Touch screen responsiveness Gingerbread VS ICS/JB - Galaxy S II General

When my S2 is running on ICS or JB, i'm I'm totally not happy with the touch screen responsiveness. Is there a way to fix this issue? I was so frustrated that i even tried Gingerbread today, and maybe you don't believe it, but with Gingerbread the touch screen responsiveness of my Samsung S2 is fantastic!
I've made 2 movies, to visualize my touch screen responsiveness issue
Gingerbread VS ICS (both are stock roms):
Jelly Bean (I've tried resurrection and revolts rom, and also tried the kernels: siyah, CM10 and dorimanx:

Nothing related to development.. Just a general thing which most S2 users knew.. Must have been posted in General section...

It was very annoying at first after updating to ICS/JB roms and is very noticeable once you pick up an iPhone and try scrolling on that. The galaxy nexus had the same delayed scrolling, but when I used my old Galaxy S(1) with CM9 or CM10 that lag was not there and scrolling felt great!

I concur. Screen responsiveness is nowhere near what Gingerbread has.
I noticed this when I (recently) "upgraded" to ICS. Not much of an upgrade if you ask me. Hardware should be as responsive as previous if not better.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Indeed CM7 seems more butter then cm10 even with vsync

Has Samsung acknowledged this problem?

Here the same bro.
For me the best ROMS for GS2 made in 2011 are GB based ROMS.ICS ROMS lag like hell and contacts keep on crashing and freezing TW.
But our ICS fanboys here will not accept these facts and now they are clamoring for JB with it's own set of problems.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 2

Soldier2000 said:
Has Samsung acknowledged this problem?
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They ll never.. I think now they forgot ICS.. Moreover google got that point improved it lot in JB.

are you running gb cm 7 or stock GB?

GalaxyGusta said:
are you running gb cm 7 or stock GB?
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In the first youtube video i'm running on stock GB and stock ICS.

Soldier2000 said:
In the first youtube video i'm running on stock GB and stock ICS.
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Just tried a gb rom and yes it is a lot faster in Web browsing and stuff but now I remember why I can't use it..
I'm from Israel and I'm using Hebrew as my main language and gb doest support left to right built in
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

It's not a question of responsiveness, I think. More of a question of how scroll works. It's been discussed in many threads at many time. It's not an issue per say... They just chose another direction for scrolling. There are ICS custom kernels which "fix" scrolling. Just look for them.

I believe it is. I have found touch responsiveness to be less with ICS than Gingerbread was. (I still have my Nandroid backup of my Gingerbread FW).
With Gingerbread, I touched the screen and response was (comparatively) instant. With ICS, I wait or re touch the screen for the response back. Keyboard seems the only thing that is responsive. (Although, a few times I even questioned it).
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------
I truly am looking forward to a fully functional JB rom. Just for that responsiveness.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------
And yes, I am running BBS to see if there is an app causing the issue. But so far nothing g is showing up
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Funny how some of us don't seem to have issues with screen responsiveness. There's the infamous screen responsiveness delay issue, but there's been fixes for this already. I guess that's the price you pay for running full stock.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

For me, system responsiveness is better in ICS than GB. However, the web browser just scrolls differently in ICS. However, your second video is inaccurate. You claim that both phones are running Dolphin browser. The SGS2 you used is actually running Chrome. Chrome has issues on our SGS2.

jaykresge said:
For me, system responsiveness is better in ICS than GB. However, the web browser just scrolls differently in ICS. However, your second video is inaccurate. You claim that both phones are running Dolphin browser. The SGS2 you used is actually running Chrome. Chrome has issues on our SGS2.
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Nah 2.3.4 (Touchwiz 1.0?) Is way smooother
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Unexist6969 said:
Nah 2.3.4 (Touchwiz 1.0?) Is way smooother
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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For you, possibly. For me though, I noticed that there were less hiccups when scrolling through menus (like settings) or homescreens (Touchwiz or Go Launcher). TW's homescreen was noticeably smoother on ICS. On 2.3.4, that was the first thing I complained about (TW homescreen hiccups).

Yesterday my girlfriend buy an sgs2, WTF !!!
It really lag so much, scrolling, menu.... have the 4.0.4 stock inside with no official update available.
She don't want flash modded rom for warranty reason (and hard brick in some case I've read).... She can't do anything to improve the smoothness ??!!!
Very very bad !

jaykresge said:
For me, system responsiveness is better in ICS than GB. However, the web browser just scrolls differently in ICS. However, your second video is inaccurate. You claim that both phones are running Dolphin browser. The SGS2 you used is actually running Chrome. Chrome has issues on our SGS2.
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Hmm, i think you're right.
If you want i can make a new movie with JB and browsing with the Dolphin browser .

if you are on cm10 based ROM (maybe previous versions also,cant tell) theres settings->advanced (takes u to specific handset options)->Touch sensitivity
I dident touch it as i dont really feel the problem but it may help some of you to try it i quess


Ics on nexus running so smooth

Is the world aware how good ics is is and how well it runs on the nexus s. Is even the android community aware. This phone needs a new review just because of pics. Probably not but man I got this phone for 100 dollars off Craigslist and man is this a hidden gem. This is the perfect phone for most people.
Man I wish my epic touch had pure ics on it right now.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Patience grasshopper. We will get our ICS on the ET4G soon enough
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Fataldesain said:
Is the world aware how good ics is is and how well it runs on the nexus s. Is even the android community aware. This phone needs a new review just because of pics. Probably not but man I got this phone for 100 dollars off Craigslist and man is this a hidden gem. This is the perfect phone for most people.
Man I wish my epic touch had pure ics on it right now.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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I agree, this phone was nice with GB but with ICS this machine is amazing. The best part about it is that this is only the begining
Hopefully thismeans we will be the fixed icsics
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
I'm quite curious though, is the new smoothness due to the forced gpu rendering? Is anyone runnning stock ICS but without 'forced gpu rendering' checked in dev settings that can give some feedback on its smoothness? I do know that scrolling anywhere now is much smoother compared to GB, almost as if animations were running in a priority thread like they do in fruit phones.
I leave hardware accel off and it is still exceptionally smooth, though not AS much with the stock kernel. Cannot notice much difference between the two with GLaDOS.
I'm pretty much in agreement with the thread starter. The ICS upgrade is amazing. Very smooth and fast. Everything seems so much better just as any upgrade should be. And also the new UI and graphics are great.
Its funny reading everywhere now about just about every handset waiting and or crying for ICS update. Most won't see it till the second half of next year.
I love my nexus even more than ever.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
also I'm running stock ICS rom with stock kernel...the kernel has been slightly modified for voodoo support.
Getting great battery life too. Thankfully none of the infamous 'android OS bug' so far.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Agreed, ics kicks a$$.
A few things that could have been included that weren't, lucky for us those there's the nova launcher that's shaping up really nice and adds what ics should have had in the first place.
I'm running my phone on background process limit of x3 and no gpu redering with nova launcher and it's amazingly fast and smooth with no lag whatsoever, even when entering the app drawer.
As it's been said, things will only get better and I also think the Nexus S needs new reviews doing on it.
voyager_s said:
also I'm running stock ICS rom with stock kernel...the kernel has been slightly modified for voodoo support.
Getting great battery life too. Thankfully none of the infamous 'android OS bug' so far.
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What kernel are you using? Thanks
voyager_s said:
also I'm running stock ICS rom with stock kernel...the kernel has been slightly modified for voodoo support.
Getting great battery life too. Thankfully none of the infamous 'android OS bug' so far.
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What kernel are u using exactly? I have a very bad battery life + random reboots
raeef said:
What kernel are u using exactly? I have a very bad battery life + random reboots
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Ive been using the stock ICS kernel modified for voodoo support. Its in the stock ICS kernel thread started by eugene373 in the nexus s development forums.
I made sure to wipe cache and the dalvik cache before installation. Im at 17 hours now with battery still at 32 percent with almost 2 hours screen on.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
It blows my mind to think of what will happen in the next six months with this phone. I have a feeling the nexus might go back into production if it keeps getting better.
It kills me my girlfriend has no idea what she is using.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
It really is. I love my NS even more with ICS, altough my experience with it in Gingerbread has only been about 2 weeks. Previously I was using Gingerbread (CM7) in a ZTE Blade and, as an interaction experience (regarding solely the OS), ICS beats it to a pulp. Now it's a waiting game until all the quirks are solved
has anyone tried the microbes live wallpaper. Im using stock ICS, stock kernel, non-rooted and it is just laggy as hell. Rest of the phone is ok, but i wouldnt call it buttery smooth
The microbes live wallpaper is definitely more hardware intensive than most of the others. It would likely be -slightly- better with a different kernel, but i can't see the Nexus S being powerful enough to breeze through it.
Live wallpapers for me use too much battery for too little eyecandy, though to each their own.
Harbb said:
The microbes live wallpaper is definitely more hardware intensive than most of the others. It would likely be -slightly- better with a different kernel, but i can't see the Nexus S being powerful enough to breeze through it.
Live wallpapers for me use too much battery for too little eyecandy, though to each their own.
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At first I thought so too, but now I'm not so sure. It wasn't this bad in gjngerbread albeit 2.3 seemed a lot lighter and less ram intensive than ics. Also I ran the microbes lwp on my old g2 and it ran a lot better than my nexus s. I think its more of a software issue but I'm no dev.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
The only thing killing me is the lack of RAM. I really wished that Google went with 768+ MB.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Award Tour said:
The only thing killing me is the lack of RAM. I really wished that Google went with 768+ MB.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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They the Galaxy Nexus.
- chris
praveenmarkandu said:
has anyone tried the microbes live wallpaper. Im using stock ICS, stock kernel, non-rooted and it is just laggy as hell. Rest of the phone is ok, but i wouldnt call it buttery smooth
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Im got microbes swimmin around, no issues at all. stock ICS, stock kernel, rooted.
it shows its only using 3.7MB

XXLPB and Go Launcher

Ive recently installed both for first time and am getting some lag whilst using touch screen. Im trying to work out if its go launcher or this ics rom or a recently installed app. Any existing go launcher users would welcome your feedback.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
It's pretty much the only launcher I use.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
The LPB kernel has funky scrolling; you'll have to adjust the way you swipe, or get used to it.
It's slow on all Samsung leaked ICS ROMS.
I'm using it on andyX 5.2 and is very smooth. Rarely some slight cogging.
Gigor said:
I'm using it on andyX 5.2 and is very smooth. Rarely some slight cogging.
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Have to agree with the above. I installed the stock xxlpb and I found it almost sticky like when scrolling and it was near impossible when the phone was flat on it's back. I then installed AndyX 5.2 today and it's near perfect so far.
SaneinOne said:
It's pretty much the only launcher I use.
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Same here.
Using GoLauncher on 2.3.x for ages, no lag issues.
Though, IIRC it's on the S2 ICS that while TW has no lag, any other launcher will experience lag while scolling the homescreen.
No idea why, LBP didn't work at all for me, so I can't really try, I'm hoping for the next leak to come soon.
Flash the LP6 kernel to LPB to resolve the scrolling issue.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Why not just use the LPB thread to discuss this?

ICS Browser

anyone else notice how beast this thing is? I uninstalled dolphin. never seen xda scroll so
smooth. not to mention it loads pages almost as quickly as my desktop
ICS in general is smoother than any version of android previoulsy released. Scrolls, transition effects, the launcher, touch screen response, everything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
Yea, ICS is a beast. The browser is apart of it.
anybody compared stock ICS browser with chrome for android? i haven't gotten around to installing cm9 yet to find out myself.
I tried chrome once and it was still buggy but a guy at work is useing it and he swears buy it and claims it is much faster that the stock browser. have not fully side by side tested it my self though
Anyone got the apk to the ICS browser
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
ICS browser is awesome
chrome is even better however on mine (turl v9 build, tried it too with jokersax 0.2 beta) it crashes when I hit the tab select button so no go for now
mate there is no way to run it without ICS so apk would be pointless
djluis48 said:
ICS in general is smoother than any version of android previoulsy released. Scrolls, transition effects, the launcher, touch screen response, everything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
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"nothing further to be said your honor"
true story
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Chrome is much, much faster at rendering than stock. Their engines are similar but stock is considerably more dated. But chrome is still buggy, and with no ident switch its kind of useless.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G using Tapatalk on AT&T, the company that disappoints me so much that I have to use my tapatalk signature to tell everyone
I cant wait for the chrome browser to be more stable. i am starting to dance just thinking about it

Using ICS

Bad Things
-Color Scheme
-Error in Callender sync (only in some devices)(thanks to smashbox)(can be fixed by doing a full wipe/restore)
To Make it Good
-Use Nova Launcher (in 8x10 grid) (thanks to aletheus)
Seems somewhat more responsive than Honeycomb though (not with Touchwiz). But still testing.
The looks is according to one's taste, I suppose--I liked the (pure) ICS look on my Galaxy Nexus so have little complaints here on the 7.7, especially after I switch from Touchwiz to Nova Launcher (same on my Nexus).
Added screencap of my homescreen. (Nova Launcher, Suave HD icons, Simiclock Widget.)
I don't know what condition your tablet is, but mine is noticeably snappier.
- Nexus S
- Motorola Atrix
- Sony Tablet S
Where did you get ICS? P6800 hasn't got official ICS yet.
Update: Ok, it seems that there is a torrent with some ICS update. Need to investigate more.
deio said:
Where did you get ICS? P6800 hasn't got official ICS yet.
Update: Ok, it seems that there is a torrent with some ICS update. Need to investigate more.
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Or read xda, official update man. . .
deio said:
Where did you get ICS? P6800 hasn't got official ICS yet.
Update: Ok, it seems that there is a torrent with some ICS update. Need to investigate more.
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Yeah, it hit the forums yesterday morning. What a great un-birthday present from samsung!!!
On topic:
I am surprised to be loving touchwiz! Its certainly not lagging, the entire device is much faster. I draw using sketchbook pro and photoshop touch, so the "force gpu rendering" under settings>development seems to have even sped up drawing capabilities. Lag is barely noticeable, whereas before it was inhibitive.
As far as colors, OP, you mean color sceme for ICS?
I'm disappointed to see color banding in gradients still, thouh it does seem a little better now...
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
deio said:
Where did you get ICS? P6800 hasn't got official ICS yet.
Update: Ok, it seems that there is a torrent with some ICS update. Need to investigate more.
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You can get it from
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
aletheus said:
Yeah, it hit the forums yesterday morning. What a great un-birthday present from samsung!!!
On topic:
I am surprised to be loving touchwiz! Its certainly not lagging, the entire device is much faster. I draw using sketchbook pro and photoshop touch, so the "force gpu rendering" under settings>development seems to have even sped up drawing capabilities. Lag is barely noticeable, whereas before it was inhibitive.
As far as colors, OP, you mean color sceme for ICS?
I'm disappointed to see color banding in gradients still, thouh it does seem a little better now...
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
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I love TouchWiz too and don't know why it's not in this Austrian update... Does anybody know???
Yes I meant Color Scheme of ICS, which is so awful, hope it gets a new color scheme in next update....
By the way I think that the way notifications pop up should be changed... What do you think???
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
vask9924 said:
I love TouchWiz too and don't know why it's not in this Austrian update... Does anybody know???
Yes I meant Color Scheme of ICS, which is so awful, hope it gets a new color scheme in next update....
By the way I think that the way notifications pop up should be changed... What do you think???
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The Austrian ICS update does have TouchWiz. It's the new look of TouchWiz 5, as also seen on the Samsung Galaxy S III. There are many new features to explore under Apps and Widgets.
I've put on forced GPU rendering. Touchwiz still seems slightly (but still noticeably) laggy, albeit less than HC
morkli said:
The Austrian ICS update does have TouchWiz. It's the new look of TouchWiz 5, as also seen on the Samsung Galaxy S III. There are many new features to explore under Apps and Widgets.
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Yao, TouchWiz is getting awful with every update.....
I know it's a stupid question, can't we change TouchWiz into others like HTC sense?
I wish that soon there will be an CMW ICS ROM with everything working
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vask9924 said:
Yao, TouchWiz is getting awful with every update.....
I know it's a stupid question, can't we change TouchWiz into others like HTC sense?
I wish that soon there will be an CMW ICS ROM with everything working
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I was liking it myself, but you can try nova launcher. I've actually hared touchwiz myself, but figured i'd give it a try.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
aletheus said:
I was liking it myself, but you can try nova launcher. I've actually hared touchwiz myself, but figured i'd give it a try.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thank you for your opinion, it's too good after some modifications.... Thanks.....
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
Anyone noticed if you don't change font size to large, all 3rd party launchers fonts look microscopic (but touchwiz is fine on medium)?
wintermute000 said:
Anyone noticed if you don't change font size to large, all 3rd party launchers fonts look microscopic (but touchwiz is fine on medium)?
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yeah i notice that as well. font is so small on ADW EX.
How is Nova? Is it better?
anyone having sync issues with the calendar?
ruffruff said:
yeah i notice that as well. font is so small on ADW EX.
How is Nova? Is it better?
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Yes, it's good after customisation...
I used it with grid 8x10 in landscape mode....
I think you should try it........
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
smashbox said:
anyone having sync issues with the calendar?
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Nope, do you have issues with it ?
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
I find that the touchscreen works better with and without stili. I use a cheep logiix one.
It also charges faster and the charge lasts better.
WiFi seems to be faster and picks up signel better.
I cant seem to get root but no big deal,yet.
Funny that CMW and say I have done it but It isent true?
---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------
Oh, and the GPS is still topnoch.
vask9924 said:
Nope, do you have issues with it ?
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
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Yes. Says there is a sync error for both exchange and gmail

[Q] Lag, lag, lag...

I love that there's a great selection of ROMs for the Find 5. My problem is that they all run really smooth at first but then start to lag badly after installing apps. I barely modify any of the launcher settings. I've experienced this with every ROM I have flashed. I am using TWRP and always reset to factory settings and wipe the system before installing a ROM and I still experience lag. Am I doing anything wrong or any ideas on what to do to get rid of the lag?
You getting lag on stock also? I haven't noticed any real lag anywhere :-/
Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
When I was on stock I would get a little lag, and the UI in general would be choppy, some frame drops. Its worse when I flashed any of the ROMs. At first its smooth, then it starts to slow down.
Sent from my X909 using xda app-developers app
mmart19 said:
When I was on stock I would get a little lag, and the UI in general would be choppy, some frame drops. Its worse when I flashed any of the ROMs. At first its smooth, then it starts to slow down.
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Yes I have to agree... At first you're like awesome! Then 2 days later you're like WTF! So yeah I agree with the lag issue whether stock or CM
Sent from the OPPOsite Style phone
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Coreym said:
You getting lag on stock also? I haven't noticed any real lag anywhere :-/
Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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What is stock to you?
Sent from the OPPOsite Style phone
Jess813 said:
Yes I have to agree... At first you're like awesome! Then 2 days later you're like WTF! So yeah I agree with the lag issue whether stock or CM
Sent from the OPPOsite Style phone
---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 AM ----------
What is stock to you?
Sent from the OPPOsite Style phone
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Stock firmware.. Either the betas or "official" releases.
Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
On both Official and Beta firmware, I get the same experience. CM 10.1 has been the best for me so far bit it still lags quite a bit. I see people post that some custom ROMs are as smooth as a stock Nexus 4 but I can't get close to that at all with any of them. I have a Nexus 4 and its buttery smooth. I just wish I can get my Find 5 to be as smooth....then I'd be extremely happy.
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mmart19 said:
On both Official and Beta firmware, I get the same experience. CM 10.1 has been the best for me so far bit it still lags quite a bit. I see people post that some custom ROMs are as smooth as a stock Nexus 4 but I can't get close to that at all with any of them. I have a Nexus 4 and its buttery smooth. I just wish I can get my Find 5 to be as smooth....then I'd be extremely happy.
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Well if you think about it. It's never going to be as quick as the nexus 4
Oppo find 5 = Qualcomm s4
resolution = 1080 full hd
Nexus 4 = Qualcomm s4
resolution = 720 hd
The processor is getting pushed a lot harder.
I've been on firmware 5/14 and 2 days lag free....
Sent from the OPPOsite Style phone
Jess813 said:
I've been on firmware 5/14 and 2 days lag free....
Any custom kernel?
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mmart19 said:
Jess813 said:
I've been on firmware 5/14 and 2 days lag free....
Yes, on Faux's latest
Any custom kernel?
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