[Q] How to backup everythink? - HD2 General

I have just brought a hd2,and over the next few weeks I will be trying different os's. But before I start I would like to know how to backup everthink on my my device like data, current os, rom version, radio version etc. Is there one easy program or do I need a collection of programs? Any help would be very much appreciated.

hippy9719 said:
I have just brought a hd2,and over the next few weeks I will be trying different os's. But before I start I would like to know how to backup everthink on my my device like data, current os, rom version, radio version etc. Is there one easy program or do I need a collection of programs? Any help would be very much appreciated.
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There is no point to backup OS,ROM,Radio (you can find and download it anyway if you search here for Radio and default ROM of HTC HD2). Titanium Backup is a good application to backup your data but dunno if it is working with Windows.

HTC HD2 Backup
I have used 'Sprite' Backup for many years, initially with Windows 2003 (many years ago) but I have also being using Sprite for the last two years on my HTC HD2. I create a folder called SPRITE BACKUPS on my memory card (I use capitals because it differentiates my own folders from Windows folders which are in lower case). I use the 'Custom Backup' mode because as well as giving my backed up data a title such as 'BKUP 06Feb12', it also allows me to make a note of what modifications &/or new apps I have installed since my previous backup. Sprite backs up absolutely everything which I have installed/customised on my phone. I backup my data/config/personalised screens to my memory card because if the phone becomes screwed up and you have to Hard Reset your phone you lose everything if you backed up to your phone. I also transfer my backups to my laptop because what good is a backup on your phone's memory card when your phone is stolen.
I then use 'Restore' to return my HTC HD2 to its previous state when the phone gets screwed up. Sprite is good because it searches your phone for all your previous backups.
However Sprite doesn't back up items such as: current os, rom version, radio version, etc. These are not required because when you perform a Hard Reset on your HTC HD2, all these settings are are permanently stored in your phone's ROM and they are returned to normal as part of the manufacturers default setting.
Sprite also do a version for Android but I find it is limited in functionality compared to the Windows version.

Take a look at SPB Backup. I used Sprite before, had a problem with a Restore after a problem with my phone. SPB Backup backs up everything on the phone. I've had to Restore from it three times with no or very minor issues.

Titanium backup leads the way.


ROM upgrade - how to backup?

Hi all,
I'm thinking about upgrading to latest ROM however it took me a while to make all my apps running (especially TomTom) so I'd like to avoid reinstall. Is there any proven method how/with what software backup data, upgrade and then restore data from backup?
Any comments appreciated.
PS: Forgot to mention: device is Imate Jasjar.
I've heard that SpriteSoftware advertizes that their backup can even be used for restoring data after a firmware upgrade.
I cannot confirm this as I am more than sceptic about it (I think it is not advisable to do so on a new firmware).
If you try just buy the Backup Software for WM5 !
What are your really important data you should backup ?
1. Internet Bookmarks
2. Contacts (the ones in your phone)
3. important SMS
You can re-install all programs again after an upgrade (though it's very annoying work).
I'd like to avoid 2 evenings lost for installing all the stuff.
I was just reading about this tonight on the Axim site.
Yes, Sprite will do backups that will restore after ROM upgrade, they even have an Upgrade Mode built into their software.
If I can remember the post I read you have to run a tool, copy a file to your SD card, back up, do the upgrade then copy the file back and restore your backup.
Here is the FAQ entry dealing with it, but the instructions are slightly different. You might want to check up on it yourself.
I tried this and it just didn't work. I have been in communication with Sprite for nearly a week now and I've got no where. If you got to the Sprtite Backup site and look in the Q&A/Forum, you should see all my correspondence.
Anyway, I spent hours yesterday doing a manual re-build. The plus side is that I've freed loads of memory after the (well several actually) hard resets.

Is there a program that backs everything up?

Hey guys, is there a program for Windows mobile 6 that basically copies everything on your phone to a memory card or to the computer. Like copy every single bit of the phone memory. I know there was a such thing for Motorola's that just in case something did go wrong, you could just flash it back to the original backed up state.
SPB backup is great, it will back up everything to your storage card (plus you can schedule it).
It creates an executable which you just need to run to restore everything back to as it was when you backed up. I've used it after hard resetting a few times and it worked perfectly.
It wont work if you're flashing the rom to something different, but if you're just hard resetting, it will be fine.
Sprite Backup is the way to go, I've used them on all my devices over the last 5 years.
There is an INDEPTH guide to backups on this forum, knock yourself out with that little link in the upper right corner called "Search"
I have used both pretty extensively on the 8525, and in my opinion SPB backup is far more reliable than Sprite Backup. Note that I was testing with SpriteBackup v5.1.0 build 1447 and there is now a newer version available that may work better.
SPB is the best for me.. I'm actually restoring a backup this moment after re-flashing my rom.

SPB BackUp +100,000, Sprite Backup -100,000

So I decided to update my ROM.
Have been using SPB Backup since day 1 I got my phone and have successfully used it few times to restore my data when some software corrupted another part of the phone. Finally I found out today from HTC's website after trying my phone's serial number several times under different countries that my ROM's will be from Singapore.
Got the ROM above (107.2) and saw few hotfixes as well. I already download the +SMS fix because a kind soul uploaded the cab file on xda.
So eager to have my TP2 show 288MB of RAM and the Yahoo stock update, I went to the download page. There I saw that I could also download Sprite backup tool recommended by HTC which was free for HTC Singapore users. Downloaded and Installed, did a backup and thought, great after my ROM upgrade is done, will restore the backup which will restore everything (themes, registry, menus, software etc).
Well WRONG. After the ROM update, ran Sprite back up. Gave me few options. Restore personal data, level 1, level 2 and level 3. Well I needed Level 3 to restore everything including registry since I had so much crap installed on my phone like TomTom and so many other software. Sprite back up failed miserably with a miserable error. "Cannot restore, error".
I was like 'oh shyte'. Lucky for me I take SPB Backup's before I install a software that I think might conflict or might give me problems afterwards. I had a 3rd august backup on my storage card and my laptop. Tried restoring that and VOILA, everything restored fine. Tomtom runs fine, all the software is still there, no registry errors so far, themes, menu layout etc.
Oh and after the restore I did check my ROM version again, it had changed back from 107.2 to 107.1 (the label has changed but the actual ROM is 107.2) but the hardware is still showing 288MB
So if you are keen to upgrade but think you are going to have to re-install everything from scratch after a ROM upgrade. SPB Backup is the answer. Best $$$ spent in my life.
ps - I don't think so if I will be this lucky when HTC provides free upgrade to Win Mobile 6.5 and try and restore a Win Mobile 6.1 backup on top of that. So word of caution.
Edit - I only tried Level 3 restore which apparently according to another user posted down the bottom reckons is the last resort option. Trying Level 1 would have restored fine which I never did try. So Sprite backup most prob works fine like SPB Backup.
powersquad said:
....Oh and after the restore I did check my ROM version again, it had changed back from 107.2 to 107.1 (the label has changed but the actual ROM is 107.2) but the hardware is still showing 288MB
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Yup same here, I have updated my Europe ROM and after the sbp restore, it change back from 401.1 to 401.0. Still give me the 288MB.
btw, there is a registry entry that stored the ROM version which was overwrriten by SPB restore, you can be change back... at
HKLM/Software/OEM/ROMVersion to the correct version.
Should actually be:
SASHIMI\Manual setup +100,000, Setup using Backup Program -100,000 after ROM upgrade.
I'm not a fan of restoring all data after upgrading\flashing a ROM, as probably a lot on XDA don't. Other than that it's pretty subjective. I for one like Sprite Backup more than I do other (shareware) backup programs.
I use PIM Backup to create a backup every night at 04:00am.
Once a week Sprite Backup creates a complete backup at 01:00am. This way it's finished before PIM Backup starts again.
This is my personal setup, and it hasn't let me down for years now
I also flashed the rom update and restored my backup with sprite backup.
Worked like a charm because I used Merge level 1.
The help say,
Use level 1
In case of problem use level 2
Still problems use level 3
So I don't understand why you used level 3 and complane all the same.
deaad said:
I also flashed the rom update and restored my backup with sprite backup.
Worked like a charm because I used Merge level 1.
The help say,
Use level 1
In case of problem use level 2
Still problems use level 3
So I don't understand why you used level 3 and complane all the same.
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I never tried Level 1 and Level 2. I thought Level 3 would have done the job. hmmm my bad.
Time to update the thread .

backup?? i can't think of a title for this one.

Hi all,
I have a question... i use a few htc devices and love changing and trying different roms, different configs, etc... but whenever i get a good config i like, i would love to have a copy of the phone as-is.. i mean, that if one day i want to load that config back, i could just install like a rom with all the settings and config set just the way i want...
am i clear??? i think i lost myself there
anyways, i suppose creating some sort of rom from the phone set up, i could perhaps just flash it just back... i'm not sure which way to go....
any help or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
by the way, xda rules. no doubt about it.
What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite. You can do a full backup of your device which saves all data and settings; then you'll be able to restore at any time the whole saved configuration as you traveled back in time
Note: backup files (stored in SD) are self-extracting, that means that restore can begin immediately after a hard-reset by just tapping the backup file: no need to install the backup app first!
P.s.: For a "partial" backup that saves only data related to phone and agenda (contacts,appointments,mail,SMS etc..) there's a free app called PIM Backup.
sualc said:
What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite.
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I have Sprite as standard on my T-Mobile Compact V, and I have just used it. I am familiar with disk imaging on PCs, but I am not sure how mobile pdas work. Is this equivalent to a disk image? Somehow, I feel it is not. For example, I doubt if I could restore onto a new phone - or could I?
In my experience, with Sprite Backup I am able to completely restore a previous situation even after a hard reset. This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created.
Backup for Mobiles works exactly like Backup for PC, you have the same facility in your desktop Windows: you can make a full backup, format your hardisk and have back the whole config with All files by restoring the backup file, it's as simple as that
As a personal example: I have 2 completely different WM operating systems, depending on the SIM i decide to put in...when needed,I can easily switch between one and another within 10 minutes without needing a PC, and that's cool
sualc said:
This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created
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So this differs from drive images, which may include all the operating system. The ROM is not part of the backup, right? And for there to be such a backup that includes the ROM, one would have to install it with a remote operating system, right?
I confirm that ROM is not included in the backup, that's why it's not recommended to restore on a different ROM and why i wouldn't compare it to a diskimage too. But the backup is able to restore the configuration of that specific rom (e.g. if a-gps was disabled when backup was made, then you'll restore an a-gps disabled config)

Complete phone backup

I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
airwater9 said:
I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
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Sprite full backup, you can also set it up to backup SD card.
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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regarding the rom, none, you simply need to save the nbh for rom and radio somewhere and flash them again after you buy the new hd2, then restore with a sprite backup or similar over the same rom/radio
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
wineds said:
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
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A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
Thanks for those program suggestions however I'd rather copy half a dozen files/folders over to my backup device than spend $20 on a program that does more or less the same thing.
I'm looking to find out the file locations of the stocks, registry, weather locations, time zones ertc not backed up by the 'my phone' application. Does anyone know which files hold this information? In particular I did a google search and despite being a master at it I couldn't find any info on the location of the system registry so does anyone know where that is? I found that CeRegEditor failed to restore the registry backup when I needed it to.
kilrah said:
A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
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Tx, !!! So easy ! Could have thought about myself Sumtimes too little thinking ............... Sorry

