Backup my HD2 for official ROM upgrade - HD2 General

So i've searched the forum for how to backup my phone as i want to install the official 1.6 rom which i got from the HTC site yesterday.
Now, after reading tons of threads i must say i'm still confused. I'm surprised there is not a simple stickied guide for noobs on how to simply backup your phone, upgrade and restore.
I was good at this malarky on symbian but this is like starting over gain, i'm clueless. I know the apps SPB, Sprite & pimbackup as well as microsoft my phone are all options for backing up but i need to get this staright in my nooby nut before i start it. So...
What i want:
1). a programme that will back up my contacts and most importantly my SETTINGS, no one seems to mention backing up the settings
2). then, should i hard reset before the upgrade? hard reset after? both? not at all?
3). I'm not bothered about registry tweaks i can redo the ones i want and i've got all my cabs on my pc ready to re-install.
Sorry if i'm being thick but i want to get this right, i don't want to lose all my settings and have to go through the entire phone to make it mine again..
If the above 3 questions can be simply answered i would be eternaly grateful

The reason backup.restire isn't really mentioned much is that restoring settings after can be a little hit and miss. I hear spb backup can restore settings after a new rom, but also there are several threads where people say the phone fails to boot after the restore and they must hard reset.
The reason is that flashing a new rom is like completely wiping and reinstalling your pc operating system. Its a whole new system, so if you restore for example some registry settings, there is no guarantee that something in the new rom isn't changed from the old one.
Personally, i just re do everything manually. (Flashed a new rom not 30 minutes ago actually, and all i have left to set up is the email accounts. Takes no more than 20 minutes all in to get ot back to how i had it before)
You should hard reset after you flash a new rom. No point doing it before. Do teh flash, let it set itself up, then hard reset, let it set itself up again, start using.
You have cabs and reg tweaks saved, (as do i) so i'd say bite the bullet and do the settings manually.

Hell Jonbaker,
Appreciate you have taken some time to search which is what a lot of new users DON'T do so lets help you out here.
I suggest you do this:
Go to the SPB Mobile website, download a trial version of SPB Backup. When you run it the software backs up the following:
- PIM Data including text messages
- Email
- Documents and files
- System files and settings.
Once you have done this, ie made the backup onto a dedicated sub directory on the SD card on your device, do the following: as a further backup, make a copy of the SPB backup file and transfer it to your PC. This way if anything goes wrong you have 2 copies of this valuable file in 2 different locations.
Next upgrade your ROM from the HTC site, which seems to be your preferred option.
Once the ROM is installed and the phone boots back up ok AND you are happy that there are no problems with the ROM then do the following:
- Use file explorer to navigate to the sub directory on your SD card where you kept the original SPB backup file from before.
- Tap on the file and it will eventually load up. Note that it is a self executable file but it sometimes takes a little while to load up
- This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
- Walk through the rest of the screens then let the software do its thing
- Once done the device will reboot itself and all your data, PIM, emails, etc will have been restored.
Job Done.
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
If you get stuck come back and we can see what we can do. If you take your time and think logically you will be fine.
PS: Whatever you do, DO NOT DELETE the SPB Backup file as you may need it again at a later date. Also get into the habit of making regular automated backups which this software allows you to do.
I backup every day, 7 days a week, for peace of mind.

samsamuel said:
You have cabs and reg tweaks saved, (as do i) so i'd say bite the bullet and do the settings manually.
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mmmm, pain in the arse, i've had this phone a week and i've spent hours and hours learning it and getting it how i want it and now i learn of the new rom and i got to start from scratch again.
After coming from the N96 where an over the air upgrade could be done and not losing a single file or setting without backing up, this is taking a huge step back for me. However, that was the only advantage i could tell you that the n96 has over this phone!
I might try the spb backup, if it fails on my settings i can hard reset no loss yeah?
Thanks for the info again mate, very helpful member

wacky.banana said:
Hell Jonbaker,
Appreciate you have taken some time to search which is what a lot of new users DON'T do so lets help you out here.
I suggest you do this:
Go to the SPB Mobile website, download a trial version of SPB Backup. When you run it the software backs up the following:
- PIM Data including text messages
- Email
- Documents and files
- System files and settings.
Once you have done this, ie made the backup onto a dedicated sub directory on the SD card on your device, do the following: as a further backup, make a copy of the SPB backup file and transfer it to your PC. This way if anything goes wrong you have 2 copies of this valuable file in 2 different locations.
Next upgrade your ROM from the HTC site, which seems to be your preferred option.
Once the ROM is installed and the phone boots back up ok AND you are happy that there are no problems with the ROM then do the following:
- Use file explorer to navigate to the sub directory on your SD card where you kept the original SPB backup file from before.
- Tap on the file and it will eventually load up. Note that it is a self executable file but it sometimes takes a little while to load up
- This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
- Walk through the rest of the screens then let the software do its thing
- Once done the device will reboot itself and all your data, PIM, emails, etc will have been restored.
Job Done.
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
If you get stuck come back and we can see what we can do. If you take your time and think logically you will be fine.
PS: Whatever you do, DO NOT DELETE the SPB Backup file as you may need it again at a later date. Also get into the habit of making regular automated backups which this software allows you to do.
I backup every day, 7 days a week, for peace of mind.
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Excellent advice, i will try this, i appreciatte you taking the time to write all that out in detail. I shall follow the steps you gave and report back with how i got on
one last thing, at what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?

wacky.banana said:
... - This bit is important: once the file is loaded up, walk carefully through the screens until you see the options for Full Restore or Customized Restore
- Choose Cutomized Restore. If you don't you WILL screw up your new installation
- At the next screen you will see that ALL the options are already ticked. Untick System Data . This bit is very important. Leave all other options ticked
By the way, you will have to restore your software packages manually but at least your PIM data is already restored automatically. Afraid there is no other way out if you are changing ROMS.
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Great post WB.
However... your statement i quoted above is not 100% correct. Its sort of dependant upon what ROM you are upgrading to and whether a system restore using SPB Backup will cause problems or not. The only way to tell is to actually try it out!
For info here... i have used SPB Backup for years. Recently though i used SPB Backup to backup my entire system,... applications, registry etc (not PIM data as i use MS Exchange to simply sync).
I then upgraded my ROM from 1.43 stock to 1.66 stock and restored using my backup file.... everything was back... all of my apps and registry tweaks were present and working with no hiccups AT ALL. The restored system was complete and included system integrated stuff like SPB Mobile Shell, S2u2 and even my manila home screen edits and tweaks.
It was then a simple matter of synching with exchange to get my contacts back.
When you run the restore on your newly flashed device... definately do a custom restore and if you are doing system data also, SPB Backup should prompt you with the fact that it has recognised your ROM has changed. You should then run the restore in ROM upgrade mode.

hmmm, system data.. would that mean registry tweaks and installed apps? does that also include settings or is that covered else where in the restore?

jonbaker76 said:
hmmm, system data.. would that mean registry tweaks and installed apps? does that also include settings or is that covered else where in the restore?
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system data is indeed ALL of your apps and registry tweaks.
WB's post will only backup and restore your PIM data.
What i am saying is that you can indeed backup and restore EVERYTHING!
If i were you i would do two backups... one for just your PIM data,... and the other one for PIM AND system data.
Then when you do a full restore with ALL of your apps, settings, registry tweaks (system data) and get any issues... at least you have your PIM data backed up seperately.

@ Audio Oblivion,
I know where you are coming from; however I wanted to ensure that the OP had a 100% safe route back to a new working system hence me posting the intructions the way I did.
No offence to the OP but I gather at the moment that the simpler things are for him the better the end result!
To the OP, take my route (honest, I'm not precious about it) and you will be fine.

ok cool, i have 2 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
oh and this: one last thing, at what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?

wacky.banana said:
@ Audio Oblivion,
I know where you are coming from; however I wanted to ensure that the OP had a 100% safe route back to a new working system hence me posting the intructions the way I did.
No offence to the OP but I gather at the moment that the simpler things are for him the better the end result!
To the OP, take my route (honest, I'm not precious about it) and you will be fine.
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yep... im sure he appreciates it and you are 100% correct your method is safe.
Im just expanding his horizons a little ...

I've flashed about 20 times, and each time SPB restored reliably. Worst case scenario if it doesn't work: reinstall everything by hand. Shouldn't take too long.
Suggestion: keep a folder on your SD card of all cabs you'd want reinstalled. Handy regardless of outcome.

ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks

UncleBeer said:
I've flashed about 20 times, and each time SPB restored reliably. Worst case scenario if it doesn't work: reinstall everything by hand. Shouldn't take too long.
Suggestion: keep a folder on your SD card of all cabs you'd want reinstalled. Handy regardless of outcome.
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3 rules for anyone with a winmo device:
1. Keep a folder with all of your cabs, reg entries, tweak files etc on your sd card.
2. Backup PIM data (i use MS exchange.. you can use PIM Backup, SPB Backup... whatever...)
3. When you have all of your core apps installed and the phone is completely setup... Do a system data backup (i use SPB Backup).
You can now wipe your device and restore completely within minutes at any given time.

jonbaker76 said:
ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks
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1) card. Pretty sure you don't have a choice.
2) as I said, I do a complete backup and a complete restore, so in my case, the question is moot.
3) right after the new ROM boots completely.

jonbaker76 said:
ok cool, i have 3 last questions:
1). where do i install spb, i take it on the storage card as it would get removed from the phone memory.
2). What backup setting takes care of the actual phone SETTINGS is that in PIM or system data?
3). At what point should i hard reset? i'm guessing straight after i'm happy the rom has been installed correctly. Then restore?
I'm ready to roll, just need to know the above , many thanks
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1. Install SPB Backup wherever you like... i install all of my apps on SD unless there is a specific reason to install them on device memory (functionality issues etc). The Backup file that SPB creates is a self extracting exe file so you dont need to actually install SPB backup to run it.
2. Depends exactly which settings you are referring to but if you want what i think then the answer is system data.
3. After the rom has installed correctly and you have run through the initial device setup. Hard reset the device and run through device setup once more.

Just to clarify here:
PIM data is contacts, emails, texts and their associated accounts.
System data is EVERYTHING ELSE!

Just thought i might mention in this backup thread that there are certain apps that dont need re-installing on fresh device builds (after rom flash or wipe) if they have already been installed to removal media such as SD cards.
SPB Backup is one of them, Tom Tom is another... there are loads actually... most of my apps dont need re-installing.
The basic rule is... if you can install it to your SD card.... after a rom flash/wipe try to run it straight from the program files folder on your sd card without running the install first. If it works... simply copy a shortcut for it into the windows start menu.

Yeah the settings i'm referring to Audio Oblivion are like ringtones, backlight options etc, so that is system data.
I'm good to go now, big thanks to all that have helped me in this thread
I'm sure other WM noobs will find this thread useful if found

Let us know how you get on. Think logically and DON'T panic.
Worse comes to the worse you can always repeat your steps provided you keep hold of that SPB Backup file like your life depended on it.


Backup Software Found!

I bought Spb Backup a couple of days ago and have just had a major problem with no option but to hard reset.
Spb Backup... wow!
It put me right back to where I was before, applications, Registry hacks all my vga settings.. the lot! its like I never even did a hard reset!
The backup file was stored on the SD card and its an excutable, you just run it, correct the clock and hey presto jobs a goodun! 8)
oh and activesync didnt see any difference!
Did you notice any duplication of application icons, something I notice in another backup application?
That's true. Nice program and cheaper than Sprite backup......
cktlcmd said:
Did you notice any duplication of application icons, something I notice in another backup application?
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Nope didn't notice any duplication, not found any ill affects and like previously said its cheap
dherrero said:
That's true. Nice program and cheaper than Sprite backup......
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Ya, also Spb seems to have much better compression than Sprite.. AND Spb leaves you with an exe thats self installable
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
cktlcmd said:
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
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Haven't tried that, I don't see why not. The only problem that you might have is if you have scheduled backups setup.. because the app needs to wake the system and the SD card may not be ready quick enough. I have mine installed in the extended ROM.
Download the trial and give it a shot
How do you install it to extended ROM?
One problem I found with SPB Backup, whilst backing up, it hangs at midpoint and then finally finishes but with an error message stating that file 'history.txt' wasnt backed up. Happens everytime. Any idea why?
Thanks. Cheers
I have been trialling this in Beta for a month or so. Even the beta's were good.
However, I do recommend anybody that is considering using it after a failure or error, to hard reset the device prior to the restore, otherwise it overrides and adds to what is already there, so if there are extra files and extra registry entries, they will remain.
The originals will all be restored correctly though, so you are unlikely to detect a problem.
I have restored, and hard reset on many occassions throughout the beta, and it works a dream.
Is it possible to backup, upgrade to a new complete ROM and then restore?
Or when you upgrade to a new rom you cannot use older ROMs backup?
Thank you.
I dont believe you can restore over an upgraded rom.
primarily cause the rom files are not copied. my entire backup, compressed 11mb.
you probably could, and when we were fiddling with WM2003SE for the himalaya model, we used this peculiar feature to do that.
YOu might try it and see, but some of the system files, dlls and hidden files may get modified some how, dont know enough about it. depends on the size and extent of the upgrade, it will probably work, but maybe a little unstable.
Either way, its not recommended. What I do is a fresh rebuild without syncing, with all my registrations, connections, and website usernames and all customisations done, and then call it a "virgin" backup, so that it can always be a perfect starting point for a base machine on a new ROM. This is then kept for te life of that ROM incase I want to go back to a nice clean environment without to much effort.
Hi does anyone know if this will backup txt messages to
cktlcmd said:
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
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yes, you cand. I did it
simon_darley said:
I have been trialling this in Beta for a month or so. Even the beta's were good.
However, I do recommend anybody that is considering using it after a failure or error, to hard reset the device prior to the restore, otherwise it overrides and adds to what is already there, so if there are extra files and extra registry entries, they will remain.
The originals will all be restored correctly though, so you are unlikely to detect a problem.
I have restored, and hard reset on many occassions throughout the beta, and it works a dream.
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You shouldnt, bacause you need to restore the registry to make your apps working again but in the new ROM the registry structure or data may (and normally do) change, so you would corrupt the new rom
scotjen1 said:
Hi does anyone know if this will backup txt messages to
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Yep, it backs up all your text messages and your emails
Thanks vbjoe am installing now.
Problems on my JASJAR
First of all it duplicates Alarm notifications on my JASJAR. Secondly if you hard reset the device and then restore the backup, it always hangs at almost 100%. Had to cancel the restore and restart the device. But once restarted, it looks like everything is restored despite that restore hangup. But i am not certain, might be some problem in restoring with i come across later in future.
Can't depend on it.
Backup program
Try Sunnysoft backup manager.
hangs happened to me, i left it on its own and it did finish restore on my wizard

best backup solutions please

ok so all take the chance i know this has been posted a lot on this forum but to be honest the information i obtained from all the threads is not sufficient enough to solve the problem which is IS IT POSSIBLE TO CARRY OUT A FULL BACKUP AND RESTORE ON THE HD USING THE VARIOUS BACKUP SOFTWARE THAT WE HAVE SUCH AS SPB BACKUP, SPRITE ETC.. surely there must be a solution out there somewhere to carry out a full backup and restore because now that we have everything moving over at the hd rom development forum with new roms everyday surely a complete backup and restore of the entire system of the HD is now more important than ever because there is now a lot of software for us to use on our HD so please dont flame me for bringing this up again but its just a desparete attempt to get help. perhaps this way, the programers can then help to make some software that makes it possible to make a full backup and restore on the HD, or even maybe starting a poll or something with people stating what software they have successively used to perform a complete backup and restore thank you again guys and to be gratefull for this great website that makes it possible to provide us with a better device i will make my donation on 27/01/09 thank you xda, lots of love from UK
I think your . button is jammed LOL
I've been wondering the same thing, really. I'm pretty new to these devices. How do people cope with new ROMs coming out all the time as far as installed software? Is there a way to install everything you want including all the dang activation keys, then make a backup that will re-install everything once you update the ROM?
Not sure whether there is an easy answer. I don't think you can save all the various settings - but that does not take long. Place as many as your apps on the storage card a possible. Make sure you keep the original installation cab files on the storage card.
The difficult one (for me) is the bookmarks in Opera. I now keep the URLs on an email on my Pc and resend it after a hard reset. They each have to be opened and saved as bookmarks but at least no typing.
If there is an easier way I would be keen to hear as well.
I use Sprite Backup 6.5 for full restores after ROM Updates, and Level 1 (Personal data and programs) updates have never failed. Tested quite a few non-official ROMs from this forum, never had a problem. Never tried restore after a hardreset, never did one.
i think the best backup-restore program is Spb backup restore. I have used Sprite but it always fails me when it comes to restore.
RaymondScrott said:
Not sure whether there is an easy answer. I don't think you can save all the various settings - but that does not take long. Place as many as your apps on the storage card a possible. Make sure you keep the original installation cab files on the storage card.
The difficult one (for me) is the bookmarks in Opera. I now keep the URLs on an email on my Pc and resend it after a hard reset. They each have to be opened and saved as bookmarks but at least no typing.
If there is an easier way I would be keen to hear as well.
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I notice that each time i flash with a new ROM .. I have to re-install all the programs from my storage card again .. though most of the apps i have installed it on the Storage card ...
Lucas0511 said:
I use Sprite Backup 6.5 for full restores after ROM Updates, and Level 1 (Personal data and programs) updates have never failed. Tested quite a few non-official ROMs from this forum, never had a problem. Never tried restore after a hardreset, never did one.
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Does anyone know what's the different between the 3 levels ?
Let's say I have my ROM and programs running perfectly but I wanna try out new cab files .. I will do a back-up and if anything happens I restore with level 3 ??
My vote is Sprite Backup. Have used it from many years and each update improves on the last. It is stable, functional and easy to use.

Strange Crash

I have been running d-two's rom for a while now and it is working great for me. Last night I tried to connect to live messenger and it went a bit crazy. Now it will only get to the today screen and then it hangs. I am looking around the site for a solution but I just wanted to ask here as well..
I know a hard reset will get me going again, problem is some text messages from last night that I really really dont want to lose.
I think it may be relatedto xpuscaler, but I dont really know. Activesync will not connect
The ideas I think may help me are:
1. can i use something like tty to get into the machine and either take the sms and contacts file or remove xpuscaler from the startup?
2. Can i use the clean registry without the format storage option from the hard reset menu? would this destroy my contacts and sms?
Please help
sim cards can store messages and as far as i know windows mobile (2k2 & 2k3) saves contacts to the sim card. check it in another phone if the stuff is stored there and if it is HR or reflash your unit.
1. as far as i know, there is no way to access files or folders remotely unless the device is fully booted, so, no mtty, no accessing in bootloader mode
2. yes you can use that option, that is a pretty good idea actually, because while the registry might contain startup information, it does not contain your sms or contacts.
another thing is, always keep your contacts synced, so they can never be the issue, and for sms, i recommend either to sync them too, or regularly make a backup with pimbackup, of course, this advise does not help you right now, but it might avoid issues like this in the future. since we are not carrying around normal phones like nokia, SE, ... and play around with custom roms, we must always be ready to perform a hard reset.
but back to the topic, unfortunately, the BA offers no "Safe Mode", as known of windows pcs, so avoiding the startup. you can try tricking the BA to do something else first, if the registry clearing does not work, you could put an extrom to your SD card and maybe the extrom startup will be first. maybe an extrom containing the same or a newer version of xcpuscalar will uninstall the current version and install the new version with the standard settings, and since the extrom shuts down everything else, it might just work.
and kind as i am, i actually built an extrom for you, just unzip and copy to the sd card, if it does not work, rename the folder from EXTROM to 2577 and it will work.
here you have the download link, it's pretty small:
if that last method worked, please donate, because i built that package just for you.
Thanks Chef,
I am having a go with your extrom now..
In the time since last post I have been able to get it working at the today screen but nothing will load.. maybe 520mhz made the processor die? have been running at full speed for a few weeks now..
You are right about the backup, I usually have pimbackup automated to backup to my sd everyday, but I hadnt got around to it since I installed this ROM. Typical luck! I wouldnt really care but I have some important sms that I need to recover..
@ares93 unfortunatly I dont save to my sim card as I have too many contacts to do that. And I dont think my sim could store my four years of sms that I seem to still have...
Will post more as it goes...
Well unfortunately the extrom didnt help so I bit the bullet and did a registry clean from the hard reset menu. It now boots and I have removed lots of apps to try to get rid of any clashes.. at the moment It appears to be completely normal until you try to run anything. mshome is working smoothly, the start menu is working, some settings panels will load, but I cant get it to run anything..
anyone seen this before?
Does anyone know if i can take a complete image of the device at this state and restore it later after i start really messing with things
Does anyone know if i can take a copy of the files on it and just restore the entire sms database after a hard reset?
I will think about how I can donate, its about time i did...
In the end a hard reset didnt work, so I reflashed and its all running smooth, lost some important documents, but it was all i could do.
lesson learned, remember to schedule back ups for everyday to sd
that's what i was talking about, pimbackup is great for that, you can find it here:
it is portable, just put the exe on your sd card, no installation needed, also it allows you to back up you entire device, and restore individual items, like sms, for that matter.
if you want to make a full backup that would completely restore your device after a hard reset, with all settings, programs...
you should try SPB backup. there is a trial version at that lasts for 14 days, that should be enough for your matters now. the only thing you need to know about spb backup is: you cannot restore a backup on another rom because it also saves the entire windows folder and that varies from rom to rom.
pimbackup, however can make universal backups that can be restored on other roms, other windows mobile versions from wm2003 to wm6.5.3, even other windows mobile based devices.

Backing up my HD2

Hey all,
I know this is a newbie-ish question but i want to update my HD2 with a new rom and im aware i need to back everything up, my questions are:
1.whats the best program to back up
2. what will backing up actually back up? And what will i loose? i.e contacts/messages/apps etc..
3. any other tips on backing up will be much appreciated.
4. anyone just wanna do it for me 
Thanks in advance.
i Suggest you SPB BackUp; it allows you to backup Everything on your phone, (contacts,messages, registry, etc.. and also the apps (but i'm not sure o.o)
It's not free, but let you a try for a period.
EDIT: if your contacts are connected with their Facebook profile, you lose this relations when restore the agenda o.o'
djchubbs said:
Hey all,
I know this is a newbie-ish question but i want to update my HD2 with a new rom and im aware i need to back everything up, my questions are:
1.whats the best program to back up
2. what will backing up actually back up? And what will i loose? i.e contacts/messages/apps etc..
3. any other tips on backing up will be much appreciated.
4. anyone just wanna do it for me 
Thanks in advance.
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Backing up and restoring anything other than PIM details across a different ROM flash its asking for trouble and its not recommended.
Use Myphone and all sync info will be to hand when needed.
Reinstall as many of your apps as possible to phone mem this will keep the phone running as sweet as possible.
Or 'PIM Backup' from DotFred
I use this one
pa49 said:
Backing up and restoring anything other than PIM details across a different ROM flash its asking for trouble and its not recommended.
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restoring a complete system (ALL data) is fine even after flashing a different rom. When using SPB backup you just have to make sure that you run the restore in "ROM upgrade mode". SPB Backup prompts you to do this automatically when it detects that the rom running isnt the same as the one the backup was created with.
Audio Oblivion said:
restoring a complete system (ALL data) is fine even after flashing a different rom. When using SPB backup you just have to make sure that you run the restore in "ROM upgrade mode". SPB Backup prompts you to do this automatically when it detects that the rom running isnt the same as the one the backup was created with.
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Sorry to disagree, but, Ive seen too many problems happen by doing this. Never seen any by not doing it!!!!!!!!
However, it's all advice and can be taken or not as the reader sees fit.
thanks for the advice guys, one thing, when installing spb backup does it make a difference where i install it? ie device or storage card?
pa49 said:
Sorry to disagree, but, Ive seen too many problems happen by doing this. Never seen any by not doing it!!!!!!!!
However, it's all advice and can be taken or not as the reader sees fit.
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You are right to state that you should use caution but i personally have never had an issue when using rom upgrade mode.
I use it all the time! (On all my devices)
djchubbs said:
thanks for the advice guys, one thing, when installing spb backup does it make a difference where i install it? ie device or storage card?
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Doesnt make much difference... i always install all of my apps onto the storage card as it saves re-installing them after a hard reset or if you have a new device.
The only items i install to main memory are the ones that are integral to the system ie/ task managers, manila mods etc
I think the best way for a complete backup is sashimi application and its plugin makisu
sashimi is not very simple but, once you've configured it how you want, you can be sure you'll have the same apps, same tweaks, same registry improvements, same email settings, same wifi settings and so on.
So you can change rom whenever you want, without waste time to re-configure and re-install and so on.
sashimi can do also a backup of your personal informations, but for these I recommend PPC-PIMBackup (the easyest and simply the best for these kind of stuff)
There is also a dedicated forum
Give it a try, I use it with satisfaction

Complete phone backup

I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
airwater9 said:
I've found 'My phone' to be very good for backing up the general user data on board the HD2 but am aware of it's limitations.
I want to be able to backup my registry, sense items: (stocks, weather locations etc) opera favourites etc to my backup hard drive so that should I have to hard reset I can easily restore everything as it was as I finally have my phone set up the way that I like. However I don't know the file names or where the files are located.
Can other people add to this the locations of the backup files needed to make a full backup and also any other things that should be backed up that I haven't got in my list?
Internal memory/Windows/Favorites
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Sprite full backup, you can also set it up to backup SD card.
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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regarding the rom, none, you simply need to save the nbh for rom and radio somewhere and flash them again after you buy the new hd2, then restore with a sprite backup or similar over the same rom/radio
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
wineds said:
has anyone done a full restore using sprite? I am considering trying a cooked rom but I would like to know if I can restore back to a stock rom just in case.
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A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
troed said:
......... or SPB Backup. Serves me excellent .
BTW: Question to the Masterminds here: what would be the EXACT procedures to make a backup in a way that the entire ROM/RAM/mSD-Card can be backed up, so that in case I have to buy a new HD2 it can be reflashed with my exact ROM-version + rest that works so flawless ?
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- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
Thanks for those program suggestions however I'd rather copy half a dozen files/folders over to my backup device than spend $20 on a program that does more or less the same thing.
I'm looking to find out the file locations of the stocks, registry, weather locations, time zones ertc not backed up by the 'my phone' application. Does anyone know which files hold this information? In particular I did a google search and despite being a master at it I couldn't find any info on the location of the system registry so does anyone know where that is? I found that CeRegEditor failed to restore the registry backup when I needed it to.
kilrah said:
A full backup should only be reapplied to the exact same ROM it was made on.
- Make a full backup of the old device with SPB backup as you have it
- Download and flash the same ROM you had on the old device, or flash it from the local copy you obviously kept for that exact reason in case the cook somehow decided to take it offline
- Take microSD card from old device and put in new one
- Restore backup on new device
There you are...
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Tx, !!! So easy ! Could have thought about myself Sumtimes too little thinking ............... Sorry

