Metro Apps Won't Launch? - Windows 8 General

I know this topic has been talked about and there are solutions to the issue. I have tried them all, and none seem to work. Resolution is at its highest, I have the latest drivers, tried the local user method, blah blah. I do have one issue though, the registry edit method: I backed up my registry, saved the info that has been posted online for fixing the metro ui to a file called metro-ui-tile-fix.reg. When I run it, I get an error telling me that it is not a registry script, and that I can only import registry files. Anybody have any tips for me?
The only other method I haven't tried is fresh installing. That also isn't really a great option, because I don't want to lose any of the 600gb worth of stuff I have on my internal drive, and my external has only 260gb free.

pudgybunnyBry said:
I know this topic has been talked about and there are solutions to the issue. I have tried them all, and none seem to work. Resolution is at its highest, I have the latest drivers, tried the local user method, blah blah. I do have one issue though, the registry edit method: I backed up my registry, saved the info that has been posted online for fixing the metro ui to a file called metro-ui-tile-fix.reg. When I run it, I get an error telling me that it is not a registry script, and that I can only import registry files. Anybody have any tips for me?
The only other method I haven't tried is fresh installing. That also isn't really a great option, because I don't want to lose any of the 600gb worth of stuff I have on my internal drive, and my external has only 260gb free.
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Make a small (50-100gb) partition on your drive and try installing onto that.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2


NET CF 3.5 help

Hi, I believe I have quite a big problem here. I read somewhere else on this site that if certain .NET CF programs did not run, then to delete the enitre LocalMachine/Software/Microsoft/.NET something something registry entry. I did this, soft reset my phone, and of course, now all .net programs wont run. I've tried reinstalling with a cab file, copying and pasting OEM files, and going into the registry and changing the key in the .net folder that enables version 3.5. If anyone has a solution to this please let me know because I depend on .NET CF for almost all of my programs.
fraggy4 said:
Hi, I believe I have quite a big problem here. I read somewhere else on this site that if certain .NET CF programs did not run, then to delete the enitre LocalMachine/Software/Microsoft/.NET something something registry entry. I did this, soft reset my phone, and of course, now all .net programs wont run. I've tried reinstalling with a cab file, copying and pasting OEM files, and going into the registry and changing the key in the .net folder that enables version 3.5. If anyone has a solution to this please let me know because I depend on .NET CF for almost all of my programs.
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You may have to hard reset. If you didn't backup, I suggest you start to. Or, try adding the key you deleted. You should never mess with the system/registry if you don't backup!
I agree. A hard reset is your best bet. I've made similiar mistakes as well. I've tried reinstalling the affected programs, all I ended up doing was getting numerous error messages. It's really hard trying to figure out which programs are affected and which are not. I lost a lot of important data, but it taught me the importance of backing up my work.
Man, that sucks. If its possible, could anyone who has an xv6900 post the registry keys for net cf 3.5? I'm going to try reinstalling an older version, back to 2.0 SP1. If that doesn't work, I'll let you know.
Edit: I installed 2.0 SP1 and it still doesnt work. I'm starting to think it's not a registry problem though, because I search around and this seems to be an assembly problem or something. It says it can't find Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Utilities and it gives me this keytoken: '31bf3856ad364e35'. If that means anything please let me know.
Edit: Woohoo! I fixed it! sort of. I downloaded dll files of the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.******** assemblies i was missing and pasted them in the program folders for the programs that need netcf. However, I will have to keep doing this unless I can find a registry key that points to where the dll is. If anyone has a registy key that points to Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Utilities and Forms please post it here so I can copy it.

App Unlock cab. for Tmobile HD2

I am still having problems installing most cabs. Only a few are working for some reason? I have searched and searched and can't find any help. Is there an app unlock that will work on my Tmobile HD2? I saw one for the Tilt2 but not sure if it would work on mine. I could use some help this is driving me crazy.
I am still having problems installing most cabs. Only a few are working for some reason?
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I know some cabs require soft reset or even recycle power. Exactly what apps are not working?
Is there an app unlock that will work on my Tmobile HD2?
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Are you trying to unlock DEMO's? Kindly explain more what does this app do as i am curious what it is? If you are, this forum does not allow it.
I know that some cabs. require a soft reset after installing but my problem is most cabs won't install. The download fine but then say uninstallable. They are good clean cabs like BsB Tweaks and several others from here, also I tried from sites like and still they won't install. A very few do and one I tried was sdkcerts hoping that maybe I'd get lucky but it didn't help. I'm not trying to install any trials or anything. I don't know what else to do, I have searched and searched and haven't found anything that works yet. I'm not that proficient that I feel comfortable flashing anything yet. I love the phone but not being able to install most things sucks. Tweaking the phone is one of my favorite things, I'll work up to flashing later hopefully. If anyone can help I could sure use it.
@N1M1TZ: I can vouch that amstaff's intentions are legit, we've just been unable to get most any cabs to install for him so far.
@amstaff: I'm honestly believing that with everything else we've tried, it's proabably time to try a hard-reset...I haven't turned up anything else that could address your problem (no app unlock, etc). It's actually a very simple procedure, and has often cleared up odd issues that defy every other attempt. The only downside is that it resets any tweaks etc that you've done since starting, but if you're having trouble installing everything anyway, I'm guessing you haven't been able to make too many changes. You'll just want to back up your contacts (easy), and see if this forces your phone to behave. We'll be happy to help you through the process if you want.
Does your uSD card have a write lock switch? Not sure if the card that came from Tmous had one or not. I am using a C6 card which doesn't happen to have one. Anyway, another thing to check as this can disallow write access to the SD card.
Another thing to try is copying the cab file to internal memory, turning off the phone, removing the SD card then trying to install in internal memory without the SD card in the phone. You can always uninstall it if you wanted it on the card but this should rule out some problems.
Sirphinkee-I went ahead and tried a hard reset, you're right it didn't really matter since I have only been able to install a few things. It still has the same problem.
Decim8-I looked at my card and there is no lock on it. I don't think that would be the problem anyway since it does install a few cabs. That's what I don't understand I can't figure out why it will a couple but so many others it won't? I know the cabs. are legit cabs. and they are from reliable sources and people. It's better than 90% of the cabs. I'd like to install keep saying uninstallable. I tried your suggestion of installing to the phone directly without having the sd card in and still they won't install. Downloading them to card or to hard drive is no problem only the installation.
Has anyone heard of an App Unlock cab. for the T-mobile HD2? I just don't know what else to do, I don't want to flash as I don't know that much yet and I saved for quite a while to get this phone and a HD2 brick would be terrible.
Thanks for the ideas so far guys-
amstaff72 said:
Sirphinkee-I went ahead and tried a hard reset, you're right it didn't really matter since I have only been able to install a few things. It still has the same problem.
Decim8-I looked at my card and there is no lock on it. I don't think that would be the problem anyway since it does install a few cabs. That's what I don't understand I can't figure out why it will a couple but so many others it won't? I know the cabs. are legit cabs. and they are from reliable sources and people. It's better than 90% of the cabs. I'd like to install keep saying uninstallable. I tried your suggestion of installing to the phone directly without having the sd card in and still they won't install. Downloading them to card or to hard drive is no problem only the installation.
Has anyone heard of an App Unlock cab. for the T-mobile HD2? I just don't know what else to do, I don't want to flash as I don't know that much yet and I saved for quite a while to get this phone and a HD2 brick would be terrible.
Thanks for the ideas so far guys-
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There is no "app unlock" cab. It make no sense that some cabs install and some don't. Are you making sure that they are cabs and not zip files? And you are leaving the cab files together... not un-zipping the cabs? (cab files will look like a rar or zip file on your pc.) All the files you are using are single files ending in .cab, right? And you are copying them over to your device, then launching them from your device?
zarathustrax said:
There is no "app unlock" cab. It make no sense that some cabs install and some don't. Are you making sure that they are cabs and not zip files? And you are leaving the cab files together... not un-zipping the cabs? (cab files will look like a rar or zip file on your pc.) All the files you are using are single files ending in .cab, right? And you are copying them over to your device, then launching them from your device?
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They aren't zipped. I had a Fuze before this phone and never had a problem like this one. I'm doing the same thing with this HD2 as I did with it. I download to the sdcard, then try to install. I've downloaded to card and tried to install to card, I've downloaded to card and tried to install to device, I've downloaded to device and tried to install to device it's always the same thing.
Amstaff, did you get my PM?
Java Unlock for HD2
I get certificate messages when trying to install unsigned Java apps. Particularly mTorrent. cant be authorized because c=us;o=verisign, inc;ou=class 3 public primary certification is disabled.
Possible solution
The same happened to me when I first got the phone. I found a solution in this. First back up all your data from the SD Card. This is really important as yo will loose everything that's on the card. After, Format the SD Card to Fat 32.
Now import all the cabs to the SD Card and install them.
If for some reason you still cant get the to run try this cab. They are certificates that help overcome the security locks.
I have the same issue. Tried downloading/test a couple of different adroid builds and after a restart found the file "is not singed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found."
Cab install - solved
Had issues with this previously. Had to do a hard reset with the power + up/down volume buttons at startup.
This corrected the issues with cabs being locked out.

HD2 certificate/component problem

Up until a few days ago, my HD2 was working fine. Then I tried to install Android. I used the one that you just copy to the storage card and run a file called zharet.exe ( !!NOT HARET.EXE!! ). I think it was Cotulla's ROM. First time, it crashed. Second time, meaning after I installed Radio ROM version 2.12, which is required (more specifically, 2.08 or above is required, but 2.12 was easier to find), it started and installed, then rebooted. Third time it worked and was able to send a text message to my stepfather. I switched back to WinMO to ask him if it got there, then I started Android again. It crashed, sending me to the boot screen of WinMO. Upon this start I was no longer able to run many files (executables), the running of which resulted in the message "The File *PROGRAM NAME* cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I have tried numerous fixes:
Soft reset
Reinstalling the applications
Seeing if .NET Compact Framework was installed; the phone claimed it was, but I couldn't find any trace of it and so I tried to reinstall it. I was not able to, so I "uninstalled" it from the phone, which still thought it had it; the operation took no time, so I doubt it was there in the first place. When I tried installing it to the phone again, it said that this version was already in the ROM. Also tried installing an older version of the CF, but it just said I had a newer version.
Switching memory cards (3 different ones)
Renaming the memory card and restarting, a fix recommended to some other people who had a problem with similar symptoms. It refused to cooperate and said that the memory card could not be renamed.
My next step will be to rename the memory card using a device other than the phone itself.
I don't want to hard reset as I wish to keep my messages and contacts, but if that's what is needed to "un-half-brick" this phone, I will of course do it. The way it acts now, I might as well have kept my n95.
It is worth noting that HardSPL should be installed, as it was required for the Radio ROM flash.
EDIT: HardSPL install IS verified, boot screen reads as follows:
PB81100 HX-BC
CotullaHSPL 0x30
In this thread, Gargoyle999 is describing my exact problem:
Keep in mind that this phone is Norwegian with Telenor as its carrier, although the phone itself is not locked and capable of using any carrier.
EDIT: The files that may not be run are mostly third-party ones, like MorphGear, zharet, Google Maps and so on. Most programs that came with the phone, like Copilot, Footprints and Opera work.
I am not too familiar with XDA, so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong section or making some other rookie mistake xD
I am having the same issued on one of my HD2's...anyone??? Help!!!!
This is NOT and android problem.
I'm not exactly sure, but it's a security measure in WinMo that disallows unsigned programs from running after the system has crashed due to those programs running, probably to protect the system from malicious programs.
All you need to do is disable security on it. There are various thread on this site in different places that tell you how to. Personally, I found the mobile security configurations manager(windows) is the best way. Just plug in your phone in WinMo, using activesync, open the program, and load device. Then you can just select no security, and provision it. It'll overwrite all the proper registery settings and whatnot for you.
Also, GOOGLE IT. I found all this information myself just by searching "Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file" +windows mobile 6.5
Yes, yes Google it...I understand...But guess what? I did and found the same utility. And guess what? I got another error when it tries to install a cab file on the phone and for whatever reason the cab file errors out...I came here after reading and trying a ton of stuff and happened upon the OP's topic today.
Another thing is I realize it may not be an Android specific problem BUT prior to installing the mattcfroyo build and then attempting to test another build I didn't have any issue installing a cab file from the SD card. Also before anyone offers about installing another SD card I tried that also and no haps.
Weird and I am still searching for a solution but again XDA is the spot and researching here has not provided me with a working solution as of now....sssooooo...HELP!? Or not...
lstrike said:
Yes, yes Google it...I understand...But guess what? I did and found the same utility. And guess what? I got another error when it tries to install a cab file on the phone and for whatever reason the cab file errors out...I came here after reading and trying a ton of stuff and happened upon the OP's topic today.
Another thing is I realize it may not be an Android specific problem BUT prior to installing the mattcfroyo build and then attempting to test another build I didn't have any issue installing a cab file from the SD card. Also before anyone offers about installing another SD card I tried that also and no haps.
Weird and I am still searching for a solution but again XDA is the spot and researching here has not provided me with a working solution as of now....sssooooo...HELP!? Or not...
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Look up all of the google registry fixes, and try every single one of them.
If none of them work and the program I recommended doesn't work, backup and hard-reset.
then, when it's done first thing use that program to disable security.
Also, most custom ROMs have security disabled by default.
Well I just went ahead and flashed a new rom and I am good to go...
I have tried your application. Got the same results as lstrike, error when installing CAB file. Also, how am I supposed to edit the registry when I can't run third party programs?
Will flash Miri's ROM soon. Any idea of whether or not that one has security disabled by default?
sigh i got the exact same problem after trying to run andriod.... any luck?
same problem here, did anyone face the problem then resolve it?
I found the solution !
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
Thank you, this solution saved my day!
Rat01 said:
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
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Excellent! great work, thank you!
Rat01 said:
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
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Thank you!

Can't boot 'Droid' on TMOUS HD2 keep getting software not trusted cert

Hi, ( i hope this is the right forum for this or if not can someone please help me or direct me to the right now to resolve this) just wondering if anyone(s) out there that had this problem after they had any of the TMOUS HD2 'Driods' hacks installed on a SD card, had it running for a while, then turn off your phone, try to restart and get this error (this is occuring on both the CLRCAD and HARET programs) "The File 'XXXX" cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem preresist, try reinstalling or restoring this file". i have already formatted and reinstalled the files on the SD card and been to most of the forums here about this issue for their resolution. (all with no luck) If there anyone out there with a simple resoultion (hopefully nothing too complex like a reg hack) can you please help me out with this issue. Thanks in advance
Is haret and the clr cab on the root and the Android files inside the Android folder?
Don't know much more than that. Try a diff winmo Rom I guess.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
All of the files are still in the same directory and tried different ROMs, like i mentioned i had it running well for a while until i shut down the phone. Dont know if the "'Driod' hacks" or some unkown "update" from T-moble had something to do with it...
I have the same problem and I have also tried the same fixes you have I dont know what to do hopefully we can get a solution.
Perhaps try SDA unlocker? It removes the need for .CAB's or .exe's to be signed with a certificate. Either search the forums here or Google for "SDA Unlocker", download it, connect your phone via USB, and run the program to remove the lock.
Doesn't bsb tweats get rid of that. It'll let you run install unsigned cabs.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I don't remember, I have always just used SDA unlocker with every device i've ever owned with a stock ROM.
Can yall please shoot me a link to bsb tweats or sda unlocker so I can get this android running again asap thanks
alright this is getting real weird just to give you an update I found sdk certificates and it didnt install I tried restarting and installing it on the sd card and phone memory. I also found bsb tweak and it didnt install. I downloaded .net 3.5 but it said I have and updated version already so I completely dont know what to do all I want is the android to work again. Also just to let you know I have tried other build s of the android just to troubleshoot they all say the same thing now not signed with trusted certificate or one of its components is missing. It seems like tmobile blocked it. I truly need someones helps can you please give me an answer
I'm having the same problem, but only after I switch back to WinMo from Android.
This also is happening to me. I am unable to install any .cabs from the memory card. I installed HD2Tweak earlier and now it gives the same error. I can install from Windows Market.... What gives?

Manual backup of certain data

Hi Everyone, as the title suggest this is about manually backing up your data from installed apps
Theres nothing complicated about it but it is a bit time consuming to start with, ive tried this on several programs, using the following process,
Back up the data,
Uninstalling the program,
Install the program,
Running the program to confirm the previous data had gone,
Put the backup back in place,
Finally running the program again to confirm the old data was back.
first things first, you will need windows phone device manager
now, use the file explorer and navigate to your "Applications\data folder
within here you will find everything you have installed listed as numbers and letters
the time consuming part is trying to work out what is what. The folder your looking for within each folder is called "IsolatedStore" that contains everything as far as i can see for that app
Simply transfer that folder to your PC,
To use it again, simply install the app, then copy the backup back overwriting whats there.
Cache and History dont seem to copy but ive not found an issue as yet with this
Ive not tried this after a full reset
Ive not looked for a way of doing this with SMS messages, i doubt it will be in the same location but its possible i suppose if you can find it
anyhow, I might just give NoDo a try now that i can "backup" my important data
was also thinking that perhaps this could be intigrated in to windows phone device manager, ive tried installing and removing an app several times and its always used the same folder name, i dont know if this is the case across devices, but if it is, potentially a database could be used... just a thought
just wait for the new version of windows phone device manager
which ive just been told will contain a back up utility!
i think it will hit beta users soon-ish
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
Robbie P said:
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
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yeah that is a pain, ive been searching all damn night to see if i can find where they are but so far nothing, im guessing its within some protected area or within one of the DB files which cant be copied off.
wheres the pst files when you need them, MS have always managed to hide them in odd places
anyhow, perhaps im missing something, if not, then maybe sms backup will not be apart of his program because im buggered if i can find the things!.
SMS backup
Sorry to bump this thread but I thought I would add a link to where you can backup SMS.
Just for completeness!

