Hello XDA members,
So you all know that our phone that is the Samsung Galaxy 3 came with Android 2.1 aka Eclair and Samsung promised to give an upgrade to 2.2 aka Froyo. The Samsung has fulfilled its promise of Froyo upgrade and now I think the Samsung will never look back to our Galaxy 3. Our phone has already been of an old generation of Galaxy 3 but still it features almost equally attractive features when compared to other low end Galaxy Series phones like Galaxy Fit and Galaxy Pop, infact its better certainly. But now there is no scope of getting an Android 2.3 aka Gingerbread upgrade on our Galaxy whereas similar phones like Fit are expected to receive it soon. Here on XDA also Marcellusbe tried to port CM7 with 2.3.4, he released Alpha 5 Fix 1 and since then he stopped the Development for CM6 port which he thinks would help in CM7. Looking at current conditions we cant even hope of Unofficial CM7 i.e. 2.3.4 by the end of a year or so.There is very slim chance of even getting it because it is difficult for Marcellusbe to work alone. These kinds of project involves a big team.
The Group GINGERBRDFORG3 is formed with the aim to gather support of other Galaxy 3 users to convince Samsung to give an official upgrade to Galaxy 3. Samsung cannot neglect the demands of thousands of its customer. Just think there are lots of Galaxy 3 members, If we all together will request Samsung I am pretty sure that Samsung will release a upgrade. If it can run on Fit it would easily run on Galaxy 3. Our phone has a huge market. If Samsung releases an upgrade to 2.3 and increases the life cycle of Galaxy 3 there will be no harm only a Win-Win situation for both Samsung and us.
Just think on it twice. I know if all of you will support we will soon be able to convince Samsung. To do so just be a part of GINGERBRDFORG3, sign the petitions, tweet on official twitter handle and recommend friends. Its free, simple and can be done in seconds. If all of you give just 15 minutes to this group we can work out wonders.
Here is the petition
Follow the link, sign the petition.
Please support the Petitions, recommend friends also to support the above petitions, follow the twitter account for information. Have a query? Mail on Official email- [email protected].
Official Facebook page here
Official Twitter Account here
Come on Galaxy 3 users we can do it. Just gather members. We will do it very soon. Use the facebook page also, post on facebook wall your desire for Gingerbread and let Samsung see. Share the page and petition information with your friends.
I want a admin for the Facebook page. I really need help. The job of the admin will be to promote our page on other pages like Engadget, etc. Anybody intrested PM me your email id using which you registered Facebook Account. Please participate.
Official Logo-Coming Soon. Designing it.
Its a request kindly help the group. Use your Social Networking Accounts and recommend your friends to sign the petitions.
Want to a widget for your site to spread this petition? Below is the code -
<div style="display:block; clear:both">
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" style="width: 200px; height:145px; border:1px solid #cdced0; border-bottom:none; background-color:#e9eaeb;"></iframe>
<div style="text-align:center; font-family:Arial;font-size:11px; width: 196px; margin-top: -5px; padding: 7px 2px 2px; border:1px solid #364950; color: #fff; background-color:#364950; border-top:none;">
<a style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;" href="">Petitions</a> by <a style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;" href=""></a> | <a style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;" href="">Get Widget</a>
First request to Samsung has been posted via Twitter and Facebook. Stay connected to know more.
If this is going to work thenI want to support it but I'm almost 100% sure that this wont.
if you gather enough people this will work, but you will need around 40,000-50,000 people
htc decided to develop GB for the desire as well by demand of the community, but they were a hell lot of people...
what you need is some sort of a petition site where people can sign the claim of gingerbread for the galaxy 3 and then you need enough people to sign it.
Yes dude thats from where I draw inspiration - The Case Of HTC Desire. We can do everything, we have everything.. We can form faceook pages, we can form twitter accounts we can use petition sites which are available but What we lack is Supporters. Even after such a long request no one has come up to support. Though the thread has 45 views only including you only 2 people replied without much enthusiasm? Can anyone help to gather people here im 99.99% sure that we can do this..
The same thing happened with sony ericsson xperia x10 where due to huge demand sony decided to give gingerbread .thumbs up I am supporting this.
If you support this Kindly use the links to Sign the Petitons and also follow the official twitter account and post messages so that samsung can see that we really want 2.3.. Also suggest your friends and family.. Please. Its a request.
I agree! Signed!!
First I read "do not overclock"..... what has it to do with gingerbread?
just signed the partition
But i have my doubts:
Signed both........
maybe you should post the links in the official CM7 forum, samsung forum and on every forum you find on the topic to get some more people.
there's a facebook page for gingerbread for the G3 but it only has some hundred followers.
maybe you get some blogs or news sites to post it in a news as well...
you have to do evereything to promote them, otherwise you won't have chance to get enough people.
and you should only use one petition, to concentrate the amount of people.
if you have two petitions, some people will only sign one of them, which will degrade the total number you get.
Go!! 2.3 Go!!
I have signed the 1st petition Lets make a Riot..
mankokoma said:
First I read "do not overclock"..... what has it to do with gingerbread?
just signed the partition
But i have my doubts:
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Actually that was DO NOT OVERLOOK. You read wrong.
I have my doubts? What doubts?
sharukins said:
maybe you should post the links in the official CM7 forum, samsung forum and on every forum you find on the topic to get some more people.
there's a facebook page for gingerbread for the G3 but it only has some hundred followers.
maybe you get some blogs or news sites to post it in a news as well...
you have to do evereything to promote them, otherwise you won't have chance to get enough people.
and you should only use one petition, to concentrate the amount of people.
if you have two petitions, some people will only sign one of them, which will degrade the total number you get.
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Absolutely I will post everywhere after some time.. And also for posting all around the INTERNET FORUMS I should gather a support here on XDA.. The topic has been raised today only. I have already created an official twitter account and soon facebook page is also expected. This is a whole new project so I wont keep any connection with that old facebook page. Yes, thanks for the Suggestion I will remove petition 2's link. .. PM me if you have more suggestion.
Signed 1st petition, hope it will work.
I have removed petition 1ST. Those who signed only the 1st petition are requested to visit the link to petition and sign it again. Those who signed the 2nd petition no need to revisit because the current petition is what you had in 2nd petition previously. I deleted 1st one because it was having only 18 signs as compared to 23 in 2nd one. Now we have one petition only so more focus is given on it.
Signed and told friends
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Signed both of them
lets hope samsung will be kind for all the galaxy 3 lovers/owners and give it a try
Thank you to all who have signed and recommended to friends till now. We want more members.
THE PETITIONClick the above to sign
The current petition for Galaxy S users to get an ICS update from Samsung has taken on a new look, idea and plan of action. Theexel, Xriderx66, NOOB_IN_N33D and I have decided to spearhead this into a new realm. We are not alone in this. We are not the only Galaxy S users. We are not the only ones who want/need this update. Therefore the 4 of us have decided to revamp the petition to include all Galaxy S devices and not solely the Vibrant users.
Below is a copy of how the petition reads. We need your help. We want a link to this thread posted in as many XDA forums as possible and allowed. We are also wanting this to be posted in some outside forums to broaden our reach.
This is what we need from you. If you do help post in other forums, please use the standardized text in post #3. Please put in this thread where you posted it and if outside XDA, post the link. If we can get other devices on board with this, we will have a much better chance of being heard. This is our time. ICS is brand new and can be used on most of our devices. We just need them to give it to us.
Remember to post where you put yours so that we don't duplicate.
Post #2 – The Petition
Post #3 – A standardized header for posting this petition in Galaxy S forums as well as other device manufacturer forums.
Post #4 – News and References
Please keep this thread clean as it will be the point where any and all other forums will come to see our petition in the raw, as well as the direct link to it.
Thank you all for your time and respectfulness.
Spread the word.
The Petition
Dear Sir or Madam,
We Galaxy S users would first like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to excellence in your products and software. It is this type of forward thinking that will propel you further into the realm as truly one of the giants of the mobile telecommunications front-runners. It is in this assurance of merit that we ask for your time and consideration.
Recently many internet news agencies, blogs, forums,…have claimed that Samsung is reevaluating its stance on supplying Galaxy S phones with an update to the newest Android operating system platform, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS-4.0). It is with great interest that we are monitoring this development and our intention to be on that update list.
With that being said, please allow us to give some background information as occurring over the past several months. Our main carrier for the Vibrant is T-Mobile. The Vibrant (Galaxy S) was at its release considered one of the flagship devices for both Samsung and T-Mobile. As such, many of these devices were sold to customers who in order to afford the device were required to sign a subsidized 2-year contract with T-Mobile. The Vibrant was released with the Android o/s 2.1 (Éclair) and was catapulted into the top ranks of the smartphone technology. Since then, the Vibrant has fallen into the mediocre category as technology has driven faster and further than many have expected. While the specifications of the Vibrant are comparable to that of Google’s Nexus S handset, it had not been scheduled for an upgrade at all. Only through perseverance did it receive the Froyo (2.2) o/s, only to be provided news accounts that the Gingerbread (2.3) o/s would not be delivered to our handset. Needless to say, we were happy with our upgrade; however the fact that without an upgrade to Gingerbread (which our handset supposedly has the optimization needed), we the end-users were, to our dismay, essentially stranded at that point.
As we all know, the Android operating system is open source, meaning that the kernel developed for Android falls under a General Public License (G.P.L.) which allows many developers to create their own custom ROMs, freely and openly. This very business savvy approach is one of the things that many end-users absolutely love about Android. It is also why the Android smartphone is one of the fastest developing, most customizable and highly regarded devices in recent history. Recently the CyanogenMod team has dropped its support for our device due to a potentially dangerous development regarding the 911/e911 issues in the code for the device. (see articles at CNET, Engadget and PCWorld) Being open source does not mean the proprietary files are to be divulged. And we understand that. One of the reasons that CyanogenMod team decided to drop support for the Vibrant is because it could not get the source from Samsung directly to alleviate the 911/e911 issue and in good conscience they decided that they could not endorse a product that had potentially fatal implications. We applaud them however we are a bit unnerved as well because we were dropped, yet again.
A custom ROM is not what we are looking for with this petition. What we are looking for is your consideration and hopefully favorable decision to provide the many Galaxy S users with a reliable, safe, state-of-the-art device that will rival any of its competitors. Since many of us are still locked into the subsidized contracts, simply purchasing a new handset is not an option for many of us.
We thank you for your time, patience and exceedingly high quality of product, support and technology.
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***The issue with the 3rd paragraph about how the Vibrant was released with 2.1 and then we fought for 2.2 only to be denied GB/ICS is in there to paint the picture of how consumer support has failed. It is specific to the Vibrant but the picture is for all Galaxy S users.
The CM team portion leaving the Vibrant is a problem (911/e911) that effects us all. For some reason they just dropped ONLY the Vibrant from their supported devices list b/c of this issue.
Galaxy S Devices - A standardize copy/paste to appear in the Galaxy S forums’ General category. It needs to have a direct link to this thread, as well as the petition itself.
As Galaxy S owners, we are all united. As Android users we are all united. As far as Samsung is concerned we are all NOT created equal. Our device, the Vibrant (SGH-T959), is now being left to the wayside for any future updates from Samsung even though our core specs are extremely similar to the Google Nexus S, which has already received the ICS update. The CyanogenMod team has left us due to the on-going issue of 911/e911 and the lack of the proper code from Samsung to alleviate a potentially fatal result of a custom ROM. It is our intentions to serve Samsung with a petition asking for the update to ICS, which will in-turn, alleviate the 911/e911 issue as well.
We are asking all Galaxy S users to sign this petition to get Samsung to reconsider giving all top end Galaxy S devices the ICS update. Please help us with our goal and sign the petition. If you are on a Galaxy S phone, this affects you too.
Thank you for reading this and please see this link for more details and this link to sign the petition.
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Non Galaxy S Devices - Now this one is tricky. Many times spouses, girl/boyfriends, roommates may have different phones than yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. Chances are that whatever device they do have, there is a forum for it. This is the canned response for any non-Galaxy S type phone, as well as non-Samsung devices. If you decide to enlist other manufactures, please post this exact verbiage and links directly to this page (**Not the petition itself, as we don’t want any accidental signatures **).
We have all decided to purchase a phone running on the Android operating system. It is in this choice that we are now linked. Our device manufacturer has left us behind. Recently they (Samsung) has let it be known that they will be willing to reconsider updating all Galaxy S devices to Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). Most of our devices never received the Gingerbread update and while our development community is packed with talented individuals and teams, they lack the necessary code for some such basic functions as 911/e911 (the CyanogenMod team has dropped the Samsung Vibrant from its list of supported devices, indefinitely due to the potentially fatal 911/e911 issue).
Below is a link to a petition that we are asking Android users to sign. This petition to get Samsung to reconsider giving all top end Galaxy S devices the ICS update. Please help us with our goal and sign the petition. As Android users we all are, we are asking you to unite with us in our journey and goal.
Thank you for reading this and please see this link ( for more details.
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News and References
Cnet -
Engadget –
PCworld -
Android Central -
Click and Read parts 1(why we won’t get it) and 3 (who does and who doesn’t).
The "Nobody knows what the hell's going on with the Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab," saga continues today (see Part 1 and Part 2, Part 3) with the latest news now being that Samsung has no intentions of delivering a "Value Pack" upgrade. According to a Samsung source who spoke to The Next Web:
Samsung "will not offer the update due to the hardware specifications of the older Galaxy devices, in that they are limited to and fully optimised for the Gingerbread experience."
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That'll likely frustrate some Galaxy S owners but realistically, it's not in anyway surprising. As for the Galaxy Tab, while it's not mentioned specifically -- it's safe to assume that's lumped in there as well. Luckily, there is plenty of custom ROM's floating around to keep you busy if you're that upset over the matter.
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Possible Death Blows
Huffington Post -
ComputerWorld -
Links to Samsung Twitter/Facebook/Google+:
Posted in main XDA-General Forum
Android Police - - submitted request as News Tips. Just waiting on email confirmation from them. Once I get that, I will post the link.
Seanknighton posted in the HTC EVO 4G thread and they are running with it.
Nabeel10 posted in Wiihacks
Taxiozaurus Posted in AndroidPit forum
Plus they put us on the News Page with a pretty good endorsement
I-9000 just got the Value-Pack leaked yesterday (1/6/12). Here is the link.
We've got their attention!!!!
From the Epic 4G thread
Zeinzu said:
Samsung keeps removing my wall posts about it this.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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flastnoles11 said:
Mine to... I'm gonna keep putting them up until they get tired of taking theem down
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Remember to post where you put yours so that we don't duplicate.
As of 1/5/2012 all active Recognized Vibrant Developers should have received a letter from me about this petition. Hopefully they will help in promoting the awareness of our petition by adding a notice to the top of their thread OP's. So if you find that your favorite rom or kernel thread is containing a big red notice with a link to this thread please show them some appreciation and hit their thanks button...
Here's a list of developer supporters -
neobuddy98 (Didn't post the banner, but he does have a link to the petition in his ICS thread)
> Petition Status: 3,341+ SIGNATURES <________________
Phone: Samsung Vibrant | Rom: MIUI(.us) | Kernel: Glitch v13 (HL) | Theme: Black Ice v2.3 | Firmware: 2.3.7
Guide- Easily Flash MIUI for Vibrant + Themes/Modems/Kernels/ and more! | Guide/List- Best Free Apps For Your Rooted Device
If I have helped you please clickity-klack on that 'thanks' button ↘
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Good job you guys, this is excellent! Ill be sure to help the best I can!
SO SHOULD YOU! Yeah I'm talking to you, the one who just read this thread and ignored it. Just do it
Sent from my Vibrant
Epic 4G
Galaxy S I9000
Galaxy S 4G (or Vibrant +) (thanks to n00b)
Posted in Evo: (thanks to seanknighton)
Good stufff
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Last I checked we are at 810. Thread was getting pushed down on page, so this is a bump too sort of.
Actually, there are 950+ as of now! (Keeping track of the signatures in my post on the first page ). Also this thread should be stickied.
N00B_IN_N33D said:
Actually, there are 858 as of now! (Keeping track of the signatures in my post on the first page ). Also this thread should be stickied...
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
I added my name to the list...
Still wonder why Samsung likes to say it won't run, when clearly it does. they should just dump touchwiz.
Been flashing since Axura, happy to sign, Vibrant needs to be shown more love.
We need to get this viral!
I was at the local library and got like 8 people to sign. Haha
Holy crap we reached 903! ★___★
Sent from my Vibrant
Just wanted to say...signed
Deleted this post since thread was moved and combined with another.
Department of Redundancy Department
Here is the link to the Evo thread I started
Sent from my CIUI using XDA App
Inspired by jawman27's glossary (, I copied my own post from the old thread and decided to make my alternate version into its own thread so as not to hijack his thread. His thread deserves to be stickied as does droidstyle's guide, but obviously my lulz variant does not deserve to be stickied. Anyway, here goes:
adb - Our favorite Uberdev forgot to finish his alphabet packet (just kidding, Uberdev )
AOSP - a mistaken spelling for soap; even our elected lawmakers forgot to finish their alphabet packets, because they tried to make showering mandatory when they tried to pass a bill called SOPA.
.apk - file extension for an application. In this economy, we often have to file many applications to get even one interview for a job.
Auto Reboot - sometimes, with no warning at all, while you're in the middle of playing Angry Birds, your phone just automatically reboots, usually indicating something wrong with your installation. This is occasionally a bug in the ROM or kernel, but if you're a noob, it's probably your fault
Bloat - this is a nice way of saying you have gas because you ate a few too many chili dogs.
Brick - what thugs sometimes throw through your window so you'll be too scared to snitch on them.
Clockwork Recovery - when your kitchen clock is dead, you may have to replace your battery so it will recover.
Debloated - see Bloat above - this is how you likely feel after you pass gas.
Droidstyle's Guide - this makes it much easier for experienced users to answer noob questions in ROM threads; instead of actually answering the noob's question directly, you can say "just look at Droidstyle's Guide." This saves a ton of typing and a ton of time. Think of it as prescribing chicken soup for a patient regardless of what's wrong with him or her
Eclair - the last thing patients with tooth decay should eat, and the first thing we actually eat.
Force Close - this was what Circuit City stores had to do when the economy tanked and all the customers were getting their electronics from Best Buy.
Flash - what nutjobs sometimes do in public when they disrobe.
Freeze - either what you have to do to your ice cream sandwich to keep it from melting, or one of the villians in the movie Batman and Robin.
Froyo - what hipsters tell themselves is more trendy to eat instead of ice cream.
Gingerbread - building material for a house in a German fairy tale.
GeeWiz - what kids used to say in the 1950s when their parents grounded them.
Ice Cream Sandwich - another bad idea for people with tooth decay. See Eclair above.
Kang - either a nickname for Captain Kangaroo, or one of the three old Klingons in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode "Blood Oath."
Kernel - an individual piece of corn. You want as many of these as possible to pop (without getting burnt) when you microwave your pouch of Pop Secret.
KGB - the principal intelligence agency of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Lean Kernel - a low-fat flavor of Pop Secret. See Kernel above.
MIUI - a sound kittens often make when they want your attention.
OC - a teen drama series that aired on the Fox Network from 2003-2006.
Odin - one of the characters in the movie Thor.
Patch - what pirates sometimes wear over one of their eyes.
Quadrant - an entertaining but still useless performance benchmark that's easy to spoof. All you really need to know is this: muh quadz is biggern ur quadz.
Radio - what people used to listen to back in the 20th century
Recovery - what people have to go through after serious injuries or sicknesses.
Root - the part of a plant that keeps it anchored in the ground.
Samsung Drivers - NASCAR drivers whose cars have the Samsung logo on them.
Skin - what certain celebrities show too much of on the red carpet.
TB - an acronym for tuberculosis.
Troll - a short, ugly character from a fairy tale; these often live under bridges.
UV - a type of radiation that will give the aforementioned celebrities sunburn if they continue to show too much skin under direct sunlight.
Voodoo - part of a fellow XDA member's username.
Wipe x3 - the minimum number of times you have to wipe after #tweetingwhilepooping.
zip - what men have to do after #tweetingwhilepeeing (this is often when men ease nature while sitting down so they can keep using Twitter on their Android phones).
Terminators run on Android
That clears a bunch of stuff up for me, thanks!!!
sendan said:
That clears a bunch of stuff up for me, thanks!!!
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Wow that was a fast reply - I just put this up a couple of minutes ago
Terminators run on Android
Epic.. Keep adding lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
How about adding a who's who within the fascinate community...devs, smart guys, and of course "wanna be" devs? That could lead to all kinds of lulz.
dsrhokie said:
How about adding a who's who within the fascinate community...devs, smart guys, and of course "wanna be" devs? That could lead to all kinds of lulz.
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Unfortunately it would also likely lead to a lot of flaming and unwanted attention from the mods
Terminators run on Android
This is great. I finally understand the world of android.
Enyo- the most beloved lulz developer in the fascinate community...24/25ths of all members have bricked their device with his work.
Just added 2/25/2012:
Quadrant - an entertaining but still useless performance benchmark that's easy to spoof. All you really need to know is this: muh quadz is biggern ur quadz.
Terminators run on Android
Droidstyle's Guide - this makes it much easier for experienced users to answer noob questions in ROM threads; instead of actually answering the noob's question directly, you can say "just look at Droidstyle's Guide." This saves a ton of typing and a ton of time. Think of it as prescribing chicken soup for a patient regardless of what's wrong with him or her
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It also makes a noob seem a lot smarter, when helping out another noob.
You can also hide your noobness, by using words like "Odin , CWM, and Glitch"
I have posted a new thread at Sony Mobile Support requesting they support 2011 devices with KitKat, as apparently they announced they will update 2012 devices to kitkat.
Or, if Sony will not support the 2011 devices as they are beyond 18 months old, they should release the sources and let the dev community go to town.
Here is the thread at Sony Mobile Support, I would like all users to just take two minutes and voice your feedback in encouraging Sony to either update our PLAY or better yet, release all sources so that devs may do updates such as KitKat 4.4 to our PLAY.
Sony Mobile Support Thread:
Thank you and please show your support through the link above, I have informed Sony of this thread but if you all can please kindly post your comments on the thread above. If Sony doesnt see the comments of encouragement then they wont see it as worth it, in either way.
Edit - I am leaning towards Sony releasing sources as this will cost them nothing or a lot less then paying staff to make the 4.4 software upgrade and beta test it. Sources would be a lot more feasible, plus it would allow everyone to benefit with full access to our PLAY.
EDIT 2 - From Big_Smile, he made a very good suggestion to better our chances:
"Also, it would be a good idea to post your messages on Sundar Pichai's Google plus as he is the head of Google Android.
In order to use Android with Google services, manufactures have to follow certain rules that Google makes.
We should ask Sundar Pichai to compel manufacturers to release source files for older devices.
You can see my post asking him to do this here:
(I've used my name Madhu Sharma).
If you agree, please +1 my comment but also post your own comment as well.
Unlike contacting Sony, this probably does have a good chance of becoming a reality if lots of people participate. Google do tend to listen and if it happened, they would make more money as more people would have access to their services.
Again, it only takes a few minutes to participate and this really could make a difference for everyone."
Thank you Big_Smile.
I forgot to add a Poll for this thread, any chance to still add it? I dont see it as an option.. after I made the first post.
Edit - Got the POLL Running
One more thing:
If everyone can select to vote to have this thread detailed on XDA Portal to gain attention that would great. See attached photo if you are unsure how to vote this thread on XDA Portal.
I have contributed to the thread. I don't think it will do anything, but I think everyone should try.
It only takes a second (and you can login in with Gmail and Facebook, so you don't even need to set up an account).
You never know, if Sony gets a lot of requests, they will take action.
Also, post your message here as well:
Again, it probably won't do anything but it is worth a try and will only take a minute. Companies like Sony are always trying to find ways to show that they listen (as it earns them good publicity).
---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ----------
Also, it would be a good idea to post your messages on Sundar Pichai's Google plus as he is the head of Google Android.
In order to use Android with Google services, manufactures have to follow certain rules that Google makes.
We should ask Sundar Pichai to compel manufacturers to release source files for older devices.
You can see my post asking him to do this here:
(I've used my name Madhu Sharma).
If you agree, please +1 my comment but also post your own comment as well.
Unlike contacting Sony, this probably does have a good chance of becoming a reality if lots of people participate. Google do tend to listen and if it happened, they would make more money as more people would have access to their services.
Again, it only takes a few minutes to participate and this really could make a difference for everyone.
i doubt they will support it they wont support my xperia t which is 1.5ghz snapdragon s4 and 1gb of ram. this was their last 2012 flagship so they won't update any 2012 devices probably only 2013
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
At Big_Smile, that is an excellent idea and would stand a better chance then contacting Sony head on. I will add your suggestion to post 1 soon as I have a chance
Sent from my R800at using xda premium
Per Big_Smile's link to Sundar Pichai, I have added the following to his, please see attached.
Link to:
Edit - Added this thread to my Google+ post reply to Big_Smile.
I think another good idea would to be raise this issue on "This Week in Google" (TWiG).
TWiG is a podcast about Google & Android, that is often viewed by people who work at Google.
I have made a post on the TWiG Google Plus Community:
If you agree with what I have written, please +1 it and add your own comments and ideas.
I think if the post got around 50 - 100 +1s, there's a good chance someone from the show might notice it and so might consider discuss it on the next episode.
Again, it's a long shot, but it would only take a few minutes to contribute and it could stand a good chance of making 4.4 available for not just the Xperia Play, but many other older phones. As I've discussed in my Plus post, this could help a lot of people (and not just Play users).
Unlike other companies, Google does listen, so if we raise this issue in lots of places, there's a good chance that they might act on it.
good ! waiting for ur news
Sent from my GT-I9220 using xda app-developers app
I want ask all people, that want to post SUBJ request without stupid words to update firmwares for phones. Just ask to open ALL sources, so community can do all work.
I'm all for the sources but telling them to update a very outdated phone is a little much.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
JunDavis said:
I'm all for the sources but telling them to update a very outdated phone is a little much.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
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Hence thatz why I am hoping for sources.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
Added my 2 cents all over
Do you think we should start a petition on @OP?
from the God of gaming, the Xperia Play
Why ya keep asking for upgrade? IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Understand this already. Only thing, that *may* hapeen - opening sources of GB drivrs. Thats enough for communities of all old phones, so all people must focus on it, not on asking for upgrade, that, as said, WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
Nuck-TH said:
Why ya keep asking for upgrade? IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Understand this already. Only thing, that *may* hapeen - opening sources of GB drivrs. Thats enough for communities of all old phones, so all people must focus on it, not on asking for upgrade, that, as said, WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
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Y u gotta be so negative? You never know
from the God of gaming, the Xperia Play
This is sony we are talking about who are the second worst manufacturer to give updates (lg is worst) they probably won't update their 2012 devices so what makes you think they will update the play.
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
There's nothing wrong with trying. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW THE ANSWER UNLESS YOU TRY. So all of you negas, go somewhere else. You're of no use here.
Just like sony wouldn't give ics to the play yet everyone asked for it
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
narflynn619 said:
There's nothing wrong with trying. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW THE ANSWER UNLESS YOU TRY. So all of you negas, go somewhere else. You're of no use here.
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We are not negative, we are only realistic, it is absurd to think that a company will release an update (LOL) or the source code (double LOL) for a device of 2 years ago, it is against their interest.
BTW don't worry, probably I will go away, if I earn sufficient money to change both my laptop and the phone I will go away from the xplay this Christmas, if not sorry but this nega will remain for another year
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Even if they are unlikely to listen, it only takes 2 minutes max to ask them, so it's worth a try. Anyone can spare 2 minutes.
Also, I think the best strategy is to ask Google to force manufacturers to release source code, as they have a financial incentive to do so (as it will further their interests of making Android less fragmented, easier to develop for and making the latest Google Play apps available to all).
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Sent from my SM-G930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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Thread closed.