Marketplace Tracking - How's YOUR COUNTRY doing? - HD2 General

Well, I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas morning who has excitedly ripped through 17 layers of Christmas wrapping paper only to find a pair of wildly patterned woolly socks from that aunt you nver really liked...
I know Marketplace, as a unified platform for wimno apps is in its infancy and that there are cracking issues and such, but given Microsofts many years of work in this area, not to mention developers work here and elsewhere, as well as the plethora of free applications all over the interweb I would have thought that they could unify a lot quicker!
Could they not give a guy a job of just herding them up, rounding up some freeware and doing a bit of good ol' Microsoft altruism and help kick start this thing! What have they got to lose? They could well afford it, so why no push, even on freeware, the biggest enticer!
We know the model works exceedingly well on other platforms (except Nokia/Ovi of course), and new users (greenhorns, noobies etc) would prefer to go to one place (ON THEIR DEVICE) read some peer reviews and get downloading..
In Ireland right now, there are a sum total of 82 apps in the app store. 2 weeks ago there were 80.
Now, I have the party poppers and bunting here for when it hits the 100 mark (picture that Press Release- iPhone style ) but I'd really like to track the growth of the Marketplace through carriers and in different countries.
How many apps in YOUR Marketplace (approx) and where you at?
Found anything good?

In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
Translation for those who don't understand:
* Show are rich you are
* For the rich people
* Chat with other rich people
* Show that you got some serious cash
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Lennart88 said:
In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
Translation for those who don't understand:
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Sounds cool

Lennart88 said:
In Holland, we currently have 22 apps available
Including this VERY VERY usefull app for €335,39 (HERE)
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Mon Dieu! Good God man.. now you know how sensitive that HD2 screen is, be careful browsing the marketplace in Holland. A slipped finder and.... !

If I recall correctly, there used to be some application in the iTunes Store too, called I Am Rich. Which was priced at 999,99 dollar!

Check out this thread m8. The app allows you to log into any countrys marketplace. tried it as there are loads of apps on the usa marketplace.

11 games
From Norway

In Netherlands I had 22 apps, and Ireland I had 61

Approx 100 in total in Australia. 43 games... almost 4 times less than the US

How do you count the number of apps in Marketplace?? If I just add up all the numbers for categories, I get 94 apps for Russia. However, some apps appear in more than one category, so the actual number is less than that.

63 apps in total in France. 30 games.

BTW, I just noticed something. It seems that the market is chosen by Marketplace by the settings you have in Regional and Language settings at the time of installing the program. I have one device where I set it as English (UK), and another one set as Russian (Russia), so I get different number of apps there. I guess uninstalling Marketplace, swithing to English (US), reinstalling it and switching back should give you access to US market.

Yeah, but I guess you'd still need a US credit card to buy apps from the US market, like when using the 'marketplace location switch' tool.
Microsoft should just make all non-location-specific apps internationally available as quickly as possible, whatever it takes, and not leave it up to the developers. This just makes the whole "let's take on the App Store" idea utterly ridiculous. By the way, in Belgium: 12 apps at the moment.

Yes, I agree, this market segregation is plain ridiculous. Not that I care too much though - I don't like the idea of buying an application and not having a cab handy. I don't want to bother reinstalling everything over the air in case I flash another ROM or something. If they don't want to sell something to me I'll get it for free - plain and simple.

vangrieg said:
BTW, I just noticed something. It seems that the market is chosen by Marketplace by the settings you have in Regional and Language settings at the time of installing the program. I have one device where I set it as English (UK), and another one set as Russian (Russia), so I get different number of apps there. I guess uninstalling Marketplace, swithing to English (US), reinstalling it and switching back should give you access to US market.
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You dont have to reinstall it, just switch. Works on my Athena 7510 without softreset as well, just restart the MP-app.

Doesn't work for me.

Can we get some more country stats? Would like to see the level of progression if possible.

weareborg said:
Can we get some more country stats? Would like to see the level of progression if possible.
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Just download 'Marketplace Region Switch' from the forum and you can have a look at any country's Marketplace yourself


Android market app is crap... make a list shall we?

OK.. allow me to express my frustrations of this enourmously integral app on any android powered phone.
1. I am unable to do predictive search on it
2. It always use strict search queries and does not show matching spellings on the apps or even similar apps that we may like.
3. The interface is terrible
4. No straightforward way to purchase apps like the Itunes with saved credit card details.
5. No screenshot of any apps in the apps detail page.
I also use the Iphone and the app store on Iphone is MUCH MUCH better as it does everything that Android market doesnt.
What other things do you think is wrong with this app?
There is a new version of Market coming with Donut, which should resolve at least some of your concerns (see ).
Not sure what you mean on point 4 - buying an app is very easy IMHO, and I've only ever entered my cc details once.
Oh - forgot to add. My biggest issue with the Market are the comments.
There are far too many duff comments against applications where either the commenter has no idea what they are talking about, has not read the instructions, or is trying to make a "clever" statement to Google (e.g. all those comments about CyanogenMod).
The comment systems needs to be cleverer so that all this trash doesn't detract from the really useful comments.
I hope they are fixing the search function.. the UI looks a little better in the video.
Easy now. I know the martket isnt as polished at the apple appstore but remember that apples appstore is a cashcow while this doesnt being in nowhere near the same revenue.
I believe Donut is available now, along with the new market app.
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
dieseldk said:
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
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HAHAHA +1 for this one.
Been using the new market for 2 weeks now, it is better than the old android market, but still not 100%.
The most annoying things is the mini-gallery of "Featured" apps at the top.
When you use your finger to swipe them, your finger obscures the icons and more importantly the title of the "Focused" app, so you can't actually see what the name is.
Mind numbingly stupid.
Either the swipeable area needs to be vertically larger so you can swipe and not obscure the icon, and or the "focused" title should be moved above the gallery.. Can't believe no one ever tested it in the real world.
One more thing...
I live in Romania and i don't have access to payed apps....only for the free ones..... I would like to buy a navigation app and i can't....
That is because your region is not "Market Enabled" rather than an issue with the Market application itself. If you use the marker enabler (see ) you should be able to effectively change your region to one where paid apps are available.
Thanks Dave.
I'll try that and let you know.
One more question though....Do i need to root my hero for the market enabler to work?

Free new LG apps

Hi fellow LG WP7 users!
Just wanted to let you guys know that new free apps in the LG app store are available now. Enjoy!
New apps:
Cocktail Flow
Doodle God
Color Sprouts
envision for Basecamp
Talking Ragdoll
Mobile Sommelier
Mr. Hat and the Magic cube
Network Setup
Thanks for the heads up. I can confirm the apps are available in Canada as well.
Wow, LG really knows what they are doing with their apps. And RIGHT on time too. 60 days after launch. I wonder if this will continue. Also, seeing how the last round of apps still remain, here's hoping any new apps won't replace the old ones.
I am really not regretting buying and keeping this phone after all, even if the buttons are still a bit wobbly. If LG comes up with a phone with an IPS panel like they are doing with their Tegra2 based Android phones, but with WP7 on board, then they will have another customer...again.
PS: The total worth of the apps is around 30 dollar US...Respect LG, respect.
That's awesome! I was actually considering buying Cocktail Flow, Doodle God and Krashlander. That's 3 quality apps right there!
Well here is the bad news. After installing all the apps, I have discovered a sad truth. Not all the apps are up to date. The corresponding paid version in the Marketplace for an app, let's see Weave, is several releases ahead. Same with Cocktail flow. This was my initial fear as well. LG is basically offering these apps AS IS and probably will not update them past the 60-days offer. If the apps are not tied to the original developer, then basically we are screwed with no updates, and have to stick with out version 1.0 apps from LG. Nothing against LG, but if you promise something, then do it right.
You're right. This issue should be brought up to LG if we want a chance of getting updates. They probably won't do anything about it unless people make it known that it is important.
Hi! I'm one of the developers on Cocktail Flow. The current version in the LG appstore is indeed not the holiday version: this has to do with some issues with the process of getting them over to LG behind the scenes. However I can assure you that the app will soon be updated to the current version (and to other versions that would come out through the 60 days period).
The first update will still probably take some time, but after that there should be shorter delays between the marketplace and the LG store update.
gergolovebsz said:
Hi! I'm one of the developers on Cocktail Flow.
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Nice job! Easily one of the best looking apps on the platform.
gergolovebsz said:
The current version in the LG appstore is indeed not the holiday version: this has to do with some issues with the process of getting them over to LG behind the scenes. However I can assure you that the app will soon be updated to the current version (and to other versions that would come out through the 60 days period).
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Do you know what the plan is after the 60 day period? I assume they'd be removed from the app store, which in turn probably means no more updates. hopefully you have info to the contrary.
gergolovebsz said:
The first update will still probably take some time, but after that there should be shorter delays between the marketplace and the LG store update.
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Thanks for the info, LG hasn't communicated how this works very well so far.
gergolovebsz said:
Hi! I'm one of the developers on Cocktail Flow. The current version in the LG appstore is indeed not the holiday version: this has to do with some issues with the process of getting them over to LG behind the scenes. However I can assure you that the app will soon be updated to the current version (and to other versions that would come out through the 60 days period).
The first update will still probably take some time, but after that there should be shorter delays between the marketplace and the LG store update.
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Thank you for the information. If only LG was so transparent in communicating with consumers. Cocktail Flow is one of the few apps in the marketplace that is just amazing to LOOK at, and even more impressive to use. I had it purchased before LG put it up. Amazing, and has gotten me some praise on my mixing formulas nowadays (Hehe). My question for you is whether the updates will stop after the 60 days, or will it be tied directly to your actual app...because if it is the former, that is kinda...a downer...
What happend to this apps? Two weeks ago they were available to download in LG marketplace, but now they arent.
elektryk said:
What happend to this apps? Two weeks ago they were available to download in LG marketplace, but now they arent.
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+1 My device was reset after entering a pin incorrectly and now that I am trying to reinstall, these apps listed at the top of this thread are no longer on the marketplace. What is going on? Older LG apps are showing, newer ones are showing but not all of those are there:
Cocktail Flow - NO
Doodle God - NO
Color Sprouts - NO
envision for Basecamp - YES
Krashlander - NO
Colorize - NO
Weave - NO
Talking Ragdoll - NO
Mobile Sommelier - NO
Mr. Hat and the Magic cube - NO
Network Setup - YES
Any ideas?
I know some of the apps said "60 days of free download for lg handset owners" so they probably took them down because it's been 60 days.
This is what I was afraid of. As of now, the free apps that were off Marketplace (not the LG developed ones) are no longer available, possibly new ones are coming.
Two matters to think about:
1- If you reset your phone, there is no way to install the apps again, even if you downloaded it before. This is due to the fact that the xap files are not stored locally on your computer or anywhere when syncing with Zune. iTunes stores an app on the synced computer no matter what, even if the app has been removed from App Store.
Basically, if you have the apps, don't delete them, until someone figures out (or at least shares with us) how to extract xap files.
2- If you have the apps right now on your phone, then the apps are STUCK with their current version, probably forever. For example, if Weave updates their app to version 2.5 or above, you are stuck with 2.3 ANYWAYS. I voiced this concern early on if you look back at the earlier posts in this thread.
So, we should either petition LG to bring back the apps, and disallow new installs, which I believe has more to do with the Marketplace's structure than LG. OR, get Microsoft to tie our apps to the Marketplace equivalents.
Also, Microsoft should adopt Apple's model of backing installed apps through its Zune software.
kapanak said:
This is what I was afraid of. As of now, the free apps that were off Marketplace (not the LG developed ones) are no longer available, possibly new ones are coming.
Two matters to think about:
1- If you reset your phone, there is no way to install the apps again, even if you downloaded it before. This is due to the fact that the xap files are not stored locally on your computer or anywhere when syncing with Zune. iTunes stores an app on the synced computer no matter what, even if the app has been removed from App Store.
Basically, if you have the apps, don't delete them, until someone figures out (or at least shares with us) how to extract xap files.
2- If you have the apps right now on your phone, then the apps are STUCK with their current version, probably forever. For example, if Weave updates their app to version 2.5 or above, you are stuck with 2.3 ANYWAYS. I voiced this concern early on if you look back at the earlier posts in this thread.
So, we should either petition LG to bring back the apps, and disallow new installs, which I believe has more to do with the Marketplace's structure than LG. OR, get Microsoft to tie our apps to the Marketplace equivalents.
Also, Microsoft should adopt Apple's model of backing installed apps through its Zune software.
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OK. So are there other ways to grab the XAP files off the LG phones using TouchXplorer or Advanced Explorer? This way we won't need to wait until LG or MSFT figures out what they are going to do?
So far, I have not had any success with either of the above tools, but that could just be me, or maybe there is a device specific tool for the LG Optimus line of phones?
kapanak said:
So, we should either petition LG to bring back the apps, and disallow new installs, which I believe has more to do with the Marketplace's structure than LG. OR, get Microsoft to tie our apps to the Marketplace equivalents.
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I think it should be implemented in MarketPlace. Normally when you buy app, you have it assign to live acount. To solve it, they need to make an option to assign a free application OR make an option to add a "prepayed" (or free for some group of users) option to some application and some device id (ie from LG). IMHO MarketPlace architecture does not allow any of this solutions now.
My biggest hurdle right now is that I have to hard reset my phone, which is the only solution to get rid of the 8000FFFF error in Zune Update. This means I won't be able to back it up on my PC. So somehow I need to grab the apps before that. Heh.
elektryk said:
I think it should be implemented in MarketPlace. Normally when you buy app, you have it assign to live acount. To solve it, they need to make an option to assign a free application OR make an option to add a "prepayed" (or free for some group of users) option to some application and some device id (ie from LG). IMHO MarketPlace architecture does not allow any of this solutions now.
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Interestingly, some of the apps we downloaded from the LG app store ARE actually tied to our live accounts, which you can check using the app purchase history in the Zune client. However, the apps listed are ONLY the permanent, LG developed or endorsed ones (eg. QR Reader, Metro Scanner, etc).
None of the Marketplace pulled ones are there. So there is no record of it whatsoever.
It is as if the developers just handed LG their xap files and LG submitted them (which is almost exactly what happened), and then when you install, it is like installing a homebrew xap...
So I won't feel too bad for pulling the xap out of the phone (when I figure out how).
UPDATE: Upon further inspection, it seems the 60-day offer apps WERE tied to the live accounts, but completely disappeared after being pulled from the Marketplace. Something similar happened with Twin Blades (the zombie killer nun game), which I still have installed, but there are no trace of it on my account.
I read about the Twin Blades game and it was pulled out of Marketplace supposedly because it was too violent and Microsoft had a no Mature game policy, that's what I think I read. Mango will supposedly have a rating system and supposedly we will start seeing more mature games.
Although I've read that Twin Blades will be released soon with the blood change to green.
kapanak said:
This is what I was afraid of. As of now, the free apps that were off Marketplace (not the LG developed ones) are no longer available, possibly new ones are coming.
Two matters to think about:
1- If you reset your phone, there is no way to install the apps again, even if you downloaded it before. This is due to the fact that the xap files are not stored locally on your computer or anywhere when syncing with Zune. iTunes stores an app on the synced computer no matter what, even if the app has been removed from App Store.
Basically, if you have the apps, don't delete them, until someone figures out (or at least shares with us) how to extract xap files.
2- If you have the apps right now on your phone, then the apps are STUCK with their current version, probably forever. For example, if Weave updates their app to version 2.5 or above, you are stuck with 2.3 ANYWAYS. I voiced this concern early on if you look back at the earlier posts in this thread.
So, we should either petition LG to bring back the apps, and disallow new installs, which I believe has more to do with the Marketplace's structure than LG. OR, get Microsoft to tie our apps to the Marketplace equivalents.
Also, Microsoft should adopt Apple's model of backing installed apps through its Zune software.
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Sent from my GT-S5360T using XDA Free mobile app

[Q] Netflix app - how can I get it? (Pro and RT)

It is very simple question and will be valid for many apps that are not available in certain regions.
I know I can still use netflix vis web browser but it would be cool to use their app as well.
Problem is, it will not be available in my region for a long, long time - can anything be done?
What region is that? If Netflix is available in your region and you can use their website it should be available in the Windows Store for you as well.
If you would look on the left, under my nick you would know that the region in question is Poland.
And if Netflix would be available in Poland I would not ask how can I get the Moder UI app + I would not say that it is not (service itself) available here
galtom said:
If you would look on the left, under my nick you would know that the region in question is Poland.
And if Netflix would be available in Poland I would not ask how can I get the Moder UI app + I would not say that it is not (service itself) available here
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Right, didn't think to look at the left for region...
Since you said you could still use Netflix in the browser I assumed it was available in your region. The only way I can see to get the app if Netflix isnt available in your region would be to get a copy of the app from someone who has it installed and somehow make it work on your computer (I haven't tested but I doubt transferring even a free app in to the right folder would be enough for it to work) and that's not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on.
Tried the Netflix app with the ELO touch screen we have and must say the kids love it.
Leonick said:
The only way I can see to get the app if Netflix isnt available in your region would be to get a copy of the app from someone who has it installed and somehow make it work on your computer (I haven't tested but I doubt transferring even a free app in to the right folder would be enough for it to work) and that's not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on.
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I dont think it is that easy. Apps for Modern UI can be downloaded only from Windows Stoder - unless you guys plan to jailbrake the system.
And I am not sure if argument you use "not something I think anyone here will help you with due to illicit redistribution of their app and breaking of their license agreement and so on." considering everything that is done here for Android devices.
I am more interested if there will be a way to unlock Windows Store like now we can unlock Google Play via Market Enabler. I understand that with GSM modem it is much easier... but...
So far I can only use Hulu and Netflix (on Windows) via web browser. I got to say that getting stuff like Netflix app is much easier on iOS...
galtom said:
It is very simple question and will be valid for many apps that are not available in certain regions.
I know I can still use netflix vis web browser but it would be cool to use their app as well.
Problem is, it will not be available in my region for a long, long time - can anything be done?
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Windows 8 store regionalisation is based on the honour system. All you have to do is change your location to the USA and Bob's your uncle.
In the start screen, search for 'Change Location'
change the windows region to USA,
install netflix, and any other apps you want
change back to your local region
You will probably need to change your region to the USA again if you need to update the apps.
I have tried this with Netflix and it worked for me in NZ. I still needed a vpn to run netflix though.
The web browser works better though
SeanX said:
Windows 8 store regionalisation is based on the honour system. All you have to do is change your location to the USA and Bob's your uncle.
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Really?? That simple???
I know I will (still) have to use VPN as app and service are two different thing but still - AWESOME NEWS.
This means that will be able to get other apps (if already available) like BBC iPlayer, 4oD, Hulu, etc....
BTW: Do you know if they did it the same thing with Windows Phone 8? And if WP8 has (finally) VPN support?
Thanks for the info anyway!
galtom said:
ame thing with Windows Phone 8? And if WP8 has (finally) VPN support?
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I have no idea about windows phone 8.
SeanX said:
I have no idea about windows phone 8.
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Do you know about Windows RT? Perhaps instead of tablet/hybrid with Windows 8 Pro I could get a cheaper device with Windows RT on it...
If there is VPN support (as far as I know there is) and change os store location is as easy as in full Windows it would do me just fine.
I could do all the things I do toady on my iPad (netflix, hulu, web, email, etc...) + some more - at last comfortable typing.... I do write a lot and iPad is terrible if you work with Windows and text...

[APP] Daily Free App @ Amazon Notifier (European Amazon Stores SUPPORTED)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Daily Free App @ Amazon v1.5
(★★★ Europe, Japan & China are supported ★★★)​
Amazon Android Appstore offers a paid app for free every day.
Users in the US can check the Amazon Appstore for Android to see the Free app of the Day, and be able to install it remotely via the website. Few Android developers wrote apps to check that website and remind and notify the users of the free app.
While users outside the US (Europe & Japan) recently got the Amazon Android Appstore service, but it is only supported on the device itself, and the only way to check the Free App of the day and install it is to open the official Amazon Appstore app on the device. There was no way to have this information if not with the official Amazon app, well, not until now... this app DOES SUPPORT all Amazon Appstores, including all those in Europe and Japan, as far as I know this is the First app that does this !!!
This app will show you the daily free app in all the supported countries (listed below), you do not even need to have the Amazon Appstore installed on the device to be able to check and receive the notification (in case you get notified on a device, and want to install on another).
When you start the App, it will fetch the name of the Free app of the day in the selected country (From the settings menu), and it provides a button to Open the Amazon Appstore (if it is installed), or to open the Amazon page for that app.
I wrote this app mainly to be able to check the European Amazon Appstore (Italian Store), but during development I found that I can add support for all official Amazon stores supported by the Amazon Appstore itself, which are:
United Kingdom
Help needed
Currently the app UI is available in English, Italian, German and French (French is experimental), I need help translating the app in at least the main languages of the different stores (French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese), if there are any volunteers, please contact me.
I attached the apk of the app, give it a try, and report bugs
You can also install it from the Google Play Store
Change log
v1.5 (2014-04-26)
- New: Notification filter for Apps, Games or both.
- New: Expandable notifications on Android 4.1+.
- New: Share the app name and link with friends.
- New: new China store.
- Fixed Unicode issues with some languages.
- Other optimizations and fixes.
v1.0 (2013-06-02)
- New Interface: now shows description and screenshot
- Added ability to search Google Play for the app
- Added new country (Canada)
- Added German translations
- Added a DashClock widget
- Vibrate on notification
v0.7.2 (2013-03-09)
- Changed app icon to comply with Amazon trademarks, who says using a Smile in the logo can confuse users
v0.7 (2013-02-10)
- Enhanced Notifications (App logo in the notification, dismiss on click)
- Integrated browser in the app for the information.
v0.6 (2013-02-05)
- Automatic country detection
- Better user interface
- Added French language
v0.5 (2013-02-03)
- first release
nice idea, considering i forget to check most of the time.
y0yerrj0sh said:
nice idea, considering i forget to check most of the time.
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The ides has been around for sometime now (Play Store has some apps like this), but NONE works with the European Amazon App store, this is the first, as far as i know.
Just released v0.6, attached on the first thread is the apk, or in a couple of hours it will be on Google Play.
Changes are:
- Automatic country detection upon a clean install
- Better user interface with landscape support
- Added French language (done partly by my scholastic french and Google Translate)
Just released v0.7, will be on the Play Store within a couple of hours:
- Enhanced Notifications (App logo in the notification, dismiss on click)
- Integrated browser in the app for the information.
Volunteers Wanted, ALIVE.....
Anybody in France/Germany/Spain/Japan using this app willing to help translate the App/Play Store listing in that language? please contact me.
Thanks in advance
R: [APP] Daily Free App @ Amazon Notifier (European Amazon Stores SUPPORTED)
Thank you for this useful app!
I've just found this thread and I would like to suggest some new feature (hopefully you will implement them).
First off all, I would really like to have more time/event options to check for the free daily app.
For example: check on boot, check on internet connection available, check at different times of the day, etc.
It is useful if an internet connection is not always available.
Another improvement would be to add a link to the app into the Google play store, useful to read a better description.
Other features, but less important, would be to add more info in the notification (original prize) and make them customizable (choose which info to show), and maybe make a better icon, I really liked the old one!
Hoping you will appreciate my suggestion, I want to thank you again for your work
Gia90 said:
Thank you for this useful app!
I've just found this thread and I would like to suggest some new feature (hopefully you will implement them).
First off all, I would really like to have more time/event options to check for the free daily app.
For example: check on boot, check on internet connection available, check at different times of the day, etc.
It is useful if an internet connection is not always available.
Another improvement would be to add a link to the app into the Google play store, useful to read a better description.
Other features, but less important, would be to add more info in the notification (original prize) and make them customizable (choose which info to show), and maybe make a better icon, I really liked the old one!
Hoping you will appreciate my suggestion, I want to thank you again for your work
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Thanks YOU for using my app.
I will add your tips to the Todo list, currently I cannot be making new versions, soon maybe I can release an updated version with new feature.
I also liked the old icon, but unfortunately I was contacted by the an Amazon Trademark paralegal asking me not to use the Smile symbol or Smile in the logo, as consumers might get confused of the source of the products and services available under the Amazon mark. And as I don't want to get into legal issues with Amazon, I changed the logo.
R: [APP] Daily Free App @ Amazon Notifier (European Amazon Stores SUPPORTED)
Hi mcbyte_it,
Until you release a new version with my hoped features, I'm trying to get what I want through tasker.
For now I use tasker to detect the internet connection and, as soon it is available, checks the time, add a minute to the current time and write it into your app shared_preferences.xml.
But to make the settings change effective, I need to open your app and then close it, quite annoying...
So I'm thinking about sending an alarm intent with tasker to your app broadcast receiver, to make your app notification show.
But I couldn't forge a working intent to send...
Maybe it is not possible, or maybe I didn't understand well how your alarm (and android intent system) works, but maybe you can help me
Thank you again!
EDIT: I think that your app is checking for android.intent.action.TIME_TICK intent and not an app specific one, so It should not be possible to achieve what I was looking for.
Gia90 said:
Hi mcbyte_it,
Until you release a new version with my hoped features, I'm trying to get what I want through tasker.
For now I use tasker to detect the internet connection and, as soon it is available, checks the time, add a minute to the current time and write it into your app shared_preferences.xml.
But to make the settings change effective, I need to open your app and then close it, quite annoying...
So I'm thinking about sending an alarm intent with tasker to your app broadcast receiver, to make your app notification show.
But I couldn't forge a working intent to send...
Maybe it is not possible, or maybe I didn't understand well how your alarm (and android intent system) works, but maybe you can help me
Thank you again!
EDIT: I think that your app is checking for android.intent.action.TIME_TICK intent and not an app specific one, so It should not be possible to achieve what I was looking for.
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I see your problem, but what is the reason for you not having internet at the check time?
I have my device set to turn on wifi in the morning before I get up, sync mail, sync podcasts, then turn it off, and I set my app to launch in that period, and it works just fine.
I use normal Android alarms that are set after the BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast action has been received, it reads the time from the prefs file and setting the alarm. I don't know tasker in details, but does it support simulating a BOOT_COMPLETED intent? maybe with "am" commands?
R: [APP] Daily Free App @ Amazon Notifier (European Amazon Stores SUPPORTED)
I turn my connection on at different time every day, so I can't set a time at which I'm sure I will have a connection available.
About tasker, it cannot send system protected intents, so I don't think it can send a fake boot_completed intent, but I didn't think about this possibility I'll try that!
I'm quite new to android system and i'm really curious, so I'm experimenting and trying to learn how it works!
Anyway, thank you again
very nice app However, how can I have notifications for both USA and Italy? I can install both free apps of the day...
Hirishiolo said:
very nice app However, how can I have notifications for both USA and Italy? I can install both free apps of the day...
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Currently it is not possible to follow different stores, only 1 at a time.
as an alternative, you can watch the feeds via Twitter, I have a twitter feed for the Italian Amazon over here:
while the US Amazon has an official twitter feed at:
And just for the information, today I just released a new version of the App, v1.0 with a new interface.
Would it be possible for you to add the Dutch Amazon appstore as well? It had been released in the Netherlands as well a little while ago. Thanks! :beer:
mcbyte_it said:
Currently it is not possible to follow different stores, only 1 at a time.
as an alternative, you can watch the feeds via Twitter, I have a twitter feed for the Italian Amazon over here:
while the US Amazon has an official twitter feed at:
And just for the information, today I just released a new version of the App, v1.0 with a new interface.
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Thanks for the response, do you think the multiple following of stores will be available in the future? thanks...
rkuijpers said:
Would it be possible for you to add the Dutch Amazon appstore as well? It had been released in the Netherlands as well a little while ago. Thanks! :beer:
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Until recently, Amazon AppStore was available in only selected countries (Those mentioned in the first post), but nearly a couple of weeks ago Amazon opened the AppStore to 200 countries world wide. Officially Amazon operates in these countries: USA, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom.
From what I understood from their announcement, most of the world countries will use the US store as a selling point, and most European countries will use a European store as a selling point.
The Netherlands does not have an official Amazon website and store, so I cannot add an option for it, you need to check another country store where you can download apps from within the Netherlands. I would also be glad if you give feedback on how/what country were you able to select to download apps. I am from Italy were an official AppStore is already available since around a year, so I can't do experiments.
Hirishiolo said:
Thanks for the response, do you think the multiple following of stores will be available in the future? thanks...
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I don't have plans to add multiple stores in the near future, as I have already have plans and features that I want to add, maybe later I can think about it.
This is also because most users will not have multiple accounts, because clicking on the Amazon Store button to go to the download page will not switch the Amazon Store for you. it still need to be done manually each time.
In the Netherlands I can download the free app from USA and all European stores.
Not possible from Japan, and not from Canada it seems. The free apps are also different there from the ones in Europe.
It's the same free game in all those countries I can download from: Streetfood Tycoon: World Tour Edition for Android FREE for 24 Hours.
Hope this helps?
mcbyte_it said:
I don't have plans to add multiple stores in the near future, as I have already have plans and features that I want to add, maybe later I can think about it.
This is also because most users will not have multiple accounts, because clicking on the Amazon Store button to go to the download page will not switch the Amazon Store for you. it still need to be done manually each time.
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I don't have multiple accounts, but I can install italian and usa apps of the day with my unique account... I think others can to...
rkuijpers said:
In the Netherlands I can download the free app from USA and all European stores.
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rkuijpers said:
In the Netherlands I can download the free app from USA and all European stores.
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Hirishiolo said:
I don't have multiple accounts, but I can install italian and usa apps of the day with my unique account... I think others can to...
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Since the changes Amazon did 2 weeks ago, things changed, now you can download the free app in another country.
I will put the multi store feature on my todo list...
Would you consider to add the toggle/ option to have your app only check when on wifi connection?
I ask this because I only have a small data plan with my cellphone, and forgot your app checks for a new free app of the day automatically, every day. Of course I was out of wifi range at the time the check took place :banghead:
Considering it used 1 mb of data per day for checking, that would be about 30 mb per month.
I know this doesn't sound like much to people with a large data plan, but in my monthly plan 30 mb equals 30 minutes of call time, or 30 sms. As I have a small monthly data plan, this is rather a good chunk out of it.
I'm in wifi range most of the day, so I'd love it if your app would be able to do the check automatically when in wifi range, and exclude the used of the mobile data connection? I guess more people would love that feature.
Great work on your app by the way, I get notified daily by it, it never fails! :beer:
rkuijpers said:
Would you consider to add the toggle/ option to have your app only check when on wifi connection?
I ask this because I only have a small data plan with my cellphone, and forgot your app checks for a new free app of the day automatically, every day. Of course I was out of wifi range at the time the check took place :banghead:
Considering it used 1 mb of data per day for checking, that would be about 30 mb per month.
I know this doesn't sound like much to people with a large data plan, but in my monthly plan 30 mb equals 30 minutes of call time, or 30 sms. As I have a small monthly data plan, this is rather a good chunk out of it.
I'm in wifi range most of the day, so I'd love it if your app would be able to do the check automatically when in wifi range, and exclude the used of the mobile data connection? I guess more people would love that feature.
Great work on your app by the way, I get notified daily by it, it never fails! :beer:
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This feature is at the top of my to do list, I just need to find a few hours to implement it in the next version, maybe in the next weekend, stay tuned.

WP8: change marketplaces (glitch found) ?

Possable hack or glitch, that is why I am posting here.
According to a few sites, a glitch has been discovered by setting a proxy, you can make your non-nokia phone be able install apps from Nokia's apps.
Sites for info...
Does anyone have clear directions on this so everyone knows how to do it?
Also, I am hoping this would allow us to get to the point of a Marketplace Changer like we used to have for WP7 devices.. I personally would like some HTC apps on my Nokia...and a LG app too.
Figured this would be a great place to start a discussion on this.
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
DavidinCT said:
Possable hack or glitch, that is why I am posting here.
According to a few sites, a glitch has been discovered by setting a proxy, you can make your non-nokia phone be able install apps from Nokia's apps.
Sites for info...
Does anyone have clear directions on this so everyone knows how to do it?
Also, I am hoping this would allow us to get to the point of a Marketplace Changer like we used to have for WP7 devices.. I personally would like some HTC apps on my Nokia...and a LG app too.
Figured this would be a great place to start a discussion on this.
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Guyz, I've tried this on my Huawei W1 but its says, cannot connect,,,,,,,,,, ive also tried changing the region but nothing happens, does anyone tried this already, and successfully installed those nokia exclusive apps?
Thank you,
jakelq said:
Guyz, I've tried this on my Huawei W1 but its says, cannot connect,,,,,,,,,, ive also tried changing the region but nothing happens, does anyone tried this already, and successfully installed those nokia exclusive apps?
Thank you,
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it is time based. I mean, sometimes it happens. sometime it doesnt. keep trying is all I can say.
GH0ST DR0NE said:
it is time based. I mean, sometimes it happens. sometime it doesnt. keep trying is all I can say.
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yup, i tried this at home and it worked..
It runs smooth with huawei w1 and i dont experience any missed swipes.
Why does it wasnt released for 512 mb ram?
GoodDayToDie said:
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
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I would gladly test (I am dev unlocked) anything you can come up with here.
Anything that could help progress towards a hack on WP8, even if it's a marketplace changer of some type
aclegg2011 said:
Man, we really need to find a way to dev unlock our phones. :/
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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The same process (dreamspark EDU account, etc) that worked for WP7 works on WP8 but, the limits of 3 apps are still there... So I can sideload 3 apps..
DavidinCT said:
The same process (dreamspark EDU account, etc) that worked for WP7 works on WP8 but, the limits of 3 apps are still there... So I can sideload 3 apps..
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I have an edu account activated since december 2011. I had on my Omnia W (WP 7.5) only the possibility to sideload 3 apps, but now on my lumia 820 i DONT have this limit of 3 apps..
gipfelgoas said:
I have an edu account activated since december 2011. I had on my Omnia W (WP 7.5) only the possibility to sideload 3 apps, but now on my lumia 820 i dont have this limit of 3 apps..
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I have a Lumia 928, and I dev unlocked it(got one of those free EDU accounts that was going around, I log in 2 times a year), I put on 3 apps and it gives me an error if I try to add more.
I would like to add more but, No biggie because there is not 3rd party tools or hacks for WP8....YET.
DavidinCT said:
I have a Lumia 928, and I dev unlocked it(got one of those free EDU accounts that was going around, I log in 2 times a year), I put on 3 apps and it gives me an error if I try to add more.
I would like to add more but, No biggie because there is not 3rd party tools or hacks for WP8....YET.
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I dont mind but it seems that my account has a bug..?!?
GoodDayToDie said:
The basic "hack" is dead simple, actually. In a way, this is easier than the old Marketplace Switching apps; those worked by changing some configuration files on the phone; this works by editing the communication between the phone and the Marketplace servers *as if* those files had been changed.
It's probably worth the time to write up a small utility to do this yourself, rather than relying on a third party proxy (never a good plan if you don't have to do it). It might even be possible to make the proxy run as an app on the phone itself (it would need to be sideloaded, since there's no way MS would permit such a thing, and you'd probably still need to be on WiFi, but it might be possible).
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Here is a question on this. Is there a list of "proxies" for different carriers/OEMS ? I could not find anything besides this one. Do you know how I can access HTC, Samsung, LG, etc list ?
How does one access the marketplace of another OEM than Nokia ? (I have a Nokia so that is not an issue for me)
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
GoodDayToDie said:
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
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Awsome, I look forward to something ! Thanks !
GoodDayToDie said:
It's just a matter of changing the ID string for the phone when it's talking to the Marketplace servers. I'll look into writing a tool to do it.
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Hi ,GoodDayToDie
Try fiddler2 to modify the request send by the phone when talking to the Marketplace servers.
I have made some research and it's intresting.....
@Mattemoller90: Yes, but I can't promise that the app will install correctly afterward. Apps identify, in their manifests, the resolutions they support. If the app requires resolution that the phone doesn't have, the phone will most likely simply refuse to install it.
How can I cheat the Marketplace with Fiddler2 (for change the resolution) I want try
You are the best
Eh, I'm not going to write a full tutorial right now. Short version is install Fiddler, set it to proxy external connections (will need to be let through your firewall), set your phone to use your PC's IP address and Fiddler's listening port as the proxy, set Fiddler to intercept requests, and then open the Marketplace. You'll see an HTTP GET request from the phone to Microsoft's servers, and the URL will contain a bunch of details about your phone (manufacturer, model, version info, region, etc.) including resolution. Replace the resolution string with the one you want to pretend to have, then have Fiddler "Run to completion".
Note: You'll probably have to do this multiple times. It's OK to not do it for things like partial searches, but you'll of course need to do it for the final search query. It can be scripted, but that's outside the scope of what I'm going to tell you to do here. Look at how @xdevilium does it in his app:
Can fiddler be used for other things? Like seeing where server updates are coming from, and how are phones interacts with developer registration?
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
In theory, yes it can (or any other HTTP/HTTPS proxy; there are several of them available). However, the functions you describe use HTTPS. To intercept SSL traffic, the proxy needs to forge certificates for the sites you connect to (unless it somehow got ahold of the site's private key). To have your phone trust the forged certificates, the proxy (including Fiddler, if you choose to enable it) can sign the forged certificates using its own private key; if the corresponding public key is trusted by the phone (which can be done just by sending the public key to the phone using email or bluetooth or something, and installing it) then the forged signatures will be trusted.
However, that's only true for the general case. For specific OS functionality, Microsoft (and all the other big mobile vendors) use a technique called "certificate pinning" where the SSL certificate must either exactly match a known certifiacte, or must be signed by an exact match. In this case, it doesn't work to install your proxy's certificate and have it be trusted; a feature using cert pinning doesn't even check the OS's trust store. Therefore, we can't intercept those specific communications.
It's frustrating.
I've never scripted Fiddler, I just re-wrote the requests by hand. It's easy enough; there aren't very many. I could tell you how to do it in a couple other proxy programs.
GoodDayToDie said:
I could tell you how to do it in a couple other proxy programs.
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I Really Appreciate That
