Hey guys. Since i purchased my nexus one used I was able to get a free upgrade from t-mobile after less than a year. The phone was the Vibrant I loved the super amoled screen and the phone in general. But after months of trying to install half assed roms on it, I got fed up.Im back on my nexus one I have it working 100% and dont have to deal with missing features and drivers, every current rom for the Vibrant is missing GPS. This is just a tip for anyone considering a non-google branded phone.
At least they did it right the second time around.
You made the rite choice
Sent from my Arc using XDA premium App
Welcome back and enjoy your cool toy!
Third time I guess because I had a G1
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
ahronzombi said:
Hey guys. Since i purchased my nexus one used I was able to get a free upgrade from t-mobile after less than a year. The phone was the Vibrant I loved the super amoled screen and the phone in general. But after months of trying to install half assed roms on it, I got fed up.Im back on my nexus one I have it working 100% and dont have to deal with missing features and drivers, every current rom for the Vibrant is missing GPS. This is just a tip for anyone considering a non-google branded phone.
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btw how would you compare the displays? which one has a more clear picture
After an amazing turn of events, I just won an international version of the sgs3 and when it arrives, I'll probably be rooting and using the sgs3 as my new phone.
I would have to say that my experience with the DZ has its ups and downs (I'm looking at your stupid hinge design and the need for new springs HTC), but it was a fantastic phone.
I wish HTC would come out with another top of the line qwerty phone but alas, it probably wont happen anyways since their lackluster attempts.
I guess I'll be in this forum for not that much longer which is a sad thing because the dev community here is really really amazing...
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda app-developers app
mputtr said:
After an amazing turn of events, I just won an international version of the sgs3 and when it arrives, I'll probably be rooting and using the sgs3 as my new phone.
I would have to say that my experience with the DZ has its ups and downs (I'm looking at your stupid hinge design and the need for new springs HTC), but it was a fantastic phone.
I wish HTC would come out with another top of the line qwerty phone but alas, it probably wont happen anyways since their lackluster attempts.
I guess I'll be in this forum for not that much longer which is a sad thing because the dev community here is really really amazing...
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please let us know you experiences with the SGS3
You won't be let down man. Such an awesome device..
Ics is so fluent and with the jb leaks out now, just kickass.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
mrbmg said:
You won't be let down man. Such an awesome device..
Ics is so fluent and with the jb leaks out now, just kickass.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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I'd also really appreciate hearing about your experiences with the S-III. One of my sons just got one but he is not technologically inclined at all and won't be doing anything out of the ordinary to his, even though I'm itching to get my hands on it!
I used Odin to root. Was so simple. They have two recoveries for now. I use cwm for now but they have another touch based recovery called trwp (I think spelling)
The battery life is great, right after I rooted they came out with another ics update. I immediately put it on my phone via flashing through cwm and kept root through a dev name wildchld. Upgraded radio through a flash in cwm and stayed on the uvlah Rom for a couple of days. Couldnt help myself and that same dev has a Rom called exqisit and flashed it and been on it every since. They have and odex.apk from Paul obrien, so odexed it and it's as smooth as butter. Got 20 hrs of heavy use yesterday!! The leak jellybean is out from Samsung but I want to hold out as long as possible and play with ics some more.
Having a great time with this phone though. Loved my g2, but this is on another level, as would be expected. Getting used to touchwiz and no hw keyboard is interesting but quite easier then I thought it would be. The screen is HUGE!! All in all I'm very happy.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Well, if I recall correctly, the international gs3 may be quad core. The Tmo US version isn't, that I do know. So I'm now on a black sgs2, since it was half the price of the 3 at target and had almost the specs. (Sure the sgs3 has lte, but that doesn't matter much where I live.) Will be updating the g2 to jb soon since I just updated the sgs3 to it. That way the fallback phone won't be too jarring if I need it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
The international GS3 has quad core and 1GB RAM the US model has 2GB RAM and Dual core. I bought a G2 in July off contract for $150 since my dad won't get me a data plan or texting -_-
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
this is such a sweet thing to know.. I'm definitely going to have to start reading on rooting guides and also roms to go for. I don't think i'll be liking touchwiz so I would probably be pushing for a vanilla ICS or JB.. then maybe get a sense like theme over it (I like how sense has a big phone button on the bottom)
btw, do you guys recommend a case or a skin for the phone? I have the skin but i keep on getting annoyed that eventually it gets peeled off and no company makes a skin that fits perfectly.. some even have like a 2 mm gap on each side which drives me nuts
I have an otterbox, but I'm not really digging it that much. Doesn't feel real secure to me but is doing the job.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I'm wondering if I will not replace my DZ with a GS3 too... right now, I don't have the money to spend, but when I will, I really hope (but don't really believe ) there will be another physical keyboard device released here in Europe (France)... But I know I might have to take a full touch device, because every manufacturers are doing this, iPhone-like smartphones... And the GS3 seems to be one of the best of them!
Mine is wearing a transparant TPU case, fits perfectly
niice... Well I ended up just buying a metal insert battery backing and a screen protector.
That should cover the important parts.
I'm currently trying out omega's rom with nova launcher... so far so good. Any rom suggestions?
Today I ordered my first tablet I ordered the Nexus 7. Just liked what was built into it for the money. I have been loving this forum for working on my Android phones. This will be my first Android that is not a phone. Was kind of shocked I could order it from Amazon where I have $100 in gift cards from Xmas. Free shipping was nice.
When started with my Captivate it was my first Android phone. It look me a little learning to get it down. When I got to my Infuse it was a nice and easy to go over to. Compared to the Captive the Infuse is very brick proof.
Before I start to tweak my Nexus I want to make sure I have all the right info. Looking at the development area I see there is all ready CM threads. I have loved CM from the start.
These are a few questions I have:
How brick proof in the Nexus 7? I see threads about soft bricking. Not much about bricking it beyond repair.
Is there any way to get my Mirco USB to HDMI adapter from my Infuse to work with the Nexus to hook up to my TV?
Except for what I can think of for a case is there any good accessories I should get the Nexus 7?
Thanks for any help.
Congrats, the Nexus 7 is amazing! If you follow directions exactly then it is nearly impossible to brick your device, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! And no there is no way of a getting HDMI because the Nexus just doesnt support it. As for a nice case is the Poetic Slimline(it is just like the iPad covers and has the SmartWake feature, very nice case).Hope i helped and best of luck with your new tablet!
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
Looked at some reviews of that case. I like it a lot! Might go with that one.
Yes I follow directions very well with it comes to ROM. Have seen way to many people almost brick their phones over the years. Infuse is to brick proof luckily many have been saved.
Hello! I'm a current galaxy nexus user and I feel like I need an upgrade, and the only two devices that come across my mind are the Nexus 4 and the One X+ (international version and unlocked). At first I was, actually I still am Nexus obsessed, so the Nexus 4 always was my first option. But with all this shipping and availability trouble that is going on at the moment, plus the glass of the back thing, I started wondering if it is really worthy.
So, I need some advices and stuff like that so I can decide.
My decision will be made regardless the common things, like: lack of LTE in the Nexus 4, price, Sense UI (I'm gonna use cyanogenmod on both devices, even if I have to wait a bit for the official CM 10.1 for the OX+, consider it) and I know the One X+ will probably be left alone by HTC in one year or more, but this won't be a problem because I'll most probably get a new phone in one year (not trying to sound like a bad ass, lol)
Thanks in advance! Let me know what you all think.
Get a n4, the shipping will supposedly be worked out by mid feb
trter10 said:
Get a n4, the shipping will supposedly be worked out by mid feb
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Well, the shipping issue isn't the reason of my doubt, because I'll probably buy it on Amazon as I won't be able to buy it later. I need to make a decision by the first week of february.
Never had an HTC phone before.. So I wont tell you that it's a crappy phone. The nexus now is different story. This is my second nexus device :good: And once you get a nexus you enjoy android more.. Well it's untouched and yes updates are timely I'm sure you know that!! To get your hands on one of these unless your willing to buy somewhere else it's a hassle!! But once you have it you''ll love it.. Now the Glass you ask about.. To be honest once you have a case you should be fine.. Kinda of annoying to baby this phone without a case... Believe me it's a gem.. IMO! Sure there are things ppl will say is missing Whatever..
Me I love this phone I'm constantly flashing stuff so this device is perfect for me:good: As mentioned before never owned or use a HTC phone.. Be happy with your purchase....
You could buy the at&t one x (not the +) for cheap and unlock it. They are going for $200 to $250 on ebay right now. I had the at&t one x and the one x+ at the same time and the one x was faster at everything. I was disappointed with the one x+ when I compared the 2 phones side by side. I sold the one x+ and bought the nexus 4. I know you want unlocked but the dual core s4 processor in the one x is faster than the tegra 3 at everything but the quadrant benchmark, but we all know benchmarks mean nothing. The development for the at&t one x is really good at the moment, it already has cm10.1. Just a suggestion.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
N4 does not have USB OTG, HTC One X does I believe. I'd have gone with an int'l HOX, but I got an N4 before Google did the old switcharoo on us.
I had an AT&T HOX (sold it for N4 because it didn't support T-Mobile well), and it felt like a great sturdy device. I liked the poly-carbonate back. It stands up a lot better to drops. My vote goes to HOX.
Go for the One X+ the little RAM will be annoying though but if you can get over that it should offer a good experience, I have a AT&T One X and Nexus 4 and personally think N4 is better but 64GB internal, better front and rear cameras, I find the speaker and sound quality better on N4 and custom ROMS are way better on N4 than One X and I think the screens are equally good not to mention you can tweak colors on N4, but LTE seems to be an issue for you, so One X+
Let me also N4 is better looking design wise, both are in cases but the clean look is beautiful
Software software!!!!!
It really depends upon your priorities. I got the N4 because it does everything that I want and is $350 whereas my cousin, for example, got the One X+ because he needs 64MB storage for music.
If you can't wait a month, then One X+ is the only solution. If you can, then you have to decide whether no LTE and 16MB of storage is a dealbreaker; if not, then the N4 should be the choice. You should also be aware of that the One X+ apparently has horrible battery life.
Htc sucks.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
One x is soo slow compared to n4.
Don't rule out the droid dna and the experia z.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
ruskylfc said:
Well, the shipping issue isn't the reason of my doubt, because I'll probably buy it on Amazon as I won't be able to buy it later. I need to make a decision by the first week of february.
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They're cheaper on eBay!
lyall29 said:
You could buy the at&t one x (not the +) for cheap and unlock it. They are going for $200 to $250 on ebay right now. I had the at&t one x and the one x+ at the same time and the one x was faster at everything. I was disappointed with the one x+ when I compared the 2 phones side by side. I sold the one x+ and bought the nexus 4. I know you want unlocked but the dual core s4 processor in the one x is faster than the tegra 3 at everything but the quadrant benchmark, but we all know benchmarks mean nothing. The development for the at&t one x is really good at the moment, it already has cm10.1. Just a suggestion.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Interesting! I was also looking at the three (One X+, Nexus 4, and One X). I settled on the One X. A lot of what I found indicated that the One X outperformed the X+. Development is also significantly better right now. I was turned away from the Nexus 4 by the reported issues. It must not be that bad; it's always sold out on Google Play lol.
calyxim said:
One x is soo slow compared to n4.
Don't rule out the droid dna and the experia z.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Nexus 4 must be blazing then.
I own both, the n4 & one x (international version) & I gotta say the n4 is way better than my one x. My main problem with HTC devices is how they lock them down. No s-off, bootloader unlock only. Plus you gotta fastboot flash your boot.img with every rom upgrade. Look at what htc is doing right now, removing all sites that offer RUU downloads for developers to build new roms on. It looks like HTC doesn't want anyone developing on there devices. Plus they hold on to there kernel source for 90 days so forget about having the latest greatest roms & kernels avalible. N4 on the other hand is great. snappy as hell, constant development, & always the latest sources & binaries avalible for developers to build upon.
rayford85 said:
I own both, the n4 & one x (international version) & I gotta say the n4 is way better than my one x. My main problem with HTC devices is how they lock them down. No s-off, bootloader unlock only. Plus you gotta fastboot flash your boot.img with every rom upgrade. Look at what htc is doing right now, removing all sites that offer RUU downloads for developers to build new roms on. It looks like HTC doesn't want anyone developing on there devices. Plus they hold on to there kernel source for 90 days so forget about having the latest greatest roms & kernels avalible. N4 on the other hand is great. snappy as hell, constant development, & always the latest sources & binaries avalible for developers to build upon.
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As far as flashing the boot.img, download Flash Image GUI from the Google play store. This app will flash the boot.img for you without having to use fastboot. I used it all the time when I had my one x and never had any problems.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
lyall29 said:
As far as flashing the boot.img, download Flash Image GUI from the Google play store. This app will flash the boot.img for you without having to use fastboot. I used it all the time when I had my one x and never had any problems.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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You probably had the AT&T variant. On the international HOX the boot partition can only be flashed through fastboot
N4, hands down. I've had a lot of devices and this(n4) is soooooo badass.
[email protected] via Nexus4
Nexus 4 defo. If you can get your hands on one. Would love to see Google / LG's 'planning' on this!
HTC have only made 2 truly great phones: HD2 and Nexus One. I had the sensation.. blerg that was an experience then 12 other models of the same phone came out that same week, and then they did the same with the 'One' series and I just lost the will to live (a tad dramatic I admit over a phone) and got an S2 then the N4..
N4 all the way. Unless Google do actually screw us all and release KLP on a new device. which would make me ever so slightly cross. But it doesn't take much..
I was torn between the same two phones, went for the Nexus 4 and I'm really happy with it. First android phone, iphone user before that.
I'd recommend using Faux kernel and app - - you can edit the colour/gamma settings... my only issue with the phone is the default gamma isn't great, whites have a hint of yellow.
Had an international one X and it wasn't a good experience, if you want to keep sense then one x off course, but if you ever think that you might want vanilla android or more openness then the nexus. The one X unfortunately was the last straw for me, you get the sense from the forum that generally everyone was fed up. Look at any new leak for a HTC phone and there so much negativity, these aren't fanboys, these are people like me who bought desires or sensations and are witnessing htc continually turn there back on them.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I am currently using an iPhone 5, but I am getting bored again, and since Apple has nohing to offer new and interesting with the 5S, I am thinking about trading a guy straight across for the GS4. I am very familiar with Android, rooting, flashing ROM's, ODIN, etc., so no worries there. If I was to get ahold of a GS4 I would first root it, and flash then most stable build of CM10 because I absoluely loath TouchWiz.
1. What major is broken in CM10 (if anything)?
2. Is the battery life really as great as everyone says (my GS3 was a joke even with minimal use during the day)?
3. What are some other things that bug you about the phone (be honest)?
Thanks eveyone for your thoughts, and I hope to be back to flashing very soon (my wife is going to love this again) HAHA!
This thread is gonna get interesting...
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
1) go to cm thread and READ.
2) 15 hrs up, 3.5 hours screen time average.
3) none.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
I actually went from a Note 2 to a iPhone 5s. Not the best choice but I will only consider a Nexus device and I do plan on buying a nexus 5. I love rooting and custom ROMs like you but I want a fully unlocked device with tons of support if I stay with Android. If your on Verizon your screwed. They hate unlocked bootloaders and they don't want to sale cheap powerful phones off contract. I plan on using my 5s as my daily driver and Nexus 5 as a small mini tablet. Next year I plan on leaving Verizon by giving my wife the Nexus 5 and I will get the Nexus 6 (or what ever its called). I will sale my Nexus 7 2012 once I get the N5.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
1) go to cm thread and READ.
2) 15 hrs up, 3.5 hours screen time average.
3) none.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
Thank you. I found two CM10 threads (prior to posting this BTW) and all I saw was this:
Known Issues
GPS - Sometimes doesn't lock. Current suggestion is ensure you get a lock in stock ROM before flashing.
Reboot - Extended reboot menu will power the phone off.Issues not identified by our build but possibly pertaining to it can be
Hence the reason for my post....This can't be all is it? I was thinking "where is the laundry list of issues"? Wow, that's cool if that's really it. Anyway, thanks for the response. It looks like I will be a happy GS4 owner then.