phone running out of space?? gmail taking a while to refresh? - Nexus One General

my N1 is saying its running out of space. anyone runnin into a space issue too? what did u do? i dont think i have that many apps installed. i uninstalled the ones i didnt really need.
when i check SD Card/Phone storage settings, says my phone's internal storage available space is 19.07mb >.< is that low....
also, for gmail syncing, is it me or does it take like a while to sync...?

If you are running a custom rom try moving large apps like Flash to your SD card. Also clear your browser cache. Deleteing old sms's will help also.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

no custom rom. stock 2.2.1. moved what i can to SD. 32.75mb now =3

did you try removing browser cache?

removing browser cache was what increased it to 30 something mb =3 lol
is there any way to save text messages =3

Try this out for backing up SMS: (I can't post live links yet.)

SMS Backup & Restore from the Market

does it get saved on the sd or on the phone?

20mb is the limit for the low space warning.

removed some some unused apps again. now at avail space 48.70mb. is that good? what does everyone else have?
did the backup thing... went thru my 17k+ msgs since i got phone in august. xD

Everyone else mostly has custom ROMs with Apps2EXT, which equals pretty much unlimited space for apps.

???? apps2ext??

I hover around 25mb-30mb free space usually. I also have a bunch of games I could uninstall since I only every play maybe 3 of them.

Every time I got the low space warning it was from having way too many windows going in the browser.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

i close em tho =3

iandroo888 said:
???? apps2ext??
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[Sigh] Search is your friend...

clear cache.. browser usually has 5mb or more.
move apps to SD; froyo style.
Hope that helps.

moved all i could over to sd. uninstalled whatever apps i could. cleared cache.


Low Memory what else can I do

OK...I have searched and did the tips provided...
I do not play games but my daughter has two on the device but I keep it clean with the few apps I want. I had facebooks linked but I unlinked and removed the data. I cleared cache with Astro and downloaded AndExplorer to view the internal memory and del some large wallpaper files in internal. Also did mange programs to clear other cache. I do show the HTC mail folder at about 95MB but cannot find it...all my mail is set to save to the sdcard.
The device sdcard & phone storage app never reflects the internal memory size never changes 748MB total & 636 available space . I am lost is this a 2.1 DINC issue? I am on stock OS and rooted. What else can I do...
I went through all of this and the only thing that worked was a hard reset
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I was thinking the same....I hope the 2.2 works out better...this is very frustrating
So the device has 6.06GB of memory but I cannot use this for app?? I do not under the rom space vs the phone space...
If I could store apps on the SD card would this eliminate this issue?

[Q] Internal Space low, Already used Apps2sd [Solved]

So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
I'm running Fresh rom rooted and such
mastermarc said:
So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
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Maybe it's browser cache? Does the contacts storage also include text messages?
I've never used Apps2SD but if it works like the native 2.2 SD storage then it doesn't completely move apps to the SD card. I'm pretty sure that the App itself is stored in the internal storage and only non-essential data is moved to the SD card.
Nope already cleared browser caches.
SMS messages are under 5mb, (already had to fix that issue when having 3000+ messages started killing my sms program)
But whats weird about this whole thing is that it's not like i went on an app installing spree. I installed all these apps long ago and haven't messed with it much, then one day i get the low storage space issue.
try "disk usage" in the market. its free, and it should show you what's using all your free space.
Cool this works, shows:
Applications 310MB
Contacts storage 157.3MB
System data 78MB
Free space 39MB
Guess i'll start digging through it
mastermarc said:
this is only good for your storage card.... Same thing i can do by plugging it into my computer.
I want the same thing but for internal memory
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really? when I use it, it shows storage card and application storage. sorry, thought that's what you were looking for (application storage I mean).
oh cool. glad its working for you.
Award Tour said:
I've never used Apps2SD but if it works like the native 2.2 SD storage then it doesn't completely move apps to the SD card. I'm pretty sure that the App itself is stored in the internal storage and only non-essential data is moved to the SD card.
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This seems to be the case, i've got (303MB-157contact storage=146MB) in "Applications" even though the apps2sd program only shows something like 76mb
57MB under "System Data" Anyone else know if this is reasonable?
Uninstalled a few apps, namely the video messenger add on for yahoo (until it goes down in size or i actually find someone to video chat with)
so i'm up to 66MB free...guess that will be ok for a while.
not sure whats normal regarding system data space, but I'm at 12.2mb, im running cm6.1. just an fyi cause I saw you were in the 50's.
mastermarc said:
So i started getting the low space error, and despite my efforts, i keep losing more space.
I first got the error with ~40mb of internal space left, and so i started uninstalling apps, doing searches on how to fix the issue, clearing cache etc. This brought me up to a whopping 50mb and the error went away.. For a night.
Then it came back, 43mb, and now that i look at it today i'm down to 39mb
So where the hell is my space going?
I've already moved all the apps that can be moved on the SD card with apps2sd, and i added up all the apps in the apps2sd program that says "phone only"
I get 76mb from apps,
+157mb contacts storage
=233mb used internal space
I'm looking for a program or something like "Jdiskreport" which allows you to graphically view your files based on their size, so you can find large files no matter where they are hiding instead of just randomly browsing through the root explorer.
When i open up manage applications here are my top space users
Contacts storage 157mb
Messenger voice and video 22.57mb (on sd card)
Adobe flash 10.9mb
Officesuite 8.7mb
RockPlayer 8.39mb (on sd card)
Handcent SMS 5.32mb
facebook 5.14mb
Then i have a bunch of >5mb programs, but many of them are on the sd card.
Anyone got any suggestions? I thought the evo had lots of space.
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I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd.
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I almost forgot to mention that you must be rooted and have a rom that supports it. I use myn's.
If your evo phone is root, there's an app in the market call install manager , you'll be able to install your app on the SD Card, with no problem.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Sounds like you have a **** load of apps. I have like 20 right now but I have 350 MB of free space. I imagine I would have to have a hundred in order to be that low. However I am rooted and I got rid of most of the Sprint crap.
Sent from my EVO 3G!
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
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I'm having the same issue. How does one move the dalvik to sd?
Swyped from my EVO
To enable dalvik to cache you must flash a rom that has that feature. I don't believe its possible with stock/non superuser (unrooted phone)
Swyped from a galaxy far far away......
lloydcabraham said:
I had the same problem until I used Darktremors a2sd and moved my Dalvik to sd also. The Dalvik is the reason that you're running out of space and the Froyo apps2sd does nothing for it. just remember to keep all apps using a widget on the phone instead of sd. I hover between 107 and 120mb free with 230 user apps and an additional 150 in system apps.
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Could you explain the part in bold? Anyway here is what i did and what my results were.
So since i have a rooted rom i went ahead and installed this via the instructions here:
Doing this alone brought me up to 81MB (from 39)
Then i followed the instructions for the command line interface of darktremors a2sd here
I opened up terminal and typed in:
-Moves Dalvik cache files to the ext2/ext3/ext4 partition on your secure digital card. Creates Dalvik Cache to SD flag.
It immediately restarted and now it shows i'm up to 174MB available space
I booted back into the terminal and ran
/system/bin/a2sd check
I found an X next to one of the things about apps, so i ran the repair.
/system/bin/a2sd repair
It forced closed 2 apps and then restarted itself
At this point it went down to 130MB on reboot
Went back into a2sd and ran check again, the [X] on the apps part is now a [!]
So i ran
/system/bin/a2sd reinstall
Waited for that to do its thing, force closed something or other and then rebooted itself
Upon reboot i'm back up to 173MB free, rerunning a2sd check shows no [X]'s so that all looks good.
Everything seems to be working as of now with a good amount of free space so that's where i'm at.
If you move apps with widgets to the sd with apps to sd, the widgets won't load. You gotta leave those on the phone.
Are you using just the native froyo "move to sd" kind of functionality or are you using the DarkTremor's Apps2sd root functionality?
It sounds like you're just moving the apps that have that support moving to sd card, with the other method ANY app can be installed to your sd card.
mastermarc said:
Could you explain the part in bold? Anyway here is what i did and what my results were.
So since i have a rooted rom i went ahead and installed this via the instructions here:
Doing this alone brought me up to 81MB (from 39)
Then i followed the instructions for the command line interface of darktremors a2sd here
I opened up terminal and typed in:
-Moves Dalvik cache files to the ext2/ext3/ext4 partition on your secure digital card. Creates Dalvik Cache to SD flag.
It immediately restarted and now it shows i'm up to 174MB available space
I booted back into the terminal and ran
/system/bin/a2sd check
I found an X next to one of the things about apps, so i ran the repair.
/system/bin/a2sd repair
It forced closed 2 apps and then restarted itself
At this point it went down to 130MB on reboot
Went back into a2sd and ran check again, the [X] on the apps part is now a [!]
So i ran
/system/bin/a2sd reinstall
Waited for that to do its thing, force closed something or other and then rebooted itself
Upon reboot i'm back up to 173MB free, rerunning a2sd check shows no [X]'s so that all looks good.
Everything seems to be working as of now with a good amount of free space so that's where i'm at.
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That's good. What I mean about the bold part is that anything you install will automatically go to the sd. If you create a widget or shortcut, upon reboot it probably won't show unless you do a hot boot. To avoid that, just go to settings, applications and move the app to phone and it should work fine.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
lloydcabraham said:
That's good. What I mean about the bold part is that anything you install will automatically go to the sd. If you create a widget or shortcut, upon reboot it probably won't show unless you do a hot boot. To avoid that, just go to settings, applications and move the app to phone and it should work fine.
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Ah sounds good, i can manage that when i run into the issue.
What have you done to your contacts to make them so huge? Custom high res pictures for everyone? 10,000 contacts? I have a decent amount of contacts with some customizations and it takes up <10mb. You're definitely losing a lot of space there...
Not really sure, i probably don't have more than 200 or so contacts, could have something to do with all the facebook pictures being synced in or something.

Phone Storage is getting low!

I'm running Myn's warm 2.2. The thing that really gets me is I have 41.94 mb available. I could fit dozens more apps.
Is there any way I can change when that stupid low memory thing go's off. I would like to change it to something more reasonable like 10mb.
Did you do a full wipe before flashing your should have way more space than that....
Sent from my rooted evo using the xda app....if I helped you, please click Thanks!
I did a full wipe when I flashed my rom like three weeks ago. It's low because of apps. It's just it seems like that annoying notifaction shouldn't op up when I have that much space
Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!
I had the same problems on several roms I found most of the space was taken either by the address book storage, or calendar storage clearing that and let it re sync solved the problem. I would recommend also going with roms that have the delvik cache moved to the cache partition that gives you about 80 megs more space. A few of the developers out there have that tweak.
Tips to increase available storage aside, I really wish there was a way to turn the notification off or adjust the threshold. To me, 10% is too high. You can still do plenty with 41MB left.
Yeah, I got that the other day. I bought a Class 10 16 GB card so I can do apps2sd. *sigh*...too many apps.
running ava Z1 and i still have 231 MD free
Do a full wipe & manually restore everything, it'll do more than just a dalvik & cache wipe which only seems to free up a few MB of internal storage.
Tedious but a healthy habit.
I had the same issue....check out the thread
mebo73 said:
Im all stock and had the same problem after i got a furbed phone from sprint. Was werid, I actually DL 4 apps and then said the same thing and then deleted all of them and STILL said it!
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This is a refurbed phone I got a month or so ago. I do have way more than 4 apps though!
Just today when I updated my apps I got a bunch of insufficent space errors, with 40.89mb's free. Are there any apps that I can use to check how much space is left besides settings-sd+phone storage.
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.
Why not download App2SD from the market place and move some of your apps to the SDCARD. This will free up space from your phone's internal storage.
shoobshoober said:
I think your link is broken. Doesn't work when I click on it.
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oops, sorry, should be fixed now
mastermarc said:
you will seriously find all this information in the thread i posted, it's not very long either
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Thanks for fixing the link! I'd actually read that before. My contact storage is a whopping 3.7 mb yours was 157mb. You fixed yours by chopping your contact storage by chopping your contact storage way down and switching completely to a apps2sd.
I don't really think that that is the solution, in your thread there was a guy running cm 6 that got down to 12mb left. I can't get down below 40mbs without getting insufficient space errors. It seems like there must be a setting wrong somewhere.
What I recently did was installed Dark tremors a2sd on my phone. It actually moves all your apps to sd and frees up so much memory. It's frickin awesome. First you have to partition your sd card if you haven't already. To do so you must first create a backup of your sd to your computer as prtitioning will wipe the sd. Also I only now how to partition the sd using Amon RA recovery, it's much easier than using clockwork. Partition up to ext3.
To find Dark Tremors flashable zip go here-
I'll tell you what, if you cant figure out the rest, PM me and I will give you my number to help walk you through it if you need. Good luck.
BTW, I'm also using Myn with about 95 apps and have 227mb left in my phone.
did you check out the app that lets you explore the "app usage" on your phone. It should help you figure out what is eating all the memory.
I think you are probably going the wrong direction in terms of just trying to lower the low space threshold or get rid of the warning. 40mb will dwindle further and further until it creates other issues, and there is TONS of space on the evo, you need to address the low space issue, not the notification.
Use that app and browse through your internal storage, if you cant figure out whats eating up your space i *highly* recommend you root and install darktremors a2sd. I hate messing with my phone and trying to do that kind of stuff and i really had no problems when i finally caved and did it, it was all pretty simple and the instructions are laid out well.

[Q] Where did my app storage go?

I've run out of app storage space on my phone. Its given me a low storage space warning and wont let me install anything else until I remove something.
I use apps 2 sd pro which was the free app on amazon a long time ago. It is telling me that I have 39.04MB available out of 498.38MB total on my phone. I have moved every possible app that will let me to my sd card. The are 40 apps that are left on my phone though that can not be moved and are the standard things I always use and dont want to get rid of. Things like maps, market, music, flash, etc.
I've added up the size of all of the apps installed to the phone storage and it comes to about 162MB. How are 162MB's of apps taking up 498MB of space. Where did the other 336MB go?
kswis001 said:
I've run out of app storage space on my phone. Its given me a low storage space warning and wont let me install anything else until I remove something.
I use apps 2 sd pro which was the free app on amazon a long time ago. It is telling me that I have 39.04MB available out of 498.38MB total on my phone. I have moved every possible app that will let me to my sd card. The are 40 apps that are left on my phone though that can not be moved and are the standard things I always use and dont want to get rid of. Things like maps, market, music, flash, etc.
I've added up the size of all of the apps installed to the phone storage and it comes to about 162MB. How are 162MB's of apps taking up 498MB of space. Where did the other 336MB go?
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Epic will raise "Low memory" warning when phone has less then 50Mb of free memory.
Clearing the cache for some programs will make it go away.
Open Samsung program manager and it has all stats for available memory on the last two tabs.
The other 336 MB is the operating system and system apps.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought the phone had 1GB of ROM though. And that about 500MB of it was for the OS, and the other 500MB was for apps. Is this not how it is? Is it only 500MB of ROM and I only get about 160MB for apps after the OS takes the rest of the space?
The Galaxy II has the 1G, we get 512MB.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
kennyglass123 said:
The Galaxy II has the 1G, we get 512MB.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Kenny the epic has 1gb of rom 512 mb of ram. The SGSII has 16 gb rom and 1gb of ram.
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
Op did u clear the apps cache? also is your phone rooted?
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
musclehead84 said:
Kenny the epic has 1gb of rom 512 mb of ram. The SGSII has 16 gb rom and 1gb of ram.
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
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Acxcording to this it is 512 MB ROM and I only see 485MB listed in the applications storage.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
If you are using a froyo rom, you can install an app called move2sd enabler, follow the instructions and it will make more apps able to be moved to the sd card, rescan with apps2sd and it will do the rest.
I wonder the same thing. I moved all my apps to the SD card using Titanium Backup,but still running low on space on the internal memory. So the question is what is taking up the memory? If you look at a app in Manage applications you see the storage breakdown. Total,Applications,Data,Cache, and their respective sizes. Here is the deal, you can move your applications to the sd card but the data stays on the internal memory. The data is all your preferences for the app like saves for a game or bookmarks in a browser,things like that. To find more room on internal memory find a cache cleaner in the market. Delete Pictures on your messaging they too are stored in internal memory. Hope this is helps
Mojonator said:
I wonder the same thing. I moved all my apps to the SD card using Titanium Backup,but still running low on space on the internal memory. So the question is what is taking up the memory? If you look at a app in Manage applications you see the storage breakdown. Total,Applications,Data,Cache, and their respective sizes. Here is the deal, you can move your applications to the sd card but the data stays on the internal memory. The data is all your preferences for the app like saves for a game or bookmarks in a browser,things like that. To find more room on internal memory find a cache cleaner in the market. Delete Pictures on your messaging they too are stored in internal memory. Hope this is helps
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There is no option to install apps on your sd card with Titanium. It only backs up a copy of your apps. You need to go into Settings>applications>manage applications and click on every app and move them to sd/usb storage that allows you (not greyed out).
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
DaKillaWilla said:
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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I didnt know about the batch option to move to apps2sd, i just did it one at a time.(long press on the app in Titanium brings up the option) Just remember don't put apps that use widgets on SDcard.
I would be careful using titanium to move apps to the sd card. Some apps just can't be moved to sd card, widget apps will break if not in internal memory, and a lot of system apps can't be moved from the system side of the rom. Titanium doesn't care it will move everything if you tell it to weather it breaks it or not. Just saying use care if using titanum to do this.
I'd start with settings, applications, manage, then the sd option at top. Move everything you can that way first before going to other options to move apps.
Also if you use a particular app often it will run faster if left in phone memory then off the sd card.
Use adb or terminal emulator and check /data/log for dmp files. I've had to clean up several times and did the trick.
DaKillaWilla said:
Titanium has a batch option to move all apps2sd or internal memory.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Holy crap! I never scrolled down the list in batch operations. My bad...thank you sir!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought I had a lot of apps...still haven't ran out of room on the epic. But I do have to say I don't have many games.
you can save some space by using the option in Titanium Backup to merge updates for system apps.
I have this same problem too. I deleted a lot of unused Apps and moved any others to SD. I do not have the option to clear cache from any App. I even deleted all my messages and entire call log and still says internal memory is full. When I add up all my Apps memory its less than 150MB. Its really annoying. Out of curioiousity what ROM is everybody with this promblem running?
BBlunts456 said:
I have this same problem too. I deleted a lot of unused Apps and moved any others to SD. I do not have the option to clear cache from any App. I even deleted all my messages and entire call log and still says internal memory is full. When I add up all my Apps memory its less than 150MB. Its really annoying. Out of curioiousity what ROM is everybody with this promblem running?
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check /data/log you may find some dump files that need to be deleted.

Continually "insufficient storage"

I have a rooted S5 w/ 16GB of internal storage, but I'm rarely able to update/download new apps. I have to scrounge for apps to delete for a half hour just to get it to let me download a new app or update an app. I have moved just about all the apps I can to the SD card (32GB, less than half used).
In the storage screen it says I have used 14.88GB in apps, and <20MB in everything else with "Free space" around 400-500MB. I usually have to get it to mid 500s before it will let me do anything on it. To make matters worse, somehow the apps I uninstall keep reinstalling themselves.
My problem seems to be this big "Applications" thing - which isn't right. I have some large apps, but they keep all their data on the SD card (like podcasts with PocketCasts). On my applications manager, from top down in size - facebook @ 190MB, google play services at 156MB, google app at 134MB... dropping off fairly quickly after that, so no way its 15GB worth.
What am I missing? Do others constantly have this problem? It is getting ridiculous! No reason that I can see that there should be a big bunch of stuff that is counted as used when it isn't.
Some things I've tried:
I heard about something the dumpstate/logcat, I cleared it but nothing got better
I used adb to set the default install location to the external SD card (I forget the exact command), as far as I can tell it is still trying to install in the internal SD card.
Any suggestions or more information needed?
More information thanks to DiskUsage (forgot I can download APKs - which install fine). It shows my internal SD card breakdown as 10796MB overall, 2612MB app data, 7815MB "System data", and 340MB free space (plus some other misc. that makes up the difference). I don't have a great understanding of how this is partitioned, but I'd imagine the ~16GB has 5GB off limits for ROM stuff? Then what is taking up nearly 8GB as "System data"? Is this normal?
Looks like it was creating duplicates in data/app (on a lot of phones I think this is data/app-lib). I used root explorer to purge the duplicates, and now have nearly 3GB free instead of a couple hundred MB!
I have the same problems but I use DiskUsage from the Play Store. Most of the time it's my cache for the download manager has several gigs of wasted space. Clearing cache fixes it for me.
Eodmule said:
I have the same problems but I use DiskUsage from the Play Store. Most of the time it's my cache for the download manager has several gigs of wasted space. Clearing cache fixes it for me.
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I'll check that out the next time I am able to install an app but I should mention I also tap the "cached data" in the storage manager thing (in settings). Usually doesn't work I also use CleanMaster, which seems like it works, some times.
EDIT: Just checked it out, that's awesome! I have been looking for this kind of app, I use WinDirStat on windows that does something similar.
mrzeus7 said:
EDIT: Just checked it out, that's awesome! I have been looking for this kind of app, I use WinDirStat on windows that does something similar.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use WinDirStat also. I really like the visual presentation of both.
Here ya go. You can try this.
?If anyone helps, plz give thanks?
G900V ? BL w/TWRP

