S-Pen scratching the screen? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Just wanted to know if anyone else had a problem with the S-pen scratching their screen. The tip on mine is very sharp and after looking at my screen in daylight, its got hundreds of scratches all over.
I've had loads of phones and have only ever managed to get 1 or 2 scratches on them, nothing like what I have now. Anyone else have this problem?
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If you have been to the beach or somewhere sandy, that could be a problem. Have sand or grains of dirt in your pocket is often the cause.

My S-Pen has neither a sharp nor a very hard tip. It's normal polymer. Maybe you have a thin layer of fat on your screen and the S-Pen is "scratching" that or like already posted you had sand in your pocket.
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Definitely s-pen would not create scratches. Material used in the tip is lighter than material used in Corning glass. May small dust particles may have dragged along when you use s-pen. Whenever use S-pen...just wipe the screen once and use, doing so will avoid scratches.
Still if you feel that the culprit is your S-pen, take a 2000 grit sand paper (widely used for automobile polishing..never go with lower grit!) keep it on glass and roll the tip of the pen gently without high pressure for a minute. This will polish the tip and no more scratches.
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This is pretty common. I've seen many complaints about the screen getting scratched from the tip of S Pen picking up random bits of hard material such as sand etc.
This is why I bought a screen protector to arrive together with my Note.
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priyanv said:
Definitely s-pen would not create scratches. Material used in the tip is lighter than material used in Corning glass. May small dust particles may have dragged along when you use s-pen. Whenever use S-pen...just wipe the screen once and use, doing so will avoid scratches.
Still if you feel that the culprit is your S-pen, take a 2000 grit sand paper (widely used for automobile polishing..never go with lower grit!) keep it on glass and roll the tip of the pen gently without high pressure for a minute. This will polish the tip and no more scratches.
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And then you get even more scratches because grit from sandpaper will stick to the polymer tip
Sent from my GT-N7000

I have no scratches on mine and I play draw something a lot on mine.

Never heard of this. You press to hard i think.

The S-Pen can't scratch the screen UNLESS you exert an extreme force on it. (e,g, banging the tip to the screen all the time or exerting an excessive force in sliding it.)
I don't think Sammy would have developed this phablet with an accompanying S-Pen, if they know that the latter would just damage the phone in the long run.
Overall, in the end, it would be the user's S-Pen usage that matters.. if you just bang away using the S-Pen on the screen always, then overtime, I wouldn't be surprise at all if you get some minor scratches sooner or later.
It's entirely dependent on how the user cares or uncares (if there's a right word for that) in using the Note with the add-on S-PEN.

I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!

emuX said:
I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!
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You ever think maby the screen protector is softer than the glass itself? I have not one scratch.

Screen Protector though soft helps protect small scratches caused by dust and normal wear tear...i hv been using a protector ever since I started using touch screen phones

It's not the Spen what's scratching your screen, the problem is dust particles that get in the way while using the spen!
I'm using an ugly bestskinsever screen protector just in case!
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emuX said:
I've had a screen protector on my Note since day one. After 5 months I'm now about to fit my 2ND one as the film is covered in scratches and trying to see the screen in bright daylight is painful. I've hardly used my s-pen, and yet my protector is covered in scratches. In my case grit or something else abrasive on my finger is probably the culprit!
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Whats your point? Screen protectors are made of soft material almost anything can scratch it
Sent from my GT-N7000

jeriz said:
Whats your point? Screen protectors are made of soft material almost anything can scratch it
Sent from my GT-N7000
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Obviously the point here is that its better to scratch a cheap and easy to replace screen protector than an expensive hard to replace glass screen!
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I'm a pretty heavy user of the S-pen (especially after discovering the game Draw Something!) and never used a screen protector and don't have a scratch on my screen. However I did once notice all these s-pen markings on the screen and after the initial shock i realised it was simply the s-pen cutting through the oily fingerprints!
The s-pen is definitely not sharp to the touch and there is a slight retraction with some pressure. I can't imagine drawing with sand or small particles on it as you kinda feel it as you draw.

The plastic is softer than the glass, this should be possible.
What you might be finding is you have a build up of grease/oils on the screen and the spen is cutting through that.
Give your screen a good polish with a soft cloth, I bet they go away.

From my personal experience, I think the same pen (with a small particle of sand/dust) could make a scratch on the oleophobic coating (fine thin scratch) as in the case of my note. It won't be visible under quick inspection though, but enough bother me so I ended up putting a screen protector on it.
And no, my case is not just grease/oil coz I made a clean wipe before I examine it closely...
Sent from my GT-N7000

jeriz said:
And then you get even more scratches because grit from sandpaper will stick to the polymer tip
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FYI 2000 grit sand paper is designed for not shedding any particles... That's why I mention the exact grit specification. These papers are also used for removing hair line scratches on the glass surfaces. And I also pointed that "gently" hope you read my post completely!
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I had a scratch on mine. About an inch long. Almost surely from the pen (I had no screen protector). I sold it before I did more damage to it.


it's official our screen is scratch proof

my phone is being replace by sprint on tuesday. With me knowing that I decided to put our screen through a test. Off came the screen protector, I scratched the screen with keys, coins and nails. I put it in my pocket. Placed it on dinner table face down and slid it across the table. To my surprise, the screen is brand new without a scratch or surface scratch. I've come to the conclusion, screen protectors are a waste of money.
I was thinking of doing a youtube video. But it's friday, and I have better things to do.
Well, it's very scratch resistant based on the stories here, however adding some sand to your tests and you'll probably be singing a different tune. Some jewelry can also scratch the screen.
There is a Korean-language demonstration of this on youtube. They tried it on the i9000. It's pretty impressive. I think you can find it if you search 'galaxy s scratch test' or something similar
Isira said:
Well, it's very scratch resistant based on the stories here, however adding some sand to your tests and you'll probably be singing a different tune. Some jewelry can also scratch the screen.
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I was trying to put it through the everyday use test. But hey you want sand, I'll give you sand.
i dont know how i did it, but mine is scratched. 2 very small thin scratches, but they are there. i rubbed it with a cloth thinking it was a smudge. no dice. its a scratch.
shook187 said:
I was trying to put it through the everyday use test. But hey you want sand, I'll give you sand.
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LOL, read around and you'll see what I mean about sand. (but please don't do it).
And besides, you cannot claim "scratch proof" until you've tested it in all conditions.
I've had two epics. The first one I left bare, and even though I babied it and never set it anywhere but on my pocket and it's rabbit fur charging bed, it still got a lil hair sized scratch in the middle of the screen.
I've put a screen protector on the second one.
I noticed the screen is very resistant to scratches myself. When I first got the phone I had a screen protector on it but then I took it off because it kinda ruins the brightness of the display.
Anyway, after having it off for about a month the screen has maybe 4 very small scratches and that's it. I've dropped it in the parking lot, floor and slid it across the table tons of times not to mention it being in my pocket with keys. I'm in the Army I've even had it with me at the range where we lay on the ground and get sandy dirt in our pockets and it still is doing really well. I'm impressed.
It is definitely NOT scratch proof!
It is very durable and scratch resistant though.
I've had it since launch day, I have a small, fine, but visible, scratch near the top left of my screen. It's as if there's a small, fine facial hair the screen I can't remove.
I don't know how it got there, I keep it out of the pocket that I put my keys/change in. I've never dropped it.
That said, I've been hesitant to get a protector because I like how smooth the screen is.
jnadke said:
It is definitely NOT scratch proof!
It is very durable and scratch resistant though.
I've had it since launch day, I have a small, fine, but visible, scratch near the top left of my screen. It's as if there's a small, fine facial hair the screen I can't remove.
I don't know how it got there, I keep it out of the pocket that I put my keys/change in. I've never dropped it.
That said, I've been hesitant to get a protector because I like how smooth the screen is.
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Exactly, resistant enough that I prefer no screen protection. I can live with hairline scratches if its the only thing is need to ware a screen protector for. I have I small hairline scratch and its so difficult to see, I have to have a bright light hit it just so and look really hard to find it because its so fine...
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Yes, its fairly scratch resistant but not scratch proof..it boils down to applying pressure at the right angle..
I work with alot of abrasive materials. Sometimes I'll have sand and diamond dust on my fingers when using my phone. My phone is scratched to hell from this. But nothing to deep to maker me warrant using a screen protector. The scratches are only visanle with the screen off
Sent from my Emotionless Beast of an Epic using the XDA App
Yep I read a review that our screens were made with corning-ware anti scratch technology... I droppeed my phone off my lap getting out of my truck, face down, no scratches, only chipped paint... did it again and it went skipping along the asphault, face down again.. NOT A SCRATCH!!! I LOVE THIS PHONE!!
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I scratched my first Epic.
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After getting my Zagg on 100% perfect (second try) I still like the added security (even though I do hate screen protectors as much as you guys). If you don't think it will scratch, use sand, it will. Sand/dust/etc will be in your pocket or on your hand someday.
Found it.. http://www.corning.com/specialtymaterials/news_center/news_releases/2009/2009070701.aspx
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AndrewZorn said:
After getting my Zagg on 100% perfect (second try) I still like the added security (even though I do hate screen protectors as much as you guys). If you don't think it will scratch, use sand, it will. Sand/dust/etc will be in your pocket or on your hand someday.
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I'm going to keep a eye on my sreen till I traded it in on Tuesday. Till then, I'm going to keep using my phone in a rugged fashion, just to see how the screen holds up.
I also had a Zagg screen protector on mine and did like the "added security" but the phone's screen just feels so much better without it.
Yah. It always feels better without protection.
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Ha, nice!
Sent with my 4G interwebs.
It's the same "gorilla glass" the iPhone 4 uses. Love it.

display shield

is there any need of display shield on galaxy s?
mosd said:
is there any need of display shield on galaxy s?
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I don't use one and haven't needed one.
Maybe if you carry your phone in the same pocket as your keys, or like dialing with the point of a bayonet....otherwise I see no need.
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rschenck said:
I don't use one and haven't needed one.
Maybe if you carry your phone in the same pocket as your keys, or like dialing with the point of a bayonet....otherwise I see no need.
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okej thanks m8 do u have nay scratch?
This has been thoroughly discussed in the accessories section.
I have the Zagg Invisible Shield and i like it. You can't notice it on the screen exept if there is sun like a lot of sunlight on it, but you do feel like a bit of a plastic everytime you tuch the screen, i mean it is not that smooth to the feel, but the phone registers your touch every time with no problem.
I use one I got from bestskinsever.com (I think), its great. Takes a little getting used to the texture as you're obviously not touching bare glass anymore but it definitely does the job well, no discolouring or marks on my phone since using it
Why use a Display Shield when you have a Gorilla Glass onboard?
To be, or not to be: that is the question!
you don't need a screen shield
the glass is harder than the shields
i tried to scratch it with keys and it just can't be scratched
a firend of mine did it. and why not be on the safe side if you can?
havent used a screen protector since i bought the phone about 8 months ago
i havent got any visible scratch on the screen. not even under the sun
maybe when i use a microscope, then yes, but mmm.. im not going to
Had mine bare for 8 months as well and the screen still looks perfect, and trust me I'd notice any significant blemishes. Just the other day I wiped it clean and looked under bright light and could only see a couple of near-microscopic scratches.
A shield would ruin the feel IMO. I just keep out in its own pocket and hold it tight.
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I prefer having one than not too... I had one so far and know that i removed i see i'd rather have one on for extra protection. After all Gorilla glass can be scratched too (although it's not easy to scratch it). I'm on the "better safe than sorry" side but for others who are very careful with the phone i would just suggest a case!
It is not neccesary for scratches but it may help to protect the screen from shattering when you drop it..
Coolgreek said:
I prefer having one than not too... I had one so far and know that i removed i see i'd rather have one on for extra protection. After all Gorilla glass can be scratched too (although it's not easy to scratch it). I'm on the "better safe than sorry" side but for others who are very careful with the phone i would just suggest a case!
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the force that is needed to scratch this glass would also scratch it past one of the screen shields
screen shields are useless for this phone, they just make it look uglier... and in some cases like zaag they also add a rubbery feel which ruins the smooth experience
I've had mine in my pocket with a hand full of screws an no scratch on the display
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only if you drop a Hello Kitty cookie jar lid on it from 6" up in air. Friend did it and shattered the glass somehow. Hence forth he has a Hello Kitty skull/crossbones on his car window
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to be honest it's unnecessary but for me it's annoying to wipe my screen everytime it gets dirty, and with a screen protector it doesn't smudge as easily
I took off my screen protector and now have a scratch. Its only visible if you switch off display and see the screen under a bright light. The back cover really needs some protection cause its a scratch magnet.
Gorilla Glass is resistant to everyday scratches, like from dust particles and carrying it in your pocket and things like that. No screen is resistant to high force impact.
I've had my Galaxy for over a month now and the display glass is still pristine (and I use it in differrent environments)! I had a Desire which was durable to some extent as well, but I managed to scratch its screen somehow. This phone? No problem whatsoever.
The plastic casing, however... the back cover has visible "signs" of usage
Strangely enough I have had some mixed experiences with gorilla glass.. My own galaxy GT-i9000 went 2 weeks and the screen was fine.. then i decided my fingers had grubbed it up a little too much.. took my cleaning cloth for my glasses and went to work only to find i had basically put hairline scratches over the whole screen.. Not terrible mind you but noticeable under bright lights or on low screen brightness..
On the other end of the scale I convinced a friend to get the galaxy s also.. Walking down a dirt road, he tripped while holding the phone and it slip maybe 5 meters down the dirt.. not a single scratch.. the plastic was a bit tarnished though from bouncing around.

Getting rid of the oleophobic coating-How?

Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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some one said he used polish liquids
i recommend liter fluid
OP, take my advice , do NOT do it! You think the coating is not helping, wait till you remove it! It will be 100 times worse, literally!
If you do decide to rid the screen of the coating - I succeeded (on SGS1) with Chlorine toilet bowl cleaning liquid, but be very careful to not get it inside speakers/mikes. All the scratches remained though, mine were in the glass, not the coating.
You want that coating on there. Just get a screen protector and maybe a matte one if the finger prints bother you.
Damn,I hate screen protectors...
KreoXDA,mine are most probably not on the glass itself.I can't feel them with my fingernail(And I have long fingernails on my right hand-classic guitar player anyone? ) like I could with such scratches on other phones.Anyway,I'll see if I can find some good screen protector.All I've used just crapped all over my touchscreen experience.I'd try Zaggs,but guess what!NOT available in Greece!I''m losing my patience here...
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
blickmanic said:
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
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Yeah...Well,I found Zaggs(they even came to Greece...Oh well!) but I cannot find Steinheils.What about Belkin?They have a matte overlay that I think would be nice.
Also,what do you mean that Zaggs are the worst for sensitivity?Is it harder to select something on the screen with a protector on?
Thanks anyway pal!
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
blickmanic said:
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
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Well,I'll see if I can find it in Greece or else...E-bay it is!I have never bought anything from e-bay though...Will buy a jig,that's for sure!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Oh and I ordered sgp ones from the place recommended on the accessories thread. delivered from korea to uk, good stuff.
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crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
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Oh sh!t,I didn't know that.And I was blaming my fingers for nothing?
Well,I'll try and touch my face less.When I sweat(especially now in the summer with the high temperatures) it gets oily like hell.It will get better with time(It's a puberty thing partially like acme),but for now it's killing me.
Thank you for the heads up though.Finally I found cops usefull!
My advice: polish your face often .
What i do is clean the screen with my shirt so now and then. Some days its worse then others...
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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A girl around here?I'm impressed!
Anyway,I too have long fingernails on my right hand because I play the guitar,but they don't damage the screen.I go to the beach very often and sand particles find their way everywhere.Now THEY do damage. ;-)
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Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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Guys hands tend to have more dirt (from putting their hands on the bench, on the ground or at the beach). As a result, there will be one or two tiny sand particles which then scratches the screen when they use the phone.
here is links to Steinheil protectors..enjoy..
did you try alcohol and windex?
alcohol will remove the oleophobic coating, but very slowly. you'll end up with a haze.
i used meguiar's scratchx 2.0 to remove a scratch, not realizing there was a coating. result was a hazy ring where i had removed the coating.
tried rainx, with improved the slick feel but also caused more of the haze effect (alcohol). ended up using scratchx to remove the whole coating, using a flashlight to check, and putting a realook protector on. luckily the result is fantastic.
that said, don't remove any coating unless you really really have to. it doesn't seem like it but it is way better at preventing smudges than just glass.
crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands.
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A good friend of mine is a dermatologist. You and/or the cops are wrong. Maybe they tell that story to everybody so they don't get their hopes to high.
You can test for youself though. Wash you hands with antibacterial soap and dry them with and air handdryer. Hold your hand steady for 10 minutes without touching anything and then see i you'll leave prints on you phone

Using the S-pen on a naked screen

I don't have a screen protector on my Note since they tend to hinder the brilliant display (the clear ones retain too many fingerprints for my liking), but as a result I must be extra careful when handling the phone.
I haven't gotten any scratches yet, but I'm always nervous about using the S-pen on a naked screen. Has anyone out there had any problems with S-pen scratches, or am I just being too paranoid?
Thanks in advance, guys.
I've used my Note both with and without screen protector now, and in both cases it really feels like you're scratching the screen. You get the feeling it's sharp pen or something, but when you carefully examine the S-Pen you'll notice that it's rounded and not sharp at all. I don't think it'll get your screen scratched, because that would produce a lot of complaints.
My Note doesn't have any scratches yet, and I've used the pen quite alot. So I don't think you have to worry as long as the S-Pen is in good state.
No, you should not worry about the s pen scratching the screen.
I use the SGP Steinheil ultra olephobic. If you get a good application, you cannot see it and it really does cut down on finger and face oils.
Using the S pens is just like writing on the screen!
Beethoven9th said:
......but I'm always nervous about using the S-pen on a naked screen. Has anyone out there had any problems with S-pen scratches, or am I just being too paranoid?
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If you are afraid that your screen is being scratched by accident, there is no other answer or tips to prevent little scratches to appear after usage than put an invisible shield on it.
you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???
nbass668 said:
you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???
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Awesome reply
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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You are wrong
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Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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Yes it does.
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nbass668 said:
you are afraid that you will scratch a gorilla glass equipped phone with a plastic tip of the spen ???
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That's correct, because I've had devices in the past where some type of particle must have gotten between the stylus and the screen, and I ended up with minor scratches that were very annoying. Granted, this was years ago before phones had fortified glass, but I was just asking to get other people's advice/opinions.
you should always check that the tip of the pen is clean but since you seem to share my paranoia you probably do that already.
there is no way that a clean plastic tip can scratch glass, ANY glass
not the gorilla discussion again :-(
I agree with Jeriz.
I too am very cautious about the screen and i dont like screen protectors so im just careful. Just wipe the pen tip each time you get it out and should be fine. I only use it occasionally anyway.
Yes it does have gorilla glass ffs
I've done some nasty little scratch by pen, so don't tell me it can't be done.
I was very careful about Note but 1 particle of sand, and I have a scratch.
Screen protector is necessary.
Shadow69 said:
I've done some nasty little scratch by pen, so don't tell me it can't be done.
I was very careful about Note but 1 particle of sand, and I have a scratch.
Screen protector is necessary.
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but it was the contaminants on the tip and not the plastic itself. nobody here said that some random grain of unknown material can't scratch the screen. that's exactly like saying that "my car was all shiny and new but it only took one key to scratch the paint" for all we know it could have been a micro diamond
im prepared to say that if you take the (clean) plastic tip of the pen and try to scratch the screen the pressure required will crack the screen long before your able to make any scratcmarks.
careful or not doesn't seem to matter. most scratches seem to be caused by very small particles judging by how many people who says they get scratches even tho they nursed the phone like a newborn baby. based on that i believe that IF the note is more prone to scratches it's simply due to larger screen area
and you can't say that screen protection is necessary for everyone. it might be your preference but i don't like the way they feel or the way they distort the screen
im not trying to attack you im simply disagreeing with everything you said
jeriz said:
im not trying to attack you im simply disagreeing with everything you said
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Love that!
BTW, the exact same issue is far more possible wit grit attached to your finger. It is less likely to scratch, however, because you do not use so much pressure (more area).
What it does do, however, is cause the protector to get covered with thousands of tiny scratches. Now, that affects the display.
As soon as I get one of my preferred cases, I am taking my protector off. I shall then have a much better looking Note. I do hope it will be for a long time, but you never can tell.
Shadow69 said:
OK, just imagine sand sticked to S-Pen and yes - it scratches...
Besides Note nave NOT Gorilla Glass screen
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It's already been mentioned, but here's a bit of a proof of the existence of GG on the Note

Get rid of your screen protector, now !

So, I have been using a screen protector since I bought my S2 for a few days. Yesterday when I was drunk, I realized there are some scratches on it, so I decided to peel if off, thinking having another protector later. And to my surprise, my screen became freaking shiny and colorful and beautiful like a stone turning into a diamond. Now Im feeling like a retard, because that lame protector (in fact it's an expensive one), I suffered from an ugly change of screen color of my S2. I am sure I will never get another screen protector, this screen is too beautiful and it deserves to be seen.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Screen protector is a stupid idea anyway. Anything that can scratch a gorilla glass will easily go through a flimsy screen "protector" and scratch the glass anyway.
Im using a Zagg Invisible shield, purely through habit as I've had one on all my phones and comparing it to my GFs S2 (with no screen protector at all) there is absolutely no difference, but to each his own
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Very true with out screen guard it looks awesome.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
That depends what screen protector you're using. The matte and the cheap screen protectors are not shiny and look dull, but if you get a good quality screen protector, you won't even notice the difference. Everyone SHOULD have a good quality screen protector because it protects the phone from scratches.
i360* said:
That depends what screen protector you're using. The matte and the cheap screen protectors are not shiny and look dull, but if you get a good quality screen protector, you won't even notice the difference. Everyone SHOULD have a good quality screen protector because it protects the phone from scratches.
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This kinda right.
I used a costly PS and still notice a little difference in the vividness of color and obviously the touch response is much more different, i mean more prominent. Using it without a PS for a month now and no, I am not applying a PS again.
My scr protector was an expensive one, it doesnt change the touch sensitivity but for God's sake the color is aweful...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
randomseasons said:
So, I have been using a screen protector since I bought my S2 for a few days. Yesterday when I was drunk, I realized there are some scratches on it, so I decided to peel if off, thinking having another protector later. And to my surprise, my screen became freaking shiny and colorful and beautiful like a stone turning into a diamond. Now Im feeling like a retard, because that lame protector (in fact it's an expensive one), I suffered from an ugly change of screen color of my S2. I am sure I will never get another screen protector, this screen is too beautiful and it deserves to be seen.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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next scrachs gonna be on the screen it self
now that more annoying then less clearty
aydc said:
Screen protector is a stupid idea anyway. Anything that can scratch a gorilla glass will easily go through a flimsy screen "protector" and scratch the glass anyway.
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tell that to my car then. Dropped my phone without a protector and got a small chip/ scratch. Put on a screen protector and it hides the damage. Dropped phone many times since with no further damage....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
aydc said:
Screen protector is a stupid idea anyway. Anything that can scratch a gorilla glass will easily go through a flimsy screen "protector" and scratch the glass anyway.
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Wow...I hope this is sarcasm.
beston94 said:
Wow...I hope this is sarcasm.
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Nope, it's pure logic. You can't scratch gorilla glass. You can only scratch the oleophobic cover on top. If your phones comes across something so strong that even gorilla glass will be scratched, a flimsy screen protector won't be any help.
Ive had a screen protector and all the phones ive owned, and yes you see a difference in the display but i can live with that! and what plank said if you scratch a screen protector it'll go through lol if thats the case then i wouldnt use a screen protector in the 1st place my phone is always in and out of my pocket and most the times its my keys or coins that scratch but underneath my protector the screen has NOTa single mark/scratch and ive gone through loads of protectors since i had my GS2..
Conclusion: i would highly recommend a screen protector ! ChEAp and keeps the gorilla glass free of any scratches!
The end!
I don't use a screen protector, but can see 2 scenarios where my screen can be scratched.
1. The beach with sand... Solution is to get a waterproof case/bag and have some fun too
2. letting my gf or any woman with diamond earrings to talk on the phone... Solution don't let then use my phone!!
Other than that, I even demoed to my friends the key scratch test on my screen frequently. Someone asked what would I do if a drop of super glue lands on my phone... My answer... Use a razor edge and scratch it off!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
No problems here
Been using my S2 phone since it came out. No screen protection at all. No scratches of any description apparent. My screen is still 100% perfect.
aydc said:
Nope, it's pure logic. You can't scratch gorilla glass. You can only scratch the oleophobic cover on top. If your phones comes across something so strong that even gorilla glass will be scratched, a flimsy screen protector won't be any help.
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Flawed logic. Gorilla glass is scratch resistant, not scratch proof. To scratch it, you need to use something harder than the glass. Metal is softer, so your keys are not going to do harm to the glass, it might scratch the coating only. However, sand is just as hard as glass if not harder. That will scratch through the coating and the glass in one go. Unfortunately, sand is everywhere.
If you want the screen to look good then don't use a matte screen :O
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Rather have the piece of mind knowing that with a screen protector, even if it doesn't protect it that much.. it still gives some protection. Same goes for cases why have use some cases when "some" add very little protection and mostly for looks.
The fist thing to do when i get a friend's phone in my hands is to peal off the protector and pretend it was by mistake
Screenprotectors only effective by blackberry. Since gs2 has gorilla glass..
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk
domingoo said:
Screenprotectors only effective by blackberry. Since gs2 has gorilla glass..
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk
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Actually no. Gorilla glass isn't completely unbreakable or invincible to scratches, just harder to. You will get some hairline scratches but with a screen protector you won't
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