter for a few second just in time of taking the picture...
so my question is it possible in ur apps (vj candela) to use that extra doubled light rather then the normal brightness??? its just a request i know that turning the flash in high mode may shorten the life span of the bulb but i just interested to see the implimentation...
and one more request...can you add a feature in ur vj candela so that when we use the hardware mode lightup then the screen brightness will turn it off automatically and will reverd back after the flash get off...
anyways thanks a million for what u have done for us all..
Maybe that's why this is damaging some devices, because it's using the brighter mode that only works in bursts with the camera.
Actually, I just did some quick testing using the ambient light sensor on my macbook pro (how's that for resourcefulness?). It's not exactly scientific, but whatevs.
I read the value of the ambient light sensor from the camera flash from a height of 10". This test was done with a Cingular 8525.
Turning on the flash in the camera program: 1024
Light from VJCandela: 1024
Light when turning of flashlight mode in the camera settings: 1200
Light during flash: 1450
So it appears that my theory was wrong. If anything, the camera flashlight is stronger than the regular flash mode. Although I suspect they are exactly the same - like I said this wasn't exactly a scientific way of testing...
Sorry, not sure if I understood the thread - the Camera app/Flash driver has a "burst" flash mode, a normal flash mode, and and off mode.
Burst flash is brighter then normal flash, and is used in the instant that you take the photo - this normally causes the screen to go off for a second though. My app uses "normal" flash mode, which should be safe for relatively short periods (eg 1 min). Burst flash is for a few seconds max I guess.
Any suggestions as to why when I try to download the cab file it opens the cab file in pocket ie? all I see is the text that makes up the file
timbouk said:
Any suggestions as to why when I try to download the cab file it opens the cab file in pocket ie? all I see is the text that makes up the file
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Yeah, that bugged me when I first got my 8525. Try holding your stylus on the link and selecting "Save As," instead of just clicking on it.

8525 camera led light

I would like to start by saying I have found this forum to be extremely helpful and THANK YOU! I have been able to find any tweak, program, cab, etc... by searching the web (usually ending up on this site), but I can not find a solution to this problem.
I no longer have the "flash" button on the camera software. The phone works fine, the camera works fine, it takes pics, I just have no "flash" option anymore. I'm sure it was due to some tweak I did...maybe trying a prog to use the camera led as a flashlight (not sure). My question is, is there a way to restore or a cab to reinstall the camera? led/flash? or both? I dont mind getting really technical if needed.
Thanks in advance,
8525 WM5 (yeah still wm5...I have too much on here to upgrade right now)
tons of apps and tweaks
I heard the same issue when some people starts to increase the image size on mms pics so you can start there search a forum called something like mms pictures shrink or somethink like that hahahaha Is nice to see starting members that use the search before ask something but you need to have more imagination to search more.
be cool men!
you know...i did have to reinstall the sms/mms...so i'll be you are right...had something to do with that...i'll check it out
btw, trust me, i searched for everything i could think of...i had no logical reason to relate my problem to sms (it works just fine)
I'll check it out and post my results...thanks for the lead!

iPAQ 614 - Using "flash" as light - Create a possible Titanium plugin?

One of the "accidental" features of our phone is that the camera "flash" can be used as a GREAT flashlight when you're out in the dark. I probably use it once or twice a week, and I am sure I am not the only one. I was wondering however, if it might be possible to enable the LED without opening up the camera program.
Since I have winmo 6.5 installed, I was thinking about maybe taking advantage of the Titanium plugins, or perhaps even a mortscript application to make the flashlight a homescreen option. I'm new to phone modding, but I have coding experience so it shouldn't be too hard for me to figure out.
If this seems possible, I am willing to put in the effort of making it, but I'd like to know if it seems doable before I start coding or anything.
Thanks in advance.
hi all,
i use the flash as light like you.
one year ago i tryed to find an API to write a little application to poweron/poweroff the camera flash led but without success.
can anyone share with us some experience about this?
in alternative you can use an application called plamp that use the screen like a camera flash led. it is not the same but it is useful, also configuring an hardware button.
regards, Soldato
i used to use a mortscript that would launch teh camera then turn on the flash after 10 seconds it will auto close the camera app.
only down side was that the camera app would take about 10 seconds to load anyway (for my phone) so it was not a instant flash light.
thebranded said:
i used to use a mortscript that would launch teh camera then turn on the flash after 10 seconds it will auto close the camera app.
only down side was that the camera app would take about 10 seconds to load anyway (for my phone) so it was not a instant flash light.
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Yeah that's part of the reason I would like to just skip the camera app altogether. It would be nice to have the light on quickly and not have the camera on.
DSwarP said:
Yeah that's part of the reason I would like to just skip the camera app altogether. It would be nice to have the light on quickly and not have the camera on.
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hi @ all!
I'm also very interested in an app like that.
Unfortunately I'm not experienced in coding for PPCs. So my question:
Was there any success or found a solution?
Thx a lot!
^ this is one for htc touch pro but i just tried it and it didnt work on the 614c
also tried htorch and that didnt work either
bungle2k3 said:
^ this is one for htc touch pro but i just tried it and it didnt work on the 614c
also tried htorch and that didnt work either
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The method to control the camera flash is device specific. At this moment, no one know how to control the ipaq 612 flash light
ke_steve_le said:
The method to control the camera flash is device specific. At this moment, no one know how to control the ipaq 612 flash light
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Indeed. I'd love to know what sort of things I have to look at to get this started, but I really don't know where to start. Anyone who's made this for another phone: point me in the right direction?
DSwarP said:
Indeed. I'd love to know what sort of things I have to look at to get this started, but I really don't know where to start. Anyone who's made this for another phone: point me in the right direction?
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Basically, the camera flash can be controlled in this way:
Use CreateFile() to get the Camera handle :-
CreateFile( _T("CAM1:") ....... )
then, use DeviceIoControl() to send command, this is the most important step, I don't know how to fill the InBuffer in order to turn the flash on.

