[Q] Netflix app - how can I get it? (Pro and RT) - Windows 8 General

It is very simple question and will be valid for many apps that are not available in certain regions.
I know I can still use netflix vis web browser but it would be cool to use their app as well.
Problem is, it will not be available in my region for a long, long time - can anything be done?

What region is that? If Netflix is available in your region and you can use their website it should be available in the Windows Store for you as well.

If you would look on the left, under my nick you would know that the region in question is Poland.
And if Netflix would be available in Poland I would not ask how can I get the Moder UI app + I would not say that it is not (service itself) available here

galtom said:
If you would look on the left, under my nick you would know that the region in question is Poland.
And if Netflix would be available in Poland I would not ask how can I get the Moder UI app + I would not say that it is not (service itself) available here
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Right, didn't think to look at the left for region...
Since you said you could still use Netflix in the browser I assumed it was available in your region. The only way I can see to get the app if Netflix isnt available in your region would be to get a copy of the app from someone who has it installed and somehow make it work on your computer (I haven't tested but I doubt transferring even a free app in to the right folder would be enough for it to work) and that's not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on.

Tried the Netflix app with the ELO touch screen we have and must say the kids love it.

Leonick said:
The only way I can see to get the app if Netflix isnt available in your region would be to get a copy of the app from someone who has it installed and somehow make it work on your computer (I haven't tested but I doubt transferring even a free app in to the right folder would be enough for it to work) and that's not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on.
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I dont think it is that easy. Apps for Modern UI can be downloaded only from Windows Stoder - unless you guys plan to jailbrake the system.
And I am not sure if argument you use "not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on." considering everything that is done here for Android devices.
I am more interested if there will be a way to unlock Windows Store like now we can unlock Google Play via Market Enabler. I understand that with GSM modem it is much easier... but...
So far I can only use Hulu and Netflix (on Windows) via web browser. I got to say that getting stuff like Netflix app is much easier on iOS...

galtom said:
It is very simple question and will be valid for many apps that are not available in certain regions.
I know I can still use netflix vis web browser but it would be cool to use their app as well.
Problem is, it will not be available in my region for a long, long time - can anything be done?
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Windows 8 store regionalisation is based on the honour system. All you have to do is change your location to the USA and Bob's your uncle.
In the start screen, search for 'Change Location'
change the windows region to USA,
install netflix, and any other apps you want
change back to your local region
You will probably need to change your region to the USA again if you need to update the apps.
I have tried this with Netflix and it worked for me in NZ. I still needed a vpn to run netflix though.
The web browser works better though

SeanX said:
Windows 8 store regionalisation is based on the honour system. All you have to do is change your location to the USA and Bob's your uncle.
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Really?? That simple???
I know I will (still) have to use VPN as app and service are two different thing but still - AWESOME NEWS.
This means that will be able to get other apps (if already available) like BBC iPlayer, 4oD, Hulu, etc....
BTW: Do you know if they did it the same thing with Windows Phone 8? And if WP8 has (finally) VPN support?
Thanks for the info anyway!

galtom said:
ame thing with Windows Phone 8? And if WP8 has (finally) VPN support?
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I have no idea about windows phone 8.

SeanX said:
I have no idea about windows phone 8.
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Do you know about Windows RT? Perhaps instead of tablet/hybrid with Windows 8 Pro I could get a cheaper device with Windows RT on it...
If there is VPN support (as far as I know there is) and change os store location is as easy as in full Windows it would do me just fine.
I could do all the things I do toady on my iPad (netflix, hulu, web, email, etc...) + some more - at last comfortable typing.... I do write a lot and iPad is terrible if you work with Windows and text...


MySpace.com blocked?

I can't figure out a way to get to MySpace.com via the phone's browser. Any attempt to visit the URL just gives me an ad for the Android app (which I hate). There are links to the (worthless) mobile site and the desktop version of the site, but the link they provide to the desktop version just gets intercepted by their stupid advertisement again, making it inaccessable. Does anybody know a workaround for this problem?
I really wish there was a browser setting to tell the browser to just identify itself as a desktop browser instead of a mobile one, I can't stand it when I get automatically redirected to a mobile version of a site every time I visit it.
Welcome to the world without Microsoft where everything is called "OPEN" but your every move is limited and controlled.
I have noticed many other "controls" in the browser which I hate. None of that stuff ever happens on MICROSOFT products, everything is REALLY open, not "open source dictatorship", Google style.
yea that myspace desktop version being unavailable is really annoying being that the desktop version works better and faster than the myspace app itself....i dnt even understand how it is blocked and y!!!!
brooklynite said:
Welcome to the world without Microsoft where everything is called "OPEN" but your every move is limited and controlled.
I have noticed many other "controls" in the browser which I hate. None of that stuff ever happens on MICROSOFT products, everything is REALLY open, not "open source dictatorship", Google style.
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This has nothing to do with the phone. This has to do with the website itself. You never have these issues on MS products because MS products don't let the webserver know if it is a mobile browser.
I like your misguided conspiracy theory thou... keep it up.
surely you can change how the client identifies itself, im sure this is in IE settings, or was that opera, or a reg setting, ho hum ...
chefgon said:
I can't figure out a way to get to MySpace.com via the phone's browser. Any attempt to visit the URL just gives me an ad for the Android app (which I hate). There are links to the (worthless) mobile site and the desktop version of the site, but the link they provide to the desktop version just gets intercepted by their stupid advertisement again, making it inaccessable. Does anybody know a workaround for this problem?
I really wish there was a browser setting to tell the browser to just identify itself as a desktop browser instead of a mobile one, I can't stand it when I get automatically redirected to a mobile version of a site every time I visit it.
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Just go to home.myspace.com and you will be taken directly to the desktop version
just type in us.myspace.com and the desktop version will come up...
aad4321 said:
I believe that windows mobile phones do allow website to know that it is running a mobile version. Thats why when you go to so many websites via a WM phone it takes you automatically to the mobile version.
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It doesn't work correctly half the time. I am a web developer and have had more issues with the wings browser than the G1's.. There is a reg setting but I can't change other peoples reg settings.
And before you know it we will have the same settings on the G1 to do similar things.

Marketplace Tracking - How's YOUR COUNTRY doing?

Well, I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas morning who has excitedly ripped through 17 layers of Christmas wrapping paper only to find a pair of wildly patterned woolly socks from that aunt you nver really liked...
I know Marketplace, as a unified platform for wimno apps is in its infancy and that there are cracking issues and such, but given Microsofts many years of work in this area, not to mention developers work here and elsewhere, as well as the plethora of free applications all over the interweb I would have thought that they could unify a lot quicker!
Could they not give a guy a job of just herding them up, rounding up some freeware and doing a bit of good ol' Microsoft altruism and help kick start this thing! What have they got to lose? They could well afford it, so why no push, even on freeware, the biggest enticer!
We know the model works exceedingly well on other platforms (except Nokia/Ovi of course), and new users (greenhorns, noobies etc) would prefer to go to one place (ON THEIR DEVICE) read some peer reviews and get downloading..
In Ireland right now, there are a sum total of 82 apps in the app store. 2 weeks ago there were 80.
Now, I have the party poppers and bunting here for when it hits the 100 mark (picture that Press Release- iPhone style ) but I'd really like to track the growth of the Marketplace through carriers and in different countries.
How many apps in YOUR Marketplace (approx) and where you at?
Found anything good?
In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
Translation for those who don't understand:
* Show are rich you are
* For the rich people
* Chat with other rich people
* Show that you got some serious cash
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Lennart88 said:
In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
Translation for those who don't understand:
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Sounds cool
Lennart88 said:
In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
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Mon Dieu! Good God man.. now you know how sensitive that HD2 screen is, be careful browsing the marketplace in Holland. A slipped finder and.... !
If I recall correctly, there used to be some application in the iTunes Store too, called I Am Rich. Which was priced at 999,99 dollar!
Check out this thread m8. The app allows you to log into any countrys marketplace. tried it as there are loads of apps on the usa marketplace.
11 apps....zero games
From Norway
In Netherlands I had 22 apps, and Ireland I had 61
Approx 100 in total in Australia. 43 games... almost 4 times less than the US
How do you count the number of apps in Marketplace?? If I just add up all the numbers for categories, I get 94 apps for Russia. However, some apps appear in more than one category, so the actual number is less than that.
63 apps in total in France. 30 games.
BTW, I just noticed something. It seems that the market is chosen by Marketplace by the settings you have in Regional and Language settings at the time of installing the program. I have one device where I set it as English (UK), and another one set as Russian (Russia), so I get different number of apps there. I guess uninstalling Marketplace, swithing to English (US), reinstalling it and switching back should give you access to US market.
Yeah, but I guess you'd still need a US credit card to buy apps from the US market, like when using the 'marketplace location switch' tool.
Microsoft should just make all non-location-specific apps internationally available as quickly as possible, whatever it takes, and not leave it up to the developers. This just makes the whole "let's take on the App Store" idea utterly ridiculous. By the way, in Belgium: 12 apps at the moment.
Yes, I agree, this market segregation is plain ridiculous. Not that I care too much though - I don't like the idea of buying an application and not having a cab handy. I don't want to bother reinstalling everything over the air in case I flash another ROM or something. If they don't want to sell something to me I'll get it for free - plain and simple.
vangrieg said:
BTW, I just noticed something. It seems that the market is chosen by Marketplace by the settings you have in Regional and Language settings at the time of installing the program. I have one device where I set it as English (UK), and another one set as Russian (Russia), so I get different number of apps there. I guess uninstalling Marketplace, swithing to English (US), reinstalling it and switching back should give you access to US market.
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You dont have to reinstall it, just switch. Works on my Athena 7510 without softreset as well, just restart the MP-app.
Doesn't work for me.
Can we get some more country stats? Would like to see the level of progression if possible.
weareborg said:
Can we get some more country stats? Would like to see the level of progression if possible.
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Just download 'Marketplace Region Switch' from the forum and you can have a look at any country's Marketplace yourself

Windows 7 & MS Office for Android

This is using the app Onlive Desktop, available in the market but daftly "not compatible"
Alternative download links near the bottom of this android police page:
OK so download the app from android police.
go to the onlive website, sign up for an account, ignore the USA only nonsense, it works fine in uk.
install the app, sign in, and you get, windows desktop with Office.
you can minimise, resize windows, spell check works, its fast and smooth and the most awesome app i have ever seen - it ROCKS
You need to pay $5 per month for internet explorer but Office is free with 2gb dropbox storage.
Pics attached!!!!!!
wow. That's cool. Works well.
Anyone have it working with the keyboard dock??
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Keyboard dock works perfectly.
The back key works like the ESC button in excel for example.
shortcuts work in word too.
The 2gb storage is not dropbox btw, its onlive's own servers. There is only 1 save place in the app which auto syncs with their cloud storage on the onlive servers, which is not connected to your transformers file structure.
So to open apps on your computer you have to go to:
http://files.onlive.com where you login again and use a web interface to upload, download, delete, rename.
I did this in dolphin browser - you cant do this from within the app, you have to use an alternate browser.
Makes it a bit harder to keep all your files synced etc but i think they are working on improving the storage / saving relationship so it will be like ubuntu and share your data - who knows if or when though!
only thing i have found missing - no macros in excel, you cant open the VBA coding pages or bring up a macro tab or recording ability. not the end of the world but would have been nice!
website interface pic attached:
how did you get the dock to work?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
not sure what you mean? Is your dock not doing anything at all in Onlive?
I just started typing and using the trackpad, nothing special, it was always working.
try restarting or maybe unplugging and replugging your dock into the tablet to see if that does it.
Got it to work had to uninstall the app and reinstall
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I wish there was a way to change the keyboard language then its will be perfect
Well, you can change the language allright (I tried Word in french) but the keyboard layout seems to be impossible to enable... so as much as I like the concept, this app is useless for me, as I just can't type in french...
Must be the reason why it is not available in my country, according to the Market.
Does networking work on it? Is there any way to get another browser on it without having to pay for IE?
It's nice but the novelty wears off pretty quick IMO. The features are too limited. I would rather use splashtop to stream my own win 7.
horndroid said:
It's nice but the novelty wears off pretty quick IMO. The features are too limited. I would rather use splashtop to stream my own win 7.
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Agree Nice to have a familiar page to work on, but unless you have wifi access it is useless. Several other tools offer many of the functions, without the strings attached. Also company not clear about security of your saved docs.
The transformer is compatible if you install by going to market.android.com in your browser and pushing the install to your device. Weird, but it works.
Sweeny Russ said:
The transformer is compatible if you install by going to market.android.com in your browser and pushing the install to your device. Weird, but it works.
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It should be compatible from the market on the tablet that's how I got it.
External mouse seems to work OK but the right-click was not working properly (at all). Scroll wheel wasn't working either.
If anyone is paying for the plus features can you install programs on it?
I heard you can but that would be awesome if you could use steam or something or install onlive.. (lol)
It might be a really limited version of windows 7 but if you can install programs that's pretty cool. I have a macbook unfortunately so I think it's really cool being able to play around with windows 7 even if it's not full featured. And to give onlive credit. Quite a few of those "touch screen" tablet like windows 7 devices run around $1,000 or so. I've played with a few at the MS Store. Not everyone might have a use for this but I'l sure some will and it's just really cool to be able to do.
I too would only be interested in this if I can use some of my familiar windows apps, like photoshop and after effects..that would be the only reason if onlive can get these apps installed and working on my TF, otherwise I will stick with splashtop and just remote to my home-based PC.
luna_c666 said:
I too would only be interested in this if I can use some of my familiar windows apps, like photoshop and after effects..that would be the only reason if onlive can get these apps installed and working on my TF, otherwise I will stick with splashtop and just remote to my home-based PC.
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Then OnLive will have to pay Adobe a ton of licensing fee, which will be passed down to the users, or resort to using advertisements.
Either way, I am not willing to pay a fee or deal with advertisements to use programs that I already have(not gonna say own, lol) on my personal computer.
i have just used word and excel to prep a finance report, works fine. Bit slower and clunkier than doing it on a PC, but if you dont have a PC and therefore cannot use splashtop then this is a decent solution.
i needed to use both word and excel, you just cannot do that in polaris - it only allows 1 type of document open at once so you can flick between the two.
i tried using kingsoft office but you cant even do bullet points in its word, and its excel cant even do formulas lol
so for me to use word and excel, onlive is the only way and it worked fine, even if a bit slower than an actual PC.
thumbs up from me!

WP8: change marketplaces (glitch found) ?

Possable hack or glitch, that is why I am posting here.
According to a few sites, a glitch has been discovered by setting a proxy, you can make your non-nokia phone be able install apps from Nokia's apps.
Sites for info...
Does anyone have clear directions on this so everyone knows how to do it?
Also, I am hoping this would allow us to get to the point of a Marketplace Changer like we used to have for WP7 devices.. I personally would like some HTC apps on my Nokia...and a LG app too.
Figured this would be a great place to start a discussion on this.
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
DavidinCT said:
Possable hack or glitch, that is why I am posting here.
According to a few sites, a glitch has been discovered by setting a proxy, you can make your non-nokia phone be able install apps from Nokia's apps.
Sites for info...
Does anyone have clear directions on this so everyone knows how to do it?
Also, I am hoping this would allow us to get to the point of a Marketplace Changer like we used to have for WP7 devices.. I personally would like some HTC apps on my Nokia...and a LG app too.
Figured this would be a great place to start a discussion on this.
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Guyz, I've tried this on my Huawei W1 but its says, cannot connect,,,,,,,,,, ive also tried changing the region but nothing happens, does anyone tried this already, and successfully installed those nokia exclusive apps?
Thank you,
jakelq said:
Guyz, I've tried this on my Huawei W1 but its says, cannot connect,,,,,,,,,, ive also tried changing the region but nothing happens, does anyone tried this already, and successfully installed those nokia exclusive apps?
Thank you,
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it is time based. I mean, sometimes it happens. sometime it doesnt. keep trying is all I can say.
GH0ST DR0NE said:
it is time based. I mean, sometimes it happens. sometime it doesnt. keep trying is all I can say.
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yup, i tried this at home and it worked..
It runs smooth with huawei w1 and i dont experience any missed swipes.
Why does it wasnt released for 512 mb ram?
GoodDayToDie said:
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
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I would gladly test (I am dev unlocked) anything you can come up with here.
Anything that could help progress towards a hack on WP8, even if it's a marketplace changer of some type
aclegg2011 said:
Man, we really need to find a way to dev unlock our phones. :/
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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The same process (dreamspark EDU account, etc) that worked for WP7 works on WP8 but, the limits of 3 apps are still there... So I can sideload 3 apps..
DavidinCT said:
The same process (dreamspark EDU account, etc) that worked for WP7 works on WP8 but, the limits of 3 apps are still there... So I can sideload 3 apps..
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I have an edu account activated since december 2011. I had on my Omnia W (WP 7.5) only the possibility to sideload 3 apps, but now on my lumia 820 i DONT have this limit of 3 apps..
gipfelgoas said:
I have an edu account activated since december 2011. I had on my Omnia W (WP 7.5) only the possibility to sideload 3 apps, but now on my lumia 820 i dont have this limit of 3 apps..
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I have a Lumia 928, and I dev unlocked it(got one of those free EDU accounts that was going around, I log in 2 times a year), I put on 3 apps and it gives me an error if I try to add more.
I would like to add more but, No biggie because there is not 3rd party tools or hacks for WP8....YET.
DavidinCT said:
I have a Lumia 928, and I dev unlocked it(got one of those free EDU accounts that was going around, I log in 2 times a year), I put on 3 apps and it gives me an error if I try to add more.
I would like to add more but, No biggie because there is not 3rd party tools or hacks for WP8....YET.
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I dont mind but it seems that my account has a bug..?!?
GoodDayToDie said:
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
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Here is a question on this. Is there a list of "proxies" for different carriers/OEMS ? I could not find anything besides this one. Do you know how I can access HTC, Samsung, LG, etc list ?
How does one access the marketplace of another OEM than Nokia ? (I have a Nokia so that is not an issue for me)
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
GoodDayToDie said:
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
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Awsome, I look forward to something ! Thanks !
GoodDayToDie said:
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
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Hi ,GoodDayToDie
Try fiddler2 to modify the request send by the phone when talking to the Marketplace servers.
I have made some research and it's intresting.....
@Mattemoller90: Yes, but I can't promise that the app will install correctly afterward. Apps identify, in their manifests, the resolutions they support. If the app requires resolution that the phone doesn't have, the phone will most likely simply refuse to install it.
How can I cheat the Marketplace with Fiddler2 (for change the resolution) I want try
You are the best
Eh, I'm not going to write a full tutorial right now. Short version is install Fiddler, set it to proxy external connections (will need to be let through your firewall), set your phone to use your PC's IP address and Fiddler's listening port as the proxy, set Fiddler to intercept requests, and then open the Marketplace. You'll see an HTTP GET request from the phone to Microsoft's servers, and the URL will contain a bunch of details about your phone (manufacturer, model, version info, region, etc.) including resolution. Replace the resolution string with the one you want to pretend to have, then have Fiddler "Run to completion".
Note: You'll probably have to do this multiple times. It's OK to not do it for things like partial searches, but you'll of course need to do it for the final search query. It can be scripted, but that's outside the scope of what I'm going to tell you to do here. Look at how @xdevilium does it in his app: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2362165
Can fiddler be used for other things? Like seeing where server updates are coming from, and how are phones interacts with developer registration?
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
In theory, yes it can (or any other HTTP/HTTPS proxy; there are several of them available). However, the functions you describe use HTTPS. To intercept SSL traffic, the proxy needs to forge certificates for the sites you connect to (unless it somehow got ahold of the site's private key). To have your phone trust the forged certificates, the proxy (including Fiddler, if you choose to enable it) can sign the forged certificates using its own private key; if the corresponding public key is trusted by the phone (which can be done just by sending the public key to the phone using email or bluetooth or something, and installing it) then the forged signatures will be trusted.
However, that's only true for the general case. For specific OS functionality, Microsoft (and all the other big mobile vendors) use a technique called "certificate pinning" where the SSL certificate must either exactly match a known certifiacte, or must be signed by an exact match. In this case, it doesn't work to install your proxy's certificate and have it be trusted; a feature using cert pinning doesn't even check the OS's trust store. Therefore, we can't intercept those specific communications.
It's frustrating.
I've never scripted Fiddler, I just re-wrote the requests by hand. It's easy enough; there aren't very many. I could tell you how to do it in a couple other proxy programs.
GoodDayToDie said:
I could tell you how to do it in a couple other proxy programs.
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I Really Appreciate That

Any Way to Stop BBC Iplayer from Disabling Itself (I'm outside UK)

I have the 2017 Shield.
I have used BBCIplayer in the US on many Android devices over the years. I usually install from apk or a British Google Play account, and then use a smart DNS service (smart DNS sends the proper signals through a VPN so the BBC server sees me as being in the UK, but the actual video is not sent through the VPN. Except for the limited purpose, the device has a US ip address.)
For every device except the Shield, once the Iplayer app is installed, it stays installed and visible.
The Shield has its own Nvidia made version of Iplayer (the regular version does not work with Google TV.) I installed this once from the Google Play store with a UK Google Play account. It worked fine, then disappeared after a while. I can now get it to work by using a copy of the Nvidia Iplayer apk that I downloaded from the internet - I click on the apk in file manager and then click on the "market" option rather than the "install" option. I am then given a screen where I can "enable" the Iplayer, and it then appears again as a usable app.
If I go into settings when the app is enabled it shows as a system app, rather than a downloaded app (as does the proprietary version of the Amazon video player.)
One of the reasons that I like Android is that it has less of the "big brothery" stuff than IOS (or a Roku, for that matter.) So it pisses me off that the device I paid for is actively frustrating my watching what I want to watch with an app which is on the machine. I'm not saying that Nvidia should be providing me with a VPN connection, but on the other hand it shouldn't be actively blocking me from what I want to do.
Short of hooking up to a VPN 24/7,any ideas as to how to stop this disabling of the app?
I want to try this.. Brit now in Germany. I installed express vpn on my shield but didn't look for iplayer yet.
I assumed I would need vpn set to UK all the time I wish to use BBC then disconnect vpn for normal use.
Sent from my Hauwai P9 EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
From Nvidia :
The BBC iPlayer app is only available inside the UK. If you are not located in that location or have recently moved out of the UK then the app will no longer be available from the main menu of SHIELD Android TV.
If you are located in the UK, please ensure that Location Services is enabled. To do so, navigate to the Settings menu and then into the Personal->Location menu and ensure it is enabled.
If you prefer not to use Location Services, please ensure that the device language selection is set to "English (United Kingdom) (GB)". To do so, navigate to the Settings menu and then into the Preferences->Language menu and select the language from the list.
Disabled Location
Set English UK Language
install kodi then install the iplayer plugin
afgok said:
install kodi then install the iplayer plugin
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if you are outside the UK it still won't work without VPN - at least not from Germany
shaunydub said:
if you are outside the UK it still won't work without VPN - at least not from Germany
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read the OP its pretty obvious he is using vpn hes in the USA what he wants is a work around for the app being disabled because its not licesensed for use outside the UK hence my post:good:
Hi, after battling with the same issue for some time on the 2015 shield, I've been able to work out a solution;
I've posted the solution up here;
In-case it gets taken down for any reason, the solution is to extract out the APK of the iplayer system app (using ES file explorer on the shield TV), then pull the resulting APK into "APK Editor Pro" and then modify the app name and package name to create a new APK (making sure the package name doesn't have iplayer in it) and then sideload it onto the shield TV.
This way when the shield is booted, only the inbuilt iplayer app is disabled, but not the modified cloned app.
I expect this same process to work with many other inbuilt apps on the shield TV that might be disabling out of region.
Hope this helps someone!
Hi Watsonash, I scanned the apk you've kindly shared for the disappearing iplayer & it's infected with malware; I checked it with both VirusTotal and NVISO APKScan...
chainfire3356 said:
Hi Watsonash, I scanned the apk you've kindly shared for the disappearing iplayer & it's infected with malware; I checked it with both VirusTotal and NVISO APKScan...
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hi, those products must be reporting false positives. As said I simply used "APK Editor Pro" to change the information, so unless this in injecting malware (which I'd say is most definitely not the case). I described the process so there is nothing stopping you from taking the exact same approach yourself and generating the modified apk yourself. I just installed Virustotal and it said the apk simply wasn't in its database (which is correct as APK Editor Pro has to resign the app as part of the packaging process).
Hi Watsonash, I aplogize, I should have clarified in my original comment that I didn't think you were purposely putting that apk out there with malware; I was just trying to be brief in my comment, which isn't something that comes naturally, as you'll see... My reasons for posting were to let you know that a scan dectected malware so you could look into why that was & fix it - that being said, every day is a new school day for me, because I wasn't aware of the false positive thing until you mentioned it. Now I understand that it's not something that you can"fix"and it isn't likely infected. I don't know how to modify anything - the only knowledge I have is knowing where to look to find clever people like you who do the work to fix annoying issues like the iplayer disappearing. I am eternally grateful for people like you who figure these things out for people like me & to have learned something new about the false positive issue; I was stupidly thinking that since two different websites showed positives that something was there, but now that I've read into a bit, I've clued in that the majority of the actual antivirus programs on both sites marked it clear. I see now that there are many variables taken into account when these programs come up with a result that doesn't look good.
Again, I apologize; this is why I usually just read & then research & never post comments - I should stick to doing that! Thank you for figuring out this fix; it's very much appreciated!
ronwi2 said:
I have the 2017 Shield.
I have used BBC Iplayer in the US on many Android devices over the years. I usually install from apk or a British Google Play account, and then use a smart DNS service (smart DNS sends the proper signals through a VPN so the BBC server sees me as being in the UK, but the actual video is not sent through the VPN. Except for the limited purpose, the device has a US ip address.)
For every device except the Shield, once the Iplayer app is installed, it stays installed and visible.
The Shield has its own Nvidia made version of Iplayer (the regular version does not work with Google TV.) I installed this once from the Google Play store with a UK Google Play account. It worked fine, then disappeared after a while. I can now get it to work by using a copy of the Nvidia Iplayer apk that I downloaded from the internet - I click on the apk in file manager and then click on the "market" option rather than the "install" option. I am then given a screen where I can "enable" the Iplayer, and it then appears again as a usable app.
If I go into settings when the app is enabled it shows as a system app, rather than a downloaded app (as does the proprietary version of the Amazon video player.)
One of the reasons that I like Android is that it has less of the "big brothery" stuff than IOS (or a Roku, for that matter.) So it pisses me off that the device I paid for is actively frustrating my watching what I want to watch with an app which is on the machine. I'm not saying that Nvidia should be providing me with a VPN connection, but on the other hand it shouldn't be actively blocking me from what I want to do.
Short of hooking up to a VPN 24/7,any ideas as to how to stop this disabling of the app?
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Sorry for bringing up an old topic. Anyone use smart dns for BBC iPlayer on smart TV?
I want to stream it to my TV without VPN. Also how to install BBC iPlayer application to smart TV if iam outside UK now?

