[Q] Freezing, rebooting and boot failing - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Recently my HD2 starter to reboot often i didn't pay much attention at the time because the occasional reboot wasn't something new, however the reboots started occurring more often and eventually my phone started freezing, rebooting and boot failing ( freezes at the 123456 gogogo or when i try to load CWM, or at any point in the boot animation). So far i tried different roms but it didn't seem to matter, i tried Task 29, wiping caches, formatted SD card several times in different ways. Eventually i reverted back to stock rom and reflashed everything all over again but that also didn't work. Also my phone get's a little warm and if i leave it powered off for 5 minutes it usually boots on the first try. Is it possible that the phone is overheating and that is causing the problems, or is it something else?
I'm using the 576MB, MAGLDR 1.13, HSPL 2.08, CWM, Radio is

Your symptoms seem to be that of a CPU heating problem. There is a layer of heat conducting paste at the back (bottom-right, inside the phone) that might wear off with time causing improper heat dissipation causing the CPU to hang or reboot. If you know how to, open the back cover (not the battery cover, the phones back side) and apply a layer of heat conducting paste (should be available in most computer hardware stores, also comes with new Intel CPUs) on the part of the mainboard covered with a metal cover - lookup images or videos of how to open the phone and you'll understand all that I am saying.
Hopefully this would solve the problem. If it did not, you are in deeper trouble - time to look for a replacement for your ol' HD2.

ph03n!x said:
Your symptoms seem to be that of a CPU heating problem. There is a layer of heat conducting paste at the back (bottom-right, inside the phone) that might wear off with time causing improper heat dissipation causing the CPU to hang or reboot. If you know how to, open the back cover (not the battery cover, the phones back side) and apply a layer of heat conducting paste (should be available in most computer hardware stores, also comes with new Intel CPUs) on the part of the mainboard covered with a metal cover - lookup images or videos of how to open the phone and you'll understand all that I am saying.
Hopefully this would solve the problem. If it did not, you are in deeper trouble - time to look for a replacement for your ol' HD2.
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Thank you! I will try, and if it doesn't work One X is coming soon

This may help in disassembling and reassembling the HD2:

I don't know where to post this, because i'm a new user and am not allowed to post this to the ROM-Thread (NDT MIUI 2.3.7 DEVELOPMENT V48.0|STABLE V6.0).
I have the stable Version of this ROM and had the problem that the device rebooted several times without any reason. And there was another problem: I never received SMS.
One time a friend called me 3 minutes after the device rebooted and told me he send me a sms minutes ago.
I tried some things and noticed, that it freezes and reboots everytime i received an SMS (the sender gets an receiving receipt but i never get that sms).
The Solution is:
Deinstall Avast Free Antivirus, including the Anti-Theft (Anti-Theft is listes as an extra app, first you need to disable AntiTheft's Root-Rights if you set it), you can then de-install it via Superuser.
Now it works

Everytime I charge my HD2 while driving and open some navigation program, it freeze
Sometimes I listen to the music and turn on 3G, the phone freezes
When I play jewels star more than 30 mins, it hangs
Not every case the bottom right of HD2 is so hot, but most of the time yes.
Thanks ph03n!x, I'll try to make CPU cooler to see if this problem solved.


[Q] Might this cause freezes?

Hi everyone,
I bought my HTC Touch HD in April 2009 and I didn't customize the phone in any way. I only installed some backupping software and TomTom.
Anyway, the phone tends to freeze a lot. Sometimes it works fine for a week straight and then it just starts freezing. What happens is that the screen stops responding, as well as all buttons. The only way to fix that is by removing the back case and press the Reset button or by removing the battery. The freezes got worse over the last days. After a reset the phone sometimes already freezes before I can even enter my SIM card password.
It started freezing last year, but it seems to be getting worse now. I already tried a hard (full) reset, but that didn't solve the problem. Anyway, I found this after I removed the battery today: see attachment.
One of the 3 copper terminals is bent down, so it might not touch the battery. It looks like this might cause my problems. I tried bending it back carefully, but no success yet. Does anyone have an idea what I can do? Is it actually possible that a bend terminal can cause freezes?
i started having a similar problem yesterday, it gets worse if when I access the storage card and just locks up.
can anyone offer advise
The storage cards have been known to dramatically reduce the stability of these phones... I think I am at that stage (again) too...
My procedure, that's worked before, is:
- remove storage card from phone, put it in a adapter / USB/Flash port and connect to a Windows PC.
- Back-up required files to PC
- Open "My Computer" and right click on the removable drive (containing your SD), choose "Format"
- Make sure you select FAT file system over NTFS if offered the choice.
- Reinstate backed up files and try back in your phone.
Be careful when teasing that battery terminal, on different phones I've tried to re-allign the little brass terminals and snapped it from the tiny solder joint inside the case, despite it still being attached to the case... First I knew was the phone went from charging poorly, to not even powering up....

My HD2 get so hot, then freeze!

I'm not sure if anybody here has same problem as mine. Here is the problem. After watch movie on my HD2 for half an hour, the device started getting warm and hot. It then froze and restarted itself. Then it would stuck on the logo boot up and that was it. I had to take the battery out, waited for 5 to 10 mn to give it time to cool down. Then everything went normal. This happens to me quite frequent now. It wasn't like this when I first bought this. I used to watch movie for hours without any problem.
i had this problem. my hd2 actually was burned on the back near the micro port!
search for hd2 fire to see the story.
I have same problem, who know to repair please help me
if phone is under warranty, get it replaced. did you void your waranty?
Are you using the original charger?
If your mainboard overheats just once, it will never be the same again. It's time for a warranty replacement!
sounds like it has a drug problem or is going through menopause. LOL! I had to sorry carry on.
mine so the samething too , if the back get warm up the phone freeze then restart . do the same thing with NAND too . his there any other ways beside warranty . cuz i dont know if mine phone still under warranty . i got the phone in last father's day so it havent been 1 year yet
T0v206 said:
mine so the samething too , if the back get warm up the phone freeze then restart . do the same thing with NAND too . his there any other ways beside warranty . cuz i dont know if mine phone still under warranty . i got the phone in last father's day so it havent been 1 year yet
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If it has not been a full year sense you purchased the phone then yes you still have a warranty. Your issue is probably hardware related cause once a HD2 starts getting warm a lot it starts to slowly deteriorate the connections between the processor and the mainboard. The more the heating up of the processor the more and more it detiorates the connections. It finally reaches a point where it will start rebooting it self because it is trying to compensate for the lack of responses from the failing pathways. So it sound like you are experiencing this problem now. So I recomend you do an exchange while you are still under warranty.
i suggest checking the battery pins also, make sure they are straight and shiny!
HTC getting hot and freezes.
I have a T Mobile HD2 and I have WMO 6.5 on NAND and Android on SD card (16 Gig). Mostly I using android, the main problem is after like using 10 minutes of WIFI the phone gets very hot,I mean really hot and then it freezes. I have to remove the battery and wait about 10 minutes for it to cool and then place the battery and boot again. I am not sure what is causing the problem, if it is hardware then nothing can be done but if it software I am sure there is a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
i've the same problems when using the HD2 for car navigation. When the phone is in the front panel holder and sun is shining, the phone freezes or reboot after a while. The phone itself isn't very warm so i think it must be something with the mainboard or the antenna. I tried with carcharger and without carcharger, same result.
search xda, there has been quite a few threads on Leo's overheating,
in short main two reasons are bent battery connectors (you can DIY), or defective mainboard (replaceable under warranty - been there myself),
to make sure the freezes or reset loops are temperature connected I'd suggest BattClock for WinMo (displays temp in statusbar) or Battery Monitor Widget for Android (keeps temp log)
if you lost all hope, and you're sure it is the temperature, and your warranty has ran out, and its definitely not connector related, then you could try checking here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=982454
what kind of rom do you use? What is your Radio?
is the battery genuine one?
what programs do you use?
some bad written programs will make cpu in loops, which lead to make the cpu runs into high frequency.
do you use any setCPU/overclocking?
my recommendations:
1) install any cpu trend program/ logger to see when the cpu runs into high frequency.
2)replace the video player you used for playing the video.
3)stop all programs that are not came with your rom.
if above do not solve your problem:
task29 / install fresh rom (not the same rom).

[HELP!] Rescue this baby! Challenge Accepted!

Ok guys, I need your help. I picked up a T-Mobile HD2 from a friend for $40 who said "it won't boot". Being the experience Android user that I am I decided to give it a try, but I am at my wits end. Here is the sitch:
1. The phone is stuck at the "Stick Together" screen.
2. The bootload WORKS, to a point. It sometimes give a black screen when connected to the computer and a flashing tool is polling the USB.
3. I can flash all different WinMO roms from the bootloader, even HSPL, but still no boot.
4. Sometimes, when the ROM and SPL info come up in the bottom left, the phone will chug at the boot logo for a second, then strange graphical glitches start to appear on the screen. Similar to flashing an i9100 kernel on captivate, but not exactly.
This phone is a hackers dream, or more specifically my dream phone. Please help me get it back to working. I am not stingy; if there person who can get this to work and has a donation link... well... you know.
I have already:
Flashed the ship rom.
Used Task29
Flashed the current TMO rom.
Installed MAGLDR -> bootloader cannot make it to MAGLDR, even holding button.
EDIT: I also can't get it to recognize or flash roms from the SD card. All I have is a 4GB SDHC.
i can't figure out for sure if it's hardware or software that's been failing you. Since i'm more experienced with hardware i'll try to figure out a cause should the problem turn out to be hardware based after all.
1. nand memory corruption. the nand memory is made out of individual memory blocks, linked in a matrix mode and controlled by a memory ...controller (pretty logical i guess ). NAND memory is organized at a logical level in a way very similar to the classical electromagnetic drives (normal hdd's). I mean, blocks, sectors etc. If a memory sector gets damaged, it will produce something called a "bad" memory block. Again, similar to HDD's. But, different to HDD's where you can remap the memory regions and isolate bad blocks, you cannot do this to a flash chip inside a phone. At least not using standard tools or software. These tests are made only once by the manufacturer when the motherboard itself is being build. So, if your nand memory get's corrupted the phone itself won't "know" it since the individual damaged blocks can't be "marked" as damaged for the software to see and avoid placing data over there.
What happens is that you flash a rom, it may complete to 100% and from the bootloader "point of view" data was written over the flash memory. But when you attempt reading data from the damaged sectors, you'll get either nothing or corrupted readings. A more worse situation is when the boadloader itself resides over the damaged memory areas. If this is the case, even bootloader operations will behave erratic - bootloader lock-ups, freezes, strange screens etc.
I've seen phones with similar behavior that will react just like that. Sometime you can flash them, sometime not and when you flash them, they will stick to some random screen or simply freeze since the OS loading process halted with some random error when the corrupted data was read. I only managed to fix this by means of JTAG, a pretty low level debugging tool that requires a direct interface between the cpu and a pc. A memory diagnostic is loaded into the RAM memory and executes from there, it's purpose being to remap the NAND memory. It cannot be done from inside the NAND memory itself just like you cannot simply format the windows drive on a pc, while still being logged in on windows.
But, it's nasty business, service center kind of business.
2. CPU I/O failure. If you look into my signature here on xda, you'll find a link about hd2's cpu and overheating. That problem can in turn cause your problems - also saw this kind of stuff happening to a hd2. In fact is easier to determine if this is the cause. While i won't repeat myself again about how heat cause dilatation in the chip's soldering and how this affects the cpu operations, you can try a simple test. Place a sd card with some rom on it in the phone then place the phone in a bag, then place the bag in the fridge for about an hour. After that (while still keeping the phone in the bag and in the fridge interior) power on the phone, go to the bootloader and try to flash the rom from the sd card. Let the phone in the fridge during flashing and after it restarts. If you can't load a rom from the sd card, try using usb, the ideea is that the phone must remain as cold as possible during the whole process. Check to see if you notice any improvements - phone booting up, different errors or something different in any way from what you noticed so far. If this is the case, that topic from my signature would describe your problem in more detail. If not, we need to look further.
These should be my main suspects. Try to check #2 and reply with some results.
First of all, thank you for the information. I am actually very experienced reflowing PS3 and Xbox 360's, so I will try the refrigerator experiment, and if that succeeds I will disassemble the phone and reflow it in my reflow station. I find (seriously, not joking) that a reflow and (after cooling) a good 10 minutes in the oven on "warm" gets everything nice and settled.
Do you know if they used lead-free solder in the HD2? I'm not sure if phones also fall under RoHS.
yep, i think it's lead free, can't say for sure. But by the way it reacts to heat.. it seems so.
If you try the fridge/freezer, try to get the hd2 as cold as possible while preventing any condensation occurring on it - those transparent zip bags can help, that's what i use for example.
I had the EXACT same problem for a version that I bought off from a NY store (jr.com), it was a t-mobile version, tried everything, just to return it after 8 hours of my purchase.
Looking again for buying another hd2.
EDIT: looking online for hours and hours in vain, I concluded that it was a hardware issue due to some versions of the hd2 as someone explained earlier here.
I reflowed the motherboard and the phone now works.
I think its official, the"Stick Together" screen is the new RROD / YLOD.
good to hear. my hd2 was broken in the same way as yours. fixed it the same way, works as good as new even now.
Well, at least you know what to do if it happens again

[Q] HD2 Freezing

Hello People :
i have really a problem on my HD2 , i get freezing issue when i am using my phone starting since two months , and try to get the battery out then restart then stuck on Go Go Go or splash screen or on Lock screen , when i cool it a little but it on a Cold ground then it's working again , tried a lot of Rom's (Wmo & Android) , and now i think it's a hardware problem , so what kind of solutions do i have , and what is the exact problem (which hardware part "if it's a hardware issue" is having the problem)?
i really love my HD2 , and not in a good stand to change it now.....
Thanks in advance....
the Leo is prone to overheating. period! thats with everyday "normal" use (with winmo 6.x) this problem is slightly elevated using android and multiplies to an obscene amount in WP7.x
when charging, try to let this baby set. when i charge my Leo with only the screen on (say texting for example) i will normally run 101-105F i would HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest not doing much when charging!!!
ive also read that high amount of data usage, even UNplugged, (mobile data/wifi) will cause this as well ... so!?!
the problems you are describing shouldnt occur until about 115F or about 50C.
my advice is 1.) get a batt temp app (if you havent already) and set it to your home screen where youll watch it. 2.) set your cpu governor (in android if applicable) to on demand. 3.) if neither of these help task 29 and start fresh (youll be amazed at the problems this will cure!)
lastly if your on WP7.x ... get rid of it!!! the drivers are super sub-par written hurriedly to develop WP7 for the HD7 and are (unless hell freezes) never going to be re-written. i mean we JUST got a new touch driver and it caused more problems than it fixed (in my humble opinion)
in any case good luck!
rubledub said:
the Leo is prone to overheating. period! thats with everyday "normal" use (with winmo 6.x) this problem is slightly elevated using android and multiplies to an obscene amount in WP7.x
when charging, try to let this baby set. when i charge my Leo with only the screen on (say texting for example) i will normally run 101-105F i would HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest not doing much when charging!!!
ive also read that high amount of data usage, even UNplugged, (mobile data/wifi) will cause this as well ... so!?!
the problems you are describing shouldnt occur until about 115F or about 50C.
my advice is 1.) get a batt temp app (if you havent already) and set it to your home screen where youll watch it. 2.) set your cpu governor (in android if applicable) to on demand. 3.) if neither of these help task 29 and start fresh (youll be amazed at the problems this will cure!)
lastly if your on WP7.x ... get rid of it!!! the drivers are super sub-par written hurriedly to develop WP7 for the HD7 and are (unless hell freezes) never going to be re-written. i mean we JUST got a new touch driver and it caused more problems than it fixed (in my humble opinion)
in any case good luck!
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Thanks For Your Replay :
1- i hated WM7 so i don't use it
2- i am using MIUI Roms (Android) since a year
3- i have a battery app called "Battery Monitor Widget" and it was always not more than 39C and it's getting normal mA in standby (3-9mA)
4- every time when i install a new Rom i do Task29 and the other Steps with
1M 5M 160M 5M
5- i don't know if i said that before but even while installing the Rom , during the steps i get Stuck on some steps
Thanks In Advance...
you might try this ... 1M 5M 200M 5M
i always stick with 200 as my default because almost no roms need more than that and if you have bad blocks it will help that issue ... well not turn into a big deal. a larger partition layout will (i guess) make the installation skip the defective areas of the nand and will (usually) cause you to not have any installation errors. good luck
Same problems with HD2
I have virtually the identical problems with my HD2. Usually it works starting out cold but as soon as it warms up or the cpu gets stressed (ie. using the wifi hotspot app) the phone crashes. This was true with the original WM 6.5 and is still happening with a WM 7.5 rom. Sometimes it will reboot right away and other times I just get the Magldr "fatal hit" error message. My gut feeling is that its a motherboard problem...maybe a bad solder connection somewhere on the board so when everything heats up and expands the connections get inconsistent...I'm going to bring it to a repair place and see if they can take a look and see what's up. Really like the phone and the wm 7.5 rom...I'd hate to just put it on Ebay for parts.
allemeuse said:
I have virtually the identical problems with my HD2. Usually it works starting out cold but as soon as it warms up or the cpu gets stressed (ie. using the wifi hotspot app) the phone crashes. This was true with the original WM 6.5 and is still happening with a WM 7.5 rom. Sometimes it will reboot right away and other times I just get the Magldr "fatal hit" error message. My gut feeling is that its a motherboard problem...maybe a bad solder connection somewhere on the board so when everything heats up and expands the connections get inconsistent...I'm going to bring it to a repair place and see if they can take a look and see what's up. Really like the phone and the wm 7.5 rom...I'd hate to just put it on Ebay for parts.
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reportedly there was a small batch of HD2 with faulty motherboards (used to suffer with one), but there's also one other possible reason for overheating / resets etc - bent battery pin - check it first, if this is the case, then delicate straightening should help

My phone freezes :(

Hi, i have a SGH-I337M, with the AOSP 6.0.1 rom with root, since i can remember the phone had been pretty much hot, i didn't care much back then since i use it a lot but recently my phone started to freeze, like the screen freezes and i cant do anything, not even turn it off, so i have to take off the battery let it cool for 20 minutes and start it again, then it works about 10 or 20 minutes and then again it freezes i think it might be related to the heat. Also some few times my screen has turned green and then white and others few times i can see some sort of colored strings.
I'm pretty sure its hardware related but i don't know why it happens and if it can be repaired, do think ill have to change the whole motherboard?
Thanks in advance
Graphics chip may be the problem You shouldn't let your phone overheat like that I think it's the graphics chip (because of the color artifacts) You can try to reinstall ROM (clean installation) and flash another modem&bootloader, or even flash stock ROM. If that doesn't help then your graphics chip is damaged...There is 'repair', by changing motherboard, but it can be very expensive (if you don't find another S4 with broken screen or something else with working motherboard)
I already reinstalled the rom (clean install) and yupp, it doesn't work, the warmest place in my phone is between the sim card and the sd card, so i guess ill have to change my motherboard X_X
Anyway, thank you very much!
Dariane said:
I already reinstalled the rom (clean install) and yupp, it doesn't work, the warmest place in my phone is between the sim card and the sd card, so i guess ill have to change my motherboard X_X
Anyway, thank you very much!
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Have you actually tried other ROMs, or are you just a negativist?
Dariane said:
Hi, i have a SGH-I337M, with the AOSP 6.0.1 rom with root, since i can remember the phone had been pretty much hot, i didn't care much back then since i use it a lot but recently my phone started to freeze, like the screen freezes and i cant do anything, not even turn it off, so i have to take off the battery let it cool for 20 minutes and start it again, then it works about 10 or 20 minutes and then again it freezes i think it might be related to the heat. Also some few times my screen has turned green and then white and others few times i can see some sort of colored strings.
I'm pretty sure its hardware related but i don't know why it happens and if it can be repaired, do think ill have to change the whole motherboard?
Thanks in advance
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You should get CPUTemp Xposed module and stop letting your phone get hot! I usually stop screwing around with mine when the temp gets to like 50/60-something Celsius. And like GDReaper said, don't be a Negative Nancy, be a Positive Paulie and play around with other ROMs!!
my original phone screen did things like that after a pretty heavy drop onto a tiled floor. it maybe a good idea to have a technician diagnose your problem before forking out money for parts that might not fix anything.
Thank you all for your answers, i did tried to flash some other roms without success (I still have the same problem) i am afraid to continue playing with roms since my phone sometimes freeze in the middle of the android configurations when i reboot my phone just after the new installation and i don't want it to freeze in the middle of the installation of a rom.
I think ill go to a technician to see what can be done about it, ill keep you informed what was the problem

