Apple Wins a User-Interface Patent That Smartphone Copycats Should Fear - Vibrant General

Today Apple was granted a patent for a possibly lucrative addition to its IP arsenal: a patent for its method of displaying documents, lists, and a whole manner of other things on a portable electronic device.
Read the whole story at
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who the hell keeps granting Apple these obvious patents?
Scrolling down
Rectangular device
Ability to search
Da ****?
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“From our point of view, it’s important that Apple not be the developer for the world. We can’t take all of our energy and all of our care and finish the painting, then have someone else put their name on it,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said...
Are you kidding me?! Bunch of snooty babies it sounds like.

Apple are just a bunch of crybabies. End of story. All they're doing is suing other companies because they can't do anything else to beat them.

Yeah, if you guys haven't read Steve Jobs' Biography... Well let me tell you a little story.
I admired Apple when they released the first bunch of the iPhones, they were the only company innovating a "smartphone" which the consumers could get their hands on. I admired Jobs for who he was, what he had done. He was a legend in my eyes.
Then I read the biography and found out he was a huge ego-boosted douchebag.
the end. ****ing.......serious! so now apple can basically QQ towards the us courts about every phone with a multi touch interface android an possibly even windows mobile? ffs patents on gui's should never be passed cause lets face it almost all of them are the same in one sahpe or another with pc for instance you can go to windows/linux an have ui that are nearly identical (though scripted entirely different)

Crazy, huh? Xridder6 jobs was a spoke person, that's it. He was too stupid to take medical help, he stayed with his vegan crap and died. On a serious note this patent can be severely damaging. But apple didn't invent a touch screen. There's still hope. Like you guys said, they're attacking because they feel pressure. If you corner someone they will attack but guess what? They will win. That's us.
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It's not that I don't like iPhones (i do prefer Androids) but its the fact that Apple is suing everyone that makes me hate them so much.
I like competition in the mobile market. It's good for consumers. Companies competing = cheaper devices for consumers.
As much as I would like everyone in the world to have an Android... I need someone to make fun of for owning a device that cannot compete with Android.
Android will take over the mobile market in the next decade or two if Apple doesn't quickly pull something innovative out of their asses.

I hear you, that's why I said we're getting put in a corner, Google will figure something out. We're too big to fail.
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check this new patent they just got..

Just so you know, I have a patent on all punctuation, so everytime you put a ;",.?!:' and ().
I am currently working to secure patents on symbols now such as #@&*% and $.
Everyone who posted in the thread owes me for their punctuation.

Woodrube said:
Just so you know, I have a patent on all punctuation, so everytime you put a ;",.?!:' and ().
I am currently working to secure patents on symbols now such as #@&*% and $.
Everyone who posted in the thread owes me for their punctuation.
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I patented letters.
Gimme yo' money

Dang it, I knew there was a loophole. See Google, there is always a way around or through the loophole. If college toaught me anything, it was there is always a work-around.
Rider, we'll call this one a wash financially, but maybe we should go into a company together. We can get a patent on sentences. Or if we want the big bucks, go straight to the top with paragraphs.

Samsung just put the smackdown on Apple.
Samsung Takes Off The Gloves: Claims iPhone Wouldn’t Even Exist Without Samsung’s Technology

Woodrube said:
Samsung just put the smackdown on Apple.
Samsung Takes Off The Gloves: Claims iPhone Wouldn’t Even Exist Without Samsung’s Technology
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Man I read that article last night and was laughing the entire way. Title fits whats in the article too. Samsung is putting on their rape gloves.

That made me laugh. X, you have a poetic way about you.
They want a 2.4% share of every product Apple sells (I think I read going rate was more like .4 or something like that).
Yesterday they asked for an ungodly amount fee for licensing their patents and Apple said No!
Gonna be a nasty court case that will change everything down the lines probably.
Woodrube no want to be IOS fanboy.

iwillkillyou said:
I hear you, that's why I said we're getting put in a corner, Google will figure something out. We're too big to fail.
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haha right? Yeah Google will never get stomped out
---------- Post added at 05:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
xriderx66 said:
check this new patent they just got..
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Wow that's annoying - its so freakin vague

the patents given in this country are complete bs. remember all the people who tried to trademark "Linsanity" when he blew up for Knicks? Hundreds of people want to make money off a fad selling tshirts and ****. wonder who got won that one...

Wood rube thanks for the article, I read it with such concentration haha, its going to be a ball changer. Apple was just getting ridiculous, somebody had to stop them. Well scratch that I'm talking too soon.
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Samsung Sues Apple

Looks like Samsung is ready to return the favor:
Washington Post Article
Karma is a *****
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I'm not so sure Apple should have gone after them like that. Sammy has the most patents in the US next to IBM and a lot of those are cell phone patents. Why was Apple so intent on biting the hand that feeds them. Yes, I see the similarities in the phone and somewhat in the UI but not to the extent of suing them the amount of product that was purchased from Sammy.
We all knew this was to come... and to someone who said Samsung was one of the most patent-maker companies... thanks for the info, i really didn't know that.
Anyways, Apple is sure to lose this, because Samsung filed like 6 back at them, from like 4 countries lol
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
oka1 said:
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
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What is incredible is how a multitouch patent was given to apple,when multitouch screen dates back to the early 80's and was the university of Toronto who first made one.
Even better Apple doesn't make touch screen or any kind of LCD they are not manufacturers of hardware they buy it.
I think they are mistaken by the fact that they were the first to do it on a cellphone,but that doesn't mean the patent is their.
Nintendo did rumble on consoles before any one else did,but the patent wasn't theirs,in fact Sony and MS pay money to a company know for patent infringement for rumble on controllers even that no other company before Nintendo had done that.
I think is the whole flawed system of patent which allow for this kind of craps,i may as well patent taking photos of unknown planets out side this world.
And Samsung fire back with hey we have the patent to connect phones to PC by USB..haha
Apple suck so much i don't know how people put up with their crap.
eltormo you are correct but application patents are what companies use to create useless lawsuits. And, if you have alot of money you can afford to do this. The fact that apple sued microsoft for the use of windows or Graphic User Interface was also a joke. This was invented by Stanford Univ. for their teachers.....go figure
I hope sammy takes a big bite out of that apple.
apple is going down
Plus one jazzy!
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
eminembdg said:
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
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this thread is old.
Samsung and Apple according to yesterdays Engadet article are solving the sueing issue OUT of court.

What does Apple do to a phone that's on its way to becoming #1 in the world?

Sues them!
Apple disgusts me. Copying issues coming from a company that "WILLFULLY" steals the trademarks iPhone, iPad, etc. from other companies??? They have no room to talk about willfully copying.
iOS 5 has android style pull-down notification
Neo3D said:
Sues them!
Apple disgusts me. Copying issues coming from a company that "WILLFULLY" steals the trademarks iPhone, iPad, etc. from other companies??? They have no room to talk about willfully copying.
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Yeah, and actually, Apple is copying Android's notification bar for it's iOS 5 and nobody even points that out! Personally, after using both iPhone and Android (Galaxy S), I feel both are completely different and I don't think anyone "copied" the other as they give different experiences overall. One should never go just by appearance!
Unfortunately there is only so many ways you can design a touchsceen phone, and an app screen.
Their entire claim pivots on broad, sweeping claims like their ownership of "a field of square icons with rounded corners" - it's stupid, vexatious, and anti-competative.
Their entire claim about copying the physical shape of the iPad is also based on it being a flat tablet with rounded corners. It's ridiculous.
It's not the phone, this is Standard Operating Procedure for Apple. How many of us remember how the Apple Mac got its start? Apple stole the Graphical User Interface from Xerox. Then a few years later they sued Digital Research Corporation because their Ventura Publisher product for the PC contained a Graphica User Interface. The fun thing about this story is that Digital Research licensed their GUI... from Xerox!
if you cant beat em, sue em.
"products that blatantly imitate the appearance of Apple's products to capitalize on Apple's success."
the truth is that samsung copied the interface alot cos "ppl" the great zombie masses of ppl want something they recognize.
but its true.. samsung really copied ios quite alot on the UI..
but the way handles it is un-capitalistic.. the whole idea behind the world they live in is that there are competition that will copy your stuff as closly they can if its a good solution and if it is not they will make something better or try to.
if apple dont like it they can move to north korea.. they can probebly get excusive rights to be the only phone for sale there
heatfire said:
"products that blatantly imitate the appearance of Apple's products to capitalize on Apple's success."
the truth is that samsung copied the interface alot cos "ppl" the great zombie masses of ppl want something they recognize.
but its true.. samsung really copied ios quite alot on the UI..
but the way handles it is un-capitalistic.. the whole idea behind the world they live in is that there are competition that will copy your stuff as closly they can if its a good solution and if it is not they will make something better or try to.
if apple dont like it they can move to north korea.. they can probebly get excusive rights to be the only phone for sale there
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Absolutely agree. The iPhone is derived from HTC Touchphones that appeared on the market 1 year earlier (also with the color white and rounded edges). The iPad is derived on Archos Pads that arrived on the market several years earlier!
As you say, this is what good companies in a capatilistic societies do: improve on competitor products or on their own products.
There was no need for samsung to shake their a*ss 3 times to sh*t straight.
Neo3D said:
Sues them!
Apple disgusts me. Copying issues coming from a company that "WILLFULLY" steals the trademarks iPhone, iPad, etc. from other companies??? They have no room to talk about willfully copying.
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Samsung did copy there ui.. there model... lol.. Nothing was creative in their design.. why is so hard for you guys to admit it?
Its a strategy they applied which was successful and earned them millions and now they have released another one which in looks is still almost the same... and u want apple to sit tight and let samsung capitalize on their success?
Apple still has intentions to be one of the most successful phone brand and android has taken a bug chunk of their customers. It was quite understandable move from apple to sue samsung right near launch of sg2... i hope u guys get the point... if still not.... then god bless ya
You guys must be blind if u r still ignoring the facts.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
jags_the1 said:
Samsung did copy there ui.. there model... lol.. Nothing was creative in their design.. why is so hard for you guys to admit it?
Its a strategy they applied which was successful and earned them millions and now they have released another one which in looks is still almost the same... and u want apple to sit tight and let samsung capitalize on their success?
Apple still has intentions to be one of the most successful phone brand and android has taken a bug chunk of their customers. It was quite understandable move from apple to sue samsung right near launch of sg2... i hope u guys get the point... if still not.... then god bless ya
You guys must be blind if u r still ignoring the facts.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
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When this nonsense first appeared, it was revealed that samsung had developed a ui very similar to the iphone and unveiled it almost a year before the first iphone was released. It was crude compared to what we see now on iphone and Touchwiz but it's pretty clear that samsung had it first and has made it best.
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Let the lolling begin:
jags_the1 said:
Samsung did copy there ui.. there model... lol.. Nothing was creative in their design.. why is so hard for you guys to admit it?
Its a strategy they applied which was successful and earned them millions and now they have released another one which in looks is still almost the same... and u want apple to sit tight and let samsung capitalize on their success?
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Let's make a poll and see how many of the Samsung owners bought the phone cause they thought it looked so much like an Iphone. If you want an Iphone you buy an Iphone, if you want a Samsung you buy a Samsung. Appled didn't invent the round shaped corner phones, nor did they invented the wheel or hot water like they might claim in the near future.
Sp1tfire said:
Appled didn't invent the round shaped corner phones, nor did they invented the wheel or hot water like they might claim in the near future.
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I'm writing on behalf of Apple to insist that you cease and desist from making ludicrous claims about Apple's rights to make ludicrous claims about stuff they stole...erm...invented.
This is in itself in breach of retrospectively granted patent no 63578929, 'Patent to claim to have invented stuff (and we ain't even lying) 1895'.
The above patent is valid under Apple's patented patent system, patented by Apple Patents Inc in 4258BC.
If they stuck to saying 'well we didn't invent it but we implemented it really well, albeit in a somewhat restrictive manner', you'd have more sympathy, but this persistent reinvention of facts is just tedious.
Why would anyone buy a phone because it looks like the iphone and how many actually use touchwiz anyway, i got this phone as it is the best phone on the market and the best screen simple as.
It's funny, on a simple google search you can find tons of chinese/korean iphone and ipad replicas that look exactly the same, but Apple can't be bothered about them. Of course, you can ignore obscure producers whose phones are manufactured in the forests by panda bears cause if you sue them and you win you get 1 cart of bamboo leaves as compensation. Why not sue a top selling company with the hope that you will get a lot of money and at the same time causing them distress and huge losses. It's all about the competition and Apple relies on less conventional ways of trying to catch up / stay on top.
See what Steve **** says here
More of the same nonsense from Apple. They sued HTC a while back, see any shortages of HTC phones?
I wouldn't buy anything apple, I detest them as a company and don't see why all the iSheep like them so much. They are nowt special and ridiculously over-priced. I loved my Galaxy S but my Galaxy S2 is just SO much better. I'll probably get the Galaxy S3 after this.
i think iphone should not aims to sell to brainless people and it is an affordable target.
In my opinion the right question is: what android should do to sell to brainless people?
Sp1tfire said:
Of course, you can ignore obscure producers whose phones are manufactured in the forests by panda bears cause if you sue them and you win you get 1 cart of bamboo leaves as compensation.
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LOL.. that had me laughing for a good 5 minutes...
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Apple have just been granted a general patent for the use of touchscreens and multitouch! This is really really sick, how did they manage to steal that idea and make it their own?,966,578.PN.&OS=PN/7,966,578&RS=PN/7,966,578

Apple does it again,0,6656116.story
Are they this fricking bored and butt hurt?
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
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It will lead to World War III!
It already started in that upgrade thread...LOL.
This is getting absolutely ****ing ridiculous. Apple is one gigantic crybaby. Gtfo, *****es.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Don't tell me they are suing for voice search which Google provided for the iPhone before siri...
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Hmm lawsuits that's what apple has over android...they are the ultimate fanboys.
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
Theyre really showing what kind of business they want, and thats ALL OF IT. They dont do well with competition, and I see them in a giant hole within the next 5 years.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
b16flybye said:
Theyre really showing what kind of business they want, and thats ALL OF IT. They dont do well with competition, and I see them in a giant hole within the next 5 years.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
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i still say android its more user friendly then any apple iphone ipod or what ever they got. at least thats how i feel. grabted they started this touch screen phones. but to me android improved apples ideas..
Surprised this is just being posted, I read about this two days ago. I thought nobody cared lol!
marcusant said:
Don't tell me they are suing for voice search which Google provided for the iPhone before siri...
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Nah they're suing for the "Slide to Unlock" patent, which is stupid, since there's hardly any similarity in their lock screens.
What's even more stupid is Apple is trying to patent facial recognition as well, even though they don't even have the freaking feature yet.
Didn't you guys see the bio of steve jobs. He said android was a stolen idea and would spend all of apples money litigating the issue in every major company. But you know what's hilarious is autorities in china are pulling ipads off of retailers shelves due to another company owning that name lol cracks me up.
Lol, its just sad that theyre scraping any little feature to try and use against android. Slide unlock? Really? Whats next? I would have a tad more respect for apple if they would just die like men instead of the whining we've witnessed lately.
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I don't know that Apple can die at all, with the a userbase comprised of illiterates and blind followers. They make exorbitant profits, and for what?! Nothing is going to the employees or the users, just vast bank accounts. I'd feel better about this if they had a reason for it other than "THIS TAKES POTENTIAL PROFITS FROM US!!! SUE SUE SUE!!!"
Name one time thy Android actually stole an idea from iOS.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
Well, there is the 'i' in Android
They are also claiming that the nexus infringes their patent of the hyperlink, this is getting ridiculous. Microsoft and apple are also the ones that want everyone to agree to a commitment to not sue for patent infringement of technologies which are essential for devices to work. Apple wants everyone to do as they say, not as they do.
Even if android is a copy of iOS (it isn't), it is an open source alternative. They are attempting to sue a company distributing free, open, software.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
This is Bull **** Apple needs to be sued by google seeing how in iOS5 they put the drop down notifications menu in and also should be sued because they took our android lockscreen puzzle etc..... What has it come down to suing for every little damn thing. Seriously they want to play like that then we should sue em for all their dumb Bull**** patents. GTFOH APPLE
Apple is panicking... before some phone would match the iPhone of that Gen and they'd +1 they're iPhone with a feature they held back from the previous model now they really can't so what do they do? Sue.
Sent from my SPH-D700
If i were google i'd make an anti apple campaign ... and knowledge common people about them and their products

'Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything?' video

For those of you who haven't seen the video, here it is:
DeadSOL said:
For those of you who haven't seen the video, here it is:
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Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
Actually this video (as some of you would have probably already seen) would be more relevant: especially @4:14
I remember that 1994 Steve Jobs interview when he basically admits he steals ideas, but that was when Apple were really struggling so didn't have investors and shareholders that would have shot him in the kneecaps if he said the same thing recently.
---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------
caslca said:
Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
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American courts, American company.
Do you think Johnny Foreigner is ever gonna get a fair trial against a huge American company like Apple? I mean big business always funds election campaigns over there so companies like Apple have basically bought shares in USA plc.
caslca said:
Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
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The lawyers are horrible. It is easy to defend that. All they need is to get a hand on any documents that show Apple researching Windows OS because everyone knows everyone, including Apple researches other companies.
The recent Samsung documents telling the designers how the Galaxy S should differ from the iPhone are a real blow to the whole case, in my opinion. That's what has to stand the brunt of the attack now.
Also, one of Samsung's documents was rejected by the court. I think they brought it in too late. That's why they leaked it to the public. Ah, Samsung. What are you doing to yourselves?!
Has the whole world gone mad or just America? **** Apple. They will repeat history.. come and go.
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I hate this trial just as much as anyone, but Samsung made absolutely NO effort in differentiating their 1st gen Galaxy S (mainly i9000 model) from the iPhone. The first thought that came into my head when they revealed the phone was "why does it look like an iphone inside and out?" I know the needs to take down Goliath and all, but the first Galaxy S was just downright blatant mirror image of the iPhone...even down to the touchwiz icons and UI.
With that being said, the US patent system needs a complete overhaul to stop these frivolous suits and the Supreme Court needs to set precedence once and for all.
Todays consumer are smart. They know what they are buying. A small boy will differentiate sammy from apple. Grow up apple
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I hate this trial just as much as anyone, but Samsung made absolutely NO effort in differentiating their 1st gen Galaxy S
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Korean, japanese and russian companies all have the same principle: first copy a device, then optimize and extend it so much with the gained experience that it becomes superior to the original.
The Chinese unfortunately are not quite there yet - mainly due to lack of hightech but it won't be long.
I know the needs to take down Goliath and all, but the first Galaxy S was just downright blatant mirror image of the iPhone
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Sadly only from looks. It was sooooo sloooooow even though it's based on good hardware, mainly because Samsung decided to go with their RFS and other software issues.
For those of you who haven't seen the video
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The main problem with the video is that they exclude software, where Apple (partially more or less involuntarely since they base on FOSS software) has contributed lots of patches and extensions to existing standards and helped push new ones. Google's Chrome for instance would at least have had a much harder start if not for Apple's Safari and the resulting changes in the Webkit engine.
Apple has definitely made worthwhile contributions to the advancement of technology. For example they may have stolen the mouse from IBM but if they hadn't, IBM probably wouldn't have done anything with it.
These days however they are just plain being lame. Google should sue them for having web search in the safari browser. It's about the same level of idiocy as what Apple have dropped too.
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dr.m0x said:
Apple has definitely made worthwhile contributions to the advancement of technology. For example they may have stolen the mouse from IBM but if they hadn't, IBM probably wouldn't have done anything with it.
These days however they are just plain being lame. Google should sue them for having web search in the safari browser. It's about the same level of idiocy as what Apple have dropped too.
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The universal search patent is especially retarded.
This has always been my bugbear with patent law. Nokia's recent sign up for ms means apple now have legal rights to all of Nokia's patents and are now using Nokia patents against Samsung and htc, and indirectly claiming them as apple's (which from a legal standpoint they are!). However, the simple solution would be to do what LG and Sony already do and that is pay the damned patent license. Yes it increases overall handset cost but not significantly.
It's sad when you consider the patents would have only added on about $5 to the cost of each handset. I doubt anyone would have said "oh man, the s3 is great, but its $5 bucks over my budget".
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andyl66 said:
Nokia's recent sign up for ms means apple now have legal rights to all of Nokia's patents and are now using Nokia patents against Samsung and htc, and indirectly claiming them as apple's (which from a legal standpoint they are!).
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Wrong. It may very well be the case that Apple are suing over technology that overlaps with others patents, but it should not be doing so because it does not have the right to sue over patents it has licensed from others. From a legal standpoint they are anything but Apple's patents.
Even Intellectual Property licensed with the explicit intention of allowing a third-party to sue over the IP, isn't valid for a suit (big case on that in recent years).
Licensing means I say "Okay you can use my spatula when you need it in exchange for your mother's bra". It doesn't mean if on some other occasion someone else has it you can scream "Thief!! That spatula doesn't belong to you, give it back!" At the end of the day it's still my spatula so I can still give it to whomever else I want, and if someone steals it, that's my concern not yours.
Same thing: the patents are still Nokia's. The absolute best Apple could do is pressure Nokia into suing. You cannot sue on someone else's behalf except in exceptional cases like the would-be plaintiff is under-age, or dead.
Well, whatever the case may be, we all know that Apple is a crap company and it's trying to threaten our beloved Android. I love the fact that Android is open-source. I love the fact that Android-based devices are popping up everywhere. Nikon has made an Android-based camera. Isn't it lovely when all your devices use the same software? Isn't it amazing that we can legally hack these devices and modify them? Thank you Google for being such a friendly company!
This section is for the discussion of the SGS3, not for apple nonsense.

Samsung VS Apple - Trial Closing Arguements

Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Xenoism said:
Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
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I was very disappointed to read the verdict - sad day for Samsung and their users. My question is - if Apple gets the judge to invoke the injunction does that mean that our rooted phones will also have to strip out the offending routines? Just makes me hate the zealots even more. Wonder how many of the members of the jury and judge had iphones? Does that mean that Apple cannot have any part of Project Butter?? Love my JB and the fact that my 2 year old phone is still cutting edge!!
On a different note, you mentioned that you are using FFC. I have installed one, but so far have not been able to fire it up. Is there any zip file with the i9000 FFC files on it? Would really like to know if mine is working.
JIM in FLA waiting for Isaac!
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
xriderx66 said:
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
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I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
skinzy98 said:
I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
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Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
xriderx66 said:
Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
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I can't believe I didn't here that. And it would be nice if Google helped out a bit.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
kobesabi said:
This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
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Stock AOSP is not the problem, its mostly over Samsung's Touchwiz UI. Having familiar icons etc.
I dont see how their going to change the design though, from a rectangle to a square?
Jury member admits that they did not use prior art in consideration.
I hear an appeal.
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
an also i hope that google has some sort of super patent waiting to deal with that stupid apple patent for searching :/
if anything apple needs to have all their vague broad patents voided until they can make it narrow an none broad
Patents on trade dress are ridiculous "a rectangle with gently rounded corners" " a screen with even space from the bottom and top to the bezel"
I didn't know apple invented rectangles and other symmetrical shapes?? And then some of the patents are obvious stuff, bounce back, screen pinch, REALLY
The fact of the matter is nobody bought a sgs1 or any other Sammy products thinking it was apple products.
When you go to the big box stores apple products are usually merchandised in another area than most other OEM's.
Apple just has their panties in a wad because Sammy is actually selling more smart phones than them and their products are comparable, better IMO, to theirs.
Its not Sammy's fault that apple has only released like six smart phones. They put out products to appeal to everyone, not just an elite group of pretentious asses.
I could go on but I think you guys get the jest of it!
Its peanut butter jelly(bean) time...
pintek said:
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
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You'll really love this posting to facebook that I found then. Check it out, it freaking beautiful on Benz' part and really drives the point too.
I just saw the most incredible interview involving a Mercedes Benz executive talking candidly about his disgust with how Apple has been acting lately in court about the whole smartphone ordeal. I wish I could find it to share in full but I came accross it while channel surfing. In a nutshell, he said "We at Mercedes own over 80,000 patents worldwide including the rights to the first self-propel
led 4 wheeled vehicle, or as we all would call it today, the 'CAR'. We could take every car manufacturer in the world to court with legitemate claims that they copied our idea and force them put out 3 or 2 or 5 wheeled vehicles etc. Do we? Of course not! We exist today as we do because we bring the absolute best we can build to the market year after year. When he's asked if they're worried about the constant attempts to copy them as Apple claims Samsung and Google did, he just smiles and says "let them try, that's what has kept us at the top of our craft for over 100 years. Why would we stop now?" -Absolutely brilliant! That's how a real innovative company acts. Mercedes for president!
I couldn't have said it better, great find!
sent from the depths of helly bean
Goophone is planning to sue Apple for design infringement since their cloned hardware came out first before Apple. ROTFLMAO
If this allowed, Samsung should hurry and produce a prototype next week so they can sue Apple if they release later.

