can some one help me? my evo stuck on a boot loop
Have you tried wiping dalvik cache and cache or just flashing a new Rom?
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i only can go to hboot i try everything but no luck my evo is on S-on
I wish i could find a way to root my evo through hboot
What were u doing before you got stuck in a bootloop?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
flashing my phone to boost i put the wrong nv
If I only were able to root from hboot i might be able to fix it but Im stuck on the S-ON luck
Im not trying to threadjack but i have the same problem i got my htv evo from a friend so i dont now the history of the phone. i try to turn the phone "on" and it just stays stuck on the "white boot htc evo screen" i can get into bootloader but can't really do anything hope some one can help this guy and maybe i can fix mine if he gets help.
Have you guys tried running a of the latest RUU?
Drop it on the root of your SD card and load it through the HBOOT.
Hope that helps.
Sent from my PC36100
i have looked and couldnt find a thread that matched my problem...i have a rooted mytouch 3G (32B) and i cannot get back into recovery. i am able to get into hboot and fastboot but thats it...and when i try to boot regularly the phone will either get stuck in a boot loop or if it does boot (which is rare) it will go to the android tutorial screen and ask for me to touch. at the tutorial screen there will be a whole bunch of error and force closes...before these problems i had used clockwork rec and tried to flash another recovery from rom manager but it would flash a new recovery...then the problems followed and i could no longer flash either clockwork or amon ra....please help if there is any
Post your fastboot info. If your not locked with a perfected SPL you should be able to permanently flash a custom recovery and then flash a new ROM.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
I would just apply SAPPIMG.nbh, then use flashrec.apk from 1.5 to flash amon_ra. Then flash whatever you want.
Basically just follow this guide -
Sapphire PVT 32B SHIPP S-ON G
May 27 2009, 19:06:41
Phateless said:
I would just apply SAPPIMG.nbh, then use flashrec.apk from 1.5 to flash amon_ra. Then flash whatever you want.
Basically just follow this guide -
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the phone is stuck in boot loop and doesnt get passed android tutorial (followed by various error/force close messages) even if it gets passed the boot screen...
Gargon87 said:
the phone is stuck in boot loop and doesnt get passed android tutorial (followed by various error/force close messages) even if it gets passed the boot screen...
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Pull the battery and reinstall, and while the phone is OFF, hold POWER + VOLUME DOWN until you get to the update/bootloader screen. Not sure what it's called. From there you can apply SAPPIMG.nbh from your sd card.
Obviously you'll have to use an adapter to copy the file directly to your SD card without the use of the phone itself.
That will put everything back to oem, then you can use flashrec.apk to install amon_ra and go on your merry way. Try it before you insist it won't work.
If he can't get the regular ROM loaded up he's not going to be able to use flashrec. You need to flash an engineering SPL using the goldcard method and go the old school route of flashing a custom recovey, then flash a new ROM. I'm guessing you rooted before using Androot. When I get to a computer I'll link a proper guide to help you out. You can't get to recovery either (holding home and pressing power)?
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DonJuan692006 said:
If he can't get the regular ROM loaded up he's not going to be able to use flashrec. You need to flash an engineering SPL using the goldcard method and go the old school route of flashing a custom recovey, then flash a new ROM. I'm guessing you rooted before using Androot. When I get to a computer I'll link a proper guide to help you out. You can't get to recovery either (holding home and pressing power)?
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You load SAPPIMG.nbh from the bootloader screen - you don't need a ROM at all.
Applying SAPPIMG returns the phone to 100% oem and should allow him to boot up again.
Applying the stock sappimg will return his bootloader/radio back to stock, not the ROM. You have to run an RUU to get back to complete stock.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Phateless said:
Pull the battery and reinstall, and while the phone is OFF, hold POWER + VOLUME DOWN until you get to the update/bootloader screen. Not sure what it's called. From there you can apply SAPPIMG.nbh from your sd card.
Obviously you'll have to use an adapter to copy the file directly to your SD card without the use of the phone itself.
That will put everything back to oem, then you can use flashrec.apk to install amon_ra and go on your merry way. Try it before you insist it won't work.
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ill try this...thank you.
Gargon87 said:
ill try this...thank you.
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You're welcome, let me know how it goes. You're basically unrooting, going back to cupcake, and then re-rooting, but at this point I think that's going to be LESS effort than everything else you could try, lol.
It went well! Thanks a lot.
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Gargon87 said:
It went well! Thanks a lot.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Awesome! I assume you're back up and running then? Which ROM did you choose?
i have a mytouch 3g 1.2 with the old radio and SPL, i acidently bricked it trying to flash the new radio and SPL and now i cant get into recovery or fastboot and the flash screen is frozen, pleassssssee help me get this fixed it has been completel useless for the last week or so
DonJuan692006 said:
Applying the stock sappimg will return his bootloader/radio back to stock, not the ROM. You have to run an RUU to get back to complete stock.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
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Complete RUUs can be applied via bootloader.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
i have a small problem with my 32a. i used wrong sappimg image and i have :
HBOOT -1.33.006(SAPP10000)
My magic is vodapp25 (Vodafone romania).
Hello did root a 32A,
seems it worked, but than on the fasboot menu no progress
PW+VOL.DOWN start in Bootmoode
Jan 14 2010,00:14:58
Back Fastbootmode
What is wrong there , any help ?
I'm not sure I follow you. Are you trying to root the phone, because your first line says you did already.
Try writing it in your own language and using a translator like Google Translator.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
i did
guess its clear !
i wrote: I did root
Phone still works
to flash the ROM I have to get into the fastboot menu.
after that it shows the listed problem
If your rooted u need a recovery. U have one? Boot to it and flash from there.
Sent from my HTC Magic SparksMod using XDA App
Yeah, you don't need fastboot to flash an actual ROM, you use a custom recovery. That's why I was confused.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Hello thanks so far.
I did it once one the N1 and it worked fine. But here it give me some headache.
Downloaded a Custom and a recovery ROM. Only one on the SD Card and try to install it.
The only way i know is hold VOL-DOWN and Power and from there start .
But this would be via fastboot ? and this show the error i posted.
Other option is, I have this ROM Manger as an App. Nice toy, found me the recovery or /and the custom ROM on the SD Card. After i try to install from there, it restart the phone goes up to the rogers screen and freeze their.
scratching my head.....
No Rom manager. Get amonra 1.7.0. (Custom recovery). Fastboot flash it. Will be instructions on his thread to fastboot flash it. Follow them. When done shut phone off. Boot into amonra home and power till recovery screen comes up. NANDROID BACKUP. Wipe everything in recovery. Partition sdcard the way u want it. Plug into computer. Hit USB toggle. Open sdcard on comp. Put Rom and gapps or whatever you're flashing. Close sdcard. Hit home to get out of USB toggle. Flash Rom and whatever. Reboot. Done. Keep us posted.
Sent from my HTC Magic SparksMod using XDA App
Hi all, first post here. I have rooted my N1 and flashed CM6 on it. Now I'm looking to root and flash a MyTouch Fender. I have one question that is really stumping me, and I have been all of over this forum. What is the differance between 32a and 32b? And if its on the phone, how would I find it? And do I have to flash a radio, too?
Ok, three questions.... lol
Still new at all this flashy stuff, but its great.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
wickediis said:
Hi all, first post here. I have rooted my N1 and flashed CM6 on it. Now I'm looking to root and flash a MyTouch Fender. I have one question that is really stumping me, and I have been all of over this forum. What is the differance between 32a and 32b? And if its on the phone, how would I find it? And do I have to flash a radio, too?
Ok, three questions.... lol
Still new at all this flashy stuff, but its great.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Please start your own thread and we'll be more then glad to help out. Thread jacking isn't cool mmmkay....
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Guy, I was having issue with my phone it will not boot all the way to the OS, it get stuck at the boot screen.
I boot into recovery and do a restore but the recovery is corrupted some how. I think something cause the Clockmod Recovery partition table. I was getting an error: at partition e:\ something like that, when restoring from my backup.
I decided to try the file that I have backup and it work but I lost the S-off so I have to redo everything to get the S-off again. I'm glad that it fixed the issue and hopefully it will help others that have the same issue as I am.
Ok that's cool I guess. no idea what the point of this topic though
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
You got the recovery error. Which means you used gfree to root and s off and you also have the bad emmc chip. If I was you I would get a warranty replacement. Keep your phone s on.
Sent from my Green Sludge using XDA Premium App
My mytouch 4g that i just rooted is stuck at the mytouch 4g screen. I downloaded a custom rom and since then its stuck at the mytouch 4g screen! when i go to the recovery it says cant load cache and missing things so something is wrong i really need help this is my only phone!! please anyone
did you try restoring your stock rom from from your nandroid backup?
i had a problem similar to that and i think it was because when i made my backup i didn't have enough space on my sd card so it just got stuck on the boot screen. i just flashed the PD15IMG in the bootloader and it completely restored my phone back to stock.
hope this helps..
jberg22 said:
did you try restoring your stock rom from from your nandroid backup?
i had a problem similar to that and i think it was because when i made my backup i didn't have enough space on my sd card so it just got stuck on the boot screen. i just flashed the PD15IMG in the bootloader and it completely restored my phone back to stock.
hope this helps..
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He's getting cache errors which usually points to a failed eMMC chip which he should've checked before rooting. A improperly made backup will not give out cache errors it will either error out or just bootloop your phone till you wipe and reflash a ROM. So if you can get ADB to recognize your phone and can check your eMMC chip it will most likely be the bad one.
Sorry for your bad experience with the phone just send in for a warranty replacement recheck the eMMC on the replacement. If its good go crazy but be careful in what you flash
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Nicgraner said:
He's getting cache errors which usually points to a failed eMMC chip which he should've checked before rooting. A improperly made backup will not give out cache errors it will either error out or just bootloop your phone till you wipe and reflash a ROM. So if you can get ADB to recognize your phone and can check your eMMC chip it will most likely be the bad one.
Sorry for your bad experience with the phone just send in for a warranty replacement recheck the eMMC on the replacement. If its good go crazy but be careful in what you flash
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
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Jst bcuz u have the bad eMMC don't mean anything. I have the bad one and I've flashed every sense rom, the liquid rom,, and demonspeed miui. And I haven't had any problems and I've even rooted and s-off and then put s-on and unrooted, and then rooted and s-off again jst to see if becuz I had the bad emmc it would bootloop or die, and nothing... works perfectly fine. So back to the question, since you can't get into recovery go grab the and place it on root of phone, boot into bootloader, and when it asked for update say yes. Let it do its thing. Then reboot, and bam phone should work again. Then jst reroot and use rom manager to flash recovery and there you go.
Sent from my demonSPEED Glacier using XDA Premium App
ptaylor09 said:
Jst bcuz u have the bad eMMC don't mean anything. I have the bad one and I've flashed every sense rom, the liquid rom,, and demonspeed miui. And I haven't had any problems and I've even rooted and s-off and then put s-on and unrooted, and then rooted and s-off again jst to see if becuz I had the bad emmc it would bootloop or die, and nothing... works perfectly fine. So back to the question, since you can't get into recovery go grab the and place it on root of phone, boot into bootloader, and when it asked for update say yes. Let it do its thing. Then reboot, and bam phone should work again. Then jst reroot and use rom manager to flash recovery and there you go.
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You've been lucky so far. Just because your eMMC has not yet died, doesn't mean that it won't. If the OP's eMMC has failed, flashing is not guaranteed to work either. Most people get the dreaded Fail-PU error message when flashing it, which means the phone is truly bricked. It's worth a shot though.
Oh, and I hit 'thanks' by accident, so you get your first one for free.
TeeJay3800 said:
You've been lucky so far. Just because your eMMC has not yet died, doesn't mean that it won't. If the OP's eMMC has failed, flashing is not guaranteed to work either. Most people get the dreaded Fail-PU error message when flashing it, which means the phone is truly bricked. It's worth a shot though.
Oh, and I hit 'thanks' by accident, so you get your first one for free.
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The way I see it, other then sending it in, is it not the only option?
Sent from my demonSPEED Glacier using XDA Premium App
ptaylor09 said:
The way I see it, other then sending it in, is it not the only option?
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Yes, I'm afraid it is. I was just trying to give a more realistic account of what eMMC failure is like.
I love the smell of fried eMMC chips in the morning.
ptaylor09 said:
Jst bcuz u have the bad eMMC don't mean anything. I have the bad one and I've flashed every sense rom, the liquid rom,, and demonspeed miui. And I haven't had any problems and I've even rooted and s-off and then put s-on and unrooted, and then rooted and s-off again jst to see if becuz I had the bad emmc it would bootloop or die, and nothing... works perfectly fine. So back to the question, since you can't get into recovery go grab the and place it on root of phone, boot into bootloader, and when it asked for update say yes. Let it do its thing. Then reboot, and bam phone should work again. Then jst reroot and use rom manager to flash recovery and there you go.
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Like teejay said your lucky yours hasn't died yet. His has failed so he can no longer do anything which is why will just error out.
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
A month ago I rooted my Mytouch 4g and flashed Toasted Marshmellow with no problems. I wanted to go to Synthetic Nightmare's ICS rom since JB seemed a little too glitchy and used ROM Manager to do the flashing for me. However,when my phone booted back up, the white H-boot screen popped up instead of CWM. Instead of pulling the battery out, I accepted the update which brought my phone back to stock froyo. I still have s-off and my phone is no longer rooted. I tried to permroot and flashanother rom again today only for my phone to be stuck ont the Mytouch 4g screen.
I don't know if I should go back to s-on and try the process of s-off and permroot again?
Have you tried pushing recovery back to your phone with adb? Or if u r stuck on the white logo screen u will have to use adb to communicate with your phone, to regain root? Someone? Possibly if u tried to reflash a rom then your boot.img may be different than the rom since you weren't rooted? I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud..brainstorming
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shellybell said:
A month ago I rooted my Mytouch 4g and flashed Toasted Marshmellow with no problems. I wanted to go to Synthetic Nightmare's ICS rom since JB seemed a little too glitchy and used ROM Manager to do the flashing for me. However,when my phone booted back up, the white H-boot screen popped up instead of CWM. Instead of pulling the battery out, I accepted the update which brought my phone back to stock froyo. I still have s-off and my phone is no longer rooted. I tried to permroot and flashanother rom again today only for my phone to be stuck ont the Mytouch 4g screen.
I don't know if I should go back to s-on and try the process of s-off and permroot again?
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Ok, push the into bootloader and reset back to stock if you haven't already done so. Then do the gfree rooting method to gain Perma root.
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
THEindian said:
Ok, push the into bootloader and reset back to stock if you haven't already done so. Then do the gfree rooting method to gain Perma root.
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I'm able to push the pd15.img with no problems and was able to successfully root through visionary, but now it seems I can't flash any roms. I've tried numerous times only to get either stuck at the mytouch 4g screen and once it got an error and the installations was aborted. Everytime this happens, I have to repush pd15.img and re-root. It's been going on since yesterday and am so frustrated to the point I'm ready to give up.
I love having custom roms, but this is stupid!
Also, try using 4ext recovery instead of CWM. Maybe you will not get an error. Wipe data, cache & dalvik, the format everything except sdcard. Then install zip from sd (rom of your choice)
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda premium
shellybell said:
I'm able to push the pd15.img with no problems and was able to successfully root through visionary, but now it seems I can't flash any roms. I've tried numerous times only to get either stuck at the mytouch 4g screen and once it got an error and the installations was aborted. Everytime this happens, I have to repush pd15.img and re-root. It's been going on since yesterday and am so frustrated to the point I'm ready to give up.
I love having custom roms, but this is stupid!
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Try sticking twrp recovery image on fastboot and see if that works
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 03:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 AM ----------
Also, make sure you have busybox installed
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
jjbadd385 said:
Also, try using 4ext recovery instead of CWM. Maybe you will not get an error. Wipe data, cache & dalvik, the format everything except sdcard. Then install zip from sd (rom of your choice)
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda premium
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 4ext worked like a charm. You are freaking awesome!
Thank you to everyone else who responded to my question!
shellybell said:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 4ext worked like a charm. You are freaking awesome!
Thank you to everyone else who responded to my question!
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Yup that's why I recommend it its the best. Also take any files on the root of your SD card and either move it into another folder or delete it completely to avoid any similar problems from happening.
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Synthetic.Nightmare said:
Yup that's why I recommend it its the best. Also take any files on the root of your SD card and either move it into another folder or delete it completely to avoid any similar problems from happening.
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So far loving ICS. I didn't even think to delete the file, but will do that!
shellybell said:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 4ext worked like a charm. You are freaking awesome!
Thank you to everyone else who responded to my question!
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Any error in installing a rom I have ever heard of, 99% of the time has been from cwm recovery. I've used both, but I'd never use anything but 4ext now. Glad you're up & going again...
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