Phone Storage is getting low! - EVO 4G General

I'm running Myn's warm 2.2. The thing that really gets me is I have 41.94 mb available. I could fit dozens more apps.
Is there any way I can change when that stupid low memory thing go's off. I would like to change it to something more reasonable like 10mb.

Did you do a full wipe before flashing your should have way more space than that....
Sent from my rooted evo using the xda app....if I helped you, please click Thanks!

I did a full wipe when I flashed my rom like three weeks ago. It's low because of apps. It's just it seems like that annoying notifaction shouldn't op up when I have that much space

Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!

I had the same problems on several roms I found most of the space was taken either by the address book storage, or calendar storage clearing that and let it re sync solved the problem. I would recommend also going with roms that have the delvik cache moved to the cache partition that gives you about 80 megs more space. A few of the developers out there have that tweak.

Tips to increase available storage aside, I really wish there was a way to turn the notification off or adjust the threshold. To me, 10% is too high. You can still do plenty with 41MB left.

Yeah, I got that the other day. I bought a Class 10 16 GB card so I can do apps2sd. *sigh*...too many apps.

running ava Z1 and i still have 231 MD free

Do a full wipe & manually restore everything, it'll do more than just a dalvik & cache wipe which only seems to free up a few MB of internal storage.
Tedious but a healthy habit.

I had the same issue....check out the thread

mebo73 said:
Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!
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This is a refurbed phone I got a month or so ago. I do have way more than 4 apps though!
Just today when I updated my apps I got a bunch of insufficent space errors, with 40.89mb's free. Are there any apps that I can use to check how much space is left besides settings-sd+phone storage.

you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either

mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.

Why not download App2SD from the market place and move some of your apps to the SDCARD. This will free up space from your phone's internal storage.

shoobshoober said:
I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.
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oops, sorry, should be fixed now

mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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Thanks for fixing the link! I'd actually read that before. My contact storage is a whopping 3.7 mb yours was 157mb. You fixed yours by chopping your contact storage by chopping your contact storage way down and switching completely to a apps2sd.
I don't really think that that is the solution, in your thread there was a guy running cm 6 that got down to 12mb left. I can't get down below 40mbs without getting insufficient space errors. It seems like there must be a setting wrong somewhere.

What I recently did was installed Dark tremors a2sd on my phone. It actually moves all your apps to sd and frees up so much memory. It's frickin awesome. First you have to partition your sd card if you haven't already. To do so you must first create a backup of your sd to your computer as prtitioning will wipe the sd. Also I only now how to partition the sd using Amon RA recovery, it's much easier than using clockwork. Partition up to ext3.
To find Dark Tremors flashable zip go here-
I'll tell you what, if you cant figure out the rest, PM me and I will give you my number to help walk you through it if you need. Good luck.
BTW, I'm also using Myn with about 95 apps and have 227mb left in my phone.

did you check out the app that lets you explore the "app usage" on your phone. It should help you figure out what is eating all the memory.
I think you are probably going the wrong direction in terms of just trying to lower the low space threshold or get rid of the warning. 40mb will dwindle further and further until it creates other issues, and there is TONS of space on the evo, you need to address the low space issue, not the notification.
Use that app and browse through your internal storage, if you cant figure out whats eating up your space i *highly* recommend you root and install darktremors a2sd. I hate messing with my phone and trying to do that kind of stuff and i really had no problems when i finally caved and did it, it was all pretty simple and the instructions are laid out well.


A2SD is pointless

So Froyo is here and my phone is full... constant messages in the notificication bar saying sms cannot be received because the phone is full etc...
Wasnt Apps to SD meant to sort this, how can it when not even Google uses this feature, only one of my apps (skymap) uses it...
What about maps,earth etc... all the massive files
What a joke
Froyo release isn't even finished (not even really started) and you are complaining now? Just WAIT.
marmankites said:
So Froyo is here and my phone is full... constant messages in the notificication bar saying sms cannot be received because the phone is full etc...
Wasnt Apps to SD meant to sort this, how can it when not even Google uses this feature, only one of my apps (skymap) uses it...
What about maps,earth etc... all the massive files
What a joke
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You do know you have to move those files manually right? Goto settings->Applications->Manage Applications->[App name here] then click move to SD Card. This only works with applications that the developer of the app flaged to be able to move to SD card.
I agree, it does suck. Even with the command that allows you to move all apps2sd, it is still horrible in my opinion. This is why I am back to using the old method of apps2sd, much more easier -- and it doesn't take up space on my main SD card partition.
Of course I know you do it manually, I went through all my apps hoping I could find some to move to get a txt message come through, pulling my hair out!
What is this, Apple now?
You're all idiots. Froyo JUST got released. Now devs actually have a reason to implement A2SD in their apps. That's right, the Froyo method requires each app to be made compatible first. And yeah you have to do it manually. So freaking educate yourselves before you start *****ing.
Yes and the froyo method only moves a portion of the app leaving a large portion on your phone. Also if you have to format your sd card then when you restore your back up to your sd card from your computer you still have to reinstall all of your apps because the implementation has some sort of encryption and screws you over. So your right we are all idiots because the google implemented a ****ty half ass version of apps 2 sd!
FaJu said:
You're all idiots. Froyo JUST got released. Now devs actually have a reason to implement A2SD in their apps. That's right, the Froyo method requires each app to be made compatible first. And yeah you have to do it manually. So freaking educate yourselves before you start *****ing.
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I am not sure who need education,
I do feel their implementation is flawed as well. The fact is that it's easy to see that the ext4 partition method is better and simpler.
Glad others have found it to be a pittyfull attempt
Its on par with Apples "multitasking"
I think it is good enough for a normal user. All other use app2sd anyway.
I also use the 'old' method.
I have an EXT3 partitin and it's much smoother and less internal memory is used.
I hate the fact that all apps that are on the SD the FROYO way don't work if you mount your SDCARD.
Im having a hard time of finding the benefits of Google version over the APPS2SD version.
Not knocking Googles version since its brand spanking new...but outside of the need to partition it seems better than Google version.
xManMythLegend said:
Im having a hard time of finding the benefits of Google version over the APPS2SD version.
Not knocking Googles version since its brand spanking new...but outside of the need to partition it seems better than Google version.
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Yeah after seeing how it works on my nexus I plan on rooting my phone finally so I don't have to be annoyed by it in the future.
So if you install whole apps on the sd card... what happens to those with widgets you are currently using and you mount the sd card? It will totally screw the widgets right?
Edit: Nvm, that's why there's an ext3 partition right?
Grrr...stupid question.
Can I create an EXT partition at this point without wiping my SD card or losing data ?
Well I agree it is not as good as having an ext partition for apps2sd but I have had zero issues with the new version. I installed market manager and choose to install apps to the sd card. Manually move them over and reboot. Once booted I force close adw.launcher with a task manager and all apps show and work just fine. I have over 100 apps on my phone and almost all of them are on sd with the exception of widgets and a couple others for one reason or another. No glitches or problems whatsoever. not sure what you guys are doing wrong.
r0adki111 said:
Well I agree it is not as good as having an ext partition for apps2sd but I have had zero issues with the new version. I installed market manager and choose to install apps to the sd card. Manually move them over and reboot. Once booted I force close adw.launcher with a task manager and all apps show and work just fine. I have over 100 apps on my phone and almost all of them are on sd with the exception of widgets and a couple others for one reason or another. No glitches or problems whatsoever. not sure what you guys are doing wrong.
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Can you explain the bolded ?
Theres so few apps enabled for SD and Im already out of space. There was a way to force all apps to sd googles way but it seemed to cause problems.
BTW the skin switched after I typed this freaked me the hell out...thought I accidently posted this on BangBros forum or something.
xManMythLegend said:
Can you explain the bolded ?
Theres so few apps enabled for SD and Im already out of space. There was a way to force all apps to sd googles way but it seemed to cause problems.
BTW the skin switched after I typed this freaked me the hell out...thought I accidently posted this on BangBros forum or something.
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market manager gives you the option to pick where you want to install your apps. if you tell them to go to sd and then go into settings, applications, manage applications and click on an app you can click "move to sd" and the app will go there. Essentially it is the google method. I haven't used frf83 yet so I dunno if it's different.
forum skin change just freaked me out too haha!
r0adki111 said:
market manager gives you the option to pick where you want to install your apps. if you tell them to go to sd and then go into settings, applications, manage applications and click on an app you can click "move to sd" and the app will go there. Essentially it is the google method. I haven't used frf83 yet so I dunno if it's different.
forum skin change just freaked me out too haha!
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Is this a seperate app ?
If so I cant find a link here or marketplace.
xManMythLegend said:
Is this a seperate app ?
If so I cant find a link here or marketplace.
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I'm sorry, I believe it's called "MarketAccess". I sent my n1 in for dust and don't have it to look at right now. my mistake.

How can I get more internal storage?

I've moved all my apps th at I can to the SDCard but I'm still low on storage.
Nexus One running CM6 RC2
You can't "get more internal storage". Try deleting some stuff though to free up more space, your one and only solution
cymru said:
You can't "get more internal storage". Try deleting some stuff though to free up more space, your one and only solution
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Yea that's what I meant. Wasn't there something where you could move the dalvik cache to the SD card to free up lot of space?
Hmm yeah but moving the Cache to a slow Storage Card basically defeats the point of having cache.... Also I know a few people who have done it have ended up with unstable phones.
It would free up alot of space but its whether you wanna risk having to hardreset your phone if all goes tits up
Here is the Cyanogen How-To on moving the dalvik cache, im not sure how up to date it is though -->
google earth installed? at 20+mb maybe remove it (until it's able to be moved to SD card), you got maps anyway
jojoatt said:
google earth installed? at 20+mb maybe remove it (until it's able to be moved to SD card), you got maps anyway
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I got google earth on the SD card.
I found my web browser eating a ton of data that it stores. If you clear it fully, it frees up around 10mb or more, depending on how long since you did it last, but be careful. It's very possible to delete your bookmarks and other important data depending on how you delete it.
iVisionX01 said:
I got google earth on the SD card.
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Using Froyo's method? That moves like 4M of 20M for Google Earth.
If you want more space, you'll want to use the old apps2sd method, which moves EVERYTHING.
khaytsus said:
Using Froyo's method? That moves like 4M of 20M for Google Earth.
If you want more space, you'll want to use the old apps2sd method, which moves EVERYTHING.
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Oh I see. If I were to use the old method then tried restoring my apps would they automatically reinstall even if I wiped the ext2/3/4 partition?

phone running out of space?? gmail taking a while to refresh?

my N1 is saying its running out of space. anyone runnin into a space issue too? what did u do? i dont think i have that many apps installed. i uninstalled the ones i didnt really need.
when i check SD Card/Phone storage settings, says my phone's internal storage available space is 19.07mb >.< is that low....
also, for gmail syncing, is it me or does it take like a while to sync...?
If you are running a custom rom try moving large apps like Flash to your SD card. Also clear your browser cache. Deleteing old sms's will help also.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
no custom rom. stock 2.2.1. moved what i can to SD. 32.75mb now =3
did you try removing browser cache?
removing browser cache was what increased it to 30 something mb =3 lol
is there any way to save text messages =3
Try this out for backing up SMS: (I can't post live links yet.)
SMS Backup & Restore from the Market
does it get saved on the sd or on the phone?
20mb is the limit for the low space warning.
removed some some unused apps again. now at avail space 48.70mb. is that good? what does everyone else have?
did the backup thing... went thru my 17k+ msgs since i got phone in august. xD
Everyone else mostly has custom ROMs with Apps2EXT, which equals pretty much unlimited space for apps.
???? apps2ext??
I hover around 25mb-30mb free space usually. I also have a bunch of games I could uninstall since I only every play maybe 3 of them.
Every time I got the low space warning it was from having way too many windows going in the browser.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
i close em tho =3
iandroo888 said:
???? apps2ext??
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[Sigh] Search is your friend...
clear cache.. browser usually has 5mb or more.
move apps to SD; froyo style.
Hope that helps.
moved all i could over to sd. uninstalled whatever apps i could. cleared cache.

Are there any benefits from partitioning sdcard?

Title pretty much says it all. I can't really find any solid info on this.
Thanks in advance.
I thought the modern ROMs specifically made use of this for OS related reasons but it appears to be for internal storage space issues only that I can find info.
Without the sd-ext extension you could use apps2sd but the data from your apps would still take up internal memory and at some point you would run out of internal memory.
With sd-ext and a program like link2sd (or s2e which I am not familiar with), you could store the app and also the app data on the sd-ext partition. Obviously for some games, this would make a big difference, but for me space is not an issue - however ...
My wife's older samsung had a ridiculously small internal storage space and apps2sd didn't cut it. After formatting an ext partition and using link2sd I was able to free up way more space and now her phone works again.
Homerbsharp said:
I thought the modern ROMs specifically made use of this for OS related reasons but it appears to be for internal storage space issues only that I can find info.
Without the sd-ext extension you could use apps2sd but the data from your apps would still take up internal memory and at some point you would run out of internal memory.
With sd-ext and a program like link2sd (or s2e which I am not familiar with), you could store the app and also the app data on the sd-ext partition. Obviously for some games, this would make a big difference, but for me space is not an issue - however ...
My wife's older samsung had a ridiculously small internal storage space and apps2sd didn't cut it. After formatting an ext partition and using link2sd I was able to free up way more space and now her phone works again.
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If phones are low on internal space, does the performance of the phone suffer? Just wondering. Everytime i get everything set up on my phone I have around 300mb of internal storage left, so it isn't a problem for me.
I2IEAILiiTY said:
If phones are low on internal space, does the performance of the phone suffer? Just wondering. Everytime i get everything set up on my phone I have around 300mb of internal storage left, so it isn't a problem for me.
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Definitely a problem if you are low on space; my wife's phone basically ground to a halt and would pop up errors re space and apps would just close spontaneously and take her back to the home screen. - of course her storage space issue was very severe.
Homerbsharp said:
Definitely a problem if you are low on space; my wife's phone basically ground to a halt and would pop up errors re space and apps would just close spontaneously and take her back to the home screen. - of course her storage space issue was very severe.
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Yea, I had that problem a couple months ago when I was running a sense rom
Me too I think, made me start using Rom Cleaner ...
Homerbsharp said:
Me too I think, made me start using Rom Cleaner ...
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That a script?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
I2IEAILiiTY said:
That a script?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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Yes, noticed with sense ROMs that my system partition was full and didn't sit well with me. I basically just wanted the weather on the lockscreen.
Once I used the script after flashing ROM I had way more space.
Basically there is a default script, but you can modify it as you like. They have done a really good job with this. I wouldn't flash a sense ROM anymore wo using this tool.

Been trying to do this for two years, still need to use sd card as internal memory

I ran out of storage for new apps a long time ago. My device is kind of useless for new things because there is no internal memory for INSTALLING APPS, even after removing 75% of my apps which includes system apps. There is just no more space. It still has 2gb of internal memory left BUT THAT CANNOT BE USED FOR INSTALLING APPS, stupidly. There are 8GB of total internal storage space.
I have plenty of storage for data. Just not for apps. I have a 32GB SD card as well.
App2SD apps, I maximized all possible data to be moved.
Apps with data larger than 20MB I just deleted the whole apps.
Still no more space.
Additionally, it means I CANNOT use this tablet for things like games, or for storing map data from gopilot live as a backup in case my phone dies. Which is VERY limiting. Especially because I used to like to play games on it but I had to remove all the games to make way for utilities.
Thus I DESPERATELY NEED to be able to install UNLIMITED NUMBER OF APPS using the SD card for internal storage.
I tried the vold.fstab method HERE, but it did not work.
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
I ran out of storage for new apps a long time ago. My device is kind of useless for new things because there is no internal memory for INSTALLING APPS, even after removing 75% of my apps which includes system apps. There is just no more space. It still has 2gb of internal memory left BUT THAT CANNOT BE USED FOR INSTALLING APPS, stupidly. There are 8GB of total internal storage space.
I have plenty of storage for data. Just not for apps. I have a 32GB SD card as well.
App2SD apps, I maximized all possible data to be moved.
Apps with data larger than 20MB I just deleted the whole apps.
Still no more space.
Additionally, it means I CANNOT use this tablet for things like games, or for storing map data from gopilot live as a backup in case my phone dies. Which is VERY limiting. Especially because I used to like to play games on it but I had to remove all the games to make way for utilities.
Thus I DESPERATELY NEED to be able to install UNLIMITED NUMBER OF APPS using the SD card for internal storage.
I tried the vold.fstab method HERE, but it did not work.
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i'd say you just need test different apps all over and over akd different methods from XDA, i have on my phone sdcard as internal memory but same method wont work on tab 4..... you should use folder mount to move appdata to sdcard and use it from there, it helps if you have big app data on internal sd card.
thelous said:
i'd say you just need test different apps all over and over akd different methods from XDA, i have on my phone sdcard as internal memory but same method wont work on tab 4..... you should use folder mount to move appdata to sdcard and use it from there, it helps if you have big app data on internal sd card.
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No I tried that already. It does Not work because of the error "this has been limited due to kitkat so you're not authorized" or something to that extent. It's not an error, it is a limitation of the kitkat (and all subsequent) operating systems. Google did that on purpose to try to force people to have to upgrade their phone.
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
No I tried that already. It does Not work because of the error "this has been limited due to kitkat so you're not authorized" or something to that extent. It's not an error, it is a limitation of the kitkat (and all subsequent) operating systems. Google did that on purpose to try to force people to have to upgrade their phone.
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well, you could install cyanogenmod to fix issue.....
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
Extreme measures is NOT a solution. That's like saying, "I'm having an issue with my computer..." and someone saying, "well, you could always get a new computer." NO. Not a solution.
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Cyanogenmod isn't an extreme solution, it runs better than touchwiz IMO and it takes up significantly less memory, which is a fact. It's more like saying, "I don't like Windows," and the reply being, "You should try out Ubuntu," especially since both cyanogenmod, like Ubuntu, is completely free
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
Reinstalling my entire OS is not a solution. Get over it. I am not reinstalling a new OS.
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With a quote like that you are on the wrong website my friend. Sorry for trying to help. And it is a valid solution since it would've solved the problem
Waiting for a real solution to the actual problem.
uh if youre not ready to install different rom i guess theres no solution
I'm having the exact same dilemma. In my case, not going to CM (or another rom/firmware/kernel..) is due to the fact that my children use the tablets, so the KidsMode needs to work. I've looked at that one from Zoodles, and its rubbish compared to the Samsung one available on their Galaxy devices. My original post never had any reply other than my own update.
By the way: I'm still searching for a solution to this... If only Samsung would/could release Marshmallow on this tablet, the Adoptable Storage option could be used...
Now, if you can just hold your breath...
lol I know right...?
Full disclosure: I've given up hope of finding a solution that will work with (essentially) stock 4.4.2, so now I'm looking into how to get the TouchWiz framework to run on a rom/kernel that DOES support support an external/internal swap.
Of course, that does nothing to help the OP, but IMO the best solution has already been presented to him: Install a custom ROM that supports what he needs. It's still the best solution since there don't seem to be any TouchWiz-dependent apps he needs.
Years later still no solution
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
Years later still no solution
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If you are willing to root your device you can use Apps2sd to actually move(link) whole app into sd card.
You'll need to repartition your sd card to do it, but there are good guides to do it.
Oh it's renamed app2sd but here is the link for it
you can also try link2sd app
keikari said:
If you are willing to root your device you can use Apps2sd to actually move(link) whole app into sd card.
You'll need to repartition your sd card to do it, but there are good guides to do it.
Oh it's renamed app2sd but here is the link for it
you can also try link2sd app
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That's very limited and actually doesn't do anything more than the native android system does already, ever since about 2013 or so
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
That's very limited and actually doesn't do anything more than the native android system does already, ever since about 2013 or so
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I don't know about how limited it is, but it's completly different than native android moving apps to sd. Linking is like actually increasing your devices internal memory(not really but somethign like that). Also it's easiest/(propably)best way to get more memory for apps.

