[Q] Visual Studios running on a Nokia 920? - Windows 8 General

Can this be done?
Could you install Windows 8 instead of Windows Phone 8 on a Nokia 920?
No can do on a Nokia 920? Will there be a smartphone that will have the hardware required by Windows 8 to make this possible?
I do understand that using some actual windows applications on a phone will be tedious and sometimes difficult. Its more a "Can and could if I wanted to" kind of thing for me.
Having Visual Studios, Win SCP and a lot of other software linked to the always on 4g internet...
in my pocket....
always available...
in that ooohhh so sexy red
I can't wait for that phone...
I have been able to do most of what I need to on my Samsung Vibrant. ES File Explorer has an AWESOME ftp option (and LAN!!)
But the screen is WAY to small to have code visible and a keyboard. Remote desktop has its obvious drawbacks, but I've used it.
Any thoughts questions of comments?
Thanks for reading my babble =P

ahhh, here comes the confusion from Microsoft's naming scheme....

NJDubois said:
Can this be done?
Could you install Windows 8 instead of Windows Phone 8 on a Nokia 920?
No can do on a Nokia 920? Will there be a smartphone that will have the hardware required by Windows 8 to make this possible?
I do understand that using some actual windows applications on a phone will be tedious and sometimes difficult. Its more a "Can and could if I wanted to" kind of thing for me.
Having Visual Studios, Win SCP and a lot of other software linked to the always on 4g internet...
I have been able to do most of what I need to on my Samsung Vibrant. ES File Explorer has an AWESOME ftp option (and LAN!!)
But the screen is WAY to small to have code visible and a keyboard. Remote desktop has its obvious drawbacks, but I've used it.
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No. There's no desktop on win phone 8. The ARM version won't support VS, even on tablets, though you won't be able to install it. Windows 8 RT(ARM) will only be available preinstalled on tablets.
If you've been satisfied with Android, and use features like a file explorer, keep in mind that many will NOT be available on win pho 8. If your existing phone is too small, consider the Galaxy S 3, Note, or other larger phones that are available on the market.

That's a shame! I had hopes that this would some how be possible.
Not even a modded version?
I have been following phone news like mad for 2 years. Pretty much since I got my vibrant. The S3 is AMAZING, but its android. There are things that I don't like about android, mainly fragmentation and its on going war with Apple.
I have had enough bad experiences with Android, for example :
1/3 into my 2 year contract with tmo and my Vibrant's USB port got water damage and I couldn't ODIN back to stock to install newer versions of Android. Also couldn't get the device fixed. Luckily I was able to do a factory reset every month or so as android just got useless. Frozen up at the unlock screen happens ALL the time, and usually happens with in a minute of reboot and isn't fixed until I do a reset. This didn't happen all the time, but always when I needed the device the most. For example, you have to reboot the device to get the GPS working after turning the option on, and of course BAM, phone keeps locking up. There has been times where I couldn't get to the dial a phone number screen, couldn't get visual voicemail to work and had a very important voice mail to check. took me 30 minutes to hear a 1 minute message! Than the time I was up till 8 am trying to get the phone to work because it was my only alarm clock and I couldn't get to the screen where I changed the time the alarm went off. All these issues are a result of having to root and mod my phone to get a newer maybe more secure version of android. I don't see a windows device having these problems.
Also, I am not a huge fan of Apple, but Apple has set itself up to deliver more complete experience's because of the control they have over there ecosystem. Apple TV's printers networks scanners and all that other stuff will just work with their phone. Well, I've been a user of windows for 15 years. Its what I know. I've been a windows developer for those 15 years. I don't see Google being able to provide that full functionality, I am not a fan of apple at all, and I think that Microsoft can get closer than Google. As it is, there isn't many devices you can plug into a windows system that windows wont be able to just start using. You know, this isn't windows 98 and older video games I'm trying to run.... lol
It really will be a shame if there is no way to get the desktop environment on my smartphone. Even more a shame when I could probably get a device compatible with Ubuntu's mobile stuff, and all the goodies that come with that. Wine, and now even Steam!
I don't know if this news sways my opinion of Windows Phone 8. I still crave the 920. My plan is to go out on Black Friday and get a top of the line device with full insurance for as cheap as possible. My next 2 years are not going to be a repeat of my first 2 years with a smartphone. November is still a few months off, and there is plenty of timed for other devices. Maybe even a decent smartphone with a Qwerty keyboard!!
I realize this post has kinda dragged on... sorry! And thanks for the replies!
[EDIT] The note is a great idea, but absolutely not an option. Douchtooths are the bane of my existence. And if I can't FTP into a server on a windows phone, why is Microsoft even bothering?

I have to say that it's unfortunate that you haven't had good experiences with android. I would think that the many devs on this site would have cooked up something that would fit your needs better, but if you broke your USB, then I guess you're kind of stuck with what you got. It's definitely true that android is very rough, especially with stock roms.
Win pho is there because it's targeting a different segment now. Win pho used to be something that was there to provide a feature rich experience. After WP7, "metro" looks
and interface idiot proofing has taken higher priority over actual functionality. As it is now WP8 has the least functionality when compared to Android and iOS, though it is supposed to be the easiest to use.
I would personally wait until a while after the lumias come out, and make sure that they do what you want before buying them. There are stories of people who bought WP7 phones thinking that they would have the features of WP 6.5. Those are stories of some very, very dissatisfied customers.
No WINE on ARM ever. Remember, Wine Is Not an Emulator.


Why all the hate for Winmo powered HD2

so i spent a long time trying to decide whether to go with an android phone or hd2
i searched high and wide all over the internet. the only android phone for gsm with a comparable screen is the samsung i9000 which looks like it would come out at about 700 bucks. either that or you take the nexus one/desire which is also in that same ballpark. after all that i went ahead and got the hd2, and i am glad i did. any hardware comparable phone to the hd2 (which there currently isnt because with 1gb rom and 576 mb of ram, beats any other phone)(US version)
After a close look at everything and playing with a friends droid incredible while comparing it to my hd2, the only big advantages i could see to get an android phone would either be the open market place, google maps, speech to text.
Resolution 1:
ok so you decide, hey let me dictate this msg. HERE IS AN IDEA, WHY NOT CALL THEM. (you might even get a chance to dictate it to someone listening).
the only place i can find real use for speech to text is while driving, and in that case, you technically shouldnt be using your phone PERIOD at that time.
Resolution 2:
people keep griping (pronounce gryping) about googlemaps, but as great as googlemaps is, what happens when you lose your bars or do not have a data plan? *gulp* you are screwed. do yourself a favor and get a non-internet reliant gps software (like actual gps devices use), and i also feel that bing does a good job of matching googlemaps.
Resolution 3:
THE MARKET PLACE. I do wish we had a market place, a nice central location where you can find everything you need. But i can tell you this, there are only so many apps you need until you get to the point where you are just trying to justify spending $X on a phone. A friend of mine while justifying how great his mytouch (android) phone is shows me all these apps he has. one app is a barcode scanner, and one app is google goggles. with goggles, the use of the barcode scanner is lost on me. (i think HD2 can also do that though). why go through all the trouble of opening your camera, looking for the barcode sending the item over the internet and all that when you could either just search for the barcode numbers (which funny enough is usually under the barcode) or searching for the items.
granted there are some nice apps like the statefarm pocket agent app out there, and most reputable companies(like banks etc) prefer to release apps for the iphone/android (my bank allows nexus one and iphone users take pics of check and automatically deposits the money into your account) but lets face it, most apps that people will need on a daily basis are also on winmo. An app that is used once or twice a month, while nice to have doesnt seem like that much of a big deal. Its kinda like getting a standby physician. Plus after a quick skim through the top apps on the marketplace, you find that 9/10 of all these apps are games (go figure), and even though they might be nice for your when you have to wait in a line or something, wouldnt a much larger screen be nicer to watch part of your fave tv show instead?
the hd2 has quite a few flaws, but the they are being fixed. Even though app development for windows 6.5 might go down when winmo7 comes out. I still like the HD2. I do not even think i would be switching to winmo7 since if i wanted an iphone, i would go get an iphone, i am not on facebook, twitter or any other social networking site.
only real reason i switched from my att tilt (the first one) was because the screen was so small and it had started to fall apart.
winmo by default sucks ass, but has limitless potential, where else would you find sms spammers, or american idol spammers (lol)
I'm not knocking android either, it has its perks and it would be nice to see what android is like on the hd2, but it makes little sense getting a winmo phone when you already knew you wanted an android phone, and then cluttering the boards asking for android. my winmo phone does everything i need it to do, so i am happy with it, i see my stocks, have my navigation from igo, have my alarm clock, IM, and calendar. ITS JUST LIKE BUYING A LAMBORGHINI AND COMPLAINING IT IS NOT A FERRARI.
only real sore point i can see no way around is flash coming to android. would have been nice to have flash but i guess i just have to take what i get.
Guys wasnt the main reason we fell in love with winmo because of the limitless possibilities?
Could not agree more, and don't forget the selection of UI's available and
the ability to configure your phone as you like it to be. Less than a month ago,
after researching Android and with the option to upgrade to the HTC Incredible
on Verizon vs the T-Mobile HD2, choose the HD2 with no regrets.
I agree too
I am really tired of all the people going i ditch my android phone or iphone for this and blah blah blah it windows mobile people what dont you get you can actual do something with this phone i love windows mobile after the years i know i know how could of like windows mobile with this will sense UI did the work to make the HD2 the best phone i had so far. I had a iphone it was okay I spent so much time fixing it to how i like it and boy it was not that easy at times lol but after a while I got the hang and did it but the apps please I stop using it for a while i would play with it for like a week and then i go boring android another story i never had one but i played with it and i was like wtf is with this crap please i don't want a phone that is set to make it easy to use because i was use to setting things to too and i know if i had an android the first thing i would do is flash it just to get to flash it lol but let get to the point if you want a android then get a android stop complaining about the windows mobile. If you want a iphone then go for it but sop you complaining about windows mobile too lol. I love my HD2 because there is a lot of nice roms and many possibility. And I forgot to mention the huge screen lol
The hard thing is trying to make sense of why a winmo phone is not more like iPhone or Android.
Do I buy Microsoft's arguement that they write the OS, but do not control the hardware that a Mobile Operator and a device manufacturer (OEM) put it on, or do I believe that someone is chasing their own tail?
I have the Nexus One, the Cliq and the MyTouch 3g. All are nice phones that I was perfectly happy with. I also owned an earlier version of the iPhone...and yes...my opinions then...and now...it was awesome...even with any faults. Yet, when presented with the HD2, my Nexus One now sits dusty and on my table.
'Good Hardware' is the key here. WinMo on the PURE...sucks. it lasted 48 hrs in my house. The Hardware package around the HD2 makes WinMo work...better. XDA makes WinMo better. So what if they take parts from here...and there....and produce great stuff....shouldn't that be ok.
I think some body in Redmond is watching. Windows Phone 7 has the potential to be GREAT...and I want one. A winmo OS with Zune...and Zune marketplace...on a 1300+ ghz hardware device....makes my toes curl. I saw a couple of models on PDADB.net the other day. I think that Microsoft, controlling more of the hardware...is the right idea. people do NOT realize how much Microsoft Windows Mobile suffers from Mobile Operator spec and boreware ...until they get to XDA and REMOVE that stuff. Right now I have the EnergyRom on my HD2....If I show it to ANYONE....they are surprised but interested. This is the same for any other ROM I may run. EXCEPT...the stock TMO rom...WP7 is supposed to remove that option....
BUT.....but....a winmo based Marketplace...hmmmm....it would be nice. Don't ya think the Apple ads...."We got an app for that"....are cool? With my androids, I could find anything I wanted,....at that moment...for my Nexus One....at the airport....is the flight on time????? Marketplace...tap tap touch...no...flight is delayed by 20 minutes. Try doing that on Windows Marketplace....you can't. Where's the nearest seafood restaurant....on Android...tap tap touch...get directions.....try doing that on Windows Marketplace...you can't. Or, my favorite....touch button..speak...Starbucks near here...get directions. It's not how many apps you can have....its about getting the apps you may want...when you want them....
But Android (or apple) marketplace did not keep me from the HD2. 5 minutes after holding the phone...I knew I made the right choice...XDA proved that anything can be done with the phone. Now, my buddy with the iPhone....says ....Wow...I can't do that with my iPhone. I just tell him...maybe there's a app for that...
After all....Windows 7...was my idea....maybe they'll listen to me about Windows Phone 7 too....
+1 on all of you.
Explain that to most people is really hard. WinMo is Vast, limitless but at the same time also complicated. I can live with that, the OS is so Fun to tweak and tinker. My earlier desicion was HD2 or Milestone thanks god i choose HD2 otherwise i only had free apps to have fun with and then get bores while with HD2 you have tons of Custom ROM just for start.
I think WM7 is too limited and controlled in comparison to WM 6.x and try to be more like "the other -read Android/IPhone" Not sure if i will upgrade but only time will tell.
I dont want to talk about Iphone, it is just boring.
I dont regret buying the Hd2. Windows mobile is nice for customization.
I just get tired of the layer skinning. My biggest problem with windows mobile is how different the text messaging looks when you get away from the sense ui
I had a g1 and the screen is just to small for me. Love android but hate small screens
well most people want to get these phones and they want it to do everything there is in the world to do. well i say that ITS JUST A PHONE!!!!!!!! sure i have a htc hd2 don't get me wrong its amazing on what it does and what it can do but remember this that its a phone. people want phones to do everything like gps, bank stuff, music, youtube, facebook, and other stuff. I don't really care on what the phone can or can't do, its a phone and its screen is amazing for seeing vids and besides i want a phone for my entertainment, text, calls, and well since it has internet of course use it. Either way The htc hd2 is a multitasker if you ask me and it is one of the most impressive phones out there and thats why i LOVE it.
try me.. its the next best device regardless if its wm 6.5
very solid points addressed! I use Garmin mobile XT, with 2011 maps 3D moving maps that were released in late April. the maps and program take 2 gigs on my 16 gb sd card. It rarely uses data other than to locate gas prices and weather. POI and everything else is stored to the phone. It has the speech step by step direction. I find it to be annoying, and set it to silence. The radio is really powerful, the satellite are found in seconds... unlike my Tp2 that takes around 10 minutes locate.
cookie Ht has a huge advantage on Sense... why even give windows credit other than better, stable drivers and 6.5 start menu vs 6.0 list..... Sense 2.5 covers to whole interface of the hd2 and paints a beautiful device. i have greatly enhanced my skins on sence, keyboard and dialer.
people complain cuz its not intuitive first time out of the box like the iphone that has beautiful eyecandy UI and they feel good knowing a child could use it. nor do they want to spend a cent more for programs to do actually what they want. its a shame. i really dont think the camera should matter, since their not meant for profession use. just a quick snap shot of a memory, all these camera phones in the dark are terrible. im happy for once, these are equipped with a 3.5 jack for music. i could ask for more. but we know that some people cant to be pleased nor willing to make it better by talking to the community to give us what would be it better.... their lose... our treasure... worth more than in the weight of gold. hehe
ok i''ve owned the g1 and them mytouch 3g. ive rooted these phones n played with them to their extreme . now i own the hd2. trust me the Android operating system is very very good also windows os, but there is two things that will make the windows os outstanding over any os ...1 i think that wm have the most apps than any other os in Apple n what they should do is have a complete make over of the wm market n have every app there is n categorize them according to what os version you have....2 finishing touch to this is creating a new os system which its UI is modern n very attractive because to be honest it feels like im running windows 5 on laptop built in 2010...im not fund of Wphone 7 becauseuUI to me isnt that customizable but one thing i do love about it is the gaming. if this is implemented onnn the hd2 you will have close to perfect mobile os ever
I still have a lot to learn about operating my hd2 – but coming from a Palm (680 and Centro) I really am happy with this phone. I wanted to stop carrying around my media player (Archos 604), my thumb-drive, a small fm radio and wanted to have a gps, real internet access , and a phone that I could listen to books on through my Bluetooth while in boring meetings. I feel I have it all in the hd2.
I picked up one of the many iphone books the other day and went through it to see what I would use on the ipone and couldn’t find any, that I would want to do, that I don’t have on the HD2. I’m not knocking the ipone, everyone I know who has one loves it – I’m just not that into texting, games, fart apps, facebbok, twitter ,or any other social media.
It is aggravating though, to walk into Best Buy and see 50 docking stations, 100 cases/covers, etc. and nothing for the HD2.
if you really wanna see how android is gonna fare on the hd2, just check out your local sprint store and check out the htc sprint evo 4g.
that being said, i own both an hd2 and two android handsets that are rooted.
what i like most about win 6.5 is the ability to customize it as much as i can a rooted android phone i.e. overclock the cpu (i just found an app for it), custom theme, save apps to sd card, play flash videos etc etc.
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
long term, i will probably head back to android in that regard due to updates and that it just keeps getting better and better (upcoming froyo update and then the gingerbread update which will allow for the saving of apps to sd card, etc)
engineer14 said:
so i spent a long time trying to decide whether to go with an android phone or hd2
i searched high and wide all over the internet. the only android phone for gsm with a comparable screen is the samsung i9000 which looks like it would come out at about 700 bucks. either that or you take the nexus one/desire which is also in that same ballpark. after all that i went ahead and got the hd2, and i am glad i did. any hardware comparable phone to the hd2 (which there currently isnt because with 1gb rom and 576 mb of ram, beats any other phone)(US version)
After a close look at everything and playing with a friends droid incredible while comparing it to my hd2, the only big advantages i could see to get an android phone would either be the open market place, google maps, speech to text.
Resolution 1:
ok so you decide, hey let me dictate this msg. HERE IS AN IDEA, WHY NOT CALL THEM. (you might even get a chance to dictate it to someone listening).
the only place i can find real use for speech to text is while driving, and in that case, you technically shouldnt be using your phone PERIOD at that time.
Resolution 2:
people keep griping (pronounce gryping) about googlemaps, but as great as googlemaps is, what happens when you lose your bars or do not have a data plan? *gulp* you are screwed. do yourself a favor and get a non-internet reliant gps software (like actual gps devices use), and i also feel that bing does a good job of matching googlemaps.
Resolution 3:
THE MARKET PLACE. I do wish we had a market place, a nice central location where you can find everything you need. But i can tell you this, there are only so many apps you need until you get to the point where you are just trying to justify spending $X on a phone. A friend of mine while justifying how great his mytouch (android) phone is shows me all these apps he has. one app is a barcode scanner, and one app is google goggles. with goggles, the use of the barcode scanner is lost on me. (i think HD2 can also do that though). why go through all the trouble of opening your camera, looking for the barcode sending the item over the internet and all that when you could either just search for the barcode numbers (which funny enough is usually under the barcode) or searching for the items.
granted there are some nice apps like the statefarm pocket agent app out there, and most reputable companies(like banks etc) prefer to release apps for the iphone/android (my bank allows nexus one and iphone users take pics of check and automatically deposits the money into your account) but lets face it, most apps that people will need on a daily basis are also on winmo. An app that is used once or twice a month, while nice to have doesnt seem like that much of a big deal. Its kinda like getting a standby physician. Plus after a quick skim through the top apps on the marketplace, you find that 9/10 of all these apps are games (go figure), and even though they might be nice for your when you have to wait in a line or something, wouldnt a much larger screen be nicer to watch part of your fave tv show instead?
the hd2 has quite a few flaws, but the they are being fixed. Even though app development for windows 6.5 might go down when winmo7 comes out. I still like the HD2. I do not even think i would be switching to winmo7 since if i wanted an iphone, i would go get an iphone, i am not on facebook, twitter or any other social networking site.
only real reason i switched from my att tilt (the first one) was because the screen was so small and it had started to fall apart.
winmo by default sucks ass, but has limitless potential, where else would you find sms spammers, or american idol spammers (lol)
I'm not knocking android either, it has its perks and it would be nice to see what android is like on the hd2, but it makes little sense getting a winmo phone when you already knew you wanted an android phone, and then cluttering the boards asking for android. my winmo phone does everything i need it to do, so i am happy with it, i see my stocks, have my navigation from igo, have my alarm clock, IM, and calendar. ITS JUST LIKE BUYING A LAMBORGHINI AND COMPLAINING IT IS NOT A FERRARI.
only real sore point i can see no way around is flash coming to android. would have been nice to have flash but i guess i just have to take what i get.
Guys wasnt the main reason we fell in love with winmo because of the limitless possibilities?
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Each to its own. Now we have HD2, iPod Touch, iPhone 3GS, and iPad. We also got an Android phone in the family. Instead of pitching them against one another, we make them complement and work together. For example, we have the only mobile data plan we need on my iPhone - beside all the goodies it can offer, we use it as a wifi router for all our mobile devices.
The main reasons I bought HD2 were its beautiful/huge screen, and the xda-developers forum. I don't intend to upgrade to WM7 even if it was available.
The same kind of people that complain about WinMo and think their iphone is so much better are the kind of closed minded people that cant think for themselves, try something new, and actually embrace and learn it.
The iphone/ipad are created for one thing mass consumer media consumption, and apple getting a cut of every itunes/app store purchase, with the iphone having a phone built in. It's definitely a very smart business for apple, but not one that I want to be part of, since im quite capable of figuring out how to get apps, and media on my WinMo device without the need of itunes or an app store
Im sure like many others here happy with their WinMo Phones, you have probably been using WinMo phones for a long time already, and some like myself have been using WinMo before it was ever on phones and just a PDA. I still have my 1st WinMo PDA, a toshiba e750, amazing for how old it is, the processor in it is almost as fast as most of last years WinMo phones. I used to BT tether the PDA to my cell phone to be able to do email and web browsing, then finally got a T-Mobile MDA shortly after it came out to merge the 2 devices into one, though at a performance hit, because of the lower processor speed.
These phones are quite literally like having a desktop PC in your pocket, with android also being similar experience from what i've read, though i've not actually owned an android device to play with
I've been fascinated by "palmtop" portable computing for quite awhile, with my 1st such device being an HP 200LX palmtop running DOS 5. I still have that palmtop sitting on my desk and it works still too! I always wanted to get one of the palmtop format windows mobile devices (windows ce), but couldn't justify the expense at the time having just graduated from HS and in college. I also remember the laptop format WinMo devices.
I also find it fascinating to find windows mobile/ce in devices that people would have never expected it in, nor complain about because they cant see the underlying OS. an example is the car stereo I have, a Roadmaster VR3 VRVD640G. There are hacks for it that somewhat let you get into the underlying OS.
I recently recieved my Hd2 and I love it. It is my first WinMo powered device. I owned a G1 (Dream) and while I really liked it and Android, I think that WinMo 6.5 is a much more customizeable and powerful OS. The level of complexity is alot higher, however. That is what I think turns people off of WinMo. I am enjoying the undertaking of learning this new (to me) OS.
Edit: I do think that in time, as it matures and with devices such as the N1 and the Desire, Android will be a quite powerful OS.
you know im so happy to see that their are others out there that see past winmo on the HD2 and are taking more consideration for the hardware specs...ive had the gsm htc hero,the nexus one,desire,Nokia n900 etc. and honestly, i was completely let down by all of those devices,but,thats just been my experience with them. even though the winmo isnt as snappy as android or the iphone..its still is kick ass phone...not downplay winmos but they are working on the kernals for linux and WM7 and considering most devices,we have one the better devices to date and iam very content with wm6.5 and 6.5.5
Well symbian and windows mobile had been the most hated OS in the US and maybe windows mobile been hated all over the world. I think its a nice OS but I think windows slept on the development, I think it became so critical how much they slept on the OS that alot of people here knows the in and out of the OS with out been hired or took any training about the OS which to me that amazing and probably never seen in any other OS in the world. not to mention HTC took sense and did their part as well but you never see windows team developing anything. I almost didnt buy the HD2 for the simple fact microsoft decided to develop KIN and windows 7 series instead of giving us a better support.
HEY I DISAGREE......... but i must say thank you for the info u gave me more info then any carrier could give the hd2 is a bigger & faster device but the differences u pulled the hd2 also hav hd2 has googlemaps it also has text to speech wat people people fail to see and realize is that the andoid market allows u to demo the product winmo doesnt which is suck and thats why u hav guys like me that searches the web for the product for free its out here it just cost but most of the apps that the andoid market hav winmo also has its just a matter of searching for it. my job on here is test multiple software to see if it can run and work together without issuse and or bugs and to run on the hd2 without error its crazy i go to a site find software and its free then find it at another site that charges for it .... now i dont think i can list the sites because of forum rules and regs but there out there waitin on u but u hav googlemaps with buzz also microsoft myphone and microsoft voice command
ryan562 said:
if you really wanna see how android is gonna fare on the hd2, just check out your local sprint store and check out the htc sprint evo 4g.
that being said, i own both an hd2 and two android handsets that are rooted.
what i like most about win 6.5 is the ability to customize it as much as i can a rooted android phone i.e. overclock the cpu (i just found an app for it), custom theme, save apps to sd card, play flash videos etc etc.
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
long term, i will probably head back to android in that regard due to updates and that it just keeps getting better and better (upcoming froyo update and then the gingerbread update which will allow for the saving of apps to sd card, etc)
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wait it out and u will be able to run both the drod and winmo on the hd2 without problems
ryan562 said:
however, i do feel that it is a bit outdated and is more complicated to use. takes a bit of a learning curve v. android os, which is more simple to use. i see tons of potential for windows mobile 6.5 but it's a damn shame that microsoft is moving on to a more closed platform with windows mobile 7.
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I personally wonder if WinMo is as dead, atleast from a MS prospective as people are saying. Yes WinMo is used in many consumer phones which is what I see WinPhone7 replacing, but WinMo is used in MANY other places still.
Like my example of my car stereo in the post lastnight.
Symbol uses it in the "LRT" devices that many stores use for stock tracking. You see target employees carrying them all the time. hell APPLE stores used them with WinMo until they managed to hack a card reader onto their iphone.
The Symbol price check scanners you find at many retail stores are WinMo based. I've seen them crashed at walmart with the floating WinMo keyboard on top of their price check app.
I've seen symbol Pin entry/signature capture/card swipe terminals at stores like JC penny and the now defunct circuit city that i highly suspected to be running windows mobile due to the sound tones played while using the touch screen, they were the default for WinMo.
I highly suspect that Symbol is a huge WinMo customer of MS.
I've also recently been to the Seminole hard rock casino here in Tampa and noticed on some slot machines that the little screens just shows small ads had WinMo intenet explorer windows that had apparently got stuck while loading the next ad and you saw the default IE could not load page screen. I have no idea if the entire slot machine is WinMo based or just certain functions like that screen.
Yes i understand from a consumer prospective its pretty much dead because there will be no more releases for phones and app development is likely to die off as time goes on.
Also in alot of these cases it is more technically Windows CE, which windows mobile is a subset of, but its quite literally all the same code base, just a matter of what modules the OEM loads in their distribution
God knows how many other places it's running, you never know till you see one crashed or notice a few telltale signs. Some ATMs used to be Win98 based. Yes I quite literally saw an old style Win98 BSOD on one of my credit unions's ATM's years back. it was a Diebold machine. Would not surprise me if alot of them are WinMo or embedded XP now.

Is Windows Mobile an application desert?

I'm fairly new to smartphones, having had the Tilt2 for only about six months after about four years with a Treo 650, but one thing seems to be increasingly true about Windows Mobile phones: If you want the greatest capabilities, you just have to get an iPhone, not a Windows phone.
It just drives me crazy that all the good apps are iPhone. Deposit checks to Chase Bank without deposit slips or going to the bank using your iPhone camera AND THE CHASE DEPOSIT APP FOR iPHONE! Netflix, play movies on iPhone or trailers on Windows. AT&T U-verse download and play movies...on your iPhone. These are three fairly new ones that come to mind, but it is this way for seemingly everything. Even TCM's new movie schedule app is for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry...Blackberry for crying out loud...but not Windows.
It's another 18 months before we can upgrade for a reasonable price from our two HTC Tilt2 phones to iPhones. If Microsoft wants to increase its market share, it needs to offer subsidies to developers. Windows 7 Mobile is not the answer...we don't buy computers for the sake of the operating systems. It's for the programs that run on the OS. Isn't it the same with smart phones? They all make calls and take bad photos. It's the other stuff that is the difference.
Am I wrong?
Youre absolutely right, however with over 300,000 downloads of the windows phone 7 SDK already, I think the next version of windows will have plenty of apps to enjoy. Microsoft is also wanting developers to release a free demo of all software, so we can check out any app to make sure we want to buy it. With the integration of XBOX Live, playing games online with other windows 7 users and the focus on gaming, WP7 is going to be awesome. UI definitely looks great and there are rumors that the day the marketplace opens up there will be over 100,000 aps submitted and available. Things really are looking up for microsoft phones. I know I'm getting one!
MPlayer: will let you stream hulu and bbc and others.
Movies for rental: Check out Amazon Unbox. It's part of amazons video service, where you can rent and buy movies and tv shows. You can have the settings set to automatically download a mobile version of the movie or show you are getting. Though I've never tried it with a rental. I usually just buy tv shows for 99 cents. Downside is it is not streaming, but download to pc and then transfer to your phone. Another option is to use
It's true that some of the very new apps will probably never see a WinMo 6.x port since the platform is switching to WP7, but calling it an "application desert" is a stretch. I have over 100 different programs installed to my phone, with everything from musical instrument simulators to various business tools and games. There's a huge number of free programs as well as a lot of high quality paid-for programs. Check the "apps worth installing on the tp2" for a good sample of the free applications you can get.
bowserb, as you said, you are new to smartphones, so with a lot of respect i want to share something, my experience with smartphones is a little more than yours, motorola q, blackberry, htc 8125, samsung epix, samsung blackjack, htc touch and know i have a tilt2, and beleive me its much more phone than the iphone
windows mobile and iphone are two differents worlds, windows is more for professionals and business people, focussed in getting the job done, excellent in word, excel, pp, (create and edit), emails capabilities, outlook and exchange sync, etc,etc, then as a second priority is the music, videos, etc,etc
on the other hand iphone is the phone for teenagers, to play, to think they have the ultimatte machine (go to a high school and teel me if dont see al least a hundred of them in 110 kids), you need aplications for everything, let me explain, when you are to compare a phone you have to do it from the box, which one is more capable without going to itunes or marketplace, there the iphone dont have a chance, in others words if you dont jailbreak the iphone its almost useless, my sister and my brother have them, so i know what im talking about
if you want real games and real tv, you have xbox, playstation and a flat screen
MS doesn't care about its market share for Windows Mobile 6. Mobile is a tiny part of MS's business, completely insignificant compared to sales of PC operating systems, Office, etc. It remains to be seen how much MS will even care about Windows Phone 7. With WP7, its possible they can make money off the mobile market like Apple and Google have, but that remains to be seen. It would require a whole new level of support and financial commitment than MS has shown in the past. MS has proved they can make money from a new market (XBOX), if they see it as a viable potential opportunity and throw enough resources at it. But if they go into half-hearted, they will fail now that Apple and Google already have a substantial hold on the market.
Yes, commercial developer support for WM6 is drying up with WP7 coming in the next couple months. But there is still a huge user supported base, many will argue. If you want more support from MS and other commercial developers, its not going to happen. They have all moved on.
The underpinnings of WM6 is just too old for developers to make backwards compatible applications. All the WM products up to version 6 are based on the same Windows CE code from 2000. So you can see why there is little desire to make an application for this outdated OS, when there is a modern updated version coming out in a few months.
And don't forget about Android. The iPhone is all the rave for the uninformed. But if you want a OS that has a huge user community, and tons more customization and function than the iPhone, then Android is what you want. Unless MS can really turn things around, I'm almost certainly going Android for my next phone.
Since you want an Iphone so bad.....
Here is my two cents on an iPhone.
Yes, I agree with you it has a lot of nifty apps, in various categories. On of the other side, a "phone" is for making calls. I have 3 cousins, and a few family friends who have Iphones, they hate the "phone" part of it because it drops calls, and lags on the phone screen severly. I know many people who have smartphones who send internet to their iPhone's to do what you were talking about with the Chase banking things and stuff. The new iPod Touch has a camera and mic if I'm not mistaken.
My dad used to be subscribed to a PocketPC magazine, and they ranked iPhone top of the line for apps, but worst for phone usage. Even worse than regular phones (ie non-smartphones).
Whatever you want to do is up to you though.
App desert?
Thanks for the comments, guys. I had no idea that WM6.5 was an update of Windows CE. Last time I used that OS was on a Casio PDA...a really long time ago. (Note for the younger crowd: A PDA was smartphone without the phone.) About Windows 7 mobile--will I have to buy a new phone to get it, or will there likely be an upgrade available from HTC?
MS Office. I can't imagine iPhone Contacts being a clumsier, more limited application than on the Tilt2, where contacts show up multiple times and all with m next to the name. Word and Excel are OK, but I almost never use them, even though they are indispensable on my desktop computer.
Dropped calls on iPhone. I suspect that is an AT&T problem, not iPhone. My Tilt2 drops calls all the time, as did the Treo 650 before it and the Sony/Erikson before that. Isn't that the reason people are clamoring for iPhone on Verizon?
iPhone is for teenagers? How do you know I'm not one? And even though I'm not, why should they have all the fun? No I don't really care about music and movies on my phone, but the ever growing list of useful and practical apps for the iPhone would seem to make that platform the choice of all age groups!
Anyway, this reply is mostly rhetorical. In 18 months, it will be time to survey the smartphone landscape.
redpoint73 said:
MS doesn't care about its market share for Windows Mobile 6. Mobile is a tiny part of MS's business, completely insignificant compared to sales of PC operating systems, Office, etc. It remains to be seen how much MS will even care about Windows Phone 7.
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They better start caring, mobile phones are going to be replacing PC's for many folks in the future.
txrider said:
They better start caring, mobile phones are going to be replacing PC's for many folks in the future.
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They do. They are investing billions into WP7.
bowserb said:
About Windows 7 mobile--will I have to buy a new phone to get it, or will there likely be an upgrade available from HTC?
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WP7 will be for new phones only, and an official upgrade is out of the question. The Tilt2/TP2 does not meet the stiff hardware requirements mandated by WP7. From the processing power all the way to the hardware button layout, it doesn't meet the new WP7 standards. Wouldn't be surprised if the smart folks on XDA will get some form of hacked version to work on Rhodium, but propably won't be quite the same experience as on a phone that runs WP7 natively.
redpoint73 said:
WP7 will be for new phones only, and an official upgrade is out of the question. The Tilt2/TP2 does not meet the stiff hardware requirements mandated by WP7. From the processing power all the way to the hardware button layout, it doesn't meet the new WP7 standards. Wouldn't be surprised if the smart folks on XDA will get some form of hacked version to work on Rhodium, but propably won't be quite the same experience as on a phone that runs WP7 natively.
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Even the high end HTC HD2 will not get an official upgrade to WP7, it has been said by Microsoft and HTC....
If the people on here can do it...that's another story...

A serious Question for us Android tablet users!

Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
As being a previous loyal android user, i found myself quite moved and worried about the rumours regarding Windows 8 tablet taking over the market leaving android tablets to die, upon hearing this i asked myself if is this really possible?? Because if it is then what will become of my transformer after a year? For which to buy i had sold my old laptop.
Please leave your ideas and opinions so that this discussion can be carried on.
alizafar said:
Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
As being a previous loyal android user, i found myself quite moved and worried about the rumours regarding Windows 8 tablet taking over the market leaving android tablets to die, upon hearing this i asked myself if is this really possible?? Because if it is then what will become of my transformer after a year? For which to buy i had sold my old laptop
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In a year your tablet will be three maybe four generations old and lacking. That said it will be exactly what it is today. Awesome.
Windows 8 sucks. It won't take anything over.. garbage.
I haven't tried Windows 8 on a tablet, but I did try the free preview on a desktop. I am terribly ashamed to admit it.
I installed it on a computer that I don't use as a daily driver and I disconnected the ethernet to keep things relatively safe. Truly, this is more cautious than when I knowingly put viruses on my computer to test out my virus scanner. No joke. After I burned the installation DVD, I wrote "Caution! Windows 8" on it so that I wouldn't install it, thinking it was a linux distro that I wanted to play around with.
At any rate, Windows 8 is a joke. The UI is terrible and it's just a ploy to take your information. It reminds me of Vista and how that was a flop that they turned into Windows 7. Did anyone see the project Mohave videos?. Navigation is not intuitive and the tiles and charms bar are a mess. It's really the stuff that was leftover and fell on the floor. Take all the stuff that iOS and Android never used because it sucked and bam! Windows 8!
In the interest of disclosure, I dislike Windows and Microsoft products in general.
Good Question
This is a good question, and one I thought about myself. Honestly I don't think it would be hard for Windows to overtake Android tablets, Amazon did it with the kindel. I love my transformer and the OP it has basically replaced my laptop in a lot of ways. But honestly, up to this point I haven't seen anything that would suggest Google can compete well against Windows Amazon or Apple. The update process on Android is ridiculous, and developer support although improving is lacking. Google won't put some sort of QC process and organization on the market so tablet specific apps are hard to find. All of these things are off putting to casual consumers and usually why they choose other OS's. That said, all this can be improved and I think Android tablets will sell more but until then I'm keeping my eye on Windows 8. If they can offer me the same functionality with usb ports, user upgraded memory at a resonable price I might consider a Windows tablet.
I also have the Win8 Consumer Preview installed.
It is an interesting blend of a traditional OS and a tablet OS, but it is still not going to take over Android IMO.
There is still a lot of unknowns. Even if Windows tablets take off, the low powered Tegra variety will probably have issues running full software (like Office) since it is designed for x86 and x64 processors. I know the Atom processors struggled with this for a while.
In general, I will be sticking with Windows 7 because the metro UI is not what I want in a desktop OS. Even for a tablet OS, I still prefer Android.
alizafar said:
Hi All
I am new to the Android tablet world, just bought my transformer yesterday actually, rooted it and tweaked the **** out of it
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Probably should have asked this question the day before yesterday.
I wouldn't rule out Microsoft, I have Windows 8 running on an Acer W500 tablet and although it is not quite ready for prime time, the fact that I can run Office 10, surf any site I want, etc. makes it pretty darn useful compared to Android or iOs. It's almost like iOS has the perfect consumption device for people who are just going to surf a bit and do some light stuff, while Windows 8 could handle that plus serious business stuff. I worry about Android's survival because of the lack of control by Google. Between vendors fighting to see who can put out the cheapest tablet, phone carriers and vendors modifying the heck out of it to "differentiate" themselves, and the inability to predict when or if a particular unit will get an update I can't see too many regular people picking an Android tablet compared to iOS or WIndows 8. By the way, that doesn't apply to the people on this forum who are by definition people who enjoy tinkering with their tablets, but if you start talking to the vast majority of the population about rooting, adb, etc. their eyes will glass over. A small vocal minority makes for a neat foruum experience, but it doesn't keep an operating system alive.
I honestly don't see how windows 8 will capture the hearts of the public with the tiles instead of icons. Icons have become so popular because they take advantage of people's natural ability to recognize shapes and patterns at a glance. With tiles, everything looks the same at a glance. I tried out windows 8 and I very quickly found myself having to concentrate more just to see which tile belong to what app. It was annoying as hell.
I tried wp7 and i must say it feels the same as it looks, blocky as hell and windows 8 looks the same. I love android because i can customize it, install whatever i want, root it, flash it, is fast, lots of updates, innovations etc.
I <3 windows on my pc, but <3 Android on my mobile devices and i think it will remain like that for a long time.
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
gee one said:
Take all the stuff that iOS and Android never used because it sucked and bam! Windows 8!
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Bwahahahahahaha!!!! Good one!
If windows 8 tablets run on an x86 platform then you'll be able to run all windows apps including games on it so I could see them taking a chunk out of the existing laptop/tablet market.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
I love my Android tablet but it can't totally replace a PC yet. I've been thinking about the ASUS Eee Slate for a while. Price and the fact that Windows 7 is not really tablet optimized has held me back (plus my dismal experience with ASUS RMA's didn't help much). A well made tablet with a tablet optimized OS and a Wacom stylus interests me. I draw and need an office program to do schoolwork.
bbedward said:
If windows 8 tablets run on an x86 platform then you'll be able to run all windows apps including games on it...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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This is perhaps the most commonly held misconception out there.
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------
letsgophillyingeneral said:
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
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Believe it or not, I'm very excited about windows 8. I really am. My gripe with it is for some unfathomable reason they decided to use tiles instead of icons. This one thing will turn most people away.
I think Tweaked hit it on the head.
With nVidia's announced product schedule, one year will bring about huge changes in the tablet market. I don't think you have to worry about Windows 8, but if the huge juggernaut that is the iPad is not killing us right now, then Windows 8 can do absolutely no harm.
Google isn't going to let Android die. It's Google. What Windows 8 will do is bring more competition into the market, which is always a good thing for us consumers.
What will eventually become obsolete are phones and tablets with hardware that can't support Windows 8 or Google's new Android.
Android, and even iOS, are specifically written for a mobile platform.
They are designed to be energy efficient, work with reasonably priced hardware (OK, maybe not in the iOS case) and were built from the ground up for this purpose.
Microsoft is trying to make their desktop environment fit on a tablet.
It was not designed for the mobile platform, not even talking about the interface, I'm talking about efficiency and lack of bloat.
In order to maintain their compatibility they have to add a lot of (in most cases) unnecessary bloat for the few people that may require it.
I'm not bashing Microsoft, I'm just saying the can't shoe-horn their desktop OS on a mobile device and expect it to compete with devices that were specifically designed for the mobile space.
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to, but from what I've seen and heard it has a horrible interface that makes desktop use a horrible experience. The interface looks like it will be useful on a tablet but Microsoft has come too late into the tablet game and will have to bust their asses to catch up. All their apps for their ARM version has to be rewritten from the ground up so they essentially don't have any apps available compared to Android and iOS which have hundreds of thousands of apps available, the x86 version may have more success since they don't have to completely change everything. Although they do have a lot of work ahead of them because apparently they're ditching .NET and using a new language which developers have to learn, here's the kicker the development tools aren't even finished yet!
I don't think we have a lot to worry about considering that the iPad hasn't killed the Android tablet yet. I think a lot of people are going to get Windows 8 and see how much of a clusterfuck it is and wish they had never spent the money on it. Windows has always been a dirty OS that requires Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software to keep it usable, do you really want to have to use that stuff on your tablet also? I guess we'll have to see how it pans out. I think its going to be a miserable failure just like their phones are. It's their last ditch effort to stay relevant in the changing PC market.
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk
brando56894 said:
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to, but from what I've seen and heard it has a horrible interface that makes desktop use a horrible experience. The interface looks like it will be useful on a tablet but Microsoft has come too late into the tablet game and will have to bust their asses to catch up.
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umm what? Windows 8 does have the standard Windows interface. Metro is basically an overlay GUI. You can turn it on and off.
brando56894 said:
I think Windows 8 is going to fail miserably in the desktop market. I haven't tried it yet because I don't care to,
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Stopped right there. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you start an argument off like that?
If you had played with one of the early Windows 8 builds, whether it be the Dev Editition or the Consumer Preview, you would've quickly realized that Windows 8 provides the same exact desktop experience as Windows 7 / Vista.
Like I said earlier in the thread:
letsgophillyingeneral said:
I find it hilarious that people are bashing Windows 8 so much. Reminds me of the Win7 beta and RC days.
EDIT: It also reminds me of the jump from Office 2003 to Office 2007/2010. Or jumping from XP to Win7. Familiarity can be a *****; change is good.
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My review of the Lumia 1520.

Hello everyone. I'm writing this review of the 1520 that I got Monday. I've be a android user for the last 3 years, my last android phone I had before switching to the Lumia 1520 was Galaxy Note 2.
Lets talk about my pass history of the Galaxy Note 2. I had the Note 2 for over a year. I me say that I loved it. That phone was everything i wanted in a phone. There was no limits with that phone. However, there that phone did have it own set of problems. Lets talk about the positives, The first big plus was android market. To this day right now, the android market is best, for it flexibility in apps. No other market is better in my opinion. Second, being able to custom note 2 was one the biggest reasons I loved my phone. With infinite amount of options, there was no limit on customizations. Lastly, the big screen. The most unique feature that separated itself from the rest of the other phones. Having a big screen help watching movies, reading docs and etc. As for the cons the two that sticks out for me were OS consist crashes almost daily after 3 months of use. Secondly, not effective in operating day to day use.
As for the Lumia 1520, let me say compared to my note 2 the quality of the device feel sweet. The phone runs fast, I mean really fast compared to my note 2 when i first used it. Granted Note 2 is older tech so I can't fairly use that as a plus.
Getting do the nitty-gritty, the effectiveness of 1520 windows 8 mobile os is much better than before. Microsoft did a nice job making this os user friendly. I find it easy to access the apps I want to use with Es. One of the cons of this OS is that its not really customize it, since it not really hackable yet. Also, windows app store is really lacking. I think for two reason, one windows mobile is new and third parties are not ready to commit to it yet. Lastly, programming apps for wp8 must be a pain in the a$$.
As for stuff like the camera, audio, etc, it all pretty much standard. Nokia camera this is cool, This phone does have SD slot, I don't like the internal storage is small, for such a nice phone.
Overall the phone is apair with note 3 and others. Microsoft has step up their game, but i do have to knock them on not supporting a more open OS so people can create better functionality with their products. That being said, I still think this phone is top notch and will get people buzzing.
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
Nice review Vallista, I got my red 1520 last friday and love it, I've had the Dell Streak 5 for 2 1/2years and love that phone to.I was wondering if I wanted to have windows since I really like android, but thought I would try something different since I also recently got the note 8, so I've got a great android device, which I can also make phone and video calls with.I like the effort windows has made and think they will continue making their store better, I'm still trying out different apps,and customizing it like I like it, overall I love the phone and the style of it, my brother just got a red one in the mail yesterday! I made a skype call to my mom's iphone 4 and it works great!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
GoodDayToDie said:
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
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let me address this, WP8 or whatever proper name you want to call it is still Windows 8 mobile. I don't want to get into a fight over the proper names. Should I be calling android by it proper name? KitKat? Icecream? Jellybean? and etc? As far I and most common users are concern its windows. Why? Mainly because people are starting to be aware of windows now as a real os option for phones. You couldn't say that 5 years ago.
Secondly, You really think its that easy? Then why aren't all of these apps that are so easy to get in iOS and android not on windows? For and example, I have three banks I use. Out of the three, one has mobile app for windows. These are all major banks. You can say all you want "it because of this or that" at the end of the day windows is lagging behind. Microsoft needs to do a better job of promoting their os. That all I was trying to say. In fact, in my class this morning, my professor ask us "How many people had apple or android" as a phone device. Over 80% had apple and 20% android. It didn't cross his mind to ask if people were using some outside of those two. My point here is now that Microsoft owns nokia, The market will view them as new competitor in the phone market. They might have had this os for long time, but as of now, common users will view them as new. Me walking around with my phone today, people asked me who makes that. Once I told them, they were surprised.
GoodDayToDie said:
A few points I want to address:
1) You claim "Windows Mobile is new". That is wrong for a number of reasons. The simplest one is because Windows Mobile is actually one of the oldest Smartphone operating systems, having been around since well before iOS, Android, Maemo/MeeGo/Jolla/whatever, or (most pertinently) Windows Phone.
Lumia phones do not run Windows Mobile. They run Windows Phone (in the case of the 1520, Windows Phone 8). These are not the same thing. People on XDA have been hacking WinMo for many, many years (again, since before most "modern" smartphone operating systems existed). Oh, and there's no such thing as "Windows 8 Mobile" (or "Windows 8 Phone" for that matter); there's the "Windows" line (which includes Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.) and the Windows Phone line (which includes WP7 and WP8) plus a handful of others that don't fall cleanly into either of those camps. Do not confuse these things, please!
2) Developing apps for WP is ridiculously easy. By almost any standard, Microsoft has better dev tools than any of the other mainline smartphone OSes. The "requirement" of Win8 for the WP8 SDK is annoying, but WP8 can still run WP7 apps, and the WP7 SDK runs fine on Win7. Besides, it's not hard to install (most of) the WP8 SDK on Win7. Anyhow, the problem is not a matter of difficulty writing apps. It's a matter of whether there's any return on investment. Android has a huge, ridiculous number of users, and while piracy of Android apps is more common than it should be, there's still a huge market. iOS has less market share than Android but is still firmly in second place, and iOS has a lot less piracy and people are a lot more willing to pay for apps, generally speaking, than on Android. WP is way down in third place - barely above fourth, and far below iOS in second - and while it has very little piracy, it barely matters when there are so few users. Complaining abou the lack of software for WP8 is like complaining about the lack of software for Mac OS X; when you're around (or below) 10% of the market, you're a bit player who may be net *loss* to develop for when developers can focus on more profitable platforms instead.
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Trail70rider said:
Nice review Vallista, I got my red 1520 last friday and love it, I've had the Dell Streak 5 for 2 1/2years and love that phone to.I was wondering if I wanted to have windows since I really like android, but thought I would try something different since I also recently got the note 8, so I've got a great android device, which I can also make phone and video calls with.I like the effort windows has made and think they will continue making their store better, I'm still trying out different apps,and customizing it like I like it, overall I love the phone and the style of it, my brother just got a red one in the mail yesterday! I made a skype call to my mom's iphone 4 and it works great!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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This phone is soo sick.
Vallista said:
let me address this, WP8 or whatever proper name you want to call it is still Windows 8 mobile. I don't want to get into a fight over the proper names.
Why aren't all of these apps that are so easy to get in iOS and android not on windows? In fact, in my class this morning, my professor ask us "How many people had apple or android" as a phone device. Over 80% had apple and 20% android. It didn't cross his mind to ask if people were using some outside of those two. My point here is now that Microsoft owns nokia, The market will view them as new competitor in the phone market.
They might have had this os for long time, but as of now, common users will view them as new. Me walking around with my phone today, people asked me who makes that. Once I told them, they were surprised.
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It does matter. Its like calling android something else before it was android. Like GoogleOS, instead of Android. Windows Phone is completely different from Windows Mobile. Windows Phone 7 and 8 is like comparing XP to 7 or 8. Windows XP and Windows Mobile 4-6.5 is extremely easy to modify compared to Windows Phone 7 or its desktop counterpart. Windows Phone 7 was their 'aha! Scrap everything and start over!' moment. WP8 is essentially their solution to fix what was wrong with WP7 and make it easier to manufacture e.g. GDR2 (support more ram) and GDR3 (supports full 1080p).
Windows Phone apps do take longer to publish when coming over from another platform. Most of the gamers who use WP know, because a game will essentially launch on all devices and then launch on Windows Phone MONTHS later sometime a whole year afterwards. SEGA is one those companies that are terrible about this. But this is understandable because of how "effectively" just about all apps run on WP7 or 8. They don't murder your ram or kill your battery. All background stuff is scheduled to run instead of being an evil TSR just taking more up as it runs longer and longer.
If you re writing a WP app from scratch and not porting it, you can "design" one in a matter of time. Heck, all of my apps I didn't even code. I generated them and semi-published them in a matter of an hours of work.
Sure its just a bunch of URLs, but it gets the job done. I intend on tweaking it again soon anyways.
I don't ever get asked about windows phones, except when a friend mine borrowed it for taking a picture in a dark environment e.g fancy winery dinner. Most of the place was candle lit and everything looked great for a smartphone, good for a camera.
Anyways Motorola is to Google as Nokia is to Microsoft. They were just following suit...
Sent from my Lumia 928 using Tapatalk
"Windows 8 mobile" is a remarkably (pardon my bluntness) stupid term for this OS. "Windows Phone 8" is very nearly as stupid (and that one is Microsoft's fault), but it does at least have two advantages: it distinguishes the Windows line from the Windows Phone line, and it's official. Besides, if you actually wanted to call something "Windows 8 mobile", it would make at least a *little* bit of sense to apply that term to Windows RT, which is a "mobile" (tablet, specifically) OS that actually looks like, and runs a lot of the same software as, Windows 8.
Suggesting that Windows Phone "is still Windows" is ridiculous, patently absurd on the face of it. They don't have the same UI (even ignoring the desktop, "Metro" apps in Win8 look and are interacted with differently from those on the phone, and the Start screens look and are arranged and interacted with differently). They don't run the same software (even where processor architecture isn't an issue, such as with pure .NET apps), although at some point in the future they may be merged to do so. They don't use the same user model (Windows Phone is a single-user system with only an "unlock the screen" protection; Windows - 8 or any other version of the NT desktop line - is a multi-user operating system where users must log into their accounts to use the system). They don't communicate with other computers the same way (Windows supports "Windows networking", including Homegroups, over SMB; Windows Phone has no SMB support but can act as an MTP client device over USB). They don't use the same security model (there's no support for user-accessible "full-trust" apps on Windows Phone; everything must run in an app sandbox). They don't run on the same hardware... do I really need to go on?
There are really only two meaningful similarities between Windows and Windows Phone (no, Microsoft's bone-headed branding does not meet the bar of "meaningful"). First, they both use the Win32 and WinRT APIs (well, sort of; the phone tries to block access to most of Win32 and is missing some of WinRT that the desktop has, the desktop is missing some of the stuff that the phone has too, though). Second, they both use the NT kernel. That's it. The way they sandbox apps is kind of the same, but only kind of (they don't even use the same capability lists, which incidentally is going to make that hypothetical merging of the app ecosystems kind of tricky). The UI has about in much in common between Windows Phone and Windows as Windows (7 or 8, at least) have in common with OS X.
Android's proper name is "Android" (OK, you can append a version number, or version name, if you want). It runs on the Linux kernel, just like MeeGo, WebOS, Ubuntu, and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Turns out that using the kernel as a determiner of "these operating systems are the same" is a really bad idea. Besides, if you were going to do *that*, then you'd have to argue that Windows Phone is one of the oldest smartphone operating systems, since WP7 runs on the CE kernel whose earlier versions powered handheld "smart" devices clear back to 1996.
As for the apps thing... how many WP apps have you written? Do you actually have the least idea how hard or easy it is? I've been writing WP apps for three years now, and I've also written Android apps and reviewed iOS apps. Neither one has as good of tools, and both require more work on the part of the developer to make the app *work*.
Vallista said:
You can say all you want "it because of this or that" at the end of the day windows is lagging behind.
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I *told* you the reason! It wasn't a "it's because this or that" in the least. Apparently, though, you are wither too wrapped up in your own prejudices to face facts, or you're illiterate... In any case, MS is spending a ton of money trying to promote WP. I happen to think their marketing sucks, but c'est la vie.
GoodDayToDie said:
"Windows 8 mobile" is a remarkably (pardon my bluntness) stupid term for this OS. "Windows Phone 8" is very nearly as stupid (and that one is Microsoft's fault), but it does at least have two advantages: it distinguishes the Windows line from the Windows Phone line, and it's official. Besides, if you actually wanted to call something "Windows 8 mobile", it would make at least a *little* bit of sense to apply that term to Windows RT, which is a "mobile" (tablet, specifically) OS that actually looks like, and runs a lot of the same software as, Windows 8.
Suggesting that Windows Phone "is still Windows" is ridiculous, patently absurd on the face of it. They don't have the same UI (even ignoring the desktop, "Metro" apps in Win8 look and are interacted with differently from those on the phone, and the Start screens look and are arranged and interacted with differently). They don't run the same software (even where processor architecture isn't an issue, such as with pure .NET apps), although at some point in the future they may be merged to do so. They don't use the same user model (Windows Phone is a single-user system with only an "unlock the screen" protection; Windows - 8 or any other version of the NT desktop line - is a multi-user operating system where users must log into their accounts to use the system). They don't communicate with other computers the same way (Windows supports "Windows networking", including Homegroups, over SMB; Windows Phone has no SMB support but can act as an MTP client device over USB). They don't use the same security model (there's no support for user-accessible "full-trust" apps on Windows Phone; everything must run in an app sandbox). They don't run on the same hardware... do I really need to go on?
There are really only two meaningful similarities between Windows and Windows Phone (no, Microsoft's bone-headed branding does not meet the bar of "meaningful"). First, they both use the Win32 and WinRT APIs (well, sort of; the phone tries to block access to most of Win32 and is missing some of WinRT that the desktop has, the desktop is missing some of the stuff that the phone has too, though). Second, they both use the NT kernel. That's it. The way they sandbox apps is kind of the same, but only kind of (they don't even use the same capability lists, which incidentally is going to make that hypothetical merging of the app ecosystems kind of tricky). The UI has about in much in common between Windows Phone and Windows as Windows (7 or 8, at least) have in common with OS X.
Android's proper name is "Android" (OK, you can append a version number, or version name, if you want). It runs on the Linux kernel, just like MeeGo, WebOS, Ubuntu, and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Turns out that using the kernel as a determiner of "these operating systems are the same" is a really bad idea. Besides, if you were going to do *that*, then you'd have to argue that Windows Phone is one of the oldest smartphone operating systems, since WP7 runs on the CE kernel whose earlier versions powered handheld "smart" devices clear back to 1996.
As for the apps thing... how many WP apps have you written? Do you actually have the least idea how hard or easy it is? I've been writing WP apps for three years now, and I've also written Android apps and reviewed iOS apps. Neither one has as good of tools, and both require more work on the part of the developer to make the app *work*.
I *told* you the reason! It wasn't a "it's because this or that" in the least. Apparently, though, you are wither too wrapped up in your own prejudices to face facts, or you're illiterate... In any case, MS is spending a ton of money trying to promote WP. I happen to think their marketing sucks, but c'est la vie.
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wow what an ego. Look its a Windows Phone period. If your gonna be butt hurt over the name, have a it hoss. Secondly, for a guy who he thinks know everything about Microsoft you really know nothing. You have no idea how or why Microsoft operates the way they do. So when make you own OS or phone device then you can talk. This was suppose be a basic review on windows phone I liked. But some want to focus on names.
A) I actually worked at MS, years ago. In fairness, though, I would never have expected the company to make some of the more braindead policy decisions it's made recently. I still know people who work there, though (living in this area, in the tech sector, you pretty much can't help it), and it doesn't seem like much has changed.
B) It doesn't take a lot of brains to understand how the software industry (including smartphone operating systems and apps) works, even if you *haven't* worked in it your entire adult life. But I suppose you do have to actually attempt to understand the problem, instead of throwing up your hands and complaining about it.
C) I actually have designed and written my own (tiny) OS for an embedded device, not that that makes me unusually qualified to talk about smartphone OSes.
D) I was trying to be helpful and informative, but apparently that point - like so many others - passed you by. Cool, you liked the Lumia 1520. Too bad you apparently didn't even know what OS it runs (hint: not Windows). I wouldn't have bothered writing anything past the first post, which was just to set the record straight (for both yourself and the people who might read your review and become confused) on a couple points, but I guess you couldn't have that...
Well, it made sense when it actually had a resemblance to Windows way back, but that's before they called the whole thing Windows Compact edition. Sure it was the base of a lot of various small devices that didn't have the power of their laptops then and was way more portable, like some cell phones. You could almost compare them with Palm, and at the same time RIM, but that's before they ever had the Blackberry if I recall correctly.
They could have dropped the windows name on their phones, but I'm not too sure it would have lost its product familiarity, and could have been obscured like the Kin and Kin II.
WP7 was obscure on anything besides at&t, and they didn't support CDMA day one either. This kinda messed up the US market, while the rest of the world couldn't have cared more, except Korea? and china (they use a derivative of CDMA.)
To think of the wp7 market share was so small, it was almost unheard of. It still buggs me that Cincinnati Bell still calls it Windows Mobile...
To get back on track, they could use a lesson with customization. It would be cool to swap fonts or change the text on the lock screen so it doesn't take up a quarter of the screen. Its bad for ricing and doesn't sit well with some people. But I don't ever actually see it happening. After all they haven't budged on changing some core features yet....
Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
I like how you say the 1520 is on par with the note 3 even though you've never actually used it for an extended period (if at all) - instead you're comparing a prev gen phone (with probably fixable software issues) with a current gen one...
Just saying...
Apps, WP8 OS and its restrictiveness (some call it security) aside, the core problem with the 1520 and other Phablet phones on WP8 at the moment is simply this: WP8 is not optimised for phablets.
liqn7 said:
I like how you say the 1520 is on par with the note 3 even though you've never actually used it for an extended period (if at all) - instead you're comparing a prev gen phone (with probably fixable software issues) with a current gen one...
Just saying...
Apps, WP8 OS and its restrictiveness (some call it security) aside, the core problem with the 1520 and other Phablet phones on WP8 at the moment is simply this: WP8 is not optimised for phablets.
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I never said it was on par with note 3. I'm saying this phone does everything I did on my note 2. The note 3 has tech the 1520 doesn't have.
Good review, Nice to hear something positive for a change, I have a White Lumia 1520, Got it Monday and love it, Compared to my previous Lumia 920 and other Windows Phones I have owned it simply is the best, That is just my opinion, Some ppl will find it too large to handle comfortably, I have large hands so not a problem, It is perfect for my usage,
Have to agree that the OS does need some further optimisations for Phablets as some things and Apps display just too large
Thank for you for the review Vallista.
As for your little back and forth...I could call anything well anything, it doesn't mean people would understand me. Using proper terminology seems to me...to be akin to using the correct syntax and terminologies when going into your local swag bar and asking for 2 fingers of Laphroaig, neat. One can not simply order a Scotch and expect the same result.
From A Note 1 to the 1520
I was given a Surface at work pilot in our environment, and was very impressed with it. My Note 1 was long overdue to be replaced (but flapjax ROM's ran so great its kept up fine), and so I opted to give Windows Phone 8 a go. I had previously used WinMo 5 and 6, followed by a very brief run with the iPhone, and stuck with Android for about 3 years.
I miss the ability to customize, a lot. Admittedly I didn't do a lot of research going into WP8, but not being able to change DPI etc is disappointing. I feel like I'm back in the iPhone sandbox. I do really like the hardware of this device, and there are some aspects of WP8 that I really appreciate. Having Office on my phone has been a lifesaver for school. I like trying new things so it's still fun finding a lot of the nuances, but I really wish I could start flashing something better than the stock ROM.
The Lumia 1520 is an awesome device, and WP8 runs very smoothly on it out of the box. I would consider WP8 better than iOS, but Android will still win until Microsoft allows the users of their device to fine tune more settings of their device. I won't hold my breath for that, but I'll contribute as much as I can here on XDA to help a dev make it happen.
Got Lumia
I have similar story - moved from Note 2 to White Lumia 1520. I wrote some programs for android before and I like android and never had any problem with Note 2 but.. sometimes it is useful for people to get out of comfort :laugh:
I wrote programs for WM too but SDK for WP8 is completely different and more complex in my opinion. Maybe this is just first impression.
The device itself is really cool, I like it. WP8 is too strict and have few applications. Similar was when I had Dell Streak 5 with Android 1.6 as my first android device - at that time people laugh at me like I see in this thread. Hope that Microsoft will catch up, improve WP8 fast.
Check out our stunning photos made with Lumia 1520 and Nokia Camera
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Too bad the marketing department at Microsoft and Nokia didn't capture my wife's opinion of the 1520 because it would be a good commercial. My wife hates technology and has no interest in learning new devices...If fact she didn't want to even upgrade her iphone. Then the other day we walk into the Microsoft Store and she sees the 1520 and immediately said she wanted it. I thought that was particularly interesting since she laughed at the size of my Note 3. She left Sprint and the IPhone to move to the Nokia. She even had to pay more per month. She loves it. Not much more I can say except I love it too. I am not ready to give up my Note 3 and Galaxy Gear but think the 1520 is really well done.
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
djtonka said:
Check out our stunning photos made with Lumia 1520 and Nokia Camera
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What settings did you use to get that photo?
Sent from my Xperia™ Tablet Z
Vallista said:
This was suppose be a basic review on windows phone I liked. But some want to focus on names.
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Thanks for the review . Like you I used to own a Note 2 and liked it.. at first, but I found it was a little big for me. I must be honest though, I mustve owned about 10 Android phones and I was never happy, even with the stunning hardware of the HTC One.. i traded and sold them back and forwards and it was only when I bought my first Ativ S, I was instantly converted. Now I own a 925 and love it, wanting a 1020 when its price comes down.
The question I asked myself was .. What makes WP8 great over Android?. which the simple answer is "It just works flawlessly".

Coming from Android (possibly)

I'm looking at the 950XL as it seems to have all the specs of the Nexus 6P but also includes USB 3.1, which is very important to me (I currently have a Note 3 which needs upgrading).
Project Astoria quite interests me; can you use any Android App with this, or just certain ones?
One thing I like about Android is the ability to flash ROMs; I don't think there's anything like this with Windows is there?
(Slightly dodgy topic to talk about) On Android I can just search for an app adding the word 'apk' on Google and download it for free. Is there anyway to do this on Windows?
I used to run Windows Mobile and before that Windows CE, before switching to Android
I just saw your question. Here is some of what I know. As of right now there is an app called 'bluestack' that allows you to run apks as if on android with google services this is a win 8 app though.
There are plus' and minus' here.
1. The feature that makes what you that interested in are win universal apps. That announced by MS is supposed to be repackaged Android apks and converted to universal apps. They then would use Windows services. (a minus or a plus depending on preferences)
2. Blue stack (and its alternatives)may need to be updated to a win 10 universal app. The biggest upside to the 950/xl are that dual booting maybe possible. And a full emulation is possible almost like having 2 phones in one. I say that because of how windows runs or promises to run. With win10 it should be a hackers/tinkerers/dev dream. Leading to more of the apps you may want to port over.
3. Porting maybe possible with the tools MS provide. You maybe able to repackage apks on your own into win10 universal apps.
4.this is the last thing. You maybe able to enjoy 3rd party win10 apps. There are alternatives to twitter for example on windows but no actual Twitter app which some say are better than Twitter's actual app. Also some reporters have said that microsoft are offer to build apps(official) for companies like Twitter and then hand it over to them and they then take over maintenance. But that hasn't worked so far.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
Many thanks for your reply. I've been reading a lot, trying to get my head around the new Windows Phone experience. It seems vastly different from what I used to have on my HTC HD2, which was my last Windows Phone.
One app I use a lot and I find useful is Truecaller, it tells you who's calling, even if you don't have their number in your phone. I presume this needs some sort of integration with the OS. I wonder if Project Astoria offers this level of integration.
My last windows phone was also the HD2 and I've used android ever since. I recently bought a lumia so I could try windows 10 preview. There are a couple of things I miss:
- the ability to transfer files to/from my NAS through WiFi without having to go through a pc
- swipe keyboard doesn't work in some places, eg works in messaging but not in browser
- android .nomedia facility
- banking - my bank is HSBC and they don't have a windows app
If the 950x windows 10 version fixes the first two of these then that will be my next phone.
My banking app also isnt on WP10.
I also like to use DOSbox to play old games on my phone.
Also Torque for hooking up to cars ECU via a bluetooth OBD2 reader.
No Starbucks app
I also use my LG Gwatch to receive notification on my wrist at work. As Im not allowed to get my phone, this is a very very handy feature for me.
I think I'm too invested in Android right now. I am a real Windows 10 Phone wannabe though. I wish I could afford both the Nexus 6P and Lumia 950XL.
Windows Lumia 950xl check every check in the box for what i want in a smartphone on the hardware side... But my issues is that i know that you can port apps over but how many official apps from ios and android made it to the windows store. Once they have app they will have me as a new consumer
Look at these vids, they can give you an idea of what to expect with w10 mobile
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
Hey folks,
I figured this thread would be a good place to ask since it already existed. A little background. I'm a heavily entrenched Android user since the Evo 4G days and have service with several telecoms and own several phones as well. I saw the new presentation and I was really impressed, however, I need some help to see if the switch is right for me.
1) I use Google Voice to manage all of my numbers and phones. I heard that Skype doesn't allow number Port In, however, does allow forwarding. Does anyone know if this is true? Why don't they allow number Port In? Is it coming in the future? Any creative solutions around this?
2) I don't own a P.C., so Continuum really intrigues me. I've always owned PlayStation and loved being able to stream my PlayStation to my Sony phones and play remotely. Would I be able to stream XBoxOne to my phone and use Continuum to play on a monitor? What about streaming to a T.V. for Netflix or other apps like that?
3) I'm really interested in turning my home "smart". I know that Android has a big IoT platform and it'll be great with NEST and the other things they have coming down the pipeline. What about Windows? Is there a platform available? What products support it? Can it all be phone controlled and do apps exist for them?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated as I'm sure there are others in my boat who might have similar questions.
Guys i thought this may also be useful to keep in mind. There maybe a US compatible version at some point.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------
UserDemos said:
Hey folks,
I figured this thread would be a good place to ask since it already existed. A little background. I'm a heavily entrenched Android user since the Evo 4G days and have service with several telecoms and own several phones as well. I saw the new presentation and I was really impressed, however, I need some help to see if the switch is right for me.
1) I use Google Voice to manage all of my numbers and phones. I heard that Skype doesn't allow number Port In, however, does allow forwarding. Does anyone know if this is true? Why don't they allow number Port In? Is it coming in the future? Any creative solutions around this?
2) I don't own a P.C., so Continuum really intrigues me. I've always owned PlayStation and loved being able to stream my PlayStation to my Sony phones and play remotely. Would I be able to stream XBoxOne to my phone and use Continuum to play on a monitor? What about streaming to a T.V. for Netflix or other apps like that?
3) I'm really interested in turning my home "smart". I know that Android has a big IoT platform and it'll be great with NEST and the other things they have coming down the pipeline. What about Windows? Is there a platform available? What products support it? Can it all be phone controlled and do apps exist for them?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated as I'm sure there are others in my boat who might have similar questions.
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So in theory you can do this with windows phone right now. remember one windows isn't anything new. windows 8.1 is on the xbox one. And you can use the pass through feature on any windows device. On windows 10, its all the same, even on mobile because on phone it is full windows running (just slightly different ui, right now if windows 10 on desktop is told its on an under 6inch screen it locks into mobile or atleast the apps do, per windows weekly). Even though it is mobile you could run full photo shop on the phone with a couple of hacks. The one issue is Windows doesn't run well on Arm processors snapdragon 810 and 808... Look out also for a zenfone 2 running Windows 10 mobile. Also the is some one hacking the zenfone to port windows 10.
My dream is for the test windows 10 mobile rom that was being tested on xiaomi mi4 could get ported.
Also microsoft has debated on creating a rom that's flashable to android devices. That helps them get the 1billion user goal. And also attract devs and hacking enthusiasts.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
So this is full Windows 10? But on ARM?
Could I install and run any programs that I can install on my laptop then?
Does the phone have some kind of x86 to ARM translator?
No, it is not full Win10.
It only runs "universal" apps (the successor of the "metro" apps of windows 8/8.1/10)...
Truecaller is already available on win10 mobile. It shows info about who is calling but also can act as your call and text message spam filter, a feature I don't think they have on Android.
I broke my Icon unfortunately so can't post screenshots.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I'm in the same boat. The 950 checks all my boxes hardware wise, but I do think it'll be hard to switch.
What I am doing is getting a Lumia 640, pretty cheap from BB: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/at-t-go...lack/9231014.p?id=1219701750248&skuId=9231014
Figure that would be a good device to test everything out on and see if I can make the switch. And I could probably sell it in a few months to close to what I paid for it.
Indeed fantastic price.
If my 950 XL proves (too) good, I might get a cheapo previous model so that my wife also switches.
(and only keep my Z4 Tablet LTE - that is getting Marshmallow soon - to keep contact with Android)
I actually waited to the last minute if a really serious device comes out this year from Android and only three came "close but no cigar" (the others far behind including the Note5, a series I used to be a fan and they stupidly killed by turning to a fashion series like S series):
- LG V10. I don't like the little screen (mostly the awkward positioning and that is not AMOLED but is always on - which kind of defeats the concept) and I don't care about the two selfie cams. Also you make it tough. Why not water resistant (at least) also?
- Z5 Premium. I always liked the Z series, but they failed to really advance it and now you can even call it ugly. 4K for a non-4K ready world is just a nice selling bullet. You put a super-MP camers, with no OIS and a simple single LED flash. Goofy.
- Moto X Force. No biometrics at all? In 2015? (also I kind of fear Moto as a brand for years now)
Anyway... few more days to a month to see if we made the right choice.
Love my Windows 10 1511 update that has extras to support coexistense with Win 10 phone...
MSFT don't screw this.
I started with windows hacking until I bought a HTC evo 4g. I have had 4 nexus devices and currently on the nexus 6. When the 950xl becomes available i am ditching the 6 for windows again after several years of android. Just out grew android. It was fun buy going back to where it all started.
No, only universal apps are able to run on Arm and X86 Plattform. W10 is similar on Arm and X86 but all Apps / Programms has to do the step and create Universal Apps while also Microsoft seems to work on Phones which are based on X86 CPU.
So this is a first step into the future which will provide same stuff on Desktop, Tablet and Phones. While Android has no Desktop OS and Apple has IOS and MAC OS seperated, Microsoft did the next step to Melt all worlds together. Now it is on us to support this way and on them to work continously to improve the process.
olarf said:
No, only universal apps are able to run on Arm and X86 Plattform. W10 is similar on Arm and X86 but all Apps / Programms has to do the step and create Universal Apps while also Microsoft seems to work on Phones which are based on X86 CPU.
So this is a first step into the future which will provide same stuff on Desktop, Tablet and Phones. While Android has no Desktop OS and Apple has IOS and MAC OS seperated, Microsoft did the next step to Melt all worlds together. Now it is on us to support this way and on them to work continously to improve the process.
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I feel windows mobile will make a come back.
tomzefi said:
I feel windows mobile will make a come back.
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Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
KeesStolk said:
Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
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Yes, apps, always been lacking there. I have a feeling that's gonna change. Windows phone hacking & development is coming back. I will hold on to my nexus and gonna get the 950xl
KeesStolk said:
Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
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Same for me, I used Sammy phones for some years now and it seems they lost the track more and more. For sure there is a need for more apps but its a bit a Chicken and Egg thing. If you ask Software companies they tell you that there are not enough Windows phones to make it worth to develop a APP and if you ask customers they tell you that there are not enough apps to make it worth buying a Windows Phone... Actually I see Windows Phones appear in more and more companies where they replace IPhones. ALso the Bridge Projects seems to be more promissing then the Astoria one. For us as WP users we must not care about as most good apps exist for IOS and ANdroid at the same time. If the porting from IOS work good, we will get a lot of apps soon. The rest is on Microsoft then, they have to motivate companies to create a lot of universal apps. Actually the 950/950XL seems to be the only phones with some inovation right now. Lets see end of 2016 where we are.
I forget to mention that there exist a Tapatalk app and it works. Not that good but it works and do the job.
