Google's Plan A (in partnership with ASUS) - Eee Pad Transformer General

It looks like Google's master plan might be to proliferate the world with $149 7" Android tablet devices under Google's own branding. Cutthroat pricing and with Google's full 1st party support on the software side, it could work.
A heavy casualty of this is that the $250 Tegra3 ASUS MemoPad might have been canceled.

7'' is to small for my taste... even if is cheaper
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA

7" is more portable. I've been considering getting a 7" device because I'm thinking I might carry it around more than I do my 10" devices. I was going to wait for the MemoPad to decide. For Google, 7" is where Apple isn't, so there's no direct confrontation with Apple at that size. At that price point, it's less expensive than today's Apple 8GB iPod Touch.

I almost bought one the Sprint or Verizon branded HTC Flyers. ICS was just starting to roll out to them but it is only using a single core processor. Woot & Ben's Outlet had them for around $200 brand new. The lack of computing power was one of the deciding factors. The other was the fact that I didn't really need another tablet.
Now if googles tablet is going to have a quad core Snapdragon processor then I might pick one up for $150.

I agree 7" size is ideal for everyday use
ssl123 said:
7" is more portable. I've been considering getting a 7" device because I'm thinking I might carry it around more than I do my 10" devices. I was going to wait for the MemoPad to decide. For Google, 7" is where Apple isn't, so there's no direct confrontation with Apple at that size. At that price point, it's less expensive than today's Apple 8GB iPod Touch.
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I agree a 7" tablet size is ideal for everyday use, it can easily be held in one hand securely without using some sort of a strap-on device. A 7" fits in my pocket a 10" does not.
I have a DELL Streak 7 and a ASUS TF101 and the DS7 gets used much more due to its portability advantages over the TF101 even though I think the TF101 is a superior product
I would be very much interested in a 7" quad core tablet (whether it's the Tegra3 or whoever else's chipset). I would hate to see the ASUS memo get shelved because Google is trying to flood the market with cheap tablets to gain market supremacy.

I'll believe it when I see it @ $149, on the shelf at Best Buy. The Nexus phones were supposed to be unsubsidized and $300 retail, but then we got another run-of-the-mill smartphone for $650, with the only difference being timely software updates.

raduque said:
I'll believe it when I see it @ $149, on the shelf at Best Buy. The Nexus phones were supposed to be unsubsidized and $300 retail, but then we got another run-of-the-mill smartphone for $650, with the only difference being timely software updates.
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I very much share your cynicism
Talking costs nothing and salespeople do too much of it, ( reminds me of the TI guy bigging his OMAP 5 as the best thing around disregarding the slight caveat that it wasn't really around yet).
I would LOVE to see it though. I'll end up showering the extended family with those.

Target: Amazon
A Google-branded 7" would be slated to go head-to-head against Amazon's Kindle Fire, or even a B&N Nook. No dummies there, the know the money is to be made on subscriptions, app sales, and other software. It's the Polaroid concept....give away the cameras, then charge heavily for the film. Or just like car dealers....they don't make crap when they sell a car, all their money is made on Service, Parts, and accessories.
Edit - 3/31/12:
Looks like I'm not the only one thinking this -


eLocity A10 pre-order on Feb. 15th.

Check out the whole story:
Few things, it looks as only 3 of the 7 models are up first.. the 4GB at $399, the 32GB at $599, and the 64GB at $699. True multi-touch this time, for all of you
Also, they look to be debuting with Android 2.2 (Froyo) and not Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
Still the hardware is top notch... I am sure the developers here will have fun with it..
I think they can't sell devices with Android 3.0
Google approved sellings to Motorola Xoom and T-MOBILE G-Slate. Then top companies will go. Other companies must wait till May or June
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
5[Strogino] said:
I think they can't sell devices with Android 3.0
Google approved sellings to Motorola Xoom and T-MOBILE G-Slate. Then top companies will go. Other companies must wait till May or June
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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I had to go back and look at the press material I received at CES 2011 about the eLocity A10. It actually does state that it would be released with Froyo and upgraded to Honeycomb once it is made available to them....
I agree that Motorola and LG seem have been working with Google awhile on Honeycomb and will be the first out of the gate with Honeycomb tablets, then we will see it available on the lesser known brands.
I am watching this one VERY closely
I have two requirements for my next tablet - a Tegra 2 CPU (or better) and an IPS screen. So this one sounds like it fits the bill, assuming it doesn't get delayed into the summer.
I'm tempted by true multi-touch and IPS, but I really like the 7" form factor. It fits in my coat(s) pocket and I can thumb type like a madman. I would like a bigger screen, but you can't have it both ways.
I don't get the 10" form factor. Everybody I know who owns an iPad bought a case that you can prop it up with. I asked why and the answer was it's it's too heavy/akward to hold in one hand and you need to set it down to type on it.
I say don't try to compete with Apple in the 10" range, make an 12" version (8.5 x 11?) and include the prop case with it! To me once it doesn't fit in your pocket and it's too heavy to hold, you really just have a touch screen laptop. It seems that is what every iPad owner I know is turning their's into.
roebeet said:
I have two requirements for my next tablet - a Tegra 2 CPU (or better) and an IPS screen. So this one sounds like it fits the bill, assuming it doesn't get delayed into the summer.
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My guess will be in customers hands before the end of March...
I think they would be wise to make sure this is the case.
5[Strogino] said:
I think they can't sell devices with Android 3.0
Google approved sellings to Motorola Xoom and T-MOBILE G-Slate. Then top companies will go. Other companies must wait till May or June
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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Now that Motorola Xoom is priced at $799 and I am sure the LG G-Slate will sell for more with its 3D screen and cameras I am sure people wont mind waiting a few months to have Honeycomb on a nice dual-core unit with a 10inch IPS multi-touch screen with the highest resolution on the market.
cpg716 said:
Now that Motorola Xoom is priced at $799 and I am sure the LG G-Slate will sell for more with its 3D screen and cameras I am sure people wont mind waiting a few months to have Honeycomb on a nice dual-core unit with a 10inch IPS multi-touch screen with the highest resolution on the market.
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Yep. I just notice, that over "approve sellings" i mean Android 3.0 out-of-box.
Google can't deny other companies sell tablets with Android 2.2 and it's a good trick to start sellings before top-companies will go. And promise upgrade, like Notion Ink did.
If Stream TV Network will sell new tablets when Motorla will start Xoom's sellings - people will get choice:
Tablet with 2.2 today for 400$ and upgrade in future
Tablet with 3.0 today for 800$
Good business struggle - satisfied customers
If roebeet is signing up for this sign me up to.
5[Strogino] said:
Yep. I just notice, that over "approve sellings" i mean Android 3.0 out-of-box.
Google can't deny other companies sell tablets with Android 2.2 and it's a good trick to start sellings before top-companies will go. And promise upgrade, like Notion Ink did.
If Stream TV Network will sell new tablets when Motorla will start Xoom's sellings - people will get choice:
Tablet with 2.2 today for 400$ and upgrade in future
Tablet with 3.0 today for 800$
Good business struggle - satisfied customers
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I agree. Just hopefully it won't be Christmas by the time we see it..
Google's Android love and hate!
Funny you mentioned the 3.0 release.
I can see things a couple ways. Like Apple Google wants people to see their OS on a device that can actually use it so they are working with those companies to do so. I can understand they want people to get a good user experience and therefore are pushing to the best retail partners. It helps them and helps the companies by having a release before anyone else.
What I do not understand is the price point. I mean I can get a really nice laptop with a quad core, good graphics, huge hda, etc for $800 so why would I buy a tablet that will do a lot of what I want but not as much as I can with a real pc. Since the masses really only know iPad then wouldn't it make sense to start with 3.0 at a price slightly less than Apple? Offer better equipment or at least just as good and sell for a little less. That way when people try it they will be more apt to buying it. As it is now I paid $300 for my a7 and I could have gotten a Apple iPad for $429 refurb which I think is a really fair price for the unit with its hardware plus a feature rich environment and apps galore and Apples OS is very good. Now comes the xoom for $800??? What. I mean if Honeycomb had been out for a year or so and it was a proven OS with features Apple does not have then I could see it but really they should have at least come in around $500. Personally for me I had a hard time justifying my purchase above $300. I wanted a device I could use to replace a mp3 player with additional features. I already have a laptop and desktop so there is no need for the tab except I do need a portable media player and that is where the A7 and its size fit so nicely.
Add to all of this the system that Google has which is very confusing for a consumer who does not know much about android and not having regular updates from Google but through the manufacturer is a horrid choice!! I think Microsoft got one thing right and that is update the OS without manufacturer involvement. I mean any other OS, MS, Apple, Linux all update their os's independent of what machine it is installed on. Then because Google does not have any control the manufacturers will put out what ever version of Android they have slap it on the device and sell it and if you want a new os you have to buy a new tablet??? Apple iPad does not do this. I can get ios 4.2 for free. This is the same way it should work for Android. Instead you have a huge array of devices for sale all running different versions of Android some of which are outdated before they even start selling.
Because of this situation and the fact Honeycomb seems impossible for the a7 I was seriously thinking of a net book. I mean I can get a 250gb hda, 1.6 ghz 455 atom processor, 1 gb ram, incredible screen for $29 more than my elocity and it will have a full OS with a full browser, not a mobile version, and I can do a lot with it. I could install honeycomb on the netbook!! I did it on my laptop before. I could also install Linux which would run nice and have all I need. Problem again is portability. Netbooks are much better than laptops but not as convenient as the tablet and I find the touch screen interface more intuitive. I think as time goes by it will be the future. However, as things are now with Android and not having it on a phone but strictly for tabs the experience is not what I thought it would be. For a linux based os I do not have much control and that is not good.
Just my 2 cents
I completely understand the "why not just get a netbook / laptop" argument.
But I think tablets have / will sell for a variety of reasons. Part of it is the "cool" factor, having the latest and greatest. And partly because tablets can do things that laptops cannot (I am in the latter category).
Example for myself: I use my R10 for reading comics -- it easily beats a netbook / laptop in this one function. It's relatively fast, its got great battery life, it's light, generates very little heat and has a better screen. The netbook/laptop kills the R10 in other areas, but it all depends on what you want to use your device for.
roebeet said:
I completely understand the "why not just get a netbook / laptop" argument.
But I think tablets have / will sell for a variety of reasons. Part of it is the "cool" factor, having the latest and greatest. And partly because tablets can do things that laptops cannot (I am in the latter category).
Example for myself: I use my R10 for reading comics -- it easily beats a netbook / laptop in this one function. It's relatively fast, its got great battery life, it's light, generates very little heat and has a better screen. The netbook/laptop kills the R10 in other areas, but it all depends on what you want to use your device for.
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Agree totally on this.. Also. People forget unsubsidized cell phones cost $400-$600. Mobile parts are not the same as laptop etc which are much cheaper. Right now even tablets are relying on mobile components. These prices will come down over the next year just as other electronics do. And margin on Laptops/netbooks is horrible. With a new product like tablets companies don't think they need to sacrifice margin yet as these are a "geek" product and we geeks are willing to pay to have the latest and greatest.
The cool factor is a part of it also, and the bleeding technology factor.. I don't think $799 is overpriced for the Xoom, but I do wish it would have started at around $599...
If the eLocity A10 shines, then the $399 price tag will be amazing.. I think StreamTV has learned alot from the A7 release and I am confident they wish to put out a product that will really be a great value.
I happened to be on the J&R website today when, to my surprise, the pre-orders for the A10 opened up!
I bought mine right there - shipped, the cost is $439 - and of course no clear indication when I'll actually get it. Still, the timeline seems firm now, and hopefully I'll see my unit in a few weeks.
Just checked out and it is there for preorder, but it does not say ips screen. The res is higher than gtab or xoom though. Other than the screen res, it is very similar to gtab. Can someone confirm the screen? is it a ips screen?
It has a sim card slot? can we ue a sim card like tmoblie to make calls or data?
thanks in advance.
tyy10002 said:
Just checked out and it is there for preorder, but it does not say ips screen. The res is higher than gtab or xoom though. Other than the screen res, it is very similar to gtab. Can someone confirm the screen? is it a ips screen?
It has a sim card slot? can we ue a sim card like tmoblie to make calls or data?
thanks in advance.
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The CES models had an IPS screen. Everything I've read (so far) mentions an IPS screen. Of course that could have changed, but I guess we'll find out soon.
I'm also not sure if all models will have a SIM slot, so J&R's info could be faulty.
EDIT: From the source, here you go:
It's an IPS screen.
Yes. As the press release says it has an IPS screen.
Now, about the SIM card slot. In the materials I go at CES 2011, it said they would have one, but no mention is made in the press release. I am going to find out on this one.
About preorder. The device is supposed to be $399 for the pre-order. So they are charging about $30 more. But also, it wasnt supposed to go live until Feb. 15th. I wonder if the price will drop then.
I doubt the price will drop, but I hope I'm wrong...tho' I myself sprang for the $439 tag.
B&H Photo lists it at $428 plus shipping, so it seems the pre-launch buzz was off.
zahir32 said:
I doubt the price will drop, but I hope I'm wrong...tho' I myself sprang for the $439 tag.
B&H Photo lists it at $428 plus shipping, so it seems the pre-launch buzz was off.
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Well, the price should drop. As it was stated in the press release that those who pre-order would pay only $399 for the 4GB model.

Would you recommend this?

Hi guys. I am a graduate student and I've been wanting to buy a tablet. Most out there are expensive and in terms of battery life, my 14" laptop with an SSD beats them all. Only problem is, of course, the size of the laptop.
So I have some questions regarding this kinde fire. Looking at the interface, it looks like a constricted version of android and as Besos said, its more of a multimedia device.
The main functions I'm looking for my tablet are: email, reading, viewing videos of PPT lectures, web browsing, watching movies occasionally. Without the tablet being rooted, would all this be possible or is it just for games, web surfing, and videos/music? I would like to leave my device unrooted for as long as possible.
Plus, looking at the specs, this thing would make an excellent android tablet.
Also, how does this GPU compare to the nVidia Tegra?
Get a reading device. A kindle (not Fire) offers quite a lot for a low price.
That's for the reading. For the other stuff, I would not know what to reccomend.
theomni said:
Hi guys. I am a graduate student and I've been wanting to buy a tablet. Most out there are expensive and in terms of battery life, my 14" laptop with an SSD beats them all. Only problem is, of course, the size of the laptop.
So I have some questions regarding this kinde fire. Looking at the interface, it looks like a constricted version of android and as Besos said, its more of a multimedia device.
The main functions I'm looking for my tablet are: email, reading, viewing videos of PPT lectures, web browsing, watching movies occasionally. Without the tablet being rooted, would all this be possible or is it just for games, web surfing, and videos/music? I would like to leave my device unrooted for as long as possible.
Plus, looking at the specs, this thing would make an excellent android tablet.
Also, how does this GPU compare to the nVidia Tegra?
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From what I have read the AF is built to be first and foremost an ereader. Games probably secondary especially with only 512MB of RAM (unless they are from Amazon App Store.) I could be wrong though.
If I were you, I would look harder at other REAL tablets and not closed garden ereaders like the AF appears to be. The dual core CPU would be great on an android tablet. It already is on many. And, by many accounts, quad cores are not too far away. Tabs that are tablets first though.
Price is important. Desired functions are more so. IMO.
Would I recommend? No.
I've been hearing that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus might be coming out with a price near $250. If that is the case, I'll get that instead. Luckily, I will have until the end of October to decide, since that's when the Samsung Tab will be releasing. However, I'm assuming/hoping that we will know its price by next week or so.
Hell, I'll be willing to pay upto $300 for it. I preordered the Kindle Fire with a leather cover for a total of $250.
theomni said:
I've been hearing that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus might be coming out with a price near $250. If that is the case, I'll get that instead. Luckily, I will have until the end of October to decide, since that's when the Samsung Tab will be releasing. However, I'm assuming/hoping that we will know its price by next week or so.
Hell, I'll be willing to pay upto $300 for it. I preordered the Kindle Fire with a leather cover for a total of $250.
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Wise move. A lot of new items will be released and I suspect many (if not most) in your price/needed specs range will far exceed the AF.
Wish I had these options in grad school!
You cold do this all on the NC for $150 or less, unrooted. Also, the NC can be rooted and custom ROMs are available.
I would say yes. Both quick office and documents to go are available in the amazon app store
A couple of people at work have mentioned the Amazon Kindle Fire in passing. I've looked at the specs, it looks pretty poor.
Several people have shown me their iPad 2 or HP tablet - huge 10.1" things.
One person has compared his iPad camera with my Galaxy Tab 7's camera and said the Galaxy Tab comes out better.
I can fit my Galaxy Tab in my pocket. It has Kindle for Android on it.
I chose my device carefully out of some really budget budget devices, and larger & more expensive devices.
Here you can now pick up a Galaxy Tab 7" 3G (GPS, Wifi) 16Gb for £399 from Tesco's Electronics dept, £349 from BestBuy, £299.99 from Tesco Direct (24hr wait, but the desk is in the store!) or £299.98 from PCWorld. I got mine from Tesco Direct, because it was a weekend and the nearest PCWorld that stocks them is over the road from work.
If you don't need 3G (I understand the Fire doesn't have 3G) I believe you can now pick up a 32Gb Wifi-only model from Asda (Walmart) for £249 ($387) and it will be an order of magnitude better than the Fire. There's also a heap of cheap things on eBay from China (that Maplin (Radio Shack) buy & resell with enormous margins)
When people ask me about it, I reply with:
Do you want a next gen Kindle, or do you want a tablet?
That seems to get them into the right frame of mind. The Fire is no more or less a next gen Kindle. It's aimed to compete against the Nook Color and the iPod Touch, being a portable media device.
thanks a lot guys! I actually just cancelled my preorder for the KF and bought the HTC Flyer.
FWIW smart move!
Now take a look at the adonit jot stylus. Amazing.
I've been looking for a pen/stylus to buy.
Would that work with the HTC flyer or am I better of buying the HTC scribe pen for it?
Gotta say I am not familiar with the stylus scribe for the HTC. One would presume an item custom made for a dedicated device would be preferable. I can say the adonit jot performs amazingly on the Transformer on SuperNotes!
You might try it out. If it doesn't work for you, return it. It would appear their Return Policy is liberal enough here.

should i buy a xoom or wait

I sold my Ipad 2 cause it was gettin boring. I've had android phones for the past 3 years. I now have the SGS2E4GT. Should I get a Xoom or wait for something better? Or is there something better out there right now?
thanks for the advice.
The Xoom is a good buy if you can get it at the right price.
I've had iphone, ipad etc and really like my new Xoom
it feels like YOUR tablet unlike ipad which has too many restraints put on it by apple
you can set it up just as you like it
I too got bored of the whole apple thing a while ago.
I bought a transformer prime on release in December but returned it as it had issues and for £500 I wasn't willing to accept that
My Xoom was only £249 and as yet everything works perfect
I changed my Xoom to the US version to get ICS early and its great
Its true there will be better tablets out but at a premium cost
For now the Xoom is awesome value
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
Well I will tell you why I went Xoom despite my love of the transformer design and the knowledge that the 4 Proc Prime was on the way....
It basically came down to the "Google Experience"!
The Xoom is basically the unit that was used as the showpiece for HC and Android Tablet and thankfully to have that priviledge Google insisted that the Bootloader be unlocked which was a new thing for anyone familiar with Motorola! ( I have a D2G and don't get me started on Locked Bootloaders there! LOL)
In the end it was a tossup between waiting for the Prime and Keyboard combo or going with the slightly cheaper Xoom 4G and the fact that the transformer had a locked bootloader was the final nail in the transformer coffin!
The 4 Core was very tempting but most of the apps and games don't take advantage and no point in paying a premium until they do! By then those units will be cheaper so maybe then I will upgrade but I have to say I have ZERO regrets going Xoom!
In fact I have been very pleasantly surprised at just how versatile and comprehensive the unit is!
I can read USB Hard drives even those in NTFS format, USB Flash memory keys even use a wired USB Ethernet adapter!
I doubt any iPad can do that!
The fact that the community can patch the Kernal at will means even more magic is possible!
You can never go wrong with a "Google Experience" device be it pad or phone!
My only hope is that Moto will unlock the Droid4 as well cause if they do I will stay Moto for the forseeable future.
They make great Hardware their problems have always been on the software side!
Unlocked bootloader makes that situation go away!
I can tell you this much - I absolutely love my Xoom. I have been going "Android crazy" over the last couple of months. It started black friday with Best Buy's Dell Streak 7 dump ($159) - gave that one to my daughter.
Picked up a Lenovo K1 at Office Depot around Xmas for only $299, which was a steal, but the tablet is not "pure" enough Android for me, and is buggy (it is on eBay now
Then, I found a very nice, barely used Xoom locally for $240. It was manufactured in March, so I was a little worried, but it was absolutely mint, and, like he said barely used. I was NOT disappointed.
Fast forward to last week, my Transformer Prime finally arrived. It is OK, but I am telling you, I like the Xoom better at this point. The Xoom's 1/18 ICS update went so smooth, and the Xoom is quick and stable. The Prime is not as solid right now, and I will honest with you - feels no faster than the Xoom with ICS in normal use (even though benchmarking proves it to be nearly 2x as fast).
I am going to keep both the Prime and the Xoom but the Xoom is a top notch machine. It is pure Android (even the prime has many customizations, though nothing as obtrusive as the Lenovo's).
I would say, yes - if you can get one for a good deal, go for it!!!
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
I've had both the ipad 2 and the motorola xoom.
To be honest I prefer the ipad 2, its much lighter and has a better interface.
I use the xoom for recipes in the kitchen but I wouldn't want to carry it around all day
I would wait for the new thinner version
Staples had the Xoom for something like $250 if you look on this forum you can find the thread. I guess it all depends on what you're looking to do with it. I passed on the Transformer Prime as the Xoom does what I need, I really don't need quadcore.
The 10" xyboard isn't an option for me as it is too expensive and doesn't offer enough to make me trade in my xoom. The ability to write notes is certainly something I'd like but I'd rather stick with a GED tablet and have the microsd memory slot.
ipad3 is due out in March if you believe the rumors and the hi resolution android tablets should be out between February on June. If I wanted a tablet now, the $250 Xoom at Staples is probably the best buy out there now. ICS reviews on the xoom have been very good, I haven't received it yet as I'm using a LTE xoom.

Price drop prediction

I think the new iPad and especially the mini are going to really choke out the premium tablet segment. They are going to sell huge, especially with the timing with holidays.
I will not be surprised to see a price drop of at least $50 next month or early December. That is when I would get the 2014
My concern though is this would force the Android tablets further into the lower end segments that could mean middle road specs. ASUS might be selling the new 701 into a market segment that has very small remaining share. That assumes they get the Tegra 4 to behave as far as battery bleed and throttle issues.
Point in this being Apple will sell millions while Android OEs selling premium Android tablets would sell thousands due to small market share.
Its already gone from £479 to £439 on
It was £100 overpriced to start off with especially with a plastic exterior.
I was so ready to purchase this and have money burning a hole in my pocket. Already own an ipad min, ipad 4, nexus 7 2013 and wanted a full size Android tablet.
Considered the Z until its completely rubbish ppi screen was detailed and then eagerly waited the Note. Was extremelydis appointed in the build quality and design but more more horrified at the price. Will be waiting for news on the Nexus 10 whilst also buying an ipad air and retina mini.
Ukbondraider said:
Its already gone from £479 to £439 on
It was £100 overpriced to start off with especially with a plastic exterior.
I was so ready to purchase this and have money burning a hole in my pocket. Already own an ipad min, ipad 4, nexus 7 2013 and wanted a full size Android tablet.
Considered the Z until its completely rubbish ppi screen was detailed and then eagerly waited the Note. Was extremelydis appointed in the build quality and design but more more horrified at the price. Will be waiting for news on the Nexus 10 whilst also buying an ipad air and retina mini.
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May I ask what you do with all of those tablets? Or are you just getting rid of the old (relatively speaking) ones once you buy a new one?
some of us are just collectors, lol. i do resell some or pass them down to other family members. since 2010 i've had a total 21 tablets and currently own a 2014, gn8, 500t, and 700t. the 500t is going to my daughter once i get around to repair the screen - it's the only tablet i ever bought insurance on and the only one i've ever dropped, lol.
the 8in is my main book reader, the 10.1 is my main web/multimedia tablet and the windows tablets i got as an experiment to see if i could do without a laptop (even though they're kinda laptop hybrids) and to see if i could do without android - i failed that miserably lol.
I just hope the iPad mini's price will drop. I love it but i can't afford to buy it.
I don't think the price of this tablet will drop much before the end of this year after the Samsung Perks package expires.
I am in need of a new tablet and the 2014 note 10.1 was going to be that device but the reviews and user experiences have swayed me away. I might reconsider if the price drops but with new devices like the ipad air/mini released and the upcoming nexus 10, the choices have become relatively overwhelming.
I am heavily invested in the android ecosystem with apps and games so warranting a switch to the "dark side" may be hard. Although the design and tablet specific apps are tempting. It seems like a good combination to have, I just dont want to have to re-purchase apps on ios and android. Anybody have this combinationof devices?
I think the nexus 10 is calling my name and I will most likely end up with it assuming the bugs and issues present on the first gen dont make there way to the 2nd gen.
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
Looks like a drop has already happened. Price went from $600/$650 to $550/$600 at Amazon & Best Buy.
As far as the Nexus, a lack of sd slot keeps me away. I only have the iPad since I could get 64GB for the iPad 3 and now have a 128GB iPad 4. Media and games are too big for smaller storage and I HATE the cloud. Local content has "100% data coverage and range" and better on battery life.
rushless said:
Looks like a drop has already happened. Price went from $600/$650 to $550/$600 at Amazon & Best Buy.
As far as the Nexus, a lack of sd slot keeps me away. I only have the iPad since I could get 64GB for the iPad 3 and now have a 128GB iPad 4. Media and games are too big for smaller storage and I HATE the cloud. Local content has "100% data coverage and range" and better on battery life.
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$550/600 was the starting price. No price drop yet...
alias747 said:
$550/600 was the starting price. No price drop yet...
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Dope! :silly: So in my mind, there already was one
This tablet is actually worth the money being asked for it, so you can wait to watch the prices drop or just buy it.
The original note 10.1 was 16 gigabytes was 499 when it debuted 1 year ago. Now the second generation came outand original drooped to 450. The note 10.1 very is unique and has no direct competition as in capacitive pen.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Yeah, I wouldn't expect a price drop any time soon... maybe in 6 months at best. It took the Note 8 about 6 months to drop a whopping $20, lol. Samsung is pretty stubborn with their pricing.

Note 12.2 on pre-order for $849??

They have lost their marbles... As far as specs aren't they identical to the Note 10.1 2014 just a larger screen and more internal storage?
Wow. If this is accurate and I have no doubt that it is then it's past my threshold for what I want to spend for a tablet. I don't even think 100.00 more should be right. Lower the 10.1 the same 100.00 to offer a cheaper than usual price point and make the 12.2 500.00.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
alias747 said:
They have lost their marbles... As far as specs aren't they identical to the Note 10.1 2014 just a larger screen and more internal storage?
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So if you figure 10.1 2014 16gb is $549 and 32gb is $599 would a 64gb unit be $649 or $699.
So now add USB 3.0 and a much larger screen...... yeah...... $849 is about right.
alias747 said:
They have lost their marbles...
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Let's assume the 32GB is $749. Add on the matching Logitech Keyboard for $130 and you're at $879. There are a lot of ultrabook, convertible, and Surface-esque options in that price range. I guess based on Samsung's typical tiered pricing $749/849 shouldn't be a surprise but that's a heap load of money for an Android tablet. The phone UI looks funky on our 10" display. The Notification Panel icons are probably about two inches square on a 12" display. And all the historic Android productivity challenges that we (and all those that came before us) suffer extend to the Tab/Note Pro's too. So Samsung went with "build it and they will come." At those prices let's see how many "come."
Samsung has lost it. I don't think even Apple would price a 12 inch iPad that high. Bunch of goofballs, I want whatever they're on.
kkretch said:
So if you figure 10.1 2014 16gb is $549 and 32gb is $599 would a 64gb unit be $649 or $699.
So now add USB 3.0 and a much larger screen...... yeah...... $849 is about right.
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I agree. Compared to the 10.1 tablets I do not see the price as being out of line. Sure it is not for everyone but it is far from being stupidly least not when compared to other tablets on the market.
I don't see the market for it. Seems too expensive for an entertainment device. Android falls pretty short as a business tool compared to the other options in that price range.
C2Q said:
Samsung has lost it. I don't think even Apple would price a 12 inch iPad that high. Bunch of goofballs, I want whatever they're on.
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The 64gb iPad is $699 and $799 for a 128gb so I think you will see $899 for the 12.9 inch tablet that Apple will releases later this year.
That's really a lot of money for a tablet. I'm not saying its overpriced in regards to specs vs profit margin... But I think consumers may not be willing to shell out that much scratch for a tablet
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using xda app-developers app
goood luck with that Samsung...what an awful price point
Samsung share its 699$ ! Phonearena source
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I bought SM-P605 32 GB for around 850US, so I rather buy NotePro 12.2 WiFi 64GB for that money and I got no use for LTE anyway. In US maybe its much, but in EU its cheap price and in Sweden I think it gonna cost around 1200US. Only SM-P 605 16 GB cost 1200US here in Sweden.
Galaxy Note SM-P605
Samsung's really suffering from a severe case of wishful thinking. The Tab|Pro 8.4 is $50 more than the Note 8 ($349 vs. $399) which I guess is excusable because the former's got some big upgrades over the latter (SoC, display resolution). The Tab|Pro 10.1 is the same price as the N10.1-14 and they are physically identical with the latter having more RAM and S Pen. The 16GB iPad Mini Retina is $399 so Samsung's looking for the same cash for the Tab|Pro 8.4. The 16GB iPad Air is $499 so Samsung wants the same thing for the Tab|Pro 10.1. Good luck with that one; especially since the N10.1-14 at least has an exclusive feature (S Pen) that could possibly justify a price point that matches Apple's. I really do think Samsung's crossed in to the delusional and the new tablet's pricing is nuts and the positioning (or lack of) against their existing/previous tablets is just going to leave people confused.
Wait wtf..TabPro in the US = note 10.1 2014 price? lol. Who the hell would get the TabPro for the same price (assuming they are equally informed about the note). Considering you are paying the same price for less features.
Link is gone so maybe they will change the price
jinda628 said:
Link is gone so maybe they will change the price
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The prices I posted are the pre-order prices buying direct from the Samsung U.S. website. They haven't changed. But once early adopter buying helps judge interest I bet you'll see "$50 (or more) off for a limited time;" perhaps as early as a month to six weeks. I admire Samsung's ambition but people didn't buy tons of Nexus 10's with its "iPad equal" display so relying on lipstick (M-UX), a focus on productivity (every included app is available third party on any Android tablet), and h/w improvements (if h/w is all that matters why do they sell so many Tab 2/3's?) to get people to buy high-end Android tablets at Apple prices I wish them luck. They'll probably spend a gazillion dollars promoting the new tablets and God knows that amount of marketing helped them get where their are in smartphones so maybe that'll work. I'm in marketing and think this whole high-end tablet (pricing and features) push is going to fall flat. When people think of tablets they think Apple=high-end and Android=cheap and that's what sales (even Samsung's in 2013) reflect.
Ye I got what you meant. I'm sure Samsung is testing the waters and see how many will take the bait. If its less than their target then they will surely rethink their stand.

