Nexus S = iPhone - Nexus S General

Yep, for me personally the Nexus S is like the iPhone. I am just so happy with it
Let me explain. My first smartphone was a big, sturdy Kyocera 7135, running Palm OS, and it was sort of OK, crashing at times, but generally useful.
Then I went through several HTC-made WM5 and WM6 phones, which promised much, but ate my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing ROMs to make them useful. It was a time of obsessive flashing, fixing bugs, only to introduce new ones.
Then came the iPhone. And it was bliss. It worked. It looked good. It was updated regularly. Of course I jailbroke it, but it was more for sport, than anything else. As I said, it just worked, and it worked well.
Then Steve Jobs opened his big mouth and told me that Flash is not coming to the iPhone. Which pissed me off.
I had been keeping an eye on Android (with vague interest, but also disdain at first). The EVO came out, I almost got it, but it seemed a bit too tacky and clunky. When the Galaxy S came out with its gorgeous screen, I thought the time had come to give the maturing Android a try.
After the initial excitement (mostly with the SAMOLED screen), I found myself spending my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing again. To fix the GPS, to fix the Market, to fix FCs.... It felt like being back on WM6 again.
Worse, I discovered that while Android is an open platform, in practice it is locked just as tight as iOS by the manufacturers and the carriers. Really, there is very little difference: there are tons of developers working on modifying the iPhone in many ways, including UI. I just never thought most modifications were worth the effort. I feel the same regarding Android.
And with Android, if the manufacturer decides not to update the drivers for a phone, there is generally little the developer community can do to make that phone run the latest Android updates well.
So, I was getting disillusioned. When the Nexus S came out, I decided to give Android one last chance.
I've had the Nexus S for close to a month now. It just works. It's smooth. I don't have to think about it. I haven't even bothered to root it yet.
I feel like I have a phone again. Just like I did with the iPhone. Except that it does Flash
I wish it had WiFi Calling and 720p, but overall I am happy. Hopefully these will come, in due time.
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
That's why, for me, the Nexus S is my new iPhone.

Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).

ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
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Couldn't have said it better myself isn't being a rebel fun!
MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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Great idea, I think this practise is wasteful and is only designed to make already rich companies even richer You're right; specs are just purely marketing gimicks.
MacGuy2006 said:
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
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Software is the next big battle ground that's always been my view. Because we will reach this point where sure hardware can get slightly better, but most of the innovation will come down to the software space. That's why the Nexus fits this idea so perfectly!
Good choice on your Nexus S! I'm not disappointed with mine at all, and I came from iOS (iPt 2g MC - pos) and Symbian (E63... alright for the price when I got it I guess).

Had the Nexus S 2 days only but I like it. I have kept my iphone 4 for a week or two to make sure I don't change my mind.
My only problem with it so far is it eats the battery so much quicker than iphone.

Dear Sir or Madam,
Your optimism, well-wishes, or otherwise pleasant feelings regarding the Nexus S are neither warranted nor welcomed on these forums.
In case you did not notice, the sky is currently falling and the end is upon us. Clearly, you are incapable of making a choice of your own volition and must succumb to the masses, which confirm that the end is indeed falling on the Nexus S. Why you should so foolishly choose the device you thought best suited for you without consulting the unnamed and innumerable masses who possess other devices, post praise for those devices on their respective forums, and yet still come here to spout their opinions after handling this device for five minutes is a gross negligence on your part and you should be ashamed.
You must cease and desist all pleasant feelings and likable opinions regarding this device immediately or be subject to mob scrutiny of which the consequences will never be the same.
The Unnamed and Innumerable Masses.
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)

MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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In the US, the carriers don't sell phones. They sell contracts. If you're a good little consumer and buy a 2-year contract, you will get a shiny toy to play with. And then, looong beore that contract is up, they will dangle even shinier toys before you to trick you into extending the contract.
Even the Devil makes you sign a contract only once.

Yupe, agreed
I was ruled by HTC on my Desire, not anymore (still waiting my Nexus S sent from UK).
And from now on, I will only buy Nexus phone !
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).
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Jobs can suck it
Hey I totally agree the iPhone 4 was my last device and this Nexus S is pure bliss, still some poor quality, and poorly coded apps on the Market and the games are still nowhere close to the iPhone yet but they are coming, the Nexus S and Gingerbread has steered me away from iOS and anyone who knows me will tell you that is something. Thank you Google. Looking forward to many threads here with you all.

ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom.
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OK had major geek flashback here Star Wars.....
I know I am sad I get my coat and my NS......

unremarked said:
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)
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I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.

I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.

yeah too bad some people are stuck on iPhone 4 thanks to google doing the same band act as it did with N1

greenstuffs said:
I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.
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Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol

I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
I'm no Apple fan boy, nor do I care for Apple's dated OS or philosophy (which is more or less, "the average user is a complete idiot" - not entirely untrue, and needless to say, is a model that works wonders for them), but I can still respect the iPhone and what Apple gets right. And if there's one thing that succeeds, it's the typing experience (and generally, the touchscreen experience). And in that respect, the Nexus S =/= iPhone.

Mokurex said:
Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol
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I'm not trying to pick a flame war, but i did get some heat for saying the NS wasn't the revolutionary phone that the original N1 was. Still is a good phone but the vibrant or the mt4 isn't that far in terms of a performance and in some cases they surpass the NS.
That behavior was already taken place on the N1, there was some heated battles when the vibrant was released. I don't know what is the big deal in all that, nothing will change the fact if you are happy with your phone but sometimes i see unnecessary name calling and flames in a discussion.
It has become very childish almost the same stuff you find at engadget, there is always a heated battle in an android or apple post.

onthecouchagain said:
I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
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Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.

tommyz2kool said:
Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.
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You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.

SooSpecial said:
I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.
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Maybe I was a bit too subtle.
I was poking fun at the folks who come from other forums to inform us that we're all imbeciles for buying the Nexus S when their device/something coming out six months from now is so much better and we're incapable of making our own choices without their input/consent/approval.

onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface.
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Why? Have you actually used swype on a day to day basis? I've used both platforms extensively and I can say that after a some training swype is clearly the superior typing solution.
Maybe your preference is for thumb typing, but that doesnt change the fact that its faster to swype.

onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.
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I can type much faster on Android stock keyboard (Froyo/Gingerbread) than is a matter of getting used to it.. I dont like iphone keyboard with no pop up suggestion..Since you are just talking about stock to stock.


only 20% of android users?! BULLCRAP!

i stumbled across this story. dunno if its been posted in other threads in this site but since im primarily a nexus one owner, ill post it here. look: only 20% of android users would buy another while 77% percent would buy another iphone? thats crap. i love android and this is coming from an ex iphone 1st gen, iphone 3g and iphone 3gs. android blows the iphone out the water with android 2.2. how can so many of us android users be unsatisfied with android? how many of you guys would buy another android device? i myself got my eye on the droid x but idk. its pretty hard to leave my nexus one
okay as someone asked i copied and pasted the article so no need to go to the actual site:
"Customer loyalty is definitely one of Apple's advantages versus most of its rivals in the smartphone market.
The latest evidence: A Yankee Group survey summarized on CNNMoney (via Daring Fireball) saying that 77% of iPhone owners say they'll buy another iPhone, versus just 20% of Google Android customers who say they'll buy another Android phone.
That's a huge difference!
For now, it could be attributed to the early, half-baked state of many Android devices out there -- we assume the customer satisfaction for newer devices like the HTC Droid Incredible and Nexus One is much stronger than that of, say, the original HTC G1.
And, of course, it's quite possible that those people who don't plan to buy another Android phone will buy one anyway, just because it's the best-available smartphone at their carrier, price, or other factors.
But still -- this is a platform war we're at the beginning of, and Google needs to work with its handset partners to make sure Android is a good (and as "sticky") as possible.
(We assume BlackBerry maker RIM has also had very strong loyalty over the years, but it's not mentioned in the article.)"
Lol thas complete bs. I was the former owner of the iPhone 3g and 3gs and since i switched to android i've had eris, droid 1, N1, incedible, and now droid x, having said that, the only one i would choose the iphone over is the eris. I read a similar article on droid life one time but the loyalty to android was actually in the 80s that must be a apple fanboy blog.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Yep, Pure BS! Some iphonie fan wrote it...
All I see is the numbers, nothing about how they surveyed the people, how many people, and so on. I find that very hard to believe that 80% wouldn't buy another android phone. The iphone % I believe, since pretty much if you own an iphone you buy one every year, or you realise the mistake you made and move to another platform. Oh well, all the press is good news, Android is a viable enemy to iOS and the media and everyone else knows this now. You wouldn't have a survey even done if it wasn't.
Well I had the g1 for 2 years, and towards the end it really started to suck. It didn't have enough memory to run basic framework plus minimal applications. I always had Maps turning off the traffic due to low memory, and traffic checks are maybe the thing I use most often. ( I had ZERO anything on my homescreen as well, no apps, widgets, clocks, nada)
I went to iphone... HUGE mistake obviously (I could have figured it would be since I left iphone for android, but I thought I would give the 3GS a shot)
Then I came to the Nexus One and its uncomparable to either of these phones. If you are using a G1 on android 1.6 you really won't learn what Android is capable of, and you won't learn unless you get on a different device. Once I got to use the N1 and learn all the features of android, the G1 became more capable because I learned what it was trying to imitate. Widgets are one of the main features that make Android the winner. G1 Donut and hero/n1 Eclair are a Night and Day difference for me, and FroYo is amazing with the Dalvik cache and wifi-tether.
So, basically the majority of the people that say they would leave are on the g1 (or a similar, entry type) and don't really know what it is that they are missing.
Oh yea, and the article is BS...
adambenjamin said:
Well I had the g1 for 2 years, and towards the end it really started to suck. It didn't have enough memory to run basic framework plus minimal applications. I always had Maps turning off the traffic due to low memory, and traffic checks are maybe the thing I use most often. ( I had ZERO anything on my homescreen as well, no apps, widgets, clocks, nada)
I went to iphone... HUGE mistake obviously (I could have figured it would be since I left iphone for android, but I thought I would give the 3GS a shot)
Then I came to the Nexus One and its uncomparable to either of these phones. If you are using a G1 on android 1.6 you really won't learn what Android is capable of, and you won't learn unless you get on a different device. Once I got to use the N1 and learn all the features of android, the G1 became more capable because I learned what it was trying to imitate. Widgets are one of the main features that make Android the winner. G1 Donut and hero/n1 Eclair are a Night and Day difference for me, and FroYo is amazing with the Dalvik cache and wifi-tether.
So, basically the majority of the people that say they would leave are on the g1 (or a similar, entry type) and don't really know what it is that they are missing.
Oh yea, and the article is BS...
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i agree. if youre under 2.0, you wont experience the full android experience. to get the best feeling, 2.2 would be the one. this is where fragmentation is the issue
What really urks me is that there is not explination of the numbers, in either article they only say the numbers, not how the numbers were gathered or who was surveyed, as far as I am concerned the statement
"Android is the greatest mobile OS ever, iPhone cant even compare"
is just as plausible given the lack of evidence to support either my statement or their numbers.
Wow. As a show of how intelligent the sites readers are the whole comments section or an argument between fanboys in who will have more market share (the android guys side) and more profit ( the ios guys side).
This its probably true, if they took a sampling from att base. Att has ****ty android examples.
This is nosense.
As good old WM (6.x.x) is fading and WP7 won't compatible with older applications, I finally made a move and migrated to Android.
The first Android phone is nexus one, then you can imagine how high expectation I have with Android, and generally I think I made a right move.
Other than N8 (S60 cubic), the future smartphones will be Android 2.2+ based.
I love my n1 and would definitely get another android phone, once my nexus one dies or something worthwhile comes along to put my n1 into retirement.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
What really pisses me off about this, is that there isn't A SINGLE BIT OF PROOF, no statistics, no evidence, no survey reports, nothing. And this thing is spreading, its the Android 3.0 rumors all over again, unsubstantiated rumors running freely on the internet, and no one is asking the necessary questions.
One question: why are we driving traffic to their site? Copy/paste the content and post it in your OP, then I might read it.
Blueman101 said:
What really pisses me off about this, is that there isn't A SINGLE BIT OF PROOF, no statistics, no evidence, no survey reports, nothing. And this thing is spreading, its the Android 3.0 rumors all over again, unsubstantiated rumors running freely on the internet, and no one is asking the necessary questions.
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73% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Sounds like MS or Apple funded FUD to me. Or a clueless fanboi.
I just converted 3 people to android fanatics in the past month. And with the aria and captivate out for att I'm getting more people on the boat for it. My sister is far from technologically inclined and she still thinks her aria is easier and better than the iphone she almost bought.
I'm willing to guess that 100% of people at this forum would buy Android again We are hardly what I would consider an unbias source as we are browsing Android forums, clearly we love our devices.
I had a G1 for a year and LOVED it. Have had my Nexus One for around 2 months and I LOVE IT as well. If there was a Nexus 2, Id pick it up FOR SURE.
Too bad Google wont be doing another one. But that new 2ghz Motorola Android phone coming this winter sure sounds nice.
And yes, that article is PURE BS.
Dai323 said:
I had a G1 for a year and LOVED it. Have had my Nexus One for around 2 months and I LOVE IT as well. If there was a Nexus 2, Id pick it up FOR SURE.
Too bad Google wont be doing another one. But that new 2ghz Motorola Android phone coming this winter sure sounds nice.
And yes, that article is PURE BS.
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Eh, the article isn't pure BS. Obviously if you bring this article to Android forums you are going to find that a vast majority of the people will call the article BS and say they love their Android phone. The same thing applies if someone were to post this very article on Apple forums, people would agree and say they love their iPhone. Fan-sites for devices are the most bias corners of the internet.
Just because many people here love their Android phones doesn't just mean the article is BS. Thats one thing everyone needs to remember: anyone posting on a fan-oriented forum/site is going to have a bias toward their hardware. They are also the vocal MINORITY. 99% of customers never ever post on a website or forum about how much they love their phone. Thus, people on sites like these represent a tiny fraction of the real market opinion.
Also, CNN Money ran the same story:
I was using windows mobile for a long time until finally making the move to android with the nexus one. I have no regrets, either. When Windows Phone 7 releases, though, I will probably move to them. And if they can't keep up pace with apps/updates/ect, I'll be back on Android. I wont be buying any Apple products ever. I do not like the way they do business.
uberamd said:
Eh, the article isn't pure BS. Obviously if you bring this article to Android forums you are going to find that a vast majority of the people will call the article BS and say they love their Android phone. The same thing applies if someone were to post this very article on Apple forums, people would agree and say they love their iPhone. Fan-sites for devices are the most bias corners of the internet.
Just because many people here love their Android phones doesn't just mean the article is BS. Thats one thing everyone needs to remember: anyone posting on a fan-oriented forum/site is going to have a bias toward their hardware. They are also the vocal MINORITY. 99% of customers never ever post on a website or forum about how much they love their phone. Thus, people on sites like these represent a tiny fraction of the real market opinion.
Also, CNN Money ran the same story:
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Fair enough, but XDA isnt ONLY Android developement. As Android got off to a slow start, I would think its very fair to say that people who purchased Android phones in the past year (Droid, Nexus, Evo, Desire, ect) would be VERY likely to purchase another Android phone.
And Id be willing to bet it would be alot more than 20%.

Take that, iPhone lovers.

I thought you guys would enjoy this:
So now, Apple is saying that all jailbroken iPhones are susceptible to being wiped and/or bricked automatically by Apple This applies to anyone who has jailbroken or hacked the iPhone in any way.
technically it doesnt say they are now susceptible. there is a patent that was published for them to have the ability to do this. There are still a plethora of legal issues i ma sure they would have to figure out.
It honestly doesnt surprise me i will never under stand the general sheep attitude that if you put an I in front of it and it has a fruit logo it must be good. Most apple products i think are a joke at the very least and highly over rated pos at best.
I do like mac computers but all there mobile devices could go away and i wouldn't shed a tear.
You're right; I said "are" susceptible instead of "would be" as this is still something they are trying to do at this point. So Apple wants to try to burn their customers by bricking their phones, and HTC releases their source codes to the public so Android devs can have at it. Talk about going from one extreme to the
omegasun18 said:
technically it doesnt say they are now susceptible. there is a patent that was published for them to have the ability to do this. There are still a plethora of legal issues i ma sure they would have to figure out.
It honestly doesnt surprise me i will never under stand the general sheep attitude that if you put an I in front of it and it has a fruit logo it must be good. Most apple products i think are a joke at the very least and highly over rated pos at best.
I do like mac computers but all there mobile devices could go away and i wouldn't shed a tear.
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Right. From what I understand, nothing has been stated or written that implies remote wiping of jailbroken devices. From what I can tell, the patent is for the capabilities to implement security measures at the rightful owner's command.
I don't understand the "sheep attitude" either, but I won't go as far as you... The iPhone is a pretty great device, but my Evo with King's BFS #5 Kernel and EViO runs circles around it in every way.
iPhone is still a general consumer device, in my opinion. Professionals, and more tech savvy people should recognize that it is inferior to several of the Android options (Evo, Nexus One, Droid Incredible, Droid X, Epic....) Everybody I know who bought an iPhone 4 calls it "iPhone 4G". That, in itself, tells me everything I need to know about how much they actually know about mobile technology.
I love my ipod touch... D:
Sent from my Evo, using the xda app
New name for this iPhone "feature."
Its not MALWARE, its Traitorware. Because it bricks your hard earned phone.
wait a minute. that new iphone "thing" is going to check heartbeats?? what if i have to take a call mid-coitus and my heartbeat is(obviously) irregular. is apple going to wipe the phone???
i hate apple.
rizzoads said:
I won't go as far as you... The iPhone is a pretty great device, but my Evo with King's BFS #5 Kernel and EViO runs circles around it in every way.
iPhone is still a general consumer device, in my opinion. Professionals, and more tech savvy people should recognize that it is inferior to several of the Android options (Evo, Nexus One, Droid Incredible, Droid X, Epic....) Everybody I know who bought an iPhone 4 calls it "iPhone 4G". That, in itself, tells me everything I need to know about how much they actually know about mobile technology.
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Let me rephrase the hardware itself is not bad. The iphone is not a bad phone. when you put ios4 on it and they force you to go through apple's restricted store and force you to have to use apple approved everything it becomes a crappy device. For ipods as soon as they mention itunes the device fails. apple can take amazing hardware with a solid look and kill it with there crappy software and extremely restricted views on what people should and shouldnt be allowed to do.
you made my arguemtn for me look at what android allows and does, now look at apple when you compare and look at the whole package the iphone fails miserable compared to android phones this is my basis for my opinion of it.
omegasun18 said:
Let me rephrase the hardware itself is not bad. The iphone is not a bad phone. when you put ios4 on it and they force you to go through apple's restricted store and force you to have to use apple approved everything it becomes a crappy device. For ipods as soon as they mention itunes the device fails. apple can take amazing hardware with a solid look and kill it with there crappy software and extremely restricted views on what people should and shouldnt be allowed to do.
you made my arguemtn for me look at what android allows and does, now look at apple when you compare and look at the whole package the iphone fails miserable compared to android phones this is my basis for my opinion of it.
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I agree. My problem is not with the iPhone itself so much as with the fact that it is made by Apple and therefore is limited to what the Apple allows. The fact that they would even try do something like what is on the article should be enough to deter people from buying their product; whether they intend to jailbreak it or not. However, the Apple fan base is so brain washed by Apple's very own BS, that some of their customers actually believe it is BAD and reverse progress when people jailbreak their phones.
I really don't get it.
Droid X efuse in its TI processor was a very similar thing. Not for all rooting, but roms. Same concept anyway.
When I got my evo, i removed the SIM card from my iphone 3g, downgraded back to 3.1.3 to make it not run like the horrid mess of crap that iOS 4. Then I rejailbroke it and gave it to my girlfriends brother as an ipod so he didnt have to waste money on one.
Which gets me on another rant. if a jailbroken iphone 3g can run multitasking and wallpapers on 3.1.3 flawlessly, why does an iphone 3g run like crap on 4.0 with those things disabled. Seems to me that apple is afraid of the fact that the "hacker community" is SOOO much better at coding than them.
bisby said:
Droid X efuse in its TI processor was a very similar thing. Not for all rooting, but roms. Same concept anyway.
When I got my evo, i removed the SIM card from my iphone 3g, downgraded back to 3.1.3 to make it not run like the horrid mess of crap that iOS 4. Then I rejailbroke it and gave it to my girlfriends brother as an ipod so he didnt have to waste money on one.
Which gets me on another rant. if a jailbroken iphone 3g can run multitasking and wallpapers on 3.1.3 flawlessly, why does an iphone 3g run like crap on 4.0 with those things disabled. Seems to me that apple is afraid of the fact that the "hacker community" is SOOO much better at coding than them.
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Could be mistaken but it wasnt google who implemented Efuse into the Droid X, it was Motorola the phone manufacturer not the software manufacturer. So its not really the same concept seeing apple has total control over its device, while with android the manufacturer is given liberities as well.
They already have an app that will kill the apple kill switch. if you can dream it they will hack it. I agree the Iphone hardware is nice.. they make both hardware and software, it's deserves praise but that's it. back to the Evo world.

iPhone vs Android

Not a flame thread... I promise.
I've never had an iPhone, but I have a few friends that do. Every time I ask them if their phone can do this or that, it seems that it can. Has the gap closed significantly? Is there anything an Android phone can do that an iPhone can't? Or vice versa?
For the record, I'm not a ringleader of the holy war against iPhones. I mean, I think they are pretty decent phones. Of course, I do like the Android phones.. a lot. But I don't see myself switching to an iPhone any time soon.
So, keep the flames down and just list the facts.
The only two differences that I really know of is 1) Android is on all of the US carriers, where iPhone is AT&T only; and 2) it is much easier and friendlier in the rooting of the device for Android phones (that is, carriers and manufacturers don't care).
You only touched the tip of the iceberg with the "rooting" part. Take a look in the Dev section of the forum and you'll see why Android totally owns iOS. This is the main reason I chose Android. If this was an iPhone forum that whole sub-forum wouldn't exist. The only thing iOS has is apps.
Plus (until recently) iPhones were stuck with crappy screen resolution: 320x480 while many Android phones had screens at 480x800. The Android OS isn't restricted to just one piece of hardware so we get many manufacturers competing against each other. When companies compete the consumer wins. The only thing iPhone competes against is the previous iPhone model. If Apple releases a new iPhone it only needs to be marginally better than the previous model for people to buy it.
I used to be an Apple fan-boy. I had an iPod, bought the 17" MacBook Pro when it was released, had an iPhone, all that stuff. And while I still respect Apple for pushing cutting-edge technology, there is no way a single company can release cutting-edge products as fast as multiple other companies combined.
Not to mention that Android is capable of using widgets. As well as a more "open" market for applications compared to Apple's review process before a application gets published. However, it is up to the user's responsibilities to take a look at what permissions the app is asking for. But if you're tech savvy enough, this shouldn't be a problem and there aren't many applications that are malicious.
The most significant difference is that Android has A LOT more customzation compared to iOS. The iOS is so limited on customization where Android we can change just about everything: the virtual keyboard, home screen, app drawer, and just pretty much everything.
to be honest with you, you can't go wrong with either phone. i have to say, iphone4 is a great piece of hardware and apple, like Samsung knows a lil something about design. good luck.
no comments in other things but when i hold my dads iphone 3gs, it feels like too small... and fat.. I mean, the display looks small compared to my vibrant
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
boodies said:
like Samsung knows a lil something about design. good luck.
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LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
rogerchew said:
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
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Sure, with the exception of the lack of widgets on the iPhone, as well as Live Wallpapers.
The Android desktop is like the desktop on your PC
The Apple iOS 'desktop' is like your start menu
rogerchew said:
well in terms of customization, i know a jail broken iphone or ("rooted android") phone can also get the customizations that aren't available out of the box. So in that regard, I would have to say both are just as customizable.
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iOS Customization is no where close to as diverse to Android. iOS you can jailbreak it, however the UI still stays generally the same. For android, your able to create completely new interfaces (ie: different launchers/home screens) iOS you can sorta do something similar with designing templates w/ blank icons and such but it still isn't the same and is a rather stupid way of going about it. Android has the ability to customize down to the system level, which is why i see it as a superior OS.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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Which device are you talking about?
Apple's main appeal to consumers is sleekness. The iPhone is a sleek looking piece of hardware that bedazzles the average person (i.e. retard). When I go around a college campus and see every person with a 13 inch Mac Book that was $1500+ I have to laugh. If it was not for the sleek presentation and general "coolness" of the brand they would not be able to get away with half the crap they pull.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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nothing a bumper can't fix LMAO
SeanFloyd said:
a 13 inch Mac Book that was $1500+
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??? Seriously ???
The 90's called they want their inaccurate arguments back.
This is America, exaggeration is perfectly legal!
well when talking about the two, you have to understand the iPhone is a piece of hardware and software and Android is software...
the iPhone and the Vibrant are generally the same in terms of hardware... however the Vibrant has some huge advantages in having an expandable memory and replaceable battery.
iOS is much more limited than Android in terms of customization, but also has an advantage as it works perfectly with the hardware.
in my opinion, the iPhone is a much more user friendly device whereas Android devices are more exciting and feature filled.
nearblack said:
well when talking about the two, you have to understand the iPhone is a piece of hardware and software and Android is software...
the iPhone and the Vibrant are generally the same in terms of hardware... however the Vibrant has some huge advantages in having an expandable memory and replaceable battery.
iOS is much more limited than Android in terms of customization, but also has an advantage as it works perfectly with the software.
in my opinion, the iPhone is a much more user friendly device whereas Android devices are more exciting and feature filled.
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I think this sums it up perfectly. The other thing is that if you don't plan on utilizing the potential of Android the difference between the two is even smaller and comes down to stock features (like- do you want a FFC or removeable storage? Tmobile or ATT?). If you plan on rooting Android will far and away kill the iphone in terms of customization and extra features.
I love my macbook but there is no way I'd get an iphone with a sweet phone like the Vibrant running Android as my other choice.
s15274n said:
LOL.... tell that to all the left handed people of the world
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cell phone companies don't care about freaks.
This is so much more interesting than I thought it would. before I posted this, I thought the answers would be "Android has such-and-such app" where iPhone could never do this (or vice versa) and here's why.
Rooting and tinkering are what I love to do, and when I bought my G1 on day one, I honestly did not realize that rooting would even be an option. I just somehow knew that Android was going to be the way to go. I kinda lucked out on the fact that we can root our phones. Without root, then these are good phones. Add root, and you have an awesome phone.
You know how sometimes you look at a really interesting photograph and you know it is interesting, but you don't know why it is interesting? And then you take a class in photography and you learn why that photograph was interesting--composition, lighting, etc? Well, now I know why I love my phone.
Bottom line is, I guess people who just want a phone to work, and not have to do anything, or deal with small, annoying "issues", then the iPhone may be a better way to go. But you have to realize that iPhone will never be the best HW/SW out there any more. I think Android will always have the edge now, due to all the competition. So if you are an above average user, or an advanced user, then the choice is easy: Android.
Android definitely does more, you just have to go out of your way to figure it all out (which is why we are all here). IPhone makes doing cool stuff more easily accessible (which works for the masses that just want a sweet phone that does sweet stuff outta the box), but the level of customization is nowhere near android. I've told my diehard iPhone friends if they were to just use an android phone for a month, they would switch. The only credit I give to the iPhone is the sick lineup of games. Android pretty much blows in that department.
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christpuncher said:
Android definitely does more, you just have to go out of your way to figure it all out (which is why we are all here). IPhone makes doing cool stuff more easily accessible (which works for the masses that just want a sweet phone that does sweet stuff outta the box), but the level of customization is nowhere near android. I've told my diehard iPhone friends if they were to just use an android phone for a month, they would switch. The only credit I give to the iPhone is the sick lineup of games. Android pretty much blows in that department.
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It'll start to catch up, Gameloft games are available on Android but the way that they deliver their games are terrible especially for people who root their phones and things of that sort. I just wish they would offer their games on the market.
But to an extent, you're totally right.. I hope that game developers will move on the Android platform and take advantage of the hardware that is always improving and improving on Android whereas Apple releases new hardware for their phone once per year.

iPhone user is speechless over the Note

I don't have a note yet,(epic touch 4g user), but I really want one..
Anyways, I thought you would get a kick out of seeing what a iPhone users' reaction was when confronted with a challenge from this phone..
Funny stuff!
"My phone cant do anything that phone can"
I love reading the comments and iPhone Fanboys getting mad.
yep, the comments are even funnier than the video!
Ha! Yeah, the comments are great. It's almost like some people are offended by it's existence, and HAVE to hate on it.
In saying that, it was a pretty unfair test. But in saying THAT, she is the 'typical' iPhone user.
They were just showing the "unique" features powered by the S-Pen.
Kinda don't see the point :\
Comments are funny!
I agree the tests were too slanted toward the Note, but it was designed to show what it can do that the iPhone cannot. I am not sure you cannot get an app to edit PowerPoint files, but the rest would be quite difficult without some very sophisticated software. The photo editing and screenshot / drawing is all, but it makes a great point!
The fact is this is marketing. Nothing has to be true or fair. As is being argued in comments, Apple tried exactly this with the caricatures of the Apple vs PC users. Payback's a *****, guys!
I believe the iPhone was a great phone when it was created. The iPad was also a great idea, much better than the laggy Windows Tablets. Some of the best things about these have been copied in Android. The painful truth is that the phone and pad have not improved. The painful reason is the same one that Apple, who started with the first commonly available GUI (I know about X-Windows, before you start, heck, I used to use it, but it was not in common use). That reason is a lack of change. The reason for that reason? A closed platform, and for both hardware and software.
Look at what happened to the very open architecture of the IBM PC in the same time frame. Look what is happening to Android devices in the same time frame. I think the reason for the stagnation is clear.
Love it. The ismall can't compete
From the Beast : Galaxy Note
Prior to the GNote I had owned every iteration of iPhone since it was first released (preceded by Windows Mobile phones, Pocket PC's, and almost every model of Palm devices up to the IIIc). So far, the GNote is by far the most functional device I have owned. Since I am using it to replace a 4s and iPad 2, I have not found it to be too large - in fact, if it was another 1/2 inch I wouldn't mind (that's what she said <g>).
Anyways, no regrets with my decision to jump ship. Great device!
The comments are what makes the video.
it's a little sad that even though the note has its major advantages over ip4s, commercials like this will most likely return as bad publicity
As much as I love the Note, and as much as I love seeing Android put Apple to shame, I do think it would be a much fairer test if the 4S were pitted up against the GS2 i9100. The GS2 was considered the best smartphone of 2011, and it's no wonder! Love that thing!
onetonnoodle said:
it's a little sad that even though the note has its major advantages over ip4s, commercials like this will most likely return as bad publicity
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Don't they say that any publicity is good?
Yeah the comparison is stacked as I can do all those things with my wife's Iphone albeit with third party apps and so would any self respecting geek. Then again so are Iphone commercials, as is latest windows challenge.
It is almost imperative that advertising not be fair.
The reality is that the lady is just average consumer and as such, they are pretty dumb.
Hell, in my immediately circle of family and friends there's about 20 iphones and none of them know anything past calling, checking messages, emails and Facebook.
Not cool Sammy
I Love the Galaxy Note, but this time I feel embarrassed and ashamed by this ad.
Samsung went too low with this.
If I go to the street with my 7 year old Windows Mobile, and run a similar test against most recent android phones, what will I prove?
Besides, there are capacitive stylus for iPhones, and if it was an iPhone user with one of these capacitive stylus to make a similar add against any unprepared android user, it will have the same result.
I understand there are a lot of iPhone haters around here, but one thing is that we know our phone is better that an iPhone for many reasons, other is to offend and ridicule others because they don't follow you.
The original web ads about the features were so much more "Woweeee! I want that!" for me....
Just ran a sun spider bench mark and got 1331. So a lot better than 4s. Its obvious how the devices differ and which device is clearly superior. No idea why apple fan boys get so crazy when a better device than theirs gets released though. If another company releases a higher spec device... why does it matter. Its almost certainly gonna happen to us note users at some point. But I take pride at the moment.
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Soooo many dislikes on that video. We have to spread the word on this.
The point is: They got your attention and got YOU talking.
Its already a success due to that.
Apple already does similar marketing strategies. So I dont get why there's so much hate
Oh i am so in love with that girl. And now she she like Android so all is well
I wouldn't say "speechless". ***** wouldn't stop talking.
What I don't understand is why so many Note users dislike this ad so much. It's not like this is the only commercial out there that is 'unfair' to its competition.

All the hating

Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
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So which Note cons do the iPhone cover? Can't think of any myself.
Sent from my superior GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Well for instance app availability before android market,maybe not that noticable,but still. And having two different OS's.good enough for me
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I posted this in another thread but its perfectly relevant here as well:
I've noticed an interesting phenomenon occuring on both the Android and Apple side:
1. Someone points out that x feature is missing from one platform, in terms of hardware or software
2. The people on the bandwagon ***** that person out, telling them to switch platforms or just shut up. Often they will say "We don't need X feature, which is why we don't have it." or "Go do this lengthy process to get X feature kinda sorta implemented if you want X feature".
3. Rinse and repeat.
Now this is very general and doesn't always happen but it's something we need to be aware of. As someone studying business and software, it's been beat into my head that there is only one true way to succeed when this situation happens - engineer it into the product and make it BETTER than the competitor.
So, instead of trolling or *****ing people out, I believe the correct procedure is to identify what features and benefits the competitor has and start working on engineering them into our platform in such a way that it is both better than the competitor's and it fits well with our current platform. We can always do better, and taking ideas from a competitor in this way is not in any way stealing - as long as you do not directly copy and change it significantly it's okay (see the paraphrasing versus plagiarizing arguement in education for a good example). And I'm not just talking about Apple here, I'm talking about any competitor.
If we put our energy towards making the platforms and apps better, rather than arguing or otherwise getting getting political/fanboyish, then everyone wins. People on our platform get that new feature, and the other platform has to step up their game so the people on the other platform either get the same feature or some other new feature. This is the basis of constructive competition that drives our economy.
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mainly because whatever the person has then its the best and everything else is rubbish, its the mentality of people
android users rubbish every other os especially ios and vice versa
Liquid Nitrogen, very well said. Agree 100 %.
can't really be ignored that FANBOYISM is rampant in some if not most forums that talk about this and that...
dzhankijs said:
Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
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Compared to many forums, this forum is surprisingly civil.
Haters will always be hating though.
dzhankijs said:
Im talking about the hate between different platforms Os etc just get what you like and thats it! I own galaxy note and an iphone 4s and i think that both phones cover up for each other one's pros and cons. No matter is it about the phone itself or apps or something else! But then again it is just my opinion
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Totally agree with u as i use all 3 platforms-Android, iOS n Symbian-and find each one suited for specific purposes.
But one particular platform will appear as the best for one particular user based on user preferences.For me,its Android.But that doesnt conclude that its better than iOS in each n every aspect.
I find it rather silly when people fight ferociously trying to establish that one particular platform is the best...
Exactly I use 3 OSes too. And there are pros and cons. Symbian is good at how each app can be assigned different network, that means email can be given cellular net and data hungry apps can be given wifi. So at a given time, both connection can be active which neither iOS nor Android can do.
One interesting feature of iOS allows syncing of different Exchange Contacts folder which I still couldn't do with Android. iOS is easyphone (vs geekphone) and I always recommend this to my gf, mom, aunt etc.
Android is like - if you can dream a feature then that is already there.
I don't particularly hate the iphone, I owned 2. It's a personal preference thing for me. For me it's the openness and personalization. I do hate apple as a company. They are a bunch of cry babies and if they can't beat someone then they sue them. They have more lawsuits going than anyone right now. Them aholes are even suing Kodak who is freaking bankrupt! They buy patents for the sole purpose of filing a lawsuit.
They are sore losers and would rather sue and buy a patent than come up with their own ideas
From the big ole Note
So I get that all platforms are useful. But WHAT is the deal with the lame press reviews on the NOTE. These kind of fanboy issues grow because of the uneven press given by supposedly people who care about and discuss innovation. Yet they discount the Note and are fine with constantly using a made up marketing term like Retina Display ( I am the Dir of a Cog Sci university program and I know that has nothing to do with the science) even though it means nothing. Samsung truly innovated with the Note, but gets no credit. Google seems to try hard to stick with their "do not evil" mantra (left CHina, backs alt energy, supports open and Mozilla, ...) while Apple now trumps 1980s MS for evilness, yet again they get treated the same there. If everything was more fair, you would see less fanboyism, although there would always be some, it is in our genes.
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------
So I get that all platforms are useful. But WHAT is the deal with the lame press reviews on the NOTE. These kind of fanboy issues grow because of the uneven press given by supposedly people who care about and discuss innovation. Yet they discount the Note and are fine with constantly using a made up marketing term like Retina Display ( I am the Dir of a Cog Sci university program and I know that has nothing to do with the science) even though it means nothing. Samsung truly innovated with the Note, but gets no credit. Google seems to try hard to stick with their "do not evil" mantra (left CHina, backs alt energy, supports open and Mozilla, ...) while Apple now trumps 1980s MS for evilness, yet again they get treated the same there. If everything was more fair, you would see less fanboyism, although there would always be some, it is in our genes.
Zamboney said:
So which Note cons do the iPhone cover? Can't think of any myself.
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I own both of these as well.
Outlook syncing with iOS makes android look sick, it is sick, because Google want you to give THEM all your personal data, this "open" OS is not as open as some would have you believe, especially when it comes to choosing what to connect to for PIM.
All the 3rd party software for Android syncing [plus Kies and HTC sync] is utter rubbish, including very expensive software like Companionlink/deja.
Android has some pretty substantial high's, especially the Note with it's stylus and large screen, but it sucks balls as much as any other android device I've had for basic PIM without Google
Everything has pro's and con's, even the Note
The real problem with Iphone/Apple products is the cost is more, the features are not any better, both Samsung and Apple are about the same in quality but the App costs are WAY higher on a Apple App store compared to Android store. That and the lack of control (being locked out of something I own) of the phone.
The bottom line I advise ppl I know....... If you want an out of the box phone that you will never change never customize and are willing to buy off the shelf in the box apps....... and that...... will satisfy your every need for the phone........get an I phone......
..... BUT....... if you want to pay less and want to customize and have real control over the item YOU bought.............. get an Android.
I think paying retail plus•90% is unnecessary but then....... like my father used to say........ Never underestimate the power of stupidity!!!....... and those that think paying more for less is ok then stay with Apple......... But I do have to say Apple is fantastic at marketing........ they really Are !!!
My "problem" with iPhone fans is their arguments.
Android is so hard to use, Android is so sluggish, there are more apps in AppStore (but not a single example of ONE app that is missing from Play - i.e not existing on the Android platform) or bragging about the fantastic quality of the iPhone.
Unfortunately, I have not heard any good arguments for the iPhone since 2007. Just those "arguments" that is like a parody.
I agree. I Google app #s the other week and android just passed half a million apps in Google market. Where iphone is barely ahead with just over 600k so the whole app argument is lame and not true!
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SNES vs Genesis, anyone?
There's nothing wrong with most current mobile devices that bigger batteries or a decent bluetooth keyboard case wouldn't fix. The rest is time better spent on tuning our chosen products to whatever esoteric tastes suit us.
drachers said:
SNES vs Genesis, anyone?
There's nothing wrong with most current mobile devices that bigger batteries or a decent bluetooth keyboard case wouldn't fix. The rest is time better spent on tuning our chosen products to whatever esoteric tastes suit us.
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Dream on! Only Android can be tuned at all.
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i find it kind of funny that everyone will go back and forth about the i phone and the android but the windows phones don't even come up in this i guess wether u like i phone or android u have one thing in commin nobody really wants a windows phone
I have a Note and an iPhone 4S. They are both excellent but different.
Buy an iPhone to have iTunes, iCloud and have everything just sync, iTunes as a central point to manage your media, the 4S has a better camera and audio quality, in a manageable screen size.
Buy a Note to have a different hardware form factor. A screen that makes everything sexy. Lots of customisable options. A unique device and well put together.
The classic take. The Apps and Games. On Apps the field between android and iOS is closer. Sometimes it goes to Apple, other times to Android. Think of Apps with widgets and there own shop store. Games goes to Apple. The Note needs more developers to write better made games for the Note.

