Delete WebTop Partition - Atrix 4G General

Hi, I'm rocking the latest CM7 nightly, which doesn't support WebTop, so I have a 1GB+ partition just taking up space of my precious storage (which is very limited since I only have a 2GB SD card for now). I just read this article, could this be used to get rid of the webtop partition (and possibly shrink the /data as well)?

Sent from my MB860 using XDA

nm, was thinking erase and not deleting the partition.

CaelanT said:
nm, was thinking erase and not deleting the partition.
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Yeah, I saw it in the update email, lol

even deleting the partition, the memory of it won't be relocated to anywhere else, DONT DO THAT IF YOU ARENT A DEVELOPER WHO KNOWS WHAT IS DOING! =)
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

You need to be able to edit the partition tables somehow, deleting the webtop partition and expanding the sdcard partition. Not sure how we can get a utility on the phone to do it. Id imagine it would be best to do it from a recovery so you wouldn't be using the internal storage partition while trying to do it. I don't think any simple and easy solution exists for this.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

I'm not a dev, but I'm quite knoelegable in general stuff (like partition maps, filesystems, etc) and a fast learner. That said, your right on that I probably shouldn't just go out and try it, and since I don't want to lose my little baby to a hardbrick, I was never planning on trying anything out. I posted the link to see if anyone had tried that method on an Atrix, or if someone knoelegable (or with a bunch of high end smartphones lying around) could try. I also must admit I haven't really read the thread & post linked in the article: I have a very busy week and this isn't something to do in a rush.

I'm also interested in this. I'll be following this thread to see if a solution comes up.

Silly suggestion: how about taking the card out and hooking it up with a proper PC. Copy the contents out of it to a temporary location. Then reformat the card to the full capacity and then re-copy all the items back in after. Reformat may have some issues if you are using Windows to try and rid of the EXT partition, but there are plenty of Partitioning programs out there that will kill it (including the native command prompt one called Diskpart).

bchliu said:
Silly suggestion: how about taking the card out and hooking it up with a proper PC. Copy the contents out of it to a temporary location. Then reformat the card to the full capacity and then re-copy all the items back in after. Reformat may have some issues if you are using Windows to try and rid of the EXT partition, but there are plenty of Partitioning programs out there that will kill it (including the native command prompt one called Diskpart).
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We are talking about the internal storage (which is not removable as far as I know), not the MicroSD card.

adriangb said:
We are talking about the internal storage (which is not removable as far as I know), not the MicroSD card.
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The OP: "Hi, I'm rocking the latest CM7 nightly, which doesn't support WebTop, so I have a 1GB+ partition just taking up space of my precious storage (which is very limited since I only have a 2GB SD card for now). I just read this article, could this be used to get rid of the webtop partition (and possibly shrink the /data as well)?"
Notice the SD card comment..

bchliu said:
The OP: "Hi, I'm rocking the latest CM7 nightly, which doesn't support WebTop, so I have a 1GB+ partition just taking up space of my precious storage (which is very limited since I only have a 2GB SD card for now). I just read this article, could this be used to get rid of the webtop partition (and possibly shrink the /data as well)?"
Notice the SD card comment..
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Yes, but the webtop partition is on internal storage (unless you are using webtop2sd).
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

bchliu said:
The OP: "Hi, I'm rocking the latest CM7 nightly, which doesn't support WebTop, so I have a 1GB+ partition just taking up space of my precious storage (which is very limited since I only have a 2GB SD card for now). I just read this article, could this be used to get rid of the webtop partition (and possibly shrink the /data as well)?"
Notice the SD card comment..
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That was only to point out a possible reason for which I would want to do this, since I probably wouldn't care too much about 1GB of internal storage if I had a 32GB SD card.

U can format the partition by fastboot erase webtop command but other then that u cant use that space for other purposes and as far as i can tell there are certain number of partitions in atrix system (ever one is for some specific thing).
SO my suggestion is DO not completely delete the partition insted make it so small (as small as possible) and reallocate all of the free space to system partition (where user and preinstalled apps are installed. this way no natural order of flashing and backup will be disturbed and we will get extra space for applications and stuff.
Possible problems (unable to flash SBF through RSDlite) {Who flash thins via RDS now any ways ?}
if flashed rom with webtop (bluer bassed ROMs) then there is strong possibility that webtop partition so small unable to flash webtop causing aborted flasing process.

xateeq said:
U can format the partition by fastboot erase webtop command but other then that u cant use that space for other purposes and as far as i can tell there are certain number of partitions in atrix system (ever one is for some specific thing).
SO my suggestion is DO not completely delete the partition insted make it so small (as small as possible) and reallocate all of the free space to system partition (where user and preinstalled apps are installed. this way no natural order of flashing and backup will be disturbed and we will get extra space for applications and stuff.
Possible problems (unable to flash SBF through RSDlite) {Who flash thins via RDS now any ways ?}
if flashed rom with webtop (bluer bassed ROMs) then there is strong possibility that webtop partition so small unable to flash webtop causing aborted flasing process.
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True, I hadn't thought of that. CWM flashs could probably work fine, or be modified to do so, but sbf I don't know, and sbf is useful to recover from a softbrick (I had to do so once, I don't remember th exact circumstance thou).
Some dev who knoes what he is doing would have to check this and see if there is a possible workaround (like the one you gave).
Sent from my MB860

in soft brick u can access fastboot so no need to flash SBF just flash recover and from it mount storage as a mass storage on pc and copy rom and flash. i do it all the times.
last time i used rsd was to flash unlock bootloader sbf.

xateeq said:
in soft brick u can access fastboot so no need to flash SBF just flash recover and from it mount storage as a mass storage on pc and copy rom and flash. i do it all the times.
last time i used rsd was to flash unlock bootloader sbf.
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Yeah, I know, I don't remember what tje exact circumstance was, but maybe I just had the sbf laying around, it's irrelevant to the thread anyways (as is this post). I was just trying to point out that it's just better if we can keep the sbf fladhing capibility, even if it's only to be able to return it under warranty (althou I'm pretty sure you can also flash stock ROMs under CWM, granted someone made a zip out of it).

Maybe there is a way of tricking the phone into thinking the webtop partition is an sd card after it's re-formatted. Like formatting it into a fat32 partition and have some command to mount it.

i will never use webtop, its just some space useless to me =[

i have found a purfect solution to webtop extras space problem.
Every thing els dont have to change, give developers some time they will find some webtop replacement and we r gona love it.


(Q) wich lagfix we can use?

now i m confused.. wich lagfix is better? in quadrant all the fix do then the 2000...
Your choice. Do you want to repartition the sd card and fiddle in cmd, or just double click a file?
The problem with the first fix is that you cant replace the card any time you want. The problem with the second fix is that if you dont have 1gb free on the phone, it wont work
Second one looks like a much better deal.
If you don't have 500mb free on your internal SC card (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's 1gb), you can always move all your personal stuff in the external SD card.
Unless of course you have filled it up with apps only (with no app2sd with Eclair), but how you would have managed to fill almost 2gb of apps is beyond me. That'd be more than 2000 apps.
What I don't know though is the long term effects. I have no idea if the fixes that are made are bad for the internal SD card. I guess you have to trust Ryan.
Davith said:
Second one looks like a much better deal.
If you don't have 500mb free on your internal SC card (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's 1gb), you can always move all your personal stuff in the external SD card.
Unless of course you have filled it up with apps only (with no app2sd with Eclair), but how you would have managed to fill almost 2gb of apps is beyond me. That'd be more than 2000 apps.
What I don't know though is the long term effects. I have no idea if the fixes that are made are bad for the internal SD card. I guess you have to trust Ryan.
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what do you mean about second choise lagfix 2.0??
2.0 caused my phone to be unstable so I re-flashed and went back to the first (1GB) fix.
Are you considering mimocam's fix (using the external card) or just between Ryan and Chanfire's fixes?
rock187 said:
what do you mean about second choise lagfix 2.0??
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Yeah, I was talking about Ryan's Lagfix 2.3. (it's not 2.0 anymore).
I don't use either. I recommend the original fix that moves data to dbdata. I have over 70 apps installed and still plenty of space left. Using autokiller to keep free memory at 70 meg I have no lag. Currently on jm5.
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I first did it by command line with the 1Gb partition. That ran well. I then updated to Ryans 2.2 which I have been using all day. It also runs really well. Lag pretty much gone.
If i apply the one-click-LagFix it makes an virtual ext2 partition to my internal sd-card. So if i choose sometime later to undo the fix how can i delete the ext2 partition in my internal sd-card? Will it be necessary to use gparted or similar?
Bajo76 said:
If i apply the one-click-LagFix it makes an virtual ext2 partition to my internal sd-card. So if i choose sometime later to undo the fix how can i delete the ext2 partition in my internal sd-card? Will it be necessary to use gparted or similar?
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Just run the included unlagfixme.bat file. It's automated. But make sure you are running the unlagfixme for the correct version (2-2 or 2-3)
It works fine. I ran unlagfixme and flashed back to a stock ROM, tested with Quadrant and got the 900 something score again, so it does remove the lagfix.
I will note, however, that it's a very good idea to run the unlagfixme.bat before flashing to a different ROM.
kgk888 said:
Just run the included unlagfixme.bat file. It's automated. But make sure you are running the unlagfixme for the correct version (2-2 or 2-3)
It works fine. I ran unlagfixme and flashed back to a stock ROM, tested with Quadrant and got the 900 something score again, so it does remove the lagfix.
I will note, however, that it's a very good idea to run the unlagfixme.bat before flashing to a different ROM.
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If you are flashing to any rom using odin3, there is no need to do the unlagfix at all, because the flashing would have overwritten any changes that you have made to the file system.
I often flashed my device alredy with repartition but it didnt touched my internal sd, cause my photos which are stored in the internal sd were still there after flashing. So will a firmware-flash through odin really delete the virtual ext2 partition?
Bajo76 said:
If i apply the one-click-LagFix it makes an virtual ext2 partition to my internal sd-card. So if i choose sometime later to undo the fix how can i delete the ext2 partition in my internal sd-card? Will it be necessary to use gparted or similar?
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The LagFix does not partition your internal card. A 1gb file is created upon which the ext2 filesystem is made. Then this file is mounted as a loopback device. So the UnLagFix basically moves the data back to the native internal storage directories and deletes the ext2 file, so no need to use gparted

[Q] Partitioning Question

I have a question that is more android-in-general than Nook specific. I am trying this out on my Nook first, as it is an unbrickable device, before tinkering with my target device (a phone). My phone also does not have Clockworkmod recovery support, so a bricked device would be fatal.
I am attempting to increase the memory available for installed apps. My phone has limited space, but a bunch of pre-installed junk that I thought I might be able to get rid of in order to make more space for more apps. Knowing that simply deleting these pre-installed apps from the /system folder does really nothing, I set about making and editing an image file from the /system partition, then reflashing this image back to phone. As I am trying this on the Nook first, here is what I did:
1. Adb into the Nook and dd the system partition to a system.img file on the sd card.
2. Copy the system.img file to my desktop and mount the image.
3. Edit the image, removing the LiveWallpapers.apk file (a hefty ~3M file), then save the result back out as a new system.img.
4. Copy the new system.img to the sd card, then adb back into the Nook and dd the system.img from the sd card back to the system partition.
Everything appeared to work fine. The Nook boots, runs fine, and the LiveWallpapers.apk file is nowhere to be seen. Problem is, there is no difference in the available memory on the device.
In retrospect, I suppose I should not have expected there to be a difference. I am under the impression that the system partition is a read-only partition, and that extra space on this partition is not available for installation of apps. I am guessing that in order to increase the memory available, I would need to resize the data partition.
So, ultimately, my question is whether or not this is correct. Do I need to resize the data partition in order to actually get more memory available for apps, or is there an easier way? If I would need to resize the partition, how would I go about doing this, and would I need to take this extra space away from the system partition (the extra memory would need to come from somewhere, I imagine). I would envision removing bloatware from the system partition, shrinking that partition as I would no longer need that much space, and giving that extra memory to the data partition. Bear in mind that I need to do all of this through adb as I will not have Clockworkmod recovery on my target device.
Alternatively, I could be out my gourd and none of this makes any sense. Feel free to let me know if this is the case.
You've got it right.
The Nook emmc has partitions for boot, rom, system, data, and media. Originally data was 1g and media (/emmc under CM7) was 5g, newer models have reversed this. Data is where apps and their data go.
There are threads here about repartitioning newer Nooks with lots of good discussion. It sounds like you are capable (or want to be capable) of creating a custom partition scheme; there's enough info there for you to do that.
Experimenting with an 8g SD card might be a good place to get familiar with the tools. The "size-agnostic" installer will use a pre-partitioned SD if it finds one IIRC.
Good luck!
Sent from my NookColor using xda premium
xdajunkman said:
I have a question that is more android-in-general than Nook specific. I am trying this out on my Nook first, as it is an unbrickable device, before tinkering with my target device (a phone). My phone also does not have Clockworkmod recovery support, so a bricked device would be fatal.
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I just wanted to re-iterate the importance of what you said here.
I have sent several people off to buy Nook Colors who were interested in developing for android, for this very reason.
Nothing else you can get your hands on ( to my knowledge ) is as safe of a dev-tool as the Nook Color, because of the first boot to sd-card.
It doesn't matter what you do to it, at the end of the day you'll have a working device unless you throw it down the stairs or something.
Bonus points for running an sd-install directly, because when you hose it you just reflash a new microsd card.
Can't reformat the card because windows only reads the boot partition? No problem - if you still have your Nook Color with it's stock software just boot it up and pop the microsd card in. The B & N software in the Nook Color will just format the card, without a care in the world for any existing partition schemes or whatnot.
You're on the right track for what you're trying to do, as the previous poster has pointed out, so just wanted to give you another vote of confidence letting you know you're doing all the right things for all the right reasons.
Thanks for the replies!
You know, I actually did the repartition of my Nook using the CWR zip file. I hadn't thought to go look through the original thread for the manual instructions. As you pointed out, I found the directions here:
The only problem is that his instructions require that you boot from the SD card in order to manipulate your interal memory. This is fine and good on the Nook, but not possible with my phone. Any idea what would happen if I tried to repartition the internal memory while booting from the internal memory? Seems that this would not be possible....or at least wrought with peril. I think that my phone can boot into a fastboot mode, but have not tried that...anyone know if this would help?
Perhaps I am just playing with fire here and need to settle for cramped memory space on my phone. I am just too accustomed to my 5GB of available app space on my Nook.
Thanks again.
Well, after some more Googling, I think I might abandon the repartitioning bit. I think I am likely to brick my phone, even though I think I could do it manually on the Nook. In addition, it appears that many phones are set up so that the kernel resets the internal memory partitioning on I might also need to mess with the kernel to get this to stick. This is beyond my skill set and really not worth my turning my phone into a paperweight.
I thought of a bit of a workaround, however. As I can extract and edit the image of the system partition, I will simply install the apps that I will eventually want on my phone on my Nook instead, extract the apk's from the Nook, then insert them into the system image file from my phone. Reflashing the system image then puts these apps into the system partition instead of the data partition, effectively saving me hoards of space on my data partition. A bit laborious, but for several core apps that I know I will want and that are memory hogs, I think it will be worth it.
Anyone see any problem with this approach?

ICS Device Encryption and SDCARD Impact

Damnit.. My company required encryption of the data on my Nexus S when I was testing ICS Beta with Email / Exchange.
Went ahead and encrypted the device.
Then, I wanted to install ICS Combo Beta 11, so I formatted /system /data /boot and tried to install from /sdcard/*.zip.
No luck.
Clockworkmod recovery cannot mount /sdcard anymore.
Wanted to try and format it, but the clockworkmod tries to mount it first, before formatting
I'm stuck with only recovery now and no way to get the update package installed
Is there a way to install from zip via the command line?
You should be able to use fastboot to load the rom on your device. I haven't tried it this way before but it should work:
fastboot update [-w if you want to erase data too]
Give it a spin.
The SDCard not being able to be mounted has been covered a few times but I can't recall the proper fix by heart - search around and you'll definitely get some results that can help you with that.
Sounds like it's busted.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Can you still enable USB Mass Storage in recovery? Try reformat the SD from your desktop?
Si_NZ said:
Can you still enable USB Mass Storage in recovery? Try reformat the SD from your desktop?
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Thought about that, but what filesystem? FAT32?
I had the same problem with one of the first ICS betas.
Formatting to FAT32 on my Mac was not enough, I had also to reformat under Android. Hope, you backed up your data
dr911 said:
I had the same problem with one of the first ICS betas.
Formatting to FAT32 on my Mac was not enough, I had also to reformat under Android. Hope, you backed up your data
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Definately backed up..
This was a real scare.. I couldn't mount or format from clockworkmodrecovery. All I had was the adb shell and the builtin /sbin commands.
LUCKILY I found this article;
It didn't exactly match what I was experiencing, but the key was the parted program.
Using it, I was able to reformat my media (partition 3) and am now able to repush things to it.
Stupid sdcard encryption..
Reinstalling ICS Beta 11 now
Blood pressure slowly decreasing.. damn that was a nightmare
So some lessons learned;
DON'T try to partition your SDCARD from clockworkmod or Windows or Mac. The USB storage presented to your computer is a single partiton from you mmcblk0 sd storage. If you partition it, you've got a partition inside a partition which will only make sense to your windows/mac system. Inside of Android, the partition is essentially corrupted and it won't mount.
Formatting from Windows only makes it appear to be working.. in reality you've created a second partition and it's corrupted from the Android point of view.
parted is the only way to fix it. from parted do mkfs type fat32 partiton 3 (media) that will reformat the partition correctly and give you access from Android and external USB hosts.
That's weird...
People have been able to format the SD as ext4 on a desktop using Ubuntu for example. I don't understand how that is different to mkfs.ext4 vs mkfs.vfat. I mean why am I confined to formatting on the phone itself? I'm really confused now.
On a side note. What you experienced is totally expected if you think about it carefully. It's like you have just lost the key to open your SD content by wiping the phone, of course it can no longer be mounted. But I'm not sure why it cannot be simply formatted in CWM.
nauckwj said:
Formatting from Windows only makes it appear to be working.. in reality you've created a second partition and it's corrupted from the Android point of view.
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That means, I should check my SD Card, which I formatted under OSX with Disk Utility?
Maybe I'll do it next time I flash a new ROM, because for now it works fine.
nauckwj said:
Blood pressure slowly decreasing.. damn that was a nightmare
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Yeah, I had a similar situation a few weeks after I got my beloved NS when I tried Whispercore. The hole NS got encrypted and formatting the system partition in CWM didn't work, but what I read it was luckily due to a problem with the CWM version. Flashing a newer Version of CWM solved the problem. First I was dying!
So, when I encrypted with ICS and got this problem I calmed down much faster
Si_NZ said:
That's weird...
People have been able to format the SD as ext4 on a desktop using Ubuntu for example. I don't understand how that is different to mkfs.ext4 vs mkfs.vfat. I mean why am I confined to formatting on the phone itself? I'm really confused now.
On a side note. What you experienced is totally expected if you think about it carefully. It's like you have just lost the key to open your SD content by wiping the phone, of course it can no longer be mounted. But I'm not sure why it cannot be simply formatted in CWM.
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My problem was I used the Windows fdisk partitioning utility to repartition my /sdcard partition. That was part of the problem. I did also read how some people were repartitioning the /sdcard partition, which is kind of weird. I can understand why someone might want to reformat it as an ext4 filesystem, but why would you want to partition a partition?
The /sdcard partition is actually the third partition on your mmcblk0 device. If you partition it, most utilities will fail to recognize it as a valid media device anymore, because they expect to be able to read the filesystem data structures when they mount it. These won't exist if a partition table is sitting at the beginning of the blocks.
I couldn't reformat from within CWM because it first tries to mount the partition. if it fails to mount, CWM won't reformat it. Only way to reformat it was with parted, unless you have a working system installation.
Last night I was also able to reformat it from within ICS. Had to do a full factory-wipe from within ICS, then it indicated the sdcard was no longer valid and asked me if I wanted to reformat it. Once I said yes, all was back to normal.
Fun fun

[Q] Different partition sizes in CM7 SD installer

Hi. Did my usual +3 hours googling but came empty handed.
Could size-agnostic CM7 SD installer script be modified so that /Data partition is set to 2Gb instead of 1Gb? I know that I can always do the "move to SD" routine but Android keeps bugging me that I`m out of space even when I have 170Mb free on /data. And also moving apps back and forth from internal to SD somehow wrecked my system process. As a result I now have constant rebooting of the launcher as my only Android experience. Uninstalling recent apps did not work. Neither did freeing up space on SD and denying root to all apps that previously asked for it.
zuzka said:
Hi. Did my usual +3 hours googling but came empty handed.
Could size-agnostic CM7 SD installer script be modified so that /Data partition is set to 2Gb instead of 1Gb? I know that I can always do the "move to SD" routine but Android keeps bugging me that I`m out of space even when I have 170Mb free on /data. And also moving apps back and forth from internal to SD somehow wrecked my system process. As a result I now have constant rebooting of the launcher as my only Android experience. Uninstalling recent apps did not work. Neither did freeing up space on SD and denying root to all apps that previously asked for it.
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If you are willing to start from scratch you can burn the image again to the SD, but don't put any zips in it. Boot and let the script create the new partitions. Then put the card back in the PC and use Mini-Tool Partition Manager to shrink partition 4 (sdcard) and grow partition 3 (data) That program will handle the ext partition (3) as long as there is no data written to it yet. You can get that program free on the internet. Do a Titianium backup of your apps and data and restore later.
Edit: Now after thinking about it, you may be able to doctor your existing card. Partition 4 is fat so you can shrink it with data in it. Take the space off the front. Then I think the program will let you grow partition 3 into the empty space even with data already in it. It is just trying to move it with data does the program balk. Windows does not know how to read ext. Of course if you are running linux, just use gparted to do everything.
Yes, you could do that or you could use a program like easeus partition manager and move the partitions around after the first boot of the card.
Edit (while typing): It looks like you might be talking about an internal installation in which case you don't need to use size agnostic SD installer. Just repartition the internal the way you want it (there are threads for this) then flash your CM7.
Edit 2: beat out by leapinlar while editing 1
Thanks for the idea of repartitioning prior to installing CM7. I`ll also try to repartition SD the way it is now- with data. I was concerned that /data partition is unmountable under Ubuntu when /boot and /system can be read without problems.
Hi again. I`ve managed to srink /sdcard partition under Windows and sort of grow /data partition under Ubuntu LiveCD (gparted froze right after doing its magic).
Boot loop on my Nook stopped as free space on /data increased from 175Mb to 1.2Gb. So I guess I wont be doing a fresh install at the moment.
Question is, exactly how much free space does CM7 need on /data partition? In a real world?
(at ~200Mb it starts bugging me about free space but overall Android stays stable)
zuzka said:
Question is, exactly how much free space does CM7 need on /data partition? In a real world?
(at ~200Mb it starts bugging me about free space but overall Android stays stable)
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Original Nook Color had 1GB for data. B&N upped it to 5GB on the new Nook Colors. I personally would make it 2GB unless you are going to be adding some really big apps.
Sent from my Nook Color running ICS and Tapatalk

[Q] Not enough internal storage

Like everyone here, I have the famous HTC Leo. A friend installed Android on NAND, the 2.3.4 with the mod-HyperDroid CM7-v2.1.0.
This is a great device, but the more I use it, the more I have less internal memory.
At first, I installed a lot of applications, I was full of things and I ended up filling the internal memory. I moved the more applications possible on the SD card, but the internal memory ended up being full. So I uninstalled applications not too useful, and applications more useful, clean caches, remove data, but it is still too small. My system tells me that I only have 217.3 Mb total internal memory and while I hardly more than application system installed, I only have 21.3 MB available. Now, I know that this model has double.
I do not understand: what is this devilry? Where is my memory? How can I resume normal operation until all the memory is gone and my phone becomes unusable?
I can't be the only one to whom it happens, right?
only the data partition counts as internal memory, the rest is taken by the system, boot and recovery partitions, so your200+ sounds about right.
read up on creating an ext partition on your sd card, and either flash a rom that supports it already, or add a script to your current rom, , then, instead of using the data partition on the nand the system will use the sd-ext partition as if it were nand. (This is NOT the same as choosing 'move to sd' in the apps config screens, that moves it to the fat partition, and some apps wont work from there, , , all apps will work from the ext partition, and faster than the fat partition.)
There are two sets of scripts, some move the whole data partition to ext, meaning of course you are not using the 200+ mb on the nand, so for me i prefer the scripts that move only the apps to the ext partition, and keeps your actual data (txts, contacts, stuff like that) on the regular nand data partition, thus spreading the useage.
look out for keywords like 'app2sd+' 'data2ext' 'dataonext', , stuff like that when you're searching.
samsamuel said:
only the data partition counts as internal memory, the rest is taken by the system, boot and recovery partitions, so your200+ sounds about right.
read up on creating an ext partition on your sd card, and either flash a rom that supports it already, or add a script to your current rom, , then, instead of using the data partition on the nand the system will use the sd-ext partition as if it were nand. (This is NOT the same as choosing 'move to sd' in the apps config screens, that moves it to the fat partition, and some apps wont work from there, , , all apps will work from the ext partition, and faster than the fat partition.)
There are two sets of scripts, some move the whole data partition to ext, meaning of course you are not using the 200+ mb on the nand, so for me i prefer the scripts that move only the apps to the ext partition, and keeps your actual data (txts, contacts, stuff like that) on the regular nand data partition, thus spreading the useage.
look out for keywords like 'app2sd+' 'data2ext' 'dataonext', , stuff like that when you're searching.
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Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
Late I think me brain is playing tricks on me...:cyclops:
shanman-2 said:
Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
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so, pretty much exactly what i described, then....
shanman-2 said:
Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
Late I think me brain is playing tricks on me...:cyclops:
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So, I don't really need to use this. I just can install a new ROM on my NAND after making extending place on my SD for the 'dataonext', can't I?
I have to choose a dataonext ROM (with french version) and make new partition on my CD card. I'm saving all the SD card data's just now (with luckyBackup, because I'm on ubuntu PC).
My problem is find a good ROM for my needs. So, I have HSPL 2.0.8 and MAGLDR. How can I find the rom radio number? I need this information to choose the good ROM. Any advices about good ROM for my needs?
r no need to change the radio,,, if magldr works then the radio is fine.
samsamuel said:
r no need to change the radio,,, if magldr works then the radio is fine.
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I bought a new 16 GB SD card to try the method of post 1843062. I am trying to format as it should, and tonight or tomorrow, I'm trying to see if I can install the script without too much risk, I am not a very experienced user of ROM for HD2 and, in addition, as I'm 100% Linux Ubuntu, I saw that many procedures are more complicated or impossible to run from a Linux desktop.
Thank you for all your help and I'll let you know.
I need to understand.
I have a EU HD2 with HyperDroid CM7 installed on it.
Like many people here, my memory became too small over time. So I look for a solution and I was guided to this thread. While speaking, I read everything I could understand (and frankly there really is too much to read and understand, here ) and I ended up deciding to adopt the solution Kokotas.
So I bought a new SD card (16GB class 10 Duracell - I know, Duracell is a brand of batteries ...) and I formatted properly Gparted as shown, with one primary partition of 12 GB fat32 I named /données (French for datas) and a second primary partition 4 GB Ext4 I named /data.
Then I primed to install the script Kokotas (but I have not yet done so, this is the trick!) And there: surprise!
I suddenly 4 times more free memory internally (from 20 MB to 80 MB), but it is still the same overall size!
I wonder how it is done, because it's been months that I want to release the NAND memory, I deleted almost all my applications downloaded without great effect and there, before installing the solution Kokotas, hop, I have the place!
I run Nautilus on my HD2 connected via USB and what do I see? in the partition /data in ext4, records were Cres /app /app-private and /dalvik-cache.
What does that mean? My ROM can do one DATAtoEXT 2011 alone, when she sees a partition SD / data?
Do I install the script Kokotas or it is not worth it?
Do I flash a new ROM (I thought MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but I'm not sure it's a good idea) without risk, in short I need to understand what happens with my phone.
Thank you.
(Sorry for my english : this is the fault of Google translation )
You might also consider just running an SD build instead of NAND. You can get a 2GB "internal storage" system.img and you don't risk getting bad blocks on nand by constantly flashing things. In my use of both I didn't really see any great speed increase or advantage in using NAND other than boot-up time is a bit less, but does that really matter?
Just another thought on this.
orangekid said:
You might also consider just running an SD build instead of NAND. You can get a 2GB "internal storage" system.img and you don't risk getting bad blocks on nand by constantly flashing things. In my use of both I didn't really see any great speed increase or advantage in using NAND other than boot-up time is a bit less, but does that really matter?
Just another thought on this.
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I thought NAND is better for battery's management...
Monolecte said:
I thought NAND is better for battery's management...
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I didn't see any great battery improvement with NAND.
ROM flashing don't work
I tried to flash MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but, it wasn't working. I think this is because Resurection needs this specific table of partition and I don't how can I modify this table of partition. CMW had a partition tool? How can I do?
Monolecte said:
I tried to flash MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but, it wasn't working. I think this is because Resurection needs this specific table of partition and I don't how can I modify this table of partition. CMW had a partition tool? How can I do?
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use the nand toolkit
samsamuel said:
use the nand toolkit
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With an Ubuntu PC?
After miles of thread reading here, I won against the machine!
I have something like a new phone.
Thank you everybody.
If I can do it, anybody can do it!
ubuntu or windows will be fine.
The NAND Toolkit is a Windows software... so...

