backup?? i can't think of a title for this one. - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hi all,
I have a question... i use a few htc devices and love changing and trying different roms, different configs, etc... but whenever i get a good config i like, i would love to have a copy of the phone as-is.. i mean, that if one day i want to load that config back, i could just install like a rom with all the settings and config set just the way i want...
am i clear??? i think i lost myself there
anyways, i suppose creating some sort of rom from the phone set up, i could perhaps just flash it just back... i'm not sure which way to go....
any help or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
by the way, xda rules. no doubt about it.

What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite. You can do a full backup of your device which saves all data and settings; then you'll be able to restore at any time the whole saved configuration as you traveled back in time
Note: backup files (stored in SD) are self-extracting, that means that restore can begin immediately after a hard-reset by just tapping the backup file: no need to install the backup app first!
P.s.: For a "partial" backup that saves only data related to phone and agenda (contacts,appointments,mail,SMS etc..) there's a free app called PIM Backup.

sualc said:
What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite.
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I have Sprite as standard on my T-Mobile Compact V, and I have just used it. I am familiar with disk imaging on PCs, but I am not sure how mobile pdas work. Is this equivalent to a disk image? Somehow, I feel it is not. For example, I doubt if I could restore onto a new phone - or could I?

In my experience, with Sprite Backup I am able to completely restore a previous situation even after a hard reset. This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created.
Backup for Mobiles works exactly like Backup for PC, you have the same facility in your desktop Windows: you can make a full backup, format your hardisk and have back the whole config with All files by restoring the backup file, it's as simple as that
As a personal example: I have 2 completely different WM operating systems, depending on the SIM i decide to put in...when needed,I can easily switch between one and another within 10 minutes without needing a PC, and that's cool

sualc said:
This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created
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So this differs from drive images, which may include all the operating system. The ROM is not part of the backup, right? And for there to be such a backup that includes the ROM, one would have to install it with a remote operating system, right?

I confirm that ROM is not included in the backup, that's why it's not recommended to restore on a different ROM and why i wouldn't compare it to a diskimage too. But the backup is able to restore the configuration of that specific rom (e.g. if a-gps was disabled when backup was made, then you'll restore an a-gps disabled config)


Creating an image of my system state

I have two universals and would like to clone the second one with the first one. Kind of like ghost that creates an identical image.
I don't want to go through the tedious process of having to install everything from scratch.
Also, using a backup program is a bad option, they just restore files/registry and stuff. They don't restore the system state (i.e. if file deletions are to be made they won't do it, they will just restore files not on destination machine or replace existing with newer version)
but they will not like delete stuff that I don't want. For example I have a special arrangment of program groups. Using a backup program and then restoring it will leave the initial windows program groups and stuff, and would just append to it my new groups rather then delete all groups.
I tried XDA_Tools but it's probably only working with old models because it didn't work with my universal, couldn't read or write any image.
Anyone's got a solution I could use for cloning a device state to another one ?
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
6680abhi said:
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
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Backup programs do not restore to system state and are far from giving an identical replicated, like you have ghost on PC.
For example, you backup your PPC deleting many rubbish and your program groups look all different, you got rid of many redundant jpg files and rearranged your program groups the way you like it.
Now, you take this backup and restore it on a nother brand new machine, what you will get is a setup of what that machine looks brand new and IN ADDITION you will get also all the program groups and stuff that were restored from the backup. So you end up with much garbage that exists after a hard reset. An image of a machine is byte wise, not file wise and so it gives an identical copy of the machine, that why Norton Ghost was invented for the PC as well as many other programs.
I am looking for such a solution that would allow me to deploy the SAME system on more than one universal.
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
liverman666 said:
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
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Thanks, I'll try that.
Use SKTOols 3.0, Spb Backup 1.5 or Sprite Backup 5.1. Read / search my blog on all thes ethree programs - I've elaborated on and compared them all.

Full bakup question

I am wondering if there would be a problem restoring a full backup to a different ROM with SK tools backup.. Give it that is form WM6 to another WM6. For example, I have Helmi's WM6 ROM and I want to flash to xplode's WM6 ROM.
It "may" be OK, but I wouldn't do it. Usually is a bad idea to restore a backup to a different cooked ROM (by the way, xplode one is 6.1, not 6).
The SPB Backup 2.0 is advertise as restoring backups to a different ROM version, but I didn't try it...yet... "Starting with version 2 it allows you to restore your data after ROM upgrade or on another device. With the desktop Backup Sync tool you can save your backups on desktop in automatic manner for later archive review or restoring on another device."
If you are decide to flash a new ROM, you can let as know if the backup work or not.
I will try it tonight, though I'm very wary as I don't want get stuck with hours of flashing back and forth.
spb backup
I am used the spb backup 2.0. It's really a very good backup system.
Try it, or look a demo Here!
So does the SPB Backup actually back up all your installed programs, register codes and stuff?
It's really annoying to try a ROM, install all your stuff, then decide you want to try another ROM only to have to re-re-re-reinstall everything.
Unless you belong to the type of people that think its a good Idea to put desel in a lead free petrol car or think that drink toilet cleaner will help with bad breath, I would not suggest using a back up of one device rom version to another. (even less if you want to from one device to another).
The issue here are the system files as they can be part of your back up (CAN as in its up to you to define) and the version of these files can be different,
The best praxis is always to syn your data (contacts, my docs) over your PC.
As for backup tools for things like Call logs you shuld try Dotfred pim backup
This has worked fine for me in the past (with in the same rom Version).
My thoughts, how ever it might work fine for you, again it might be also be fine for you to have a brick. Myself I would follow best praxis

Backup my HD2 for official ROM upgrade

So i've searched the forum for how to backup my phone as i want to install the official 1.6 rom which i got from the HTC site yesterday.
Now, after reading tons of threads i must say i'm still confused. I'm surprised there is not a simple stickied guide for noobs on how to simply backup your phone, upgrade and restore.
I was good at this malarky on symbian but this is like starting over gain, i'm clueless. I know the apps SPB, Sprite & pimbackup as well as microsoft my phone are all options for backing up but i need to get this staright in my nooby nut before i start it. So...
What i want:
1). a programme that will back up my contacts and most importantly my SETTINGS, no one seems to mention backing up the settings
2). then, should i hard reset before the upgrade? hard reset after? both? not at all?
3). I'm not bothered about registry tweaks i can redo the ones i want and i've got all my cabs on my pc ready to re-install.
Sorry if i'm being thick but i want to get this right, i don't want to lose all my settings and have to go through the entire phone to make it mine again..
If the above 3 questions can be simply answered i would be eternaly grateful
The reason backup.restire isn't really mentioned much is that restoring settings after can be a little hit and miss. I hear spb backup can restore settings after a new rom, but also there are several threads where people say the phone fails to boot after the restore and they must hard reset.
The reason is that flashing a new rom is like completely wiping and reinstalling your pc operating system. Its a whole new system, so if you restore for example some registry settings, there is no guarantee that something in the new rom isn't changed from the old one.
Personally, i just re do everything manually. (Flashed a new rom not 30 minutes ago actually, and all i have left to set up is the email accounts. Takes no more than 20 minutes all in to get ot back to how i had it before)
You should hard reset after you flash a new rom. No point doing it before. Do teh flash, let it set itself up, then hard reset, let it set itself up again, start using.
You have cabs and reg tweaks saved, (as do i) so i'd say bite the bullet and do the settings manually.
Hell Jonbaker,
Appreciate you have taken some time to search which is what a lot of new users DON'T do so lets help you out here.
I suggest you do this:
Go to the SPB Mobile website, download a trial version of SPB Backup. When you run it the software backs up the following:
- PIM Data including text messages
- Email
- Documents and files
- System files and settings.
Once you have done this, ie made the backup onto a dedicated sub directory on the SD card on your device, do the following: as a further backup, make a copy of the SPB backup file and transfer it to your PC. This way if anything goes wrong you have 2 copies of this valuable file in 2 different locations.
Next upgrade your ROM from the HTC site, which seems to be your preferred option.
Once the ROM is installed and the phone boots back up ok AND you are happy that there are no problems with the ROM then do the following:
- Use file explorer to navigate to the sub directory on your SD card where you kept the original SPB backup file from before.
- Tap on the file and it will eventually load up. Note that it is a self executable file but it sometimes takes a little while to load up
- This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
- Walk through the rest of the screens then let the software do its thing
- Once done the device will reboot itself and all your data, PIM, emails, etc will have been restored.
Job Done.
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
If you get stuck come back and we can see what we can do. If you take your time and think logically you will be fine.
PS: Whatever you do, DO NOT DELETE the SPB Backup file as you may need it again at a later date. Also get into the habit of making regular automated backups which this software allows you to do.
I backup every day, 7 days a week, for peace of mind.
samsamuel said:
You have cabs and reg tweaks saved, (as do i) so i'd say bite the bullet and do the settings manually.
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mmmm, pain in the arse, i've had this phone a week and i've spent hours and hours learning it and getting it how i want it and now i learn of the new rom and i got to start from scratch again.
After coming from the N96 where an over the air upgrade could be done and not losing a single file or setting without backing up, this is taking a huge step back for me. However, that was the only advantage i could tell you that the n96 has over this phone!
I might try the spb backup, if it fails on my settings i can hard reset no loss yeah?
Thanks for the info again mate, very helpful member
wacky.banana said:
Hell Jonbaker,
Appreciate you have taken some time to search which is what a lot of new users DON'T do so lets help you out here.
I suggest you do this:
Go to the SPB Mobile website, download a trial version of SPB Backup. When you run it the software backs up the following:
- PIM Data including text messages
- Email
- Documents and files
- System files and settings.
Once you have done this, ie made the backup onto a dedicated sub directory on the SD card on your device, do the following: as a further backup, make a copy of the SPB backup file and transfer it to your PC. This way if anything goes wrong you have 2 copies of this valuable file in 2 different locations.
Next upgrade your ROM from the HTC site, which seems to be your preferred option.
Once the ROM is installed and the phone boots back up ok AND you are happy that there are no problems with the ROM then do the following:
- Use file explorer to navigate to the sub directory on your SD card where you kept the original SPB backup file from before.
- Tap on the file and it will eventually load up. Note that it is a self executable file but it sometimes takes a little while to load up
- This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
- Walk through the rest of the screens then let the software do its thing
- Once done the device will reboot itself and all your data, PIM, emails, etc will have been restored.
Job Done.
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
If you get stuck come back and we can see what we can do. If you take your time and think logically you will be fine.
PS: Whatever you do, DO NOT DELETE the SPB Backup file as you may need it again at a later date. Also get into the habit of making regular automated backups which this software allows you to do.
I backup every day, 7 days a week, for peace of mind.
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Excellent advice, i will try this, i appreciatte you taking the time to write all that out in detail. I shall follow the steps you gave and report back with how i got on
one last thing, at what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
wacky.banana said:
... - This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
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Great post WB.
However... your statement i quoted above is not 100% correct. Its sort of dependant upon what ROM you are upgrading to and whether a system restore using SPB Backup will cause problems or not. The only way to tell is to actually try it out!
For info here... i have used SPB Backup for years. Recently though i used SPB Backup to backup my entire system,... applications, registry etc (not PIM data as i use MS Exchange to simply sync).
I then upgraded my ROM from 1.43 stock to 1.66 stock and restored using my backup file.... everything was back... all of my apps and registry tweaks were present and working with no hiccups AT ALL. The restored system was complete and included system integrated stuff like SPB Mobile Shell, S2u2 and even my manila home screen edits and tweaks.
It was then a simple matter of synching with exchange to get my contacts back.
When you run the restore on your newly flashed device... definately do a custom restore and if you are doing system data also, SPB Backup should prompt you with the fact that it has recognised your ROM has changed. You should then run the restore in ROM upgrade mode.
hmmm, system data.. would that mean registry tweaks and installed apps? does that also include settings or is that covered else where in the restore?
jonbaker76 said:
hmmm, system data.. would that mean registry tweaks and installed apps? does that also include settings or is that covered else where in the restore?
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system data is indeed ALL of your apps and registry tweaks.
WB's post will only backup and restore your PIM data.
What i am saying is that you can indeed backup and restore EVERYTHING!
If i were you i would do two backups... one for just your PIM data,... and the other one for PIM AND system data.
Then when you do a full restore with ALL of your apps, settings, registry tweaks (system data) and get any issues... at least you have your PIM data backed up seperately.
@ Audio Oblivion,
I know where you are coming from; however I wanted to ensure that the OP had a 100% safe route back to a new working system hence me posting the intructions the way I did.
No offence to the OP but I gather at the moment that the simpler things are for him the better the end result!
To the OP, take my route (honest, I'm not precious about it) and you will be fine.
ok cool, i have 2 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
oh and this: one last thing, at what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
wacky.banana said:
@ Audio Oblivion,
I know where you are coming from; however I wanted to ensure that the OP had a 100% safe route back to a new working system hence me posting the intructions the way I did.
No offence to the OP but I gather at the moment that the simpler things are for him the better the end result!
To the OP, take my route (honest, I'm not precious about it) and you will be fine.
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yep... im sure he appreciates it and you are 100% correct your method is safe.
Im just expanding his horizons a little ...
I've flashed about 20 times, and each time SPB restored reliably. Worst case scenario if it doesn't work: reinstall everything by hand. Shouldn't take too long.
Suggestion: keep a folder on your SD card of all cabs you'd want reinstalled. Handy regardless of outcome.
ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks
UncleBeer said:
I've flashed about 20 times, and each time SPB restored reliably. Worst case scenario if it doesn't work: reinstall everything by hand. Shouldn't take too long.
Suggestion: keep a folder on your SD card of all cabs you'd want reinstalled. Handy regardless of outcome.
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3 rules for anyone with a winmo device:
1. Keep a folder with all of your cabs, reg entries, tweak files etc on your sd card.
2. Backup PIM data (i use MS exchange.. you can use PIM Backup, SPB Backup... whatever...)
3. When you have all of your core apps installed and the phone is completely setup... Do a system data backup (i use SPB Backup).
You can now wipe your device and restore completely within minutes at any given time.
jonbaker76 said:
ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks
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1) card. Pretty sure you don't have a choice.
2) as I said, I do a complete backup and a complete restore, so in my case, the question is moot.
3) right after the new ROM boots completely.
jonbaker76 said:
ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks
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1. Install SPB Backup wherever you like... i install all of my apps on SD unless there is a specific reason to install them on device memory (functionality issues etc). The Backup file that SPB creates is a self extracting exe file so you dont need to actually install SPB backup to run it.
2. Depends exactly which settings you are referring to but if you want what i think then the answer is system data.
3. After the rom has installed correctly and you have run through the initial device setup. Hard reset the device and run through device setup once more.
Just to clarify here:
PIM data is contacts, emails, texts and their associated accounts.
System data is EVERYTHING ELSE!
Just thought i might mention in this backup thread that there are certain apps that dont need re-installing on fresh device builds (after rom flash or wipe) if they have already been installed to removal media such as SD cards.
SPB Backup is one of them, Tom Tom is another... there are loads actually... most of my apps dont need re-installing.
The basic rule is... if you can install it to your SD card.... after a rom flash/wipe try to run it straight from the program files folder on your sd card without running the install first. If it works... simply copy a shortcut for it into the windows start menu.
Yeah the settings i'm referring to Audio Oblivion are like ringtones, backlight options etc, so that is system data.
I'm good to go now, big thanks to all that have helped me in this thread
I'm sure other WM noobs will find this thread useful if found
Let us know how you get on. Think logically and DON'T panic.
Worse comes to the worse you can always repeat your steps provided you keep hold of that SPB Backup file like your life depended on it.

Complete phone backup

I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
airwater9 said:
I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
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Sprite full backup, you can also set it up to backup SD card.
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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regarding the rom, none, you simply need to save the nbh for rom and radio somewhere and flash them again after you buy the new hd2, then restore with a sprite backup or similar over the same rom/radio
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
wineds said:
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
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A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
Thanks for those program suggestions however I'd rather copy half a dozen files/folders over to my backup device than spend $20 on a program that does more or less the same thing.
I'm looking to find out the file locations of the stocks, registry, weather locations, time zones ertc not backed up by the 'my phone' application. Does anyone know which files hold this information? In particular I did a google search and despite being a master at it I couldn't find any info on the location of the system registry so does anyone know where that is? I found that CeRegEditor failed to restore the registry backup when I needed it to.
kilrah said:
A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
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Tx, !!! So easy ! Could have thought about myself Sumtimes too little thinking ............... Sorry

[Q] How to backup everythink?

I have just brought a hd2,and over the next few weeks I will be trying different os's. But before I start I would like to know how to backup everthink on my my device like data, current os, rom version, radio version etc. Is there one easy program or do I need a collection of programs? Any help would be very much appreciated.
hippy9719 said:
I have just brought a hd2,and over the next few weeks I will be trying different os's. But before I start I would like to know how to backup everthink on my my device like data, current os, rom version, radio version etc. Is there one easy program or do I need a collection of programs? Any help would be very much appreciated.
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There is no point to backup OS,ROM,Radio (you can find and download it anyway if you search here for Radio and default ROM of HTC HD2). Titanium Backup is a good application to backup your data but dunno if it is working with Windows.
HTC HD2 Backup
I have used 'Sprite' Backup for many years, initially with Windows 2003 (many years ago) but I have also being using Sprite for the last two years on my HTC HD2. I create a folder called SPRITE BACKUPS on my memory card (I use capitals because it differentiates my own folders from Windows folders which are in lower case). I use the 'Custom Backup' mode because as well as giving my backed up data a title such as 'BKUP 06Feb12', it also allows me to make a note of what modifications &/or new apps I have installed since my previous backup. Sprite backs up absolutely everything which I have installed/customised on my phone. I backup my data/config/personalised screens to my memory card because if the phone becomes screwed up and you have to Hard Reset your phone you lose everything if you backed up to your phone. I also transfer my backups to my laptop because what good is a backup on your phone's memory card when your phone is stolen.
I then use 'Restore' to return my HTC HD2 to its previous state when the phone gets screwed up. Sprite is good because it searches your phone for all your previous backups.
However Sprite doesn't back up items such as: current os, rom version, radio version, etc. These are not required because when you perform a Hard Reset on your HTC HD2, all these settings are are permanently stored in your phone's ROM and they are returned to normal as part of the manufacturers default setting.
Sprite also do a version for Android but I find it is limited in functionality compared to the Windows version.
Take a look at SPB Backup. I used Sprite before, had a problem with a Restore after a problem with my phone. SPB Backup backs up everything on the phone. I've had to Restore from it three times with no or very minor issues.
Titanium backup leads the way.

