All the hating - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA

So which Note cons do the iPhone cover? Can't think of any myself.
Sent from my superior GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Well for instance app availability before android market,maybe not that noticable,but still. And having two different OS's.good enough for me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA

I posted this in another thread but its perfectly relevant here as well:
I've noticed an interesting phenomenon occuring on both the Android and Apple side:
1. Someone points out that x feature is missing from one platform, in terms of hardware or software
2. The people on the bandwagon ***** that person out, telling them to switch platforms or just shut up. Often they will say "We don't need X feature, which is why we don't have it." or "Go do this lengthy process to get X feature kinda sorta implemented if you want X feature".
3. Rinse and repeat.
Now this is very general and doesn't always happen but it's something we need to be aware of. As someone studying business and software, it's been beat into my head that there is only one true way to succeed when this situation happens - engineer it into the product and make it BETTER than the competitor.
So, instead of trolling or *****ing people out, I believe the correct procedure is to identify what features and benefits the competitor has and start working on engineering them into our platform in such a way that it is both better than the competitor's and it fits well with our current platform. We can always do better, and taking ideas from a competitor in this way is not in any way stealing - as long as you do not directly copy and change it significantly it's okay (see the paraphrasing versus plagiarizing arguement in education for a good example). And I'm not just talking about Apple here, I'm talking about any competitor.
If we put our energy towards making the platforms and apps better, rather than arguing or otherwise getting getting political/fanboyish, then everyone wins. People on our platform get that new feature, and the other platform has to step up their game so the people on the other platform either get the same feature or some other new feature. This is the basis of constructive competition that drives our economy.
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mainly because whatever the person has then its the best and everything else is rubbish, its the mentality of people
android users rubbish every other os especially ios and vice versa

Liquid Nitrogen, very well said. Agree 100 %.

can't really be ignored that FANBOYISM is rampant in some if not most forums that talk about this and that...

dzhankijs said:
Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
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Compared to many forums, this forum is surprisingly civil.
Haters will always be hating though.

dzhankijs said:
Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
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Totally agree with u as i use all 3 platforms-Android, iOS n Symbian-and find each one suited for specific purposes.
But one particular platform will appear as the best for one particular user based on user preferences.For me,its Android.But that doesnt conclude that its better than iOS in each n every aspect.
I find it rather silly when people fight ferociously trying to establish that one particular platform is the best...

Exactly I use 3 OSes too. And there are pros and cons. Symbian is good at how each app can be assigned different network, that means email can be given cellular net and data hungry apps can be given wifi. So at a given time, both connection can be active which neither iOS nor Android can do.
One interesting feature of iOS allows syncing of different Exchange Contacts folder which I still couldn't do with Android. iOS is easyphone (vs geekphone) and I always recommend this to my gf, mom, aunt etc.
Android is like - if you can dream a feature then that is already there.

I don't particularly hate the iphone, I owned 2. It's a personal preference thing for me. For me it's the openness and personalization. I do hate apple as a company. They are a bunch of cry babies and if they can't beat someone then they sue them. They have more lawsuits going than anyone right now. Them aholes are even suing Kodak who is freaking bankrupt! They buy patents for the sole purpose of filing a lawsuit.
They are sore losers and would rather sue and buy a patent than come up with their own ideas
From the big ole Note

So I get that all platforms are useful. But WHAT is the deal with the lame press reviews on the NOTE. These kind of fanboy issues grow because of the uneven press given by supposedly people who care about and discuss innovation. Yet they discount the Note and are fine with constantly using a made up marketing term like Retina Display ( I am the Dir of a Cog Sci university program and I know that has nothing to do with the science) even though it means nothing. Samsung truly innovated with the Note, but gets no credit. Google seems to try hard to stick with their "do not evil" mantra (left CHina, backs alt energy, supports open and Mozilla, ...) while Apple now trumps 1980s MS for evilness, yet again they get treated the same there. If everything was more fair, you would see less fanboyism, although there would always be some, it is in our genes.
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------
So I get that all platforms are useful. But WHAT is the deal with the lame press reviews on the NOTE. These kind of fanboy issues grow because of the uneven press given by supposedly people who care about and discuss innovation. Yet they discount the Note and are fine with constantly using a made up marketing term like Retina Display ( I am the Dir of a Cog Sci university program and I know that has nothing to do with the science) even though it means nothing. Samsung truly innovated with the Note, but gets no credit. Google seems to try hard to stick with their "do not evil" mantra (left CHina, backs alt energy, supports open and Mozilla, ...) while Apple now trumps 1980s MS for evilness, yet again they get treated the same there. If everything was more fair, you would see less fanboyism, although there would always be some, it is in our genes.

Zamboney said:
So which Note cons do the iPhone cover? Can't think of any myself.
Sent from my superior GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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I own both of these as well.
Outlook syncing with iOS makes android look sick, it is sick, because Google want you to give THEM all your personal data, this "open" OS is not as open as some would have you believe, especially when it comes to choosing what to connect to for PIM.
All the 3rd party software for Android syncing [plus Kies and HTC sync] is utter rubbish, including very expensive software like Companionlink/deja.
Android has some pretty substantial high's, especially the Note with it's stylus and large screen, but it sucks balls as much as any other android device I've had for basic PIM without Google
Everything has pro's and con's, even the Note

The real problem with Iphone/Apple products is the cost is more, the features are not any better, both Samsung and Apple are about the same in quality but the App costs are WAY higher on a Apple App store compared to Android store. That and the lack of control (being locked out of something I own) of the phone.
The bottom line I advise ppl I know....... If you want an out of the box phone that you will never change never customize and are willing to buy off the shelf in the box apps....... and that...... will satisfy your every need for the phone........get an I phone......
..... BUT....... if you want to pay less and want to customize and have real control over the item YOU bought.............. get an Android.
I think paying retail plus•90% is unnecessary but then....... like my father used to say........ Never underestimate the power of stupidity!!!....... and those that think paying more for less is ok then stay with Apple......... But I do have to say Apple is fantastic at marketing........ they really Are !!!

My "problem" with iPhone fans is their arguments.
Android is so hard to use, Android is so sluggish, there are more apps in AppStore (but not a single example of ONE app that is missing from Play - i.e not existing on the Android platform) or bragging about the fantastic quality of the iPhone.
Unfortunately, I have not heard any good arguments for the iPhone since 2007. Just those "arguments" that is like a parody.

I agree. I Google app #s the other week and android just passed half a million apps in Google market. Where iphone is barely ahead with just over 600k so the whole app argument is lame and not true!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

SNES vs Genesis, anyone?
There's nothing wrong with most current mobile devices that bigger batteries or a decent bluetooth keyboard case wouldn't fix. The rest is time better spent on tuning our chosen products to whatever esoteric tastes suit us.

drachers said:
SNES vs Genesis, anyone?
There's nothing wrong with most current mobile devices that bigger batteries or a decent bluetooth keyboard case wouldn't fix. The rest is time better spent on tuning our chosen products to whatever esoteric tastes suit us.
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Dream on! Only Android can be tuned at all.
Sent from my superior GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

i find it kind of funny that everyone will go back and forth about the i phone and the android but the windows phones don't even come up in this i guess wether u like i phone or android u have one thing in commin nobody really wants a windows phone

I have a Note and an iPhone 4S. They are both excellent but different.
Buy an iPhone to have iTunes, iCloud and have everything just sync, iTunes as a central point to manage your media, the 4S has a better camera and audio quality, in a manageable screen size.
Buy a Note to have a different hardware form factor. A screen that makes everything sexy. Lots of customisable options. A unique device and well put together.
The classic take. The Apps and Games. On Apps the field between android and iOS is closer. Sometimes it goes to Apple, other times to Android. Think of Apps with widgets and there own shop store. Games goes to Apple. The Note needs more developers to write better made games for the Note.


Apple OS 4 Change-Log

Apple rolls out v4.0 of their iPhone OS for dev preview and finally, multitasking will be officially available. Seems like a lot of changes in security, performance and feature updates.
1. Multitasking (apple claims that its going to be best at this, just like copy/paste). They also admit that it might make the phone's performance sluggish.
2. Phone's notification bar now shows if someone requested for its location.
3. Fast App Switching allows an app to save its session and resume from there later.
4. Drag and drop app icons in custom folders. That means you can now have any number of apps. When you run out of space, just create a folder any drag apps into them. (There is something more but i didn't make what Steve was trying to explain.
5. Unified inbox for several mail clients, including fast inbox switching to focus on a specific client. Attachments can now be opened with a third party app. Support for multiple Exchange accounts and some VPN options.
6. iBooks on iPhone.
7. More privileges to developers including interaction with calendar, photo library, quicklook etc. Over 1500 new APIs and a new framework for hardware accelerated math function (called accelerate).
8. Better gaming with social gaming network.
9. iAds, thats delivers mobile advertisements with emotions (I don't know what Steve meant by this).
10. Create playlists, 5x digital zoom, tap to focus on video, gift apps, geotagging, places in the photo app, change the homescreen wallpaper, bluetooth keyboards, spell checker etc.
There are over 100 new updates, these were the only ones revealed at the event.
Some of the features are really funny, like folders, wallpapers, playlists, geotagging, spell checker. What I don't get is that Android already supports all of these features (other than the iCraps) but new versions of Android aren't as anticipated as iPhone's OS. Seems like Google really needs some good marketing strategies.
Yeah I agree.
It annoys me how much of a cult that apple has following its every move. Even if they don't come out with the best product they have so many sheep that will buy their products at the drop of a hat it doesn't matter how inferior their products are. Dunno if I would even want Google followers to become sheep like they are with Apple.
If Google did the same thing and put together keynotes / apple style events and focused on a few particular products then I could see it but there's a big difference between the two: Apple is a hardware company, Google is a advertising company. Hard for Google to have Keynotes about its Android operating system when most of the devices aren't even on the latest version.
Perhaps FroYo will change this...
Is this coming to the current iphone or just for hte next-gen iphone?
INeedYourHelp said:
Is this coming to the current iphone or just for hte next-gen iphone?
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Its coming out for current phones this summer...
faraz1992 said:
Its coming out for current phones this summer...
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not every feature. i believe they said multitasking will only be on the new version.
I do believe that Apples announcement is very much an update full of catchup!
Certainly pretty much all features announced android can do natively!
The problem I have and i'm by no means an apple fanboy as I have an N1 and love it sinece coming from my 3GS is that the android implementation needs to be way more polished.
Exchange support for me is a biggy and needs to be much better the HTC Desire ROM is much improved over stock google one for the N1 but still room for improvement.
I would like all my email in one exchange and gmail in one app rather than have to flick between two different apps.
but hey!
ap3604 said:
Yeah I agree.
It annoys me how much of a cult that apple has following its every move. Even if they don't come out with the best product they have so many sheep that will buy their products at the drop of a hat it doesn't matter how inferior their products are. Dunno if I would even want Google followers to become sheep like they are with Apple.
If Google did the same thing and put together keynotes / apple style events and focused on a few particular products then I could see it but there's a big difference between the two: Apple is a hardware company, Google is a advertising company. Hard for Google to have Keynotes about its Android operating system when most of the devices aren't even on the latest version.
Perhaps FroYo will change this...
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I agree here, I don't know if I want Android to have slaves around it like Apple - those Apple fanboys tend to get irritating, and hearing Android ones wouldn't be too soothing either..
Google is hiring a marketing manager, OP, let's just hope they don't go overboard. Just enough to bring Android more into the eyes of the public.
Eclair~ said:
I agree here, I don't know if I want Android to have slaves around it like Apple - those Apple fanboys tend to get irritating, and hearing Android ones wouldn't be too soothing either..
Google is hiring a marketing manager, OP, let's just hope they don't go overboard. Just enough to bring Android more into the eyes of the public.
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Yes, we need to always remind google that it does have flaws, and that it needs improve its core apps.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to buy a nexus 2 unless that phone wows me just like the n1 did.
jz9833 said:
not every feature. i believe they said multitasking will only be on the new version.
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multi on 3GS and the 4th gen
zachthemaster said:
multi on 3GS and the 4th gen
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No multi for 3g??? I thought it had a good processor....
@faraz1992 - Not good enough it would seem.
Looks like iPhone OS 4 is bringing the iPhone up to par with my Nokia 3330 though ;-p
Google really should advertise the Android OS. iPhones are a joke in comparison. Its taken until version 4 to be able to change the home screen?!?! UNBELIEVABLE!
Just sayin'
All of you complaining about fanboys, are acting like fanboys yourselves. So, umm, STFU you morons
bobtentpeg said:
Just sayin'
All of you complaining about fanboys, are acting like fanboys yourselves. So, umm, STFU you morons
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Ooo "stfu", you are definitely not an immature moron. This is an Android section, obviously the people here will have more interest in Android and more hate in Apple. Even if they are acting like fanboys, their statements are quite true.
This fourth OS is nothing too spectacular - many features it contains are already preset in Android, and many other phone that have been out for a while, now just because Apple is announcing it - it is seen as something of amazement..
Why is this posted in nexus forum?
Thanks for the post. A very interesting topic indeed.
Even with all the problems I've had with my Nexus One (Touch input indexed incorrectly, Phone locking up during phone calls via Google Voice) I doubt I would ever even think about switching back to the iphone much less actually do it.
That said, I believe Google could benefit greatly by adopting 2 apple iphone platform paradigms (say that 3 times fast)
1) A more rigorous app store review process. Too much crap makes it way to the Android app store in my opinion. Google should review each app to ensure it meets certain quality measurements both in interface design and "under the hood". Apple, and thus the iphone platform, benefits greatly from being able to ensure end users that any app they use from their store will work with the phone and will meet apple's very high (almost too high) quality standards. I doubt very many of us can honestly argue that apple doesn't make a product that is great to use. Apple's stuff glistens and people want stuff that glistens...or at least I do!
2) Funnel all payments through Google and then back out to the developers. the iphone app store again benefits greatly from the fact that any purchase you make goes through your iTunes account. You never have to try and fumble around trying to key in a credit card number directly into the phone and you can be sure you information is safe (or at least is only in one database). Simply said, it simplifies the process. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of mass consumerism but the iphone app store, because of what I said in my first item and because of what I stated in the second lends itself greatly to impulse buying or, at the very least, kills having to debate whether you feel like whipping out your credit card, keying all the information in, submitting, worrying about where your data is going, etc. etc. I can buy with confidence. And when I buy I want to be confident about what I'm getting and I want the process to be fast and simple. the iphone app store is fast and simple.
anyway, again a great topic.
DaveKid said:
2) Funnel all payments through Google and then back out to the developers. the iphone app store again benefits greatly from the fact that any purchase you make goes through your iTunes account. You never have to try and fumble around trying to key in a credit card number directly into the phone and you can be sure you information is safe (or at least is only in one database). Simply said, it simplifies the process.
anyway, again a great topic.
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But you don't have to type your CC number in to buy an app all the time?
I have my card stored on my google account I just clicked 'buy' or am I misreading your post?
Amdathlonuk said:
But you don't have to type your CC number in to buy an app all the time?
I have my card stored on my google account I just clicked 'buy' or am I misreading your post?
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Click to collapse bad. It was assumed by me that we all know you don't ALWAYS have to type it in. Also, I believe there is a review process in place but again I assumed that we all know it isn't nearly as rigorous as with the iphone app store.
But I do want to add one more thing. Google should be funneling money into XDA!!!! this site and some others like it are the life blood of the android OS and it's popularization and customization. If Google were smart they would fund the development of the XDA site and get the main players involved on the payroll....(this assumes that anyone involved would actually like to be on their payroll. autonomy does have it's own set of niceties)
DocRambone said:
Why is this posted in nexus forum?
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Its posted in the nexus one forum so that we can make fun of what apple's newest update has to offer. People going crazy about this update because of features like wallpapers, folders and MULTITASKING, something that first generation android phones were capable of...

iPhone vs Android

Not a flame thread... I promise.
I've never had an iPhone, but I have a few friends that do. Every time I ask them if their phone can do this or that, it seems that it can. Has the gap closed significantly? Is there anything an Android phone can do that an iPhone can't? Or vice versa?
For the record, I'm not a ringleader of the holy war against iPhones. I mean, I think they are pretty decent phones. Of course, I do like the Android phones.. a lot. But I don't see myself switching to an iPhone any time soon.
So, keep the flames down and just list the facts.
The only two differences that I really know of is 1) Android is on all of the US carriers, where iPhone is AT&T only; and 2) it is much easier and friendlier in the rooting of the device for Android phones (that is, carriers and manufacturers don't care).
You only touched the tip of the iceberg with the "rooting" part. Take a look in the Dev section of the forum and you'll see why Android totally owns iOS. This is the main reason I chose Android. If this was an iPhone forum that whole sub-forum wouldn't exist. The only thing iOS has is apps.
Plus (until recently) iPhones were stuck with crappy screen resolution: 320x480 while many Android phones had screens at 480x800. The Android OS isn't restricted to just one piece of hardware so we get many manufacturers competing against each other. When companies compete the consumer wins. The only thing iPhone competes against is the previous iPhone model. If Apple releases a new iPhone it only needs to be marginally better than the previous model for people to buy it.
I used to be an Apple fan-boy. I had an iPod, bought the 17" MacBook Pro when it was released, had an iPhone, all that stuff. And while I still respect Apple for pushing cutting-edge technology, there is no way a single company can release cutting-edge products as fast as multiple other companies combined.
Not to mention that Android is capable of using widgets. As well as a more "open" market for applications compared to Apple's review process before a application gets published. However, it is up to the user's responsibilities to take a look at what permissions the app is asking for. But if you're tech savvy enough, this shouldn't be a problem and there aren't many applications that are malicious.
The most significant difference is that Android has A LOT more customzation compared to iOS. The iOS is so limited on customization where Android we can change just about everything: the virtual keyboard, home screen, app drawer, and just pretty much everything.
to be honest with you, you can't go wrong with either phone. i have to say, iphone4 is a great piece of hardware and apple, like Samsung knows a lil something about design. good luck.
no comments in other things but when i hold my dads iphone 3gs, it feels like too small... and fat.. I mean, the display looks small compared to my vibrant
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
boodies said:
like Samsung knows a lil something about design. good luck.
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LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
rogerchew said:
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
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Sure, with the exception of the lack of widgets on the iPhone, as well as Live Wallpapers.
The Android desktop is like the desktop on your PC
The Apple iOS 'desktop' is like your start menu
rogerchew said:
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
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iOS Customization is no where close to as diverse to Android. iOS you can jailbreak it, however the UI still stays generally the same. For android, your able to create completely new interfaces (ie: different launchers/home screens) iOS you can sorta do something similar with designing templates w/ blank icons and such but it still isn't the same and is a rather stupid way of going about it. Android has the ability to customize down to the system level, which is why i see it as a superior OS.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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Which device are you talking about?
Apple's main appeal to consumers is sleekness. The iPhone is a sleek looking piece of hardware that bedazzles the average person (i.e. retard). When I go around a college campus and see every person with a 13 inch Mac Book that was $1500+ I have to laugh. If it was not for the sleek presentation and general "coolness" of the brand they would not be able to get away with half the crap they pull.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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nothing a bumper can't fix LMAO
SeanFloyd said:
a 13 inch Mac Book that was $1500+
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??? Seriously ???
The 90's called they want their inaccurate arguments back.
This is America, exaggeration is perfectly legal!
well when talking about the two, you have to understand the iPhone is a piece of hardware and software and Android is software...
the iPhone and the Vibrant are generally the same in terms of hardware... however the Vibrant has some huge advantages in having an expandable memory and replaceable battery.
iOS is much more limited than Android in terms of customization, but also has an advantage as it works perfectly with the hardware.
in my opinion, the iPhone is a much more user friendly device whereas Android devices are more exciting and feature filled.
nearblack said:
well when talking about the two, you have to understand the iPhone is a piece of hardware and software and Android is software...
the iPhone and the Vibrant are generally the same in terms of hardware... however the Vibrant has some huge advantages in having an expandable memory and replaceable battery.
iOS is much more limited than Android in terms of customization, but also has an advantage as it works perfectly with the software.
in my opinion, the iPhone is a much more user friendly device whereas Android devices are more exciting and feature filled.
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I think this sums it up perfectly. The other thing is that if you don't plan on utilizing the potential of Android the difference between the two is even smaller and comes down to stock features (like- do you want a FFC or removeable storage? Tmobile or ATT?). If you plan on rooting Android will far and away kill the iphone in terms of customization and extra features.
I love my macbook but there is no way I'd get an iphone with a sweet phone like the Vibrant running Android as my other choice.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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cell phone companies don't care about freaks.
This is so much more interesting than I thought it would. before I posted this, I thought the answers would be "Android has such-and-such app" where iPhone could never do this (or vice versa) and here's why.
Rooting and tinkering are what I love to do, and when I bought my G1 on day one, I honestly did not realize that rooting would even be an option. I just somehow knew that Android was going to be the way to go. I kinda lucked out on the fact that we can root our phones. Without root, then these are good phones. Add root, and you have an awesome phone.
You know how sometimes you look at a really interesting photograph and you know it is interesting, but you don't know why it is interesting? And then you take a class in photography and you learn why that photograph was interesting--composition, lighting, etc? Well, now I know why I love my phone.
Bottom line is, I guess people who just want a phone to work, and not have to do anything, or deal with small, annoying "issues", then the iPhone may be a better way to go. But you have to realize that iPhone will never be the best HW/SW out there any more. I think Android will always have the edge now, due to all the competition. So if you are an above average user, or an advanced user, then the choice is easy: Android.
Android definitely does more, you just have to go out of your way to figure it all out (which is why we are all here). IPhone makes doing cool stuff more easily accessible (which works for the masses that just want a sweet phone that does sweet stuff outta the box), but the level of customization is nowhere near android. I've told my diehard iPhone friends if they were to just use an android phone for a month, they would switch. The only credit I give to the iPhone is the sick lineup of games. Android pretty much blows in that department.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
christpuncher said:
Android definitely does more, you just have to go out of your way to figure it all out (which is why we are all here). IPhone makes doing cool stuff more easily accessible (which works for the masses that just want a sweet phone that does sweet stuff outta the box), but the level of customization is nowhere near android. I've told my diehard iPhone friends if they were to just use an android phone for a month, they would switch. The only credit I give to the iPhone is the sick lineup of games. Android pretty much blows in that department.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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It'll start to catch up, Gameloft games are available on Android but the way that they deliver their games are terrible especially for people who root their phones and things of that sort. I just wish they would offer their games on the market.
But to an extent, you're totally right.. I hope that game developers will move on the Android platform and take advantage of the hardware that is always improving and improving on Android whereas Apple releases new hardware for their phone once per year.

Nexus S = iPhone

Yep, for me personally the Nexus S is like the iPhone. I am just so happy with it
Let me explain. My first smartphone was a big, sturdy Kyocera 7135, running Palm OS, and it was sort of OK, crashing at times, but generally useful.
Then I went through several HTC-made WM5 and WM6 phones, which promised much, but ate my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing ROMs to make them useful. It was a time of obsessive flashing, fixing bugs, only to introduce new ones.
Then came the iPhone. And it was bliss. It worked. It looked good. It was updated regularly. Of course I jailbroke it, but it was more for sport, than anything else. As I said, it just worked, and it worked well.
Then Steve Jobs opened his big mouth and told me that Flash is not coming to the iPhone. Which pissed me off.
I had been keeping an eye on Android (with vague interest, but also disdain at first). The EVO came out, I almost got it, but it seemed a bit too tacky and clunky. When the Galaxy S came out with its gorgeous screen, I thought the time had come to give the maturing Android a try.
After the initial excitement (mostly with the SAMOLED screen), I found myself spending my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing again. To fix the GPS, to fix the Market, to fix FCs.... It felt like being back on WM6 again.
Worse, I discovered that while Android is an open platform, in practice it is locked just as tight as iOS by the manufacturers and the carriers. Really, there is very little difference: there are tons of developers working on modifying the iPhone in many ways, including UI. I just never thought most modifications were worth the effort. I feel the same regarding Android.
And with Android, if the manufacturer decides not to update the drivers for a phone, there is generally little the developer community can do to make that phone run the latest Android updates well.
So, I was getting disillusioned. When the Nexus S came out, I decided to give Android one last chance.
I've had the Nexus S for close to a month now. It just works. It's smooth. I don't have to think about it. I haven't even bothered to root it yet.
I feel like I have a phone again. Just like I did with the iPhone. Except that it does Flash
I wish it had WiFi Calling and 720p, but overall I am happy. Hopefully these will come, in due time.
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
That's why, for me, the Nexus S is my new iPhone.
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
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Couldn't have said it better myself isn't being a rebel fun!
MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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Great idea, I think this practise is wasteful and is only designed to make already rich companies even richer You're right; specs are just purely marketing gimicks.
MacGuy2006 said:
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
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Software is the next big battle ground that's always been my view. Because we will reach this point where sure hardware can get slightly better, but most of the innovation will come down to the software space. That's why the Nexus fits this idea so perfectly!
Good choice on your Nexus S! I'm not disappointed with mine at all, and I came from iOS (iPt 2g MC - pos) and Symbian (E63... alright for the price when I got it I guess).
Had the Nexus S 2 days only but I like it. I have kept my iphone 4 for a week or two to make sure I don't change my mind.
My only problem with it so far is it eats the battery so much quicker than iphone.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Your optimism, well-wishes, or otherwise pleasant feelings regarding the Nexus S are neither warranted nor welcomed on these forums.
In case you did not notice, the sky is currently falling and the end is upon us. Clearly, you are incapable of making a choice of your own volition and must succumb to the masses, which confirm that the end is indeed falling on the Nexus S. Why you should so foolishly choose the device you thought best suited for you without consulting the unnamed and innumerable masses who possess other devices, post praise for those devices on their respective forums, and yet still come here to spout their opinions after handling this device for five minutes is a gross negligence on your part and you should be ashamed.
You must cease and desist all pleasant feelings and likable opinions regarding this device immediately or be subject to mob scrutiny of which the consequences will never be the same.
The Unnamed and Innumerable Masses.
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)
MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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In the US, the carriers don't sell phones. They sell contracts. If you're a good little consumer and buy a 2-year contract, you will get a shiny toy to play with. And then, looong beore that contract is up, they will dangle even shinier toys before you to trick you into extending the contract.
Even the Devil makes you sign a contract only once.
Yupe, agreed
I was ruled by HTC on my Desire, not anymore (still waiting my Nexus S sent from UK).
And from now on, I will only buy Nexus phone !
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).
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Jobs can suck it
Hey I totally agree the iPhone 4 was my last device and this Nexus S is pure bliss, still some poor quality, and poorly coded apps on the Market and the games are still nowhere close to the iPhone yet but they are coming, the Nexus S and Gingerbread has steered me away from iOS and anyone who knows me will tell you that is something. Thank you Google. Looking forward to many threads here with you all.
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom.
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OK had major geek flashback here Star Wars.....
I know I am sad I get my coat and my NS......
unremarked said:
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)
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I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.
I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.
yeah too bad some people are stuck on iPhone 4 thanks to google doing the same band act as it did with N1
greenstuffs said:
I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.
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Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol
I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
I'm no Apple fan boy, nor do I care for Apple's dated OS or philosophy (which is more or less, "the average user is a complete idiot" - not entirely untrue, and needless to say, is a model that works wonders for them), but I can still respect the iPhone and what Apple gets right. And if there's one thing that succeeds, it's the typing experience (and generally, the touchscreen experience). And in that respect, the Nexus S =/= iPhone.
Mokurex said:
Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol
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I'm not trying to pick a flame war, but i did get some heat for saying the NS wasn't the revolutionary phone that the original N1 was. Still is a good phone but the vibrant or the mt4 isn't that far in terms of a performance and in some cases they surpass the NS.
That behavior was already taken place on the N1, there was some heated battles when the vibrant was released. I don't know what is the big deal in all that, nothing will change the fact if you are happy with your phone but sometimes i see unnecessary name calling and flames in a discussion.
It has become very childish almost the same stuff you find at engadget, there is always a heated battle in an android or apple post.
onthecouchagain said:
I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
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Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.
tommyz2kool said:
Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.
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You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.
SooSpecial said:
I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.
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Maybe I was a bit too subtle.
I was poking fun at the folks who come from other forums to inform us that we're all imbeciles for buying the Nexus S when their device/something coming out six months from now is so much better and we're incapable of making our own choices without their input/consent/approval.
onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface.
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Why? Have you actually used swype on a day to day basis? I've used both platforms extensively and I can say that after a some training swype is clearly the superior typing solution.
Maybe your preference is for thumb typing, but that doesnt change the fact that its faster to swype.
onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.
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I can type much faster on Android stock keyboard (Froyo/Gingerbread) than is a matter of getting used to it.. I dont like iphone keyboard with no pop up suggestion..Since you are just talking about stock to stock.

Need a rebuttal

Lol.. debating with a friend on fb. Hoping someone can give me a good rebuttal i can paste in there from a dev standpoint and hand him his Couldn't copy the txt, so I took screen shots.
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Not sure why it didn't post, but this should have been the first pic...
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Not sure if this will work if your not a fb friend, but you could probably just go on there and post a comment....
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Android is open source and the hardware is in no way cheap unless you buy cheap phones. To take real android in account, use a galaxy nexus.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
The best thing for you to do is not argue with people who are overly indulged in their opinions. Whatever info you get, they'll counter it with some misc. B.S. It's better to just reply nicely with a smile .
Haters hate on smileys
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marcusant said:
Android is open source and the hardware is in no way cheap unless you buy cheap phones. To take real android in account, use a galaxy nexus.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah, one of his posts he said he used one, and that it was just "fragmented garbage"
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He's right..Android is not a's thousands of phones as opposed to the iphone is but 1. As far as quality, I have dropped my phone 4 times on the hard tile of Walmart (stupid memo app for shopping lists) and barely a mark on it. My buddy is on his 5th iphone from each drop it shattered and killed the screen...there is your quality. But Masaidjet is correct, you can't argue with iphone fanatics...they already proved their mental state in their choice of a phone made for children to use.
kennyglass123 said:
He's right..Android is not a's thousands of phones as opposed to the iphone is but 1. As far as quality, I have dropped my phone 4 times on the hard tile of Walmart (stupid memo app for shopping lists) and barely a mark on it. My buddy is on his 5th iphone from each drop it shattered and killed the screen...there is your quality. But M is correct, you can't argue with iphone fanatics...they already proved their mental state in their choice of a phone made for children to use.
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A friend of mines yesterday said BB's are better than Android phones new & old..... long story short he's no longer my friend.
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Pathetic iphone fan boy... you can't argue with those types. Just have pride YOU know what OS is better. =] as well as what phone is better... Its really pointless trying to talk a fanboy into thinking he's wrong...
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Yeah, I'm starting to realize Figure you guys would get a kick out of his responses though.
Here is a new one after I told him I was able to install third party apps out of the box...
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djjroc007 said:
Yeah, I'm starting to realize Figure you guys would get a kick out of his responses though.
Here is a new one after I told him I was able to install third party apps out of the box...
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Ugh stop before I go on a fanboy onslaught.... this **** pisses me off. Dafuq he means better CPU/GPU let's see that pathetic iP5 compete with the gs3... idiot you don't gain **** jailbreaking... you get what cydia??? That's it.... =]
Stop arguing with him... he is blinded and will never recover from the tragedy of iOS.
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Lol...good times! He did lol about how he enjoys these talks, because the android fans and isheep will fight to the bitter end about this stuff. Im no dev, so i cant get into it too deep with him
Frustrating and entertaining at the same time!
Edit: maybe I should just link him to this thread...
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Wish I could post something like this as a response in the fb
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Jst remind him that steve jobs died.. that would make him cry and curse android as he crawls back under his rock
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
"Never argue with a fool - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
Why did you post this? All it did was piss me off.
1. Samsung made the iPad3s "revolutionary" display. They even project to buy billions in parts from Samsung this year.
2. My friend has an iPhone 4S. And the retina display DOES NOT look better. It's far more washed out and far less saturated. You can not even compare the colors even at stock values.
3. The hardware IS pushing limits. The iPhone 4S' 800MHZ dual-core processor is outdated. And comparing it to the Atrix, which came out March of 2011, it is. Does Joe not know that the One X just came out with a ****ing 1.5GHZ quad-core processor? The screen sizes are much larger, have higher resolutions, deeper colors, curved displays, and lets not forget Gorilla glass. How are they going to release the iPad 3 with a dual-core processor and still charge that price?
4. How is Joe going to talk about the quality of the iPhone? That's absolute babel. Anyone in their right mind would know making a cell phone out of glass and an easily shatterable display makes paying $399.99 for anything not worth while. You drop that four hundred dollar POS? IT'S BROKEN! The back will shatter! The screen will crack! What the hell is innovative about that?! "All manufactures are trying to do is catch up to the quality and hardware" ***** please. Android abandoned that disgusting look and feel loooong ago. We ***** slapped you with no buttons, we ***** slapped you with better hardware, and we utterly raped you with what Android can do compared to primitive operating system. Ubuntu for Android is the perfect example.
5. He misused fragmentation and clearly put invocation where innovation should go. His grammar and punctuation is awful in some spots, and his use of words he doesn't really understand is consistent. And please bro, don't ever jump on us about bashing you for stealing functionality. Apple invented that. Apple invented and maintains backstabbing tactics, and has successfully set back technology years. Please, read this. Because it would take me too much time to explain why Apple is the devil and why Steve Jobs deserves to burn in hell for all eternity.
6. **** jailbreaking! How DARE he compare that to rooting?! How DARE he think that could be anything like it in any way? Android out of the box can install 3rd-party applications. And that seems to be the only thing he could say about that! Android being open-source should be enough to shut him up about that, but because he is clearly so stupid and doesn't know any technological terms outside of the tech blog he must read, he is oblivious the the capabilities of Android. This guy must think Steve Jobs was truly Jesus.
People like this are the blight of the world. The only thing I hate more than Apple are the people using their products. Especially the ones who know nothing about anything technological. Android is the best mobile operating system hands down. Not because it's disgustingly simple and "easy to use", but because it's capable of doing far more than iOS could ever hope to do. Android being open-source allows it to do ANYTHING. Any feature in existence and every feature to be invented can be and will be brought the the Android platform. "From a developers standpoint, there is no comparison in my eyes." Anyone who knows anything about actual development has dumped iOS. Because whether you know it or not, Android has taken over the mobile platform. People have left iOS for cheaper, more durable, more powerful, and all around better platform. So if you want to delude yourself into thinking that iOS and Android are still comparable. go ahead, but you're only kidding yourself. epic!!! Love it! Sorry for stirring the pot today, but did get some lulz! You guys rock! Good stuff.
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And further to Darkie's rant; my buddy jailbroke 2 iPhones (4 and 4S) and both of them bricked. Had to pay Apple iGeeks a fortune to reload lousy OS. I can bring my phone back to Sprint and they don't give a flying rat's ass if its rooted or not.
Well, I hate to anger you guys further, but just got to my computer checking mail, FB, etc. And seen he commented again. I haven't been home for a while, so I have been yet to paste any of your responses there.
This is a long one too, but now I can cut and paste it.....
"It's always the same arguments. Citing 20 different phones, 100 different features, who has what first, etc.... It's the same on both sides of the argument. It all boils down to preference... Both sides will fight tooth and nail to make their points heard. But nobody can deny the fact that no matter what Android OS you're on, or what phone ( HTC, Samsung, Google, Motorola, etc ) they are never compared to each other or previous models, they are all compared to the iPhone. Since that is true, you gotta ask yourself, if Android is so much better regardless of manufacturer, then why? It's not apple or "iSheep" making these comparisons. It's rating companies, magazines, and media making these comparisons. The iDevices do, and always will stand alone. And every new phone will be compared to it. I don't think less of Android users... There is an argument to be made about anything. My personal preference is the iPhone ( being someone who as had and used both OSs and Android on several different platforms ). A lot of argument comes from people, and developers, who have never even owned an iPhone. Maybe just played with one in a store or tooled around on a friends. As iPhone users/developers/jailbreakers, we all agree that Apples restrictions to content is for the most part bull****. So to argue that one is better than the other from a downloadable content standpoint is valid. But I prefer the solid foundation that the iPhone provides. I think the OS is better implemented and that the hardware is superior to any competitor. Since I am able to jailbreak my device, I can install any software I choose, and again in my opinion is better than any content available in the Android Marketplace or on the stock Android OS. The rest is pure marketing. Are there pros and cons? Depends on what you need your device for. The simple fact is, Apples iOS is designed specifically for the iPhone. There are not 50 platforms. Android is open source so any manufacturer can add whatever feature sets they want to the OS. I think that's the biggest downfall, but that's how these companies sell their devices and try to set themselves apart from other manufactures. Android/Google don't care what features they add or what hardware manufactures install the OS on. The manufacturers pay to use the OS. Same with windows phones/computers. There is no quality control other than applications and software extensions have to meet minimum requirements to get licensing. All these manufactures have is themselves to compete with and usually offer up 1 "premium" model thats build to retail markup is ridiculous because for the most part, they use the cheapest commercially available hardware that meets spec sheet, not actual, performance standards. They put it all together in pretty cases with impressive looking feature sets then install a OS that was not designed to work on that particular hardware setup. Then they box it and ship it. That's why the UI is fragmented, but it's got a lot of appealing features that people gotta have. They tend to ignore the performance issues because they got all these bells and whistles on a 4 inch screen. Some features are useful innovations, but they come from developers outside of Google. Google buys software and implements it. Apple is not so open to outside development, but like Android, most of the innovative features were inspired from the developers in the jailbreak community and rewritten by Apple to work with the hardware. The point is, everything Apple is designed and implemented internally and each component is built by vendors to exacting specs. Much more quality control which produces a much more solid device. They have control over everything right down to the batteries and it is all designed with performance and durability in mind, they don't cut corners. The build to retail margins are much different... That's why they are more expensive and carriers are taking a hit selling them at contract prices even tho those prices are 2-4 times greater than Android based phones."
"Never argue with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level, and defeat you with their experience." -Mark Twain
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

i noticed one thing about apple fanboys

ok guys lol dont really want this to become a rant but its pushing itself that way. anyone notice when u try to have a valid debate about features or capabilities with a apple fan boy it always goes like this,
appleboy: yeah but the ipads got things android cant do like editing,
androidboy: the androids actually got that from stock plus a whole load of imaging apps that came with the tab, I dont have to buy extra software.
appleboy: yeah but ours is better! pinch to zoom!!112!! haha
(android waits patiently)
androidboy: thats your arguement? but in fact the android system will run the......appleboy blurts in: NO NO NO IOS IOS IOS NO NO I HAVE EMAIL TOO..funz >)
anyone ever notice how androids will have a calm actual debate, apple's just blurt insane immature crap that shows most of them dont know feck all about using a computer?
tried telling them about open-source......between the two of them they somehow worked out that the IPAD was the more advanced device then the a500., from these "reasons"
in the youtube app you can move your finger to change volume......really?!
apparently some ipad users think the fact its harder to fully unlock a ipad for development, so that must mean its a more advanced device.....?
you can use a usb cable to add accessories....
tried showing em i have a usb port no need to carry a cable, and i can use most windows accessories keyboard,mice,external hard-drive,etc etc but nope apparently adding 1 usb somehow better then adding a keyboard as well as mouse, exterhd,dvd-drive. etc etc....????
i tried telling them about the specs side by side, and how my android mobile "phone" not even my best device (the tab is)
1.has more processing power then the ipad,.
2.better camera front and back
3.other features are basically matching (gps bluetooth wifi,....etc)
4. more configurable
5. same ram
but mine was half the price of your tab and phone..
they just dont get it, im saying to him look mate if you went to pc world and had
1 computer that was complete rubbish low speed, low ram,. windows 95
costs £20000^^
1 computer that has 3ghz high speed quad-core , 4gb ram, windows 7, dvd drive, usb ports, bigger screen, fully outwards compatible "usb play n go keyboard mice, bluetooth, gps etc"
costs £750^^
what would you buy? lol its not a hard one is it, im trying to show, look ios could have been THE best pads and phones,,,,if apple didnt own them and you got the full bang in your buck, i mean if they had ipad with the spec's of an android with the price tag of an android and open source,. android probably would even have gotten as far as it has today but that's good old apple business techniques for ya eh?
to be honest what im trying to say is you can tell a hundred things that are very worth having to a apple fanboy and they will say the ipads better because,
A. YA ITZ GoT LiKe slide volume oN yuTUbe....SO dARRR iPaDZ bEtteR !
b. tHErs Must HAve APPPPP for ThAt And iTSR bETTer Dan URS even THou I neSER SEEN, heard, Or UUsed SuCH app. IOS IS KEWlz
can anyone actually tell me an advantage the ios has? like what things can it actually do we cant?
in fear of this becoming a hate thread im basically asking for the things that the ios does that android cannot.
chismay said:
in fear of this becoming a hate thread im basically asking for the things that the ios does that android cannot.
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*crickets* *crickets*
gears177 said:
*crickets* *crickets*
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yeah i think this is the confirmation i was after, this post had nearly 120 views in the first half hour. no can tell me something an apple can do that android cant,.
in the words of my main bitc* hatty-may the truth shall set you free.
Get more game developer support due to its much lower rate of app piracy.
Consistency in its UI across all its devices.
Consistency in its hardware making development somewhat easier in that the developers know exactly which devices will be supported and how well it will run -- see: the post in general of a guy complaining developers have seemingly abandoned tegra 2.
Not risking an app in the appstore spamming your notifications or doing other insanely annoying things.
A jailbreak and theming community that, while does allow piracy, also supports independent developers, fiscally, through official cydia repos.
Get the stupid "with friends" games long before Android does. How am I supposed to play matching with friends with my android friends!?!?
Have upteen thousand third party home appliances that support (the soon old) iOS docking port. My SONY surround sound system came with an iPhone dock, as did my Murano.
OS updates that rarely cause fragmentation. I don't know of any apps that will only run on IOS 5 and not 4, and after a upgrade, it's extremely rare to find an app that won't work on the new iOS natively. I've only ever run into it once, and that was with a very niche sound based game.
There. I've played devil's advocate for you. And done so from my CM10 Android tablet. And, of course, none of those were intended to spark an argument. I'm just articulating things that are more intelligent, I hope, rebuttals to your topic. Granted, there are many loaded adjectives in my statements, and things like "rarely" and "upteen thousand" are highly subjective.
Anthony820 said:
Get more game developer support due to its much lower rate of app piracy.
Consistency in its UI across all its devices.
Consistency in its hardware making development somewhat easier in that the developers know exactly which devices will be supported and how well it will run -- see: the post in general of a guy complaining developers have seemingly abandoned tegra 2.
Not risking an app in the appstore spamming your notifications or doing other insanely annoying things.
A jailbreak and theming community that, while does allow piracy, also supports independent developers, fiscally, through official cydia repos.
Get the stupid "with friends" games long before Android does. How am I supposed to play matching with friends with my android friends!?!?
Have upteen thousand third party home appliances that support (the soon old) iOS docking port. My SONY surround sound system came with an iPhone dock, as did my Murano.
OS updates that rarely cause fragmentation. I don't know of any apps that will only run on IOS 5 and not 4, and after a upgrade, it's extremely rare to find an app that won't work on the new iOS natively. I've only ever run into it once, and that was with a very niche sound based game.
There. I've played devil's advocate for you. And done so from my CM10 Android tablet. And, of course, none of those were intended to spark an argument. I'm just articulating things that are more intelligent, I hope, rebuttals to your topic. Granted, there are many loaded adjectives in my statements, and things like "rarely" and "upteen thousand" are highly subjective.
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nah thats all fair and well but open to debate it must be
i have no idea what "with friends" games are?
be honest though how many of those above really are good points?
updates that dont really improve your system, hardware that's cost is doubled.? and ol' fact of no singularity?
i-tunes? can you add a single track now? are do you still need to re-upload a whole playlist? i still cannot get me head around the fact you cant just download an mp3 and set it as a ringtone on the i-phone,.lol
chismay said:
nah thats all fair and well but open to debate it must be
i have no idea what "with friends" games are?
be honest though how many of those above really are good points?
updates that dont really improve your system, hardware that's cost is doubled.? and ol' fact of no singularity?
i-tunes? can you ass a single track ? are do you still need to re-upload a whole playlist? i still cannot get me head around the fact you can't just download an mp3 and set it as a ringtone on the i-phone,.lol
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i guess when it comes down t it there's pros and cons for both i mean for apple every device under 4.3.5 ios allows an exploit known as ssl MITM the QuickTime pop ups that happen when an app wants to use gps and will crash the app most the time if you hit no are kind of annoying (not sure if that one is still there) But even the rooting/jail breaking part of it when an android user gains root he can flash new roms kernels gain su in terminal etc not really having to worry about malware apple on the other hand has a higher rate of malware on jailbrocken ipods.. last thing I'm going to say about apple is that there jail breaking methods exploit security holes that may also bee exploited for darker reasons, there was an example in the iphone pdf parser which allowed a document to execute code....
For android there are way higher rates of piracy unfortuently there's alot of cheapy tablets with almost no support the different kinds an sizes create huge compatabillity issues the OTA updates aren't always reliable or even where you live.....i guess that's all i have they both have pros and cons I'm just an android fanboy and can't stand apple products :laugh:
cheers i hope this doesn't cause arguments just wanted to add some more info and try not to play favorites while debating
gears177 said:
i guess when it comes down t it there's pros and cons for both i mean for apple every device under 4.3.5 ios allows an exploit known as ssl MITM the QuickTime pop ups that happen when an app wants to use gps and will crash the app most the time if you hit no are kind of annoying (not sure if that one is still there) But even the rooting/jail breaking part of it when an android user gains root he can flash new roms kernels gain su in terminal etc not really having to worry about malware apple on the other hand has a higher rate of malware on jailbrocken ipods.. last thing I'm going to say about apple is that there jail breaking methods exploit security holes that may also bee exploited for darker reasons, there was an example in the iphone pdf parser which allowed a document to execute code....
For android there are way higher rates of piracy unfortuently there's alot of cheapy tablets with almost no support the different kinds an sizes create huge compatabillity issues the OTA updates aren't always reliable or even where you live.....i guess that's all i have they both have pros and cons I'm just an android fanboy and can't stand apple products :laugh:
cheers i hope this doesn't cause arguments just wanted to add some more info and try not to play favorites while debating
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in no way causing arguments matey, im trying to approach the question without prejudiced, i am at heart an android, ive had an apple i had one of the gen1 i-phones, and the thing never stopped frezzing and rebooting, never had a signal, etc.
i know android can run terribly if not implemented properly by the developer, force closes wifi problems gps problems, but this is the USUAL cost when using a customization based open source system, when applied to that much diversity you would have to be stupid to think you wont run into errors. <--not directed at anyone, just generally.
example i have to calculators
one adds 2 numbers thats it,
the second has wifi, a 3ghz proc' 1 gb ram, hd video playback a camera and bluetooth and a projector on the back the maker also says you can make any application you want for YOUR device, its open for you to change what you want for how you expecting some errors here n there. lol
the thing is if thats the view of point you arrive from decides if everyone having the same devices is either a good thing or a bad thing.......or should we say BAAAAAAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAAAAA BAAAAD thing lol
lets continue,
edit: wow this thread got 150 views over night? please guys participate but this is not a thread for ranting more of actually facing facts from both sides and submitting your input to what makes which os more functional / better performing etc etc and what features are more for you.
I think you are generalizing when it comes to this. I've met the worst fan boys when it comes to both android and apple. I actually recall this dude I knew jumping for joy when he found out Steve Jobs died...
Anyway I've used both, I used an iphone4 for about a year before switching back to android.
I feel that ios was way smoother (although now I'm using a galaxy s3, I can say android is on par with it) I miss the variety of apps that ios had to offer and android fan boys try to shoot back by saying android has more free apps but honestly, I'm willing to pay for apps if they're of quality.
I felt the music player was a tad bit better.. I've downloaded a game and for some reason all the audio files showed up on my music player on my DROID Pro(maybe it was something I did wrong?)
I actually felt like I got the most out of my iphone once I jail broke it. It was the little tweaks that I was able to do that really made the experience with ios a whole lot better. The sad thing about this though is that I had to jail break it just to have some features that were standard on Android.
But at the end of the day, like I said, it's the apps.. I use my phone for calls, text, music, and Internet. Basic features all smartphones include.. It's the apps, the games, utilities, the variety that ios offers in apps that I miss.
One more thing, I never understood why people hate apple products. They make solid products.. I guess people just need to pick a side.. You got Ford vs Chevy, imports vs domestics, windows vs mac os, android vs apple, ipod vs zune(lol) etc etc
Sent from my Atari 2600 using Tapatalk 2
chismay said:
yeah i think this is the confirmation i was after, this post had nearly 120 views in the first half hour. no can tell me something an apple can do that android cant,.
in the words of my main bitc* hatty-may the truth shall set you free.
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An Apple device, can make your wallet thinner :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Moscow Desire said:
An Apple device, can make your wallet thinner :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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haha yes i forget about this one XD tho cost is to high for what there asking for
Did any of you guys read this interview with Steve Wozniak?
Sorry, I can't post the link to the full interview (long time lurker, first time poster). Just google for 'Woz on Android'.
Basically he loves the iPhone for the design and loves Android for what it can do!
Below is an excerpt of that interview. For me that says it all!
But Woz says he still recommends the iPhone as the best choice for most users. “The people I recommend the iPhone 4S for are the ones who are already in the Mac world, because it’s so compatible, and people who are just scared of computers altogether and don’t want to use them. The iPhone is the least frightening thing. For that kind of person who is scared of complexity, well, here’s a phone that is simple to use and does what you need it to do,” he says.
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MO3iusONE said:
I think you are generalizing when it comes to this. I've met the worst fan boys when it comes to both android and apple. I actually recall this dude I knew jumping for joy when he found out Steve Jobs died...
Anyway I've used both, I used an iphone4 for about a year before switching back to android.
I feel that ios was way smoother (although now I'm using a galaxy s3, I can say android is on par with it) I miss the variety of apps that ios had to offer and android fan boys try to shoot back by saying android has more free apps but honestly, I'm willing to pay for apps if they're of quality.
I felt the music player was a tad bit better.. I've downloaded a game and for some reason all the audio files showed up on my music player on my DROID Pro(maybe it was something I did wrong?)
I actually felt like I got the most out of my iphone once I jail broke it. It was the little tweaks that I was able to do that really made the experience with ios a whole lot better. The sad thing about this though is that I had to jail break it just to have some features that were standard on Android.
But at the end of the day, like I said, it's the apps.. I use my phone for calls, text, music, and Internet. Basic features all smartphones include.. It's the apps, the games, utilities, the variety that ios offers in apps that I miss.
One more thing, I never understood why people hate apple products. They make solid products.. I guess people just need to pick a side.. You got Ford vs Chevy, imports vs domestics, windows vs mac os, android vs apple, ipod vs zune(lol) etc etc
Sent from my Atari 2600 using Tapatalk 2
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those point are valid, i dont mind paying for an app as long as it works. but ive noticed a large amount of apps for ios that dont actually do as described. like telling you one thing and you get something else.
about apple and solid product, no, this is the thing most people will confuse about me personally ,.....the ipad and phone COULD have been the greatest device ever,,,,,if: actually got a product on par with the price your paying
B. You bought it, you own it, you do what u want with it. not apples way
C. You wasnt forced to use the brands own very poor software to upload even a simple ringtone, i seriously dont get that....,,, oh wait i do you have to pay....not just for music but pay apple to get that music,. since when was apple my personal certified music agent?....self injected by apple very sneaky
D. apple products have had many of they're fair share of design flaws, these have just been swept under the carpet though. what about the massive i-4..."yeah the 4rth version" design flaw when you had to stick a rubber bumper on the side to get reception, and yeah you had to buy that rubber bumper ,,,, even though its apple fault.
NOW im not saying thats not a story for the android phones too but heres a small snippet about the htc one wifi problem and how htc went about fixing it for theyre valuable customers:
In addition, HTC is also urging affected users to their call customer support to see if their phone is one of the affected models. If HTC confirms that a user has a phone with the identified hardware flaw, they will issue a replacement device. <---- see the big differences?
other brands : buy a bad product from us we will fix or replace it at no cost you bought the device it should work....srry about that
apple: you bought it from us , its doesnt pay more money just get what you should already and have payed for,.
these are the things people hate about apple,
apple reminds me of that AOL Representative that wouldnt let that guy cancel his account.,... "well sir I THINK you need your account so im not goin to cancel it..........against your will.
the one thing that I've come across are all of the software companies in the music industry absolutely LOVE the ipad (as does every musician, producer, etc. LOVE and ADORE their iphone). When i show up to gigs, rehearsals, etc... i get tons of glances and weird faces at my android. most people have no idea that it's faster and more capable.. yada yada yada. (phone is a GNex running jb)
But, whether it be large VST firms like Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, Arturia, etc. etc, or even hints from the bigger guys like ableton, protools (avid), and logic, all have ipad apps to make the ipad "the next instrument". you see all the time on youtube videos of 'ipad bands' and all that crap. it's really stupid! lol.
There are things like actual synths on ios (arturia) to realtime hardware synth integration to add extras (like oscilators, filters, etc) to even Moog synths! (which is totally awesome!). There are software synth helpers and controllers too, whether they be third party or directly from the manufacturer (like Spectrasonic's Orb).
This is very frustrating though, with android there's almost nothing out there. the best i have so far is a few midi controller apps (like touch osc, that originated on ios) and jordan rudess' MorphWizz (which he apparently uses live, but it feels like a toy).
I'm annoyed that 1. the music world is going to this, making everything feel chincy and kinda cheep (adding to the 'there's an app for that!' ;-s), but 2. that there's NOTHING for Android!
If I'm wrong, and there's stuff out there... PLEASE let me know. I'm using touch osc live on my a500 to control ableton, but i would love more apps for it!
oh yeah, one more thing. i also have a macbook pro (17 inch mother of a screen). i purchased it because of this problem. yes there are many production and synth programs on windows... but, NO, they hardly ever work well and i found that stability was 50/50 live. Had to go apple. To be honest, was hesitant, but i've enjoyed it. And apple fan boys, it's not perfect, it's not God, and it does crash.... albeit not as much as my Dell lol.
great community for the good 'ol a500!
LMFAO talk about ios and theyre GREAT APPS?
how about this a $1000 app that does nothing but shows a picture of a gem and a sentance
kylereid said:
the one thing that I've come across are all of the software companies in the music industry absolutely LOVE the ipad (as does every musician, producer, etc. LOVE and ADORE their iphone). When i show up to gigs, rehearsals, etc... i get tons of glances and weird faces at my android. most people have no idea that it's faster and more capable.. yada yada yada. (phone is a GNex running jb)
But, whether it be large VST firms like Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, Arturia, etc. etc, or even hints from the bigger guys like ableton, protools (avid), and logic, all have ipad apps to make the ipad "the next instrument". you see all the time on youtube videos of 'ipad bands' and all that crap. it's really stupid! lol.
There are things like actual synths on ios (arturia) to realtime hardware synth integration to add extras (like oscilators, filters, etc) to even Moog synths! (which is totally awesome!). There are software synth helpers and controllers too, whether they be third party or directly from the manufacturer (like Spectrasonic's Orb).
This is very frustrating though, with android there's almost nothing out there. the best i have so far is a few midi controller apps (like touch osc, that originated on ios) and jordan rudess' MorphWizz (which he apparently uses live, but it feels like a toy).
I'm annoyed that 1. the music world is going to this, making everything feel chincy and kinda cheep (adding to the 'there's an app for that!' ;-s), but 2. that there's NOTHING for Android!
If I'm wrong, and there's stuff out there... PLEASE let me know. I'm using touch osc live on my a500 to control ableton, but i would love more apps for it!
oh yeah, one more thing. i also have a macbook pro (17 inch mother of a screen). i purchased it because of this problem. yes there are many production and synth programs on windows... but, NO, they hardly ever work well and i found that stability was 50/50 live. Had to go apple. To be honest, was hesitant, but i've enjoyed it. And apple fan boys, it's not perfect, it's not God, and it does crash.... albeit not as much as my Dell lol.
great community for the good 'ol a500!
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thats great info i myself as a "not even semi-pro" music dj'er i have used abletone, native, etc an yeah i did find that more was supported by ios,
But is that the O/S's fault or the developers?
chismay said:
LMFAO talk about ios and theyre GREAT APPS?
how about this a $1000 app that does nothing but shows a picture of a gem and a sentance
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Really? Your gonna bring up an app that was released four years ago and that was pulled Immediately by Apple? Your a funny guy. You know it's bad when it's recommend to install some kind of anti virus software for your phone. I don't want to start arguing but the proof is in the pudding, ios has more apps, a wider selection and overall better apps, even if you have to pay for them.
Sent from my Atari 2600 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------
chismay said:
those point are valid, i dont mind paying for an app as long as it works. but ive noticed a large amount of apps for ios that dont actually do as described. like telling you one thing and you get something else.
about apple and solid product, no, this is the thing most people will confuse about me personally ,.....the ipad and phone COULD have been the greatest device ever,,,,,if: actually got a product on par with the price your paying
B. You bought it, you own it, you do what u want with it. not apples way
C. You wasnt forced to use the brands own very poor software to upload even a simple ringtone, i seriously dont get that....,,, oh wait i do you have to pay....not just for music but pay apple to get that music,. since when was apple my personal certified music agent?....self injected by apple very sneaky
D. apple products have had many of they're fair share of design flaws, these have just been swept under the carpet though. what about the massive i-4..."yeah the 4rth version" design flaw when you had to stick a rubber bumper on the side to get reception, and yeah you had to buy that rubber bumper ,,,, even though its apple fault.
NOW im not saying thats not a story for the android phones too but heres a small snippet about the htc one wifi problem and how htc went about fixing it for theyre valuable customers:
In addition, HTC is also urging affected users to their call customer support to see if their phone is one of the affected models. If HTC confirms that a user has a phone with the identified hardware flaw, they will issue a replacement device. <---- see the big differences?
other brands : buy a bad product from us we will fix or replace it at no cost you bought the device it should work....srry about that
apple: you bought it from us , its doesnt pay more money just get what you should already and have payed for,.
these are the things people hate about apple,
apple reminds me of that AOL Representative that wouldnt let that guy cancel his account.,... "well sir I THINK you need your account so im not goin to cancel it..........against your will.
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I agree with the whole ring tone, buying a song off itunes is one thing but not being able to set it as a ring tone is just plain obsurd.. Who knows maybe they'll offer it as a feature in one of their updates ha ha ha ha.. I also don't like how finicky the iphone is when it comes to trying to play videos on it... With my galaxy s3 I just drag and drop and it plays pretty much any video format I have.
I thought both the iphone and ipad were priced decently. My galaxy s3 cost just as much as an iphone4.. I mean how much was a motorola xoom when it came out? Roughly the same amount as an ipad think.
I'm really not trying to argue, we can go back and forth all day, iphone had reception issues, a few of the nexus line of phones has screen issues, it happens.. Although people seem to be a bit more harsh when it's apple.. I remember I had an HTC evo, phone worked fine but the software had a bug.. there was a known android bug where I would click on a text but it would send me to a different contact, me unknowingly would shoot out the text and by the time I realized someone else had gotten the text... It was too late.. I had a lot of embarrassing moments because of this. I know apple had that one clock bug where it didn't update to daylights savings time... Everybody has company's is perfect... I don't know what I'm getting with this really, I'm a neutral guy. I use both os's, they both have their pros and cons... That's all I gotta say.
Sent from my Atari 2600 using Tapatalk 2
chismay said:
thats great info i myself as a "not even semi-pro" music dj'er i have used abletone, native, etc an yeah i did find that more was supported by ios,
But is that the O/S's fault or the developers?
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agreed, but as we've seen with Flipboard and every other popular ios app, is android support THAT much different? lol
Moscow Desire said:
An Apple device, can make your wallet thinner :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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And there's an APP for that too!
kylereid said:
agreed, but as we've seen with Flipboard and every other popular ios app, is android support THAT much different? lol
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i read somewhere that the reason why iOS had such great dj'ing and music apps is sound processing. nobody can deny ipods have the greatest sound, better than any portable music player. apple took that and added it to the pads and phones. dunno if it's a software or hardware thing, but it's there. with jellybean now out i thought that might change a bit but i have not seen anything about it yet.
btw some Apple fanboys that i know are actually happy that Google fixed the fragmentation and wrote the gpu code from scratch. as another user said in earlier post, the OSes are paired in performance now.
Sent from my Abacus using Android
