[SOLVED] Help with email - Kindle Fire General

I installed the GMail app on my rooted KF, and since no outgoing email will work. I have tried the following:
Email with Kindle Email app -- Will not function, says cannot find outgoing server
Email with Gmail app -- Will not function. Says "Sending Email Failed"
Email with Kindle App (Yahoo) -- Again, cannot find the outgoing server.
This has worked in the past, for a long time after my KF rooting. Any ideas on how to fix this?

have gapps installed ? allthrough it's for calendar look here:

Have you checked system/etc/hosts to see if something put your SMTP servers in there?

Network issue....
So, the issue came down to the wireless network. I usually use my KF at the office for email, so the failures occured there. I tried this on my home network, and the KF worked without issue. Must be something with the way IT has the network setup.

horsegoalie said:
So, the issue came down to the wireless network. I usually use my KF at the office for email, so the failures occured there. I tried this on my home network, and the KF worked without issue. Must be something with the way IT has the network setup.
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Probably locking down port 25 to prevent malware from sending spam from the internal network. Maybe? Glad it's working for you at home though!


outgoing email through smtp.o2.co.uk

Is anyone else having problems with all email attempted to send from the Exec through o2's outgoing mail server returning a failure message at the moment?
Very frustrating. I like to quickly turn WiFi on, sync email and fire off a few snap responses when I get back to base before I decide whether to fire my PC up or not.
Have you clicking the 'outgoing mail requires authorization' box in account options?
I've never actually used my O2 e-mail account to send messages before, but after seeing this thread I tried it and sure enough it didn't work until I ticked the "outgoing mail requires authorisation" box!
Hopefully your advice will fix it for FunkyMagic too!
"I like to quickly turn WiFi on"
hi funky magic
you can't use your wifi connection with the smtp.o2.co.uk setting - that only works for gprs. for wifi you need to set the smtp to your internet provider NOT o2. i use Blueyonder for my home internet - so my smtp is smtp.blueyonder.co.uk - works perfectly. i actually have 2 mail accounts set up - one for use at home on wifi using blueyonder, the other for when i'm out and about using the o2 gprs connection
mikey mike
Cheers folk!
I think prior to today I was (without really thinking about it) -
Switching WiFi on.
Recieving new email.
Composing responses and hitting send.
Then just sticking the thing on the cable connected to my PC for charging where I leave it for a few hours before going out for the evening or 'fiddling' (at which point pass-through would have sent the emails correctly at the next 15min sync).
I was in a bit of a rush today to confirm an email had gone out so hit send/recieve after creating a new mail PRIOR to connecting to the wire which I don't think I normally do!
Problemo solved!
Mikey Mike said:
you can't use your wifi connection with the smtp.o2.co.uk setting - that only works for gprs.
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My O2 account with smtp.o2.co.uk works fine for me with wifi
I've just been fighting with this for about an hour, hopefully some of this might be of use to someone:
Receiving mail from an IMAP4 account on my own Linux server. Using the same server as an outgoing SMTP relay.
Everything worked as intended, but obviously could only send outgoing mail when connected via wireless network at home (the SMTP server only allows relay to IPs on the LAN, like most ISP's relays).
Clearly this isn't much use on a mobile device, so I reconfigure outgoing mail to use smtp.o2.co.uk. This fails, which I assumed was because I was not connected via the O2 network at the time.
I enable "outgoing mail requires authentication" and "use seperate settings", and enter my O2 username and password, as used to log in to the website. Still no Joy. I try various permutaions of the username and the previous version of my password, enabling SSL, etc. with no success.
Getting suspicious that this is an XDA issue, I create an SMTP account in Thunderbird on my desktop PC, using smtp.o2.co.uk with authentication. A little trial and error confirms that using "[email protected]" and your website password to authenticate (no SSL or anything clever enabled) works, even though my PC is connected to the internet via another ISP.
I try re-entering the settings a squillion times, rebooting the exec, etc, without any luck. I become suspicious that the changes in config aren't taking. I dig through the registry in search of the settings, but don't find them.
Then it occurs to me to delete the IMAP account entirely, reboot the exec, and re-create it from scratch, this time using the known-good settings for the O2 smtp server. This appears to have worked. I can send email via smtp.o2.co.uk, and it works regardless of whether I'm connected by UMTS to O2 or my wireless LAN at home.
you are a star! works perfectly
mikey mike
Same problem but with Blueyonder?
Hi All,
Im having a similar problem with my Exec and outgoing mail via GPRS/3G and smtp.blueyonder.co.uk. I get "Invalid message recipients". however if i send a message to my own email address at blueyonder it is sent ok. also if i send via wifi its ok. If i send the message using my SPV C500 via GPRS it sends OK. All the settings are the same.
I wonder if its a 3G/UTMS problem? unable to get just GPRS coverage (I dont belive im saying this).
I hope this dose not mean another Hard reset.
Kimble: Thanks for an awesome post! 8)
[EDIT: I am using my own Exchange server, so it doesn't matter to me, but I can use the info to help others, so thank you.]
Kimble, you star. i had the same problem but it's working now.
I note that SSL can't be turned on. Does this not concern anyone else?

POP3 Problem : E-Mail cannot Sync

Can anyone or has anyone successfully set up and sync'd to a pop3 acct with their HD yet???
I use the same settings as on my desktop computer and get a message in outlook
"Outlook cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again".
This cannot be, I am connected VIA wifi, I can browse the Internet ( using Opera ) and made sure the password was correct ( pullin' out the Stylus )
Any SOlutions ???
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
Thats not IT
chr5s11 said:
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
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Yes, I am very much educated in the process of retrieving an email. but even if My Inbox was empty, I would get an empty INBOX, not an error message.
This is just a guess but how are your network choices set for Outlook, ie Work ISP etc?
Are you on contract or PAYG? I've never been able to use my phone's IMAP or POP3 client, regardless of model, due to the way that PAYG WAP works...
unless 'syncing' with pop three is different from what I think, I have accessed my pop3 account without hassle on my xda2i. (not bought the HD just yet )
I've used it with IOL and GMAIL wthout too much hassle on PAYG vodafone UK gprs.
This is my config :
I am on T-Mobile WNW - Free Internet HSDPA, ( I have unlocked the content restrictions to view all websites )
I have the following pop3 Settings:
Email : [email protected]
Your Name : Name Here
Account Display Name ( Greyed out ) : Name Here
Incoming Mail Server : [email protected]
User Name : [email protected]
pwd : ********
Save Password : Checked
Outgoing SMTP ( Requires Auth & Use same usr name and PWD )
Network Connnection : T-Mobile Internet
AutoMatic Receive : 2hrs
Message Type : HTML
This is the total config, It is exactly the same as my outlook on windows XP machine, which can sync. I am however unable to on my phone.
I am asking if anyone who has a HTC Touch HD has successfully setup a pop3 yet ????
I has a similar problem and I am on T-Mobile,
I unchecked the proxy option in Setting / Connections / Proxy Settings and it seems to work now
In network connections you have T-mobile as the internet access network?
He stated that he is using WiFi, the internet connection setting should not be relevant. The proxy setting mentioned by tombradshaw above may be problem.
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
faw+ said:
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
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The solution is already posted as well on other threads.
Turn off the proxy server option and it'll work.
No that didn't make it for me
The asnwer is very simple
your setting:
Email : [email protected]
should be:
Email : example (without the rest the account knows this from the POP and SMTP )
This should make your email to work!
Has anyone come up with a solution for this yet? I am trying to connect to a pop3 e-mail account belonging to a privately owned domain and have everything set up in the same way to the original poster, except I am connecting via my provider's (Orange UK) data tariff.
My Internet connection does not have a proxy specified, I can connect to a hotmail account without issue, and I know all of the details are correct as I have just set them up fresh on a different computer.
Any suggestions not already mentioned will be appreciated as I have read through the entire thread and none of the suggestions so far have led to me being able to connect.
The message I receive is:
Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.
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Is there really no one out there who knows how to solve this? I really don't want to be stuck using hotmail when I am travelling half way around the world
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
lumi74 said:
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
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My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
6Fg8 said:
My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
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Yep. For me too. Since a few days my gmx won't work...
As for the GMX account not working, i tried it again today without changing anything in settings. Just hit send/receive - worked like a charm!

Gmail weirdness

I've had very bad luck with using my Gmail account on my new Touch HD so far. Anybody else had problems with this?...
Here's what I've observed:
I've installed the Gmail Java client but haven't been able to login to my Gmail account with it even once. It fails to sign on every time, saying "this program requires a working data connection". Of course, I'm sure that I'm using the correct user name and password. I've also tried entering just "username" into the first field rather than "[email protected]". Didn't change the result. Meanwhile, I can connect to the web via Opera Mobile and Opera Mini just fine and use other network-enabled apps like Google Maps. So, I do have a working connection. I've also tried turning off my data connection so that it's established from scratch on the next attempt. It didn't help. Turning on airplane mode for a little while and then turning it back off to try again didn't change anything either.
I've set up Gmail as an account in Outlook Mobile. Initially, I just used the automatic setup. It worked fine at first. It downloaded an initial set of that day's e-mails. I'm pretty sure a later send/receive also retrieved an additional messages even. But it stopped working at some point after that and, ever since then, this Outlook account hasn't worked either. It keeps showing an "error synchronizing" message on the status bar and I get a pop-up saying "cannot connect with current connection settings". There's nothing wrong with my connection settings, as I explained above. I try a website (that wasn't cached) on Opera Mobile immediately after this and it comes up fine. I've also tried a warm reset, but it didn't do anything. I've then deleted the Gmail account and created it from scratch using the manual approach explained here and on the Gmail site (starting with "[email protected]" as the fake address, and so on). Still, no go.
Meanwhile, I can login to my Gmail account via Opera Mobile on the same device (or from any desktop machine) just fine.
This is only the second day I've had this device and I had spent last night installing a bunch of applications on it (which I'm accustomed to using). Some of these were networking-related applications, too. However, I'm pretty sure that my Gmail account in Outlook Mobile was set up and was (temporarily) working after installing all those apps. So, I don't see that much chance that something I've installed might be causing the problem. (But I'll still try a hard reset and start from scratch as a last resort, if I have to.)
Is anybody else seeing anything like this? Specifically anyone who's using the Touch HD on AT&T's EDGE network, perhaps? Because, I'm beginning to wonder if I should suspect some weirdness about the network. That is partially because I also noticed another strangeness last night: The white square background of the "E" logo for the EDGE network on the Touch HD turned from a solid white to a "cross-hatch patterned" or "faded" appearance for a few hours. During that time, I couldn't connect anywhere at all. I tried a few things and some resets, but nothing changed it. That was the status last night as I went to bed. This morning, I woke up, and the logo was back to normal and all connections (with the exception of Gmail) worked fine again. So, that's why I think that strange logo was due to an AT&T network issue. Assuming that one was an AT&T screw-up, I'm now wondering if another more minor AT&T network screw-up might still be at play that prevents me only from connecting to Gmail. (Something specific to SSL connections, perhaps?...)
Incidentally, after typing the end of that last paragraph, it occurred to me to try an SSL connection. I tried the web-based mobile login page for Gmail in Opera Mobile once again. (It uses HTTPS.) It worked fine. So, it can't be a fundamental problem with SSL connections either.
Or could Gmail be experiencing some short-term anomalies with their IMAP server at the moment? Anyone seeing anything like this with them at the moment when using IMAP?
I'm completely stumped. I can't even imagine what else might be going wrong.
Any ideas as to what I should try next?
It turns out that I solved the mystery myself. For those who might have the same problem, let me explain...
The problem was that my cellular network data connection was set up to use a proxy server. I can only guess why it initially worked, which must have been because I think I did a new "connection database" download after Gmail (as an Outlook account) worked successfully for a while. I suppose the settings were correct before the connection database update, and the update must have screwed up things. (The Java-based Gmail was something I installed very late anyway, so my first attempt at using that must have been after the connection database update.)
To fix this, I needed to go to Settings -> Connections (tab) -> Connections (item) -> Manage Existing Connections -> Proxy Settings and deselect the checkbox labeled "This network uses a proxy server [...]". That fixed the problem for both the Gmail account in Outlook Mobile and the Java-based Gmail app.

Exchange Sync Issue and Logging

I am one of our Exchange admins here at that company.
One thing we are seeing a growing number of are Android devices throwing an error every so often when a user is syncing mail with their mailbox on our Exchange 2010 servers.
Users are able to setup the account without issues. It seems when they are connected to wifi, they will get the "can't connect to server".
Sometimes it keeps doing this, other times it syncs fine.
One of my network guys will be helping me tomorrow, but in the meantime I wanted to see if anyone else has seen this. I googled and it seems to be a common problem with no answer.
Another thing is, is it possible to turn on some type of logging for the email app? I would like to see if it throws an error in the log.
Would this be the debug logging? Sorry, I have never gatehered logs before on an android device.
I will say I saw this when i was syncing my S3 (I just stopped syncing it so I can 'unplug' when leaving work )
I'm on Exchange 2010 and don't have any issues with my Note II or 10.1. When I was on ICS a phantom "cannot connect” message would randomly pop-up but everything still worked the way it was supposed to. It went away when I updated to JB. Some folks got rid of it by clearing cache and data in the e-mail app and re-inputting their settings from scratch. I'm guessing it's a server-side security policy issue that's preventing the device from authenticating if there's no connectivity at all.
I assume you've already run this...
lardo5150 said:
It seems when they are connected to wifi, they will get the "can't connect to server".
Sometimes it keeps doing this, other times it syncs fine.
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This can be caused by lack of a FQDN A record in the DNS server, resulting in the handhelds inability resolving the internal exchange server by using the external address.
Exchange server is called EXCH01 (
external webmail address is owa.somecompany.com (
Activesync on phone is configured with external webmail address.
While the phone is on the internal wifi it requests owa.somecompany.com and resolves, however most SMB/Enterprise firewalls will not easily NAT into itself.
In a proper configuration the dns server for 192.168.1.X wireless should have a A record pointing owa.somecompany.com to
This will also address outlook anywhere issues.

[Q] i337 IMAP setup

I have no problem setting up IMAP on my GS4 for receiving email. But I can't get the outgoing settings to work for my work email using the stock email app.
Of course work uses MS Exchange... and I absolutely hate giving control of my phone to device administrator. The control restrictions are simply draconian in my view. So I'm trying to bypass MSE by using IMAP.
I can receive email just fine, so my incoming settings are fine. But I cannot find the right combo of settings to make my outgoing email work. I've tried multiple ports, no joy (it should be port 25). Different to no security... no joy. My SMTP server starts with mail.xxx.org. I copied the settings of a colleague with an iPhone (and their phone sends and receives email fine), but no joy.
When my GS4 checks the outgoing server settings, I get an alert that says unable to connect to email server to verify my account... no response from server. Or I get a response saying it can't safely connect to the server.
Anyone have any tips for making my outgoing server connections work properly? The only non-stock part of my GS4 is using Nova Prime launcher.
I am stumped at the moment.
speedlever said:
I have no problem
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that's what the troubleshooting section is for. post there next time.
Glebun said:
that's what the troubleshooting section is for. post there next time.
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Thanks for moving me to the right section.

