Attention Devs - EVO 4G General

Didn't want to post this in the dev section because its not very fitting for there..
But anyway,
Was hoping you guys could all get together and make one ULTIMATE rom. Also side note. As many of you know, each rom has a slightly different theme or look to it and some people may love it and some people may not. So PLEASEEEEE post screen shots of your rom. Not worth it to wipe your phone, everything besides sd card, and finish the process to come find out that you dont really like the look. (I havnt done this! Just a suggestion for people who have and they would love you for it)
So for this ultimate rom, preferably of course, ICS. As close as possible to android 4.0.. Especially for the Evo 4G users because we dont get the update in 2012 =/ just boring old 2.3.. bleh.. damn Evo 3D.. Back to my point.
Ive noticed some teams are a team, and throw bits and pieces together from other roms of their team members, but as ive noticed, not ALL seam to work on everything together..
Would be nice to see every team make a ROM, Representing ICS. But using their BEST work to make it the thing their most proud of (besides family of course. Maybe not so much your wife if you hate her).
Im not sure what you guys would think would be most smooth and power efficient, and be as close to stock as possible.. Not sure if Sense or w/e would.. Hopfully you guys do.
Hoping you guys could get in the basics. Camera, 4G, Wifi, etc..

Uh how about.. no

Just putting this out there until there is a good source aka an htc device with ics its hard to do this also I get where your going but trust me the only ultimate rom is one you make for yourself. Not everyone wants the same thing
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nrm5110 said:
Just putting this out there until there is a good source aka an htc device with ics its hard to do this also I get where your going but trust me the only ultimate rom is one you make for yourself. Not everyone wants the same thing
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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No no no people will like what i make. All of them will that's just how it works


Rom Overload?

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone and their mother are posting Roms in the Evo development subforum?
I'm not going to name names or anything, but there seem to be a few teams that work very hard at distinguishing themselves as great releases only to get overtaken by people launching derivatives that are not much more than wallpaper changes of the very same roms?
Many of us can tell the distinction between the two, but I worry about new folks coming in who have no idea. I'm not going to spread FUD, but installing roms from an untrustworthy source is a great way for real problems to be introduced into the security model of the Android platform.
Does anyone else see this as a concern? Are there any solutions we as a group can come up with? Is this really not a big deal?
Yes you are correct
OMG I changed the color of the call [email protected]!!!!! NEW ROM!!!!!
Instead of theme change.
Either go cyanogen (uber premium) or stay rooted stock.
No need for the other bs. They don't do anything.
Now the kernels, I like, keep them going though. But the roms need to stop.
I think people are just making them in a sad attempt to gain free donations for their "efforts" or lack thereof.
kthejoker20 said:
Either go cyanogen (uber premium) or stay rooted stock.
No need for the other bs. They don't do anything.
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so let me get this straight. you're automatically dismissing OMJ's work, Baked Snack, Fresh, Damage Control, etc. just to name a few, simply because they are not cyanogen? better at ease son.
secondly, you can't simply lock down the forum for the "legendary" cooks. what happens if a noobie comes in with a simply stellar rom that gives us 12 years of battery life and the ability to teleport but because he's not Cyanogen, he can't release? that seems a little asinine.
i think people need to be responsible for their own phones. research, do a little leg work, talk with some forum members, make an informed decision and go with it.
SilverStone641 said:
so let me get this straight. you're automatically dismissing OMJ's work, Baked Snack, Fresh, Damage Control, etc. just to name a few, simply because they are not cyanogen? better at ease son.
secondly, you can't simply lock down the forum for the "legendary" cooks. what happens if a noobie comes in with a simply stellar rom that gives us 12 years of battery life and the ability to teleport but because he's not Cyanogen, he can't release? that seems a little asinine.
i think people need to be responsible for their own phones. research, do a little leg work, talk with some forum members, make an informed decision and go with it.
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Nice way of twisting what I said. BTW...
Nice upoad speed dude 44mb
I'm still a relative newb to Android, but I can see how it would be easy to get overloaded with all the ROMs out there. I've bounced back and forth between Fresh, CM6, and rooted stock for a while and I finally got sick of having to set up my phone over and over again (yes, I know about Titanium, but it's not good for certain types of things). Anyway, I finally said f*** it and flashed CM6 again and have left it there. None of them are perfect, but CM6 works the best for me.
kthejoker20 said:
Nice way of twisting what I said. BTW...
Nice upoad speed dude 44mb
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Less twisting then what you think. It's not CM or stay stock. I personally ran CM nightlies and CM6, both times I left them because even with all the fine work he's done there are very large and blatant things I don't think are great about it.
Does that mean it's low end, no, but there are lots of Roms every bit as highend and polished as CM.
Now on the main OP, I agree that we are seeing a flood, but also that there is nothing to do about it in an open community which is pushing people to tweak and express and share. It is what it is, and if they aren't calling out the people who put in the actual time into said Rom and giving them all the praise for the actual work then shame on them.
One way to help new users do research, is if there was a chart comparing the more popular roms... o wait there is
pretty unbiased test that compares several features that most people would look for in a rom.
nief1313 said:
One way to help new users do research, is if there was a chart comparing the more popular roms... o wait there is
pretty unbiased test that compares several features that most people would look for in a rom.
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Neif, you crack me up whenever I see you pushing your grid. I've been dircting people to the wiki to check it out, but good luck trying to stay on top of all of the new releases. More power to you.
And to bring the thread back on topic - there do seem to be a lot of roms floating around that don't really seem to bring anything new to the table.
People are just posting what works for them. I am glad there are so many ROMs. If you think this is bad, I guess you never had a G1.
This really isnt something I'd be complaining about. Check out SDX forums (Moment support). Theres like one rom still receiving updates. The Hero forum is also losing support. Im more than happy to see people pushing a rom they cooked. It means the kitchens out there are actually getting used for the reason they were made available. Imo thats what open source is all about. If you dont trust it, dont flash it. Its that simple.
Sent from my FROYO'D EVO using xda app
dglowe343 said:
This really isnt something I'd be complaining about. Check out SDX forums (Moment support). Theres like one rom still receiving updates. The Hero forum is also losing support. Im more than happy to see people pushing a rom they cooked. It means the kitchens out there are actually getting used for the reason they were made available. Imo thats what open source is all about. If you dont trust it, dont flash it. Its that simple.
Sent from my FROYO'D EVO using xda app
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I also love that the kitchens are being used - I'm dying to try one myself. I don't think its a trust issue though, I think its that some of these roms don't bring anything unique to the table, other than some theming and the removal of some apps.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
I do wish there was a subforum in the dev forum for roms. Perhaps a sticky's for the top 10 roms based on votes or downloads or some other type of ranking system.
fachadick said:
I also love that the kitchens are being used - I'm dying to try one myself. I don't think its a trust issue though, I think its that some of these roms don't bring anything unique to the table, other than some theming and the removal of some apps.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
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dsixda's kitchen has pretty much everything you need. I installed Ubuntu in Virtual Machine and have started messing around, but unless you know what to and not to change, there isnt alot you can do to make the rom unique. But its worth doing if you're interested in learning about rom development.
Sent from my FROYO'D EVO using xda app
I've been looking at cooking my own rom but the thing is I would not only give credit where credit is due but also call it what it is.
I may come up with the perfect setup of base rom, kernal, apps, theme and just want to share with people who maybe like me are looking for that specific setup.
Easier to flash a rom with all that baked in then flashing everything individually. As long as someone credits correctly and doesn't try and say they did it all themselves why does it matter if it's documented properly.
Doesn't make it a worthless rom just makes it a colaboration of great work.
N00dle said:
I've been looking at cooking my own rom but the thing is I would not only give credit where credit is due but also call it what it is.
I may come up with the perfect setup of base rom, kernal, apps, theme and just want to share with people who maybe like me are looking for that specific setup.
Easier to flash a rom with all that baked in then flashing everything individually. As long as someone credits correctly and doesn't try and say they did it all themselves why does it matter if it's documented properly.
Doesn't make it a worthless rom just makes it a colaboration of great work.
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Its not a question of worth, simply a question of signal to noise.
I've run DC, Cal's, Netarchy's, Baked, Fresh, CM, Nightlies, and probably ecen a few others...I still think some sort of metric is required.
I'm gonna try thinking of something.
First I think we should be happy the evo has a strong community. We may even lose some with the galaxy s phones coming out.
Next a agree many aren't much of a difference, but for those that don't have time to tweak stuff in the kitchen before installing, it is nice to find exactly what you want.
Finally I'm sorry to sound like an elitist, but this is a hackers forum. There shouldn't be such an expectation of things always being safe and working.
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VSack said:
Its not a question of worth, simply a question of signal to noise.
I've run DC, Cal's, Netarchy's, Baked, Fresh, CM, Nightlies, and probably ecen a few others...I still think some sort of metric is required.
I'm gonna try thinking of something.
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I do agree there are a lot out there and it can be tough for people to tell what is what. I don't think it's a bad thing though, device support is good, it means that hopefully things will be running for a long time to come.

Developers needed to port sense to the Epic!! Please Help

I am organizing a team of developers to port sense to the Samsung Epic. Does anyone want to help???
Please Reply to this thread if you are interested. Once we get enough developers, we will discuss what ROM we should use as a base and start working on it.
So far I have aamikam, who is a developer of MikFroyo for the Evo and am searching for 3-5 more people
Sense been done before numerous times and is nothing new.
I would love to see Sony X10 Rachel ui be ported or Acer Breeze ui port,both of these look and feel way better than Sense.
Sense isn't very useful, what with Launcher Pro and ADW.EX bringing most useful features already from Sense.
I'd rather see devs work more on AOSP roms like MIUI and Cyanogen6/7.
Well, So far I've gotten 2 more people to volunteer, and hopefully, tommorrow, we will be able to discuss the plans for porting sense.
For those who don't want sense, no problem, you will at least have another ROM for the epic to try.
bigdbag said:
Sense isn't very useful, what with Launcher Pro and ADW.EX bringing most useful features already from Sense.
I'd rather see devs work more on AOSP roms like MIUI and Cyanogen6/7.
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Dont forget Go Launcher I find it faster and better than Adw and Pro,not to many people know about it,and it has built in task killer.
gokuman56 said:
Well, So far I've gotten 2 more people to volunteer, and hopefully, tommorrow, we will be able to discuss the plans for porting sense.
For those who don't want sense, no problem, you will at least have another ROM for the epic to try.
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We always welcome another rom but why not port something thats never been done before like X10 Rachel or Acer Breeze?
They both look better,have better effects,faster and have more functionality.That would be something that would make our Epic's unique and make them stand out,isnt there enough htc related things already?
lviv73 said:
We always welcome another rom but why not port something thats never been done before like X10 Rachel or Acer Breeze?
They both look better,have better effects,faster and have more functionality.That would be something that would make our Epic's unique and make them stand out,isnt there enough htc related things already?
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Sheesh... he wants to do a sense rom... if u really want something else... get motivated and organize your own team, start a bounty, or make a request... and make it happen... why r you working so hard to get him to change his mind for your sake?
but in the mean time this might help its the acer ui already ported
crazaytalent said:
Sheesh... he wants to do a sense rom... if u really want something else... get motivated and organize your own team, start a bounty, or make a request... and make it happen... why r you working so hard to get him to change his mind for your sake?
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How do I organize a team?Or start a bounty?
To devs:My apologies,dint mean no disrespect.
lviv73 said:
Dont forget Go Launcher I find it faster and better than Adw and Pro,not to many people know about it,and it has built in task killer.
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go launcher is excellent. Just started using it.. I love it so far
good to know people working on some thing but its not that easy
try it out -> let me know if u get stuck
this shd have been in general section
Good luck guys. My wife didn't want the epic cause she loves HTC sense so I'm gonna flash this when its done and show her she could've had this and the epic.
Sent from my Evo Killer!!!
Ok guys, anyone who wants to help can join the chat. The first meeting is at today, Feb 25, 2011 at 4:00 PM EST
Here is the chat room
Thanks everyone
What happened to the team of deveolpers that already started this. You might wanna contact whosdaman and see if him and his team are stil working on it. If so join there team. If there ask for where they left off
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Great Job putting together a team to do HTC Sense.
I give you much props in organizing a team to produce HTC Sense. Go luck with porting it to the Samsung Epic. This Rom will definately be a Rom I will be flashing and I will make a $25.00 donate on top of that. If you can get the New Sense ported and get TOMTOM to work I will donate twice at much. HTC sense works better with Microsoft Outlook so I am all game!!!!
P.S. All you haters out there you need to move yourselves to the general thread because this man is talking about development of something great.
Me and my team will start working on this once again since the release of the 2.2.1 source is out. The problem is that we cant get sense fully working on the GSM variants of SGS, so there is little hope for the epic and fascinate
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
musclehead84 said:
Good luck guys. My wife didn't want the epic cause she loves HTC sense so I'm gonna flash this when its done and show her she could've had this and the epic.
Sent from my Evo Killer!!!
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This is the reason I choose the epic over the EVO. I figured one day some developer is going to port Sense over to the Epic it was just a matter of time.
Whosdaman said:
Me and my team will start working on this once again since the release of the 2.2.1 source is out. The problem is that we cant get sense fully working on the GSM variants of SGS, so there is little hope for the epic and fascinate
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Ok, I have some more people that might be of assistance to you. They are interested in helping you guys and I could help as well. The people who can help you are:
me (gokuman56)
and igotsanevo from android central.
Here are the requests I have posted:
I figured that posting on all these forums would find some people willing to help. You can PM me and them if you need any help. So what do you suggest I do next?
Do you think that we should try basing the rom off the Evo Shift? It would make everything a whole lot easier, or are you guys going to continue off the Desire Z ROM?

HD2 Android development stall

I know there are a lot of people out there excited about getting sense 3.0 on hd2 and all that jazz, but has nobody else noticed, the kingdom roms etc have dragged development on hd2 to an absolute crawl, we've completely dropped of xda's front page and to me it seems that its because everybody is doing the same thing and having the same problems doing such. Pretty much everything in nand development is now about trying to get camera working properly and remove graphic glitches from kingdom I need 15 different versions of the same rom ALL with EXACTLY the same issues, and all with EXACTLY the same time frame for resolution...that is to say, there is no time frame. I'm being a whiney little bugger I know, but seriously, and this is the worst thing I could ever say about xda...I'm bored! Its all the same and its all rubbish...I would much prefere if somebody would do me a favour and return to building a nice simple rom on which EVERYTHING works, just put some effort into that so when I see something interesting, I can just whip my phone out and take a pic, rather than having to explain to everyone nearby that my camera doesn't work because the rom was rushed out so I can have a shiny lock screen instead. The roms used to work 100%, but then everyone got carried away with sense lockscreens and quadrant scores....I don't care about any of those things...I would like a rom that just works all round. And before somebody makes a snarky comment along the lines of "if you want it so bad why don't you do it yourself?" Well...simple answer, I'm not smart enough, I love xda because we're an open community where talented people share their work freely just for the pleasure of seeing something that was never intended to be boot up on our devices...amazing! And I don't mind donating when something is GOOD, when it works and I appreciate the technical work that went in to make it work...not the technical work that went in to make it look pretty, at the expense of some fairy disastrous issues.
Please xda, enough with the benchmark willy waving competition! Please somebody just go back to making things that work rather than pretty...pretty useless...eyecandy!
And one final closer, I KNOW those issues are inherant to porting the kingdom here's an idea...ditch the kingdom rom! Just go back to desire base...yes maybe the quadrant score is only a third of newer roms...but you know what...the Desire roms FELT fast and smooth because they were simple and quite light on the cpu....all the new roms are slow and tooth grindingly stuttery and laggy, even with their amazing benchmark scores. So I say poo to benchmarking and active about a working camera and a rom that actually FEELS complete?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA Premium App
Peteryoung said:
I know there are a lot of people out there excited about getting sense 3.0 on hd2 and all that jazz, but has nobody else noticed, the kingdom roms etc have dragged development on hd2 to an absolute crawl, we've completely dropped of xda's front page and to me it seems that its because everybody is doing the same thing and having the same problems doing such. Pretty much everything in nand development is now about trying to get camera working properly and remove graphic glitches from kingdom I need 15 different versions of the same rom ALL with EXACTLY the same issues, and all with EXACTLY the same time frame for resolution...that is to say, there is no time frame. I'm being a whiney little bugger I know, but seriously, and this is the worst thing I could ever say about xda...I'm bored! Its all the same and its all rubbish...I would much prefere if somebody would do me a favour and return to building a nice simple rom on which EVERYTHING works, just put some effort into that so when I see something interesting, I can just whip my phone out and take a pic, rather than having to explain to everyone nearby that my camera doesn't work because the rom was rushed out so I can have a shiny lock screen instead. The roms used to work 100%, but then everyone got carried away with sense lockscreens and quadrant scores....I don't care about any of those things...I would like a rom that just works all round. And before somebody makes a snarky comment along the lines of "if you want it so bad why don't you do it yourself?" Well...simple answer, I'm not smart enough, I love xda because we're an open community where talented people share their work freely just for the pleasure of seeing something that was never intended to be boot up on our devices...amazing! And I don't mind donating when something is GOOD, when it works and I appreciate the technical work that went in to make it work...not the technical work that went in to make it look pretty, at the expense of some fairy disastrous issues.
Please xda, enough with the benchmark willy waving competition! Please somebody just go back to making things that work rather than pretty...pretty useless...eyecandy!
And one final closer, I KNOW those issues are inherant to porting the kingdom here's an idea...ditch the kingdom rom! Just go back to desire base...yes maybe the quadrant score is only a third of newer roms...but you know what...the Desire roms FELT fast and smooth because they were simple and quite light on the cpu....all the new roms are slow and tooth grindingly stuttery and laggy, even with their amazing benchmark scores. So I say poo to benchmarking and active about a working camera and a rom that actually FEELS complete?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA Premium App
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Click to collapse why not starting today...make a ROM urself ???
We are all waiting for .35 desire kernel source from HTC?
Peteryoung said:
I know there are a lot of people out there excited about getting sense 3.0 on hd2 and all that jazz, but has nobody else noticed, the kingdom roms etc have dragged development on hd2 to an absolute crawl,
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No, that is because there are less top devs on the device now, Some have moved on to different devices.
Peteryoung said:
we've completely dropped of xda's front page and to me it seems that its because everybody is doing the same thing and having the same problems doing such.
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Not at all, ist do to with view counts, posts created etc.
Peteryoung said:
Pretty much everything in nand development is now about trying to get camera working properly and remove graphic glitches from kingdom I need 15 different versions of the same rom ALL with EXACTLY the same issues,
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What you "need" has nothing to do with it, devs dont work on the roms because they have to, They do it because they WANT to, They work on what they "need" or want to and then share the work.
Peteryoung said:
and all with EXACTLY the same time frame for resolution...that is to say, there is no time frame. I'm being a whiney little bugger I know,
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Peteryoung said:
but seriously, and this is the worst thing I could ever say about xda...I'm bored! Its all the same and its all rubbish...
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Completely disagree, The work and progress done on the Sense 3 roms is amazing, Sorry you are too ignorant and ungrateful to appreciate that.
Peteryoung said:
I would much prefere if somebody would do me a favour and return to building a nice simple rom on which EVERYTHING works,
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Then go and download one of the older non-sense froyo/GB roms like NexusHD2.
Peteryoung said:
just put some effort into that so when I see something interesting, I can just whip my phone out and take a pic, rather than having to explain to everyone nearby that my camera doesn't work because the rom was rushed out so I can have a shiny lock screen instead.
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Well that's your problem, The fact that you are having to do this means that you are CHOOSING to install work in progress builds rather then more developed builds, Its your fault and your problem.
Peteryoung said:
The roms used to work 100%,
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Err no they didn't, They was developed into a state where they eventually worked and the same will happen to Sense roms.
Peteryoung said:
but then everyone got carried away with sense lockscreens and quadrant scores....I don't care about any of those things...I would like a rom that just works all round.
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Then go download one?!?!
Peteryoung said:
And before somebody makes a snarky comment along the lines of "if you want it so bad why don't you do it yourself?" Well...simple answer, I'm not smart enough, I love xda because we're an open community where talented people share their work freely just for the pleasure of seeing something that was never intended to be boot up on our devices...amazing!
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Sense Roms where never designed to run on HD2 and that is why they are been developed to do so! If you don't want to be patient or be part of the testing then that's your choice, go and download a simple stock rom!
Peteryoung said:
And one final closer, I KNOW those issues are inherant to porting the kingdom here's an idea...ditch the kingdom rom! Just go back to desire base...yes maybe the quadrant score is only a third of newer roms...but you know what...the Desire roms FELT fast and smooth because they were simple and quite light on the cpu....all the new roms are slow and tooth grindingly stuttery and laggy, even with their amazing benchmark scores. So I say poo to benchmarking and active about a working camera and a rom that actually FEELS complete?
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Desire base has been ported already and doesn't need more work until the desire gets and update. If you like the desire base so much why don't you just stick to the roms already available? Ill tell you why because you enjoy trying new builds, again that's your decision but you cant then complain just because most of the devs are hard at work on what THEY want to work on rather then what YOU want them to work on!
I personally don't want them to work on anything else apart from the kingdom, why? because its down to personal preference just like yours, at the end of the day its upto each individual dev what they work on!
PS. Please go and learn how to use paragraphs and sentence breaks etc as it just gets on your nerves when trying to read big long blocks like that.
ugh. this crap again? really? another thread dedicated to complaining that xda isn't giving you everything you want yesterday? and what do you expect with this kind of "support" - developers to come running over to you and ask you what you want?
this is exactly, exactly, what pushes people away from here.
really, you should have stopped with "I'm being a whiney little bugger" and just left. really, no one is begging you to stay. you aren't contributing; you are detracting. go on; leave.
@ theatheist - your points (as usual) are right on
jsmccabe78 said:
ugh. this crap again? really? another thread dedicated to complaining that xda isn't giving you everything you want yesterday? and what do you expect with this kind of "support" - developers to come running over to you and ask you what you want?
this is exactly, exactly, what pushes people away from here.
really, you should have stopped with "I'm being a whiney little bugger" and just left. really, no one is begging you to stay. you aren't contributing; you are detracting. go on; leave.
@ theatheist - your points (as usual) are right on
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Ignorant people like this OP need banning.
TheATHEiST said:
Ignorant people like this OP need banning.
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Ignorant people, like myself, don't need banning; they need educating - like in your first posting.
I don't tend to go for the latest development, but rather one that works well.
If I want to try out a different version of SD Android, then I read what the chef has posted and all the posts relating to that specific release version. If it states that the camera isn't working yet, then I'll leave it as I use the camera. If it is noted that Bluetooth doesn't connect properly to headset, then I would use it, as I don't Bluetooth.
Playing the devil here:
At some point I can understand Peteryoung and I have seen several other people complain about this as well.
I have the HD2 just to toy around next to my E71 which makes it easy to say that I don't need a +90% working image. If something doesn't work tough ... and I will try another.
It would be nice to have the old trusty working roms like the one from Rafdroid updated to the latest working apps and all of the known fixes in 1 package.
I'm no developer but I am sure some of you could tweak the 'older' sense roms and incorperate all the latest working things. The GPS fixes are a nice example.
I personally applaud the devs in that thread for feedback and just trying to get it to work using feedback and interacting on it.
If the devs are focusing on newer type of roms, so be it and let them do it.
Lets face it, Android is fun on the HD2 but still it is a bit 'playing' around.
A retraction
Guys, I'm sorry
I think I was having a right cranky day when I penned that last grouchy missive.
I stand thoroughly ashamed and rightfully corrected on my last thoughts.
I really do appreciate all the work the devs put in for free here. I really do love the older desire roms and I guess I'm getting old, starting to refuse the changes of the times
I take it all back, I guess I really should stick to what I know best and let the youngsters do what they do best...making NEW stuff, not old.
I must say, I feel a little aggrieved at the sheer vitriol my post gained in response, but hey I guess after I'd battered everybody else with my tirade - that's just what I deserve.
Anyway, I hope the community can find it in their collective hearts to forgive this old sinner - I promise I won't write any more critical tirades on xda any more!
Apologies xda, I love you really xx
P.S - Was the paragraph structure a little easier on the eye this time round?
Some just are not happy with ****...hey, you don't like it, move on back to WM6.5 where everything works. This is not a native android device so be lucky these developers are spending hours and days and more hours and more days so whiney ass spoiled brats like you can use their work for FREE. Be lucky you can even have ANDROID on the HD2! Another thing is there are plenty of what I consider perfect roms to choose from and many I have donated too.
Your apology is a joke you are still just acting like a ***** up and get over yourself....
fred_up said:
Ignorant people, like myself, don't need banning; they need educating - like in your first posting.
I don't tend to go for the latest development, but rather one that works well.
If I want to try out a different version of SD Android, then I read what the chef has posted and all the posts relating to that specific release version. If it states that the camera isn't working yet, then I'll leave it as I use the camera. If it is noted that Bluetooth doesn't connect properly to headset, then I would use it, as I don't Bluetooth.
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we are at liberty to choose any rom available here irrespective of the development progress
it is fun to flash...Ah, I miss old time when I had to flash ROM 2-3 times a week

Crazy Idea

Hey so recently I had an idea that could get implemented in an AOSP rom. It would obviously need developed first and all of that good stuff as right now it is only a concept, but what if we, the members of XDA, made our own skin. HTC has Sense, Motorola has MotoBlur, and Samsung has TouchWiz, but what if we made something like HeroWare or something like that. Just an idea but it should be like very minimalistic, pretty much based off of adw launcher. Or another idea is what if we made a skin that looked like honeycomb and then just through it over CM7. I would not know how but we could make soft keys and make our own widgets, etc. LMK watcha think and if you'd be interested in trying to help me get this going.
®patience is a virtue©
I think the idea is good, but it would be more trouble than its worth to maintain, provide support for numerous devices, and really to be useful. I mean 3rd party launchers basically are "hacker" skins if you think about it.
I think its a creative concept and is possible but not very practical.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
this would be asking way to much our development team is stretched pretty thin as it is, and that's what custom home launchers are for, and there's literally hundreds of them in the market.
Hmph, and all I asked for is a simple froyosense w/ espresso Rom port.
I sir give you an A for effort
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
rizdog23 said:
Hey so recently I had an idea that could get implemented in an AOSP rom. It would obviously need developed first and all of that good stuff as right now it is only a concept, but what if we, the members of XDA, made our own skin. HTC has Sense, Motorola has MotoBlur, and Samsung has TouchWiz, but what if we made something like HeroWare or something like that. Just an idea but it should be like very minimalistic, pretty much based off of adw launcher. Or another idea is what if we made a skin that looked like honeycomb and then just through it over CM7. I would not know how but we could make soft keys and make our own widgets, etc. LMK watcha think and if you'd be interested in trying to help me get this going.
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beautiful thought, and i commend you for that.. however, the dev scene in the hero world is rather lite at the moment.. so unless you have the skills to do it, bff's with a great dev, or just get really lucky; it probably wont happen.. plus like was mentioned cross device support would be nice.. you will need to try and get someone who would be willing to put the time into it.. that would be the key, and the hardest key to find.. there are a few devs left and one might take it up, it never hurts to ask.. just dont keep your hopes too high..
pstevep said:
beautiful thought, and i commend you for that.. however, the dev scene in the hero world is rather lite at the moment.. so unless you have the skills to do it, bff's with a great dev, or just get really lucky; it probably wont happen.. plus like was mentioned cross device support would be nice.. you will need to try and get someone who would be willing to put the time into it.. that would be the key, and the hardest key to find.. there are a few devs left and one might take it up, it never hurts to ask.. just dont keep your hopes too high..
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Thanks for being one of the few who are positive lol I'll work on the images and all of that and i am friends with a pretty big dev group so maybe i can get one of them to help me out
rizdog23 said:
Thanks for being one of the few who are positive lol I'll work on the images and all of that and i am friends with a pretty big dev group so maybe i can get one of them to help me out
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my pleasure.. i try to keep it positive, sometimes its hard around here.. hope it works out for you though, i may break out the hero, and flash it you get it going..

YOUR Preference

You have an HTC Evo Shift? You rooted it and put a custom OS on it?
First timer right her who wants to ask your preference, the only thing I have to have is the ability to tunnel my internet to project a free hotspot. That is available in CM7, so far I am leaning towards a nightly build... But essentially since I have not done this before, I don't know the best, I'm sure no one knows the "best"...BUT I would very much like to know your favorite considering that is my main concern
vee1287 said:
You have an HTC Evo Shift? You rooted it and put a custom OS on it?
First timer right her who wants to ask your preference, the only thing I have to have is the ability to tunnel my internet to project a free hotspot. That is available in CM7, so far I am leaning towards a nightly build... But essentially since I have not done this before, I don't know the best, I'm sure no one knows the "best"...BUT I would very much like to know your favorite considering that is my main concern
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Its all up to preference brutha. Try them all out.
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
I really like Sense Roms, especially sense 3.0. I was rocking a stock, rooted rom, but got tired of HTC dragging their feet releasing the source code for the Shift. I flashed CM 7.1 stable, with Scary Ghoul 3 kernel, running at 1.5 gHz. But, if HTC already had source code for the gingerbread release, I'd still be on a sense rom.
Created a whole thread about this. Here you go.
If you like Sense then it's gotta be Supreme Sense. Real nice ROM with lots of bells and whistles and a very nice camera app.
Me personally, I prefer CM7. I want raw performance and the maximum amount of customizability and CM7 offers all that more than any other ROM.
The thread you specified was...
[INFO] Cyanogenmod 7 optimal settings for Evo Shift 4G on SPRINT (Updated 10-7-11)
Which is not what I'm looking for, I happened to say I was looking into CM7, but would be open to another OperatingSystem all together. CM7 does good work, but honestly they are the only ones I know about. So I would be narrowminded to assume the only one I know about would be the best choice. Since alot of people on this forum have done alot to their phones their input on a recommended OS will be followed.
Well I'm sure you know it depends on your usage, and preferences. I'm a Sense kind of guy. If your looking for a sort of stock Rom with a lot of extras that's quick, than MikShifted G v1.75 is a great choice. Stable, Reliable, and Fast. If your looking for something a little more over the top that's still stable, reliable, and fast. Than Supreme Sense is it, eye candy plus.
vee1287 said:
The thread you specified was...
[INFO] Cyanogenmod 7 optimal settings for Evo Shift 4G on SPRINT (Updated 10-7-11)
Which is not what I'm looking for, I happened to say I was looking into CM7, but would be open to another OperatingSystem all together. CM7 does good work, but honestly they are the only ones I know about. So I would be narrowminded to assume the only one I know about would be the best choice. Since alot of people on this forum have done alot to their phones their input on a recommended OS will be followed.
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It's either CM7 or Sense.
Pick one. If you pick CM7 take a look at my thread.
It's either CM7 or Sense.
Pick one. If you pick CM7 take a look at my thread.
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Don't discount MIUI.. there are a lot of people into it for one reason or another. Myself being one of them. Someone new to flashing roms might find it's exactly what they're looking for.
nativ73 said:
Don't discount MIUI.. there are a lot of people into it for one reason or another. Myself being one of them. Someone new to flashing roms might find it's exactly what they're looking for.
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I really like MIUI. I just wish it had 4G
nativ73 said:
Don't discount MIUI.. there are a lot of people into it for one reason or another. Myself being one of them. Someone new to flashing roms might find it's exactly what they're looking for.
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You mean that ROM that looks exactly like an iPhone? Never heard of it.
You mean that ROM that looks exactly like an iPhone? Never heard of it.
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Launcher pro ex had an ios extreme iPhone theme
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
nativ73 said:
Don't discount MIUI.. there are a lot of people into it for one reason or another. Myself being one of them. Someone new to flashing roms might find it's exactly what they're looking for.
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True. MIUI is not for me but everyone should flash it at least once.
jesusice said:
True. MIUI is not for me but everyone should flash it at least once.
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Agreed especially if you upgraded from a hero lol
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
You mean that ROM that looks exactly like an iPhone? Never heard of it.
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For never hearing of it you sure seem to know what it looks like .
Lol messin with ya.
I like MIUI alot , yes it has the iphonesque feel but there's a lot of added features, and absolutley amazing I mean OUTSTANDING theme support lol. (Coming from a themer here )
Sent from my Supreme Shift on Wires!
I think miui is pretty cook because you can literally change everything! A ton of themes and icon packs. Just so many ways to customize. But I live supreme. I just can't leave it!
I flashed miui just to flah it and I haven't flashed another rom since... love the ui straight and to the point, lots of themes is def a plus... I have no 4g so don't miss it at all...
Sent from my speedy miui w/1.9 of goodness!!
@Vico I've read alot of your threads, you do good work, this weekend im going to give it a try again trying to root and reprogram my shift...
vee1287 said:
@Vico I've read alot of your threads, you do good work, this weekend im going to give it a try again trying to root and reprogram my shift...
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Thanks vee1287. You should join us in the chatroom.
I guess I'll go looking for it after attempting and hboot downgrade again. I dont want to talk about it here though, It would technically be off topic. bah.
