Poll: Which of the five WP8 handsets will you buy? - Windows Phone 8 General

Now we know of HTC's lineup which handset appeals to you?

Lumia 920. As a photographer, I don't think you can beat the camera on the Nokia (judging from the samples shot from the Lumia)

Lumia 920.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium

8X because of the screen size, and it might be the only one on my carrier. If the lumia ends up on my carrier it will be a harder decision.

Lumia 920
better screen by a long way
Better camera by a long way
Wireless charging - hope to see car mount with this making a great sat nah
More storage - 16gb of 8x is pathetic fir a flagship esp when the 8s has SD
Nokia apps - esp camera features
Gloves on use - not needed for me but pretty cool
Better battery
Yeah the 8x has beats but that's ruined by 16gb and what else? being .5 mm thinner isn't enough to win it back.

wait. ..for lumia 1000

I voted Lumia 920
If Lumia comes out on my carrier (sales person in Vodafone UK store basically said it wont be coming to them, but Phones4U UK should get it)
If not then HTC 8x

OP, you may want to add "not sure yet" to the voting choices.
I don’t know…….. The Ativ has the largest display and appears to have the best specs. The “big 3” all seem to have the same CPU.
I’m partial to HTC devices and I’ve been very happy with my HTC Titan. I may have been spoiled, but I now believe that a 4.7 inch display is probably a minimum perfect size. When we first heard rumors of the new HTC WP8 devices there were to have been three of them, with the “Flagship Device” having a 4.7 inch display. I’m not interested in going smaller, and I assume other Titan users have similar thoughts.
Also, what happened to the hype over WP8 devices having Nokia Maps? Do these new devices even have the new app? There seems to be no mention of it now.
I’m afraid I’m in wait-and-see mode, leaning slightly towards the ATIV for display size.
Where are you HTC? Where’s my big-screen Titan replacement?

For anybody that still isn't decided, WPCentral put together a comparison chart on the different 'Hero' phones. Honestly, after looking at it I may find myself with the Ativ.

6 months ago .....if the boot loader was unlocked, and the drivers open sourced, the 920 that is awesome hardware, from the screen, to CPU, to graphics, to camera.

XATAGuy said:
OP, you may want to add "not sure yet" to the voting choices.
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i dont think i can add to the poll when it is live.

Nokia or HTC for me. Who ever offers a combo deal of Surface and Phone first will get my money.
sent from my Nexus S ?

None, because none will be available to Sprint. Even more, on Sprint, I'll have to pay the same monthly rate for any WP8 to iPhone 5, so...
unless the HTC one has no LTE

I not convinced we’ve seen HTC’s “flagship”.
Probably the most significant single attribute that any manufacturer has used to one-up the iPhone has been display size.
All of the HTC rumors prior to this week’s announcement revolved around the introduction of three new WP8 devices, one of which was to have had a 4.7 inch display.
There are way too many Titan and One X users that are not likely to be cool with a smaller display – not even .2 inches smaller. Thanks to Titan and One X, 4.7 inches is the new minimum.
I really hope to see something bigger and better from HTC soon.
Q: Do the HTC and Samsung devices come with Nokia Maps?
Q: Is the big battery in the ATIV removable?

XATAGuy said:
I not convinced we’ve seen HTC’s “flagship”.
Probably the most significant single attribute that any manufacturer has used to one-up the iPhone has been display size.
All of the HTC rumors prior to this week’s announcement revolved around the introduction of three new WP8 devices, one of which was to have had a 4.7 inch display.
There are way too many Titan and One X users that are not likely to be cool with a smaller display – not even .2 inches smaller. Thanks to Titan and One X, 4.7 inches is the new minimum.
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While I like your reasoning, I can't help but notice that they called it the 8X. The X has been their "top of the line" brand, and while I suppose it's not impossible for them to introduce something like the 8X+, it sounds like they aren't really planning for it.

Samsung announced a new LPDDR3 which should be in phones next year. More storage less power consumption and faster!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium

thebobp said:
While I like your reasoning, I can't help but notice that they called it the 8X. The X has been their "top of the line" brand, and while I suppose it's not impossible for them to introduce something like the 8X+, it sounds like they aren't really planning for it.
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Good point. I hadn't put the "X" thing together.
I'm really expecting more from HTC.

shelz said:
wait. ..for lumia 1000
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I'll buy the 920 at the day of the release, but I really like to see Nokia pulling out all the stops - 41mp Pure View, 4.8" edge to edge screen, quad-core Krait, 3,300 mAh battery. I'd buy that monster in a heartbeat.

george232 said:
I'll buy the 920 at the day of the release, but I really like to see Nokia pulling out all the stops - 41mp Pure View, 4.8" edge to edge screen, quad-core Krait, 3,300 mAh battery. I'd buy that monster in a heartbeat.
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Quad core is just not needed for this OS. It would be more of a battery drainer if anything. Am so glad they have only put two core CPUs.

I like the Nokia 920 the most out of all that we have seen so far.
The ativ s also looks good. I like the HTC designs but I'm not so sure about HTC devices anymore. They seem to always suffer from some sort of build quality issue.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium


HTC's new phone lineup - are they losing the momentum?

There was an article recently on XDA portal about HTC losing its touch (http://www.xda-developers.com/feature/has-htc-taken-a-back-seat-on-the-innovation-car/#comments); after reviewing the latest products from HTC I must agree that there is some credence to this article.
Save for the Flyer tablet there is nothing new under the HTC sky; same old phones have just got a minor makeover especially the Desire series. I understand that the phone was particularly popular and a big seller, but must they beat this concept to death? Can there be something new on the horizon?
It has been over a year since the release of HD2 and its 1Ghz processor.
Nothing exciting since then. Meanwhile, the company has jumped on the Android platform with a gusto (and so have many others) but still producing subpar cameras, same issues since the old HD, same tech specifications, same old bugs, etc. Not to mention the battery! Even the tablet is entering the race a bit late. Not to mention 3gp video recording and resistive (?!)touch screen
I think there may be a good reason why MS has moved to Nokia instead, their announced partnership does promise something new.
I am a big HTC fan and have been a loyal costumer and would love to see something exciting coming from them but there is nothing yet.
What are your thoughts about this?
I too am a little dissappointed by their upcoming phones. The Desire HD2 is the only one to join the ranks of the dual core processors. Who knows, maybe they're working with Qualcomm and we'll see some devices by the end of the year running their new 2.5GHz single core, dual core and quad core processors.
Heres hoping anyway
I´m not really buying tech specs, I buy a device, a package. Yes, I´m not interested in average products, either.
HTC, among all other fishes in the smartphone pond, has become one of the smallest. They compete with multi-billion dollar companies which are far more powerful, some of them even developers and owners of core and key technology.
HTC has always been a company putting parts made by others together - in other words, they depend strongly on others. They indeed had some momentum with their approach to the total package. Thanks to their solution, the complicated and not-so-easy to handle WinMo became useful, some other good ideas (even if inspired by others) gave them a big group of fans. And finally, they "dared" to start sell and market products under their own brand. This step, by the way, was done not so much time ago.
I do hope they complete and/or correct the lacks and deficits they never got rid of in the past, and that they dare to take new approaches maybe, too.
The small size of the company has been an advantage in the past, now that the rules of the game have changed dramatically (especially in the past 4 years), it might have become a disadvantage. After all, if things go wrong, maybe they´ll go back to their roots: Producing OEM and ODM mass products for others.
The future will show.
The Last original phone to be released was the Desire HD... all the phones since then have been a complete knock of it or just slightly altered specs, design but in the end they all look like the Desire HD
They need a new design team because the current ones are out of ideas
tlerner said:
Even the tablet is entering the race a bit late. Not to mention 3gp video recording and resistive (?!)touch screen
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It's not resistive touch screen
It is capacitative one, it supports capacitive stylus
If this keep's happening i might even go back to the iphone =/
ehh ive moved on from HTC :/
i 'll give htc one more chance , after that i'll go for nokia when it releases wp7
hakuchi18v said:
The Last original phone to be released was the Desire HD... all the phones since then have been a complete knock of it or just slightly altered specs, design but in the end they all look like the Desire HD
They need a new design team because the current ones are out of ideas
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Desire HD was a clone of the HD2 and evo series last origional phone i would was was the Desire & the HD2
What do you expect from HTC? - Snapdragon processor - one of the top-end processors used in mobile devices, 576 of RAM - enough for mobile applications, designed to suit every taste, you can choose from several operating systems (WinMo, WP7, android) / * and to be able to change it on your phone.
The quantity of HTC users is comparable to iPhone users (they are more or less equal in my region).
And I'm almost sure, that less than in a year, HTC will present us a new monster. And I'm glad, that I have HD2, Android breathed a new life into it.
As for me, being one of the top devices for more than 1 Year means something
(from 11/2009)
Iphone 4g, in my opinion is the best,
- but HTC is not bad, it's cheaper (You can buy a good HTC device twice and even more cheaper);
- Different design and ROM solutions;
- Great community
iwanrakic said:
It's not resistive touch screen
It is capacitative one, it supports capacitive stylus
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I think this may just be wishful thinking on your part. HTC says it is ''touch-sensitive screen'' - they would say it was capacitative if it were so. Gosh, does that mean applying those annoying screen protectors and the resulting air bubbles - on a 7'' screen?! If you take a closer look as to why would one need to use the stylus one could not find a good reason for it. Scribbling doodles on a notepad? No, thanks!
Besides that there is a score of other issues which are going to prove troublesome for the Flyer (other phone models are not even worth mentioning):
- entering the Android tablet market late and with sub-features in comparison to competition + video recording is limited to 3gp (can't even remember what that looks like). Take a look at Galaxy Tab video quality http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/01/samsung-galaxy-tab-review/
- inferior screen quality and video playback
- at least the new Android version and not the old one (they say it may get upgraded but that is B.S., it should already be on it.)
- proposed high price
The only features which is better is a 1.5 Ghz processor.
When you enter a certain market late you try to have something different and better than your competition, such as, let's say 8'' or 9'' screen, better camera, nicer and larger screen resolution, etc.
Desire HD was a clone of the HD2 and evo series last origional phone i would was was the Desire & the HD2
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Absolutely agree. They came up with a Snapdragon processor and the largest mobile screen over a year ago and that was it. If it weren't for the phone's ability to carry several different OS' I think most of us would have already moved on. Don't get me wrong, I love my HD2 for all the things I mentioned above but it is time to upgrade and save for another revamped HD2 clone (HD7) there is nothing out there on the HTC's market.
I started another thread after MS and Nokia announced their new partnership 'threat to HTC' because I felt that MS was ditching HTC and it seems that this feeling was right on the mark. Somebody said that HTC eschewed dual core for now because they have something better up their sleeve , that they are going to release something revolutionary later this year, blah blah blah, but I disagree. The mobile market is a fast and merciless one; if you don't move fast and be on the top or at least close enough you lose/bomb with the consumers. One does not show up at MWC just for the sake of showing up, you put your best on the line. I am afraid with its 'new' lineup HTC has lost it which makes me really sad because I loved their products.
"The Flyer has a capacitive touchscreen with what's been known as an active digitizer, although N-Trig's hesitant about using that term to describe its wares." from Endgadget
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I stand corrected! But do you think that given everything else on this device it will sell well in a highly competitive market?
Seriously, 3gp, poor video playback?
I don't think HTC have list the plot here, why keep up when they can skip a mediocre generation of duel core CPUs when they can have a quad core set in the same year which probably will have longer shelf life.
They are doing the right thing
Sent from my duel booting beast of a phone
Totally agree
Jake.VR said:
What do you expect from HTC? - Snapdragon processor - one of the top-end processors used in mobile devices, 576 of RAM - enough for mobile applications, designed to suit every taste, you can choose from several operating systems (WinMo, WP7, android) / * and to be able to change it on your phone.
The quantity of HTC users is comparable to iPhone users (they are more or less equal in my region).
And I'm almost sure, that less than in a year, HTC will present us a new monster. And I'm glad, that I have HD2, Android breathed a new life into it.
As for me, being one of the top devices for more than 1 Year means something
(from 11/2009)
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Sent from my duel booting beast of a phone
You have to give HTC credit though, as they were able to sell the same phone with a different name. Lets hope they dont run out of names before chips.
Unless they go round again and just put a dual core in the shell and call it desire HD x 2 then we could have x3 and so on.
heres hoping HTC get some imagination

So will you buy the new HTC Titan or stick with your Mango HD2?

As the title suggests... what will you do?
I want the Titan very much but will hold on and use my Mango HD2 for just a little longer.
Maybe next year. Will wait for all the mango handsets to come. Waiting for Nokia to reveal its phones. Nokia is supposed to have better lens.. Carl Zeiss?? All else being same, a better optics will clinch the deal, I suppose. Waiting for Nokia phones..
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I was tempted but im a bit disapointed that we are only getting the 205 gpu, essentially we are only getting a 500mhz speed bump an a slightly bigger battery. Think I'll wait tbh, im more than happy with the hd2 an wp7, at the very least I may wait until the price drops. Full price for a slightly bigger screen, battery an a 500mhz speed bump, isn't worth it in my opinion
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Seriusly? I don,t know why spend 500 bucks to buy a phone with a little more spec hd2. HD2 is thé kind, si the next prototype in sell from HTC comes in 2020...
I want a device where I can't see the pixels, like on the Iphone. Meaning I'll have to wait for new chassis specs from MS. Also I've often been impressed with the build quality and battery life on Nokia phones, so when I do get a new phone it'll prolly be a Nokia.
I'd expect a s3 snapdragon with a Adreno 220 gpu, not second gen s2 stuff, I mean s4 snapdragons will be out very soon, so effectively the titan will be 2 generations old by time its released! Seems daft if you ask me, perhaps the listed spec is wrong but several sites say its deffiniely an s2
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I was going to get one till i saw its 840x480 still on a bigger screen i mean wtf lol and 1 upgrade from the crap gpu thats in my hd2 right now and all for £500 probly here sim free in the uk. No thanks
Im waiting on a phone from htc thats got dule core cpu a good gpu and higher rez screen then i will be willing to spend £500 on a windows phone until that day i will stick with my hd2. i just hope one day someone comes along and fixes the bug with the battery drain
i think im sticking with my hd2 seeing as my contact doesnt end till april, but hopefully by then i will be able to get a dual core with 1080p video
dont expect too much from Nokia Carl Zeiss
Hey man, I've had Nokia N73 N95 and Nokia N95 8Gb, and let me tell you that I love by far the pictures taken with our HTC HD2 with Windows 6.5 with WP7 still being not so good you know... but really the Carl Zeiss lens in Nokia NSeries isn't so good as marketing says .... lets wait for new models with WP7 but I really think that HTC is a better brand ....
I have my HTC HD2 now for 2 year and the material that is made is really fantastic, until now the metal still being like new from factory the display the same... maybe some scratches after 2 years on buttons... and the experience with Nokia mobile phones is really the opposite, I had this Nokia N95 two years and the battery is fat you now like blowed not working anymore, needed to buy new one and the cases are like chinnesse plastic soo BAD !!! I needed to change my cases 2 times in 2 years .... soooo really HTC has shown soo good battery life itself and so good cases life.....sooo In my opinion I wont change to any other brand HTC !for me until now has been almost the perfect mobile phone
Grettings .....
madhivanan said:
Maybe next year. Will wait for all the mango handsets to come. Waiting for Nokia to reveal its phones. Nokia is supposed to have better lens.. Carl Zeiss?? All else being same, a better optics will clinch the deal, I suppose. Waiting for Nokia phones..
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Hey man, I've had Nokia N73 N95 and Nokia N95 8Gb, and let me tell you that I love by far the pictures taken with our HTC HD2 with Windows 6.5 with WP7 still being not so good you know... but really the Carl Zeiss lens in Nokia NSeries isn't so good as marketing says .... lets wait for new models with WP7 but I really think that HTC is a better brand ....
I have my HTC HD2 now for 2 year and the material that is made is really fantastic, until now the metal still being like new from factory the display the same... maybe some scratches after 2 years on buttons... and the experience with Nokia mobile phones is really the opposite, I had this Nokia N95 two years and the battery is fat you now like blowed not working anymore, needed to buy new one and the cases are like chinnesse plastic soo BAD !!! I needed to change my cases 2 times in 2 years .... soooo really HTC has shown soo good battery life itself and so good cases life.....sooo In my opinion I wont change to any other brand HTC !for me until now has been almost the perfect mobile phone
Grettings .....
Very interetsted in the Titan, like the idea of 1.5GHz CPU and bigger screen. Also native WP7 support would be good. Not sure about soft buttons though, heard bad things about them.
Definitely interested to see what Nokia can do. My first smartphone was a Nokia 9110 back in 1998. Would love to see a modern day offering from Nokia - they've done some great hardware.
But do we really need a dual core CPU which will just eat into battery life? Surely a 1ghz processor is more than enough to run WP7 (HD2 is proof) so a 1.5Ghz single core is more than plenty. Also again surely 480x800 is plenty (HD2 is proof) and YouTube reviewers of Titan said you can't see pixels on the 4.7" display. We don't need to be able to play 720p videos on our screens as the resolution is only WVGA remember.
So, I think the Titan is a great upgrade. Bigger screen, thinner, faster, WiFi tethering, better camera, front facing camera, better sound (5.1) etc.
I paid £500 for my sim free HD2 on launch date. I am tempted to sell it and put money towards Titan.
The only thing I dislike about the Titan is the double edge bezel design above the screen. Its horrible and does not match the bottom of the phone and thus spoils
the look.
tboy2000 said:
But do we really need a dual core CPU which will just eat into battery life? Surely a 1ghz processor is more than enough to run WP7 (HD2 is proof) so a 1.5Ghz single core is more than plenty. Also again surely 480x800 is plenty (HD2 is proof) and YouTube reviewers of Titan said you can't see pixels on the 4.7" display. We don't need to be able to play 720p videos on our screens as the resolution is only WVGA remember.
So, I think the Titan is a great upgrade. Bigger screen, thinner, faster, WiFi tethering, better camera, front facing camera, better sound (5.1) etc.
I paid £500 for my sim free HD2 on launch date. I am tempted to sell it and put money towards Titan.
The only thing I dislike about the Titan is the double edge bezel design above the screen. Its horrible and does not match the bottom of the phone and thus spoils
the look.
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Bigger screen isnt better, its larger, and may suite some folk an not others, i wouldnt shell out 500 on half an inch
Your right about the dual core, we dont even know how WP could deal with such a thing, but what is missing from the S2 Snapdragons is the GPU/memory the Adreno 220 is between 100% to 400% faster than the S2 Adreno 205 which is slightly faster than the Adreno 200 we have, there is also the memory and power consumption improvments.
Shelling out 500 on a device that is 2 generations obsolete before it even hits the shelves (S4 on its way which also comes in single, dual and quad core an over x16 improvment in speed over our HD2 and significant battery drainage reduction) sounds more like HTC trying to clear Snapdragon S2 stock rather than provide us with a new device, we would be getting a minimal improvment over the HD2.
Its like me trying to sell you today a 3GHz Intel Prescott CPU for the full ~£300 it cost AS NEW ~6/7 years ago, "But its new, its never been used before so why wouldnt you pay that price? it is after all faster than a ATOM CPU?"
Where did you get this 5.1 sound business? i didnt see HDMI output on the spec, just curious,
Its 1.1mm thiner, 10mm Longer and 3.6 mm wider and a few grams heaver, 1.1mm thiner isnt much to shell out 500 quid on
Some good valid points. As for the 5.1 reference, this is taken straight from HTC's site.
See photos from your camera, Facebook and Windows Live™ accounts in the Pictures hub
Music and Videos Hub powered by Zune lets you listen to radio, download music, and more
SRS enhancement
5.1 surround sound for video
tboy2000 said:
Also again surely 480x800 is plenty (HD2 is proof) and YouTube reviewers of Titan said you can't see pixels on the 4.7" display. We don't need to be able to play 720p videos on our screens as the resolution is only WVGA remember.
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I don't believe that. I can clearly see the pixels on my HD2, so why wouldn't I be able to see them on a device with an even lower PPI?
EDIT: Also, I actually don't think it's dual core.
tboy2000 said:
Some good valid points. As for the 5.1 reference, this is taken straight from HTC's site.
See photos from your camera, Facebook and Windows Live™ accounts in the Pictures hub
Music and Videos Hub powered by Zune lets you listen to radio, download music, and more
SRS enhancement
5.1 surround sound for video
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curious, as far as i am aware Bluetooth doesnt transmit 5.1, a 3.5mm Jack sure as hell cant, perhaps there is some sort of USB pass through
I wonder what exactly they mean.
Hagenlund said:
I don't believe that. I can clearly see the pixels on my HD2, so why wouldn't I be able to see them on a device with an even lower PPI?
EDIT: Also, I actually don't think it's dual core.
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Hmm, im not sure, as far as i know The world of PPI,DPI Dot Pitch can get quite confusing, especially without all the facts.
by having a set resolution over a larger screen would decrease the outputed PPI
however the screen may have a significantly higher DPI and with some clever use of interpolation and Dithering may "hide" that, it also depends on distance from the screen, generally speaking the larger the screen the further away you are from it, if i get close enough to a Iphone 4 i will see them. if i hold an iphone at arms length you will not beable to see the difference between an HD2 and iPhone. Theres lots of variables including your own eyes so dont count it out until you see it.
Sure, HTC may be using some kind of tricks to mask the low DPI of the Titan. But I haven't seen the device IRL so I wouldn't know about that.
No-one holds the device an arm's length away, though. Hold an Iphone and an HD2 at a comfortable distance, and the difference in PPI will be very visible, assuming you have average eyesight.
madhivanan said:
Maybe next year. Will wait for all the mango handsets to come. Waiting for Nokia to reveal its phones. Nokia is supposed to have better lens.. Carl Zeiss?? All else being same, a better optics will clinch the deal, I suppose. Waiting for Nokia phones..
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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exactly what he said. No need for swap yet...
Hagenlund said:
Sure, HTC may be using some kind of tricks to mask the low DPI of the Titan. But I haven't seen the device IRL so I wouldn't know about that.
No-one holds the device an arm's length away, though. Hold an Iphone and an HD2 at a comfortable distance, and the difference in PPI will be very visible, assuming you have average eyesight.
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well i have certified perfect eye sight i can cant see a difference at a comfortable distance, most people hold phones and books far too close to their eyes and do not even know it, it places a lot of strain on them which isnt good for you.
what i can see is that on SOME specific types of pictures it does display colour banding.
Go sit 6 inches from your TV screen and see how long you can last before you get a headache
anyhow, point is, the PPI on the device is a mute point until you can actually see it. Still wouldnt consider getting it as new just yet, not worth the cash for a small upgrade, and i think the half inch extra screen is a waste too, HD2 is plenty large enough.

Samsung Disappoints & HTC Steals The Show!

Hi friends. It's been a hot topic as you all know Samsung new flagship was announced yesterday. Frankly speaking, it was a overhyped phone and was the most anticipated one of the year. And unfortunately it disappoints me & many others.
Pentile Display in the flagship device is just the heck of a decision. A 4.8" HD Display should've had super amoled plus display rather than a pentile one. HTC ONE X has a true HD IPS SUPER LCD2 Display that feels a lot better.
The design is the major letdown for me. The shape isn't that good for a phone when I put this against One X. Yeah the phone is slim making a difference of 0.3mm but the entire shape didn't appeal to me much.
Made of polycarbonate same as One X but with hyperglaze that makes it more glossy and yes LET'S FACE IT; it looks cheap.
The battery isn't a difference to me. SIII houses a 2100 mAh battery and HTC ONE X has a penta-core chip making the phone to last long with a 1800 mAh battery.
SIII Camera app, S Voice are innovative and are as good as HTC ImageSense Chip and Beats Audio Integration in HTC One phones. (Camera may be a few steps ahead in One X)
New Touchwiz UI is like more of a gingerbread look rather than ICS. The true and real ICS UI would've been much better in SIII.
*Whatever the quadrant shows is not reliable. It may smack down One X but you've got to admire the build quality and UI and especially the shape and design of HTC ONE X.*
Important Note:
Buy the one you like. Admire the one you think is the best. At the end of the day the BEST phone is the one which is in your hand.
It's just a bit of comparison and talks we gonna do here. No offence whatsoever!
*I don't own any of these two devices. It was a gentle comparison and everyone has the right to have an opinion.*
Would love to listen from you people.
Htc one X has a poor design. Check Engadget were they are put side by side. One X looks plastic. S3 has that premium feel with the metallic surrounding. The UI is def superior to the one X too. The S3 is a sleek phone
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Following the very disappointing announcement of the S3 I gave up my S2 And bought a HTC one x. The only drawback is the battery life and major pro is the LCD2.
Very disappointing !!!
The S3 have sd-card and removable battery (possible to better battery in future), thats enough to buy it instead of One X
32gb on One X. Same as the s3. seriously people you telling me you are going to fill that storage up and use more with external sd cards? sd cards are so 2011 just messing. both great phones. cant we all just get along
but seriously guys. both phones have beautiful designs. but s3 looks like the child of the galaxy note and GNEX after getting together on a night out
I hope the "Next Nexus" has a non pentile display...
Im already dreaming of the specs... which kinda makes me sad because it will probably be a let down just like the S3.
RedBlueGreen said:
I hope the "Next Nexus" has a non pentile display...
Im already dreaming of the specs... which kinda makes me sad because it will probably be a let down just like the S3.
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i just do not get it! the pentile display on my GNote is amazing! what more do you want? i think these pentile issue is just a perception.
[email protected] said:
The S3 have sd-card and removable battery (possible to better battery in future), thats enough to buy it instead of One X
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+ 1
enough said
I prefer the look of the s3 and once every one starts rooting the s3 is gonna be the top phone on performance anyhow isnt it.The battery and sd card are the winners for me and as for the screen isnt the screen on the hox having loads of problems with clipping and stuff?Maybe this is why samsung went with a older screen?
For me, the design of the SGS3 is better than the OneX
The screen is moot, its way beyond my ability to discern anyway.
Being able to take spare batteries/spare SD card on holiday to shoot video/watch movies etc... makes the SGS3 way better than the OneX
Finally, the sexy new staying on if you are with your device, or auto dialing if you lift it to your head after reading an sms, is logical, simple, but brilliant.
One horse race IMO... and NO custom roms to mess up the Samy apps for me!!
a67543210 said:
Htc one X has a poor design. Check Engadget were they are put side by side. One X looks plastic. S3 has that premium feel with the metallic surrounding. The UI is def superior to the one X too. The S3 is a sleek phone
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Isn't SGS3 all plastic like SGS2 ?
I will wait for the Sony or Iphone in the summer.
This is my personal view, it looked right downer to me, the Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone is one big very ugly beast, it also cheap plastic again.
When Sony already launch a Sony Xperia with 12 meg pixels with launch smartphones in summer with 13 & 16 meg pixel. Samsung stuck with 8 meg pixel, this is massive surpried since this is 4.8 inch in size.
I will wait for Sony or Iphone or buy the Sony Xeperia S in the summer.
A massive disappointment.
Darkfunnyguy said:
This is my personal view, it looked right downer to me, the Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone is one big very ugly beast, it also cheap plastic again.
When Sony already launch a Sony Xperia with 12 meg pixels with launch smartphones in summer with 13 & 16 meg pixel. Samsung stuck with 8 meg pixel, this is massive surpried since this is 4.8 inch in size.
I will wait for Sony or Iphone or buy the Sony Xeperia S in the summer.
A massive disappointment.
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Higher specs do not mean high quality product. Just think about it
Is there any confirmation that it has Gorilla Glass 2 ?
Darkfunnyguy said:
This is my personal view, it looked right downer to me, the Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone is one big very ugly beast, it also cheap plastic again.
When Sony already launch a Sony Xperia with 12 meg pixels with launch smartphones in summer with 13 & 16 meg pixel. Samsung stuck with 8 meg pixel, this is massive surpried since this is 4.8 inch in size.
I will wait for Sony or Iphone or buy the Sony Xeperia S in the summer.
A massive disappointment.
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The Xperia S has 2011's hardware except from the camera and the screen ( snapdragon S3/Adreno 220. WTF Sony? ). I don't think the GS3 is that ugly. It's just the ONE X is too beautiful and classy!
i think raw material of Samsung low quality when compare with Apple.
For me personally, the important thing about a sdcard slot isn't the total amount of memory, but the ability to wipe my "system partition" completely.
Like on my PC, I like to keep my photos, videos, music and other pers. data on a physically seperate "drive".
That's why HTC is no option for me, regardless of the other specs.
---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------
zest_th said:
i think raw material of Samsung low quality when compare with Apple.
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Really? What is so high quality about something that breaks when you drop it?
OP, you will get hell flak if you don't change the title
HTC steals the show, oh come on! Samsung are hardware manufacturers, they know the stuff!
And people debating over plastic and metallic finish, please throw your phone in the air and tell me which lives to tell the story? eh!
GSM Online PL just uploaded a video of the Galaxy S3 next to a HTC One X
You can see the diference in the build quality of the main body, i also noticed a the One X to be a little sluggish when moving through the menus, not as fluid at least.
Hearing other people's disappointment, i was disappointed too. However alot of the things people were complaining about I really don't see a problem.
Yea the htc one is a nice looking phone with a nice build. But so what's if the gs3 plastic? I remember numerous complaints about the gs2's plastic and how "cheap it felt". But look how light and thin it was. And check the drop test vs other phones as a result of this lightness. Now the design can be a little better i guess, but who cares it most likely is going to be in a case so it only matters how good the case looks.
The screen? I would rather a none pentile screen, but at 720 resolution I doubt I will be able to tell, and it being a super amoled screen i'm sure i'll love it.
Another benefit to this "dreaded plastic" to me is the removable cover. That is a big factor that would deter me from the htc one. I love being able to use a ext sd card and a removable battery is great too.
I'm not sure about the processor, but being a exynos I'm sure it will beat the tegra 3, in terms of performance and with a smaller architecture battery i bet too. Now me being in the States I'm sure we will unfortunately have a different processor than the international as the htc one does with the lte version. That to me is unfortunate.
And lastly, I'm sure that it will have a unlocked bootloader which alone would be reason enough for me to pick the gs3 over htc one.
If I still have the funds this year after getting a tablet, I'll most likely be getting the gs3. If funds don't materialize then there is always the next nexus or gs4.

[Make it happen] HTC 8X (World) or Lumia 920 (AT&T)?

Alright, we all know what the drill is. i dropped my TITAN II and now i can't wait to get a replacement for it. I have been buying the flagship device of each wave of Windows Phone from HTC so i think i can try something new as well.
I know you probably thinking "This is another bullsh!t thread that as for the opinion and will end between a post or 2" , but please help me out here.
Coming down to the 920 vs 8X, a lot of poles has been made and look like the flavor goes to the 920. But i think i should take it from my own opinion, not just critic and others people thoughts.
1. Carrier : Not a big deal, i am on AT&T , GoPhone service to be specific, but i do travel international sometime. 8X get a little advantage here , but it is not hard to get an unlocked code for the Lumia either.
2. Storage: Personally, 16GB is enough for me, 32GB is nice but not a MUST.
3. Color : I don't give a sh!t, flat black is what i am getting either one of them.
4. Screen Size : A mix. I started with the HD2 4.3", and HD7 with 4.3" as well before i went full 2 years with 4.7" (HTC TITAN and TITAN II). 4.5 might be a smaller drop from 4.7" but 4.3 is not too bad either.
5. Camera : I am no photographer but sometime do demand some nice and clean shots. There are a lot of mixed review for the PureView Technology on the Lumia , as well as a lot of review said the 8X Camera is somewhat equal or worse than the One X. <= I don't really know, you guys help me here.
6. Battery : Both Non-Removable (Pain in the ass for sure), the Lumia is slightly higher but the usage is kind of the same as the 8X according to some reviews (due to the larger screen).
7. Performance : Both phones are matched...
8. Audio performance: *In the Dust*, i don't trust whatever Beats made and i am questioning the Dolby effect from Nokia too. I own myself a pretty good earbuds as well as some decent headphones.
9. Support: Unclear. Microsoft has been revealed about the way they update the phone is OTA (over-the-air), suspecting to by-pass carrier testing (which takes forever). if not, the World Version of 8X wins hand down.
10. Price : The No-Contract AT&T Locked Lumia stock at $450, the World-Unlocked version can rank up to $800, which not reasonable. the World Version of 8X is around $550-$600 right now, which is affordable for me.
11. History: The history really back HTC up for me. Although they said Windows Phone 8 won't even have a chance to have Custom ROM but who knows? Unless i hear it myself from the DFT. And the history of World Phone HTC really back the opinion up. HTC phones usually get the Custom ROM/ HSPL first.
They seem to be so evenly matched to me. Lose some and win some at both phones. Please let me know your opinion. Thanks.
For the Camera - it will depend on the situations in which you mainly take photos. For me it is quite often at parties or otherwise in the evenings which IS a situation in which the PureView actually performs better then anything else out there at the moment. If it's mainly well lit shots at least until Nokia tweaks the software it seems we'll see pretty similar performance.
For Sound we have not really seen any measurements of the devices yet but given that Dolby and Beats are on board I believe it should be safe to assume that both devices should at least offer decent quality with optimizations turned off (I tend to believe that's the way to listen to music the way the artists intended because that is why they recorded it that way).
On Support I actually disagree with you - Nokia has been a lot more active when it comes to Firmware Updates and additionally has continuously worked on getting exclusive Apps and other improvements to their phones. I don't see that changing anytime soon. Even if the current Apps don't offer you an advantage yet the next one might - meanwhile we've seen HTC not doing much in that regard.
Weight has been mentioned by some as a criterion to decide between the 8X and the 920 - it might be an issue for you but the additional 20 g over the Titan 1 don't strike me as that big a problem.
StevieBallz said:
For the Camera - it will depend on the situations in which you mainly take photos. For me it is quite often at parties or otherwise in the evenings which IS a situation in which the PureView actually performs better then anything else out there at the moment. If it's mainly well lit shots at least until Nokia tweaks the software it seems we'll see pretty similar performance.
For Sound we have not really seen any measurements of the devices yet but given that Dolby and Beats are on board I believe it should be safe to assume that both devices should at least offer decent quality with optimizations turned off (I tend to believe that's the way to listen to music the way the artists intended because that is why they recorded it that way).
On Support I actually disagree with you - Nokia has been a lot more active when it comes to Firmware Updates and additionally has continuously worked on getting exclusive Apps and other improvements to their phones. I don't see that changing anytime soon. Even if the current Apps don't offer you an advantage yet the next one might - meanwhile we've seen HTC not doing much in that regard.
Weight has been mentioned by some as a criterion to decide between the 8X and the 920 - it might be an issue for you but the additional 20 g over the Titan 1 don't strike me as that big a problem.
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On the support side, i was mentioning about the Firmware Update (not necessary apps from the OEM). Do they push that without confirmation/testing from AT&T?
HTC also rolls out like almost monthly firmware and ROM upgrade when i still got my World TITAN, but that does not apply with the AT&T version.
I have the HTC and I love it. I've heard from someone who owned both Nokia and HTC (someone at MS) He said he liked the Nokia as a daily driver because of the bigger screen and said that it had better battery life, but liked to use the HTC whenever he went for a run or something of that nature because of it being so slim and light.
-HTC has a lower screen resolution but a higher PPI
-Nokia has a MUCH nicer main camera IMO, however the wide angle front facing on the HTC is really nice as well.
-HTC told me that the 8X would be just as loud as the Surround that I had before, however I didn't really find this to be true, the built in speakers are definitely good enough though. I haven't done a sound test on a Nokia.
I did get an OTA update already however it was really small 1MB<. Someone from Microsoft was telling me that they will have a program that will allow you to receive updates directly from them (kinda like the Nexus) but I wasn't clear on when that was happening (or if it had already happened)
If I had a choice between the two (The 8X was given to me) I would have gotten the Nokia.
Hope that helped at all!
hixsonkevin said:
I have the HTC and I love it. I've heard from someone who owned both Nokia and HTC (someone at MS) He said he liked the Nokia as a daily driver because of the bigger screen and said that it had better battery life, but liked to use the HTC whenever he went for a run or something of that nature because of it being so slim and light.
-HTC has a lower screen resolution but a higher PPI
-Nokia has a MUCH nicer main camera IMO, however the wide angle front facing on the HTC is really nice as well.
-HTC told me that the 8X would be just as loud as the Surround that I had before, however I didn't really find this to be true, the built in speakers are definitely good enough though. I haven't done a sound test on a Nokia.
I did get an OTA update already however it was really small 1MB<. Someone from Microsoft was telling me that they will have a program that will allow you to receive updates directly from them (kinda like the Nexus) but I wasn't clear on when that was happening (or if it had already happened)
If I had a choice between the two (The 8X was given to me) I would have gotten the Nokia.
Hope that helped at all!
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Thanks for the reply!
- Do you have more info about the OTA Update for the phone? Are you using the 8X AT&T Version or the World Unlocked Version? Thanks!
PS: it is just still my main concern about the update progress. I have own both AT&T HTC TITAN and TITAN II and i know AT&T is an a$$hole in pushing the update out for the device. It is a deal-breaker for me as a power user and a dev also.
Strike_Eagle said:
PS: it is just still my main concern about the update progress. I have own both AT&T HTC TITAN and TITAN II and i know AT&T is an a$$hole in pushing the update out for the device. It is a deal-breaker for me as a power user and a dev also.
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Well Microsoft did say there would be an "enthusiast program", essentially a way for someone who wants updates as soon as possible, to get them, regardless of carrier/phone. Of course until more details about this program are given, we have no idea if it supports all phones or carriers or what restrictions or what not, but I'm inclined to believe that this program should help solve the "where is my update?" issue.
Otherwise, I still think the Lumia 920 is the better choice overall. They are both great phones, but the Lumia 920 just has more going for it, not to mention Nokia's undying support of Windows Phone and their devices. In the short time they've been with Windows phone, they've impressed me with their support and dedication to the platform, more so than HTC has in the past 10-or-so years.
I'll tell ya how the 920 is when I get it today~
Go with the 920!!!
Better camera, better wireless charging, better quality ( NOKIAS are like a Tonka ), more memory and exclusive APPS AND GPS.
My HTC 8x is att branded but it came unlocked so Im not sure where it will be pulling its updates from.
If build quality is a concern, I dropped my htc last night and the screen cracked. It wasn't a big fall either (was laying in my lap and I got up so it fell). Fortunately for me however Im getting it fixed through HTC for free
Hopefully the enthusiast program will be coming out shortly, I really wished I had asked for a time table when the guy was talking to me about that.
hixsonkevin said:
My HTC 8x is att branded but it came unlocked so Im not sure where it will be pulling its updates from.
If build quality is a concern, I dropped my htc last night and the screen cracked. It wasn't a big fall either (was laying in my lap and I got up so it fell). Fortunately for me however Im getting it fixed through HTC for free
Hopefully the enthusiast program will be coming out shortly, I really wished I had asked for a time table when the guy was talking to me about that.
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really? i don't even remember we covered Accidental Damage for the phone. So you dropped your 8X and you got a crack on your screen? Or completely shattered?
Strike_Eagle said:
really? i don't even remember we covered Accidental Damage for the phone. So you dropped your 8X and you got a crack on your screen? Or completely shattered?
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I don't think they usually do it, but because I technically had a "review" unit I talked my way through it. lol
hixsonkevin said:
I don't think they usually do it, but because I technically had a "review" unit I talked my way through it. lol
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Well, my bro prjkthack just got the 920, i am going to wait for the "go" code from him...
it has been a minus from the 8X for me because i actually saw a review from Engadget today and see the 8X is much more smaller than the TITAN II, much smaller than i thought and i also notice that the bezel on the top of the phone is a lot more than i expected...
Unless i can hand it somewhere for myself, i will have to pass HTC Flagship this wave. The HTC Zenith has been DOA for this wave...
Strike_Eagle said:
Well, my bro prjkthack just got the 920, i am going to wait for the "go" code from him...
it has been a minus from the 8X for me because i actually saw a review from Engadget today and see the 8X is much more smaller than the TITAN II, much smaller than i thought and i also notice that the bezel on the top of the phone is a lot more than i expected...
Unless i can hand it somewhere for myself, i will have to pass HTC Flagship this wave. The HTC Zenith has been DOA for this wave...
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Yeah that's a good idea. Everything is going to be much small than the Titan lol. If it were me I'd go with the Nokia too, so good choice.
I'd pick the lumia 920. Only be wise if you're goma use your camera alot, especially at night, the 920 will win there in low lighting. Plus you get double the storage at a cheaper price point. The weight isn't as bad as people have made it seem and the Nokia screen is better for watching videos on. It is sharper than the Titan2's screen, and you know personally how good that screen is...
Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
Thanks guys.
I snatched a 920 today, AT&T version, little bit high off bore for the Without contract, from AT&T, Cyan.
To be exactly, this would be my first time using a flag-ship not from HTC for Windows Phone series... let's see how it goes...
I will wait and see what would HTC bring to the table with the HTC Zenith for the 2nd Wave...
But look like i change phone yearly, lol.
Strike_Eagle said:
Thanks guys.
I snatched a 920 today, AT&T version, little bit high off bore for the Without contract, from AT&T, Cyan.
To be exactly, this would be my first time using a flag-ship not from HTC for Windows Phone series... let's see how it goes...
I will wait and see what would HTC bring to the table with the HTC Zenith for the 2nd Wave...
But look like i change phone yearly, lol.
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Good call. Enjoy the 920. Especially when Nokia releases that software tweak to improve the camera in daylight conditions. I am a big HTC fan and it does take some time to get used to a non HTC WP flagship, but as it stands, the 920 is the most premium mix of tech out for gen 1 WP 8.
I think HTC did the right thing by holding off a big screen WP 8. They need a quad core monster in WP 8 to sell. Hopefully it will come out with the Adreno 320 GPU. That would be a killer device in WP for 2013, especially with a 4.7" screen...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
trappxl said:
Good call. Enjoy the 920. Especially when Nokia releases that software tweak to improve the camera in daylight conditions. I am a big HTC fan and it does take some time to get used to a non HTC WP flagship, but as it stands, the 920 is the most premium mix of tech out for gen 1 WP 8.
I think HTC did the right thing by holding off a big screen WP 8. They need a quad core monster in WP 8 to sell. Hopefully it will come out with the Adreno 320 GPU. That would be a killer device in WP for 2013, especially with a 4.7" screen...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Haha, sure man. I will do a review as i used to do with the TITAN vs the HD7. HTC sure as hell did a right thing with the HTC TITAN (4.7 inch + metal body), they need to keep doing that.
I have been teased from the boys on the Design Department that they are working on some sort of "TITAN III" , although i am not allowed to dig deeper on that. I have been waiting for that but seem it is DOA for the 1st Wave, and i believe the 2nd Wave won't hit until next holiday season, so i think i will bite the bullet and take Nokia for a ride.
Basically, sure the Software on both Device gonna be awesome, the main concern is how the Nokia behave, which i don't have any clue yet. But time will tell.
Thanks for the advice. :good:
Strike_Eagle said:
Haha, sure man. I will do a review as i used to do with the TITAN vs the HD7. HTC sure as hell did a right thing with the HTC TITAN (4.7 inch + metal body), they need to keep doing that.
I have been teased from the boys on the Design Department that they are working on some sort of "TITAN III" , although i am not allowed to dig deeper on that. I have been waiting for that but seem it is DOA for the 1st Wave, and i believe the 2nd Wave won't hit until next holiday season, so i think i will bite the bullet and take Nokia for a ride.
Basically, sure the Software on both Device gonna be awesome, the main concern is how the Nokia behave, which i don't have any clue yet. But time will tell.
Thanks for the advice. :good:
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Cannot wait for that review. I picked up a Titan for repairs for a friend as a favor and just may end up sending him my Focus S instead and keeping the Titan as a spare.... I too am looking to jump on the Lumia bandwagon, but will go with the 810 since I'm in T.Mobile. Rest assurance if HTC puts out a nicely designed quad core 4.7"+ monster with WP8 in Gen 2, I will switch back...
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
There is only one small problem. The 920 now using the microsim card. Can i trust the microsim cutter on ebay/amazon? Any suggestion?
Strike_Eagle said:
There is only one small problem. The 920 now using the microsim card. Can i trust the microsim cutter on ebay/amazon? Any suggestion?
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Did they give you a sim card in the box? If they did I'd just have them activate that card and then you just get an adapter to use in any spare phones using regular SIM...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
as i thought, HTC always leaves a back door for hackers to do such thing :|
I am on GoPhone service, so i will have to keep my sim... No way to transfer it

Ok OEMs (besides Nokia) where are the new wp8 phones!?

Although my eye is on the 1020, its July and other than the 925 and 1020 Lumias there isn't any other new wp8 hardware being announced, HTC has been particularly quiet, I am satisfied (and I use that term loosely) with my ativ s but am bored and have no other new coming hardware to research over or dream about SIGHS
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
There was an unofficial announcement / leaked certification documents and photos / whatever about a new ATIV phone from Samsung... frankly though, I'm not sure that I can trust them to support these phones properly. My ATIV S definitely has firmware issues, and they've gone unpatched for over seven months now...
I would like to see more hardware from HTC, and ideally see LG get back into the game and possibly even Sony/Ericsson (not that I'd buy anything SOny, mind you, but competition is good). Motorola is basically a zero-chance, but there could still be a pretty good ecosystem without them.
Sigh as good as the ATIV S is, the lack of support really bites, but I am getting a lot of use with the removable battery and expandable storage, I am eyeing the 1020 but an international version so that I can continue with my unlimited data plan with at&t, I briefly had an unlocked HTC radar and they detected that as a smart phone after several months I was shocked! I do want a Nokia but are they ever going to release a premium phone with a larger than 4.5" screen removable battery and expandable storage? Come on already Nokia!
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
here you go: http://www.zdnet.com/sprint-announc...tiv-s-neo-windows-phone-8-devices-7000017332/
trytogetme said:
here you go: http://www.zdnet.com/sprint-announc...tiv-s-neo-windows-phone-8-devices-7000017332/
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Those two phones are really lackluster compared to what nokia brings to the table...
Lumia 820 blows them both out of the water...
@mcosmin222: Yeah, a 4.3" 800x480 screen totally "blows them both out of the water"... WHAT?!? Not even close. Don't get me wrong, aside from that (relatively) POS of a screen, the 820 is a good phone, but that display is damn-near minimum spec for WP7, never mind WP8. Its battery is also substantially smaller than that of the ATIV S and non-removable (wireless charging is a nice perk even if you have to pay extra for it, but when I'm home I plug my phone in all the time anyhow; it's faster anyhow).
I'm not quite sure where the ZDNet author gets "mid-range" and not a "flagship" out of those models... the 8X was the flagship WP8 device at its reveal, and the 8XT looks to be mostly an upgrade on that, while on many specs the ATIV S (including "Neo") is *still* the best-specced model: largest display, most storage (16GB + uSDXC vs. 8GB + uSDXC for the 820), largest battery (2300mAh, and yet it's both replaceable and in one of the thinnest WP8 models), 1.9MPx front-facing camera (Nokia does better rear cameras, but their front ones are an afterthought). I'll grant that these phones seem to have their clock speed slightly stepped down, and the 1020 pushed the bar for RAM (not that WP8 has a huge use for excess RAM...), but these are still decidedly high-end phones and if they don't count as "flagship" tier then nothing except the 1020 does.
GoodDayToDie said:
@mcosmin222: Yeah, a 4.3" 800x480 screen totally "blows them both out of the water"... WHAT?!? Not even close. Don't get me wrong, aside from that (relatively) POS of a screen, the 820 is a good phone, but that display is damn-near minimum spec for WP7, never mind WP8. Its battery is also substantially smaller than that of the ATIV S and non-removable (wireless charging is a nice perk even if you have to pay extra for it, but when I'm home I plug my phone in all the time anyhow; it's faster anyhow).
I'm not quite sure where the ZDNet author gets "mid-range" and not a "flagship" out of those models... the 8X was the flagship WP8 device at its reveal, and the 8XT looks to be mostly an upgrade on that, while on many specs the ATIV S (including "Neo") is *still* the best-specced model: largest display, most storage (16GB + uSDXC vs. 8GB + uSDXC for the 820), largest battery (2300mAh, and yet it's both replaceable and in one of the thinnest WP8 models), 1.9MPx front-facing camera (Nokia does better rear cameras, but their front ones are an afterthought). I'll grant that these phones seem to have their clock speed slightly stepped down, and the 1020 pushed the bar for RAM (not that WP8 has a huge use for excess RAM...), but these are still decidedly high-end phones and if they don't count as "flagship" tier then nothing except the 1020 does.
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Well, I wouldn't consider the Lumia 928 to be flagship either. The phone's screen is quite nice, but the storage is only 32GBs with only 20GBs usable, the battery is 2000 mAh with wireless charging (who is going to pay ~$80 USD for a wireless charging pad or $140? for the JBL speaker with wireless charging?) that isn't interchangeable, the cameras are quite exceptional (without looking at the 1020 being AT&T exclusive) and what exactly needs the extra ram? I haven't used any apps that have seemingly taken a long time to process or seem to stutter onscreen.
GoodDayToDie said:
@mcosmin222: Yeah, a 4.3" 800x480 screen totally "blows them both out of the water"... WHAT?!? Not even close. Don't get me wrong, aside from that (relatively) POS of a screen, the 820 is a good phone, but that display is damn-near minimum spec for WP7, never mind WP8. Its battery is also substantially smaller than that of the ATIV S and non-removable (wireless charging is a nice perk even if you have to pay extra for it, but when I'm home I plug my phone in all the time anyhow; it's faster anyhow).
I'm not quite sure where the ZDNet author gets "mid-range" and not a "flagship" out of those models... the 8X was the flagship WP8 device at its reveal, and the 8XT looks to be mostly an upgrade on that, while on many specs the ATIV S (including "Neo") is *still* the best-specced model: largest display, most storage (16GB + uSDXC vs. 8GB + uSDXC for the 820), largest battery (2300mAh, and yet it's both replaceable and in one of the thinnest WP8 models), 1.9MPx front-facing camera (Nokia does better rear cameras, but their front ones are an afterthought). I'll grant that these phones seem to have their clock speed slightly stepped down, and the 1020 pushed the bar for RAM (not that WP8 has a huge use for excess RAM...), but these are still decidedly high-end phones and if they don't count as "flagship" tier then nothing except the 1020 does.
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HTC 8XT has a dual core 1.4Ghz (compared to 1.5 from HTC 8x), has the same 480x800 resolution as lumia 820. The only upgrade it brings over htc 8x is the SD card slot.
HTX 8xT is made to compete directly with lumia 820.
Ativ S neo: same stuff, only it has a higher resolution screen, a bigger screen and ofc a bigger battery(to compensate for bigger screen with bigger resolution)
Lumia 820 will probably still look better because of infinite contrast thing and have better battery life because of lower screen size+res.
So yes, for the first time ever, I agree with Zdnet, they are mid range.
Ah - I didn't see that they'd stepped down the resolution on the 8XT; my bad. The 8x has 1280x720. On the other hand, the 8XT still has the better front-facing camera and speakers than the Lumia 820; I'll grant that they're both mid-range (because of that screen, mostly).
I'm really curious what you think qualifies the ATIV S (Neo or otherwise) as mid-range, though. It's not the display; larger viewable area and higher DPI than the mid-range phones is a definite upgrade, and "the infinite contrast thing" is just an attempt to make LCD do what AMOLED does naturally, so no, the 820 doesn't win there either (also, for those of us with actually good vision, the higher DPI really does matter). It is trivially lower resolution than the 920 or 1020, but I really do mean trivially. It's not the processor, unles shaving 0.1GHz off the CPU speed of the fastest phone for this OS drops it to "mid-range". It's not the RAM; the only reason the 1020 has that huge amount of RAM is so it can work with 41MPx images; most of the time it won't even be possible to use that much due to OS limitations, It's not the front-facing camera. It might be the rear camera, which is good but nothing special, I guess? (On the Neo), it just might be the battery; they put a slightly smaller battery in it than is in the ATIV S. Except, oh wait, it's still one of the highest-capacity batteries for WP8, tied with the Lumia 1020.
GoodDayToDie said:
Ah - I didn't see that they'd stepped down the resolution on the 8XT; my bad. The 8x has 1280x720. On the other hand, the 8XT still has the better front-facing camera and speakers than the Lumia 820; I'll grant that they're both mid-range (because of that screen, mostly).
I'm really curious what you think qualifies the ATIV S (Neo or otherwise) as mid-range, though. It's not the display; larger viewable area and higher DPI than the mid-range phones is a definite upgrade, and "the infinite contrast thing" is just an attempt to make LCD do what AMOLED does naturally, so no, the 820 doesn't win there either (also, for those of us with actually good vision, the higher DPI really does matter). It is trivially lower resolution than the 920 or 1020, but I really do mean trivially. It's not the processor, unles shaving 0.1GHz off the CPU speed of the fastest phone for this OS drops it to "mid-range". It's not the RAM; the only reason the 1020 has that huge amount of RAM is so it can work with 41MPx images; most of the time it won't even be possible to use that much due to OS limitations, It's not the front-facing camera. It might be the rear camera, which is good but nothing special, I guess? (On the Neo), it just might be the battery; they put a slightly smaller battery in it than is in the ATIV S. Except, oh wait, it's still one of the highest-capacity batteries for WP8, tied with the Lumia 1020.
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Oh well, we will call it even.
Ativ S neo is high end, the other mid end (it will probably still not have an equalizer)
and btw, the 820 has removable battery+ super-sensitive touchscreen (which comes in handier than higher res display imo)
Although im a windows phone fanboy I have been very bored by the lack of updates and hacks and new devices other than nokia
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Do the other Beatz Audio (or whatever it's called) phones not have equalizers? It was an option all the way back on the HD7 (Sound Enhancer app).
I tend to feel that the touchscreen on my phone is almost *too* sensitive, but I don't live in a part of the world where people need to wear gloves much (and ski gloves are too thick for the 920 and presumably also 820 anyhow).
GoodDayToDie said:
Do the other Beatz Audio (or whatever it's called) phones not have equalizers? It was an option all the way back on the HD7 (Sound Enhancer app).
I tend to feel that the touchscreen on my phone is almost *too* sensitive, but I don't live in a part of the world where people need to wear gloves much (and ski gloves are too thick for the 920 and presumably also 820 anyhow).
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Yeh HTC has equalizer. The ativ does not.
Where I come from, super sensitive touchscreen comes in very, very handy.
My Nokia 521 is all over both those phones! Jk
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
My eye is on an international 1020 so I can keep my unlimited data plan with at&t, im also very concerned about losing my Microsoft YouTube app, I have the xap and a dev unlock account but so far no one has been able to de encrypt marketplace apps and any talk of that, people start freaking out about piracy, I just don't want to give this app up when I switch phones, I seriously use it all the time
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
noelito said:
My eye is on an international 1020 so I can keep my unlimited data plan with at&t, im also very concerned about losing my Microsoft YouTube app, I have the xap and a dev unlock account but so far no one has been able to de encrypt marketplace apps and any talk of that, people start freaking out about piracy, I just don't want to give this app up when I switch phones, I seriously use it all the time
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Why would you lose your Microsoft Youtube app if you buy a windows phone?
Because the app is no longer available in the marketplace and the xap cannot be side loaded
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
noelito said:
Because the app is no longer available in the marketplace and the xap cannot be side loaded
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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You realize the official "youtube app" is just a web browser in disguise, which connects automatically to youtube?
No I am talking about the I'll fated Microsoft YouTube app that was pulled after google threw a hissy fit, it has a beautiful modern metro ui, NO ADS, and you can download videos as well as play videos not intended for mobile, its better than sliced bread
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
noelito said:
No I am talking about the I'll fated Microsoft YouTube app that was pulled after google threw a hissy fit, it has a beautiful modern metro ui, NO ADS, and you can download videos as well as play videos not intended for mobile, its better than sliced bread
Sent from my SGH-T899M using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I'll make ya one after im done with my curent project lol xD
