[Q] How do I install firefox for my xcd35 ? - Blade General

I've xcd35, and when I was browsing to android market it says firefox isn't available for your device
But I love firefox as a browser and I'm habituated to it.
So, is there a way install firefox browser on my device ?

shek007 said:
I've xcd35, and when I was browsing to android market it says firefox isn't available for your device
But I love firefox as a browser and I'm habituated to it.
So, is there a way install firefox browser on my device ?
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because its meant for armv7 and our device is not supported.
and its not open source so no way to install it

saaransh9 said:
because its meant for armv7 and our device is not supported.
and its not open source so no way to install it
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Actually there is an experimental branch of Firefox for ARM v6.
Unfortunately none of the versions I tired has worked.
Anyway, if you want to start it somewhere, here is link to another forum at here on XDA.

saaransh9 said:
because its meant for armv7 and our device is not supported.
and its not open source so no way to install it
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It is armv7 only & that's why it wont work.
But Firefox is open source! There's a guide to getting & compiling the source code here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Fennec/Android
You would need to modify the source to make it compile properly for arm v6, those modifications might not be easy.
There is a note on their site about armv6 https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android#ARMv6_.28experimental.29
Sorry, the experimental ARMv6 builds are no longer available. They contained bugs that caused them to crash immediately, so they were no longer useful for testing. (bug 697205 is filed on getting these builds working again.)
While we'd like Firefox to run on as many phones as possible, we are focusing first on devices that can run current versions of Firefox with acceptable performance. As we improve Firefox's speed and memory use, it might become possible for us to support ARMv6 phones in the future, but we are not actively working on it now.
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The bug report gives more information: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=697205
There are a few alignment bugs that need fixing, armv7 automatically fixes bad alignment, armv6 crashes.

BTW, how do I know if my mobile is armv7 or 6 ?
I could find a place in my mobile where it says it's version number..

shek007 said:
BTW, how do I know if my mobile is armv7 or 6 ?
I could find a place in my mobile where it says it's version number..
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ARMv6 or ARMv7 is not your phones version number!
Your XCD35 has been built around the Qualcomm MSM7227 SoC (SystemOnChip). It contains a processing core (the main core) developed by ARM. This core is based on an architecture, named ARMv6.

Okay got it..
Thanks for helping me out.. I would have surfed more and more to find a way to install and finally I came to knew that it is not possible..


[Q] Flash 10.1 on Xandroid

Why we can't install Flash Player 10.1 on Xandroid (Touch HD).
The app is not available on the Market and the .apk refuse to install
Thanks for your help !
I also posted this question several times but no one answered. This most probably means that this version is a fake Android 2.2. Most probably this is an Android 2.1 with some changes to make it look like Android 2.2
Because Android 2.2 Froyo has built in support for Flash, while this fake version neither has flash support nor would it allow flash player to install.
doesn't really matter, because flash on our phones is going to be painfully slow anyways
I found the answer : Flash 10.1 only support ARM7 cpu.
And our HTC Blackstone has a ARM6 cpu
ron93 said:
I found the answer : Flash 10.1 only support ARM7 cpu.
And our HTC Blackstone has a ARM6 cpu
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I have working Flash "", built-in 2.1+Sense build.
The main reason for Flash 10.1 only supporting Arm7 cpu's is that arm6 ones like in our blackstone are way to slow to run flash at a reasonable speed. You may be able to get it working, but it WILL lagg like hell
accountabc said:
The main reason for Flash 10.1 only supporting Arm7 cpu's is that arm6 ones like in our blackstone are way to slow to run flash at a reasonable speed. You may be able to get it working, but it WILL lagg like hell
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Not so big lags, also flash10 3d test working (10fps)
I wondering if you could run a quick test on your phone - there's an app 'Flash on Webview' which shows if flash can be run inside apps. Can you tell me if that runs on your phone?
I'm thinking about downgrading from 2.2 to get this functionality but I want to make sure it works in Apps before I do.
DmK75 said:
I have working Flash "", built-in 2.1+Sense build.
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That post was meant for use DmK75 who has Flash running with 2.1

[Q] Honeycomb was ported to Armv6 blade. What about ICS?

Hi there,I'm trying to port the SDK dump to my LG P500,which has the same specs like ZTE Blade.
After applying normal methods for making other phones' roms boot and a special patch found here it doesn't even give logcat,so bootloops in recovery.
After doing some research,I discovered that libs are built for armv7,which we don't have. But also Honeycomb SDK libs were built from armv7,but we got it working on both LG P500 and ZTE Blade.
So,any ideas? Just asking
I think honeycomb and below was build from armeabi (To run on the old simulator that was armv6 vfp (but the vfp wasn't used by google).
whereas ics was built for armeabi-v7a
That is certainly implied by the AVD manager anyway.
unrandomsam said:
I think honeycomb and below was build from armeabi (To run on the old simulator that was armv6 vfp (but the vfp wasn't used by google).
whereas ics was built for armeabi-v7a
That is certainly implied by the AVD manager anyway.
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Thank you for replying
usually only kernel have ARM text and other also init.rc have kernel text if editing them to ARMv6 kernel text then it needs to work in ARMv6 device..
If not, then some files needs editing...
Android 4.0 ICS needs new EGL and hw files which needs to be ARMv6= ZTE Blade/other phone! all phones have own files to work fine!
If someone can edit Android 4.0 libGLES*.so, libEGL.so files and then egl folder files needs editing.. and then hw folder files for Screen, sensors, GPS, Audio, etc.
then them need right files to get work the audio, camera, WiFi...
WiFi files can work if you add older Android OS WiFi files: libhardware-legacy.so or what it is and then right WiFi files to /System/etc/
to get all to work it maybe takes many days and for me more than 9 months because I'm only 14! xD
SDK port is maybe not really good, it's better to port from other device ex: Samsung... then some files works without editing...
manumanfred the sdk was compiled for ARMv7, it's a different cpu, different machine code. It needs recompiling, to be able to do that you need the source code to compile it.
Without source code you're about as likely to get ICS running on your Blade as you are to get your PS3 running Windows 7.
When devices with ICS are available source code will be too, so porting it from another device would be a waste of time.
wbaw said:
manumanfred the sdk was compiled for ARMv7, it's a different cpu, different machine code. It needs recompiling, to be able to do that you need the source code to compile it.
Without source code you're about as likely to get ICS running on your Blade as you are to get your PS3 running Windows 7.
When devices with ICS are available source code will be too, so porting it from another device would be a waste of time.
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its not hard to get ICS on zte blade as zte blade got a test verision of ICS
its not hard to get ICS on zte blade as zte blade got a test verision of ICS
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Are you sharing it?
If not, it's still pretty hard.
anyone please check this out maybe this can work
Android ICS sourcecode is released! I belive that now in Cyanogenmod headquaters people hear red alert
uosiumen said:
Android ICS sourcecode is released! I belive that now in Cyanogenmod headquaters people hear red alert
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uosiumen said:
Android ICS sourcecode is released! I belive that now in Cyanogenmod headquaters people hear red alert
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Fail, u cant grab anything
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
ICS on the Blade is booting!
But that's all it does
I used this ROM and replaced boot.img with CM N257. In the honeycomb port they fixed the flipped screen with patching libsurfaceflinger.so on offset 1AC90 but that does not work on ICS. Launcher FC's on first boot but does not after reboot.
Could you please upload that booting rom? I tried it and it won't even install. Even if nothing works, I would like to try several things on that to see if I can fix it, so if you upload it I would be very thankful
davidnintendo said:
Could you please upload that booting rom? I tried it and it won't even install. Even if nothing works, I would like to try several things on that to see if I can fix it, so if you upload it I would be very thankful
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Take a working Rom for zte, and replace everything except build.prop and meta-inf folder
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
FezzFest said:
ICS on the Blade is booting!
But that's all it does
I used this ROM and replaced boot.img with CM N257. In the honeycomb port they fixed the flipped screen with patching libsurfaceflinger.so on offset 1AC90 but that does not work on ICS. Launcher FC's on first boot but does not after reboot.
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So correct me if im wrong, but you got ics booting on blade by using the g2 rom and boot.img from CM7 Latest nightly?
If so maybe start a new thread to track progress.
furrabbit.nh said:
So correct me if im wrong, but you got ics booting on blade by using the g2 rom and boot.img from CM7 Latest nightly?
If so maybe start a new thread to track progress.
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LGP500 got bootloop on that, but thats our phone, so thats maybe work yes
LGP500 got bootloop on that, but thats our phone, so thats maybe work yes
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I just tried it 10mins ago, it installs fine does not boot at all, no logcat output... Wonder if he/made any tweaks elsewhere.
I have a O1 somewhere might dig it out, and have a look
I got it booting! Screen is fliped, touchscreen doesn't seem to work at all and I couldn't test anything else because I can't press OK on the first tutorial screen, but it may be something to start with!
I'm uploading it right now, but I think it will take a while as my connection isn't working very well right now, but I'll post the link as soon as it's finished.
EDIT: OK. You'll have to be patient. Apparently, my 20 MB symmetric shared connection doesn't want to upload faster than 50 KB/s. It's always like this in the afternoon: too many people using it LOL. Hopefully it will be uploaded in 25 minutes or so.
davidnintendo said:
I got it booting! Screen is fliped, touchscreen doesn't seem to work at all and I couldn't test anything else because I can't press OK on the first tutorial screen, but it may be something to start with!
I'm uploading it right now, but I think it will take a while as my connection isn't working very well right now, but I'll post the link as soon as it's finished.
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Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
OK, fixed flipped screen & resolution. Thanks to smg22rus for the modified libsurfaceflinger.so.
Flashable ROM (for devs only!) can be found here
If you fix something, just post what you did to get it fixed, do not upload the whole ROM again.
That way, this thread stays clean & we have only one ICS ROM (not 10 different ones).

WP8 9900 Build dump (x86)

This is (as far as I know) the first dump of wp8. It's based on the 9900 (emulator) build and is meant for cooking roms (for WP7/8 devices)
It has all 51 languages and all 3 screen resolutions
Good luck devs,
Download link:
If you use this in a rom, please mention me.
WOW!Thank you very much!:laugh:
Do you know that emulator have x86 version of WP8? It's impossible to use it. So your dump is really useless, even more than me.
Shhh... It's easy to dump the emulator, just mount VHD.
Useless guy said:
Do you know that emulator have x86 version of WP8? It's impossible to use it. So your dump is really useless, even more than me.
Shhh... It's easy to dump the emulator, just mount VHD.
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I see, sorry, but now no one has to download 7 gb to get the emulator dump!
sianto1997 said:
7 gb to get the emulator dump!
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Offline ISO weights 1.6GiB. But it's much faster to download using torrent than downloading from unknown hosting.
Sorry but in the future is possible to have a WP8 Rom on a WP 7/7.8 device?
Sorry but in the future is possible to have a WP8 Rom on a WP 7/7.8 device?
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Yes and no. As it's possable to run on the hardware (all 1st gen are the same CPU wise and 2nd gen are pretty close still) and even Microsoft said so, there are no drivers designed for it. Nevermind the OS is designed for a dual core CPU, so performance could be a big hit.
The HD2 was the ONLY Windows Mobile device to get WP7 and the only reason why that is was because Microsoft used the HD2 in testing WP7 and someone "leaked" the drivers needed. If things follow suit, the chances of getting a WP8 rom running on a WP7.5 device might be like finding that needle in a haystack...might happen but, I would not hold my breath.
I also would love to see it tho.....

Is it possible to flash this android custom rom on a ZTE Open?

Hi folks!
I have been looking for some info about our devices and if it's possible to flash an android custom rom on it, but no luck. However, there is a very similar device to the ZTE Open, It's the Alcatel One Touch Fire. It has the same hardware and also brings Firefox OS by default.
There is a custom rom in development for this device and I was just wondering if it's possible to flash it on the ZTE.
I can't post the link because I'm new, but it's easy to find it.
Thanks in advance.
Yes. Just flash in a ROM of ZTE roamer2 (V790)
ZTE Open has the same hardware spec as ZTE roamer2
hevangel said:
Yes. Just flash in a ROM of ZTE roamer2 (V790)
ZTE Open has the same hardware spec as ZTE roamer2
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Have you tried flashing?
LinuxHolic said:
Have you tried flashing?
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yes I have
hecatae said:
yes I have
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Was it successful?
LinuxHolic said:
Was it successful?
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LinuxHolic, what was the most recent version of Android you found for your ZTE Open?
I've not been successful in finding any ROMs. Do you think you can link here or private message me?
Saijin_Naib said:
LinuxHolic, what was the most recent version of Android you found for your ZTE Open?
I've not been successful in finding any ROMs. Do you think you can link here or private message me?
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I didn't, that's why i'm asking him
LinuxHolic said:
I didn't, that's why i'm asking him
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Right! Wow, sorry. That is what I get for reading when I'm not fully awake yet >_>
mistergr said:
Hi folks!
I have been looking for some info about our devices and if it's possible to flash an android custom rom on it, but no luck. However, there is a very similar device to the ZTE Open, It's the Alcatel One Touch Fire. It has the same hardware and also brings Firefox OS by default.
There is a custom rom in development for this device and I was just wondering if it's possible to flash it on the ZTE.
I can't post the link because I'm new, but it's easy to find it.
Thanks in advance.
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Where do I find that image for ZTE Open? :fingers-crossed:
Found CM ROM
I found the CM rom via modaco site.. for roamer2.
I no longer have this phone, but go ahead and flash via CWM for android
bmn65 said:
I found the CM rom via modaco site.. for roamer2.
I no longer have this phone, but go ahead and flash via CWM for android
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Have you flashed the Open with this ROM yourself?
I did some searching and I found these:
http://www.ztedevices.com/search.html?keyword=v790 you can get the ROM from the downloads page.
Also this one: http://www.modaco.com/topic/360962-zte-kis-iii-stock-roms/?p=2156977
I haven't tested any of these myself.
cairnarvon said:
Have you flashed the Open with this ROM yourself?
I did some searching and I found these:
http://www.ztedevices.com/search.html?keyword=v790 you can get the ROM from the downloads page.
Also this one: http://www.modaco.com/topic/360962-zte-kis-iii-stock-roms/?p=2156977
I haven't tested any of these myself.
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I tried both and it does not work: (this also does not work: (
i have tried lots of Android Roms for ZTE KIS, Roamer2 etc.
all lead to bootloops.
resurrection is pretty easy though, just flash the experimental ZTE FFOS 1.2 and your good.
have not found a working ICS/JB Rom until now.
the phone is crap anyways, since you can't update higher than 1.3 (without any updates then) or stick to 1.1
there are no plans whatsoever from ZTE or Mozilla to remedy this.
Thought i could at least turn it into an emergency phone by flashing a usable Android on it, but it seems that's not going to work either.
linr76 said:
i have tried lots of Android Roms for ZTE KIS, Roamer2 etc.
all lead to bootloops.
resurrection is pretty easy though, just flash the experimental ZTE FFOS 1.2 and your good.
have not found a working ICS/JB Rom until now.
the phone is crap anyways, since you can't update higher than 1.3 (without any updates then) or stick to 1.1
there are no plans whatsoever from ZTE or Mozilla to remedy this.
Thought i could at least turn it into an emergency phone by flashing a usable Android on it, but it seems that's not going to work either.
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Hey dude: http://firefoxosbuilds.org/
ROM is a zte V790 is the v2 ROM works on xperia zte open: D test
peñamaxi said:
ROM is a zte V790 is the v2 ROM works on xperia zte open: D test
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No understanding.
peñamaxi said:
ROM is a zte V790 is the v2 ROM works on xperia zte open: D test
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Can you just post a link to the rom?
elav said:
Hey dude: http://firefoxosbuilds.org/
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"Dude" , whatever, 1.3 is not stable on ZTE Open - i tried. i have built a 1.3 myself (check on here) and the Browser crashes constantly.
there is no updated HW layer available for 1.3 and ZTE is not going to provide one.
Mozilla doesn't care either.
the only thing that happened is they gave you a coupon so you could buy a ZTE Open C cheaper.
burned once... no thanks.
Mozilla obviously is aware of the problem though and they do want to create a phone where they control everything.
that may change the game a bit.
also, all available FFOS devices are madly overpriced for the hardware specs.
linr76 said:
"Dude" , whatever, 1.3 is not stable on ZTE Open - i tried. i have built a 1.3 myself (check on here) and the Browser crashes constantly.
there is no updated HW layer available for 1.3 and ZTE is not going to provide one.
Mozilla doesn't care either.
the only thing that happened is they gave you a coupon so you could buy a ZTE Open C cheaper.
burned once... no thanks.
Mozilla obviously is aware of the problem though and they do want to create a phone where they control everything.
that may change the game a bit.
also, all available FFOS devices are madly overpriced for the hardware specs.
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Actually any version of FirefoxOS is stable, especially after version 1.2. I found many ROMS, even 2.1, but always have a problem. That is why he was hoping to install some Android ROM on my ZTE Open.
linr76 said:
"Dude" , whatever, 1.3 is not stable on ZTE Open - i tried. i have built a 1.3 myself (check on here) and the Browser crashes constantly.
there is no updated HW layer available for 1.3 and ZTE is not going to provide one.
Mozilla doesn't care either.
the only thing that happened is they gave you a coupon so you could buy a ZTE Open C cheaper.
burned once... no thanks.
Mozilla obviously is aware of the problem though and they do want to create a phone where they control everything.
that may change the game a bit.
also, all available FFOS devices are madly overpriced for the hardware specs.
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I can honestly say Open C, is worth what I paid for it, I dual boot the phone, run android from sdcard, run FF from phone, the specs aren't the best but worth the price I paid for it, the flame clearly is over priced, and I wont be getting that phone. Open C is most likely the only FF phone I will buy, I like the ideal I can build my own OS, and choose from several different OSes to use. Also I can simply reboot into android when I need to run a navigation app, or want to run an android app.
I have never used Open so don't know about it's problems, Open C is a nice phone, FF runs very well on it as does android, Specs aren't the best this isn't a power house phone, but a very usable phone.

New Fortnite Installer

So, on the android beta site, there is now a downloadable installer. Obviously it is still the same devices compatible, however, I am wondering, if we change build prop to pixel, would it at least allow us to install to see if it will run?
I tried
Cupcake 1.5 said:
So, on the android beta site, there is now a downloadable installer. Obviously it is still the same devices compatible, however, I am wondering, if we change build prop to pixel, would it at least allow us to install to see if it will run?
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It will run but it won't let you play , you will enter the spawn Island but you can't get out from bus. Game will send you back to lobby (I did disguised by gpu as Adreno 540 with GLtools) if you can try that method with build prop edit maybe there is a chance :fingers-crossed:
rijazbinu said:
It will run but it won't let you play , you will enter the spawn Island but you can't get out from bus. Game will send you back to lobby (I did disguised by gpu as Adreno 540 with GLtools) if you can try that method with build prop edit maybe there is a chance :fingers-crossed:
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I heard of this problem. Ok, thanks, I guess we have to wait for a global release.
