[Q] HD2 Phantom Text Message?? - HD2 General

Hello all. After two years, my first HD2 croaked (touchscreen went out) a few weeks ago. Called T-Mobile, got a refurbished HD2. Had backed up my first HD2 using SPB Backup, so restored to the refurbished HD2. Initially had a problem with a Voicemail notification that wouldn't go away, but managed to solve that issue with the help of T-Mobile Tech Support. I have Cookie's Home Tab (v 1.7) installed.
I'm getting a notification in Quick Links that I have a new text message. But when I open text messaging, there is no new message there. However, if I erase the last EXISTING message that I received, the notification usually goes away. I've looked through all my texts, but there isn't one that hasn't been accessed / read. It seems that the phone can no longer tell if a message is truly new, or old. Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated!
By the way, I've already taken the step of removing my SIM card from the HD2 and putting it in another T-Mobile USA phone to see if, somehow, there was a message on there. None found. Thanks!


Hermes crashes when receiving SMS

I have a really annoying problem with my Orange M3100 (hermes).
Intermitently, but almost every day now, the phone freezes up when a text message comes through, i.e. it will not switch on from standby mode.
I have to reset the phone, and I lose the text message. It can really screw my day up if it was an important text!
Does anyone else have this problem?
I'm looking for a ROM upgrade, but afaik there haven't been any releases from Orange yet. Do any of the other ROMs (i.e. HTC TyTN) have newer sections? I'm guessing it may be a radio ROM problem, but can't be sure of course.
Also hoping crossbow leaks for hermes soon, in case that sorts it out.
Let me know,
I used to have this problem with my Universal.
I had removed the "Messaging" icon from my today screen to make space for other today plug-ins. Since the day I had put the Messaging icon back on my today screen, not once has my device frozen on receipt of a new SMS.
In case you too have removed the messaging icon from the today screen, I strongly suggest that you put it back.
Hope this helps and regards
I had a similar problem with an old MDA2 in which case it was caused by an incompatible SIM card which was old (Version 1.0)... I went to my Cell provider and they exchanged my SIM card with an upgraded one (SIM Version 3.5) and all my SMS problems went away!
My 2 cents...
Thanks guys, but my messaging icon is still on the today screen.
Not sure about the sim card. It's the one that Orange sent me when i bought the phone, so I'm assuming it would be compatible. How can I tell what version SIM it is?
at least on mine it has V3.5 in big letters on one side of the chip...
@ Joehood
Did you manage to resolve this issue or are you having to live with it happening occasionally?
I have noticed this on my device and it occurs only occasionally but when it does it always coincides with a SMS being received and when I'm in the middle of writing one.
Do you have any 3rd party apps that may be causing this?
I have running, PhoneAlarm and PhonePad. I am currently running SPB Mobile SHell but this has happened before installing this. Also occurred in WM5 and WM6.
I figure it might be PhoneAlarm so might try living without to see if this might be the cause, but find this a very useful app.
i got a similar problem on my JASJAM, not being able to send messages right after receiving a message. used to have the phone crash after receiving a message too. i've upgraded my radio and ROM (now using Black Majik and radio ver 1.43) but the problem's still there. still hoping and looking for a cure, hehe...
Whenever I've had this problem, it's been because I'm connected to a bad wifi connection when the text message came in.
If its a good wifi connection that is working properly or if I have no wifi connection, it doesn't happen.

Missing texts

Hi first post on here so hello. I have a HTC TYTN which is on the 3UK mobile network and i notice that i dont always recieve SMS messages and in fact a collegue of mine has the Orange version (unlocked with a 3 SIM) and also gets the same problem. I used to get this on a standard build TYTN and recently upgraded the Radio ROM to 1.35 and the OS to WM6 hoping that it was software related, but i still get missing texts. I just sent 10 texts from another 3UK mobile and only recieved 2...in fact when ever i have tested this you do seem to only get 2 out of the messages sent.
I also dont get delivery notifications, but not sure if this is related.
Any ideas? I would suspect that is most likely to do with 3's Network and as the phone is not officially support doubt anything will be done about it, but i thought i would just ask and see if anyone else has had this issue and had any suggestions...
Many thanks
Drewbie said:
Hi first post on here so hello. I have a HTC TYTN which is on the 3UK mobile network and i notice that i dont always recieve SMS messages and in fact a collegue of mine has the Orange version (unlocked with a 3 SIM) and also gets the same problem. I used to get this on a standard build TYTN and recently upgraded the Radio ROM to 1.35 and the OS to WM6 hoping that it was software related, but i still get missing texts. I just sent 10 texts from another 3UK mobile and only recieved 2...in fact when ever i have tested this you do seem to only get 2 out of the messages sent.
I also dont get delivery notifications, but not sure if this is related.
Any ideas? I would suspect that is most likely to do with 3's Network and as the phone is not officially support doubt anything will be done about it, but i thought i would just ask and see if anyone else has had this issue and had any suggestions...
Many thanks
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Welcome to the wonderful world of Tytn - A rewarding if sometimes frustrating experience
I've read about folks not receiving or being able to send SMS at all, I've read about folk missing texts if the device freezes while in sleep mode, but I have not read about only receiving a proportion of texts sent. Still maybe you'll get some posts to cofirm or otherwise whether it is the three network.
As regards notifications. Normally notifications will be set to on, but perhaps not in your case. The following is taken from the wiki see brown bar near top of this page. This refers to the registry and is the change necessary to turn notifications off (as many seem to want). In your case it would be a reversal of the settings:
Disable SMS received notification
The following setting disable SMS notification and sms recieved icon on screen
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSAvailable = 0>
​To enable again
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSAvailable = 1>
Hi Mike,
Cheers for your reply, but what i meant by delivery notifications is when i send a SMS to someone and i get a sms back saying it got delivered. I think to be honest this is all part of the same problem. I know someone who works within the 3 messaging team so might ask him to trace the SMSs for me and see what happens.
Do you get a notification saying "message sent"?
I have heard of cases (not on 3) where texts have been sent, and then the messaging application closed before this notification appears, and then when the app is opened again, 2 identical texts are sent.
It seems that if the app is not left open for sufficient time after sending (ie before the 'message sent' notification appears), the device can get confused.
Having said that, on t-mob, texting to and from o2, over the past 6 months there have been 1 or 2 occasions when the text sent has not been received for about 3 hours!
Yea i have had the odd instance where friends have recieved multiple texts also occasional get the SMS was not able to be sent message.
I don't seem to get delay in recieving texts just never get some. Interesting a friend bought a newer TYTN last week (mine is august/september last year) and he doesnt have the issue and we both have same ROM versions.
Did another test today and out of 10 only got 6. Very strange, it is starting to drive me crazy LOL. Even more so that other people i know have same issue (out of the 6 people i know who have Hermes phones 5 have the issue all on the 3 UK mobile network either TYTN or Orange one unlocked). The 5 of use did buy the phones all about the same time.
I can only assume there has been some very minor change in the hardware or firmware between the earlier Tytns and the later ones.
I have logged a call with HTC Tech support europe and he said never seen this before but he will pass it to the dev team to look at...so be interesting what they come back with.

SMS issue with updated rom 1.66 WHY??

I updated my ROM as soon as it came out in January.
I have been using my HTC HD2 on and off over the last two months due to its niggles but thought I would give the phone one more chance.
To my dismay again - I having issues with sending and incoming text messages.
For example
There was about a 3 hour window today where I suspect I was not receiving any text or sending any.
I noticed this because I phoned vodafone to give me an automated SMS message to tell me how many mins I got left. But after 2 attempts and left it for 90 mins, no messages came through.
I also sent out a couple of texts but noticed the delivery reports were shown as not delivered. These were two several different people.
So I thought this must be my phone then.
I switched off my phone and back on again, voila the messages I had sent were delivered 30 secs after my phone was switched back on.
I phoned up Vodafone again to get automated text message - viola the sms came within 5 seconds.
What cause the cessation of incoming and outgoing messages in that 3 hour window? Could an app/update running in the background could have caused this?
Is this a common issue even with the latest official ROM update? Is there a fix?
Please help as this issue along with short battery life is making me thing whether to get rid of phone.
But I also love the other features of the phone - for that reason I want this fundamental feature of sending/receiving SMS message to be resolved.
Thanks -rant over
that sounds just like the original sms problem.
did you use backup software when you upgraded? with the wrong settings, when you restore it can cause problems by writing back some old system files.
could be as easy as a hard reset.
no I did not use any backup software. literally just installed the new ROM and then had to install all my programs manually in again. any ideas? it does seem like the old sms issue as the problem is much less frequent but annoying nonetheless lol.
Sorry to hear all your disappointing references your having with your HD2.
I not long after getting myne when had rom 1.48 and now 1.66 never have had any SMS problems(although a fix was installed by HTC straight away apon purchase)
I then installed a app to disable Sence Sms (sorry cant find where i got it from) being processed by Sence as it created a few limitations i liked in windows sms .
Any way by shifting the total responsibility back to Windows Sms functionality > i have never to today experienced a single problem with stuck sms.
I hope this helps.
but my problem is very intermittent. could a program running in the background cause this issue
I have an O2 HD2 which came with ROM V1.43 i had no issues with sms. I installed the V1.66 ROM...still no issues! It may be something to do with your network? might be worth trying a different networks sim card to prove???
I thought the same but i have no issue with my old phone. strange huH?

Soft reset, repeating txt message

Hi guys, I got a little problem on my hands. Ive had the HD2 for several months now, absolutely love the phone. I have a problem as to when I do a soft reset for my phone, or any time my phone is turned back on, I get two new txt messages. Problem is, is that the messages are not new at all, one is from 129 which I read on here is from visual voice mail, not that big of a deal for me. But the second message I always get, was the last txt from my ex girlfriend, about 2 months ago, which to say the least almost got me kicked in the gonads this morning when my current girlfriend turned on my phone. I did a search and got nothing on this, anyone ever experience this issue? Or is this some black magic voodoo from my ex trying to give me a headache?
I get this on my tmobile hd2 also, it has a little sim card icon next to it, So what I usually do is click and hold the text and select move to phone. Then ill click and hold and delete it. Sometimes it works but i cant seem to get the 129 to go away. it usually only pops up when i hard reset.
Have the same problem, any resolve?
seen this myself, but strangely only once, and that was after dozens of flashes where it didnt happen (although they were custom roms, so maybe had 'show sim messages' turned off, whereas teh time it happened was when i flashed back to stock, where it no doubt isn't turned off.)
Just one txt, about 4 mnths old, that was on my sim card. I put my sim in an old (simple) phone and deleted it from there.
Heh the same in my case. I resolved this yesterday, when i remove SIM card and plug it to my old Nokia N82, enter to SIM Messages and delete it.
Now when i have my SIM card in HD2 back, after SR i don't having this pissing off fake new messages.

[Q] SMS issues on new ATRIX 4G

Hi there,
I exchanged by HTC HD2 phone for a Motorola Atrix 4G a few months ago. And am not really sure any more if I took the right decision Am frustrated with the following problems:
- I tend to receive the same text messages sometimes more than once and interesting the time stamp for both the messages is the same. For example a message which says 'lets do coffee' is sent/received on the phone 1030am and the same message pops up again with the time stamp of 1030am at 0200pm!!
- Sometimes i get a text message which says "Incoming message is not delivered to your mobile as your INBOX is full. Please delete some messages to free some space". However, my phone has ample memory (approximately 8-10gb), and i just have 10-12sms the rest I normally delete after reading.
I visited the service provider and they claim there is no problem from their side. I have checked and rechecked the phone/settings but in vain. Can some kind soul out here please please help me. I am really frustrated and probably planning to sell off the phone as I have missed some important SMS's in the past (which got delivered to me after 3-4days with the original time stamps!)
If your using a different sms app then stock one then you'll need to disable one for notification . That should fix for more then one pop up.. As for running out space maybe someone else jump in to help on that...
Have you tried a factory reset? I assume you not running a customer ROM or anything. I have had that issue before on a different phones and it was all ready service provider issue they had something messed up in my account or a auth issue with thier network
Switch to google voice. That's my solution
But in normal terms, your sd space is not for sms or whatever app to take all tue space. That'd be like saying the browser cache could get that big just cause you have the space
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G using Tapatalk on AT&T, the company that disappoints me so much that I have to use my tapatalk signature to tell everyone
hello all,
Thanks for responding. The phone is fairly new and I have not changed any ROM's or anything like that. Its updated with the current official version...absolutely no hacking on it... I am using the standard SMS app that is inbuilt. Interestingly I did a factory reset today and so lets see how it works.
When I delete the message am hoping it gets deleted for ever..or does it get stored in some 'delete' box that I need to clear ?? Though I have a general feeling that the problem is probably from the service provider and not really the phone...
Any other ideas/tips would be appreciated.
i am pretty sure that just deleting it form the phone should take care of it. i am almost positive that there is no were else it is stored on the phone. not sure about if it is stored on hte network some were but i highly doubt it.
I think it has something to do with cell towers.
not sure what the explanation is.
Hello all,
The service provider sent me a text message last afternoon at 1600hrs and as per their records the message was delivered immediately to my number. However in actuality I received it this morning at 1035hrs!! Its so spooky and strange. I really don't know what to do. Motorola is not ready to help either.Their customer service says there is no problem from their side.
I am quiet sure its not a signal issues as I seem to be receiving calls and most sms. Its just a few messages that I don't receive ..and its random.. not from specific numbers...

