[Q] Re-sizing Partitions - Nook Touch General

I use my Nook Touch for reading only. I do not need it to access the internet or download apps. From my understanding, these are the main reasons to root one's Nook.
What I am interested in is gaining access to that 1.5 GB or so of internal memory. As the majority of my books are side loaded, it makes much more sense to have 1.5 GB available to me and only 240 MB for B&N downloadable content.
My first question is, if I am going to try to re-size some partitions and I have no interest in apps, which rooter is the simplest for v1.1? SalsichaNooter or TouchNooter?
And finally, I have searched the forum and there are a couple of threads about re-sizing partitions, but they all involve linux terminal work. I think I might be able to figure it out, but could a linux disk partition program (like gparted) be used instead?

Ok, I found a thread posted by ros87 here that details how to go about resizing the partitions. It was very helpful, however, after rebooting back into my Nook, I am no longer able to connect to the internet.
I am not sure if either the sdb6, sdb7, or sdb8 partitions have any connection to wireless internet, but I noticed during the step of:
#mount /dev/sdb8 tmpdata
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I got some socket warnings relating to a wireless file. ros87 says to ignore the socket warnings, which I did. Then at this step:
#tar xf tmpdata.tar tmpdata
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I got a whole bunch of errors about unable to write files. But when I checked the drive, it seemed that all the folders copied over okay, so I continued on through the steps.
I probably should have copied the error output, but after discovering that wireless isn't working (it says "Unable to Connect"), I'm thinking maybe something didn't copy over correctly.
Should I try deleting and copying over the tmpdata.tar again?

Go trough dmesg and logcat (in adb shell) to see if you can find any troubles about your wifi connectivity, then post it here, but not the complete logs please!
As for my posted setup, I ran it for several weeks, with wifi enabled, without any troubles at all.
The socket errors is not the problem. A socket cannot be copied, and it is recreated whenever the socket service is started.

Can I use adb if my Nook isn't rooted? As in, would I be fine just using noogie? I won't be able to try this until I get home.
Edit: Found this. I'm not interested in apps and such, so this seems the best option for me. Will post the dmesg and logcat later.

Okay, so I restored my backup image and checked the wi-fi. That is coming up as "Unsuccessfull", too. So maybe the problem is my wifi setup? My ipod connects fine, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Just for future knowledge, is it safe to erase and de-register the device with different sized partitions?


[Solved] Rooted Nook Simple Touch stuck on "Rooted Forever"

First of all, a huge thanks to the creators and maintainers of touchnooter and noogie, and all the helpful people on the forums (like this one)
My rooted NST has been incredibly useful and reliable up till now, It contains tons of books and articles waiting for a few sunny days....
However, lately it has been acting a little flaky (segfaults from busybox, notifications not opening, nothing really serious). And then one day it remained stuck on the "rooted forever" screen. I did try a few remedies, but nothing helped (I never made a full backup of the machine ) and I finally ordered a new machine (the glowing version, this time)
Out of sheer curiosity I flashed my SD card with noogie.img, booted from the card, connected the Nook via USB and had a look at the internal storage, in the hope of seeing something that I could correct. The partition table looked fine, but when mounting /system (partition #5) and then listing its contents I got an error message :
# mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/test
# ls -lR /mnt/test
/mnt/test/xbin/blah: I/O error
(.... rest of listing)
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This suggested that the internal storage got corrupted somehow. And sure enough,
# fsck /dev/sdb5
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turned up a lot of errors. After letting fsck do its thing, the Nook now booted normally! I will keep my fingers crossed: there may be a hardware problem that has caused the corruption, and then it will re-occur...
Google didn't turn up this scenario, so I post my story here for the benefit of others who might find it useful. In my case, a full restore of a previous backup (which I didn't have...) would have worked, but would have cost me all the changes I made since that backup.
I am a linux user, but I would be surprised if cygwin and the windows Ext2fs driver couldn't do the job under windows, using approximately the same commands.
So, in a few days, I will be the owner of two working nooks

failed rooting, glowlight not working. HELP!

Guys, I had quite bad experience rooting my glowlight nook with touchnooter . Basically messed smth up so it couldn't start (just kept flashing). didn't save my back up. had to do unrooting with the software 1.1 that I guess was from nook without glowlight. Unrooting went fine, but the glowlight function is not working anymore. does anyone know how to solve this or could give me a link to download the proper software? thanks!
dukenookem said:
Guys, I had quite bad experience rooting my glowlight nook with touchnooter . Basically messed smth up so it couldn't start (just kept flashing). didn't save my back up. had to do unrooting with the software 1.1 that I guess was from nook without glowlight. Unrooting went fine, but the glowlight function is not working anymore. does anyone know how to solve this or could give me a link to download the proper software? thanks!
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you should read the instructions better next time...
but making errors is human and you have a cool nick
I'll hopefully receive my glow in two weeks and I'll upload my backup then
You should make an effort to salvage your personalized data in /rom.
There is all the info in the p2 partition (/rom).
There is also a backup copy in the p3 partition (/factory) as rombackup.zip
You might do this with noogie or CWR and ADB.
Zorkman said:
you should read the instructions better next time...
but making errors is human and you have a cool nick
I'll hopefully receive my glow in two weeks and I'll upload my backup then
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I could use that backup too, to revive my nook =)
I have an open thread here with all the efforts done so far http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1805936
Nook Glow Backup Image
I have a backup image of a NSTG that I am uploading right now ... and looks like it just finished. Here it is:
When you have the image downloaded follow these instructions:
As a new user I am not allowed to post outside links.
Downloading, thank you so much!!!
I'll post again with the results...
YES, YES, YES, YES !!!!!!
leadbella thank you a million times!!
I downloaded the image, and wrote it ot my nook.
By the end of the operation, which took some 9 minutes or so, the process ended abruptly:
error 27 writing to disk at sector 3825664
I opted to ignore it and reboot the nook, just to see what happened. The nook booted alright.
I then booted in CWR and replaced /rom with the contents of my own nook /rom which I had salvaged.
I then booted again, and performed all the process flawlessly.
So far I have registered the device again (no error here since /rom contains my sensitive data. Don't know if it would work if the data was from the original image, since MAC address, device SN and some other parameters would not match), loaded a couple of books and started reading again.
Just in time for another one week shift (leaving tomorrow)
Leadbella you saved my..... nook =)
Thank you, I owe you one.
No problem at all. Looks like it worked for srgarfi ... dukenookem please let me know when you have finished downloading the image. I need to use my dropbox for other things at some point, but I can keep it in there until you finish downloading the image. If the image link above no longer works and anyone needs a copy of this image feel free to send me a message and I will try to post it back up.
The image is from a just out of the box NSTG with no information and nothing added to it.
leadbella said:
No problem at all. Looks like it worked for srgarfi ... dukenookem please let me know when you have finished downloading the image. I need to use my dropbox for other things at some point, but I can keep it in there until you finish downloading the image. If the image link above no longer works and anyone needs a copy of this image feel free to send me a message and I will try to post it back up.
The image is from a just out of the box NSTG with no information and nothing added to it.
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Thanks Leadbella. Downloaded the backup. Tried to follow the instructions, but the size of you file is almost 2 gb, too large for my microSD. Didn't expect the backup file to be that large. gonna go look for a larger sd card.
Renate NST said:
You should make an effort to salvage your personalized data in /rom.
There is all the info in the p2 partition (/rom).
There is also a backup copy in the p3 partition (/factory) as rombackup.zip
You might do this with noogie or CWR and ADB.
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That totally didn't make any sence to me. Sorry for my ignorance. Are there any instructions to follow? thanks.
Could not register
Hey leadbella, thanks for uploading the backup image. I downloaded and worte it to my nook STG. However, I couldnt get pass the setup process. Everytime I reach the log in menu, it will have the error logging in msg. Do you know what might be wrong?
Zaotr0pe said:
Hey leadbella, thanks for uploading the backup image. I downloaded and worte it to my nook STG. However, I couldnt get pass the setup process. Everytime I reach the log in menu, it will have the error logging in msg. Do you know what might be wrong?
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You should have saved your /rom files before ovewritting your nook with leadbella's image.
And I'm afraid there not anything you can do to recover your unique /rom files for your nook now.
Oh, I was concerned that Leadbella had posted an unedited backup...
so, what is going on?
first: if a post about partitions isn't comprehensible to you yet -- you probably shouldn't root your device until you do enough reading that you understand it a bit.
Putting leadbella's file onto an SD card probably won't work as a way to restore; when I recover from an image, I use a usb cable and write from my computer to my device.
Leadbella seems to have taken a complete backup image from the device - this will include the important /boot and /system partitions (which is good) but will also include the /rom partition, which unfortunately is unique to every device.
So, if you restore from that image and don't have access to your own /rom partition or recovery image, you're going to wind up attempting to register a second copy of Leadbella's Nook to your account. Fortunately for Leadbella, that won't work.
Now, what can you do to repair and get a corrected nook which can be registered?
I'm going to try an experiment - I'm going to start by backing my device up in its current state.
(I do this by making a Noogie disk
Booting from Noogie
Connecting to my computer
using the command dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/currentnookglow.img bs=1M
where X is the number of the device that pops up when I connect my NSTG to the USB port.)
That requires linux; if you don't have linux, you can install VMWare Player (Free) and then install linux in that.)
What I'm going to try doing:
- back my system up
- image with Bella's file
- delete the file /rom/devconf/MACAddress from the imaged device
- reboot the device
- see if I can now see the real, physical MAC address, either on the device (unlikely) or on my router (likelier)
If I can see the MAC address, recreate the file with the correct values for Mac and also create a correct file for serial number /rom/devconf/SerialNumber
Boot, and see if the device is registerable to my account.
BUT: right now, BN has blown out the Nook Touch register/deregister/register process. So I can't do the test until they fix that.
And if it does work, anyone trying it will need
- the noogie disk
- linux
For windows users, maybe, but I have not tried:
- a clockwork boot disk
- functioning ADB able to connect to your clockwork-booted device
(Some clockwork boots support ADB; some do not.)
as roustabout explains, you can write Leadbella's image to your nook (if in windows use win32diskimager or diskimage) and then take a look at the contents of /rom.
The fix the contents of macaddress and serialnumber, but only if you plan to use the nook with B&N services fix the rest of the necessary files.
If you just plan to use your nook as a standalone reader (yes, why not?) once registered you can just ignore the contents of /rom (at least until the next software update).
leadbella said:
I have a backup image of a NSTG that I am uploading right now ... and looks like it just finished. Here it is:
When you have the image downloaded follow these instructions:
As a new user I am not allowed to post outside links.
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These links are both no longer available. Can someone post them to a mirror?
I'd really appreciate reup as well, since my backup is not working and I need to restore my NSTG.
before restoring from someone else's img, remember to salvage your own /rom partition since these files are unique to each device and you'll need them to register your nook prior to starting reading.
That said I can upload that IMG, but what's the best choice to do so? Any of the many filesharing services? Dropbox ? Google Drive?
require those images
Hi srgarfi, is it possible for you to please upload those images... i need them...
Please reupload the backup. I could really use it too.
the image I used, originally shared by LeadBella (thanks again!) is here:
Remember to save your /rom files before applying the backup or you won't be able to register your nook on B&N to start reading.

Internal SD Card Paths

Hey guys,
Quick newbie question for you. I followed the procedure in this thread ([ROM][5.1.1][LMY47V] 21 May- Stock Flashable Rom/Factory Image) to a T and have 5.1.1 on the Nexus 4 but for some reason my internal SD card paths are all messed up. I couldn't use my camera to take a photo - it wouldn't save anywhere.
I used Terminal to run the restorecon -FR command for /data/media/0/* and then I restarted the phone and I could use my camera, so that was a good step.
Now I'm in WhatsApp and I can't see any media that people are sending me. The photos stay blurry. Is WhatsApp pointing to a directory that doesn't exist? How can I solve that? Or is my internal SD card ****ed?
I am using TWRP so if you have any solutions I can fully utilize that to fix the path errors or re-flash system img or whatever you think will work! My brother is trying to send me photos through WhatsApp and I can't see 'em!
Any help is appreciated!
Did usie the script included with the stock ROMs to flash back to stock?
audit13 said:
Did usie the script included with the stock ROMs to flash back to stock?
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You mean the flash_all.bat? Nah - I manually flashed as per the forum thread I linked to. I installed through TWRP, not fastboot. My Nexus 4 only connects as an AC source so I can't even get it communicating with my PC to unroot and flash stock.
So the phone is not recognized in OS X, window, or Linux? Tried different USB cables and USB ports?
audit13 said:
So the phone is not recognized in OS X, window, or Linux? Tried different USB cables and USB ports?
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Yeah I've pretty much tried everything to get it communicating with the computer again. I think it's a hardware issue - I had my screen replaced and I think some part of the battery assembly wasn't re-installed properly and thus communication ceased. I thought flashing to 5.1.1 would fix what could have been a 4.4.4 issue, as I had USB fast charge enabled with various kernels, but alas this was not to be.
Any ideas about the internal paths?
A screen replacement does involve moving the USB charging port to the new screen and it is possible that this part was damaged and vertical seems to be the case. I assume you don't have access to another phone to test the port.
audit13 said:
A screen replacement does involve moving the USB charging port to the new screen and it is possible that this part was damaged and vertical seems to be the case. I assume you don't have access to another phone to test the port.
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Yeah no other phone to test the port. I just got an X Play and am using the same cable I was using with my Nexus 4 and communication is flawless - adb, fastboot, all the goodies. I thnk I'll need to take the Nexus to a shop or open it up myself.
Thanks for paying attention to this thread, audit.
Try opening the phone yourself as it is pretty easy but that choice is yours. Good luck!.
Hi Mike, just a hint... did you check the partition status on your device ? To check if it's a logical or hardware issue, here's a reference: http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-play/general/partition-layout-t3196367
You can analyze yours with something like: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cls.partition
and eventually mount manually the missing mounts.
dev>null;5160773 said:
Hi Mike, just a hint... did you check the partition status on your device ? To check if it's a logical or hardware issue, here's a reference: http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-play/general/partition-layout-t3196367
You can analyze yours with something like: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cls.partition
and eventually mount manually the missing mounts.
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Great idea, dev. How do I go about manually mounting? Do I need to use Terminal or something similar?
Thanks for your reply.
mounts & partitions
@XxMikeMasterxX Yes! In terminal emulator.
cat /proc/mounts
- or -
- or -
- or -
cat /proc/partitions
to list all partitions/devices/... a bit messy output
The mount command is also what you'll need after you find the problem.
It can mount a partition, remount read-write...in case it's a permission problem, or bind a folder to another, in case it's looking for a specific folder, but your system named it in a different way.
Not sure if this applies to your case...just an idea Did your partitions check return any anomaly ?
dev>null;5160773 said:
@XxMikeMasterxX Yes! In terminal emulator.
to list all partitions/devices/... a bit messy output
The mount command is also what you'll need after you find the problem.
It can mount a partition, remount read-write...in case it's a permission problem, or bind a folder to another, in case it's looking for a specific folder, but your system named it in a different way.
Not sure if this applies to your case...just an idea Did your partitions check return any anomaly ?
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Not that I can see. I'm a bit of a noob with Terminal so I'll even have difficulty identifying the erroneous file paths. It's too bad my adb and fastboot don't work. Or else I'd just revert to stock and re-flash everything.
@XxMikeMasterxX If you don't want to mess with terminal, try using the app linked in my first message then (or others that show mount points and partition details), and please use this as a reference. I posted the MXP one by mistake !!!
dev>null;5160773 said:
@XxMikeMasterxX If you don't want to mess with terminal, try using the app linked in my first message then (or others that show mount points and partition details), and please use this as a reference. I posted the MXP one by mistake !!!
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@dev>null Eeeek! Scared! I'll try the app and see what I can see. I guess from there it's a simple remount.
So hypothetically let's say that sdcard is mounted somewhere else by mistake and some app folders end up on the wrong partition/location, do I use a remount to remount that particular folder/location to the proper sdcard path?
Whoa I think I just got it.
@XxMikeMasterxX Exactly! There used to be a bug in CM with wrong sdcard mount point. Take a look at this, I'm sure it will address you to the right direction
And also give you examples for command syntax...
dev>null;5160773 said:
@XxMikeMasterxX Exactly! There used to be a bug in CM with wrong sdcard mount point. Take a look at this, I'm sure it will address you to the right direction
And also give you examples for command syntax...
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You're the man. I'll try it soon. My brother has the phone now so it could be a bit.
XxMikeMasterxX said:
You're the man. I'll try it soon. My brother has the phone now so it could be a bit.
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My brother tried the Terminal commands but after he entered su and tried the other 4 commands Term returned "nothing found" each time. What does that mean?
Also, it appears that he needs to remlunt his entire SD card somewhere. What's the folder? Root/sfcard
@XxMikeMasterxX Nexus 4 does not have a physical sdcard, so I guess it's just a missing symbolic link.
mount -o bind /data/media /sdcard
and see if Whatsapp can save the images now.
Also you may want to check this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/general/howto-repairing-corrupted-data-partition-t2577447
dev>null;5160773 said:
Also you may want to check this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/general/howto-repairing-corrupted-data-partition-t2577447
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Thanks for your recommendations. Yet again, though, the command you provided didn't work. I tried to get him to bind different locations to sdcard but that didn't help either.
A funny thing he told me is that under Settings>Storage he can't open the Internal storage section. He said it just doesn't open.
It's almost like Android installed to a really weird location and isn't recognizing anything. I am really baffled.
I checked out the guide - the o ly problem.is that the phone doesn't connect as a USB device (broken link...battery maybe?) and as such he can't run the adb commands.
I wish it did connect USB though - I'd just have him return to stock and then this would all be erased. Any other ideas, dev? I really don't know what to do next... Thanks for your ideas so far - you've been a great help.

G900P Deleted DCIM Recovery

I accidentally deleted about ~7 months of pictures/videos from my phone. I have spent about a week trying to recover them, and am pretty confident my specific questions have not been posted previously (or if they have, they are still unresolved), or I would have found them by now. But I could be wrong! I apologize, please point me to any relevant threads if that is the case. I tried to do my due diligence in reading about forum rules and whatnot as well, but I am so exhausted from the past week of ~interneting~ that I could have missed something. Please correct me!
Anyways, I am pretty confident I was able to image the mmcbkl0 thing using ADB (using this). When I run the .raw file through testdisk I get two partitions that show up as Mac HFS that could not be recovered. I have no idea what is going on there. Photorec finds a bunch of stuff but none of my deleted images. Also, the files it does find I am completely unable to open. I've looked into figuring out how to mount the drive in Ubuntu (running 12.04) but I get rather confused.
I also brought my .raw file over to Windows and tried to use this guide (from xda), but I could only mount the drive with NTFS or FAT32 and I am pretty sure it's supposed to be ext4. Regardless, the Recuva program gets hung on ~analyzing files 20 of 30~ or whatever. I let it run overnight and the "time remaining" estimation just kept going up so I killed it.
I also tried everything on just the userdata partition (mmcblk0p26), but it's unclear if the DCIM data is even on that partition. I get similar unrecovered partitions in testdisk. I tried to follow this guide to figure out where my DCIM was, but I am not familiar enough with terminal commands or adb to figure it out.
I am sure you will need a more specific information in order to help me, but I have consumed so much information on android and linux over the past week that I no longer am sure what is relevant. Please ask and I will answer! My phone is currently off, and when I turn it on to hook it up to the computer it's in airplane mode. I had to download busybox to root it, but other than that not much of the data should have been overwritten.
So, if anyone knows how I might troubleshoot the testdisk stuff (my geometries are wrong maybe?), or knows of other disk analyzing software, or how I could mount the .raw file in Ubuntu to further analyze it, or know anything else about where the internal DCIM memory might be, or just have any suggestions they would all be greatly appreciated!
You could try data recovery for android app to get data back. Good luck.
alexclairegreat said:
You could try jihosoft.com/android/android-phone-recovery.html data recovery for android app to get data back. Good luck.
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I can't find any reliable-looking reviews of this software online. Does anyone know if it's legitimate?

nst glowlight starting up stops every time

I bought a used nst glowlight (bnrv350), I made a backup, and then I tried to root using glownooter, but had a limited success : I could not install google market or opera mobile.
So I tried to restore the backup, but after "read forever, your nook is starting up", nothing happens, the message just stays there. I can boot with the back button, but it does the same.
I then tried to restore the factory image several times, using all the methods I could find in the internet, but it does the same as above. It has been going on for 24 hours.
The problem might have originated when I could not use winimage in my windows 10 computer to make the backup, and I used windows xp in a virtualbox in my linux computer instead. I used also dd, but I am afraid I don't remember the exact order. The backup size is 426.8 MB.
I reverted back to windows 10 with win32diskimager, with the same result.
Can anything be done ?
sinlog said:
I bought a used nst glowlight (bnrv350), I made a backup, and then I tried to root using glownooter, but had a limited success : I could not install google market or opera mobile.
So I tried to restore the backup, but after "read forever, your nook is starting up", nothing happens, the message just stays there. I can boot with the back button, but it does the same.
I then tried to restore the factory image several times, using all the methods I could find in the internet, but it does the same as above. It has been going on for 24 hours.
The problem might have originated when I could not use winimage in my windows 10 computer to make the backup, and I used windows xp in a virtualbox in my linux computer instead. I used also dd, but I am afraid I don't remember the exact order. The backup size is 426.8 MB.
I reverted back to windows 10 with win32diskimager, with the same result.
Can anything be done ?
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That backup is too large, I think. Should be more in the neighborhood of 250 MB? Have you tried the factory re-image where you just see the booting up screen and then hold down the two bottom hardware buttons until you get a prompt?
It's difficult--but not impossible--to damage the factory image unless you've been messing with the partitions. If that method does not get you there, consider making a NookManager card and trying to access the re-image routine from its menu.
Thank you for your reply. I just used nookManager. After 5 seconds, it said the backup was successful, but there was no backup in the card. Similarly, it said that rooting was successful, but when I removed the card, it did the same as before : "starting up..." and it stays there.
Do you have another idea ? I downloaded the 1.2.2 update from the b&n site. Can nookManager install it ?
PS: The nook was already 1.2.2
Yes, I used the two lower buttons trick.
sinlog said:
Thank you for your reply. I just used nookManager. After 5 seconds, it said the backup was successful, but there was no backup in the card. Similarly, it said that rooting was successful, but when I removed the card, it did the same as before : "starting up..." and it stays there.
Do you have another idea ? I downloaded the 1.2.2 update from the b&n site. Can nookManager install it ?
PS: The nook was already 1.2.2
Yes, I used the two lower buttons trick.
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5 seconds is not enough time for NookManager to correctly make a backup. And, backups can only be seen on the card if you connect your NSTG to your PC while NookManager is running. Otherwise the partition is invisible.
It's hard to know since I have no experience with the NSTG. If it were an NST I would suggest that you perform the region change flash, but it's not clear if that will remove your light function or, indeed, if the flash is deep enough to rewrite the areas of your device that appear to be preventing boot. AFAIK there are no ROM images for the NSTG available. But there might be. Somewhere.
I guess if you have exhausted all the possibilities, rather than trashing the device I would try the region change (just flash the US firmware again--I assume that's what's on there already). It may or may not preserve the glowlight capability, but it might at least produce a functioning e-reader. But only as a last resort.
Edit: Hmm.... seems like I've been down this winding road before: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=72551413&postcount=57
But I emphasize that this process worked for a plain NST, not the NSTG, so it is an absolute last resort (and might not work anyway because you could have a completely different situation). Next thing is to look at the innards of the 1.1 updater and see if Glowlight updates could be substituted...
O.K. So here is a thread that contains a link to an NSTG image and the instructions to write to your device (read down in the thread).
What "may" happen: your device could end up with a mismatched serial number and or MAC address depending on how this image was made. There is information on this forum for correcting the MAC address. Just a disclaimer. I don't know. IF this is successful, you can then do a manual update to 1.2.2 and then root with the updated NookManager. I've checked the link to the image and it is still good. I got a file that is about 245 MB--seems about right. Presumably you use the image in place of your backup in the restoring process described in the thread.
I am very grateful for your help, but I am afraid I need more. The nook is now functioning and I might not have done it without your hints. As you suspected, the serial number and mac address have changed (I wrote them down before all this). I suppose that's why it did not automatically upgrade to 1.2.2 . Also the device says it's connected to the internet, but it doesn't seem to be.
I searched xda (nstg mac address, nstg serial number), but I didn't find anything meaningful to me (there are posts by Renate and by ros87 but too complex). Can you help, please ?
sinlog said:
I am very grateful for your help, but I am afraid I need more. The nook is now functioning and I might not have done it without your hints. As you suspected, the serial number and mac address have changed (I wrote them down before all this). I suppose that's why it did not automatically upgrade to 1.2.2 . Also the device says it's connected to the internet, but it doesn't seem to be.
I searched xda (nstg mac address, nstg serial number), but I didn't find anything meaningful to me (there are posts by Renate and by ros87 but too complex). Can you help, please ?
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I didn't think you would act so rashly with all my disclaimers. Well, it's done. I actually don't think the MAC address is a big deal unless you begin to have issues.
Did you actually manage to register? If so then the serial number must not currently be in use and the change you effected was deep enough to pass muster. If not....well battery life is said to be shorter for devices that have skipped registration.
Correcting the MAC address is described (sort of) here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1483600
As far as I can guess it involves editing a hex file. Doable, but maybe not needed. There is no way to correct the serial number. It is heavily encrypted with private keys. Again, if you managed to register then this is all moot.
How are you judging lack of internet connectivity?
I was not given the opportunity to register and I don't care about registration, but I'd like to have connectivity. The link you just gave me is for the ros87's thread that I mentioned, and I don't know how to use it. So I suppose I cannot upgrade to 1.2.2 . Should I root the device ?
PS : ros87's last activity was 2 years ago
EDIT : I copied nook_1_2_update.zip in the device and it was installed. I have now 1.2.2
sinlog said:
I was not given the opportunity to register and I don't care about registration, but I'd like to have connectivity. The link you just gave me is for the ros87's thread that I mentioned, and I don't know how to use it. So I suppose I cannot upgrade to 1.2.2 . Should I root the device ?
PS : ros87's last activity was 2 years ago
EDIT : I copied nook_1_2_update.zip in the device and it was installed. I have now 1.2.2
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You didn't answer my question about connectivity. Are you not able to make a connection? With only the stock device there is nothing to connect to other than B&N. What does it say about "Owner" in the Settings?
Yes, you should root. Be sure to use the NookManager update or it won't work.
Before we even think about the MAC address issue you need root access and some way to tell if you actually have an internet connection. That means some kind of functioning browser, etc.
Do you still have that weird backup? If so, keep it safe somewhere. You may want that someday.
I tried to download a book and I got this : Unable to download, Internal error...
I can ping the nook from the computer.
I will look into rooting the device in 2 or 3 hours and then post again. I suppose this is what you're referring to :
Thank you for your patience with me.
sinlog said:
I tried to download a book and I got this : Unable to download, Internal error...
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There is an entire galaxy of mystery contained in that statement. Download from where? Download with what? Do you have an sdcard inserted for storage?
nmyshkin said:
There is an entire galaxy of mystery contained in that statement. Download from where? Download with what? Do you have an sdcard inserted for storage?
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I meant to download a book from the home page of the nook, where it says New reads. I am still unrooted and I don't leave an sdcard inserted.
sinlog said:
I meant to download a book from the home page of the nook, where it says New reads. I am still unrooted and I don't leave an sdcard inserted.
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Hmm... I'm surprised there are any books populating that section at all since the device is not registered. In any case, that is no test of connectivity since without registration the NSTG will spit out all kinds of generic messages about connections and failures if you attempt anything that requires access of B&N servers--like buying/downloading a book (which you can't do unless you are registered).
Rooted with nookManager updated. Opera mobile needs to be reinstalled. I can connect to the computer using es file explorer, so wifi is ok. BUT I can't use nookManager because I can't read the icon labels. I'll restore the backup tomorrow and I will try another rooting method. There are 2 more, I think : tiny and glownooter. Are there others ?
sinlog said:
BUT I can't use nookManager because I can't read the icon labels.
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? Do you mean ADW Launcher? You can fix the icon label issue in the Settings. As I recall the default font color is white. That needs to be changed to black. The size can also be changed. Depending on what icon style you pick the label will either be on one line or, if longer, on two. LOTS of Settings in ADW. Don't write it off without spending some time working with it.
Sorry, I used glownooter. It's a lot like touchnooter, with which I am familiar. I still have to sign in to my google account and to install opera mobile. I'll be back when finished.
Opera mobile is installed and working. I still can't sign in to google but I can use yalp store and that's good. Thanks again, nmyshkin, you saved my nook glowlight.
