Tutorial - Continuum General

I'm afraid I won't be doing a tutorial on how to move to gingerbread. I've argued with myself about it... several times, and I just don't feel comfortable making one for a process that I haven't done, then dropping any trouble shooting that comes afterwards in someone else's lap.
I'm still hitting this place every day, on the off chance I might be able to help with something, somehow. So, if y'all think of something, let me know.
This will probably be seen as a dead post, but I wanted I wanted to put it up, on the off chance that anyone was waiting for it (conceited sounding as that may come off ). Mods feel free to delete, at will.
Swyped from the land of unicorn porn

I was gonna post a video tutorial initially, but after you said you were gonna write up a guide I scrapped the idea. Since you've decided against releasing a guide, I guess I'll re-evaluate the idea. Would there be any interest in a video tutorial?

dfgged said:
I was gonna post a video tutorial initially, but after you said you were gonna write up a guide I scrapped the idea. Since you've decided against releasing a guide, I guess I'll re-evaluate the idea. Would there be any interest in a video tutorial?
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Most definitely. Video tutorials, if accurate, are almost always 99% more helpful than written ones. If I had a video camera, that would've been my route.
Swyped from the land of unicorn porn

Well then! Judging by the 3 thanks that I got yesterday, looks like I better start planning this video out!


????videos of how to!!!!

I know this website is really help and helps so much. But i was thinking if people can make or direct people to videos shows people step-by-step how to do things to there phone. i feel it will help alot. The text information that evryone gives is great but video can help alot.
and if it not really possible if you can takr pics or screen shots of the step-by-step directions that will also help.
what do you guys think??
If you have videos send us the link and describe whats is it about..
That is about the dumbest idea I've ever heard. Video howto's are fine for teaching people how to nail boards together to build a deck, but you suggest video howtos for how to use a COMPUTER... which is naturally TEXT/DIGIT based. Quite frankly, if you can't understand concise text instructions, then watching some retard who video'd himself pushing buttons is DEFINITELY going to make things MUCH WORSE.
I dont think its a dumb idea... i understand all the instructions i see on xda developers, but i am not new to computers so i wouldnt NEED a video but even i have watched some videos that have helped me out a great deal, and understand what im doing because the person shooting the video explains whats going on. Trouble is, who will have the time to do a video for each and every little tweak or adb push or rom flash etc...
bboy_201 you might see this happen through tmobile first before xda developers.... maybe google....
bbbblack said:
I dont think its a dumb idea... i understand all the instructions i see on xda developers, but i am not new to computers so i wouldnt NEED a video but even i have watched some videos that have helped me out a great deal, and understand what im doing because the person shooting the video explains whats going on. Trouble is, who will have the time to do a video for each and every little tweak or adb push or rom flash etc...
bboy_201 you might see this happen through tmobile first before xda developers.... maybe google....
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In some fairness if you're new to computers or aren't comfortable enough to be reading and using text based instructions, you probably shouldn't be flashing your phone or modding in the manner that is done here.
afflaq said:
In some fairness if you're new to computers or aren't comfortable enough to be reading and using text based instructions, you probably shouldn't be flashing your phone or modding in the manner that is done here.
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True. But from my own experience i learned computers by doing this kind of stuff right off the bat.. trial and error... so now its nothing to me really.
If you are BRAND NEW to computers and you dont understand basic commands, i believe video tutorials and basic reading would be good
lbcoder said:
That is about the dumbest idea I've ever heard. Video howto's are fine for teaching people how to nail boards together to build a deck, but you suggest video howtos for how to use a COMPUTER... which is naturally TEXT/DIGIT based. Quite frankly, if you can't understand concise text instructions, then watching some retard who video'd himself pushing buttons is DEFINITELY going to make things MUCH WORSE.
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Not everyone in your I.U. 20 class was able to learn by reading, some had to watch others or attempt themselves. A lot of them did manage to remove the stick, though.
If you want video how to's there are many out on the internet. Google it. But in my experience everyone that I have known that has tried to follow a video walk through has just made things worse. I have fixed many phone and even worse(bricked) because someone was following a video walk through. Just take the time to read the information and it will be a lot easier on you. One you have everything right there for your but the most important part is that you will learn more about what you are doing and hopefully get an understanding so that if something goes wrong you can fix it.
Just search youtube. How to root G1 Simple as that.
i gotta agree that videos of how to do most of this is a bad idea, most of the reason to root your phone or do any modding to it is so that we can find the full potential of the device, if you make videos then any idiot can do it and they will come here looking for help when they "brick" their phone. and rather than being a good forum poster they will not search and will start posting multiple threads all over asking for help because someone helped them the first time. if we make everyone read the instructions then in theory they will actually LEARN something and won't need to be spoonfed simple instructions such as rebooting/iping/reflashing/pulling the battery.
VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS ARE A BAD IDEA if you cannot read how to do it you shouldn't do it, if you do not know how to undo it you shouldn't do it either
Instead of videos, I believe text + pictures (screenshots) would be a better option. Because some people have annoying voices. lol.
andonnguyen said:
Instead of videos, I believe text + pictures (screenshots) would be a better option. Because some people have annoying voices. lol.
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just read the text, they're all here.. thats how i learned(nd most people) plus all my exprience with computers, which i read everything myself. not to be rude, dont be lazy and read man.
oh i never finished school HAHA, juvey most of the time(its not something to laugh about, if i can change the past i would)
wow some people gotta take it easy....
people learn differently and i was just suggesting that more than one way of showing how to do things would help out.
bboy_201 said:
wow some people gotta take it easy....
people learn differently and i was just suggesting that more than one way of showing how to do things would help out.
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I agree 100 man...
coolptut's youtube videos of how to root my phone where the most helpfull to me. there is a part one and part two. but then again I think they were more helpfull than here only because it said to copy/past the text to type into terminal emulator into notepad first so it was easier to see the spaces and such. I tried a few times before following the xda thread but kept making typos I guess becuase it never worked.
andonnguyen said:
Instead of videos, I believe text + pictures (screenshots) would be a better option. Because some people have annoying voices. lol.
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+1 on this one voices can get annoying
only time I watched a "Tutorial" was how to jailbreak my wife's iphone cause I didnt care much for her phone...(personally wanting to brick it too)
crxtasi said:
+1 on this one voices can get annoying
only time I watched a "Tutorial" was how to jailbreak my wife's iphone cause I didnt care much for her phone...(personally wanting to brick it too)
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man thats just wrong...

2.1 leak OFFICIAL root status thread.

Since nobody else has created this thread, thought it might be a good idea to have this 1 around.
Lets get this thing rooted
Edit:: Devs working on the 2.1 Leak root, please contact me via PM. It would be great to know who all is working hard on this
I believe the individual responsible for rooting the Legend is coming back from vacation tomorrow (IF the big ass ash cloud permits flying again), and there might be a chance it can be replicated onto the ERIS. So yeah, it's a good idea to put it all in one area.
I hope it can but im not holding my breath.
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Wonderful! Hopefully this will encourage more users to post progress of the rooting.
Perhaps a mod can sticky this thread?
Please sticky this thread
anom69 said:
Please sticky this thread
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And please, please, please can we keep it clean and on topic! Hope to see some stuff happening here. Go root!
Bump...waiting for the root of the 2.1 leak also...I will donate to the guy or team who does..
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
anom69 said:
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
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If they did its because of ungrateful people like you.
Most of the devs dont have Eris' anymore let alone an Eris with leaked 2.1 to test with. Te guy who rooted the desire/legend in one fell swoop was notified and has shown interest in helping. So keep your pants on, if you have 2.1 leak its your own fault for jumping the gun.
For the record I jumped the gun too, but acquired a new Eris which is now rooted.
Sometimes minor frustration sounds ungrateful. I'm pretty sure what was being commented on was the fact that no devs addressed the subject. And, I bet the OP'er was really just trying to get the subject back up in the first page.
My conscience won't let me turn in my Eris for a mistake I made. The rest of the folks who can't or won't turn their phones in for replacement are having to hope for the best, same as me and the OP'er.
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
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I try and stay current with all things eris. just tired of reading the same.old bump complaints
Sent from my Evil Eris v1.1 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
*sigh* I hear ya. Your gripe is totally valid. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.
As someone in the same position as anom69, I was glad to see this thread started.. if nothing else, then to toss out a line and see whether anybody was still plying at it.. I keep picturing the "real" hackers not bothering with the cheap/free/not-so-impressively-spec'd Eris and getting, instead, (what they might term) "real" phones.. basically echoing what you stated earlier..
The story of Legend-rooter dude sounds promising. It'd be awesome of it turns into something.
It's more like "geez i can't stand to hear these people whine, maybe I will get an iphone instead".
or a motodroid.
It was kinda annoying seeing a signature that says I have root, but I'm not going to share it too. Like, why be a d!ck if you figured it out? If you don't want to share it or be bugged, don't say anything.
I do tutorials and write-ups for a truck forum. If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
If someone is running leak version one and doesnt mind taking a chance, come hit me up on irc.wastate.net #droideris
piercedtiger said:
If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
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Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Okay, so your going to let one dude ruin the work that would help loads of people like me???? Personally, I'm amazed at the work all the devs put into these forums and thankful.
since I have started coming here for all my information on rooting and whatnot I have noticed one major theme that pops up over and over, there are a few devs here with a holier than thou attitude, if you are doing this for fun and nonprofit as you claim to, then deal with us noobs who can't do this stuff on our own, you cry and whine when someone asks a question, like we are intruding on your personal space, we only ask because we don't know how to do this ourselves and are kinda stuck sitting watching and waiting, and when all we see are threads about new roms and such for rooted users, it kinda leaves us wondering, what about me, yes you are right we jumped the gun with installing the leak, but who told us it was ok, it was you guys, we aces our trust in you devs because we trust what you have to say, leaving is now high and dry because everyone jumped ship and got a replacement phone or a Droid or whatever, so doors that make us the bad guys because we want to know, what about us?
and a second thing, I've read a couple threads where devs are kinda claiming responsibility for obtaining root, but when in reality, while it was "obtained", it was not done so in a legal, nor reproducable manner, as I heard someone hacked HTC and found a prerooted file, so while we do hold the devs in high reguard for being able to do what we cannot, please do not be so full of yourselves and forget that you are human just like us
sorry for the rant, but getting tired of some things around here
and also, not everything here applies to all the devs, but I won't name names here
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Honestly, after the way you acted last time someone "bothered" you about this I never expected to hear from you again about this let alone a solution.
So forgive me if I don't get upset about you bowing out again when someone speaks up.

How To root/flash/fully customize my G1: anyone in Houston TX?

I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
anyone in Houston TX?
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
anyone in Houston TX?
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
anyone in Houston TX?
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
watson4279 said:
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
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craigslist bro...
watson4279 said:
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
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i from Houston (well actually Clear Lake) and i can surely help you root your G1!!
The fact that he posted this in all the forums... I doubt he'll be around very long
wrong section mate. but PM me I live in the cypress area
Indianbuddha said:
i from Houston (well actually Clear Lake) and i can surely help you root your G1!!
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he's gonna want you to root something a HOLE lot more precious than his g1! lol and once that happens there aint a recovery mode or script that can bring it back. make sure u dont fry his kernel while u show him SUPERD. lmmfao sorry i couldnt resist lol
maybe he is being honest. i love how people never give anyone a real chance when someone on the internet actually wants to talk to a human being. what d-bags. and just for that i, too, am from h-town. northwest side. copperfield. lemme know wassup.
watson4279 said:
I was wondering if anyone had the time and patience to teach me how to root/flash/fully customize my G1 in person? I'm EXTREMELY new to all that my G1 is capable of, and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
Now, what I do have is money and a generous heart. If you are willing to meet with me in your free time and teach me what I would like to learn, you can definitely earn some donations for your expert work. I am 100% serious and definitely not wasting your time.
Feel free to contact me here
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It is a breach of our rules to cross post, double, triple or even quadruple post the same thing in several fora. Please do not do it again.
Merged from 3 other udentical threads.
Anyone ever play The Great Land Grab here in Houston? Gilly is a cheater!
callmecooper said:
maybe he is being honest. i love how people never give anyone a real chance when someone on the internet actually wants to talk to a human being. what d-bags. and just for that i, too, am from h-town. northwest side. copperfield. lemme know wassup.
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I am absolutely being honest. Thank you for the benefit of the doubt. I totally expected to get flamed in here. But, I had to take a chance.
Now,I tried asking around my circle of friends for help. No luck. I searched Craigslist locally. No luck. I watched Youtube videos to attempt this myself. No luck. I was referred here from Youtube videos and the amount of information was overwhelming and confusing to a non-tech guy such as myself.
I am a hands-on learner and the option of having one of you much more tech-savvy guys, or girls , at my side to guide me through this easily confusing process would be a real benefit.
Thank you to the people that gave an honest response. I will contact you all very soon and the most convenient person will be compensated for their time.
mikechannon said:
It is a breach of our rules to cross post, double, triple or even quadruple post the same thing in several fora. Please do not do it again.
Merged from 3 other udentical threads.
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Sorry about that Mike. I tried to read any rules regarding this, and I guessed I missed the rule.
Won't happen again. If I have a similar request, I'll contact a Mod and get their opinion before posting.
Thanks again.
Lol I used to have a CList ad on on rooting G1's in Houston but I moved like a month ago.
watson4279 said:
I am absolutely being honest. Thank you for the benefit of the doubt. I totally expected to get flamed in here. But, I had to take a chance.
Now,I tried asking around my circle of friends for help. No luck. I searched Craigslist locally. No luck. I watched Youtube videos to attempt this myself. No luck. I was referred here from Youtube videos and the amount of information was overwhelming and confusing to a non-tech guy such as myself.
I am a hands-on learner and the option of having one of you much more tech-savvy guys, or girls , at my side to guide me through this easily confusing process would be a real benefit.
Thank you to the people that gave an honest response. I will contact you all very soon and the most convenient person will be compensated for their time.
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Even non-tech there are STEP by STEP guides. Word for word. Action for action. You posting this really shows you just not trying. Sorry, but tech-junkie or not, even if G1 is your first phone you've ever had, if you actually watched all the youtube videos like you said you did and listened to the instructions, you would have been able to do it. It's really easy. VERY easy. If you've ever installed an OS on a computer, you can root a G1.
If you can't root, you don't need to. You will never be able to update your ROM and there's a 85% chance you'll brick your phone somewhere down the road. Also, if you can't do it, you probably don't even know the benefits other than being different.
and do not have the time or patience to learn this all on my own.
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You have the time. It takes roughly 30min at most to learn. You're just too lazy and unwilling and want someone else to do it for you. Sorry for being blunt, but honestly, if you never learn what you're doing you're not going to get far. You NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED to know how to do it yourself.
well allow me to retort
r3s-rt said:
Even non-tech there are STEP by STEP guides. Word for word. Action for action. You posting this really shows you just not trying. Sorry, but tech-junkie or not, even if G1 is your first phone you've ever had, if you actually watched all the youtube videos like you said you did and listened to the instructions, you would have been able to do it. It's really easy. VERY easy. If you've ever installed an OS on a computer, you can root a G1.
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Hey, thanks for your assumptions. You're really contributing to this thread.
And I did try, for like 3 days straight. The videos are confusing and differ in instructions. Also, I've never installed an OS on my computer.
r3s-rt said:
If you can't root, you don't need to. You will never be able to update your ROM and there's a 85% chance you'll brick your phone somewhere down the road. Also, if you can't do it, you probably don't even know the benefits other than being different.
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Shouldn't being able to make your phone different reason enough? Why do you care why I wanna do it?
r3s-rt said:
You have the time. It takes roughly 30min at most to learn. You're just too lazy and unwilling and want someone else to do it for you. Sorry for being blunt, but honestly, if you never learn what you're doing you're not going to get far. You NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED NEED to know how to do it yourself.
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I really don't have the time and I am definitely not lazy. I tried my best on my own and I failed. So I thought I'd reach out to a community much better at this than myself to see if they could help. I don't want someone to do it for me. I want someone to teach me how to do it efficiently, so I can mod my phone at will on my own. I didn't think that was too much to ask.
You have a good day sir
Hey, thanks for your assumptions. You're really contributing to this thread.
And I did try, for like 3 days straight. The videos are confusing and differ in instructions. Also, I've never installed an OS on my computer.
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Edit: Forgot to put this in here. You've never installed an OS?! Then no, you REALLY don't need to root if you're that bad technically.
You're welcome for my assumptions, if you listen you might save a phone.
Ok, that's exactly my point. If you tried for 3 days straight, which I doubt, and didn't succeed, you don't need to do it. Ever.
They are NOT all different and do NOT all differ in instructions. How do I know this? There's only two ways. One click - or downgrade and one click.
You copy dream.nbh, rflashrec.apk, and recovery.img to your sdcard, hold back and power on. It picks up dream.nbh, you install it. You boot, find a file manager. Navigate to to flashrec.apk. Install it. Open it, type in /sdcard/recovery.img (if that's where it's saved and named) and look at that.
Four lines of text! Would take me 15 min to do at most.
Shouldn't being able to make your phone different reason enough? Why do you care why I wanna do it?
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I care because you're just going to end up bricking your phone. You might not, but the chances are highly probable if you can't even do this.
I really don't have the time and I am definitely not lazy. I tried my best on my own and I failed. So I thought I'd reach out to a community much better at this than myself to see if they could help. I don't want someone to do it for me. I want someone to teach me how to do it efficiently, so I can mod my phone at will on my own. I didn't think that was too much to ask.
You have a good day sir
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Even with someone teaching you, you're not going to learn. You have hundreds of youtube videos, there's no difference. If you tried, you could do it. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to help you with this. You don't need to root. You don't even know why you want to! Do you understand how much damage you could do flashing the wrong thing?
Members have provided the steps/procedures necessary to root/flash your device so that you may customize as desired.
Most members will tell you that they all started at the same place as you ... the beginning. Most members will also tell you that time, effort, and dedication is required. If you are not comfortable with the procedures (as you have stated) and cannot spend the time required to figure it out, I encourage you to hold off rooting/flashing your device until you have the time to dedicate to this.
Thread closed.

A Few Words on Darch's newest rom (v26)

I'd like to congratulate Darchstar on his amazing journey as a developer. I gotta give it to you man, your newest rom is just lightning fast and has everything I need and a huge improvement from your very first one. I honestly think you make the best roms on this forum (especially in comparison to pieces of crap like PureHero) Once again grats, but there is just one thing that bugs me:
Youtube and Movies - I don't know what it is about youtube but I have frequent problems with it very frequently unless I'm on the official HTC published rom. What happens is every time I click a video, I can hear the audio but no video. On one of Darch's older roms, I was able to view the video by hitting "Watch in HQ" (it just wouldn't play in normal quality), but now I can't do either, it's just audio. The same thing is happening to me when I try to play a movie, I get the audio but no video. Again I'm not sure if I'm the only person that's experiencing this, but if it isn't I think it's high time it be fixed seeing how Video is a big part of the phone.
Please continue to make and improve your roms man!
You got your point across when you said it was the best. Why be rude and trash someone else's rom?
A: did you really need to start a new thread in [DEV] to say this?
B: did you really need to talk **** about someone else's hard work?
C: Mods, please move this to General or Q&A
tejasrichard said:
You got your point across when you said it was the best. Why be rude and trash someone else's rom?
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Seems every thread ends up like this.
Yes. And people wonder why we need moderators.
smw6180 said:
Yes. And people wonder why we need moderators.
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Why is this the least moderated part of xda if i may ask? Thats the point i was trying to make in another thread. You have people saying and doing whatever they want on here. People creating other names after being banned, flaming, accusing. I mean it's like a police state without any police.
I legitimately hate PureHero with a passion. I had it for a week and it crashed every single time I used the phone. Since I had finals going on, I couldn't change firmware till now and it was annoying as ****. I'm sorry, but I just had to express my discontent in some way as in I had to get it out. Seriously, that rom needs some work, but I'm sorry I guess I shouldnt have done that Anyway, about my main issue with the movies/youtube anyone else experiencing these problems?
Have you even read the Darchdroid 2.6 thread or just the first post? Youtube is a known issue. Why trash another developers roms there learning as they go...some people may like his rom.
Please this thread needs to be deleted
markus_del_marko said:
Why is this the least moderated part of xda if i may ask? Thats the point i was trying to make in another thread. You have people saying and doing whatever they want on here. People creating other names after being banned, flaming, accusing. I mean it's like a police state without any police.
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It's not even that though, they close and delete threads that are just conversations and are not harmful in any way, but then they happen to miss threads that actually get out of hand... i'm not bashing any mods or anything, but come on guys!
Who would you bash the people that are helping you??
why not just make your own rom? maybe you can build something that will blow all the "crap" out there out of the water.
As I said..I'm sorry but I just had the urge. I've had frustration bottling up inside of me this whole week as I had to restart the phone every time I used it. I won't do it again, sorry for any offense.
@98Classic I never stated that I was a developer nor do I intend on becoming one...
now you're back peddling?
Fixxxer, stop ****ing whining. Every post I see from you is you whining about some XDA injustice you've experienced. If it's that bad here, stop coming back.
@OP - This thread is a piece of ****.
y0sup said:
I've had frustration bottling up inside of me this whole week as I had to restart the phone every time I used it.
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No offense but over a phone?
Go outside and cool off, don't diss peoples work.
What the hell? How am I back peddling? I just stated an obvious fact that I'm not a developer and you shouldn't be asking me to make roms. I was just expressing my right to judge someone else's rom.
yes markus, over a phone. Do you have any idea how godamn annoying it is to have to restart your phone EVERY TIME u use it to call someone? It's ridiculous ok, you try it.
Maybe it was a bad flash, dude.
y0sup said:
yes markus, over a phone. Do you have any idea how godamn annoying it is to have to restart your phone EVERY TIME u use it to call someone? It's ridiculous ok, you try it.
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Yes i can understand it but instead of posting this thread why not pm the dev who created the rom for help. All this thread does is add to the stress of the community.

Fight Thread

I can't believe I'm posting this on XDA, but we really need a fight thread so these young whipersnappers can come in and rant about things that amount to lack of research. In a week we've almost lost two devs, and our curse count is the highest in XDA.
I know most of the trolling is from first time Android owners who have been "lurking" for years. Only to sign up when they get a bad flash, wipe the sd, or some other common bug. They log on and cry, and moan in the development... DEVELOPMENT, section.
So Im going to post what to expect when trying new roms, modems, kernals, etc.
1) bootlooping
2)full wipe, everything is subject to erase
3)laggy programs
4)whack ass battery life
5)wake problems
6)banding on cam
7)computer with exclaimation point
9)"logcat or it didnt happen"
10)"read, read, read"
So if you are going to grow a pair and try to blame a dev for your flashing woesm save it. The vets here really dont give a damn cause the true vets know adb, odin, and terminal. Vet doesnt mean the amount of posts it meas we were smart enough to read the stickies. (they do say "read first" you know.
No one here is going to hold your hand and say "this is how you flash" for every fukken rom, modem, sys app, and kernal. We arent going to answer the same question a hundred times, hence the search button.
Bottom line, we may all major in engineering, but you have to know your classification. As a freshman its up to you to research and get the remedial answers. sophmores help out the freshmen without hendering your learning. Juniors and seniors answer questions but remember you dont know it all. 5th years, aka devs, make the effort without being an ass. Set the expectation and stick with it.
Make sense? Good. Know your roll and shut your mouths gibronis! Lol.
Edit: please allow 1-2 full days of testing before crying about the OP needs updating. If you have the kinda time to stare at a thread and update an OP instantly, then you already knew there was a problem. If you dont have that time, what makes you think a dev does? (poor saps)
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Nice write up. Sadly, its all true...
Sent from my SGH-T959
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
iheartdroid said:
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
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Awesome post, thats what I miss from the G1 forums
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Which devs were lost?
iheartdroid said:
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
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Both the OP and your post have it both right +1........... There are a number of us who will help people just to help them understand, and what I find appalling is when you do, some are just so selfish they complain...... essentially, that you weren't willing to get on a plane/train or auto and drive over to their house and to a "home call" repair for them..... It's really comical to me that people get a real work of art (the custom ROM) and all they do is ***** that it didn't come with a a beer and fries..............go figure
Also, I see more hostility here than some of the other phone forums, must just be the popularity of this phone.
Both of you great posts.
Joshochoa187 said:
Which devs were lost?
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Pretty much every dev here has left in frustration at some point, fed up with the abuse and bad treatment. This recent episode of someone actually flat out insulting Eugene in his own thread is a new low though.
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Wtf are serious? What did he say to eugene and why? He just came back.
You know what I find hilarious? 90% of the ppl here who talk s**t to others on xda wouldn't have the balls to say it to that persons face
^ Ha! Ain't that the truth.
#1 rule about the fight thread, never talk about the fight thread!
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