Hw decoding/encoding is now possible for MSM7x27 SoCs - XPERIA X8 General

I know it's out of my league, but i cant hold it back because hw decoding/encoding solution are possible now for MSM7x27 SoCs
Head to Modified libstagefright to use legacy Qualcomm OMX IL libs on ICS for MSM7x27 SoCs

vote for it to be featured on the portal. that will get the attention of more devs.

i know right?
nothing is impossible
Screw qualcomm

anyone now can tell me how to install on my jb rom this drivers?

this should be moved to dev section I think

but didnt qualcomm COMPLETELY abandon this.....

D: its a great notice, but this drivers can be added to any cm9 or cm10 rom? (for example: MiniCM9 (nAa) )

HemdonG said:
but didnt qualcomm COMPLETELY abandon this.....
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Qualcomm YES, XDA Comunity NO!
Sent from my E15i using xda premium

how to add this drivers on my rom?

ElmirBuljubasic said:
Qualcomm YES, XDA Comunity NO!
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
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hell yea!! the major companies should hire workforce from xda!!!

n00b question here: How the hell do I flash this on MiniCM9? D:

You can't flash it as it's a source code. I already tried it with isdx and camcorder works. I had some issues with playing movies though. Be patient.
Sent from my X8 using xda premium

Kinda tempted to try this on ICZaraki

So it means, that our developers started to work on this. Be patient, and don't ask stupid things like:
'How to install'
'When will it come to our device'
And thank it to the developers! With the button!
And for developers. It might help.
OliverG96 said:
Decoder works perfectly for very low quality videos (320x240), on higher resolution, sometimes lags.
Youtube HQ, works much more faster, but the same, sometimes lags an skip lots on frames.
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darknessx10 said:
this should be moved to dev section I think
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Nah, it's a discussion. Nothing actually developed here
The dev work from scratch doing comparing the lib or whatever is was.... implementing (replacing) to/the original android's media handling process is a hard thing to do
So, let us be patience

is this for msm7x27 soc or msm7x27A? as i ever heard the 'A' version is a lower end of armv7 while a our chipset is armv6.
Sent from my E15i using xda premium

is this for msm7x27 soc or msm7x27A? as i ever heard the 'A' version is a lower end of armv7 while a our chipset is armv6.
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
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Msm7227a DOESN'T need this
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ElmirBuljubasic said:
Msm7227a DOESN'T need this
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
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ohh. i get it. sorry guys..
Sent from my E15i using xda premium

just an update... OMX fixed on JellyBean too. Video encoding/decoding works. That means HQ youtube and video camera.
Hope nAa can implement these changes in next JB update. cheers

I tried that but now not working on our device. This needed more work.


Arm6 or Arm7

I have FroyoBread v022 from doixanh.When I download games for Android 2.2+, and when I install them, my phone bugs and I have to reboot it.Maybe it's because of the Arm Version ?? I would like also to know wich Arm Version do I have in my v022. Thanks.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
X8 has Armv6 processor
Is it possible to replace the Arm6 by arm7 ??
.....sorry for bad english.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
Lol,this is not a pc,u cant change the hw.
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
abaz123 said:
Is it possible to replace the Arm6 by arm7 ??
.....sorry for bad english.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
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Its ARMv6, ARMv7
And yes!!
Buy an another phone
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
I don't want to start another topic, so I will ask there, hope you wouldn't mind.
I don't know much about mobile devices hardware, but would it be possible to change some hardware parts, if there was a custom kernel? Like having an x10 mini camera in our devices?
I ask, just to learn something, it's not like I'm trying to create a frankenstein monster from two phones, thanks.
Mr. Hat said:
I don't want to start another topic, so I will ask there, hope you wouldn't mind.
I don't know much about mobile devices hardware, but would it be possible to change some hardware parts, if there was a custom kernel? Like having an x10 mini camera in our devices?
I ask, just to learn something, it's not like I'm trying to create a frankenstein monster from two phones, thanks.
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Wtfi, maybe ur the first modding it....
Sent from my LG P500 with Franco v1 (12 July) using Xda premium app
even if you could change certain hardware aspects you have the problem of incompatable software, and unless your a dev or you get a dev to rewrite a rom you would just end up with a brick. Best of luck if you do decide to try hardware modding.
Thanks guys, as I said, I'm not gonna mod hardware of my phone, it was just hypothetical question.

Adreno new libs for X10?

Hello. I've seen this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1503477 . it's about an increase in video performance, with new adreno libs. We also have the adreno 200 gpu. Some devs and testers could test this if it works and brings some good performance increase? tks.
pixule said:
Hello. I've seen this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1503477 . it's about an increase in video performance, with new adreno libs. We also have the adreno 200 gpu. Some devs and testers could test this if it works and brings some good performance increase? tks.
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look promising...might solve a lot lag in x10. lets see how our dev work with this.
I think these new libs are used by fxp since fxp106.
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maddes1402 said:
I think these new libs are used by fxp since fxp106.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
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What make you say so?
yugiyao said:
What make you say so?
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Probably because I have also tested FXP (FXP109), and 3D graphic is really good, but everything else is not so great..as in roms like Feralab..But, we don't know, FXP is still developing CM7.2 and CM9 (they are in alpha phase)..
This thing only gave me bootloops
yugiyao said:
What make you say so?
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It make me say so because some year ago I learned the ability called "reading"
Look here, mate (even FXP104)
We already have it since FXP 104. (see above post for changelog). Performance are definitely improved, rendering is a lot faster. And 3D FPS cap is removed, only on CM9 though.
maddes1402 said:
It make me say so because some year ago I learned the ability called "reading"
Look here, mate (even FXP104)
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yes - fxp has had it for a while, the difference was quite staggering too.
not sure if any stock based Roms have implemented them yet, i have not seen them mentioned on any other changelog - which is where i would expect it to be as it is a major selling point for any Rom.
it needs to be BUILT FROM SOURCE...and i think you guys know what that means? only achotjan and fxp ROMs hav it.
you can pull just /lib/egl folder from them and see how stock rom will lag like hell on new libs....lol
they depend on other libs so whole ROM needs to be compiled
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
championswimmer said:
it needs to be BUILT FROM SOURCE...and i think you guys know what that means? only achotjan and fxp ROMs hav it.
you can pull just /lib/egl folder from them and see how stock rom will lag like hell on new libs....lol
they depend on other libs so whole ROM needs to be compiled
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
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Many roms for the x10 mini already have it.
And yes gpu is vastly more re-active with the new libs.
Not just a boost for games... it really gives the interface a massive boost.
OmegaRED^ said:
Many roms for the x10 mini already have it.
And yes gpu is vastly more re-active with the new libs.
Not just a boost for games... it really gives the interface a massive boost.
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so who will bell the cat? i mean who will compile them for stock ROM's?
if there was someone, would have been done here...
on my.xperia s ROM, cosmic flow is not running solely due to absence of these new libs.
i could pay 10 dollars to anyone who does is for stock ... i want it man....i know how much it makes a change to the gpu
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
championswimmer said:
so who will bell the cat? i mean who will compile them for stock ROM's?
if there was someone, would have been done here...
on my.xperia s ROM, cosmic flow is not running solely due to absence of these new libs.
i could pay 10 dollars to anyone who does is for stock ... i want it man....i know how much it makes a change to the gpu
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
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Funny would have expected someone to do this already.
Where is DoomLord when you need him....
OmegaRED^ said:
Funny would have expected someone to do this already.
Where is DoomLord when you need him....
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tinkering with xperia s... see the guy..doesn't even have the device yet and already started developing on it..crazy fellow...lol
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
championswimmer said:
tinkering with xperia s... see the guy..doesn't even have the device yet and already started developing on it..crazy fellow...lol
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
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ha ha ha!!.
That is awesome.
DL will always get a thumbs up from me.
OmegaRED^ said:
Funny would have expected someone to do this already.
Where is DoomLord when you need him....
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there's no one left? is z still around?
So? are you guys collecting for donate?
i can send 50 to 100dlls dependig on the final product,for the one who make this happens.
So is this working for us X10 or not? [Miui Oodie?]
no dev taking up the challenge yet
I'll try when i have free time
Sent from my X10S using xda premium
try this

armV6 ICS Drivers Petition!

Hello Wildfirers
I recently saw this petition posted on the Android forums, not sure if they Re asking for all drivers or only GPU drivers. As the Wildfire is an armV6 device and we may get the camera and hardware acceleration working in Erwin's CM9 build along with many other things!
Here is the link:
Sent from my Wildfire using xda premium
But...how will we get hardware acceleration without a GPU ಠ_ಠ
nejc121 said:
But...how will we get hardware acceleration without a GPU ಠ_ಠ
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We don't, we rely on software acceleration to do it.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
I hope they release all drivers not just the GPU. Then Erwin's ICS ROM might have a working camera
Sent from my Wildfire using xda premium
Have they even made drivers for armv6?
I mean to begin with ics was only compiled for armv7, its only through dedicated developers like the cm team that we now have it on armv6 devices. I haven't looked into it much so I may be very wrong but on that basis I'm not getting my hopes up and believe we will have to wait for cm to fix our problems.
Still signed it though just in case.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
This is 2 posts down?? And the original as well. Why the double post?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
heavy_metal_man said:
This is 2 posts down?? And the original as well. Why the double post?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Me? In the other it says nothing about ICS Drivers or armV6 for that matter in the title. I didn't read the post because I was on G network on my phone so it would take ages. So I posted before someone else did.

[Check]Adreno libs for ARMv6

https://developer.qualcomm.com/deve...phics-optimization-adreno/tools-and-resources this is the link ... and if you go a little bit down the page you will see this : Drivers
Adreno 2xx User-mode Android ICS Graphics Driver (ARMv6)
Is this the drivers that we need ??
The exact link is this (you must be logged in to qualcomm's site) : https://developer.qualcomm.com/download/adreno200-aulinuxandroidicschococs04000306001-armv6.zip
might be.....
What exactly is the Android ICS graphics?
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Sorry for this post, I tapped it by accident
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You will not believe how fast this is...
nAa can you upload it somewhere please? taking forever for them to authenticate my account... love you long time if you do
that happiness, jajajja finally
So, what are the possibilities of these drivers for our lovely little phones?
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Patrol619 said:
So, what are the possibilities of these drivers for our lovely little phones?
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Fully working HW-acceleration, 3D and better preformance on ICS ROMs.
Is this really the drivers we all are hoping for?!?!?
hello ICS than it is...
it's gonna need some work....
I have the security that these are the libraries that we need! Thank God!
I am waiting 5 minutes for account confirmation in Qualcomm! HUGE thanks to Qualcomm!!
Sent From My W8 Using Tapatalk 2!!
That was really fast! I love Qualcomm! Now its your turn guys Bring us working ICS
Here is my mirror to Adreno libs: speedy.sh/zq9xZ/Adreno200-AU-LINUX-ANDROID-ICS-CHOCO-CS.
lucastan96 said:
I am waiting 5 minutes for account confirmation in Qualcomm! HUGE thanks to Qualcomm!!
Sent From My W8 Using Tapatalk 2!!
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good luck with that...took 1hr30mins for me
Lloir said:
good luck with that...took 1hr30mins for me
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What? Thats why after 5 minutes I still cant login...
Sent From My W8 Using Tapatalk 2!!
pfffft I had to wait longer lol ohwell
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
Waiting ICS!!!
Thanks qualcomm so much!
F*** yea!!!waiting eagerly!I hope someone will port this to ginger also
sent from no lag xperia x8 while listening DuBsTeP and having eargasms
That's certainly a great news!

[Tip] for better gaming performance (it's totally work)

First of all you need to have all thease stuffs:
1. unlocked bootloader
2. Rooted
First, flash the lastiest cm7 rom and kernel (not cm9)
Then, install chainfire3d and it plugin.
Go to settings - cm setting - performance - CPU setting - available governors - set it to ondemand, go to min cpu frequency - set it to 122, Max to 1401 - check set on boot
Open chainfire3d - go to default opengl settings - check reduce texture quality, - go to use plugins - set it to nvidia. Done!
Enjoy your massive improvement of gaming performance on xperia arc/arc S
Tested games:
-asphalt 6
-riptied gp
-Shadow gun
-cs protable
Edited: if you want a little bit faster overclock to 1.6 ghz
Don't for get to hit thank if i help you!
Why only GB? Not ics
Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk 2
ArcMan09 said:
Why only GB? Not ics
Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk 2
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Because GB can handle games much better than ics
Overclock could brick your phone
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
Will test
danisariandi said:
Overclock could brick your phone
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
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Why are you on xda developers?
Things like overclocking and modding are the whole point of this site.
While you might not want to unlock your bootloader and other things which "might" brick your phone, it is also unlikely you will if you follow the developers guides properly.
This guide here has nothing unusual that people aren't doing to their phones already.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
jayman1986 said:
Why are you on xda developers?
Things like overclocking and modding are the whole point of this site.
While you might not want to unlock your bootloader and other things which "might" brick your phone, it is also unlikely you will if you follow the developers guides properly.
This guide here has nothing unusual that people aren't doing to their phones already.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
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first of all i think you are right, but your first sentence was really unnecessary, he is just giving us his opinion.
I've tried this on my old device (SGT-5570)
It's become faster, no lag. But we'll sacrifice the graphic quality
from where can I install it ????
is it a programme in the market or what
From market
very good :good:
XarcShad0w said:
very good :good:
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Are you trying to get your post count above 10? LOL!
Swyped from my SE Xperia arc (LT15i) using Tapatalk 2
xtacy! said:
Are you trying to get your post count above 10? LOL!
Swyped from my SE Xperia arc (LT15i) using Tapatalk 2
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lol good good
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
I wouldnt do it
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emilfadillah said:
I wouldnt do it
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
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and this also count?
Why NVIDIA?:silly:
at997998 said:
Why NVIDIA?:silly:
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Yeah why nvidia? Will it help?
Sent From My Sony Xperia Arc S
simplyjustkids said:
Yeah why nvidia? Will it help?
Sent From My Sony Xperia Arc S
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Simple, for nvidia games.
Thanks! just downloading cm7 now
Ok! So we install nvidia for nvidia game? I though that it was based on the phone chipset and installed qualcomm. By the way, how do u know its working? I can't make out the difference after installing chainfire!
P.S. mine runs on stock froyo!
So is it even working?
sent from my Alcatel OT-890D
