[Q] why ics?? - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys!!
another stupid question is coming.. please don't insult me too much
i'm using the latest fuzz cm9 build on my defy+, and i have to say it.. it's perfect! no bugs, pretty smooth, wifi and 3g working fine and stable..
BUT still a lot slower than cm7.2!!! really nothing comparable! i'm not speaking only about quadrant score (that is pretty close 1800 vs 1950) but on the daily usage i can feel really the difference..
speaking about battery i got almost the half of the time...
so i was wondering... why should i install ics/cm??
ok gmail and the gallery are way better.. i like also the long press home button! but does really it worth?
i'm not questioning on our beautiful developers work!! i'm just trying to understand why everyone is so happy with ics!
thanks guys!!

There is no answer for that, it's up to you why you would/n't use it. For me it's good so I use it, I have no reason why not.

Well, I think cm9 is officially still on Alpha stage at the moment. So its still not fully optimized.

thanks guys!
i'm just trying to understand if ics has some new and exlusive features! because i've tryed it and i couldn't find anything new.. it looks good for sure

I found out the hard way that you cannot export your systemsettings, data and all apps from GB to ICS, so if you switch you should take into account that you have to start from scratch.

Or you can simply use Titanium Backup . No loss of apps and data.
Trimis de pe Defy CM9

I keep trying all latest roms.... but still love the stock rom (Defy) for its stability and smoothness.

vap_66 said:
Or you can simply use Titanium Backup . No loss of apps and data.
Trimis de pe Defy CM9
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I use TB, but after I imported my GB settings, ICS got stuck in a loop. Also not all apps are compatible.


advantage of cyanogenmod

Soon Samsung will stop updating the galaxy s so should i install cyanogenmod 7 now or wait till the stop supporting it ...is it easy to install from gingerbread jvq I've looked at the instructions but didn't understand how to do it and is every thing working on the phone with cyanogenmod
Everything is included but the CyanogenMod for I9000 is still an unstable version. FM radio oes not work and there is a feww bug here and there.
To install it, you need to revert back to a Froyo firmware which include a bootloader because the Gingerbread bootloader is not compatible entirely with CyanogenMod. Then, you root your phone, install ClockWorkMod or any kernel that has it, download the ROM, put it in the SD Card, restart the phone in recovery, then install zip from SD Card, choose the Rom Zip file and everything should install correctly.
Here is a link to the whole process LINK
Don't forget to backup your apps, and other relevant information and more important, make a backup of your EFS folder in case your IMEI is screwed up during the upgrade.
You will need to flash back to a ROM with Froyo Bootloaders first, but the installation is now very, very easy....use my guide at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1101534
As for the advantages, CM7 is the fastest and smoothest ROM available, with a high level of customization, some exceptional features like the Theme Chooser, and a very active development and user community.
The disadvantages are that the battery life usually tops out at about a day and a half between charges max, and certain hardware features don't work as well as they should, due to the fact Samsung won't release their sources. These include the 780p video camera (lower resolution films fine), FM Radio and TV Out.
IN the end, the only way to really know if CM7 is for you is to try it out and see. Some users ultimately say they prefer the Samsung ROMS while others, like myself, are addicted to the high performance and tweaks of CM7 (as well as the community).
Come by the CM7 thread in the Dev forum, read back a few pages to see what is going on and join the discussions.
Having CM7 on SGS is like owning a Ford GT40. Beatiful and powerful beast, but if you actually dare to use it, it'll probably break down or you run out of juice in the middle of nowhere.
jetcz said:
Having CM7 on SGS is like owning a Ford GT40. Beatiful and powerful beast, but if you actually dare to use it, it'll probably break down or you run out of juice in the middle of nowhere.
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Thats a great way of putting it
Made me laugh, There is an ounce of truth in there !!
Still a good ROM tho, a mega improvement over stock samsung roms at least.
Battery life for me is pretty much the same as stock, the performance is unrivalled and it has more functionality. For me it also more stable than 2.3.4 ROMs which have all kinds of dodgy bugs and random lags.
The battery life has been improved a lot in CyanogenMod, but it is still a bit high when using packet data.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Well MIUI is based on CM7.. Im a MIUI user and my battery is good, 2 - 2.5 days at a push..
Im not a heavy user, I play a lot of games tho (my misses fails to entertain me)
i tried CM7 when it first came out, I liked it alot, i thought it was great, God knows what its like now... 4 months later ??
urself25 said:
Everything is included but the CyanogenMod for I9000 is still an unstable version. FM radio oes not work and there is a feww bug here and there.
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It is as stable, or more stable, than any other ROM for this phone...
I dont find significant speed difference for Samsung JVQ, but it is more configurable, very usefull bits too, and it has the nicest theme, Honeycream, for someone that doesnt like green or blue themes...
The dialer and the camera apps are garbagge compared with samsung' s, but you can use the market like I did, got RocketDial and Camera360...
And you get a new version almost every night, good if you have nothing better to do then flashing the phone , plus they fix small errors and implement new features, Samsung is not doing that for the SGS any more...
EDIT battery is not a problem anymore...
melorib said:
It is as stable, or more stable, than any other ROM for this phone...
I dont find significant speed difference for Samsung JVQ, but it is more configurable, very usefull bits too, and it has the nicest theme, Honeycream, for someone that doesnt like green or blue themes...
The dialer and the camera apps are garbagge compared with samsung' s, but you can use the market like I did, got RocketDial and Camera360...
And you get a new version almost every night, good if you have nothing better to do then flashing the phone , plus they fix small errors and implement new features, Samsung is not doing that for the SGS any more...
EDIT battery is not a problem anymore...
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Are you sure about your last line? If so...since then its not a problem anymore in uour opinion?
Due to sentences like that I flashed lot of times cm7, just to see if there wasnt any battey drain while using 3g...and unfortunately I had to go back to sammsung roms cuz false reports...
I hope when you said that you mean that its not a problem for most people not only for you
Enviado desde mi SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 usando Tapatalk
titooo7 said:
Are you sure about your last line? If so...since then its not a problem anymore in uour opinion?
Due to sentences like that I flashed lot of times cm7, just to see if there wasnt any battey drain while using 3g...and unfortunately I had to go back to sammsung roms cuz false reports...
I hope when you said that you mean that its not a problem for most people not only for you
Enviado desde mi SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 usando Tapatalk
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Since 60 something, but 75 had a further breakthrough, someone found out what was drainning battery iddle...
How is GPS performance?
melorib said:
Since 60 something, but 75 had a further breakthrough, someone found out what was drainning battery iddle...
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Ok thanks. However I didn't notice any drain while iddle, only while using 3g with tapatalk, browser or whatever.
I guess I'll have to check it bymyself
Codeworx are testing GB bootloader on nightly.
Check out CM thread.
Sent from my GT-I9000
Going to a good custom ROM like CM is a great idea imo, great support and always new stuff
Thanks for the great info I've still not made my mind up yet
Yeah but use cyanogenmod with fugu kernel and gingerbread bootloaders... You won't go back and you get battery life better than stock (still a problem with battery usage if data is on though)!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
got-petrol said:
Thanks for the great info I've still not made my mind up yet
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U should know also youtube video not working !!! Miui sincerly killed it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Drained 5% over night, 9 hours, with froyo Boot Loader and #75...
Waiting ansiously for #77...
if you go with 77 im pretty sure you dont have to go back to froyo. Its recomended but but no longer needed... dont take me to my word but check the nightly forum, thats what i got out of it.

MeDroid ICS Official discussion thread!

As said in my other thread, we shall do the discussion of this ROM here so we don't bother the devs anymore!
What do you think of this ROM? I think it's really awesome.
It runs well for my purposes, though it's guaranteed to reboot on my phone when using Navigation which is unfortunate.
Great rom, good for daily usage. Even the Illico mobile app is working flawless for Canadian Videotron carrier.
Nicjfry said:
Great rom, good for daily usage. Even the Illico mobile app is working flawless for Canadian Videotron carrier.
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Samauz states this ROM as alpha, but it feels more than that because of its incredible stability and of course usability
I moved to this one after trying out the Evervolv one since that one kept SoD'ing.
So far it's running really great.
I have used Samuaz's CM9 build for a long time now and I haven't ever experienced the screen of death bug. Not once.
mad props
Been using this Rom for a while now and I really have to admit that it does not feel like an alpha at all. But it's far away from being a final or RC.
But nonetheless it's good enough to work as a daily driver. Almost everything is working fine and it's quite smooth. Especially the new ia2sd is awesome.
But it has its downsides. I have a lot of random fc's and apps behaving strange. It may not be a Samuaz specific problem but an ICS problem. But it starts bugging me as hell.
And some features I really like at CM7 are not implemented or fully working yet. Most of them are really small things like no battery percentage in the notification bar (Battery Widget works as a workaround). But they add up.
Once I overcame the "wow-ics-on-n1-smooth-and-awesome"-feeling I started thinking about switching back to CM7. I just miss the stability of CM7 and the incredible smoothness. Don't get me wrong. This Rom is neither unstable nor stuttering (I actually get my highest quadrant scores so far with Medroid CM9) it just didn't reach the level of CM7 yet.
But I'm sure it will. A new kernel which makes full HWA possible seems to be on its way and with every version the rom is getting better.
Pommes_Schranke said:
Been using this Rom for a while now and I really have to admit that it does not feel like an alpha at all. But it's far away from being a final or RC.
But nonetheless it's good enough to work as a daily driver. Almost everything is working fine and it's quite smooth. Especially the new ia2sd is awesome.
But it has its downsides. I have a lot of random fc's and apps behaving strange. It may not be a Samuaz specific problem but an ICS problem. But it starts bugging me as hell.
And some features I really like at CM7 are not implemented or fully working yet. Most of them are really small things like no battery percentage in the notification bar (Battery Widget works as a workaround). But they add up.
Once I overcame the "wow-ics-on-n1-smooth-and-awesome"-feeling I started thinking about switching back to CM7. I just miss the stability of CM7 and the incredible smoothness. Don't get me wrong. This Rom is neither unstable nor stuttering (I actually get my highest quadrant scores so far with Medroid CM9) it just didn't reach the level of CM7 yet.
But I'm sure it will. A new kernel which makes full HWA possible seems to be on its way and with every version the rom is getting better.
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Let's say we get full hwa tomorrow or sometime near tomorrow, I still feel it will take a long time to really optimize it for every aspect of our N1's. I mean, in ICS now, we need to prioritize making things works before optimizing them. Know what I'm saying?
I switched back to CM7 today for a brief moment but I quickly got bored of it. Will try later today though. It feels great not having to switch hboot as CM7 (at least Samuaz's build) plays nicely with it
I'm not concerned about the extra system space or so because with the 1gb ext4 partition, there's nothing to complain about ^^
Awesome rom... fast and stable... trebuchet launcher bis easy but apex launcher is better band faster... try TO install on System/appari tor better experience
Inviato dal mio Nexus One usando Tapatalk
SIP and T-Mobile Web2Go issues
I have had just a couple of issues.
One is that when I upgraded from CM7, I guess something flagged in my T-Mobile account. I have the $10/month data plan ("Phone First Web" aka Web2Go). While everything was peachy before I upgraded, now I can not get the data connection to work. Set up the same settings APN-wise as in CM7 and it just tells me the plan doesn't work with my phone
I tried flashing back to CM7 to no avail. So it must be a flag in my account or something.
The other problem that I had is that my SIP setup doesn't work anymore. I don't know if this is a problem with ICS, the ROM, or something in my SIP setup (pbxes.org/IPKALL/GVoice). I do know, that before upgrading to this ROM, it all worked fine. Again, I tried flashing back to CM7 and it didn't fix it. So I don't know if it is something about upgrading to ICS or what...
My SIP stuff started working again. So, I guess it was an issue with my setup.
I was also doing some reading and saw that apparently a lot of people are having the Web2Go thing crap out with their Nexus One. It seems that T-Mo finally caught on and is actively preventing N1s from using the Web2Go plan. Good news is that there is another $10/month plan available. Bad news is that it is only 200MB/month. For me, that's fine, since I use WiFi most of the time anyway. The unlimited option is $25/month (still cheaper than the Android plan, I believe).
As far as the ROM goes in general, I love the look and feel. The new recent applications is great as is the new browser interface.
eLar19 said:
Awesome rom... fast and stable... trebuchet launcher bis easy but apex launcher is better band faster... try TO install on System/appari tor better experience
Inviato dal mio Nexus One usando Tapatalk
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I don't see apex launcher in the market. where do you get it?
SiNJiN76 said:
I don't see apex launcher in the market. where do you get it?
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here on XDA... link
try it, is very fast... a little bit heavy then trebuchet, but i like this... put the apk in system/app on the internal memory using a root explorer
I think Nova Launcher is the best ICS launcher
i will try nova launcher
eLar19 said:
i will try nova launcher
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Been trying this room since a long time ago. Awesome, except some random reboots and fcs. Switched to MeDroid cm7 when I wanted to stabil and smooth rom, and got my best quadrant there: above 2400. Switched back to this room when I wanted to feel new features of ICS. Overall, quite happy with this rom.
Sent from my Nexus One
Awesome rom, I use it since at least a month and it's great.
I just have an issue in these days about the new Cyanogen Music app, it drains my battery a lot.
Anyone know a tip to replace it with the original one? I tried to remove it with Titanium backup and install an apk of the original Music that I found on web but it FC.
I can't report the drain/ask in the developer too cause of my low post-counter.
Ikos said:
Awesome rom, I use it since at least a month and it's great.
I just have an issue in these days about the new Cyanogen Music app, it drains my battery a lot.
Anyone know a tip to replace it with the original one? I tried to remove it with Titanium backup and install an apk of the original Music that I found on web but it FC.
I can't report the drain/ask in the developer too cause of my low post-counter.
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PowerAMP maybe?
Ikos said:
Awesome rom, I use it since at least a month and it's great.
I just have an issue in these days about the new Cyanogen Music app, it drains my battery a lot.
Anyone know a tip to replace it with the original one? I tried to remove it with Titanium backup and install an apk of the original Music that I found on web but it FC.
I can't report the drain/ask in the developer too cause of my low post-counter.
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The original music app in 4.0 is available in the market as "Google Music."

Looking for stable ICS ROM as daily driver

Hi guys,
I've been a longtime lurker here, and avid Android fan for sometime now every since I purchased my Nexus One. I've used CM and MiUI and all, but now am looking for a stable ICS ROM which can be used as a daily use ROM with ICS.
I'm currently on MiUI 2.3.2 (tried 2.3.9 but it seems to really be very unstable for me) which seems to work fine if not for the random reboots and errors from time to time, not to mention I can't seem to get the SD to mount when the cable's connected to my PC.
Long story short, which ROM would you guys recommend? I'd love to have CM, but since they're not supporting ICS versions for the N1, I'd have to live with others.
(if I'm just repeating earlier threads, please feel free to point me there and perhaps we can close this thread)
TexasIce or MeDroid
Both roms are in an alpha stage but quite stable and good enough as a daily driver for weeks now.
- More "Cyanogen"
- A bit faster and a bit more stable (imho)
- "vanilla experience"
- Awesome kernel work
Thanks Pommes.
I was leaning towards Medroid myself, but seems like there's some controversy/drama going on there with the dev, and was wondering about the continuity of it.
As I've not blackrose-d my Nexus One, I'd assume that's something I'd have to do first, yeah? I've no need to be bleeding edge in terms of updates, but just would like to have my phone being able to update and not random reboot from performing any number of things.
Samuaz's laptop is dead and zyrex tried to sell the ROM, but Samuaz later posted the link to download it. Mods have locked all of his ICS threads, even the medroid discussion thread I created. The future of that ROm is very dim, but Timbit (and possibly Zyrex) try their best to continue its development here: http://code.google.com/p/nexusone-medroid-ics/downloads/list
dk_zero-cool is a notable developer for the HTC Bravo (Desire) and has made a very good ICS ROM for it. It seems to be based on CM9. He doesn't have a Nexus One to develop on, but since the Desire and Nexus One are practically twins, it shouldn't differ that much.
Texasice is another development god when it comes to bringing ICS for us in his/evervolv team's version. It's not stock ICS or CM9, it's their "remix" of it which looks really nice.
As far as I'm concerned, these are all daily drivers, depending on what you need for a days use of your Nexus One. If you absolutely must have a fully working camera, then none of these ROMs are daily drivers for you. If you accept that there are bugs and that the camera isn't working 100%, then all of these are daily drivers. I personally recommend either texasice's version or dk_zero-cool's version.
I saw dk zero's so smooth and working camera preview now
Sent from my ICS Nexus One
There's also MIUI ICS that's stable enough. Haven't yet flashed camera fix patch recently released upon that rom, but I heard it can fix camera preview too.
Sent from my Nexus One
d3adbroke said:
I saw dk zero's so smooth and working camera preview now
Sent from my ICS Nexus One
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Thanks for this feedback, trying to flash dk zero's version now, having to Blackrose my device first which mean I have to flash a non ICS version as I can't USB mount my phone.
Quite an adventure just to have to work around as I had did a full phone wipe and lost my recovery in the process, in addition to MiUI reset wipe which seemed to have hung and I had to remove the batt to get it restarted.
Just set the custom blackrose partitions and hopefully can start flashing dkZero's version with hopefully a working camera preview as you've mentioned!
MoeNeXus said:
There's also MIUI ICS that's stable enough. Haven't yet flashed camera fix patch recently released upon that rom, but I heard it can fix camera preview too.
Sent from my Nexus One
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Thanks for the update, however after all the issues I've had with MiUI the last week or so and then switching from 2.3.2 to 2.3.9 and having to restore back to 2.3.2 as the latter was too messed up on my device, I think I'd rather wait till there's a more advanced RC or stable version before attempting to flash it again.
Not to mention, I'd forgotten why I'd shy-ed away from MiUI in the past, too iPhone-ish of a UI (yeah a change of launcher might help, but I'll give this other ROM a try)
I've been using medroidmod daily - however the microphone isn't working anymore (for the past two days) - so I'm struggling to rebuild it.
I have so far been unable to get Bravo ICS to install. I have blackrose with 16mb cache partition, and m2sd packaged with Bravo is not redirecting it to SD no matter what i do, and 16 is not enough for ICS.
At this point i am tempted to go to CyanogenMod 7.2 - daily struggle with ICS is wearing me out.
DK's is AWESOME....best ICS for N1 and its not close.....super smooth and great battery
secondclaw said:
I've been using medroidmod daily - however the microphone isn't working anymore (for the past two days) - so I'm struggling to rebuild it.
I have so far been unable to get Bravo ICS to install. I have blackrose with 16mb cache partition, and m2sd packaged with Bravo is not redirecting it to SD no matter what i do, and 16 is not enough for ICS.
At this point i am tempted to go to CyanogenMod 7.2 - daily struggle with ICS is wearing me out.
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Of all the ICS I think texasice rom is good one as its stable but as theshawty mentioned it gives vanilla experience. DK's rom is more inclined to CM9 and its just cool. Got into bootloop initially but after tweaking settings in memory management, I dont get any reboots. Battery is good and rom is smooth. You can try dk IMHO.
If you want something stable, do NOT use ICS. Simple.
Ive used both medroid and bravo, I think medroid 1.4.2 was very stable with alot of customization, I didn't personally have problems with the mic but I know others did, and Ive also used Bravo so far it has been fantastic for me so far, the dev behind it aswell is very responsive and gets things fixed quickly, the only draw back is the lack of customization between bravo and medroid, I just feel like i'm missing 80% of the options and tweeks i'm able to do with bravo.
Androidity3000 said:
If you want something stable, do NOT use ICS. Simple.
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Well, texasice's ICS and dk's are surprisingly stable.
Medroid 1.44 is smoth and stable. It already includes the last camera fix and a few other updates.
Non-HWA ICS Roms where always stable for me.
On HWA Roms I always had sleep of dead issues(phone freezing a few times a day), but I'm running Medroid 1.4.3(with camera preview fix flashed) now for a few days without problems.
HWA uses a lot of memory, so that could be a problem in the long run.
Androidity3000 said:
If you want something stable, do NOT use ICS. Simple.
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Well, I was on CM7.1 for what seems like an eternity (used to switch ROMs quite frequently at one point) but figured its time to test drive some ICS stuff and as long as it isn't constantly random rebooting, and crashing. Its stable enough for me!
altruistic666 said:
DK's rom is more inclined to CM9 and its just cool. Got into bootloop initially but after tweaking settings in memory management, I dont get any reboots. Battery is good and rom is smooth. You can try dk IMHO.
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yeah, trying to get dk's ROM installed on my N1, just having to work through some issues I'm facing which is messing up with the install.
You should use 4ext, then you don't have any install problems.
Bud I had problem s after recover all my apps. Only dalvik and cache wipe has cleard this problems (endless boot without cache wipe?!)
BCM is very smoth but without the stock email app (i need exchange for my job) it is not realy usable. After install it (stok email app, not gmail), i had a huge battery drain. Charge via USB was not possible (whats wrong!!!), battery is discharging...
Then I went back to medroid 1.44. Medroid is not so smoth like BCM (why not???) but with Nova Louncher (not with stock) it runs very well. The best ist ScreenState works realy but you have for both cases set the CPU governor to SMARTASSV2 (or onother stats but whitout ondemand, that is very bad)
BCm is very very smoth, like CM7, but batterie drain on my phone was frightening!
An other problem is wlan, higher than channel 11 seems not to work (i had test channel 12 to 13, channel 9 does not work also, all othed channels are busy)
PS. I have unfortunately not possible to post in the corresponding post.
bin12345 said:
You should use 4ext, then you don't have any install problems.
Bud I had problem s after recover all my apps. Only dalvik and cache wipe has cleard this problems (endless boot without cache wipe?!)
BCM is very smoth but without the stock email app (i need exchange for my job) it is not realy usable. After install it (stok email app, not gmail), i had a huge battery drain. Charge via USB was not possible (whats wrong!!!), battery is discharging...
Then I went back to medroid 1.44. Medroid is not so smoth like BCM (why not???) but with Nova Louncher (not with stock) it runs very well. The best ist ScreenState works realy but you have for both cases set the CPU governor to SMARTASSV2 (or onother stats but whitout ondemand, that is very bad)
BCm is very very smoth, like CM7, but batterie drain on my phone was frightening!
An other problem is wlan, higher than channel 11 seems not to work (i had test channel 12 to 13, channel 9 does not work also, all othed channels are busy)
PS. I have unfortunately not possible to post in the corresponding post.
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There is a fix for battery drain in BCM ROM. Review this post for a file FOTA kill http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=23951371&postcount=202
TexasICE's ICS ROM is the most stable, there is a camera patch floating around. You may flash both of them and enjoy ICS without missing any feature.

Better to just ask for opinion

Hello all!
I registered here last winter, at first installing a custom ROM, then the initial 2.3.5 official release - but in the end to be safe rather than sorry, I put in the official 2.2 and been using that for 3 months. Lately though, the 2.2 has proven to be hard to use, especially when typing and correcting stuff. I would be now willing to jump into the waters.
Last time I checked, there wa some reported stuff in official 2.3.5 about dropping calls - then there being a fix for it, and then report about the fix doing nothing.
To me I need my phone to function as a phone, at all times, the interface can be nice but it cannot sacrifice any phone related functionality.
All i simply ask in current situation: How is the official 2.3.5? How is .35 kernel based ROMs? Would you people recommend upgrading to official 2.3.5?
I'd also be interested in the custom roms, though as said, bugs, even minor ones I try to avoid.
Thanks! You people are awesome!
The official 2.3.5 sounds good for your use
Battery lasts long everything works I guess
But try aurora 2.02)
Definately upgrade
Sent from my aurora
maneet21 said:
The official 2.3.5 sounds good for your use
Battery lasts long everything works I guess
But try aurora 2.02)
Definately upgrade
Sent from my aurora
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He's asking for stability and you suggest Aurora? Dzo is actively working on it, yes it's mostly stable, but for someone who seems to want to install a ROM and forget about it, not worrying to need to updating it constantly and encounter the occasional bug, I would discourage Aurora.
I recommend you Ezet CM7 .32 ROM, it's the most stable you will find at the moment. Everything works by default, even wifi tether. It's FAST! It's smooth, astounding sound volume in calls and multimedia overall, it's CM7.2, which has ics animations, including rotation, and that's beautiful, it has t9 dialer... better still, it has x5 settings app, in which you can tweak all sorts of stuff that it's simply not possible in .35 ROMs...
But best of all, it's 32 kernel, so on worries about the horrible job Huawei did with the .35 kernel, no missed calls, no problems with amtel screens, no low volume, etc...
Sent from my U8800
Oh really? Sounds fantastic... I think that I could give the best try for - and thanks for fantastic recommendation. Sounds like perfect upgrade for me.
Darn. I got the rom installed and it is working quite well - but wifi is not connecting... I will wait and see does it rectify on the AP overnight - CanĀ“t even test with other AP's even now - but this aside wifi problems in general has always plagued my huawei. And 3G is not free nor unlimited for me, and I am mostly home so WLAN rocks
fjsferreira said:
He's asking for stability and you suggest Aurora? Dzo is actively working on it, yes it's mostly stable, but for someone who seems to want to install a ROM and forget about it, not worrying to need to updating it constantly and encounter the occasional bug, I would discourage Aurora.
I recommend you Ezet CM7 .32 ROM, it's the most stable you will find at the moment. Everything works by default, even wifi tether. It's FAST! It's smooth, astounding sound volume in calls and multimedia overall, it's CM7.2, which has ics animations, including rotation, and that's beautiful, it has t9 dialer... better still, it has x5 settings app, in which you can tweak all sorts of stuff that it's simply not possible in .35 ROMs...
But best of all, it's 32 kernel, so on worries about the horrible job Huawei did with the .35 kernel, no missed calls, no problems with amtel screens, no low volume, etc...
Sent from my U8800
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Man that's ics android 4.0
Its worth trying
But plenty of options choosw wich suites u best
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
maneet21 said:
Man that's ics android 4.0
Its worth trying
But plenty of options choosw wich suites u best
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
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Yeah... Well Text editing in 2.2 sucks without the arrow tool and all. 2.3.x is enough for that all at least.
Too bad Wifi also halted to function afterwards, I hope it is just devide name mismatch in AP and works fine after 24 hours.
.32 MIUI or CM is what you should use. They are very stable and fast.
Sent from my Nokia 3310 using sms
Seems like it TTGWarheat, the Ezet 7.2 seemed like a great thing, but I still need to tinker around reinstalling some base system software I think, some kind of error is making my phone result in non-functional wifi and I want to know what it is. I may need to find some older possible 2.2 based stock rom dload, install that first, and then get into monkey business installing Ezet again...
Sumea said:
Seems like it TTGWarheat, the Ezet 7.2 seemed like a great thing, but I still need to tinker around reinstalling some base system software I think, some kind of error is making my phone result in non-functional wifi and I want to know what it is. I may need to find some older possible 2.2 based stock rom dload, install that first, and then get into monkey business installing Ezet again...
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Yes, you must install stock 2.2 first to use a .32 kernel based ROM... good luck!
Sent from my U8800
I liked Miui more than CM. It looks better.
TTGWarheart said:
I liked Miui more than CM. It looks better.
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It's a matter of taste... for me, MIUI just looks more cartonish... and cm 7 by Ezet is 7.2 version, while MIUI is still based on cm 7.1...
Sent from my U8800

Best firmware for the average joe?

Hi there, I have a Defy and have been into flashing and CFWs for a long time. I love custom ROMs and stuff, and don't mind dealing with bugs or features missing to have an updated Android version on my phone. Question is, a friend of mine, who has a Defy+, wants to revamp her phone. She says it's buggy, sluggish and stuff on her 2.3 stock. So, I'd like to know you guys' opinion on the best ROM for "usual people"? I've been thinking of installing CM9 on her phone, since it gives all 4.x goodies without the cost of having Google Now eating up our phone's CPU and RAM (that's what has been happening with mine on CM10.1), and MS2Ginger might be a good option, too, but I think she won't be happy with a 2.3 ROM, since she wants to get rid of Gingerbread. Anyway, I'd like to hear your suggestions.
Thanks in advance
CM9 the way to go
I would have said CM7.2 or MS2ginger, but I didn't read the post fully:laugh:
Yes, I would recommend CM9/9.1, which is stable enough for daily use by an average joe. Everythings working fine (except maybe Wi-Fi tethering). But which dev's build, that's upto you.
hotdog125 said:
I would have said CM7.2 or MS2ginger, but I didn't read the post fully:laugh:
Yes, I would recommend CM9/9.1, which is stable enough for daily use by an average joe. Everythings working fine (except maybe Wi-Fi tethering). But which dev's build, that's upto you.
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Yeah, I'm divided exactly between MS2Ginger or CM9. I think MS2Ginger is stable, fast and offers nice features (like 720p recording), but 2.3 is jut too outdated by now (plus, my friend has a Defy+ and wants something better than stock GB, and I think putting even a highly customized GB on her phone will give a reverse-placebo effect: she'll ignore most of the performance improvements because the Android version is the same). CM9 seems to be OK, though, but i'll have to check on this "different devs" issue (I didn't even remember this issue existed, I've had Quarx's CM10/10.1 in my Defy for a loooong time now, since all features were useable).
Actually Epsylon's and Quarx's CM9 builds are almost the same, though it seems Epsylon stopped developing for the defy.
Epsylon added the 2ndboot feature in his CM9
