Using the S-pen on a naked screen - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

I don't have a screen protector on my Note since they tend to hinder the brilliant display (the clear ones retain too many fingerprints for my liking), but as a result I must be extra careful when handling the phone.
I haven't gotten any scratches yet, but I'm always nervous about using the S-pen on a naked screen. Has anyone out there had any problems with S-pen scratches, or am I just being too paranoid?
Thanks in advance, guys.

I've used my Note both with and without screen protector now, and in both cases it really feels like you're scratching the screen. You get the feeling it's sharp pen or something, but when you carefully examine the S-Pen you'll notice that it's rounded and not sharp at all. I don't think it'll get your screen scratched, because that would produce a lot of complaints.
My Note doesn't have any scratches yet, and I've used the pen quite alot. So I don't think you have to worry as long as the S-Pen is in good state.

No, you should not worry about the s pen scratching the screen.
I use the SGP Steinheil ultra olephobic. If you get a good application, you cannot see it and it really does cut down on finger and face oils.
Using the S pens is just like writing on the screen!

Beethoven9th said:
......but I'm always nervous about using the S-pen on a naked screen. Has anyone out there had any problems with S-pen scratches, or am I just being too paranoid?
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If you are afraid that your screen is being scratched by accident, there is no other answer or tips to prevent little scratches to appear after usage than put an invisible shield on it.

you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???

nbass668 said:
you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???
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Awesome reply

OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen

Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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You are wrong
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App

Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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Yes it does.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

nbass668 said:
you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???
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That's correct, because I've had devices in the past where some type of particle must have gotten between the stylus and the screen, and I ended up with minor scratches that were very annoying. Granted, this was years ago before phones had fortified glass, but I was just asking to get other people's advice/opinions.

you should always check that the tip of the pen is clean but since you seem to share my paranoia you probably do that already.
there is no way that a clean plastic tip can scratch glass, ANY glass
not the gorilla discussion again :-(

I agree with Jeriz.
I too am very cautious about the screen and i dont like screen protectors so im just careful. Just wipe the pen tip each time you get it out and should be fine. I only use it occasionally anyway.
Yes it does have gorilla glass ffs

I've done some nasty little scratch by pen, so don't tell me it can't be done.
I was very careful about Note but 1 particle of sand, and I have a scratch.
Screen protector is necessary.

Shadow69 said:
I've done some nasty little scratch by pen, so don't tell me it can't be done.
I was very careful about Note but 1 particle of sand, and I have a scratch.
Screen protector is necessary.
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but it was the contaminants on the tip and not the plastic itself. nobody here said that some random grain of unknown material can't scratch the screen. that's exactly like saying that "my car was all shiny and new but it only took one key to scratch the paint" for all we know it could have been a micro diamond
im prepared to say that if you take the (clean) plastic tip of the pen and try to scratch the screen the pressure required will crack the screen long before your able to make any scratcmarks.
careful or not doesn't seem to matter. most scratches seem to be caused by very small particles judging by how many people who says they get scratches even tho they nursed the phone like a newborn baby. based on that i believe that IF the note is more prone to scratches it's simply due to larger screen area
and you can't say that screen protection is necessary for everyone. it might be your preference but i don't like the way they feel or the way they distort the screen
im not trying to attack you im simply disagreeing with everything you said

jeriz said:
im not trying to attack you im simply disagreeing with everything you said
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Love that!
BTW, the exact same issue is far more possible wit grit attached to your finger. It is less likely to scratch, however, because you do not use so much pressure (more area).
What it does do, however, is cause the protector to get covered with thousands of tiny scratches. Now, that affects the display.
As soon as I get one of my preferred cases, I am taking my protector off. I shall then have a much better looking Note. I do hope it will be for a long time, but you never can tell.

Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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It's already been mentioned, but here's a bit of a proof of the existence of GG on the Note


Dropped my Evo now have a couple scuffs on my screen how should I fix?

Please hold back your remarks about screen protectors this was a replacement, only the second day I had it, didnt have a chance to purchase one.
Joeriginal said:
Please hold back your remarks about screen protectors this was a replacement, only the second day I had it, didnt have a chance to purchase one.
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Think you could post a pic of the damage? if it's not too deep, i've heard of people using this product called applesauce that is supposed to give really good results. Maybe try that out and see how it works. Good luck to you, hope you get the scuffs out
You could try rubbing compound which is used on watches and things.
zone23 said:
You could try rubbing compound which is used on watches and things.
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Yeah, just thought of this after I read this post but you can also try the stuff that is used to fill in cracks for car windshields.
light scuffs
I've heard that white toothpaste can be used on light scuffs on plastic.
or perhaps Brasso polish?
The screen on the evo is made of gorilla glass, not plastic. Therefore acid based compounds such as applesauce or lcd scuff removers on the market would not work. The famous banana slice/peel trick doesn't work here either. Some compounds for watches only clean the surface of the glass and remove dirt from within the scratches, making the scratch less visible.
Your best bet is to clean the glass to remove all dirt then install a screen protector like invisibleshield to mask the scratches. This will work better since a liquid solution (usually 1 part soap and 9 parts water) is applied to the screen so you can squeegee out all the air during installation. The only downside to this is the texture feels like apple skin and screen clarity is affected...maybe 15-20%.
myenhdl said:
The screen on the evo is made of gorilla glass
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No, it's not. Just regular glass.
myenhdl said:
The screen on the evo is made of gorilla glass, not plastic. Therefore acid based compounds such as applesauce or lcd scuff removers on the market would not work. The famous banana slice/peel trick doesn't work here either. Some compounds for watches only clean the surface of the glass and remove dirt from within the scratches, making the scratch less visible.
Your best bet is to clean the glass to remove all dirt then install a screen protector like invisibleshield to mask the scratches. This will work better since a liquid solution (usually 1 part soap and 9 parts water) is applied to the screen so you can squeegee out all the air during installation. The only downside to this is the texture feels like apple skin and screen clarity is affected...maybe 15-20%.
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Not sure if it's made of Gorilla glass-- not saying that it scratches easily (because it probably doesn't), but I found I had a two very,very slight surface scratches on the screen after babying it for a month (always put it in an empty pocket with no keys/coins/etc, never set it face down, etc).
In any case, I wouldn't try using toothpaste, brasso, or any other solution on the screen except for an eyeglass/electronic screen cleaner as you'll probably end up creating more noticable scratches. Just clean the screen as well as you can, and throw on a screen protector, and you'll probably never notice the scratch-- most very small scratches are only noticable when viewing the screen at a very oblique angle to catch a reflected light source, and the screen protector blocks this.
Also, I wouldn't recommend the ZAGG. I had never used a ZAGG screen protector before, but have heard great things about them, and I'm not particularly picky or sensitive about screen protectors. However, I found the Zagg protector had a horrible rubbery feel to it, and gave the screen a really bad and noticable orange peel effect (actually, the effect seemed more like the screen was behind a 1/4" layer of ice). I put on a cheapo $1.99 screen protector from Gizmo Dorks (on, and the difference was like night and day-- the screen was just as smooth and clear as the original glass.
I have a few too... Leave it be and after a couple weeks you'll forget you even have them.
Can we buy the glass yet for this phone? I replace iPhone 3G and 3GS glass on an almost daily basis at work.
You don't have insurance on it???
myn said:
You don't have insurance on it???
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He might... but I'm not sure a $100 deductible + limited further coverage is worth a few small scuffs. I guess it depends on how bad they are, but if they are anything like mine it totally would not be worth it.
You should be more carefull with your EVO.
Sent from my EVO 4G using Tapatalk
Kooper113 said:
No, it's not. Just regular glass.
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No, it is Gorilla glass.
n64kps said:
No, it is Gorilla glass.
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Since the debate is going back n forth about the glass.....what is the difference between the two? Sure i could search but since there's a debate I think it should be explained this thread...
I looked all over and can't find anything confirming it's Gorilla Glass so I assume it's not. Plus I wouldn't find so many people with easily cracked screens if it was...
Sent from the EVO via XDA App - no scratches
I watched that when I got my EVO back in June but don't have the balls to try it. Some of the pics online of cracked screens still make me wonder and NERVOUS!
Sent from the EVO via XDA App
n64kps said:
No, it is Gorilla glass.
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Can you post where you got this proof?
n64kps said:
No, it is Gorilla glass.
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If you are so sure of yourself, why don't you post a video of yourself stabbing the screen with a ball-point pen to prove that it's really Gorilla Glass?

Where are all the "trying to scratch the SGS2 screen with a butcher knife" videos ???

Where are all the "trying to scratch the SGS2 screen with a butcher knife" videos ???
Samsung went to great lenghts to make the screen both scratch resistant, and finger friendly (meaning oil resistant, using a very special coating). They are advocating a non screen-protector use. So, where are all the videos of people showing us it is indeed scratch resistant ?
(to think of it, I haven't seen any durability tests done for the SGS2, which kinds of make you wonder...).
you make one, I am not going to, I already found out the hard way gorilla glass does scratch (luckily not on my sgs2 though)
godutch said:
you make one, I am not going to, I already found out the hard way gorilla glass does scratch (luckily not on my sgs2 though)
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They are not saying the screen can't be scratched, rather not easily. The knife test was always used as a proof that a screen is indeed harder to scratch. But I haven't seen any test like that for the SGS2...
My fear is that the very special coating they put on the screen (the coating that makes it oil-resistant and such a joy to slide your fingers on) IS scratchable, and will not survive a knife test.
That coating must be rubbish, as i think i've rubbed mine off wiping the fingerprints off. everytime i pull it out my pocket now there always a big smudge on it.
Yeah the fingerprint resistant coating scratches VERY easily. There was a thread somewhere here that had a guy posting about trying to remove a scratch with a polishing agent. He did get rid of the scratch but ended up removing the outer coating aswell.
diablous said:
That coating must be rubbish, as i think i've rubbed mine off wiping the fingerprints off. everytime i pull it out my pocket now there always a big smudge on it.
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Second that, i used it the first day without any screen protector and it was smudged all over with fingerprints. My hands were clean, i'm not a car mechanic Next day i bought a screen protector, at least that will protect it from scratches, since i can see my fingerprints with or without a screen protector.
I leave these advance test to more experienced and much more brilliant individuals.
Here you go:
Where is the society for prevention of cruelty to smart phones.
I literally cringed when he went to town with the screw and then the paper cutter.
If Samsung offered free replacement for scratched screens, I would burn my screen protector right now!
Noam23 said:
Samsung went to great lenghts to make the screen both scratch resistant, and finger friendly (meaning oil resistant, using a very special coating). They are advocating a non screen-protector use. So, where are all the videos of people showing us it is indeed scratch resistant ?
(to think of it, I haven't seen any durability tests done for the SGS2, which kinds of make you wonder...).
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skr68 said:
Here you go:
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Are you kidding me ?
1. He DID scratch it eventually !, look at 3:02 minutes.
2. This is not the S2 device, rather the S1. The S2 has a special oil-resistant coating, which the S1 does not have. There is question whether this new coating is more sensitive to scratch than the Gorilla Glass itself.
Scratch resistant doesn't mean it's scratch proof. Everything can be overcome when countered with the correct amount. Gorilla glass does help preventing scratches but it is not the ultimate armour against scratches.

S-Pen scratching the screen?

Just wanted to know if anyone else had a problem with the S-pen scratching their screen. The tip on mine is very sharp and after looking at my screen in daylight, its got hundreds of scratches all over.
I've had loads of phones and have only ever managed to get 1 or 2 scratches on them, nothing like what I have now. Anyone else have this problem?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
If you have been to the beach or somewhere sandy, that could be a problem. Have sand or grains of dirt in your pocket is often the cause.
My S-Pen has neither a sharp nor a very hard tip. It's normal polymer. Maybe you have a thin layer of fat on your screen and the S-Pen is "scratching" that or like already posted you had sand in your pocket.
Gesendet von meinem GT-N7000 mit Tapatalk 2
Definitely s-pen would not create scratches. Material used in the tip is lighter than material used in Corning glass. May small dust particles may have dragged along when you use s-pen. Whenever use S-pen...just wipe the screen once and use, doing so will avoid scratches.
Still if you feel that the culprit is your S-pen, take a 2000 grit sand paper (widely used for automobile polishing..never go with lower grit!) keep it on glass and roll the tip of the pen gently without high pressure for a minute. This will polish the tip and no more scratches.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
This is pretty common. I've seen many complaints about the screen getting scratched from the tip of S Pen picking up random bits of hard material such as sand etc.
This is why I bought a screen protector to arrive together with my Note.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
priyanv said:
Definitely s-pen would not create scratches. Material used in the tip is lighter than material used in Corning glass. May small dust particles may have dragged along when you use s-pen. Whenever use S-pen...just wipe the screen once and use, doing so will avoid scratches.
Still if you feel that the culprit is your S-pen, take a 2000 grit sand paper (widely used for automobile polishing..never go with lower grit!) keep it on glass and roll the tip of the pen gently without high pressure for a minute. This will polish the tip and no more scratches.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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And then you get even more scratches because grit from sandpaper will stick to the polymer tip
Sent from my GT-N7000
I have no scratches on mine and I play draw something a lot on mine.
Never heard of this. You press to hard i think.
The S-Pen can't scratch the screen UNLESS you exert an extreme force on it. (e,g, banging the tip to the screen all the time or exerting an excessive force in sliding it.)
I don't think Sammy would have developed this phablet with an accompanying S-Pen, if they know that the latter would just damage the phone in the long run.
Overall, in the end, it would be the user's S-Pen usage that matters.. if you just bang away using the S-Pen on the screen always, then overtime, I wouldn't be surprise at all if you get some minor scratches sooner or later.
It's entirely dependent on how the user cares or uncares (if there's a right word for that) in using the Note with the add-on S-PEN.
I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!
emuX said:
I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!
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You ever think maby the screen protector is softer than the glass itself? I have not one scratch.
Screen Protector though soft helps protect small scratches caused by dust and normal wear tear...i hv been using a protector ever since I started using touch screen phones
It's not the Spen what's scratching your screen, the problem is dust particles that get in the way while using the spen!
I'm using an ugly bestskinsever screen protector just in case!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
emuX said:
I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!
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Whats your point? Screen protectors are made of soft material almost anything can scratch it
Sent from my GT-N7000
jeriz said:
Whats your point? Screen protectors are made of soft material almost anything can scratch it
Sent from my GT-N7000
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Obviously the point here is that its better to scratch a cheap and easy to replace screen protector than an expensive hard to replace glass screen!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
I'm a pretty heavy user of the S-pen (especially after discovering the game Draw Something!) and never used a screen protector and don't have a scratch on my screen. However I did once notice all these s-pen markings on the screen and after the initial shock i realised it was simply the s-pen cutting through the oily fingerprints!
The s-pen is definitely not sharp to the touch and there is a slight retraction with some pressure. I can't imagine drawing with sand or small particles on it as you kinda feel it as you draw.
The plastic is softer than the glass, this should be possible.
What you might be finding is you have a build up of grease/oils on the screen and the spen is cutting through that.
Give your screen a good polish with a soft cloth, I bet they go away.
From my personal experience, I think the same pen (with a small particle of sand/dust) could make a scratch on the oleophobic coating (fine thin scratch) as in the case of my note. It won't be visible under quick inspection though, but enough bother me so I ended up putting a screen protector on it.
And no, my case is not just grease/oil coz I made a clean wipe before I examine it closely...
Sent from my GT-N7000
jeriz said:
And then you get even more scratches because grit from sandpaper will stick to the polymer tip
Sent from my GT-N7000
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FYI 2000 grit sand paper is designed for not shedding any particles... That's why I mention the exact grit specification. These papers are also used for removing hair line scratches on the glass surfaces. And I also pointed that "gently" hope you read my post completely!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I had a scratch on mine. About an inch long. Almost surely from the pen (I had no screen protector). I sold it before I did more damage to it.

Before I rip off my screen protector....

So i really want to see if the screen protector is causing my touch issues as shown here:
But don't want to rip it off if its not going to fix the problem. Can anyone confirm whether or not this is the case?
Bit the bullet, ripped off the screen protector, all my touch screen issues have been alleviated!!
Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
Yeah, I probably won't be wasting any more $$ on screen protectors in the future. Pointless having it on there if causes the device to function improperly
I never had touch issues on my N7. Also, never used a screen protector on any of my devices.
LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth.
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So, 3 data points and you draw a conclusion for every device out there? Awesome stuff.
Death666Angel said:
So, 3 data points and you draw a conclusion for every device out there? Awesome stuff.
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If these three data points have the one thing that ALL modern devices contain, ala Gorrila Glass® then yes, it is a completely valid conclusion.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
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Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.
lotherius said:
Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.
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All do respect, but what are you exactly doing with your devices? I know full well that these devices are not meant to be rugged by any stretch of the imagination. I treat them very gently. I'm just as OCD about scratches as you are. That's why I take the upmost care of these costly devices and treat them very carefully.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
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Once your screen meets any small amount of sand and your screen has micro scratches you may change your tune. It's OK to go without a protector if you don't mind these hardly noticeable scratches, or the feel of the glass when the oleophobic coating finally starts to wear off. However, for those of us who want to avoid this problems, a good screen protector goes a long way. I know that when I resell the device that it will be in mint condition. Besides, a decent, properly installed protector will be unnoticeable.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
LoopDoGG79 said:
All do respect, but what are you exactly doing with your devices? I know full well that these devices are not meant to be rugged by any stretch of the imagination. I treat them very gently. I'm just as OCD about scratches as you are. That's why I take the upmost care of these costly devices and treat them very carefully.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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All "due" respect.... if you research Gorilla Glass you will see that it has nothing to do with "rugged". It has to do with if the material that contacts them is harder than the coating, they WILL scratch. Keys/etc are softer and in theory won't scratch it. However, many of the minerals in common sand/dirt are HARDER than the coating. So even a tiny bit of dirt can cause scratches. If you don't have that problem, then you keep an exceptionally clean environment, and/or the dirt in your area doesn't include those harder minerals.
Do not presume how another person does or does not take care of their devices. I am EXTREMELY careful with my devices. The fact is, gorilla glass CAN scratch. With my G2X, it was most likely when I was doing gardening and fished my phone out with dirty hands a few times, leaving dirt in my pocket that then scratched the screen. These things happen. Thus, you take precautions. You could either NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE without washing your hands first - or you get a screen protector. The scratch on my Nexus 4 I have no idea how it happened. It happened right after I bought the phone, and is almost invisible but is there.
My devices tend to look in very good condition even after lengthy use. But even the smallest of scratches on the screen bother me as I'm a bit OCD about it.
lotherius said:
All "due" respect.... if you research Gorilla Glass you will see that it has nothing to do with "rugged". It has to do with if the material that contacts them is harder than the coating, they WILL scratch. Keys/etc are softer and in theory won't scratch it. However, many of the minerals in common sand/dirt are HARDER than the coating. So even a tiny bit of dirt can cause scratches. If you don't have that problem, then you keep an exceptionally clean environment, and/or the dirt in your area doesn't include those harder minerals.
Do not presume how another person does or does not take care of their devices. I am EXTREMELY careful with my devices. The fact is, gorilla glass CAN scratch. With my G2X, it was most likely when I was doing gardening and fished my phone out with dirty hands a few times, leaving dirt in my pocket that then scratched the screen. These things happen. Thus, you take precautions. You could either NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE without washing your hands first - or you get a screen protector. The scratch on my Nexus 4 I have no idea how it happened. It happened right after I bought the phone, and is almost invisible but is there.
My devices tend to look in very good condition even after lengthy use. But even the smallest of scratches on the screen bother me as I'm a bit OCD about it.
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K fine, you win. I'm drunk right now, no need to go grammar nazi on me.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
lotherius said:
Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.
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The. G2X had gorilla glass 1. The N4 has gorilla glass 2. The N7 2013 has gorilla glass 3. They made a huge leap forward with scratch resistance with version 3. Unless you're taking your device to the beach, there's no need to waste money on screen protectors.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk 4

screen scratches

When I bought my s8 I didn't have enough money to get a screen protector. I'm OCD when it comes to screen scratches. And sadly I've accumulated a few. Does anyone know of a way to buff out these scratches?
How have you scratched it? its a glass screen, it shouldnt be THAT easy to scratch it!
ewokuk said:
How have you scratched it? its a glass screen, it shouldnt be THAT easy to scratch it!
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No idea how the scratches got there. They aren't huge or super noticeable either but they still annoy me. You'd think that we'd have scratch resistant glass at this point
ewokuk said:
How have you scratched it? its a glass screen, it shouldnt be THAT easy to scratch it!
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It kinda makes me want to buy a insurance plan and just break it to get a new one
Duck Quan said:
It kinda makes me want to buy a insurance plan and just break it to get a new one
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I don't think we should talk about or condone insurance fraud.
lynxblaine said:
I don't think we should talk about or condone insurance fraud.
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It's not like it's a car.
Duck Quan said:
It's not like it's a car.
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Some cars cost less than £600.
No one goes to jail for a 'little' fraud. Law is absolute not a grey area. Sentences for crimes are proportionate to the crime. but as you admit in saying "It's not like it's a car" it is still illegal regardless.
Mine had a couple of scratches out of the box. But they are so shallow that are only visible at the certain lighting at certain angle and completely invisible under the screen protector or on a lit up screen. Unless you don't see them all the time - its fine. And I guess there is some coating on a glass that gets scratched - not glass itself. As it was mentioned before - its not easy to scratch it unless you wiped it with dirty cloth or sand. Many people don't use protectors at all and have 0 scratches in a year.
But get a screen protector anyway. Regular plastic one will do (I use official Samsung protectors). You will, probably, not see those scratches under it and it will help your device to look like new over the years.
PS: And yes, there is a couple of ways to remove the scratches, but you should never do it. It might be a success, but in 90% of cases you'll just scratch your screen much more.
Do Samsung do protectors for the S8? Any links, I'd be interested. Thanks.
Sent from my SM-G950F using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Benjamin Dreyer said:
Mine had a couple of scratches out of the box. But they are so shallow that are only visible at the certain lighting at certain angle and completely invisible under the screen protector or on a lit up screen. Unless you don't see them all the time - its fine. And I guess there is some coating on a glass that gets scratched - not glass itself. As it was mentioned before - its not easy to scratch it unless you wiped it with dirty cloth or sand. Many people don't use protectors at all and have 0 scratches in a year.
But get a screen protector anyway. Regular plastic one will do (I use official Samsung protectors). You will, probably, not see those scratches under it and it will help your device to look like new over the years.
PS: And yes, there is a couple of ways to remove the scratches, but you should never do it. It might be a success, but in 90% of cases you'll just scratch your screen much more.
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Thank you for your input
Go ahead and put on a wet aplication screen​ protector, you won't see the scratches at all. No anything you do will just make it worst.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
chakra said:
Go ahead and put on a wet aplication screen​ protector, you won't see the scratches at all. No anything you do will just make it worst.
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Do you have any suggestions for these type of screen protectors?
The Samsung s8 scratches so easily within a day I had a deep scratch on it and within 4 days I have 5 just from taking it in and out of my pocket. Not impressed as the s5 I've had for 2 years dropped it so many times and not a mark on the screen
Slowie08 said:
The Samsung s8 scratches so easily within a day I had a deep scratch on it and within 4 days I have 5 just from taking it in and out of my pocket. Not impressed as the s5 I've had for 2 years dropped it so many times and not a mark on the screen
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I was trying my hardest to be extremely careful with handling the phone. I haven't even taken the back plastic cover off yet. The only reason I took the front one off was cause it peeled off when I put it in my pocket (it was from Sprint and was completely clear)
I'm using a skin on the back of mine. No protector on the front yet and no scratches but I'm considering the official Samsung screen protector (Google it). Seen some good reviews even though I have protectors (especially film).
I always order a gadgetshield body protection; So the back side, front and al the way around the corners is protected for scratches. Has cost me 10 euro.
Can confirm screen is weak. Or at least the coating. Mine has fine scratches and one deep one. Used a s7 edge that didn't have any after a year so I'm surprised at how easily the s8 scratches.
seoulbrova said:
Can confirm screen is weak. Or at least the coating. Mine has fine scratches and one deep one. Used a s7 edge that didn't have any after a year so I'm surprised at how easily the s8 scratches.
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Yeah it really sucks. I don't have any feel ones yet, knock on wood, just some light ones. I'm OCD about my screen so I constantly look for scratches when I can only find them at certain angles
S8 easy scratch
After just two days of using my galaxy s8+ has a big scratch. And I took care not to stand with the keys etc.... VERY DISSPAPPOINTED ((
I dont know how you guys use your phones, I've had mine since 19 april without any case or screenprotector and there is not even one tiny scratch. Never put it on rough surfaces, and always put it alone in my pocket. I'm planning to get a case and screenprotector to not have to isolate it all the time tough.

