Got my replacement Epic - Epic 4G General

I got my replacement Epic after true bricking the other. After two years with this phone my first true brick. Even Sprint couldn't Odin it.
Anyways, maybe its my imagination, but the modem and wi-fi seem stronger, and it seems quicker? Is it possible the rev'd the hardware in this? Probably not, but don't ruin it for me.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I am probably completely wrong about this but I feel like phones start to slow down over time. I had an Evo 4G that I constantly flashed new ROMs onto and over time it started to get really sluggish. I went back to my go to smooth and stable ROMs and even those did the Evo no justice. I have a friend that says it's exactly the same with his HTC Inspire.

This is exactly how I felt about my Samsung epic 4g. It felt as if the hardware wore out, (particularly the hard drive) due to dozens, maybe hundreds of flashes.

xDecapitator said:
I am probably completely wrong about this but I feel like phones start to slow down over time. I had an Evo 4G that I constantly flashed new ROMs onto and over time it started to get really sluggish. I went back to my go to smooth and stable ROMs and even those did the Evo no justice. I have a friend that says it's exactly the same with his HTC Inspire.
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+1 I just got a replacement Epic yesterday and it do seem a lot faster...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I've been really impressed with it. I also didn't realize how loose the hinge for the keyboard had become, nice and tight now.
I don't think I will need to upgrade anytime soon.

socos25 said:
I've been really impressed with it. I also didn't realize how loose the hinge for the keyboard had become, nice and tight now.
I don't think I will need to upgrade anytime soon.
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My replacement has a loose keyboard hinge.....smh...But my old one didn't....Should I get my new one replaced....? Or will Sprint do anything....
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jworkcoo said:
My replacement has a loose keyboard hinge.....smh...But my old one didn't....Should I get my new one replaced....? Or will Sprint do anything....
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I would definitely bring it in... if you have TEP they will fix it for free...

Nah, its just two different phones. My wife's Epic has always had a faster radio than mine. Your new one is probably faster than the old one.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


Just ordered G2X online!

How is the g2x compared to my old vibrant?
Faster, but yet not bug free! I got mine at the store! Returning my first one tomorrow, having data issues!
Nothing new to me, went through 3 Vibrants before I found a good one! So here I go again!
It's got pros and cons, but overall I like it!
Can't wait to start flashing Roms on it!
htc2364 said:
Faster, but yet not bug free! I got mine at the store! Returning my first one tomorrow, having data issues!
Nothing new to me, went through 3 Vibrants before I found a good one! So here I go again!
It's got pros and cons, but overall I like it!
Can't wait to start flashing Roms on it!
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crap... i ordered mine not from tmobile.. if i have to return mine to get a good one it's going to take forever And i was hearing mixed review on the LCD vs SAMOLED.. some say it's better some say it's not..
The vibrant has a better screen, but just slightly. The vibrant does blacks better, but it's really a close call. It's not enough to make a difference.
jesziex said:
crap... i ordered mine not from tmobile.. if i have to return mine to get a good one it's going to take forever And i was hearing mixed review on the LCD vs SAMOLED.. some say it's better some say it's not..
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htc2364 said:
Faster, but yet not bug free! I got mine at the store! Returning my first one tomorrow, having data issues!
Nothing new to me, went through 3 Vibrants before I found a good one! So here I go again!
It's got pros and cons, but overall I like it!
Can't wait to start flashing Roms on it!
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I had data issues with my vibrant after I got it, it was tmo and they came out and fixed the tower. I think you might be jumping the gun on returning it but hey keep returning it tell its right.
Heard it a few people have been having reboot issues and light bleed. But the one I looked at, in the tmobile store didn't have any light bleed issues. Not sure about the reboot issue people have been claiming to have.
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AustinKnight45 said:
I had data issues with my vibrant after I got it, it was tmo and they came out and fixed the tower. I think you might be jumping the gun on returning it but hey keep returning it tell its right.
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Thanks, but it was recommended by Tmo technical support! I wouldn't return it if I didn't have to or without trouble shooting it first!
It's a hassle, but worth it at the end to get a proper working device!
This is the reason I've never ordered online, because if I have a problem I can always exchange it right away rather then wait for Ups!
I'd probably pick one up if I was eligible for an upgrade.
I've heard of data issues, battery drain issues, screen problems, rebooting and high temperature problems. It seems to be getting updates quick... source is already released with tweets about gingerbread within the month. Even if it isn't a giant killer of a phone, its still great.
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allthrottle said:
I'd probably pick one up if I was eligible for an upgrade.
I've heard of data issues, battery drain issues, screen problems, rebooting and high temperature problems. It seems to be getting updates quick... source is already released with tweets about gingerbread within the month. Even if it isn't a giant killer of a phone, its still great.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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That's the reason why I decided to jump the gun. Good devs like cynogen and krylon are working on it already. My g2x only cost me around 150 with upgrade from Amazon wireless
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allthrottle said:
I'd probably pick one up if I was eligible for an upgrade.
I've heard of data issues, battery drain issues, screen problems, rebooting and high temperature problems. It seems to be getting updates quick... source is already released with tweets about gingerbread within the month. Even if it isn't a giant killer of a phone, its still great.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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Ya im with ya. If I was eligible for an upgrade I would pick one up for sure.
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ZachLL88 said:
Ya im with ya. If I was eligible for an upgrade I would pick one up for sure.
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I hope I don't regret not holding off for the sgs2...
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I'm good so far. GPS working, none of that RFS bull ****.
Loving it.
G2x in effect....
jesziex said:
I hope I don't regret not holding off for the sgs2...
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Im sure you will be happy! Its a really nice phone, I love the build of the phone feels great.
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jesziex said:
I hope I don't regret not holding off for the sgs2...
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It's a Samsung phone. Even if you regret it when it's released, you will stop regretting when the sgs2 users are stuck with whatever version it ships with and updates (if it gets any) will be months after the next Android release. The g2x, being stock, will get updates much faster and with the source code already released will have a great dev community.
I'm finally happy with the Vibrant running Bionix, but this is definitely my last Samsung phone.
os2baba said:
It's a Samsung phone. Even if you regret it when it's released, you will stop regretting when the sgs2 users are stuck with whatever version it ships with and updates (if it gets any) will be months after the next Android release. The g2x, being stock, will get updates much faster and with the source code already released will have a great dev community.
I'm finally happy with the Vibrant running Bionix, but this is definitely my last Samsung phone.
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im sure we will be pleasantly surprised with the Galaxy S2 phones.
ZachLL88 said:
im sure we will be pleasantly surprised with the Galaxy S2 phones.
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of course, but some people just want phones with fast developments.
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iynfynity said:
of course, but some people just want phones with fast developments.
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Got me there lol.
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I was gonna go pick up a G2X this morning when I get off work but I've been reading in their section that there seems to be a horrid battery drain issue with a lot of users and the source of the problem has yet to be determined. I got my Vibrant while it still had a battery drain issue but fortunately it was fixed shortly after me getting the phone... Wont be putting myself through that hell again so until the phones software matures more I have no problem getting on with my Vibrant.
G2x looks good but im waiting on the SGS 2 just seems like a better phone for the money.
I'm lucky enough to have a buddy that works for T-Mo. He's going to give me a G2X this coming Sunday. At least this way if it sucks I can always just slide my sim card back into the good old Vibrant. From what I've read it's pretty much stock android like the Nexus S so the upgrades and rom development should be pretty rapid.

Replacement Epic

Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
A sucker is born every minute.
nbunn said:
Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic:
My dumbass friend traded his epic for a shift . The people are out there, just gotta find em.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Id hate to have to trade but if someone comes up then I might
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I'm willing to buy one if anyone will come up with one
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Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
Overstew said:
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
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Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
The Root said:
Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
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Yes he did lolz, I hope they gave him a reach around with that deal.
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jamice4u said:
Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic:
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I've got one I'm looking to sell actually after upgrading to the Nexus S.
Has a game-grip, extra samsung oem battery + charger, small scuff on the back but otherwise a flawless screen.
PM me.
Here's the FS thread:
It does say "firm" in my FS post, but I'm entertaining offers, feel free to PM if you are interested
Snowmanwithahat, I've pmed you. Anyone else?
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Anyone new?
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Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
DiMa1720 said:
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
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What's the flex cable?
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My current gf's upgrade is due and she's elgible for the phone surprisingly! I was considerng dropping my sexy, gorgeous, fantastic, amazing epic 4g on her and taking off with the 4ton4g! I played around with it a bit yesterday at the sprint store and I literally jizzed in my briefs!(false story) I'm strongly considering taking it though! Has any one played around with it as of late? First impressions?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have had it for 3 days and love it. But you should look in the photon 4g section, and read the forums there. That's where you will find the most info on it. And yes its a bad Mopho!
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
I almost bought it yesterday it was crazy ........come on gs2 hurry or I might have a new toy
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lballer69 said:
I almost bought it yesterday it was crazy ........come on gs2 hurry or I might have a new toy
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Yea its amazing man! Like it literally ****s on evo 3d....
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Eh, personally the underwhelming Tegra 2 and locked bootloader ruined it for me. If it had the OMAP 4430 like the rest of MOTOs new "Droids" I'd give it a try.
"Whats a fourton 4g?"
No seriously, this is what i thought when i saw your title... -.-
Magic Oreo said:
"Whats a fourton 4g?"
No seriously, this is what i thought when i saw your title... -.-
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that's what i thought too
Me personally would go with an evo 3d instead over a moto
MOTO= Ugly Phone,Screen,Locked boot loader, the list goes on and on and on....
Just my opinion..
davidrules7778 said:
Me personally would go with an evo 3d instead over a moto
MOTO= Ugly Phone,Screen,Locked boot loader, the list goes on and on and on....
Just my opinion..
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That's one hell of an opinion. Lol....
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I don't know if I would call the phone 'ugly' but it's certainly different. The screen...well, no one can really compete with Sammy's screen, let's get real here. Locked bootloader = fail IMO. I know, I know, there's an update that supposed to come out and unlock it, but when? Has there been an actual announcement date on it?
I was seriously considering the Photon because of impatience with the SGSII, but knowing the bootloader is in fact locked, and with hope of Nexus 3 coming in a few months, I'm going to skip on the Photon personally.
I hope it's a rockin phone for those that get it, I just won't be one of them.
locked bootloader = fail
I literally just got mine in the mail the ups guy just knocked on the door I'm about to open it up now......gotta love working for a third party sprint dealer. Korey has it and loves it. Unfortunately only way to root right now is having the media dock which is 100 bones but I'll let you guys know tomorrow how I actually feel about the phone.
Gonna miss my keyboard but I'm going to keep my epic for dev/testing purposes.....
I don't know display is really pixelated and lock bootloader sux
I honestly could not buy it. My epic right now runs smoother. Just based on the reveiws the galaxy s2 is much better than the other duel core phones.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

So long Evo 4G. :(

I'm on a family plan and they are switching to at&t so I gotta follow. I was wondering what the beat phone from them is right now. I love my evo. It has been nothing but good to me. I want a phone similar. I was think the HTC one x but it doesn't have a removable battery.
So what are your thoughts? What's the best phone from AT&T right now for the Evo 4G loving flashaholic?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
I'm on a family plan and they are switching to at&t so I gotta follow. I was wondering what the beat phone from them is right now. I love my evo. It has been nothing but good to me. I want a phone similar. I was think the HTC one x but it doesn't have a removable battery.
So what are your thoughts? What's the best phone from AT&T right now for the Evo 4G loving flashaholic?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
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One X bro I used one today n I fell inlove with it, though Classic EQ preset sounds better than the famous Beats Audio preset on stock music player, let down.... anyways u also got the Vivid or Inspire if ur an HTC lover, though with the One X I personally wouldnt consider any of them and the X's battery is great according to some ppl, though no SD card slot is another let down....
I'm on a family plan and they are switching to at&t so I gotta follow. I was wondering what the beat phone from them is right now. I love my evo. It has been nothing but good to me. I want a phone similar. I was think the HTC one x but it doesn't have a removable battery.
So what are your thoughts? What's the best phone from AT&T right now for the Evo 4G loving flashaholic?
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The non removable battery isn't a deal breaker believe it or not! Just look at most tablets........they got a set combo that you can press if you get stuck in a bootloop or whatever
I would go with the one x if I was on At&t BUT that's just around that's my advice to you dude! At the end of the day, we're not the ones that are going to be stuck with that YOU! I could tell you get this, get that BUT you got to like it........everything else is a matter of opinion!
Awesome thanks for the fast responses. And that was my big worry with the removable battery that I wouldn't have any option if I got in a boot loop or a rom acts funny and I need to hard reset. If there is a hard reset feature then I think I'm sold. But I'm still not sure lol.
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
Also, is there a difference between the one x and the one s? I'm a big miui user and I know one s support is coming but will that work with the one x?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
Also, is there a difference between the one x and the one s? I'm a big miui user and I know one s support is coming but will that work with the one x?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
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body, screen, camera (i think), and thats about it i think?
Luisit0 said:
body, screen, camera (i think), and thats about it i think?
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I run with an Atrix 4G at work and all I can say is that it's one hell of a fun phone
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evo4gnoob said:
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dont both S and at&t's XL have 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4?
So if the one s and the one x are the same spec wise. Can the One X run One S Roms and viscera?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
So if the one s and the one x are the same spec wise. Can the One X run One S Roms and viscera?
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
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probably/maybe with some porting involved
You'd be foolish not to get the One X. Hottest phone in existence until next Friday.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA
Galaxy Note
I got an evo when they first came out and have flashed everything to it. My HTC EVO 4G(I love saying it) has been an incredible phone but I recently upgraded to a Galaxy Note and I Love it. Its huge just like the evo used to be huge but I am used to it now and all phones feel tiny. The pen believe it or not is actually pretty useful, its fun to draw with but I also take a lot of notes and it has helped me out immensely with my business.
Yes its a tad slower than the htc one x and I do miss sense, but I need me an ext sd and removable battery. If i didn't like options i'd get an iphone. whats up with that HTC? that's seriously the reason I went with the Note.
but I recently bricked/semi bricked/softbricked my Note upgrading to ICS and that sucked but I fixed it and finally got the new official ICS and cannot be happier. I installed nova launcher over crapwiz and now im in heaven.
PsiPhiDan said:
You'd be foolish not to get the One X. Hottest phone in existence until next Friday.
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What's the phone that is coming out next Friday?
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hyperrsx said:
I got an evo when they first came out and have flashed everything to it. My HTC EVO 4G(I love saying it) has been an incredible phone but I recently upgraded to a Galaxy Note and I Love it. Its huge just like the evo used to be huge but I am used to it now and all phones feel tiny. The pen believe it or not is actually pretty useful, its fun to draw with but I also take a lot of notes and it has helped me out immensely with my business.
Yes its a tad slower than the htc one x and I do miss sense, but I need me an ext sd and removable battery. If i didn't like options i'd get an iphone. whats up with that HTC? that's seriously the reason I went with the Note.
but I recently bricked/semi bricked/softbricked my Note upgrading to ICS and that sucked but I fixed it and finally got the new official ICS and cannot be happier. I installed nova launcher over crapwiz and now im in heaven.
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My debate is pretty much between the One X, The Note, and an iPhone...I know. Its sad I'm thinking ios over android. I'd regret it alot later but its an option.
But with the Note, I heard that the hardware Samsung uses on there android devices is pretty crappy like its built out of cheap parts.
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA
What's the phone that is coming out next Friday?
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But with the Note, I heard that the hardware Samsung uses on there android devices is pretty crappy like its built out of cheap parts.
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I heard that too, but I dont think mine feels cheap at all the build quality is good and the parts on the inside dont feel too quick. Sometimes i cant believe how much faster it is than my EVO. I am able to run anything like grand theft auto really smooth. I do have the international version which is faster that the ATT version so that kinda suck for the OP.
and the new evo doesnt have that feel of being or having something that no other phone has. When the OG Evo came out it was one of a kind nothing could compare to it. The Note is the only phone that really stands out to me, More than the Galaxy s3 since its a bit similar to the htc one x.
Thats just me though, I like big phones. and i cant stress this enough that you do get used to the size unless you have small hands but my 8 years old niece can use it just fine.
i left to AT&T for the galaxy note - if you have LTE in your area it is SICK!
Art2Fly said:
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I get mine earlier than Friday
Art2Fly said:
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The Evo LTE is coming out for Sprint not AT&T.
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA

RIP: EOL For The Epic?
That's too bad. Its not eol in my book will always be a kick ass phone.
Sent From My Sprint Galaxy Nexus via XDA Premium
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I'm only concerned when we get sent to the legacy device forum.
kennyglass123 said:
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
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My thought exactly .... ( hopefully )
Well ill actually get wimax 4g when I go to philly this year, so even if the sgs3 is a slider, I definitely won't switch this year.
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kennyglass123 said:
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
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I hope
schnowdapowda said:
I'm only concerned when we get sent to the legacy device forum.
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One of the best phones Sprint has ever had...
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jworkcoo said:
One of the best phones Sprint has ever had...
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It was my first Sprint phone... does this mean it will be all down hill from here?
I hope not... lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
Hmmmm, fry the board and get a so called "upgrade" or just keep my tried and true epic until my next official upgrade. Decisions decisions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
........been a good run, yet it's not over til it's over.......oh, there goes the back-lit keyboard light!.......JK
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Was tryna a few things with the parts of the 2phones I had. Then realised something n I got 2 new/refurbd epics for the return of 1 yesterday n 2day...didn't wana do it to them butthey owed me for a claim I didn't need to make with asurion in nov. So sprint were kinda even (not really). But they should last until or pay for my next upgrade
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
saw this in the comments thread... that would be areal bummer, IMO
Nah the Epic replacement is that new LG slider that just leaked. The 4" dual core 1.2 GHz one.
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Jimmy50941 said:
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
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I think it was 1.2 I was so new then that I stuck with SRF 1.1 and Vision 1.0 and left well enough alone then got comfy with flashing and sorts. SRF was my first ROM.
DCRocks said:
saw this in the comments thread... that would be areal bummer, IMO
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That would SUCK! Would mean I would have to get one of these for the wife. Then I am going to stick with Sammy but might go with GNex if I don't like the specs of the "GS3"
styles420 said:
It was my first Sprint phone... does this mean it will be all down hill from here?
I hope not... lol
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Same here this is my first Sprint phone.
EDIT: The funny thing is they are still asking 99 bucks for on contract for this phone. At least at the store I was in last weekend.
Does this mean supply of og epic will be dwindling? What about warranty replacement? Will they go with epictouch?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Jimmy50941 said:
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
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I don't want to start a whole arguement as it already had long time ago. But I never had problems with my Epic and he did warn everyone just like your supposed to say in the OP before flashing anything.
My Epic had no issues with any of his kernels not to mention it was the best for my phone. I mean I could Undervolt that sucker big time. For ex. 100 MHz was Uv'ed down to 450mV and still worked running that low.
Vision 1.2 ran on my phone for more than 2 weeks and still had no problems.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Nearly 2 years before going EOL, not bad at all....
Even if you have to have a DHRP ordered for you by a Sprint S&R store or one of their ASCs, it'll be quite awhile before Sprint runs out of refurbished Samsung Epic 4Gs as replacements. Part of the reason they have an abundant supply of refurbished handsets people is because Sprint is proactive in their corporate retail stores to have their L/RCs buy back customers D700s for credit during a handset upgrade. They've been doing the same thing with the HTC EVO 4G, EVO 3D as well as the EVO Shift 4G, all frequent handsets showing up for repair in the S&R and ASCs.
Sent via my Samsung Epic 4G via Clear's WiMAX network in the ATL.
I loved both of those kernels, they were fast as hell. And I wasn't really worried when my phone bricked, as I had insurance lol. I also had backups, so I didn't lose much. I was actually jokingly making a suggestion for getting phones replaced through TEP using the kernel that bricked phones. I don't remember which one it was for sure though, but there was a massive thread about it back in the day, and the cause of the bricks was too much RAM under voltage for some of our phones. But I still went back to that kernel when I got my new phone, just not that version of it lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA

