Before I rip off my screen protector.... - Nexus 7 (2013) General

So i really want to see if the screen protector is causing my touch issues as shown here:
But don't want to rip it off if its not going to fix the problem. Can anyone confirm whether or not this is the case?

Bit the bullet, ripped off the screen protector, all my touch screen issues have been alleviated!!

Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk

Yeah, I probably won't be wasting any more $$ on screen protectors in the future. Pointless having it on there if causes the device to function improperly

I never had touch issues on my N7. Also, never used a screen protector on any of my devices.

LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth.
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So, 3 data points and you draw a conclusion for every device out there? Awesome stuff.

Death666Angel said:
So, 3 data points and you draw a conclusion for every device out there? Awesome stuff.
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If these three data points have the one thing that ALL modern devices contain, ala Gorrila Glass® then yes, it is a completely valid conclusion.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
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Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.

lotherius said:
Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.
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All do respect, but what are you exactly doing with your devices? I know full well that these devices are not meant to be rugged by any stretch of the imagination. I treat them very gently. I'm just as OCD about scratches as you are. That's why I take the upmost care of these costly devices and treat them very carefully.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

LoopDoGG79 said:
Screen protectors are a myth. I have a nexus 7 2013 and S4. Been without a screen protector for months on both, not a single scratch. Hell, the S3 I gave my wife (and she ain't as careful with hey phones as I am), not a single scratch. The fortified or gorilla glass on modern devices work quite well under normal conditions. Don't be doing extreme sports or outdoor activities with your N7 and you will be good.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
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Once your screen meets any small amount of sand and your screen has micro scratches you may change your tune. It's OK to go without a protector if you don't mind these hardly noticeable scratches, or the feel of the glass when the oleophobic coating finally starts to wear off. However, for those of us who want to avoid this problems, a good screen protector goes a long way. I know that when I resell the device that it will be in mint condition. Besides, a decent, properly installed protector will be unnoticeable.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

LoopDoGG79 said:
All do respect, but what are you exactly doing with your devices? I know full well that these devices are not meant to be rugged by any stretch of the imagination. I treat them very gently. I'm just as OCD about scratches as you are. That's why I take the upmost care of these costly devices and treat them very carefully.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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All "due" respect.... if you research Gorilla Glass you will see that it has nothing to do with "rugged". It has to do with if the material that contacts them is harder than the coating, they WILL scratch. Keys/etc are softer and in theory won't scratch it. However, many of the minerals in common sand/dirt are HARDER than the coating. So even a tiny bit of dirt can cause scratches. If you don't have that problem, then you keep an exceptionally clean environment, and/or the dirt in your area doesn't include those harder minerals.
Do not presume how another person does or does not take care of their devices. I am EXTREMELY careful with my devices. The fact is, gorilla glass CAN scratch. With my G2X, it was most likely when I was doing gardening and fished my phone out with dirty hands a few times, leaving dirt in my pocket that then scratched the screen. These things happen. Thus, you take precautions. You could either NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE without washing your hands first - or you get a screen protector. The scratch on my Nexus 4 I have no idea how it happened. It happened right after I bought the phone, and is almost invisible but is there.
My devices tend to look in very good condition even after lengthy use. But even the smallest of scratches on the screen bother me as I'm a bit OCD about it.

lotherius said:
All "due" respect.... if you research Gorilla Glass you will see that it has nothing to do with "rugged". It has to do with if the material that contacts them is harder than the coating, they WILL scratch. Keys/etc are softer and in theory won't scratch it. However, many of the minerals in common sand/dirt are HARDER than the coating. So even a tiny bit of dirt can cause scratches. If you don't have that problem, then you keep an exceptionally clean environment, and/or the dirt in your area doesn't include those harder minerals.
Do not presume how another person does or does not take care of their devices. I am EXTREMELY careful with my devices. The fact is, gorilla glass CAN scratch. With my G2X, it was most likely when I was doing gardening and fished my phone out with dirty hands a few times, leaving dirt in my pocket that then scratched the screen. These things happen. Thus, you take precautions. You could either NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE without washing your hands first - or you get a screen protector. The scratch on my Nexus 4 I have no idea how it happened. It happened right after I bought the phone, and is almost invisible but is there.
My devices tend to look in very good condition even after lengthy use. But even the smallest of scratches on the screen bother me as I'm a bit OCD about it.
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K fine, you win. I'm drunk right now, no need to go grammar nazi on me.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk

lotherius said:
Actually, I would like to believe that. However, the scratched up screen on my old G2X (Gorilla Glass) begs to differ with you. Within ONE WEEK of getting my Nexus 4, it had a small scratch on the screen. I put a screen protector and haven't looked back. My N7 now has a screen protector as well.
Thing is, they're scratch RESISTANT not scratch PROOF. If you're getting no scratches, then great. You don't have a source of sand made of harder minerals than Gorilla Glass. A lot of us aren't so lucky. Dirt around here apparently does have "hard sand" in it, so the slightest bit of dirt in my pockets, and the screen gets scratchy. Thus, screen protector.
Many people don't like screen protectors because of lousy installation. Properly applied screen protectors should be invisible. Getting one properly applied can be troublesome. I watched a friend of mine buy the expensive ones at T-Mobile and had the rep do it. He had no clue what he was doing, and tried to pass one off on them with DEBRIS under it claiming that would go away on its own. They made him redo it again, and the second time, the edges were damaged and ugly where he put his fingers all over it. I have properly applied ones on my phone & N7, and you can't even tell they're there unless you look closely at the edges.
Making a blanket statement based on nothing more than your own personal experiences that screen protectors aren't necessary is hardly scientific or valid. Maybe for you, they're not necessary. Some of us are a bit more OCD about not having scratches on our screens and choose to avoid that with screen protectors.
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The. G2X had gorilla glass 1. The N4 has gorilla glass 2. The N7 2013 has gorilla glass 3. They made a huge leap forward with scratch resistance with version 3. Unless you're taking your device to the beach, there's no need to waste money on screen protectors.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk 4


Screen easily scratched?

Anyone else notice that their screen is easily scratched?
I think I'm pretty careful with the phone and not have it in my pocket with other items like keys, change, etc. but I already have 3 small scratches in a little under 2 weeks. I was hoping to wait for a static cling screen protector but I'm thinking I should just get a wet, Invisible Shield, type one in the meantime since it seems to be easily scratched.
Is there gorlla glass? That's why I didn't buy a screen protector for my epic 4g, but I ended up getting scratches even though I keep it away from keys and change and stuff.
Apparently, fine particles of sand, quartz, etc can scratch the screen,which is bs because my hero got ONE noticeable scratch, and that was only from when I dropped it in the train tracks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
It's glass, so no. Nothing in your pocket should be sharp enough to scratch glass, including your keys. Plastic will scratch easily though.
No gorilla glass on the nexus s
I'm looking to get a screen protector too but just not sure which to go for. I usually go for the £4-5 ones from ebay but I'm guessing that's not going to be good enough for the nexus s.
I haven't seen a lot show up yet on the market and those that have don't get great write ups. Seems a protector is a must though.
rashad1 said:
It's glass, so no. Nothing in your pocket should be sharp enough to scratch glass, including your keys. Plastic will scratch easily though.
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You sure its glass? The Nexus S or the Hero you're referring to?
I never trust a screen on a mobile device, which will inevitably be dragged across and impacted by many things over its lifetime pretty much regardless of how careful you are (sharing pockets, being pulled out of holsters, being dropped, et cetera), to remain pristine when left as bare glass/plastic.
I know so-called gorilla glass is supposed to be extremely resistant to scratches, but if you want to be able to polish off your device and not see any defects on the screen after months or even years of normal use, I really think it's wise to invest in some sort of screen protector. Which one you have is less important, since any incident that punctures your screen protector is pretty likely to break your phone entirely (unless, like the people at Zagg, you enjoy taking a router to it).
that is 100% confirmed, there is no gorilla glass. However, the screen itself is glass, not plastic.
With that said, a screen protector is STRONGLY recommended as it is just normal glass and not gorilla.
The curved screen is suppose to help against drops, so if you drop it the entire screen won't hit the ground, therefor it shouldn't crack, or get scratched as easily.
Honestly everyone should buy a screen protector or invisible shield for their device, or keep it in a case/pouch
My captivate has gorilla glass and I have no scratches in the glass. I do not even worry about putting my phone in my pocket with my keys. I hate screen protectors so gorilla glass is a must for me. I don't understand why they went with cheap parts on the nexus s but google did the same thing with the n1.
nexus s has gorlla glass....100%
but i got scratches only on back cover......don't like a quality of plastic !!!!!!
Even if the Nexus S does have gorilla glass (I have no idea if it does or not), wouldn't the oleophobic coating on it be vulnerable to getting messed up regardless?
My Nexus One is seven months old and there's no sign of any scratches on the screen.
According to this post Nexus One doesn't have Gorilla glass:
What I want to say is that the Nexus S can be up to Nexus One's scratch resistance, even the lack of Gorilla glass.
No Gorilla Glass on the Nexus S. I don't have a single scratch on my N1 after a year. My Nexus S got a scratch within a week. I think its less scratch resistant. There is a video on youtube of a guy trying to scratch his N1 with his keys unsuccessfully. I am usually always super careful with my phones but I think the curved screen got caught on something. Don't leave it to chance - if you're worried, get a screen protected.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
realistically, a screen is extremely hard to scratch
If you think your gonna get it hurt, by a screen protector, even a cheap $3 one will save your screen.
If your really worried, go all out and get an invisible shield.
I've been putting my nexus in a sock until some decent cases come out
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
i really do wish it came with a neoprene sleeve like the N1 oh well
slowz3r said:
realistically, a screen is extremely hard to scratch
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I really do wish that were true!
I'm going to take my chances. I hate both the look and feel of all screen protectors.

Vanilla no Screen protector

Is anyone here going Nakey with no screen protector? i've got one on right now and i can't STAND how the edges of the protector collect dust... i feel like taking it off..
Tell me your experiences with none on, is your screen getting scratches?
I hate screen protectors as well. That said, everytime I've tried to go nekkid, I've eventually ended up with scratches. No matter how careful you are, it seems, Gorilla Glass WILL scratch. Relatively easily IMO.
I picked up an InvisibleShield HD from Best Buy and it is super clear and flush. I dont even notice it on there.
Jake101 said:
I picked up an InvisibleShield HD from Best Buy and it is super clear and flush. I dont even notice it on there.
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Is that the dry kind?
ickster said:
I hate screen protectors as well. That said, everytime I've tried to go nekkid, I've eventually ended up with scratches. No matter how careful you are, it seems, Gorilla Glass WILL scratch. Relatively easily IMO.
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I will prob go with no screen protector, I had my HTC Hero for 3 years and had very minimal scratching without a screen protector. I only ever put my phone in my pocket on its own. I also keep my phones for the 3 year term that I get them on so by time the 3 years is up the re-sale value doesn't really matter to me any way so if it has some minor scratches it doesn't matter much since I will prob just pass the phone to someone for free anyway. Not to mention it looks and feels better without the protector and why not have the best experience with your phone instead of babying it.
I've never had one on my E4GT and it only has a few super faint scratches that you have to turn it off and put in sunlight to see. I don't think I'll put one on my GSIII either - they always end up getting bubbles or peeling back at some point.
computermilk said:
Is that the dry kind?
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I am not sure... It is a sticky on one side and you apply a solution to apply it to the screen which makes positioning it very easy.
Jake101 said:
I am not sure... It is a sticky on one side and you apply a solution to apply it to the screen which makes positioning it very easy.
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I'm going nude too
The only phone I've ever had a tiny scratch in was with my Droid Bionic. But it was my work phone which means that I didn't baby it the way I normally do with my phones. None of my phones have ever had any scratch on them, and in fact the only phone that did have a screen protector on it, broke. Not that a screen protector is supposed to prevent it from breaking after someone stepped on it but yeah that's another story. I'm also planning on getting a white one and don't think it would look too nice after a while as the glue around the edges gets dark.
I figure as long as my pockets are free from anything else and they stay clean that I shouldn't have any issues with the screen. Just take care of your stuff people. Also while i'm at it, I think it's disgusting when people here scratch their screen then return it for another one. That's not anyone's fault but your own. There is already a high demand for these devices and the carrier or samsung should not be held responsible for that.
*gets off my soap box*
Screen protectors are a pain in the ass. Get rid of it. You can always tell that it's on there. Just take care of your phone. I keep my right pocket for the phone only. I never put anything in my right pocket except for the phone.
I never use a screen protector. Never got scratches on my phone either. This is gorilla glass 2, so if you mess this up you don't need a phone
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
cwalker29 said:
I never use a screen protector. Never got scratches on my phone either. This is gorilla glass 2, so if you mess this up you don't need a phone
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Stick your finger in the sand at the beach, then swipe your finger across your screen. Report back.
Sand will scratch the screen. Sand is actually at locations other than the beach and may come into contact with your phone/finger.
One year on the nexus and not a single scratch. My daughters epic is 2 years old without a single scratch and she just throws it in her book bag. Neither have ever had screen protectors.
Just Flash It !!!
The_Biz said:
Stick your finger in the sand at the beach, then swipe your finger across your screen. Report back.
Sand will scratch the screen. Sand is actually at locations other than the beach and may come into contact with your phone/finger.
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I think most people would notice if sand came in contact with their phone/finger and wouldn't have an issue scratching the phone.
I've never used a screen protector, nor do I have any intention of using one on this device. My s2 looks like the day I got it.
Halmo said:
I think most people would notice if sand came in contact with their phone/finger and wouldn't have an issue scratching the phone.
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Meh. Some sand/dirt is overseen depending on its size as not all dirt/sand is the same size. You can google gorilla glass and scratches and see it will scratch. I'm not saying everybody will scratch their screen, but I'm not taking any chances. Besides, I'm a pro at putting on screen protectors so I do it anyways..
If you are worried about scratches, I'd rather get a flip cover or slide in pouch than taint the display with a screen protector. Granted I live in the midwest and there isn't exactly a lot of beaches around, but I had my Epic since launch and never put anything on it and the screen still looks like new (the bezel not so much). It's even been dropped a few times landing facedown on my driveway/garage floor.
I have been naked on my phones the past several years and no visible or major scratches. If you are careful and don't put coins or keys in same pocket you should be good.
I'm going without a screen protector. One reason is that I suck at putting them on and get really annoyed with the bubbles and dust particles underneath. But the screen is just too good to cover up with a protector. I take good care of my phones so I don't have to worry too much about scratches. I had my GS2 for 8 months with no protector and no scratches at all. I put it in my pocket without anything else and it was fine. I make sure my hands are clean before using my phone.
I always start out with a protector, then end up taking it off after 6 months or so and that's with every Smartphone I've ever owned 2007-present.
Sent from my Galaxy S III using Tapatalk 2

Calling Google about scratches?

I've got a ton of scratches that are pretty deep all over my Nexus 4 that have been appearing since I got the phone. My last phone was an Atrix and after dropping it a few times I never cared to take that good of care with it and it has only very small scratches, none of which near as deep as the scratches I've been getting on the N4 which I take extremely good care of. I was one of the first to receive the Nexus 4. Is it possible that I got a bad phone or has the whole "bad batch" thing just been tossed around? I'm thinking of calling Google and asking but I would like input before that. Maybe I'd prevent wasting someones time... but if this thing really is defective in some way I would like a replacement.
I have the same problem as you. I've only dropped the thing once and I've always stored it in a pocket alone and yet I have tons of scratches all over. So much for gorilla glass. Let me know if you do call what the results are!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
The front of mine is still perfect after two weeks. The back has the protector on still and somehow there is a scratch near the camera.... I'm worried about taking it off until I get my case. Here in Toronto the only way to get a case for it is online shopping... My original case order was cancelled and I got scammed in the process so I had to order a new one that'll come in about a month -_-
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Seriously? You're gonna call Google and tell them what? You scratched your phone...not Google -_-… they didn't make the glass.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Serious_Beans said:
Seriously? You're gonna call Google and tell them what? You scratched your phone...not Google -_-… they didn't make the glass.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Did you read the post? Yeah I'll call them out if I get enough people saying they think it could be defective. I've seen a couple threads where people were saying they sent it back for scratches. I'm pretty much asking if people think there was a chance of actually having a defective device and if so could the glass be effected by that.
Glass is glass. It isn't a defect in your phone, you've just had bad luck with the phone and probably sand or other fine particles coming into contact with it.
oricatiy 11am
Pics or it didn't happen
i noticed scratches the 2nd day of use so i called Google and they sent me a replacement
1. It's glass. A single speck of sand will scratch it. It's glass.
2. Because it is glass, you would have been wise to invest $6 in a noninvasive front and back body skin to protect it. You don't think you need it, until you realize you did.
3. It isn't defective and Google won't help you.
Nospin said:
1. It's glass. A single speck of sand will scratch it. It's glass.
2. Because it is glass, you would have been wise to invest $6 in a noninvasive front and back body skin to protect it. You don't think you need it, until you realize you did.
3. It isn't defective and Google won't help you.
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1. You didn't have to say "its glass" twice
2. I purchased many different screen protectors and all of them where very annoying. This screen was especially designed to be super smooth and it is super oleophobic. Why ruin the experience with a screen protector?
3. I've heard of people saying that they could be defective and scratched too easily so and they even got an RMA. The person above you seems to have gotten one for the screen scratching. I have had cheap phones that I have taken horrible care of that have no scratches on their screen. I have also heard of people taking awful car of their nexus 4 and talking about how durable it was and how it still has no scratches. I've babbied this thing and had a screen protector on it through November to middle December. This all leads me to believe tat something is not right with the screen.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
As you say yourself, the glass on the Nexus 4 is meant to be oleophobic, which means that the glass is covered with an oleophobic coating, which scratches more easily than glass would. You just have to be even more careful with it.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD
Chrono_Tata said:
As you say yourself, the glass on the Nexus 4 is meant to be oleophobic, which means that the glass is covered with an oleophobic coating, which scratches more easily than glass would. You just have to be even more careful with it.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD
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What? The Oleophobic layer is what makes it more scratch resistant. Friction is what causes scratches and if there's less friction then it lessens the possibility of scratches.
I swear people like to talk crazy stuff sometimes. I've had my phone for over a month now (ordered Nov 27 and received Dec 6th). The back of my device is perfectly scratch free now and i'm pretty gentle with my device as well. Dunno wtf you people are doing with your phones but I have no case or anything either and it's perfect still.
Err, no. The oleophobic layer is made of softer material than glass, so obviously it's going to scratch easier. Making something more slippery doesn't make it less easy to scratch.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk HD
Umm NO, here's the word straight from the horses mouth:
Go to page 4.
Abrasion Resistance
Scratch resistance was found to be an added benefit of the easy-to-clean coating on Corning Gorilla Glass. Test samples
comprising 1/2 coated and 1/2 non-coated regions were tested by wiping across both surface areas with 150 grit silicon carbide
sand paper, using the crock meter, for 40 passes (back and forth) at ~1.5 PSI. Surfaces were then tested for haze to determine the
degree in which optical appearance of scratches was mitigated. Figure 3 shows an optical photo of such a sample, exhibiting
significant scratching on the non-coated region whereas few visible scratches exist on the coating. Figure 4 demonstrates this
effect further, plotting haze for coated and non-coated glass regions and for chemically strengthened soda-lime glass.Test
conditions also showed a significant benefit for Corning Gorilla Glass over soda-lime glass (50-60% improvement), and further
benefit for the easy-to-clean coating (additional >75%).
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ADDING the oleophobic coating helps the glass to be more scratch resistant as well as the fingerprints and all that jazz too. Gorilla glass itself is tough but adding that layer helps protect the surface of the Gorilla Glass making it more scratch resistant.
If you want more info, go look up XDA TV and learn something or 2 as well. There was a girl (forget her name now) that explained gorilla glass for her Note 2 device in which she mentioned this as well with more details.
Ahhh found her, it's Erica:
OP, I agree that we shouldn't have to ruin the experience of the phone for the sake of everyday use. I've never had screen protectors and very rarely get scratches while living a fairly active lifestyle.
So far I've not had any scratches on the screen, even cycling with the phone in my pocket. I have been happy with the scratch resistance so far and would compare it to other phones of similar quality.
The back glass has not held up nearly as well, despite sharing the same pocket/conditions. I have a few hairline scratches, particularly over the nexus logo and unfortunately over the camera. My guess is that this happens while pulling the phone in/out of pocket and that is why they are clustered over the logo area.
I'm not sure how much a call to Google will do, can there be quality problems with glass that would cause some to scratch worse than others? QA issues causing breaking seem more likely. To answer your question though, I've not been babying the phone (well, maybe a little) and don't have a hint of a scratch on the screen after a month.
I don't think you can RMA it for scratches after having it for 2 months but it doesn't hurt to call and all they can do is say no.
I myself have no scratches, I should add yet here, and I received mine on November 27th. But it has never seen the inside of my pocket, I bought a belt clip case immediately that it sits in if I'm out and about. IME Pockets are too dangerous as my phones always ended up getting scratched in my pocket because I dropped change in there or put my keys in there by mistake.
I did finally put a screen protector (skinomi) on the front after about a month but I'm not happy with it, it does ever so slightly ruin the experience especially since it is too soft and gets marks in it and it has a dull look to it. But I'm being more than anal about watching out for scratches with this phone as it was an investment. Eventually I'm sure I won't give as **** anymore and start treating it like any other phone but right now paying $400 for a phone still stings a little.
Thanks for the links and I stand corrected. Coming from a Galaxy Nexus, most users found that the display tends to get scratched more than other non-oleophobic glass so it was just generally assumed that the coating was the culprit. Obviously from Corning's documents this isn't the case with Gorilla Glass and their oleophobic coating.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
BravoMotorola said:
I've got a ton of scratches that are pretty deep all over my Nexus 4 that have been appearing since I got the phone. My last phone was an Atrix and after dropping it a few times I never cared to take that good of care with it and it has only very small scratches, none of which near as deep as the scratches I've been getting on the N4 which I take extremely good care of. I was one of the first to receive the Nexus 4. Is it possible that I got a bad phone or has the whole "bad batch" thing just been tossed around? I'm thinking of calling Google and asking but I would like input before that. Maybe I'd prevent wasting someones time... but if this thing really is defective in some way I would like a replacement.
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Take better care of your phone and it won't get scratched
VoiD_Dweller said:
Take better care of your phone and it won't get scratched
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+1 ... haven't dropped or scratched my phone. Using a bumper and a rearth slim for the first couple of days of having it.
hope i didnt jinx myself just now
VoiD_Dweller said:
Take better care of your phone and it won't get scratched
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So did you read the post? That's exactly my point, I do take really good care of it. Now (again go read my posts) I did have an Atrix before this phone and tossed it around quite a bit and it has hardly any scratches that are as deep as the ones on the nexus. The only scratches it has are around the edge and can only be seen in the sunlight. I owned the Atrix for almost two years and never had a screen protector for it. I've owned this phone for only months, and its only gone one month without a screen protector. It seems new scratches appear each week and I'm doing everything to prevent them. It just makes no since why it would be collecting so many scratches in just a small amount of time.
kzoodroid said:
I don't think you can RMA it for scratches after having it for 2 months but it doesn't hurt to call and all they can do is say no.
I myself have no scratches, I should add yet here, and I received mine on November 27th. But it has never seen the inside of my pocket, I bought a belt clip case immediately that it sits in if I'm out and about. IME Pockets are too dangerous as my phones always ended up getting scratched in my pocket because I dropped change in there or put my keys in there by mistake.
I did finally put a screen protector (skinomi) on the front after about a month but I'm not happy with it, it does ever so slightly ruin the experience especially since it is too soft and gets marks in it and it has a dull look to it. But I'm being more than anal about watching out for scratches with this phone as it was an investment. Eventually I'm sure I won't give as **** anymore and start treating it like any other phone but right now paying $400 for a phone still stings a little.
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Just so you know, neither keys or pocket change will scratch your phone, its sand and the glass particles in dust you want to worry about.

Screen protection

Hi, ive all ways had a screen protector fitted to my phone but it does need replacing as it absorbs the daily use. Can anyone provide their experience of the gorilla glass resistance to every day use using their phone without a protector.
Sent from my XT925 using xda app-developers app
Had my phone from the beginning and have never had a screen protector. My screen has endured over its life and it could pass as a brand new screen. This phone is designed to be durable. IPhone tender care is not needed
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
Put new screen protector on your phone. Gorilla glass is just good marketing. Can be easily scratched by speck of dust under your finger. About dropping on hard surface (rocks, grit...) is pointless to speak of.
kenrw7 said:
Hi, ive all ways had a screen protector fitted to my phone but it does need replacing as it absorbs the daily use. Can anyone provide their experience of the gorilla glass resistance to every day use using their phone without a protector.
Sent from my XT925 using xda app-developers app
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this question/topic has been discussed at least 50 times before and the result is always the same.
-some people never use them and claim no scratches
-some people didnt use one and claim scratches
-and some people (like me) would never use a phone without one
its pointless to go over this issue again. for every yes there will be a no.
Thanks for all the constructive comments I've decided to side with caution and buy another batch of screen protectors. After all they are relative cheap and offer a front line level of sacrificial protection.
Sent from my XT925 using xda app-developers app
bweN diorD said:
-and some people (like me) would never use a phone without one
its pointless to go over this issue again. for every yes there will be a no.
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I have them on every device I use, including my Ipods, and even Garmin GPS. I'd rather be safe than sorry. The only one that suffers a little from the protection is the N7.
I have owned my phone since September 2012. Been using protector maybe 2/3 to 4/5 parts of the time. It is the sensible thing to do. Peeled it off months ago as it did began to bug me a little due to 'oily smearing'. Also I figured the 'end life' of the device I would want is as nice as possible. No accidents or detrimental effect seen so far. It Seems possibly a little more durable than I originally thought. That said I am glad had it on so long to minimize risk and will surely use one again as soon as I get a new phone at some point... Also I think there is a very big difference in people's perception of 'normal daily use'. I am generally very careful with my more expensive gadgets (phone included).
If someone wish to scratch the screen, just take some sand and spoil with the finger over the screen.
Warning, this will most probably scratch your screen!
Didn't have one on initially but the wife and 2 young children seem to think black rectangles are hockey pucks. A few small scratches on the glass later i've started keeping a protector on it. I prefer the glass directly but better to have a scratched and replaceable piece of plastic than the glass thats a pain to replace
vipthomps said:
Didn't have one on initially but the wife and 2 young children seem to think black rectangles are hockey pucks. A few small scratches on the glass later i've started keeping a protector on it. I prefer the glass directly but better to have a scratched and replaceable piece of plastic than the glass thats a pain to replace
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Black circles and black rectangles are pretty similar.
I don't see why you would need a protector. My screen has only one little scratch, and you can't even see it unless you look at the screen off with a really bright light.
Best experience with a screen I ever had. And I'm not just talking about durability. The colors and definition are truly remarkable.
i use liquid screen protector it hardens as like a layer of plastic over the screen
I hate the feel of SPs and never use them...had this phone since release and only have a small faint scratch that's only visible when the screen is off, other than that no issues...small price to pay for the responsiveness I require.
|[JTC MaxxHD]|

Gorilla Glass 4 is not so perfect. Put on a screen protector asap.

I've had my S6 Edge for a week and several visible light scratches starts to appear on the screen. I was waiting for my screen protector to arrive from amazon. And I was extra careful with the naked device.
This issue is not new. But with Samsung and Corning constantly reassure the ability of improved scratch resistance of the device. I doubt many people will not put on a screen protectors.
So, I suggest you guys put on one now, before it's too late, asap.
I have already ran into that issue some very small light scratches while waiting for my screen protector in the first week. I am extra careful also no clue where they came from.
I believe the glass has some sort of oleophobic coating on it and that is what is getting the fine scratches in it. Not that it really matters because it still looks terrible. But I don't believe the glass itself is scratching.
nudawa said:
I've had my S6 Edge for a week and several visible light scratches starts to appear on the screen. I was waiting for my screen protector to arrive from amazon. And I was extra careful with the naked device.
This issue is not new. But with Samsung and Corning constantly reassure the ability of improved scratch resistance of the device. I doubt many people will not put on a screen protectors.
So, I suggest you guys put on one now, before it's too late, asap.
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Corning never claimed that their glass is perfect. I've got a OnePlus one with Gorilla Glass 3 that I've used unprotected for almost a year and it's still scratch free. Your glass didn't scratch itself.
Aggies1288 said:
I have already ran into that issue some very small light scratches while waiting for my screen protector in the first week. I am extra careful also no clue where they came from.
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Usually exposure to sand.
Can you suggest me a good screen protector? - Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Matte Screen...#top
I ordered this one. It has matte finish so you can get away with fingerprints, it has healing factor to heal small scratches itself, it is edge to edge means that it will cover the entire screen including the curved parts.
So far so good. I like it.
CafeKampuchia said:
Corning never claimed that their glass is perfect. I've got a OnePlus one with Gorilla Glass 3 that I've used unprotected for almost a year and it's still scratch free. Your glass didn't scratch itself.
Usually exposure to sand.
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I highly doubt your 'scratch free' statement. I'm sure it has small scratches on the surface but you just cant see it very clearly. As long as the glass is still softer than sands. There will be scratches.
I am using samsung galaxy s4 since 2 years without any screen guard and havent got an single scratch on screen....dont know how you ppl get it. And if you say there might be small scratches on screen, no even if u see it in bright sunlight not a single one appears
nudawa said:
I highly doubt your 'scratch free' statement. I'm sure it has small scratches on the surface but you just cant see it very clearly. As long as the glass is still softer than sands. There will be scratches.
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Even if so, I would have noone to blame but myself. Lots of people are capable of using a smartphone for even long periods of time without scratching them up.
I had mine wrapped in clear coat. Formally ghost armor. I don't understand waiting something to arrive Why not purchase one at a store and get it over with?
freemeech said:
I had mine wrapped in clear coat. Formally ghost armor. I don't understand waiting something to arrive Why not purchase one at a store and get it over with?
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Amazon: Screen Protector 5-10 dollars
My local store that sells em: screen protector: 20-40 Dollars
Thats why
There's nothing wrong with the Zagg shield front+back protector you can get from Verizon. I won't even let my phone leave the store without having a screen protector on it ... I know myself, and I know there's literally zero chance it wont get scratched.
Even if you're waiting for a better (tempered glass) screen protector ... do yourself a favor and buy something cheap while you're waiting for it to arrive. Not trying to preach or be a dink, but you can't blame the glass for scratching - blame yourself.
theresin said:
There's nothing wrong with the Zagg shield front+back protector you can get from Verizon. I won't even let my phone leave the store without having a screen protector on it ... I know myself, and I know there's literally zero chance it wont get scratched.
Even if you're waiting for a better (tempered glass) screen protector ... do yourself a favor and buy something cheap while you're waiting for it to arrive. Not trying to preach or be a dink, but you can't blame the glass for scratching - blame yourself.
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My local store where i got my phone had no screen protector for edge devices. But im not blaming anything here. I just want to suggest you guys to use a screen protector.
chazglenn3 said:
I believe the glass has some sort of oleophobic coating on it and that is what is getting the fine scratches in it. Not that it really matters because it still looks terrible. But I don't believe the glass itself is scratching.
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I hope so!
I see a few (scratches) on mine and I have not had this phone anywhere nor put it in a place where something could have scratched it! Compared to my other devices that have been pocketed and used a lot and those screens are flawless!
It reminds me of the camera glass on the HTC One M8. That got all kinds of crazy looking scratches and it was never touched. It was some kind of coating on the glass that caused it. And, too, it was easily rectified with some Brasso...
We're talking really tiny scratches here, completely invisible to content when viewing the screen head on. But when off, especially in sunlight, they are there. It's bothersome like when you notice a tiny scratch or ding on a new car.
I can say that I have the phone since 17th and I'm having extra careful and with direct sun light is where I can see if I have scratches or not. So on the screen I have zero scratches has I had with my s5 without a screen protector at least for 7months but on the s6 edge the screen as I said zero scratches but on the part that has the capacity buttons because it's gold version I can see there some light scratches
Same here, I'm giving the exact same usage to my S6 Edge that the one I did with my S5 and S4, both of them have only a couple of small tiny scratches but my S6E has A LOT already. I'm so disappointed at this as I never required to use an screen protector since my S4.
Got my S6e on 4/17 and so far have only a single, very faint scratch on the screen where I would have to tilt the phone in sunlight "just so" to barely make it out. I'm fairly certain I got that when I dropped my phone at the gym.
Last night I received the Cellbee "glass-like" screen protector, followed the directions as best I could... and ended up throwing the damn thing away. I made sure I was in an environment free of airflow and minimal dust, and it resulted in one of the worst finished products in my years of experience putting screen protectors on. On top of that, the surface had so much friction it felt like my finger was running on top of rubber.
Anyway, waiting for the tempered glass, or at least a standard protector with more success stories. Don't want to waste another $10.
plaxy said:
Amazon: Screen Protector 5-10 dollars
My local store that sells em: screen protector: 20-40 Dollars
Thats why
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Don't ***** about scratches if you can't afford to spend 20$ on an 800$ phone then.
I have read somewhere that there is some glare on the edge. Anybody noticed this?
kiko3 said:
I have read somewhere that there is some glare on the edge. Anybody noticed this?
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Around the edges? Ya it's there but you get used to it after a day or so.

