Are there any benefits from partitioning sdcard? - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Title pretty much says it all. I can't really find any solid info on this.
Thanks in advance.

I thought the modern ROMs specifically made use of this for OS related reasons but it appears to be for internal storage space issues only that I can find info.
Without the sd-ext extension you could use apps2sd but the data from your apps would still take up internal memory and at some point you would run out of internal memory.
With sd-ext and a program like link2sd (or s2e which I am not familiar with), you could store the app and also the app data on the sd-ext partition. Obviously for some games, this would make a big difference, but for me space is not an issue - however ...
My wife's older samsung had a ridiculously small internal storage space and apps2sd didn't cut it. After formatting an ext partition and using link2sd I was able to free up way more space and now her phone works again.

Homerbsharp said:
I thought the modern ROMs specifically made use of this for OS related reasons but it appears to be for internal storage space issues only that I can find info.
Without the sd-ext extension you could use apps2sd but the data from your apps would still take up internal memory and at some point you would run out of internal memory.
With sd-ext and a program like link2sd (or s2e which I am not familiar with), you could store the app and also the app data on the sd-ext partition. Obviously for some games, this would make a big difference, but for me space is not an issue - however ...
My wife's older samsung had a ridiculously small internal storage space and apps2sd didn't cut it. After formatting an ext partition and using link2sd I was able to free up way more space and now her phone works again.
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If phones are low on internal space, does the performance of the phone suffer? Just wondering. Everytime i get everything set up on my phone I have around 300mb of internal storage left, so it isn't a problem for me.

I2IEAILiiTY said:
If phones are low on internal space, does the performance of the phone suffer? Just wondering. Everytime i get everything set up on my phone I have around 300mb of internal storage left, so it isn't a problem for me.
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Definitely a problem if you are low on space; my wife's phone basically ground to a halt and would pop up errors re space and apps would just close spontaneously and take her back to the home screen. - of course her storage space issue was very severe.

Homerbsharp said:
Definitely a problem if you are low on space; my wife's phone basically ground to a halt and would pop up errors re space and apps would just close spontaneously and take her back to the home screen. - of course her storage space issue was very severe.
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Yea, I had that problem a couple months ago when I was running a sense rom

Me too I think, made me start using Rom Cleaner ...

Homerbsharp said:
Me too I think, made me start using Rom Cleaner ...
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That a script?
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I2IEAILiiTY said:
That a script?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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Yes, noticed with sense ROMs that my system partition was full and didn't sit well with me. I basically just wanted the weather on the lockscreen.
Once I used the script after flashing ROM I had way more space.
Basically there is a default script, but you can modify it as you like. They have done a really good job with this. I wouldn't flash a sense ROM anymore wo using this tool.


app storage

so I read that it has 710mb of rom for app storage, so can you not store apps on the 8 gigs (6.5)of internal mem?
1wingangel said:
so I read that it has 710mb of rom for app storage, so can you not store apps on the 8 gigs (6.5)of internal mem?
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Currently, you cannot store apps on the 6+ gig partition of the internal memory.
However, when you think about it, the 748MB allocated as internal storage, for apps, is already more total application storage than what most people allocate for themselves when using apps2sd on a rooted phone. For example, if you read some ROM threads, you should find reference to a suggested 512MB partition on SD card for apps2sd and the likelihood of never filling it up. So, even without root and apps2sd we have more apps storage than pretty much everyone else.
Aside from plain old app storage though, I am very curious to see what developers can do with these partitions and all that internal memory once root is achieved.
Well the good thing nowadays is that alot of developers store files on your sd card also, so you save alot of your app space. I've installed every app that i wanted (I've downloaded over 60) and i have 633mb left
plus most apps don't take much space anyways, alot are under a 1mb
I just heard that the evo has 1gig of storage, which is awesome, but I hate sprint and want to convince myself that the Incredible is a better phone.
so if you have an sd, and download something, does it go to internal or sd?
and when you plug in your phone to your pc, does it show two seperate hard drives(sd and internal)?
1wingangel said:
I just heard that the evo has 1gig of storage, which is awesome, but I hate sprint and want to convince myself that the Incredible is a better phone.
so if you have an sd, and download something, does it go to internal or sd?
and when you plug in your phone to your pc, does it show two seperate hard drives(sd and internal)?
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When you download something, by default it saves to your SD. I haven't found a setting to change that. However, you can move the files to your internal storage after you've finished downloading using Astro File Manager. The downside to all this right now is that all third party apps can only read from the SD card. So if you have music and you want to play them using a third party app, then you'll have to store them on the SD.
loyunsang said:
When you download something, by default it saves to your SD. I haven't found a setting to change that. However, you can move the files to your internal storage after you've finished downloading using Astro File Manager. The downside to all this right now is that all third party apps can only read from the SD card. So if you have music and you want to play them using a third party app, then you'll have to store them on the SD.
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Then whats the point of having that much internal storage?
When you download something, by default it saves to your SD. I haven't found a setting to change that. However, you can move the files to your inter
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Then whats the point of having that much internal storage?
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Things change. It'll be more use later this year. While DI is the first Android set to have internal memory, it won't be the last.
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1wingangel said:
Then whats the point of having that much internal storage?
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For pictures/music/videos to be used with stock media apps. I know, it's lame as of right now. Hopefully soon more app developers will create apps that will allow the incredible to access internal storage.

Phone Storage is getting low!

I'm running Myn's warm 2.2. The thing that really gets me is I have 41.94 mb available. I could fit dozens more apps.
Is there any way I can change when that stupid low memory thing go's off. I would like to change it to something more reasonable like 10mb.
Did you do a full wipe before flashing your should have way more space than that....
Sent from my rooted evo using the xda app....if I helped you, please click Thanks!
I did a full wipe when I flashed my rom like three weeks ago. It's low because of apps. It's just it seems like that annoying notifaction shouldn't op up when I have that much space
Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!
I had the same problems on several roms I found most of the space was taken either by the address book storage, or calendar storage clearing that and let it re sync solved the problem. I would recommend also going with roms that have the delvik cache moved to the cache partition that gives you about 80 megs more space. A few of the developers out there have that tweak.
Tips to increase available storage aside, I really wish there was a way to turn the notification off or adjust the threshold. To me, 10% is too high. You can still do plenty with 41MB left.
Yeah, I got that the other day. I bought a Class 10 16 GB card so I can do apps2sd. *sigh*...too many apps.
running ava Z1 and i still have 231 MD free
Do a full wipe & manually restore everything, it'll do more than just a dalvik & cache wipe which only seems to free up a few MB of internal storage.
Tedious but a healthy habit.
I had the same issue....check out the thread
mebo73 said:
Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!
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This is a refurbed phone I got a month or so ago. I do have way more than 4 apps though!
Just today when I updated my apps I got a bunch of insufficent space errors, with 40.89mb's free. Are there any apps that I can use to check how much space is left besides settings-sd+phone storage.
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.
Why not download App2SD from the market place and move some of your apps to the SDCARD. This will free up space from your phone's internal storage.
shoobshoober said:
I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.
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oops, sorry, should be fixed now
mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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Thanks for fixing the link! I'd actually read that before. My contact storage is a whopping 3.7 mb yours was 157mb. You fixed yours by chopping your contact storage by chopping your contact storage way down and switching completely to a apps2sd.
I don't really think that that is the solution, in your thread there was a guy running cm 6 that got down to 12mb left. I can't get down below 40mbs without getting insufficient space errors. It seems like there must be a setting wrong somewhere.
What I recently did was installed Dark tremors a2sd on my phone. It actually moves all your apps to sd and frees up so much memory. It's frickin awesome. First you have to partition your sd card if you haven't already. To do so you must first create a backup of your sd to your computer as prtitioning will wipe the sd. Also I only now how to partition the sd using Amon RA recovery, it's much easier than using clockwork. Partition up to ext3.
To find Dark Tremors flashable zip go here-
I'll tell you what, if you cant figure out the rest, PM me and I will give you my number to help walk you through it if you need. Good luck.
BTW, I'm also using Myn with about 95 apps and have 227mb left in my phone.
did you check out the app that lets you explore the "app usage" on your phone. It should help you figure out what is eating all the memory.
I think you are probably going the wrong direction in terms of just trying to lower the low space threshold or get rid of the warning. 40mb will dwindle further and further until it creates other issues, and there is TONS of space on the evo, you need to address the low space issue, not the notification.
Use that app and browse through your internal storage, if you cant figure out whats eating up your space i *highly* recommend you root and install darktremors a2sd. I hate messing with my phone and trying to do that kind of stuff and i really had no problems when i finally caved and did it, it was all pretty simple and the instructions are laid out well.

[Q] Worried about the 320mb internal memory not being enough

Hi everybody
I have been looking for an Android smartphone with a decent Camera (as I love taking pictures) and it seems I have found it in the Arc.
But one thing worries me, which is the 320 mb of internal memory which I have doubts of not being enough for my Arc to be Smart enough.
Can anybody help on this plz.
Thank you in advance
I have installed all the apps i need (abt 20 apps) and still have abt 200mb left. Also, I move games to SD card.
it's enough i have 150Mb free with all my apps. this was a little issue with Nexus. I even move some system apps to SD with titanium backup (you need root).
right now i have 58 apps installed (excl. system apps) and still have 147MB free. I have 9 games (not big games just casual) biggest games is taptap but after moving to sd save a lot.
If you able to fill up 320mb apps, your arc will be slowest phone in the world.
Given app2sd, most of new version apps support usage of 32gb SD card.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
Thank you all
I am definitely going to have the Arc as soon as it is released here in the market (hopefully next week).
Thank you again
I have installed many apps (around 50 ~ 60) now still have 175MB.
Conditions: rooted the Arc, use Link2SD to move apps (cached, library, app) to your SD.
But you must get root to make 2nd ext2 partition and install Link2SD before can do this.
Can i move my apps on my sd card without rooting my phone?
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Retrosid said:
Can i move my apps on my sd card without rooting my phone?
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App
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only some. There are a lot that still will not allow themselves to be moved to SD.
Rooting however can force them all over to SD with programs like Titanium backup which is mighty handy, particularly if you have a few gameloft games or big satnav apps
diggedy said:
only some. There are a lot that still will not allow themselves to be moved to SD.
Rooting however can force them all over to SD with programs like Titanium backup which is mighty handy, particularly if you have a few gameloft games or big satnav apps
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Mkay, though i dont want to root my phone yet.
SD card partitioning
Can anyone please advise on what is the right way to partition the SD card?
I've gotten a Sandisk Class4 16Gb; googled around and thought I should partition FAT32/ext3/Linux-swap. But after doing so, the phone cannot see the card anymore.
limhkc said:
Can anyone please advise on what is the right way to partition the SD card?
I've gotten a Sandisk Class4 16Gb; googled around and thought I should partition FAT32/ext3/Linux-swap. But after doing so, the phone cannot see the card anymore.
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Theres no need to partition it unless your using apps2sd (which I dont think you can do yet with the arc?)
diggedy said:
Theres no need to partition it unless your using apps2sd (which I dont think you can do yet with the arc?)
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I've rooted (using Gingerbreak) and installed apps2sd / link2sd. Basically my issue is the pathetic RAM available causing Arc to lag from time-to-time.
I've removed Telco's useless software and I'm still struggling with <100Mb available RAM all the time.
limhkc said:
I've rooted (using Gingerbreak) and installed apps2sd / link2sd. Basically my issue is the pathetic RAM available causing Arc to lag from time-to-time.
I've removed Telco's useless software and I'm still struggling with <100Mb available RAM all the time.
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You mean there's 100Mb wasted RAM sitting around doing nothing all the time? Oh no!
As for the partitioning, you have to do it in the right order or the phone wont find the card. First create an ext2 partition for apps, then format the remainder as FAT32. I dont recommend ext3 or ext4 for an SD card, theyre overkill for a simple single user system like a phone, and their fancy features will actually slow everything down on an SD card. You dont need a linux swap partition at all (IIRC this was only useful with early versions of some custom roms on other phones).
Note that i havent any experience with apps2sd on the arc, only on other phones, so everything i just said may be garbage w.r.t. the arc, but i think it probably applies whatever the phone.
Also note that using apps2sd wont help your ram 'issues' at all.
Moving apps to SD
You can move some apps to SD card in Settings > Applications > Manage Applications.
You can use apps like Apps2SD and ZDBox to automate much of the process.
If your device supports debugging in Settings > Applications > Development, enable debugging, install the Android SDK, go to the tools directory connect your device to the computer using USB, and execute this command:
adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2
This will allow you to move even more apps to SD, although there may be side-effects for some apps, like random crashes or failure to launch. If you see some app not working as anticipated, move it back to main memory.
To be honest i cant really see the need for the old style apps2sd these days, Androids built-in version seems to be sufficient to me.
While not all apps support it yet, the majority of the ones i've got installed seem to (particularly the larger ones, which is key), and the number is increasing all the time.
Maybe if you just *have* to install 200+ apps it will become a problem. I'm struggling to think of 200 useful apps though.
I have about 100+ apps. All the apps that CAN go on SD are on SD. I normally have about 70MB, but it fluctuates between 50~70
I've to install games and storybooks for my child, and these alone add up to about 50 apps. Some of them are not SD-friendly at all.
I certainly don't recall installing many apps, but Titanium Backup says I've some 306 elements.
Arc has only 335Mb available... why did SE take away the precious 177Mb away??

[Q] Install apps on ext sd

Is there any way that I can install apps directly on the external storage card? and how?
The problem is I am using Navdroyd and Copliot with all their maps that take a lot of space on the interanl storage card.
Any adice?
Airey toi inssist, anyons can help please
How can i force to install app on SD????
Nope, honeycomb doesnt support apps2sd function.
But one way you could free up some space (about 300mb, varys on each rom) is by converting user apps to system apps in titanium backup. This will take up a lot of unused rom space and free up internal storage space.
When you open up titanium backup, on the very bottom it tells you how much free rom space you have.
jon-.- said:
Nope, honeycomb doesnt support apps2sd function.
But one way you could free up some space (about 300mb, varys on each rom) is by converting user apps to system apps in titanium backup. This will take up a lot of unused rom space and free up internal storage space.
When you open up titanium backup, on the very bottom it tells you how much free rom space you have.
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Thanx Man.
I am using Link2SD from the market. It is a little difficult to get all set up but once you do it works great.
jon-.- said:
Nope, honeycomb doesnt support apps2sd function.
But one way you could free up some space (about 300mb, varys on each rom) is by converting user apps to system apps in titanium backup. This will take up a lot of unused rom space and free up internal storage space.
When you open up titanium backup, on the very bottom it tells you how much free rom space you have.
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Keep in mind when you update your ROM (custom or OTA), it'll wipe any applications you converted to system apps. Since they will then be located in /system/apps.
JdgM3NT4L said:
I am using Link2SD from the market. It is a little difficult to get all set up but once you do it works great.
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How do I set up links2sd?
I should go back and edit each incident where I mention Link2SD and change the recommendation. I might mention it again. But I can't recommend it anymore. It does work, but the performance cost was terrible after a short time.
Anyway, all that I did was to follow the direction at the apps market page to a 't'. I would suggest that if you decide to give it a go. Consider leaving the app control to manual, and be selective about which apps you want to move to sd. When I only had a few apps moved it seemed ok. Once the list became more populated my tab started being very slow with quite a few errors and even lockups. To top it off reversing the process was an awful mess. I ended up having to wipe my tab to get it back to normal.
The sad part to me is that I can almost fill up my 16gb tab with the just the games that I own. No way I can install them all and have room for much else. Funny, that's the whole reason I wanted a tablet with external storage. I kinda think that the sd card feature was completely misrepresented.

[Q] Where did my app storage go?

I've run out of app storage space on my phone. Its given me a low storage space warning and wont let me install anything else until I remove something.
I use apps 2 sd pro which was the free app on amazon a long time ago. It is telling me that I have 39.04MB available out of 498.38MB total on my phone. I have moved every possible app that will let me to my sd card. The are 40 apps that are left on my phone though that can not be moved and are the standard things I always use and dont want to get rid of. Things like maps, market, music, flash, etc.
I've added up the size of all of the apps installed to the phone storage and it comes to about 162MB. How are 162MB's of apps taking up 498MB of space. Where did the other 336MB go?
kswis001 said:
I've run out of app storage space on my phone. Its given me a low storage space warning and wont let me install anything else until I remove something.
I use apps 2 sd pro which was the free app on amazon a long time ago. It is telling me that I have 39.04MB available out of 498.38MB total on my phone. I have moved every possible app that will let me to my sd card. The are 40 apps that are left on my phone though that can not be moved and are the standard things I always use and dont want to get rid of. Things like maps, market, music, flash, etc.
I've added up the size of all of the apps installed to the phone storage and it comes to about 162MB. How are 162MB's of apps taking up 498MB of space. Where did the other 336MB go?
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Epic will raise "Low memory" warning when phone has less then 50Mb of free memory.
Clearing the cache for some programs will make it go away.
Open Samsung program manager and it has all stats for available memory on the last two tabs.
The other 336 MB is the operating system and system apps.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought the phone had 1GB of ROM though. And that about 500MB of it was for the OS, and the other 500MB was for apps. Is this not how it is? Is it only 500MB of ROM and I only get about 160MB for apps after the OS takes the rest of the space?
The Galaxy II has the 1G, we get 512MB.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
kennyglass123 said:
The Galaxy II has the 1G, we get 512MB.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Kenny the epic has 1gb of rom 512 mb of ram. The SGSII has 16 gb rom and 1gb of ram.
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
Op did u clear the apps cache? also is your phone rooted?
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
musclehead84 said:
Kenny the epic has 1gb of rom 512 mb of ram. The SGSII has 16 gb rom and 1gb of ram.
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
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Acxcording to this it is 512 MB ROM and I only see 485MB listed in the applications storage.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
If you are using a froyo rom, you can install an app called move2sd enabler, follow the instructions and it will make more apps able to be moved to the sd card, rescan with apps2sd and it will do the rest.
I wonder the same thing. I moved all my apps to the SD card using Titanium Backup,but still running low on space on the internal memory. So the question is what is taking up the memory? If you look at a app in Manage applications you see the storage breakdown. Total,Applications,Data,Cache, and their respective sizes. Here is the deal, you can move your applications to the sd card but the data stays on the internal memory. The data is all your preferences for the app like saves for a game or bookmarks in a browser,things like that. To find more room on internal memory find a cache cleaner in the market. Delete Pictures on your messaging they too are stored in internal memory. Hope this is helps
Mojonator said:
I wonder the same thing. I moved all my apps to the SD card using Titanium Backup,but still running low on space on the internal memory. So the question is what is taking up the memory? If you look at a app in Manage applications you see the storage breakdown. Total,Applications,Data,Cache, and their respective sizes. Here is the deal, you can move your applications to the sd card but the data stays on the internal memory. The data is all your preferences for the app like saves for a game or bookmarks in a browser,things like that. To find more room on internal memory find a cache cleaner in the market. Delete Pictures on your messaging they too are stored in internal memory. Hope this is helps
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There is no option to install apps on your sd card with Titanium. It only backs up a copy of your apps. You need to go into Settings>applications>manage applications and click on every app and move them to sd/usb storage that allows you (not greyed out).
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
DaKillaWilla said:
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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I didnt know about the batch option to move to apps2sd, i just did it one at a time.(long press on the app in Titanium brings up the option) Just remember don't put apps that use widgets on SDcard.
I would be careful using titanium to move apps to the sd card. Some apps just can't be moved to sd card, widget apps will break if not in internal memory, and a lot of system apps can't be moved from the system side of the rom. Titanium doesn't care it will move everything if you tell it to weather it breaks it or not. Just saying use care if using titanum to do this.
I'd start with settings, applications, manage, then the sd option at top. Move everything you can that way first before going to other options to move apps.
Also if you use a particular app often it will run faster if left in phone memory then off the sd card.
Use adb or terminal emulator and check /data/log for dmp files. I've had to clean up several times and did the trick.
DaKillaWilla said:
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Holy crap! I never scrolled down the list in batch operations. My bad...thank you sir!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought I had a lot of apps...still haven't ran out of room on the epic. But I do have to say I don't have many games.
you can save some space by using the option in Titanium Backup to merge updates for system apps.
I have this same problem too. I deleted a lot of unused Apps and moved any others to SD. I do not have the option to clear cache from any App. I even deleted all my messages and entire call log and still says internal memory is full. When I add up all my Apps memory its less than 150MB. Its really annoying. Out of curioiousity what ROM is everybody with this promblem running?
BBlunts456 said:
I have this same problem too. I deleted a lot of unused Apps and moved any others to SD. I do not have the option to clear cache from any App. I even deleted all my messages and entire call log and still says internal memory is full. When I add up all my Apps memory its less than 150MB. Its really annoying. Out of curioiousity what ROM is everybody with this promblem running?
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check /data/log you may find some dump files that need to be deleted.

