[Q] Prospective UK User in need of advice - Kindle Fire General

Okay here's the deal.
I'm really not bothered about the amazon services, does not bother me in the slightest. However looking at the specs of the Kindle Fire its a solid piece of equipment for $200 (£126.12).
My question is, is anyone, or has anyone heard about anybody working on a custom android ROM for the Kindle Fire? A dual core tablet half the price of anything we have of the same specs in the UK is very tempting if so.
My folks will be in New York on the 11th of december and I'll get them to pick me one up if so but only if there's a good chance of a usable ROM being developed sometime soon.
Cheers in advance for any help/advice/news.

I guess no one is working on a custom ROM actually, but as you can see in "development section" the scene is very active: they got the ROM dump, the source code, root and working google apps. So it is just a matter of time, I bet we'll have a stable custom ROM by the end of the year.

Hell i just bought one for the fun of it i ordered of ebay from states. By the looks of things this kindle will be very popular. You can bet a cyanogenmod 9 will be ported icecream.


From heaven to Hell in 5 weeks

Two months ago, I was getting ready for my vacation (first one in six years) and a trip to US (Going next week). I spent several days checking forums, sites, magazines, everything that would help me choose the best tablet, and Xoom looked like the best option.
I never liked Apple and Ipad. To 'restricted' I’m my opinion. It's like a fine car that doesn't allow you to change the gear, break, accelerate or even steering. Basically the only think you can do is to insert address in the GPS and horn!
I have a Samsung galaxy S and so fat it’s the best phone I have ever had. I already had HTC, Kaiser, Blackberry, Motorola, LG, Nokia, etc and this is, by far, the best one. At first it was terrible: slow, too may Samsung bloatware, terrible battery live, but after flashing few cooked roms it transformed itself to a new device. It was Clark and now became Superman.
Back to the Tablets, when I was looking for the best tablet for me I checked other tablets as well: Samsung didn't had micro SD slot, no HDMI output and it also had almost the same weight as Xoom. Rim Tablet was too "Blackberry alike", and with an unknown OS. LG didn't have all the option as the Motorola Xoom and Ipad is… Ipad. So Xoom looked like the best option available. I decided to pre-order the Wi-Fi version to be delivered to the hotel address because I was afraid of a possible shortage. I have only one shot and I couldn`t miss it. Also this way I would be able to use it as my main computer during the trip. The Xoom is already waiting me on the hotel front desk…
….But I wish it wasn’t. In few weeks Xoom changed from the best available option to the worst option in the new Android market.
First, Motorola wasn’t able to keep up with other companies. Samsung did a major strategic movement and decided to re-design their table. Samsung created a tablet that weight just like an Ipad, and almost 30% less than the Xoom with almost the same specs as the Xoom. Samsung included a MicroSD slot, a much better screen (Super IPS) and HDMI while keeping same price as an Ipad 2. I can get the 16gb version for 100 less than the Xoom and I will still able to buy three or more 16gb MicroSD. Looking at the Samsung tablet make you feel like Motorola isn’t even trying. Bulkier, heavier an more expensive (ok 32gb is the same price, but they didn’t include a 16gb version which is cheaper if you think that you can get a 16gb MicroSD for 30 now.)
In the meantime Motorola is fighting itself: news that they will drop the production of Xoom, e-mails sent to Xda to remove .dump file, locket bootloader on the atrix and droid phones. It looks like Motorola is attacking the only thing that could save the Xoom: The community that could help support the device by making customs rom and other improvements.
In my opinion, it looks like Motorola is working hard to prevent customs Roms to the Xoom
So I keep asking myself if I should keep the Xoom, and the short answer is: No. I shouldn’t
I will be needing a tablet during my trip and I still haven`t decided if I should keep my Xoom until I can get a Samsung Tab or if I should send it back to Amazon and get a Asus Transformer. I am afraid that keeping the Xoom for too much time I won`t be able sell it in the future. I`m feeling like I am with a time bomb on my lap and if I doesn`t sell it fast enough it will blow.
And I have no doubt that it will be much easier to sell an Asus Transformer or an Acer A 500 than sell the Xoom in the near future. Hey, the transformer have a different strategy (that it can also be used as a netbook) so I may ending keeping it (but I still like Samsung Tab 10.1 best).
For now, Xoom is just better than nothing because there are no other android devices available. From April 24th (Acer A500 launch) it will face the competition of Acer. After that Asus and Samsung. The truth is that I haven`t even open the Xoom box, but I’m already with bitter taste in my mouth.
Some people talk about Xoom having the premium price. You paid more because you wanted to have the first Android device in the market ahead from everyone. OK, but would you pay this “premium price” if you knew that it would only last four weeks? That after 4 weeks you would have 4 new and better options (cheaper ones) available? Also, how much “premium price” you’ll have to pay? You already paying it in dollars, but you already paying it in the fact that the OS have bugs (like Mem space bug), that the SD card doesn’t work, that the screen is worst than every other device. How much you’ll have to pay as premium price?
Now I just need to know how can I return an unopened Xoom to Amazon and have a refund to purchase and Acer or and Asus for 200 bucks less.
It’s sad when you haven’t event received a new gadget but you already have give up on it, but it is worst when you realized that even the manufacture have already give up on the device.
isnt the galaxy tab shipping with FROYO? with Samsung's track record, I doubt it'll get honeycomb in 2011, gingerbread is a more realistic goal, maybe near christmas?
Xoom is a great tablet and I'm sorry that you've decided to return it without even using it.
This same thread has been posted too many times, and needs to be added to a forum FAQ or something. "Should I buy x if y is coming out soon?" turns into "Should I buy y if z is coming out soon?". At some point you just have to make a purchase and accept that no technology is going to be "the best" for very long
Wait, you haven't even opened the box and we get this long rant?
Use the device, let your experience guide your choices. The simple fact is that the Xoom is a powerful and beautiful slate, if you are one of us who love it out of the box.
We have root, we have overclock and regardless of the Xoom platform Honeycomb will have a strong community support even if because it is Android.
I for one am a power user and love my Xoom, it's attractive and does it's job well for my tastes.
Regardless, you need to experience the thing in your environment before you decide it isn't worth your time. Normally the hurdle would be the purchase, but you've already passed that one. Take the time to configure and play, then decide!
Dubar said:
isnt the galaxy tab shipping with FROYO? with Samsung's track record, I doubt it'll get honeycomb in 2011, gingerbread is a more realistic goal, maybe near christmas?
Xoom is a great tablet and I'm sorry that you've decided to return it without even using it.
This same thread has been posted too many times, and needs to be added to a forum FAQ or something. "Should I buy x if y is coming out soon?" turns into "Should I buy y if z is coming out soon?". At some point you just have to make a purchase and accept that no technology is going to be "the best" for very long
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Galaxy Tab 10 is not shipping with 2.2. Launching with 3.0.
LordLugard said:
Galaxy Tab 10 is not shipping with 2.2. Launching with 3.0.
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my bad, must be thinking of the older one; I feel sorry for anyone who bought that oversized phone that doesnt make calls
After using honeycomb, 2.x just doesnt make sense on a tablet
edit: I cant wait for all these new tablets to come out so people can start to differentiate between problems with the xoom and problems with honeycomb.
It's amazing how you've managed to out dumb every single other post in xoom general with this ridiculous pointless rant.
You've not even opened the box and you're complaining about the xoom.
The xoom is the most unlocked device moto has ever produced, it won't ever be locked.
You have nothing to backup your claims at all. There is nothing about the new tablets coming out that will reduce your enjoyment of the xoom. If you keep worrying about the next tablet and then the next tablet you will never have a tablet, and never be happy.
The xoom is a wonderful device with a lot going for it and nothing samsung or acer does will change that for me.
Honestly its your fault for ordering something so far ahead of time, especially a device like this that had almost no chance of selling out.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
I'm sure that the description "From Heaven to Hell" seems a bit dramatic to most readers, but if thats the way you feel, you will probably never be happy with the Xoom even after the upgrades & updates.
The more I read the more I realize the Xoom really is only going to one of the best tablets after it's hacked, overclocked and running a high quality custom ROM. This is the way I always intended to use the Xoom, though I am learning that I really am in the minority of users. Those consumers having no intention of hacking the tablet are likely to be disappointed when comparing it to a more "finished" product.
I add my experience to this post only to help illustrate the importance of considering the intended use of the product by the individual giving his opinion of it. Critics of users who are dissatisfied with the Xoom seem to overlook that relevance and chastise them unjustly. Inevitably, every thread that includes negative opinions of the Xoom turns to **** as a polarized pissing contest ensues.
The ironic good part of this usual course of behavior is that waiting for these updates will give everyone a chance to get this crap out of their system so that by that time we can get busy talking about nothing but development, improvements and ROMs. Won't THAT be great?!
Sorry if you think that what I wrote is 'ridiculous pointless rant', but what a wrote is just what I am feeling so I am probably feeling ridiculous pointless right now.
About pre-ordering, yes it was a bad call. But I was in the US last thanksgiving and I spent two weeks trying to get a Xbox Kinect with no luck. I just didn`t want that to happened again. I also pre order a 3DS in the same way as the Xoom.
I agree that there is nothing from the new tables that would keep me from enjoying the Xoom, but that's not so simple. It's human nature to search for the best, and have the best. So I can say that except for some users that actually try several devices in order to choose the right one, most of the consumers will just choose the ones that looks the best. And between too devices, one 30% lighter and with the same specs, most of the users will go for the lighter even without testing.
I know that I am responsible for what happened but I think that what you should realize is that this will be the most typical scenario for the Xoom in the next weeks. Do you think that most of the consumers will act as XDA user and will do their homework (even then some XDA users will return theirs Xoom) or they will make their decisions like I did, in an impulse purchase?
Just look how many people stood on the line to purchase an Ipad 2 in the first day. None of these people were able to fully try Ipad before buying it. They just went for the one that looked the best.
And so this will probably happens with Android devices too. Most of people will go for the one with better specs or, in a secondary decision path, for the cheaper one. Very few people will go for the `right one for me`.
I just don't think that Motorola will hold on the Xoom if they start getting low sales numbers and high return rates. Motorola hasn't show that it will support Xoom if it fails in sale, and that's, combined to a POSSIBLE decision to prevent custom rooms (like they did in some Droid and Atrix phones) will turn out to be doom fall to Xoom users.
Psychokitty said:
I'm sure that the description "From Heaven to Hell" seems a bit dramatic to most readers, but if thats the way you feel, you will probably never be happy with the Xoom even after the upgrades & updates.
The more I read the more I realize the Xoom really is only going to one of the best tablets after it's hacked, overclocked and running a high quality custom ROM. This is the way I always intended to use the Xoom, though I am learning that I really am in the minority of users. Those consumers having no intention of hacking the tablet are likely to be disappointed when comparing it to a more "finished" product.
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I agree with the fact that Xoom will be a much better device after hacked and with custom Rom. I just don`t know if that will happen. Just look at the Atrix forum and the petition to have an unlocked bootloader. If I`m wrong please let me know but we are not sure, at this time, that there will be custom roms avaiable to the Xoom.
If I may throw my 2 cents into the can...
Yes, it looks like cheaper, and slimmer or lighter tablets are coming around the corner. Acer and Asus have it right in the price. Samsung built a thinner mouse trap, if you will, with redesigning the 8.9 and 10.1 Tabs.
Here's why the Xoom is my pick to date: Stock Android Device. Yes, all these tablets will have Honeycomb, but the OEM's are placing UI's on top. Granted, They don't appear to be too obtrusive to the Honeycomb experience (thank you Samsung for figuring that out) it will still be an issue when updates are released. I learned my lesson on the phone side and bought the Nexus S, and am so, so glad I did. Now, I don't want to get into a discussion of who the updates will be coming from, but it's obvious that a stock operating system will get the updates much, much faster than any devices with custom UI's. Samsung will have one, Asus will have one, hell HTC wants to put frigging Sense on their tablets. Yes people, you HTC tablet owners will get to stare at that stupid clock widget all day long on a bigger screen.
Look, I understand that the Xoom is way too expensive, I look at my Best Buy account and cringe, but I'm glad I pulled the trigger and bout the Xoom. It may not be a "Nexus" device per say, but for the joy of having the "pure Google experience" I'm all about the Xoom.
Dandarebr said:
I agree with the fact that Xoom will be a much better device after hacked and with custom Rom. I just don`t know if that will happen. Just look at the Atrix forum and the petition to have an unlocked bootloader. If I`m wrong please let me know but we are not sure, at this time, that there will be custom roms avaiable to the Xoom.
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the only thing stopping the development of custom roms right now is the lack of HC source code, so if the xoom never gets custom roms then no 3.x device will
chrisharmful said:
If I may throw my 2 cents into the can...
Yes, it looks like cheaper, and slimmer or lighter tablets are coming around the corner. Acer and Asus have it right in the price. Samsung built a thinner mouse trap, if you will, with redesigning the 8.9 and 10.1 Tabs.
Here's why the Xoom is my pick to date: Stock Android Device. Yes, all these tablets will have Honeycomb, but the OEM's are placing UI's on top. Granted, They don't appear to be too obtrusive to the Honeycomb experience (thank you Samsung for figuring that out) it will still be an issue when updates are released. I learned my lesson on the phone side and bought the Nexus S, and am so, so glad I did. Now, I don't want to get into a discussion of who the updates will be coming from, but it's obvious that a stock operating system will get the updates much, much faster than any devices with custom UI's. Samsung will have one, Asus will have one, hell HTC wants to put frigging Sense on their tablets. Yes people, you HTC tablet owners will get to stare at that stupid clock widget all day long on a bigger screen.
Look, I understand that the Xoom is way too expensive, I look at my Best Buy account and cringe, but I'm glad I pulled the trigger and bout the Xoom. It may not be a "Nexus" device per say, but for the joy of having the "pure Google experience" I'm all about the Xoom.
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I agree with most everything you said however, where is the microSD card support on Xoom? These new tablets are releasing with functional slots. For a flagship device for Honeycomb, I am a bit disappointed. I have had my Xoom since day 1 and being as patient as possible with this but seeing other honeycomb tablets release with microSD support is a slap in the face.
notice this...
regarding development of android device you must have development device, until now the development device supported by google are : G1 (legacy, not supported anymore), Nexus One, Nexus S and Motorola Xoom... the last three have unlock bootoloader officially, not by doing a hack, G1 Dev are coming unlocked from the first day of release (except G1 T Mob)..
so now, are you sure the next coming HC tablets have official unlock bootloader? "fastboot oem unlock"
Droid, Desire, Xperia etc, they are not development device, so is Atrix and others..the only way to put custom android to that product is hacking the bootloader..
Atrix have a good bootloader lock, afaik until now, no one have succes unlock milestone bootloader..so atrix will do the same..
now, one million dollars question for u, are u sure u want to buy next tablet that we dont know about their bootloader? u love custom rom right?
Dear Dandearebr
You will never get "perfect" tablet because there is no definition of such. There are expectations that are constantly changing, also they are very personal and subjective.
Your opinion is based on reviews and vocal complainers baseless in most of cases.
Xoom is very solid tablet capable of replacing of laptop. I am sure that it will get updates and will be useful for a least a year, year and a half. Then it will be a picture frame.
BTW, it has amazingly powerful sound. Listening online radio is very enjoyable.
My opinion is based on experience using Android since 2009, starting with HTC G1, then MyTouch, Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7". Xoom is a different animal because of Honeycomb and it is a big step forward.
Personally I prefer 7" tab with phone capability and pocketable size.
Classic buyer's remorse. We've all been there. My suggestion is to follow through and return it. You will never likely be happy with it, regardless of how well it functions for you.
Happily typing from my unlocked, rooted, overclocked Xoom.
Please return it so that real users don't have to clean up after you and kiss your boo-boos. Sheesh, you don't need a Xoom, you need a mom!
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
So have you actually used the device?
God, return it.
Then when the XYZ tablet you want comes out you will go cry to those forums that ZYS v2.0 tablet is coming out.
I don't get why a lot of you are getting all defensive and starts attacking a fellow member, just because he's having a much better look at the future than us early adopters. I mean, be honest guys! A lot of us here are all wishful thinking about the opposite of what the OP has said! Yeah, we all might be happy for now, as the Motorola Xoom is the only tablet available that's actually competing with iPadLock2. But a few days, weeks from now, with all these tablets coming out and (hopefully not) the chance of Xoom reaching it's end of life/production. Along with threats of locked bootloader and a chance of not getting any update support from Motorola (FACT: XOOM is NOT the developer TAB from Google), we might just end up flooding this forum with threads just like the OP's.. Let's face it, no one knows about Xoom's future.. Heck I don't even know if Jha even knows the Xooms future at this point.. But the fact that Xoom's sale wasn't really that good, due to motorola's marketing strategy and price, with the iPad 2's overwhelming, and the upcoming flooding of Honeycomb tablets with better specs and/or pricing, our Xoom tablet could very well just end up as a very expensive paperweight.. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with my Xoom! It meets my daily needs but the fact that it hasn't yet reached it's full potential due to Honeycomb's infancy, the FC's and limited apps worries me. I mean, we all know how these companies are.. If their product doesn't sell, they stop the production and support/updates. Add to that the threat on the XDA community regarding the Dump files and chances of the Bootloader getting locked, helps me understand the OP's sentiments/rants.. Let's face it, this is not the Developer's TAB like what we all hoped it would be when we bought it. Without the support from Motorola and the XDA community, this product we're defending would actually just end up like what the OP has said on the title of this thread. So let's just get along and stop bashing the OP just because he still has a chance to change his mind. Me, I would advice the OP to just return/sell the Xoom and wait for a few the upcoming tablets before it's too late. Because if he does, he would have a much better look at the future of the Xoom. Who knows, he might even see Motorola getting crazy coming up with a 16GB version, with better pricing and unlocked bootloader! Now that would be a win/win situation for the OP and us early adopters!! My fingers are crossed..........
Perfect! There really is no more to debate on this, and just no reason to bash the OP. Nobody knows anything for sure yet. I'm in it for the long haul, but only because I intend to be an end user of custom ROMs. I WILL be disappointed with how much I spent on the Xoom if that doesn't ever happen.

[Q] worth the purchase?

the question is pretty obvious. Given the current launch of new tablets vs. rooted NC is it still worth the purchase.
I don't really need a tablet for anything other than reading the ebooks / and digital comics i have. I like to tinker and play with stuff so custom roms and rooting are fine with me and I would most likely try to push an NC to it's limits, but given what's coming in late fall early winter would you still purchase the NC (provided you have one)
Well, the NC is a great idea for a budget tablet. 1.3 GHz is really good for a meant-to-be-ebook reader compared to just a 200 MHz faster Flyer which is meant to be a business tab. Also, if you want to fool around, the NC is the best. It has a root and a ever-growing dev community. And you can't argue the price. Coming soon I would have still gotten on of these, but since I have one now I'm saving up for a Flyer (I do more than read books!) But, it's your choice and money. Disregard this if you want to.
Well, what are you comparing to?
Which new tablets are you looking to get instead?
I mean _right_ now, I don't see a better option provided you don't need the things that nook doesn't have (bt/gps/mic/etc).
Screen, cm7, safety to mess around with, etc...it's great.
For the price, you can't beat the Nook Color. Especially if you pick up one of the Refurbs B&N is selling on eBay with full 1 year warranty for $190. It is so easy to play with and install custom ROMs. Like Phatdawg mentioned, unless you need a camera, GPS, or any of those extras, the Nook Color is great.
putney said:
the question is pretty obvious. Given the current launch of new tablets vs. rooted NC is it still worth the purchase.
I don't really need a tablet for anything other than reading the ebooks / and digital comics i have. I like to tinker and play with stuff so custom roms and rooting are fine with me and I would most likely try to push an NC to it's limits, but given what's coming in late fall early winter would you still purchase the NC (provided you have one)
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What other tablet can you purchase now, or soon, for $250 retail with warranty? The answer is as obvious as the question, IMO. NC is about doing what all the other tablets do for half the price.
Phatdawg said:
Well, what are you comparing to?
Which new tablets are you looking to get instead?
I mean _right_ now, I don't see a better option provided you don't need the things that nook doesn't have (bt/gps/mic/etc).
Screen, cm7, safety to mess around with, etc...it's great.
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thats a good question, im not sure. There seems to be a few options coming out the A100, Lenovo has one coming out, toshiba has one coming out. Im more aware of whats available I guess than what's down the road. hmmmm i guess there's a life metaphor in that somewhere.
Bigtuna00 said:
What other tablet can you purchase now, or soon, for $250 retail with warranty? The answer is as obvious as the question, IMO. NC is about doing what all the other tablets do for half the price.
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Yeah I guess the answer is in my face. I don't need all the stuff as mentioned by phatdawg, thats what my phone and laptop are for.
great responses everyone! Thank you all for your input. I'll see you all soon when I get my NC and join the family.
I'll have to give into selling my G Tablet for a nook color. I'd rather have portability and a better screen than a dual core and working honeycomb.
Also Nook color is $189 refurb on ebay right now. Now is the time to buy a nook color.
Just ordered mine yesterday, looks they raised the price to 199, but still a good deal
Congrats. If you need any help installing your custom ROM or rooting PM me.

Soooo.. WebOS is dead. What now?

HP said it's going to try to find something to put WebOS on now that it's halting all device development (death of TouchPad, Veer, Pre3, et al). Did anyone see this coming? /sarcasm
This thread is as dead as WebOs LOL!
I just took a look at a german distribution shopping system, there are thousands of devices at the storage sites ... I think we will see them in a soon future on ebay wow on a bargain
yes a bargain! $149 32gb, $99 16gb
I just picked one up for $90 shipped...I'll take that all day long.
The rumor is that HP has a licensing deal already in place and the quarter million TouchPads sitting at Best Buy are going to be picked up by all the "geeks" (me) for $99 looking here for a way to wedge android on it...at least it's a flash player.
Personally, I'd love for Samsung to buy WebOS and start putting out awesome hardware to go with it.
But I love conspiracies.
Vote Ron Paul. lol
Picked one up. I hope that they give the ability to load an alternative OS, but it is doubtful.
I wonder if we can use the base code from the new Evo3D and Sensation on there because of the similar parts.
Hello, I couldn't find any ... where did you find that price that still in stock ..?
Modnet said:
Hello, I couldn't find any ... where did you find that price that still in stock ..?
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or here:
so what is going on in terms of development? is there any real hope for having custom firmware and running AOSP android on this or is that a pipedream without source code? Does source code even matter anymore if you completely replace the OS?
I have to say for the price, I am very much happy with my HP touchpad, just got a 32gb one for 150 at staples. I hope something does come of web os with some developers or maybe android someday but I am happy as it is for the price.
Well, opensource.palm.com has parts of the OS. Maybe someone can use that as a start?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk
WebOS + MeeGo = awesome os!
But seriously they're very close/related systems that it wouldn't take as much work as some would think.
Then they could probably name it Maemo
Which would allow Google to rename "ChromeOS" to "WebOS" like it implies.
yujikaido79 said:
I have to say for the price, I am very much happy with my HP touchpad, just got a 32gb one for 150 at staples. I hope something does come of web os with some developers or maybe android someday but I am happy as it is for the price.
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I agree! I got this today thinking "with a community this motivated, surely they'll have android on it soon enough!". Now that i've used it, I like it a lot. The core apps are great! I love the e-mail and calendar apps and bing maps works very well for me. I have a samsung captivate so android is something I know fairly well but I don't feel like i'm missing too much with this tablet as it is. I think this is a diamond in the rough OS and if they open source it, it will really take off.
nash_vegas said:
The rumor is that HP has a licensing deal already in place and the quarter million TouchPads sitting at Best Buy are going to be picked up by all the "geeks" (me) for $99 looking here for a way to wedge android on it...at least it's a flash player.
Personally, I'd love for Samsung to buy WebOS and start putting out awesome hardware to go with it.
But I love conspiracies.
Vote Ron Paul. lol
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This is true. I talked with my HP rep and htc/samsung/ect went to them Doyle web OS. In order for this HP had to get the HP logo off its tablets.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Would just love to get Netflix to work on it. Everything else is nice stocked.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I my self picked up (1) $99 16GB unit today one of the last on amazon. For the price its a steal come on people even a few years ago $99 for whats in this is crazy.
My buddie also picked up the $99 16GB unit also from amazon
I hope that the system get fully ripped apart. I bet a few people that work on the android phones have grabbed one for $99 aswell i dont think anyone with half a brain would let this pass by for that crazy price.
To all the people that work on stuff i hope u have one if you dont i hope you are some how getting some loot up to get one or some one will give u one for working on.
- Hope to see something come from this great tab soon

Is $300 to $350 worth it for a 32gig xoom with new tablets coming.

I'm looking for a tablet and I see three xooms near me. One of them for $400 new, another $350 used and one for $300 used. Need advice.
DevilStrider said:
I'm looking for a tablet and I see three xooms near me. One of them for $400 new, another $350 used and one for $300 used. Need advice.
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Maybe if you prvide your location you will get better help? There was a special in Sydney yesterday for brand new Xoom for 298 AUD. If you are happy to wait I am sure by January next year all the tablets will come down in price.
I was looking at the prime but i really don't want to spend $500. But I want ICS and there is no sure fire proof it will officially come to the xoom.
DevilStrider said:
I was looking at the prime but i really don't want to spend $500. But I want ICS and there is no sure fire proof it will officially come to the xoom.
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JBQ stated that it is coming to the Xoom soon. Motorola stated that it's coming to the Xoom, but no time frame given.
It's coming; we just don't know when. I estimate Late Jan - Mid February.
The latest AOSP release included files for the Xoom, just give it a week and it will be in here...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
I got dude that wanted $400 to drop it to $350 but I would rather pay $300 tops.
Keep an Eye on Woot. I picked up 2 wifi only's for $320 a pop in november.
Yeah they trying to get $400 when it's $369 on newegg
Get a Quad Core Transformer instead (I am not Hating, I have a 32GB WiFi Xoom), but GED has held this device back. Still can't Write or Delete the SD Card without a PC, while other Android Tablets have been doing this since the day they came out. Google is Super Slow in allowing us GED Xoom owners Full SD Card Access.
ghodzilla5150 said:
Get a Quad Core Transformer instead (I am not Hating, I have a 32GB WiFi Xoom), but GED has held this device back. Still can't Write or Delete the SD Card without a PC, while other Android Tablets have been doing this since the day they came out. Google is Super Slow in allowing us GED Xoom owners Full SD Card Access.
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*sighs* You can write to your SD card if you were willing to root. I personally bought my Xoom over a transformer, or galaxy tab or what have you because its a GED device. You know why? because I do not want bloat. I dont want touchwiz, I dont want sense, I dont want motoblur or any other modified interface. I wanted pure undiluted android with the lovely added bonus of being virtually unbrickable all while being unlocked.
I did not buy a xoom to remain at stock, I bought it to overclock it, to tweak it, To make the device MY device. As im sure a lot of other xoom owners did. This will probably sound harsh but it's not my intention; If you wanted to remain at stock, which seems obvious from your previous posts in another thread complaining about the very same issue your complaining about here, Then maybe you should have done your research and checked out competing tablets before making your purchase. I find i'm pretty happy with all my purchases because I do huge amounts of research to find the product that is right for me.
The xoom is an amazing device, We have a pretty amazing community here that will help you if need be, Thou I find most everything answered already. The developers we have are great. Team Tiamat for example make a flawless rom/kernel from my experience, limited as it may be. Its still great. I currently have mine with the moray 2.2.2 rom and odachi OC kernel and its extremely smooth, wonderful batterylife.. And relatively amazing. Being a GED device means its basically a developing template. You bought a GED device, because its a GED device and you're not taking advantage of the fact its a GED device. It takes longer to read the instructions on how to root then it does to actually do it. You will be MUCH happier with your purchase if you take advantage of what its capable of. Root it, rom it, kernel it. Do your research before trying, But if you do You will have a more plesant experience. You will be much more happier with your device. I personally used this thread and I can vouch for its accuracy http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1249798 if you don't like it. Then simply return it to stock and you're done. There are more benefits to rooting a device Then their are downsides from what I've read.
In response to OP's question. I paid the current price on newegg (370$) and even at that price I am very happy with my purchase. If I could find one for 300-350$ I would buy it in a heartbeat for my parents. Now keep in mind the 370$ price tag is for a RE CERTIFIED xoom, Mine came with stock everything in the box. No problems what so ever. Soo if you were going to pay 350 for a used one, Splurge for the extra 20 to get a re certified product. Its very much worth that price in my honest opinion.
You see, I bought the WiFi Xoom the day it came out because of PROMISES & HYPE. You are partially right. I should have waited for the Transformer (at least I would have a working SD Card Write/Delete from within). I just feel I SHOULD NOT have to go thru the Trouble of Rooting to get what the device should do out of the BOX. That's why GED "WAS" supposed to be so special. To me it isn't.
I feel we were duped and I personally will NEVER get another GED device EVER again. Actually GED is holding back the US Xoom's. A very talented Dev has said as much. If you have ever been on the Moto Community Forums, Gmanapps (who created SDCARDXD) has said as much, and he is VERY Talented and Smart (not to say you are not, I just respect what he has to say on the issue at hand). To me these EXPENSIVE Devices should work out-of-the-box as my Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 does. I got tired of keeping up with Myn's Rom then Synergy. I jut want it to work Stock. There is NOTHING wrong with that, especially after the money we 1st Day Adopters paid for it.
Just my 2 Cents from a VERY Frustrated Consumer. When you Root, things go wrong and something ALWAYS gets FUBAR'd (like No 4G or Camera Not Working). No Thanks.
Ohhh, I can understand why you're so frustrated now. I learnt to always take promises and hypes with a grain of salt. Just because people will say whatever it takes to sale their product. I just about always wait until something has all its bugs and stuff worked out before buying it. So I can very much understand your point now.
I personally will buy a GED device again, but my reasoning is because its unlocked. I very much enjoy hacking things to do more then they should, It extends the life of a product for me. Means I have to replace it less often. Which is a huge plus for me because I can be kinda cheap haha. I originally started my "mobile" carrier, so to speak, with iOS, its the openness of android that attracted me so much. I hate not having control of my devices. So rooting for me, was part of the appeal. No disrespect taken Because I can understand your frustration. The devs on here know alot more then i do haha. Maybe it has held it back, But at the same time in my eyes it's helped because of it being unlocked, it allows for an easier time developing.
Things should work out of the box I will agree with that, they really should. People shouldn't have to create apps to allow a feature thats available on just about anything that includes an SD card. Sometimes things don't thou, and I guess it would be googles fault for it not doing so since updates do come through them. I guess its because the tablet is kinda like the nexus program, Devices with the pure unfiltered android experience. I guess even the flaws of that "unfiltered" experience come through as well. Personally though, I would much rather adapt and find a solution then be unhappy.
If you ever do decide to give rooting/roming (is that what you call it?) a go. Def use the guide i linked earlier for as long as its still valid. The only thing that would suck is backing up your data before the wipe that happens when you unlock.
ghodzilla5150 said:
Just my 2 Cents from a VERY Frustrated Consumer. When you Root, things go wrong and something ALWAYS gets FUBAR'd (like No 4G or Camera Not Working). No Thanks.
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If you follow directions properly, most issues are avoided. And afaik, issues like no 4g or broken camera occur when you apply an unstable rom. Rooting simply gives you full control, that's all.
Vengfulr3ap3r said:
Ohhh, I can understand why you're so frustrated now. I learnt to always take promises and hypes with a grain of salt. Just because people will say whatever it takes to sale their product. I just about always wait until something has all its bugs and stuff worked out before buying it. So I can very much understand your point now.
I personally will buy a GED device again, but my reasoning is because its unlocked. I very much enjoy hacking things to do more then they should, It extends the life of a product for me. Means I have to replace it less often. Which is a huge plus for me because I can be kinda cheap haha. I originally started my "mobile" carrier, so to speak, with iOS, its the openness of android that attracted me so much. I hate not having control of my devices. So rooting for me, was part of the appeal. No disrespect taken Because I can understand your frustration. The devs on here know alot more then i do haha. Maybe it has held it back, But at the same time in my eyes it's helped because of it being unlocked, it allows for an easier time developing.
Things should work out of the box I will agree with that, they really should. People shouldn't have to create apps to allow a feature thats available on just about anything that includes an SD card. Sometimes things don't thou, and I guess it would be googles fault for it not doing so since updates do come through them. I guess its because the tablet is kinda like the nexus program, Devices with the pure unfiltered android experience. I guess even the flaws of that "unfiltered" experience come through as well. Personally though, I would much rather adapt and find a solution then be unhappy.
If you ever do decide to give rooting/roming (is that what you call it?) a go. Def use the guide i linked earlier for as long as its still valid. The only thing that would suck is backing up your data before the wipe that happens when you unlock.
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You are a cool dude, Thanks for the help. I have Rooted before. My OG EVO had Myn's Warm 2.2 , then Synergy. So I am NOT a Noob to Rooting. I just don't feel like following the ROM to Death like before. It gets old. I guess I will just have to wait until Google gets off it's LAZY ASS and gives us ICS. HC works fine and as for me, the Playbook and Galaxy Player are all I need for now. I have no more need for tablets and what I have will suffice for a long time.
I personally thing if u find a xoom has better spec. then another 10' tablet. it has 4g, duel core, and used ranged from 300 dollar. Samsung makes good tablet but right now still not really match xoom in price range. Samung tablet plus price is like more then xoom. xoom is close or less then this tablet. Only think i would consider is the old samsung tab 7 inch. becasue:
Samsung tab 7" ( old )
1 core, 2gb + sd slot. 3g around 200-250 ( i got one on ebay 198)
2 core 32 GB +sd slot 4G around 300-340 ( i got one on ebay. 310)
for 50-60 dollars more u get 4g and bigger screen and 1 core. Hope you understand.
its got the longest battery life among current tablets and its the only one that does dualband. I have no interest in buying a non GED device. I want to decide on my overlay and I want the first updates. Google's updates are far more featurefilled than anything Asus will offer you in their overlay, so picking a non GED product makes no sense for me. Ill get a new one either after nvidias next Gen processor comes out in a year or if Samsung makes something with that awesome flexible display concept design they made (YouTube the commercial, coolest thing I've ever seen). The tegra 2 is not yet outdated. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, though
i paid 240 for my xoom :]
got it used on craigslist
Just picked one up as well. 32gig Wifi for $300. Buyer also included dock and case. Cant complain about that. Now.. on to root
I wouldnt personally buy a xoom when the transformer prime is around the corner...
Kippui said:
I wouldnt personally buy a xoom when the transformer prime is around the corner...
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I bought a 4G LTE XOOM, knowing the Prime was around the corner... Mostly because I needed a tablet with its own dedicated data connection... Verizon has the best network and didn't want the Galaxy Tab or Xyboard. TP isn't coming out with mobile radios, so had to rule it out.

Should I Buy an 8.9?

Do you guys believe this device will get much love from ROM developers? I love to tinker with my devices and don't want to be stuck with something that has no development?
No one can answer this only you. It could be tomorrow or next year.. sorry
Right now I wouldn't, I've got it and it's just sitting there collecting dust till there is a rom. No Google on an Android tablet is absurd.
here's my take as a lay person
Most of the people who want hardcore development will opt for the slightly underpowered, but very capable, Nexus 7. While the Kindle fire HDX 8.9 offers marvelous hardware, with a top of the line display, it has a locked, and guarded bootloader, which will be tough to crack. While it has already been rooted, and their is safestrap, roms will be limited until the bootloader is cracked. Kernel flashing will obviously be impossible without this. The root capability opens the window, but the door is still closed. I have the 7", and I do enjoy flashing roms, customizing, and tinkering simply for the sake of learning, but I don't have lofty expectations of the devs. While they are wonderful, and make an uncalled for effort to make every device perform at it's peak, I cannot see a locked device getting an abundant amount of attention, when a similarly capable, same-gen piece of hardware came out offering exactly what you already want. You may need to look at other similarly priced 10" tablets, that offer the same hardware, or close, that can be unlocked with a simple click, rather than 100s of man hours, and a bit of hope.
I was going to purchase the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 but Office Depot had a great deal on the 7" Kindle Fire HDX. $179.99 plus you get a $20.00 gift card.
Kindle Fire HDX
aaronuser said:
Do you guys believe this device will get much love from ROM developers? I love to tinker with my devices and don't want to be stuck with something that has no development?
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I've been side-loading my Google Apps, and I'm quite happy with mine so far. I say go ahead and get one. You can always return it within a month.
My advise is for you to buy it.
I already rooted it and, thanks to @andoidcowboy tutorial, i got all my google apps working.
I live outside US and I am able to stream all PRIME content (movies, series, etc) using some DNS...
Hardware is really awesome, tab is really comfortable... i just love the darn thing! only thing i regret is not buying the 64gb one...
If you want real custom ROM's like CyanogenMOD or SlimRom's, then keep looking elsewhere. Because Kindle isn't getting them ANYTIME soon.
If nobody can flash one of these ROM's on a current release of the Galaxy S4 AT&T phone then you can believe the HDX isn't going to be any better.
Only the first two releases of S4 can flash AOSP. Any S4 released in the last 2-4 months is screwed.
All I'm hoping for its maybe a stock rom debloated . Google play . And can still access my prime features
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
At this point no. Most Dev's want to go after the easier targets that do not have locked bootloaders. Amazon has no one to blame but themselves if they fail (again) with this device.
I was this close to buying one, but after using the Nexus 5 and seeing how life is so much easier with unlocked bootloader, I'm never going back to a device that is not a Nexus or GPE. If I'm going be someone's b****, it better come with more benefits than Amazon Prime.
darksoul21 said:
Amazon has no one to blame but themselves if they fail (again) with this device.
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I'm not sure Amazon failed in the past with their Kindle Fires. Failed in the eyes of Devs maybe but not to normal consumers.
Which apps are compatible with rooted Kindle fire HDX 8.9
Hi there!
I'm thinking about getting the kindle 8.9 for its awesome hardware, but I'm concerned about what apps are available? Assuming I root the device, can I side load ANY android app? Or only the handful that I see threads about on this forum? (e.g., google apps).
If I'm limited to a handful of apps that's probably a deal breaker.
Thanks in advance!
HoOnZ said:
I'm not sure Amazon failed in the past with their Kindle Fires. Failed in the eyes of Devs maybe but not to normal consumers.
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Normal? So your saying that people here are not? They are strange?
---------- Post added at 07:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------
Engreeks1 said:
Hi there!
I'm thinking about getting the kindle 8.9 for its awesome hardware, but I'm concerned about what apps are available? Assuming I root the device, can I side load ANY android app? Or only the handful that I see threads about on this forum? (e.g., google apps).
If I'm limited to a handful of apps that's probably a deal breaker.
Thanks in advance!
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You can sideload. Some apps (like ones on Fdroid) need Root. The troublesome part is finding apks (Android version of installer file for app). You can use a back up tool on another device or search the net for apks (that are not Trojan/Virus modded).
---------- Post added at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 AM ----------
bigbrown said:
I was this close to buying one, but after using the Nexus 5 and seeing how life is so much easier with unlocked bootloader, I'm never going back to a device that is not a Nexus or GPE. If I'm going be someone's b****, it better come with more benefits than Amazon Prime.
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I have Prime, so may hold it for a bit. If the Gtab 10.1 2014 drops in price (by at least $100) I'll get rid of this.
darksoul21 said:
At this point no. Most Dev's want to go after the easier targets that do not have locked bootloaders. Amazon has no one to blame but themselves if they fail (again) with this device.
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I kinda disagree on this.
I agree on the Devs hitting the easier targets, but going by the specs and the price I think it's fairly clear (happy to be proved wrong lol) that Amazon are selling the HDX's at minimal profit and are relying on revenue from sales of their wares through pushing it massively through the Kindle OS.
Amazon obviously know that an unlocked bootloader == user removing Amazon specific features == lost revenue for them.
If it does fail it won't be due to the locked bootloader, IMHO. Although, I do feel they blew 1 toe off by not at least giving you the option of using Google Services on it, many apps require this and they could still bombard us with Amazon goodies.
Maybe, on the logic above, they could have released an unlocked version for a premium, but I for one would not have considered the Kindle HDX, regardless of the specs, if the price was more than a Nexus 7 2013.
CZ Eddie said:
If you want real custom ROM's like CyanogenMOD or SlimRom's, then keep looking elsewhere. Because Kindle isn't getting them ANYTIME soon.
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Why not? Literally every single kindle fire has a custom firmware or port to it. It seems like you're pulling this "kindles aren't getting custom roms" out of your ass.Hell, i've got kit-kat 4.4 running on the original kindle fire.
I think the company that makes the kindle Foxcon/Asus/LG or whoever should have released a cosemetically altered version and sell it as a GPE. I would gladly pay $50 more for a unsubsidized version that isn't locked down. From what I read, the HW meets or exceeds Apple products.
Spec-Chum said:
I kinda disagree on this.
I agree on the Devs hitting the easier targets, but going by the specs and the price I think it's fairly clear (happy to be proved wrong lol) that Amazon are selling the HDX's at minimal profit and are relying on revenue from sales of their wares through pushing it massively through the Kindle OS.
Amazon obviously know that an unlocked bootloader == user removing Amazon specific features == lost revenue for them.
If it does fail it won't be due to the locked bootloader, IMHO. Although, I do feel they blew 1 toe off by not at least giving you the option of using Google Services on it, many apps require this and they could still bombard us with Amazon goodies.
Maybe, on the logic above, they could have released an unlocked version for a premium, but I for one would not have considered the Kindle HDX, regardless of the specs, if the price was more than a Nexus 7 2013.
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Little to no profit on the base models but they are getting more on the higher storage models. The real problem is that such powerful hardware is gimped by the OS locked to the device. Truly a waste. And it can fail by word of mouth as well. Folks ask the "techie" in the family what to get and this can easily be shot down as an option thanks to the lack of options. Everyone I know has a custom Rom or at least rooted on their hardware. Especially since they had me do it.
darksoul21 said:
Little to no profit on the base models but they are getting more on the higher storage models. The real problem is that such powerful hardware is gimped by the OS locked to the device. Truly a waste. And it can fail by word of mouth as well. Folks ask the "techie" in the family what to get and this can easily be shot down as an option thanks to the lack of options. Everyone I know has a custom Rom or at least rooted on their hardware. Especially since they had me do it.
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I couldn't decide to be fair, so I took the choice out of my hands and just gave the GF a choice of what to get me between the HDX and a Nexus 7.
She obviously chose the HDX for me and I can't say I'm disappointed.
I do have a Nexus 4 though so I can mod that to my hearts content. Her logic was why would I need 2 devices to do the same thing?
Fair call...

