[HELP!] Rescue this baby! Challenge Accepted! - HD2 General

Ok guys, I need your help. I picked up a T-Mobile HD2 from a friend for $40 who said "it won't boot". Being the experience Android user that I am I decided to give it a try, but I am at my wits end. Here is the sitch:
1. The phone is stuck at the "Stick Together" screen.
2. The bootload WORKS, to a point. It sometimes give a black screen when connected to the computer and a flashing tool is polling the USB.
3. I can flash all different WinMO roms from the bootloader, even HSPL, but still no boot.
4. Sometimes, when the ROM and SPL info come up in the bottom left, the phone will chug at the boot logo for a second, then strange graphical glitches start to appear on the screen. Similar to flashing an i9100 kernel on captivate, but not exactly.
This phone is a hackers dream, or more specifically my dream phone. Please help me get it back to working. I am not stingy; if there person who can get this to work and has a donation link... well... you know.
I have already:
Flashed the ship rom.
Used Task29
Flashed the current TMO rom.
Installed MAGLDR -> bootloader cannot make it to MAGLDR, even holding button.
EDIT: I also can't get it to recognize or flash roms from the SD card. All I have is a 4GB SDHC.

i can't figure out for sure if it's hardware or software that's been failing you. Since i'm more experienced with hardware i'll try to figure out a cause should the problem turn out to be hardware based after all.
1. nand memory corruption. the nand memory is made out of individual memory blocks, linked in a matrix mode and controlled by a memory ...controller (pretty logical i guess ). NAND memory is organized at a logical level in a way very similar to the classical electromagnetic drives (normal hdd's). I mean, blocks, sectors etc. If a memory sector gets damaged, it will produce something called a "bad" memory block. Again, similar to HDD's. But, different to HDD's where you can remap the memory regions and isolate bad blocks, you cannot do this to a flash chip inside a phone. At least not using standard tools or software. These tests are made only once by the manufacturer when the motherboard itself is being build. So, if your nand memory get's corrupted the phone itself won't "know" it since the individual damaged blocks can't be "marked" as damaged for the software to see and avoid placing data over there.
What happens is that you flash a rom, it may complete to 100% and from the bootloader "point of view" data was written over the flash memory. But when you attempt reading data from the damaged sectors, you'll get either nothing or corrupted readings. A more worse situation is when the boadloader itself resides over the damaged memory areas. If this is the case, even bootloader operations will behave erratic - bootloader lock-ups, freezes, strange screens etc.
I've seen phones with similar behavior that will react just like that. Sometime you can flash them, sometime not and when you flash them, they will stick to some random screen or simply freeze since the OS loading process halted with some random error when the corrupted data was read. I only managed to fix this by means of JTAG, a pretty low level debugging tool that requires a direct interface between the cpu and a pc. A memory diagnostic is loaded into the RAM memory and executes from there, it's purpose being to remap the NAND memory. It cannot be done from inside the NAND memory itself just like you cannot simply format the windows drive on a pc, while still being logged in on windows.
But, it's nasty business, service center kind of business.
2. CPU I/O failure. If you look into my signature here on xda, you'll find a link about hd2's cpu and overheating. That problem can in turn cause your problems - also saw this kind of stuff happening to a hd2. In fact is easier to determine if this is the cause. While i won't repeat myself again about how heat cause dilatation in the chip's soldering and how this affects the cpu operations, you can try a simple test. Place a sd card with some rom on it in the phone then place the phone in a bag, then place the bag in the fridge for about an hour. After that (while still keeping the phone in the bag and in the fridge interior) power on the phone, go to the bootloader and try to flash the rom from the sd card. Let the phone in the fridge during flashing and after it restarts. If you can't load a rom from the sd card, try using usb, the ideea is that the phone must remain as cold as possible during the whole process. Check to see if you notice any improvements - phone booting up, different errors or something different in any way from what you noticed so far. If this is the case, that topic from my signature would describe your problem in more detail. If not, we need to look further.
These should be my main suspects. Try to check #2 and reply with some results.

First of all, thank you for the information. I am actually very experienced reflowing PS3 and Xbox 360's, so I will try the refrigerator experiment, and if that succeeds I will disassemble the phone and reflow it in my reflow station. I find (seriously, not joking) that a reflow and (after cooling) a good 10 minutes in the oven on "warm" gets everything nice and settled.
Do you know if they used lead-free solder in the HD2? I'm not sure if phones also fall under RoHS.

yep, i think it's lead free, can't say for sure. But by the way it reacts to heat.. it seems so.
If you try the fridge/freezer, try to get the hd2 as cold as possible while preventing any condensation occurring on it - those transparent zip bags can help, that's what i use for example.

I had the EXACT same problem for a version that I bought off from a NY store (jr.com), it was a t-mobile version, tried everything, just to return it after 8 hours of my purchase.
Looking again for buying another hd2.
EDIT: looking online for hours and hours in vain, I concluded that it was a hardware issue due to some versions of the hd2 as someone explained earlier here.

I reflowed the motherboard and the phone now works.
I think its official, the"Stick Together" screen is the new RROD / YLOD.

good to hear. my hd2 was broken in the same way as yours. fixed it the same way, works as good as new even now.
Well, at least you know what to do if it happens again


HD2 not booting...

Guys, I need a bit of advice please.
After an accidentally botched radio install (phone fell and disconnected from USB whilst flashing), my HD2 won't boot. It gets stuck on the multi-coloured 'initial screen' (for want of a better expression) with 'SPL-1.42.HPSL XE CotullaHSPL' on it.
I'm looking to do one of two things, either rescue it, or, PREFERABLY kill it completely so that the device does not even boot to that screen. I know that sounds like a strange preference, but that would be ideal for me. Have you got any suggestions at all guys?
If you want to send it back and get a new one, then you definetly have to remove HSPL. Get HSPL2 and try to flash 1.42.0000. If it works, your problem is solved! Simply take it to customer service, complain about it not booting all of a sudden and you`ll either get a new one or get yours fixed.
However... if you fail removing HSPL and have no other option available, try and microwave it, literally. Put it in a microwave oven until it refuses to boot, then take it back to customer service complaining about how it suddely stopped working.
Best of luck!
Quite LITERALLY put it in the microwave and turn the microwave on?? For how long? Won't it just 'melt' the innerds, or blow up?
Yep. I did this to mine in 10 second intervals. The first time nothing happened, it just got hot. The second time, the vibrations stopped working. The third time nothing. The fourth time the screen started to fail (but STILL booted into the bootloader). The fifth time it only booted with a white screen and I stopped, as I had acheived what I wanted and the screen was already pretty damaged.
Thanks, a very, er, interesting suggestion. However I want the phone to look the same, i.e undamaged! But be bricked. If it's not possible, then I'll have to try and rescue the poor thing .
Best decision you could take. Hope you succeed!
spireite_uk said:
Guys, I need a bit of advice please.
After an accidentally botched radio install (phone fell and disconnected from USB whilst flashing), my HD2 won't boot. It gets stuck on the multi-coloured 'initial screen' (for want of a better expression) with 'SPL-1.42.HPSL XE CotullaHSPL' on it.
I'm looking to do one of two things, either rescue it, or, PREFERABLY kill it completely so that the device does not even boot to that screen. I know that sounds like a strange preference, but that would be ideal for me. Have you got any suggestions at all guys?
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Does it show USB on the bootloader(multi-color) screen?
If it does you can flash a new radio/rom and maybe fix it ...
Or Flash from SDcard
I've managed to flash it to stock 1.43 from SD card, which appears to have also removed the HSPL. This is a win. However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
hspl, task29, remove hspl. you`ll get a white htc logo screen without the ability to enter bootloader.
However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
A friend (and yes - it was actually an friend and not me!) allegedly did this:
He took the socket from the end of an extension lead, put the plug into the mains socket and then VERY CARFULLY and very briefly touched the bare Live and Neutral wires onto the battery terminals in the phone.
240V into the circuit board apparently did the trick
**** Disclaimer ****
I think he was very silly to do this cos he could've hurt himself so please don't follow his example!
**** End Of Disclaimer ****
Hmm, yes, a method that doesn't involve microwaves or 240 volts would be preferable .
spireite_uk said:
I've managed to flash it to stock 1.43 from SD card, which appears to have also removed the HSPL. This is a win. However, I would still like to brick the phone so I can get a brand new replacement... I really could use a sure fire (but safe, and does not cause hw damage) brick method.
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This kind of talks (insurance fraud) is illegal.
Thread closed.

typical lifespan of hd2?

are there any risks to flashing my hd2 too often? and how long does they phone usually last before it breaks down from normal use?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
bbot3k said:
are there any risks to flashing my hd2 too often? and how long does they phone usually last before it breaks down from normal use?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I've flashed different WM6.5, Android, and WP7 roms probably over 100 times (not including all the radio flashes) and mine is running great with no issues. Everything works fine and I've had the phone for about a year. It's different for each individual unit but I wouldn't worry.
I've flashed mine at least hundred times with different OS-s (WM, WP7, Android SD, NAND...) and it's still 100% OK!
It's not how many times you flash it, It's how well you do the flash and how good the files are.
So if you read before you flash and you flash trusted files your device shall live for decades .
But if you always ignore the "Warnings" and flash untrusted files carelessly, your device may not see the day light of tomorrow .
-By trusted files I mean files compatible with your device and from a known developer
-By reading I mean reading thoroughly the entire post, and check the replies as well as they always contain first known issues .
- I remember a guy who has just bought his HD2, he wanted to install a custom ROM, he was told to upgrade his radio, after he did his device wouldn't boot. It turned out he flashed the incompatible radio for a Tmous .
The first thing I ever flashed was a custom 6.5 ROM on my Diamond about 2 years ago. I probably read like 20 threads and rechecked my files 10 times before I flashed the unlocker and the ROM. I've flashed custom firmware on many WM, android, and iphones since then and always read exactly what I need to do before I do it. You do see threads where someone flashed a CDMA hspl on a GSM device and vice versa or .51 radio on a tmousa HD2, or a froyo radio when not supposed to on an Evo or Incredible or something and brick their phones.
I think you'll be fine, just make sure you do the research and it's actually pretty easy not to do the stupid thing if you're paying attention.
orangekid said:
I've flashed different WM6.5, Android, and WP7 roms probably over 100 times (not including all the radio flashes) and mine is running great with no issues. Everything works fine and I've had the phone for about a year. It's different for each individual unit but I wouldn't worry.
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I don't think that NAND Android and WP7 count, since they're flashed through MagLoader ?
kawazaki said:
I don't think that NAND Android and WP7 count, since they're flashed through MagLoader ?
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true, you can only really brick by flashing a bad radio or bootloader.
Sorry for bringing this back up, I was about to make a new topic, but I figure lets keep it together.
Anyway arent there only so many writes that can be made to these chips? I mean, they were basically designed without this in mind. They knew for updates, but thats like twice a year, maybe 3 or 4 max. Not 100 times a month.
Please excuse me if I am wrong. But arent they basically like a SSD? Ive read they will last only so long because of the number of writes they limit then the cells die. Maybe we dont have cells, but still write times?
IDK, Im just not flashing as much as I used to, trying to keep it to a minimum. Havnt heard of anyone saying it wont flash anymore yet, so thats a good sign. Maybe the writes are in the millions?
Just some thoughts I had...
PS. I also noticed in one of my recovery.log files, it found bad blocks or sectors or something. Thats a bad sign of something...
theslam08 said:
Sorry for bringing this back up, I was about to make a new topic, but I figure lets keep it together.
Anyway arent there only so many writes that can be made to these chips? I mean, they were basically designed without this in mind. They knew for updates, but thats like twice a year, maybe 3 or 4 max. Not 100 times a month.
Please excuse me if I am wrong. But arent they basically like a SSD? Ive read they will last only so long because of the number of writes they limit then the cells die. Maybe we dont have cells, but still write times?
IDK, Im just not flashing as much as I used to, trying to keep it to a minimum. Havnt heard of anyone saying it wont flash anymore yet, so thats a good sign. Maybe the writes are in the millions?
Just some thoughts I had...
PS. I also noticed in one of my recovery.log files, it found bad blocks or sectors or something. Thats a bad sign of something...
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That discussion is ongoing since the flashing thing ever exists... at least, updating your ROM with software from HTC or your network operator is technically the same thing...
I have read several times that those memory chips can stand like 1000 flashing processes, but I have never ever flashed any device that many times. With my HD2, I am probably, like many others in this thread, at 100 different ROMs, including WP7 and Android, in the meantime.
when you actually flash your device, you simply write some nand memory blocks with some data. The same thing happens when you..let's say..install any app to the phone's memory. theslam08 is talking about the comparison between nand memory and ssd hard drives. Yes, they are the same thing in almost every aspect.
Because i happen to have studied nand flash chip datasheets from different manufacturers i can tell you some things. The internal memory of a phone is managed dynamically. Therefore, when you flash a rom, it will not be written on the exact same memory blocks as the one before. Different apps you install will also have different positions. Also, the flash controller chip (i believe it to be an atmega 32-64 microcontroller - for hd2) also makes sure that no individual block gets overwritten more often than other.
The only things that always have the same memory addresses on the chip itself are the steppingstone, ipl-spl chain and rom headers. If they are not in the exact same position the snapdragon chip cannot read them, it's hardwired to search for them in that exact spot. So if there were a real risk to flashing, these software parts would be most vulnerable. How much? Well, if i am to quote samsung and it's KS series nand chips (about 2007 generation, now things are better) each memory block should withstand about 100.000 write operations under normal conditions. Please take note that read operations doesn't count since they don't actually change the state of the memory block. This would signal that you can technically flash the ipl/spl (or hard spl) about 100.000 times.
About the rom itself, since it's not written on the exact physical block each time (the nand memory controller prevents this) it should be possible to reflash it, in theory, some million times. Actually the flash itself is a pretty basic file copy operation, the rom content is copied to the nand memory and then it is run from there. If you think flashing can damage the phone in time.. well think of the temporary processes involved when simply ..running the phone. Various temp files are written, other files are modified, apps are installed and create their own registry settings (if we talk about win mobile) those keys generate another write cycles, the temp files yet another write cycle and so on. By comparison, the actual flash operation generates fewer write cycles then.. let's say, about 10 phone soft resets or couple of days of normal - light usage.
Don't worry about that. About nand memory performance and write cycles.. another example.. i have a 8gb cf card onto a netbook motherboard. The cf (compact flash) card, is mounted as a hard drive and the OS - windows xp, boots form it and it's been run along with some applications. That's A LOT of write cycles. However even the cheapest 8gb card - the one being used, managed to withstand one year of usage in this pattern although consumer grade cf cards are NOT made to run OS's from them. Even now the card shows no damage/corrupt blocks/dead blocks.
I've been using windows mobile pda's/smartphones for some 12 years, servicing them for about 8 years and in the later times i've begun flashing by jtag or other low level ways. I haven't yet seen a device with dead memory blocks .. that have simply died out due to wear&tear. Yes, memory can become corrupted, you can develop bad sectors, but not because of normal usage. Usually you get them if you fail a flash process (disconnect the phone during flashing of sensitive portions of the rom) or as a byproduct of CPU/MCU failure or errors.
facdemol said:
when you actually flash your device, you simply write some nand memory blocks with some data. The same thing happens when you..let's say..install any app to the phone's memory. theslam08 is talking about the comparison between nand memory and ssd hard drives. Yes, they are the same thing in almost every aspect.
Because i happen to have studied nand flash chip datasheets from different manufacturers i can tell you some things. The internal memory of a phone is managed dynamically. Therefore, when you flash a rom, it will not be written on the exact same memory blocks as the one before. Different apps you install will also have different positions. Also, the flash controller chip (i believe it to be an atmega 32-64 microcontroller - for hd2) also makes sure that no individual block gets overwritten more often than other.
The only things that always have the same memory addresses on the chip itself are the steppingstone, ipl-spl chain and rom headers. If they are not in the exact same position the snapdragon chip cannot read them, it's hardwired to search for them in that exact spot. So if there were a real risk to flashing, these software parts would be most vulnerable. How much? Well, if i am to quote samsung and it's KS series nand chips (about 2007 generation, now things are better) each memory block should withstand about 100.000 write operations under normal conditions. Please take note that read operations doesn't count since they don't actually change the state of the memory block. This would signal that you can technically flash the ipl/spl (or hard spl) about 100.000 times.
About the rom itself, since it's not written on the exact physical block each time (the nand memory controller prevents this) it should be possible to reflash it, in theory, some million times. Actually the flash itself is a pretty basic file copy operation, the rom content is copied to the nand memory and then it is run from there. If you think flashing can damage the phone in time.. well think of the temporary processes involved when simply ..running the phone. Various temp files are written, other files are modified, apps are installed and create their own registry settings (if we talk about win mobile) those keys generate another write cycles, the temp files yet another write cycle and so on. By comparison, the actual flash operation generates fewer write cycles then.. let's say, about 10 phone soft resets or couple of days of normal - light usage.
Don't worry about that. About nand memory performance and write cycles.. another example.. i have a 8gb cf card onto a netbook motherboard. The cf (compact flash) card, is mounted as a hard drive and the OS - windows xp, boots form it and it's been run along with some applications. That's A LOT of write cycles. However even the cheapest 8gb card - the one being used, managed to withstand one year of usage in this pattern although consumer grade cf cards are NOT made to run OS's from them. Even now the card shows no damage/corrupt blocks/dead blocks.
I've been using windows mobile pda's/smartphones for some 12 years, servicing them for about 8 years and in the later times i've begun flashing by jtag or other low level ways. I haven't yet seen a device with dead memory blocks .. that have simply died out due to wear&tear. Yes, memory can become corrupted, you can develop bad sectors, but not because of normal usage. Usually you get them if you fail a flash process (disconnect the phone during flashing of sensitive portions of the rom) or as a byproduct of CPU/MCU failure or errors.
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Thanks for enlighten us
I have some bad blocks in my HD2, I always think that it is due to my excessive flashing habit. I flash almost roms avaiilable since I join xda
Now, it taken its toll. SOme nand android roms fails to flash and boot due to this bad blocks.
However, I still can flash wm 6.5 and runing SD Android without any problems
silverwind said:
Thanks for enlighten us
I have some bad blocks in my HD2, I always think that it is due to my excessive flashing habit. I flash almost roms avaiilable since I join xda
Now, it taken its toll. SOme nand android roms fails to flash and boot due to this bad blocks.
However, I still can flash wm 6.5 and runing SD Android without any problems
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Well afaik, those bad blocks should be re-mapped so that they are not used when flashing roms.
Well thank you for that facdemol!
Its basically like I understood, just didnt really think the actual operation were the same for this chip and ssd. But thats cool, so it should be okay for a long time then .
As for the bad blocks, is there a way to 'chkdsk' on the nand? Do a clean up of the bad blocks or once bad they are always bad? Id like to clean those up. And no, I have never crashed a flash half way, ive only recently had some boot loops, thinking the bad blocks arent helping...
normally, the nand memory controller deploys error correction algorithms. On top of that, a technology similar to SMART (for hard disks) is used to both level out the wear of each particular memory cell and also to remove broken ones (either the ones that fail over time due to various reasons or due to manufacture errors). The MCU (microcontroller) also has a small internal memory used to keep a track on the situation of the memory blocks inside the nand chip. If for whatever reasons, some of them fail, the MCU will log this inside it's memory and also mark those sectors as "bad" thus preventing any write to them. At this stage the user won't see any problems with the NAND, yet. Once the MCU memory is full, further nand memory sectors that die out, won't be recorded and managed, therefore will appear as visible. In contrast with hard disks, were you can actually isolate those sectors and prevent them from being written, phone's don't do this, or more precisely their OS's don't support this feature. So, when you flash a phone with bad memory blocks, data will be written there but it won't be read at the next restart. So comes occasional restarts or freezes. If you're "lucky" you can get a bad memory block in the area where the ipl/spl resides. This is an end game scenario, since the ipl can't be "moved" around the nand memory.
You cannot effectively map the broken sectors of a nand memory once the mcu unit's memory is full. Those are here to stay. The only way i know involves jtag and some really fancy software tools that load a small program intro the phone's ram memory. That program runs from there and allows for a full nand memory checkup.
you probably have more chance of the god damn crappy micro usb or touchscreen breaking first
Yeah, I charge my HD2 multiple times in a day because I use it so much.
Wonder how long my phone will last. Got it brand new a couple of months ago
ive had my hd2 since it came out in nov09 and its been charged every single night bar probably about 2 weeks worth of time, and never had an issue with anything going wrong
silverwind said:
Thanks for enlighten us
I have some bad blocks in my HD2, I always think that it is due to my excessive flashing habit. I flash almost roms avaiilable since I join xda
Now, it taken its toll. SOme nand android roms fails to flash and boot due to this bad blocks.
However, I still can flash wm 6.5 and runing SD Android without any problems
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hey, I have a HD2 with bad memory NAND blocks and know my HD2 will not boot up but do you have any suggestions because i really do like the phone but it just won't boot?
kawazaki said:
It's not how many times you flash it, It's how well you do the flash and how good the files are.
So if you read before you flash and you flash trusted files your device shall live for decades .
But if you always ignore the "Warnings" and flash untrusted files carelessly, your device may not see the day light of tomorrow .
-By trusted files I mean files compatible with your device and from a known developer
-By reading I mean reading thoroughly the entire post, and check the replies as well as they always contain first known issues .
- I remember a guy who has just bought his HD2, he wanted to install a custom ROM, he was told to upgrade his radio, after he did his device wouldn't boot. It turned out he flashed the incompatible radio for a Tmous .
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Is there anything you can do for that because i think i did that to my HD2 if you plz message me back because my HD2 wont boot and i really do need this phone so if you can help plz do?
If your getting bad blocks and its giving you headaches and you have zero issues with the ipl/spl then just switch to SD android builds
they might work a tiny bit slower but at least you can still use the phone happily.
My phones almost a year old now, but i did not use it for nearly 4 months coz I got a desire. Sold that on ebay and gone back to the HD2 when magldr came out. I go by 2 simple rules...
Dont flash the radio/spl if you have no bloody reason to. there's only 1 good radio and that's the normal 2.15 HSPL. the fact that those NAND blocks are so critical means dont touch unless its majorly important to do so.
Secondly, make sure you dont let any rogue processes in android go into a massive file write fit of frenzy, and disable logging in apps that log allot to internal NAND or change it to log to the SD Card.
More often your touch input will fail, or those buttons will fail.
Dont worry about abusing the daylight out of the battery, its worth $1 and can be replaced anytime, but don't abuse that precious usb port.... treat it well and blow some air into it once in a while.
1 more tip, dont use car chargers they dont filter well and the last thing you need is a high voltage surge going into the phone, instead what i did is buy a sinewave invertor and then run an ac charger from that and i get the added benefit of sometimes bring a power board and can run the kids dvd player indefinetly and charge other phones... laptops.... GPS Navman.

Weird problems

So I've had my T-mobile HD2 for about 2 months now and for the past month or so it's been showing some very weird problems.
The thing is, it sometimes gets stuck (android and stock wm6.5) and the only way to get it working is to remove the battery for about 5 minutes after which it'll just boot and maybe get stuck at GO GO GO (magldr) or if I am lucky it'll load right into Android and then get stuck on the lockscreen.
The problem does seem to be less intensive on wm6.5 (not certain though). I didn't have much usage on WP7 as I don't have a compatible sd card (16gb sandisk)
When it's 'stuck' it sometimes begins to warm up as well. There have been a couple times where it just rebooted and then vibrated 3-5 times.
To my record I have never dropped the phone and there is no water damage either.
I suspect the SIM, as it does seem to exacerbate when the sim is inside, or maybe the NAND storage is corrupt.. can that happen if i used task29 too many times?
Radio: (2.12 seems to be slightly more stable)
HSPL 2.08
Tried many different Android builds (non-sense are slightly more stable) NAND and SD builds.. although SD cards don't have these problems as much
Please help.
sending it back for warranty isn't an option as I am not in the US at the moment, so whatever fix there is I'll have to bear the cost.
hayyaan said:
So I've had my T-mobile HD2 for about 2 months now and for the past month or so it's been showing some very weird problems.
The thing is, it sometimes gets stuck (android and stock wm6.5) and the only way to get it working is to remove the battery for about 5 minutes after which it'll just boot and maybe get stuck at GO GO GO (magldr) or if I am lucky it'll load right into Android and then get stuck on the lockscreen.
The problem does seem to be less intensive on wm6.5 (not certain though). I didn't have much usage on WP7 as I don't have a compatible sd card (16gb sandisk)
When it's 'stuck' it sometimes begins to warm up as well. There have been a couple times where it just rebooted and then vibrated 3-5 times.
To my record I have never dropped the phone and there is no water damage either.
I suspect the SIM, as it does seem to exacerbate when the sim is inside, or maybe the NAND storage is corrupt.. can that happen if i used task29 too many times?
Radio: (2.12 seems to be slightly more stable)
HSPL 2.08
Tried many different Android builds (non-sense are slightly more stable) NAND and SD builds.. although SD cards don't have these problems as much
Please help.
sending it back for warranty isn't an option as I am not in the US at the moment, so whatever fix there is I'll have to bear the cost.
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Sorry to have to say, but it sounds like a heat issue, which means the motherboard is failing. Have you tried a hard reset?
What exactly do you mean by hard reset?
I've put it to stock, yes.
any idea where I can get a motherboard? shipped internationally? approximate cost?
hayyaan said:
What exactly do you mean by hard reset?
I've put it to stock, yes.
any idea where I can get a motherboard? shipped internationally? approximate cost?
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Hard reset, turn phone off, hold volume buttons up and down and keep holding them and press power button and a screen will come up asking you if you wanna hard rest the device, just follow instructions, and motherboard, HTC as far as I no, and thats about it unless you buy another phone that is for spares and repairs mate,
hayyaan said:
What exactly do you mean by hard reset?
I've put it to stock, yes.
any idea where I can get a motherboard? shipped internationally? approximate cost?
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You are having a thermal break down issue. Go to the li.k below and eaxthis thread it is very informative, the 3 vibrations are a warning from your HD2 that it is having a CPU issue, read the thread it will explain.
You can go to eBay and find main boards for the HD2 or you can buy one directly from HTC. I advice not o buy a HD2 that is broken and being sold for parts as you need the main board and usually the main board is shot in the phones being sold for parts and even one that has a faulty USB port is no good for you as the USB port is part of the main board, although if you are skilled you can fix it, like I said though you have to be skilled. Now if you can find one that just has a badly cracked Efren or faulty digitizer then you would be able to use the main board but anyway you go you are taking a chance to buy a broken HD2 for parts as you never know if the seller is owing about why the phone does not work. Not to mention you might get a HD2 that is bricked and you would have to use a JTAG on the main board to make it usable. I would buy a new replacement main board from eBay or straight from HTC.
About how long does it take to have heat issues? If you leave it on constantly, this will lead to a faster break down right?
also, do check the battery pins...they might be misaligned. misaligned battery pins are known to cause sporadic reboots and instabilities.
hayyaan said:
I suspect the SIM, as it does seem to exacerbate when the sim is inside, or maybe the NAND storage is corrupt.. can that happen if i used task29 too many times?
Radio: (2.12 seems to be slightly more stable)
HSPL 2.08
Tried many different Android builds (non-sense are slightly more stable) NAND and SD builds.. although SD cards don't have these problems as much
Please help.
sending it back for warranty isn't an option as I am not in the US at the moment, so whatever fix there is I'll have to bear the cost.
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when did you format your SD Card for the last time? The behaviour of your phone sounds IMO like a dysfuntioning SD Card, which might be logical after trying different Android build.
Take your SD card out of your device - insert in, via card holder, into PC - right click in after starting My Computer and choose format SD Card (slow method) - backup you card to PC before formatting. After PC format has ended (which make take a while depending on amount of Gb's, reinsert Card into device and use SD Card formatting tool for format it again and make it ready for device. Reinsert into PC and backup the old data again and reisnsert into device. After that SR device and see if the problem has disappeared.
regards, Kuzibri

[Q] Freezing, rebooting and boot failing

Recently my HD2 starter to reboot often i didn't pay much attention at the time because the occasional reboot wasn't something new, however the reboots started occurring more often and eventually my phone started freezing, rebooting and boot failing ( freezes at the 123456 gogogo or when i try to load CWM, or at any point in the boot animation). So far i tried different roms but it didn't seem to matter, i tried Task 29, wiping caches, formatted SD card several times in different ways. Eventually i reverted back to stock rom and reflashed everything all over again but that also didn't work. Also my phone get's a little warm and if i leave it powered off for 5 minutes it usually boots on the first try. Is it possible that the phone is overheating and that is causing the problems, or is it something else?
I'm using the 576MB, MAGLDR 1.13, HSPL 2.08, CWM, Radio is
Your symptoms seem to be that of a CPU heating problem. There is a layer of heat conducting paste at the back (bottom-right, inside the phone) that might wear off with time causing improper heat dissipation causing the CPU to hang or reboot. If you know how to, open the back cover (not the battery cover, the phones back side) and apply a layer of heat conducting paste (should be available in most computer hardware stores, also comes with new Intel CPUs) on the part of the mainboard covered with a metal cover - lookup images or videos of how to open the phone and you'll understand all that I am saying.
Hopefully this would solve the problem. If it did not, you are in deeper trouble - time to look for a replacement for your ol' HD2.
ph03n!x said:
Your symptoms seem to be that of a CPU heating problem. There is a layer of heat conducting paste at the back (bottom-right, inside the phone) that might wear off with time causing improper heat dissipation causing the CPU to hang or reboot. If you know how to, open the back cover (not the battery cover, the phones back side) and apply a layer of heat conducting paste (should be available in most computer hardware stores, also comes with new Intel CPUs) on the part of the mainboard covered with a metal cover - lookup images or videos of how to open the phone and you'll understand all that I am saying.
Hopefully this would solve the problem. If it did not, you are in deeper trouble - time to look for a replacement for your ol' HD2.
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Thank you! I will try, and if it doesn't work One X is coming soon
This may help in disassembling and reassembling the HD2:
I don't know where to post this, because i'm a new user and am not allowed to post this to the ROM-Thread (NDT MIUI 2.3.7 DEVELOPMENT V48.0|STABLE V6.0).
I have the stable Version of this ROM and had the problem that the device rebooted several times without any reason. And there was another problem: I never received SMS.
One time a friend called me 3 minutes after the device rebooted and told me he send me a sms minutes ago.
I tried some things and noticed, that it freezes and reboots everytime i received an SMS (the sender gets an receiving receipt but i never get that sms).
The Solution is:
Deinstall Avast Free Antivirus, including the Anti-Theft (Anti-Theft is listes as an extra app, first you need to disable AntiTheft's Root-Rights if you set it), you can then de-install it via Superuser.
Now it works
Everytime I charge my HD2 while driving and open some navigation program, it freeze
Sometimes I listen to the music and turn on 3G, the phone freezes
When I play jewels star more than 30 mins, it hangs
Not every case the bottom right of HD2 is so hot, but most of the time yes.
Thanks ph03n!x, I'll try to make CPU cooler to see if this problem solved.

Phone stuck in update mode after mmc error

This morning, I got the dreaded mmc error for the first time on my Note 4 after the phone was unresponsive and I rebooted it. After a few minutes, I pulled the battery, replaced it, and left the phone off for the day. This evening, I tried to boot it again to backup data, and now it always goes straight into recovery mode with the message, "Installing system update...". Of course, there are no more system updates for the phone. Using the recovery button combination does the same thing. How can I try to boot normally again? I can go into download mode fine, so maybe I should try flashing the stock ROM with Odin/Heimdall? I'm afraid of wiping my data though, would that do it? Anything else I should try? Thanks!
maybe this
I saw that video, but I'd rather try something else first before I resort to taking apart my phone. Is there a way to flash the stock recovery without wiping the data?
Ezzelin said:
I saw that video, but I'd rather try something else first before I resort to taking apart my phone. Is there a way to flash the stock recovery without wiping the data?
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If you just want to get out of the mmc loop, remove the battery when it gets stuck. If that doesn't work. Remove the battery, put phone in freezer for 20 minutes and retry.
But once you have this error show, there is no non-hardware fix that works permanently. Wake Lock apps will prolong the inevitable, but it comes down to a crappy chip connection of the Emmc chip.
Samsung used to replace mobos under warranty --- but even that didn't fix the problem.
The best theory about the problem I've heard is that in 2014 Samsung (and other manufacturers) made the move from using lead-based solder to lead-free (all tin) solders, which -- over time -- resulted in connection faults. I have other non-Samsung gear from the same era of manufacturing that exhibits similar mysterious ailments that were solved by addressing physical connections inside the machines.
That video -- the one where you stick a piece of cardboard (or better, metal foil) between the casing and the Emmc chip's location on the board is the only thing I've found that actually works. I first (skeptically) tried it on a phone that would only boot or return from a screen off, after a freezer session and that had been tossed in the junk drawer for months.
If you get nowhere else with suggested software fixes (and I didn't go the root route -- too many variables and maintenance/compatibility issues) I'd recommend considering giving that video a shot. It's not as tricky as it sounds -- but pay attention to the thickness. I made the first tries too thick and the digitizer connection didn't 'click' when reassembling.
Now I'm trying to solve another Samsung phone problem: SD card corruption.
There's a lesson -- and incidentally, several class-action lawsuits -- to be learned from the Samsung Note Emmc chip issue. Many Note lovers didn't move to Note 5's and above because they wanted to hang onto the replaceable battery and external SD option. Samsung, like everyone else, is following the path blazed by Apple to try and make user-based maintenance/upgrading/repair and third-party repairs a thing of the non-profitable past. And this aint right. Designing obsolescence serves the shareholders, only to a point, at a real hit to brand trust equity.
I think we're rapidly approaching that point out here.
I tried the freezer trick, but it still does the same thing. I'm not even getting to the point where the mmc error happens, because it goes straight into the system update mode. I've never been able to boot it since the initial error.

