32Gb micro sd for £14.60p - Member-Found Deals

Guys not sure if this has been seen yet but I just found new sandisk 32Gb micro sd's for only £14.60p, here you go guys.....

Yea saw it the other day pretty good deal
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA

TYKIx said:
Yea saw it the other day pretty good deal
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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I know you can get them at the same sort of price on ebay, BUT, is it worth risking them dodgy ones off ebay, 90% of them say 32gb and their only 8gb and half of the people buying them dont know how to check them properly.
at least with the amazon ones your covered and can send it back if its dodgy.

hmm its a good deal


32GB microsd cards

Anybody got any links to cheap but pretty good 32GB microsd cards?
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
Amazon got some of them from 65
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Lexar has good ones but they are $100 but are class 10.
I found a class 10 for 75, think uma try it out on my phone and if its good um getting one for the Xoom. Hopefully we get sd card support soon.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
A friend of mine just got one off eBay and it was actually a 2gb with a 3 stamped on it. The card read as a 32 then only held 2. The seller played dumb and my friend got a refund less shipping and handling.
sent from the honey moto
Wow, at least he got a refund. So they are stamping 3's on 2 gb cards and calling them 32? What's the point of that when there's a huge difference in storage? Most people get 32 cards because they need the space. Ill be testing mines as soon as it gets here.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
djunio said:
Wow, at least he got a refund. So they are stamping 3's on 2 gb cards and calling them 32? What's the point of that when there's a huge difference in storage? Most people get 32 cards because they need the space. Ill be testing mines as soon as it gets here.
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Because people will buy them. I recommand only getting from a known retailer. There are tons of fakes on eBay.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
bwcorvus said:
Because people will buy them. I recommand only getting from a known retailer. There are tons of fakes on eBay.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
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I can attest to this. I stupidly did the same thing, fully aware that scamming was going on but thought I might get lucky. Anyway, I managed to get a full refund including postage but it'll be the last time I buy a card from an unknown seller.
djunio said:
Anybody got any links to cheap but pretty good 32GB microsd cards?
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Why don't you wait until the SD card slot is enabled on the Xoom before buying it since the price will probably go down by then.
I recently got a 16GB Class 6 from Ebay for my phone and it turned out it was corrupt and then when I looked at the Kingston site, they didn't manufacture any class 6 cards, only 4 and 10...
from memory when reading around the site I've seen recommendations for SanDisk/ADATA cards...
any more recommendations on good manufacturers?
The only time I got screwed was when I bought a 2GB SD card on eBay but it turned out to be only 1GB. They even fake the labels so from now on it's only amazon or NewEgg for me! I have ADATA, SanDisk, and Transcend microSD cards and they work just fine with the Nook Color.
Through my channels the only decent 32 GB cards I found were through Lexar, class 10. I should receive a pair of them today, they were $97 via CDW.
There were other 32 gig cards, but class 2/4 and nearly the same price.
New Lexar card is working in my EVO, loaded it up with all the data off of the previous 16 GB card I had before. Looking forward to using the SD card slot in the Xoom as soon as it is enabled.
khov07 said:
New Lexar card is working in my EVO, loaded it up with all the data off of the previous 16 GB card I had before. Looking forward to using the SD card slot in the Xoom as soon as it is enabled.
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Lexar? I'll look into that, I have a good one now from Memorette. It's been awesome this past week.
Why don't we use sandisk since all manufacturers seem to supply our phones with sandisk card. I mean, it's better than risking and waiting. The they're roughly the same price anyways
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
i only use Sandisk. Lexar is not a brand i would use personally.
i plan to get it direct from verizon with my 25% discount. they are more expensive at VZW but they are guaranteed the real deal and no issues. plus verizon have local stores so i can get support locally should anything go wrong.
Sent from MOTMZ600 Using XDA Premium App
Check Craigslist in your area - friend of mine was able to pick one up for $75 recently.
I'm an Audio Visual Technician and always have to purchase SD cards for clients when doing digital recording...A while ago I had purchase 3 Sandisk 32GB Micro SDs for cost price ($85 w/free shipping) along with 3 Sandisk CF 16GB Extreme IVs for my Canon 5D Mark2 at $150 a piece...
never had any problems with any Sandisk products so I tend to stick to them...but it always comes down to personal preference in the end...that's why we all got the XOOM instead of the [email protected]
marctronixx said:
i only use Sandisk. Lexar is not a brand i would use personally.
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Why not? I have personally used Sandisk, Kingston, Lexar, and I'm sure a few other major brands, and have not noticed a difference between them during use.
I have found them to be equally reliable, assuming you are purchasing them from a reputable supplier.

what brand SD card u using?

having some issues with my sd card ..its a king stone 16gb(bought it at amazon.com its real) class 10 when trying to record in HD camera fails if i switch to internal memory camera works fine
Im using a 32gb sandisk class 4 I bought from ebay for 45. Ive got it filled with 29gb of mixed media.
Im pretty sure you know this but even though you bought it from amazon.com doesnt mean it came from amazon. Most of there items come from outsider merchants that are just like ebay sellers. Ive bought bogus items or the same cheap china knockoff items just like ebay. At one point amazon was selling those fake psn cards.
Plus Ive never personally heard of the card your using. I know big companies like sandisk sell there bad cards to others and they rebrand and sell at a cheap price.
had to edit, Im guessing you meant kingston which is a great brand of sd cards. But still could be going faulty. Maybe try a reformat of your sd and see if that solves any problems.
Using a Lexar 32GB class 10 and it just rocks. Really fast card. Google it, think there even was some tests put up here in the xda forums.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I'm using a PNY 32gb micro sd card
that I bought from best buy for 89$. Its a class 4 and its fast enough for anyone needs . I read alot of reviews about fake cards on ebay, so I just desided to just pay the extra cash .
intruda119 said:
Im using a 32gb sandisk class 4 I bought from ebay for 45. Ive got it filled with 29gb of mixed media.
Im pretty sure you know this but even though you bought it from amazon.com doesnt mean it came from amazon. Most of there items come from outsider merchants that are just like ebay sellers. Ive bought bogus items or the same cheap china knockoff items just like ebay. At one point amazon was selling those fake psn cards.
Plus Ive never personally heard of the card your using. I know big companies like sandisk sell there bad cards to others and they rebrand and sell at a cheap price.
had to edit, Im guessing you meant kingston which is a great brand of sd cards. But still could be going faulty. Maybe try a reformat of your sd and see if that solves any problems.
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typo yes its kingston ..this one actually came from amazon and not aa retailer .. i made sure i was buying it from amazon... packaging looks frikin real .. i have no good luck with fast cards..lol bought a patriot class 10 way back and died 2 weeks later.... just did a test and im getting 13.7 writing speed and 20.4mbs read speed .. those numbers look right to me ..
16 gb is enough , i dont use sd card.
bonebeatz1234 said:
I'm using a PNY 32gb micro sd card
that I bought from best buy for 89$. Its a class 4 and its fast enough for anyone needs . I read alot of reviews about fake cards on ebay, so I just desided to just pay the extra cash .
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Is it MicroSD or MicroSDHC?
Kingston, it was the only one available at my local shop.
I am using a Sandisk 32GB class 4.
Works great!
best deal i find is
I'm still using the Sandisk 16GB class 2 that HTC kindly provided with my HD2. Have never had a problem with it, and it's worked in several scenarios that other cards have failed me in. Only use it for music and a few backup files, so no real need for faster writes et cetera.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Mico sdhc
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
onslaught86 said:
I'm still using the Sandisk 16GB class 2 that HTC kindly provided with my HD2. Have never had a problem with it, and it's worked in several scenarios that other cards have failed me in. Only use it for music and a few backup files, so no real need for faster writes et cetera.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Heh, i'm still relying on my Sandisk 8 GB that HTC kindly provided with my HTC Touch HD. Thumbs up for HTC
i'm using sandisk 16g class 4, works well with hd video recording.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I'm using a Transcend 16 GB class 6 - worked perfect in my old Touch Diamond2 and so it does now in my SGS2.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Im using a Duracell (as in the battery company) 16gb Class 4
I'm using an A-Data 8GB Class 6
great card, no problems, used it for my HD2 as well

HD2 Support Class 10 ?

Is a class 10 SD card compatible with our phone?
was looking at getting THIS when it comes out on the 01 August.
Yes it does, class 10 if fully supported
Shahaf.vodi said:
Yes it does, class 10 if fully supported
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thanks ... is there proof or a site saying so?
its my 16GB class 10 card saying so
Shahaf.vodi said:
its my 16GB class 10 card saying so
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I heard some phones read them but it reduces the performance, whats your performance like?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
My phone works pretty well.
Almost all my apps stored in a sd-ext partition, I also got a SWAP partition and the phone almost never freeze.
If you know about any app that does a stress check for the card I'll be happy to put it to the test
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
Shahaf.vodi said:
My phone works pretty well.
Almost all my apps stored in a sd-ext partition, I also got a SWAP partition and the phone almost never freeze.
If you know about any app that does a stress check for the card I'll be happy to put it to the test
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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any chance of a speed test screen shot? SD tools free from the market that just tests the write/read speed of your card and would be helpful as mines only class 4 and i get 5.5MB/s writing speed and 14.1 MB/s reading speed what make is your card ?
I've made 2 tests, using your requested app and a computer program called 'h2testw'
somehow using my laptop's card reader gave my lower reading speeds..
ohh, and the card maker is Kingmax.
Shahaf.vodi said:
I've made 2 tests, using your requested app and a computer program called 'h2testw'
somehow using my laptop's card reader gave my lower reading speeds..
ohh, and the card maker is Kingmax.
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Thanks dude, looks compatible after all
you are welcome mate, enjoy your new purchase
I have seen good performance out if mine. I was able to find a 8gb class 10 transcend pretty cheap so I bought 2. I will say if you buy one especially if you get it off ebay as soon as you get it test it out to make sure it lives up to what it says. Some SD cards have a memory hack that will make them say 8gb on your phone/computer but its not till you test it out that you find out its really only a 4gb.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
htccraze said:
I have seen good performance out if mine. I was able to find a 8gb class 10 transcend pretty cheap so I bought 2. I will say if you buy one especially if you get it off ebay as soon as you get it test it out to make sure it lives up to what it says. Some SD cards have a memory hack that will make them say 8gb on your phone/computer but its not till you test it out that you find out its really only a 4gb.
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i would never buy sd card/battery from ebay, as i bought a battery from there when i first got phone (HAD NO CLUE BACK THEN) suppose to be 1600 mah but lasted same as original so thought hmm that's odd and it wasn't until i got battery monitor widget pro until i seen 1250mah under that same battery...
I can transfer to the SD using Android USB Mount at >10 MB/s, proving that the phone hardware itself IS capable of fully utilizing a class 10 SD.
In fact, this is how I transfer ZIP updates for TyphooN CyanogenMod.
I know exactly what you mean. I bought two batteries that were suppose to be 1600ma only to find out they were 1400ma. Not to big of a difference but worth noting. About SD cards though I bought none from there as well and hadn't had a problem. The key is to buy a name brand and not the generic grab that seems to clutter up eBay. Besides $15 for a 8gb transcend class 10 was worth the gamble and I'm very happy with the results.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
htccraze said:
I know exactly what you mean. I bought two batteries that were suppose to be 1600ma only to find out they were 1400ma. Not to big of a difference but worth noting. About SD cards though I bought none from there as well and hadn't had a problem. The key is to buy a name brand and not the generic grab that seems to clutter up eBay. Besides $15 for a 8gb transcend class 10 was worth the gamble and I'm very happy with the results.
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am going a bit large on my sd card as i have only a sandisk class 4 16gb but willing to pay 30+ for a good one and i think i found it which is the Samsung 16gb class 10 i found in my first post which is £22.49 Pre-ordered it for release on the 1st august and theres no way am buying a single thing without knowing its genuine before purchase
That's exactly why you should always buy a trusted name brand that's still in its original packaging I think.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

SD Slot

Was really looking into buying one of these but had a question regarding the full size SD slot. Is it SDHC or SDXC? Because Engadget says it's SDXC but Toshiba & other places just say SD. Asking because if SDXC I could just grab the 8GB version & buy a 64GB SDXC card & still come out cheaper than buying the 16 or 32GB models & when they come down in price maybe go up to a 128GB card.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I am not sure but i can tell you this . i bought the 16gb and after syncing with google and all of it's picasa , music , etc etc , there is no need for a 16gb . here is a link for a great deal though . i got my thrive in one day after purchase from digital etc . only 405 for the 16gb . enter code thrive405 and you got it . great company . i called and talked to the guy and android police verified it to be a good company and i personally bought my thrive from them ! Awesome and really cheap deal !
klbjr said:
Was really looking into buying one of these but had a question regarding the full size SD slot. Is it SDHC or SDXC? Because Engadget says it's SDXC but Toshiba & other places just say SD. Asking because if SDXC I could just grab the 8GB version & buy a 64GB SDXC card & still come out cheaper than buying the 16 or 32GB models & when they come down in price maybe go up to a 128GB card.
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I wouls still buy the 16GB version due to the inability to move apps to the SD on tablets, but as for cards, it has been verified that you can use all the way up to 128GB. Hope that answers you question.
dalepl said:
I wouls still buy the 16GB version due to the inability to move apps to the SD on tablets, but as for cards, it has been verified that you can use all the way up to 128GB. Hope that answers you question.
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Oh A2SD doesn't work? I thought that was a function built into the Android OS. So is that something inherent to the Honeycomb OS or just this tablet? Oh well 8GB should be more than enough. How much is usable after the OS? I mean I have like 50 apps installed on my Evo 3D & at one point had almost 70 on my Evo 4G and that was without A2SD.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
klbjr said:
Oh A2SD doesn't work? I thought that was a function built into the Android OS. So is that something inherent to the Honeycomb OS or just this tablet? Oh well 8GB should be more than enough. How much is usable after the OS? I mean I have like 50 apps installed on my Evo 3D & at one point had almost 70 on my Evo 4G and that was without A2SD.
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When Honeycomb was created, they changed the mount points of the external memory. That is why A2SD does not work. The developers could fix this, but my guess they will wait until Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) comes out. This will unify the OSs on phones and tablets meaning ony one port to make it work on both.
If you have that many apps loaded on your phones and have no issue, you should be fine with the tablet, but there are specials going on that offer the 16GB for $409.00. Not much more then the 8GB version. Have fun.
Well I finally took the plunge and got a Thrive! Couldn't be happier. Bought a 16GB version at Best Buy for $479.99 then 2 days later they were advertising it for $429.99. So I called them up and they said all I had to do was bring in reciept to get the difference because it was within 14 days. So I got my $50 back & used it to buy the Multi Dock! This thing rocks! Smooth as butter, no lags anywhere. And with the my 32GB Class 10 I have plenty of room. Maybe when the 64GB or 128GB comes down in price I'll hop on one of them. But I couldn't be happier. Be even better when the dev community starts jumping off.
klbjr said:
Well I finally took the plunge and got a Thrive! Couldn't be happier. Bought a 16GB version at Best Buy for $479.99 then 2 days later they were advertising it for $429.99. So I called them up and they said all I had to do was bring in reciept to get the difference because it was within 14 days. So I got my $50 back & used it to buy the Multi Dock! This thing rocks! Smooth as butter, no lags anywhere. And with the my 32GB Class 10 I have plenty of room. Maybe when the 64GB or 128GB comes down in price I'll hop on one of them. But I couldn't be happier. Be even better when the dev community starts jumping off.
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Congratz. Glad to hear you finally got one and 16GB no less.
64gb sdxc works great for me in the Thrive.

Best Buy 64 gig Class 10 XDSC Card Deal of the Day Today

Best Buy 64 gig Class 10 XDSC Card Deal of the Day Today, Today only
Thank you thank you thank you!
Isnt that just a regular size SD card? Wont do much good in a phone
It's not a micro sd card
altitude909 said:
Isnt that just a regular size SD card? Wont do much good in a phone
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Yeah don't bother trying to shove this in the phone, this ain't micro.
Newegg has a good deal on a microSDHC 32GB class 10 for $23 though
altitude909 said:
Isnt that just a regular size SD card? Wont do much good in a phone
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What they said, might want to clarify that it won't work in the phone.
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NA 521" said:
Thank you thank you thank you!
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You owe me a thanks! Lol.
Even if it did fit, Amazon has it for the same price -tax and faster shipping.
You can get this 32GB Class 10 card for $22.99 on Newegg. I'm tempted to get it but I know that the 64GB Class 10's have gone on sale a few times and I'd really like one of those.
ainen said:
You can get <edited> on Newegg. I'm tempted to get it but I know that the 64GB Class 10's have gone on sale a few times and I'd really like one of those.
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That's the one I was talking about, I'm just hoping it's that fast since some reviews say it doesn't go over 8MB/s. Or not DOA.
kivlad said:
That's the one I was talking about, I'm just hoping it's that fast since some reviews say it doesn't go over 8MB/s. Or not DOA.
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I just saw another thread here, you can get a 64GB MicroSD Class 10 for $59.99. You can buy it here, just make sure on the right you choose to buy through Amazon for the lower price.
Just got a Wintec Class 10 32 GB from NewEgg for $19.99 free S/H. It's the Shell Shocker Deal right now.
Or here for a little cheaper...
ainen said:
I just saw another thread here, you can get a 64GB MicroSD Class 10 for $59.99. You can buy it here, just make sure on the right you choose to buy through Amazon for the lower price.
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Now that's a good deal!
cushcalc said:
Now that's a good deal!
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sounds good but says 2-5 weeks for it to ship. Might find a better deal online during that wait period.

