Exchange/Active Sync - Stops working ? - Galaxy S II General

I have a new Galaxy S II that is rooted, and has 2.3.5 (XWKI8) installed.
I'm having an odd issue with my work exchange account. So, I set it up using the default email client ... no issue. All works fine, along with contacts and calendar.
Usually by the next day (no specific timeframe has passed, it varies) , my email no longer syncs, and the email client keep popping up a "refreshing" message at the bottom ... constantly. email appears to no longer work.
Next, I delete the account, recreate it , and all works fine again until, the next day when the same symptoms appear.
Next, I deleted the account completely yesterday late day, and went and downloaded a paid version of Enhanced eMail, and set it up. setup perfectly and all worked just fine. Once again, the next day (just before noon today) my email halts updating and enhanced email shows the refreshing icon in the top right ... constantly flashing and trying to update. but no updates.
Any thoughts or suggestions ? Had always worked fine on my previous phone (iPhone 4)
Everything else on the phone works perfectly, but this is beyond frustrating to a guy who get/sends 300+ email a day.
Any help would be appreciated.

I have had a client call our help desk on more than the one occasion with his htc desire. I believe it to be an intermittent android issue that max not necessarily effect all handsets...
sent from t'internet

I had a similar problem with contact sync. Some contacts just did not sync which resulted in no sync at all.
Exchange ActiveSync is based on https communication. The commands are sent via PUT to the server. If they where above a certain size the server answered with error 413 and sync stopped (no error message on the device, I sniffed the network traffic on the server). Solution was to increase the UploadReadAheadSize in the IIS Metabase on the server running ActiveSync. No problems at all from then on.
For details on doing this on the server see (I have set the value to 500000).


IMAP Accounts Not Downloading EMail, e.g. Gmail

Hi guys
I have a HD2 with the Stock ROM 1.66, all working fine until recently, where both my Gmail accounts are blank, every folder is empty, Send/Receive runs, Connecting > Logging on > looking for Changes > Updating Folders > Disconnecting.
No email is downloaded, Ive tried removing accounts and re-adding, checking the deletion and day threshold settings, and its still not download any at all.
The only thing ive done recently is installed SPB keyboard which ive removed, and the Excalibur Android Loader app, which is also now removed. I also changed a registry setting under HTC Album to ignore the .thumbnails folder, but nothing else.
My Outlook sync probably works fine, but because i dont have a valid SSL cert on exchange yet, i cant test with that.
Does your email account work fine via webmail?
works fine via webmail.
Okay ive found the problem after hours of investigation, the date was set to 2011 for some reason, so it was connecting and seeing no emails for that date!!!
flashy said:
works fine via webmail.
Okay ive found the problem after hours of investigation, the date was set to 2011 for some reason, so it was connecting and seeing no emails for that date!!!
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I'm having the same issue. It checks email and comes back with the current time as the refresh time, but doesn't show any new emails. I have found a trick that if I go into the settings for that mail account and just click through them without changing anything, it will receive the current mail. Unfortunately I have to do that every time I want mail from that IMAP email. The unfortunate side effect is that it also resets default settings for emial size and frequency.
Where was the date field that you are talking about above?
I just went to my phone's date/time setting and it was set to automatic from server. I toggled it to manual and back to automatic. Now it's receiving emails again. That may have fixed it. I'm a little skeptical as I have done little things here and there which will may it update and retrieve email once, but it never seems to work on its own without my tinkering with it. We'll see. If it is still working tomorrow, I'll report back here to let everyone know.
So I tried it again this morning and it isn't working again. So that wasn't it. Also, one correction to my last post ... my IMAP isn't empty it just won't receive new mail. I hit refresh and the sync symbol spins and then shows the current time as if refreshed but no new email pop in. It also does this so fast that it cannot possibly be logging in and checking before it returns with no mail. Still frustrated. Let me know if anyone figures this out.
PS - as additional info, I own my own domain and email hosting through Rackspace. Since my wife has the same setup (Domain and sakes rackspace account) I added her email to my phone and it works fine (tried over several days). So now I'm really baffled.
Solved! Android 2.2 stopped receiving emails (T-Mobile)
Solved! Android 2.2 stopped receiving emails (T-Mobile)
Ok, I have spent countless hours researching and troubleshooting this and I think I have the solution. Apparently, Android's native email software has difficulty with certain things, "Flagged" emails being one of them. I.E. those emails you flag different colors to follow up on later.
I have tried everything I could find on the issue and this seems to be what worked for me.
Background (Just in case this helps you):
Phone: T-Mobile HTC HD2 running Android 2.2 NAND
Issue: Email worked fine on multiple accounts for over a year on this phone, then one day one of my personal IMAP account stopped receiving emails. Gmail and my Exchange accounts still worked fine. However, my IMAP account would say it is "Syncing/Refreshing Messages" and come back with the current time stamp, but would not pull in any of the new messages. My only work around until now was to run through the email account setup for Incoming mail server, Outgoing (SMTP) mail server, etc. Then it would work, but only once. If I wanted my new mail again, I would have to repeat that process. About a day or so before I began having issues, I had flagged several emails for future follow-up. I read a post that mentioned that in passing so I tried it. I went into Outlook and unfledged all the emails I had flagged.
Solution: Un-flag all emails in your INBOX. Then wait 4-12 hours.
NOTE! At first it didn't work, but after a few hours I started getting my emails and have been getting everything fine since (last 48hours). I guess it takes time to propagate in the system or something.
I hope this helps!

Activesync Exchange: Improved Email seems to fix bugs

Syncing email and calendar with stock Email app has always been a nightmare (on DHD but also on former device MT3G).
The stock HTC Email worked for few days and suddenly stopped syncing (error: cannot connect to server).
Rebooting or even deleting user account did not help.
It makes me crazy when I see Iphone guys syncing with no problem in the same company !!
I have purchased Roadsync but it also fail
So, I have installed Improved Email and so far it seems to work better.
See here for details on this app.
Nop - Improved Email is not as reliable as expected. Calendar is often (if not always) out of sync...
See this post for a better solution (at least worked for me).

Emails wows

I've moved over from Winmo and I really like sgs but recently I've started having issuses with my emails. To cut a long story short, I had a problem with my handset which Vodafone kindly replaced with froyo 2.2 (previous handset had 2.1) and since then I've had problems with receiving email messages. The sgs is configured to connect to my work Exchange 2007 server and is set to check automatically (push) for new emails. I can go for about a day without receiving anything but yet my mailbox has new emails! I've tried different networks - I brought the phone unlocked, restarting, ending task ....... list goes on!
any ideas what I should do? I do sometimes see the error "connection error" in yellow at the top of the email app screen but it then disappears and start refreshing, again sometimes this does the trick and other times nothing happens.
please help!
Southside said:
I've moved over from Winmo and I really like sgs but recently I've started having issuses with my emails. To cut a long story short, I had a problem with my handset which Vodafone kindly replaced with froyo 2.2 (previous handset had 2.1) and since then I've had problems with receiving email messages. The sgs is configured to connect to my work Exchange 2007 server and is set to check automatically (push) for new emails. I can go for about a day without receiving anything but yet my mailbox has new emails! I've tried different networks - I brought the phone unlocked, restarting, ending task ....... list goes on!
any ideas what I should do? I do sometimes see the error "connection error" in yellow at the top of the email app screen but it then disappears and start refreshing, again sometimes this does the trick and other times nothing happens.
please help!
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If is set to check is set to check and that means that your server is not PUSHING email and on top of that your server doesn't allow SGS to check.
I have a Winmo phone configured as I can't rely on the SGS and that works 100% configured the same way!
I've also tried removing the account and re-creating which hasn't helped.
Could it be the phone itself? only 2 things have changed since it last worked, the hardware and the system software. We have other users using Android and its working fine for them
The stock samsung email is [email protected] Try K9 email from the market or try deleting your email accounts from the samsung app and use the 'Social Hub' app (also a stock Galaxy app made by Samsung) to add an exchange account as a 'push' type and see if that works.
How do I add the Exchange account to the Social Hub? Just try it now and all I see is my SMS messages but no option to Add an account, the menu button does nothing.
I will try K9 in the meantime
K9 have removed the Android version from their download site! any other ideas?
Southside said:
K9 have removed the Android version from their download site! any other ideas?
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thanks mate but I'm sure our Exchange 2010 server doesn't support webdav. A note aside I think I know why the stock email client is not working correctly. What I have noticed is that when it does try and check for emails at the scheduled times, if for any reason it can't connect it stops and then doesn't re-try at the next interval, when I do a manual refresh I see all the "connection Error" messages popup at the top of the screen and once they have dissappeared, only then does it start receiving messages again.
any ideas?

[RE-SOLVED] Gingerbread ActiveSync Calendar Sync Issue -UPDATED FIRST POST 23/08/2011

I had 2.2.1 on my phone and ActiveSync worked very well for Email, Contacts and Calendar. It would correctly 'ping' the folders, and go fetch updates when they happened.
Since moving to 2.3.3 with an official ROM (and any other ones I tested) I have always experienced an issue with the Calendar Sync portion of ActiveSync.
Email and Contacts still ping the Inbox and Contacts folders as expected but the Calendar has a mind of it's own.
Even though the Calendar folder is also pinged - it kicks off it's own independent 'Sync' request approximately every minute. And, what is worse is that after every one of these 'sync' requests it also initiates another ping on all folders Email, Contacts, and Calendar.
If I leave Calendar sync selected, multiple parallel ping requests end up clogging the server, and obviously this also has ramifications for data usage and battery draining.
I end up having to disable Calendar Sync for most of the time, only manually turning it on/off to sync any meetings I have set up or have accepted invitations to.
If you look at the attached screenshots, you can see that the date/time of the last update for Contacts is staying the same (09/08/2011 15:25) whereas the Calendar is updating every minute. This is happening even though nothing is changing on the Calendar on the server side.
Is this just me ? Or can other people please confirm that they are seeing the issue also.
EDIT: Well apparantly it wasn't just me - but there are very few people who run into this. Clearing the Email application data completely has cured the problem.
EDIT 23/08/2011:
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work. However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
ive been told that this was fixed in JVR
at least some calendar sync issue, do not know if this particular error...
This issue is not fixed in JVR. I loaded JVR specifically to see if it had been fixed, and it has not. I rolled back to stock JVH.
I have seen this issue on every Gingerbread ROM to date.
so i gues he is wrong
ever thinked this might some issue on your site?
or your company server?
btw after a short google search
I was able to clear the client/server conversion error on an HTC Incredible by clearing all the data out of the calendar app using Menu/ Manage Applications. Then re-sync and the problem went away.
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$omator said:
so i gues he is wrong
ever thinked this might some issue on your site?
or your company server?
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The same server works perfectly well with Android 2.2.1, Nokia MailforExchange, and WindowsMobile 6.5 -
It worked perfectly well syncing the Calendar on this phone too while it was on Android 2.2.1 - it was only when I went to 2.3.x that the problem surfaced, and it has been identical on all builds.
Regarding your other post - my phone was recently in for repair and came back completely wiped with a fresh install of the latest Vodafone approved 2.3.3
As soon as I set up the email client it immediately began to spin on the Calnedar again - so it seems very unlikely that clearing data would do anything.
trying it would hurt yes?
well all i am saying it works for anyone around you
you are aware that this version as well as jvr one got updated
maybe it needs updating on server side also to latest idk
try other server maybe
No, I'm not wrong On JVR exchange calendar sync works fine (finally).
Of course you may say that I photoshopped images, or created manually the calendar entry in my phone
Don't get me wrong. It is working for me too. I get all the appointments across.
It is just that the calendar is constantly synching for some reason.
If you look at the account sync options as I showed above, does your Calendar - last update timestamp change every minute ?
I don't use autosynchronization but my calendar entries are updated when I change something in my exchange calendar (currently my last update was around 10:00 AM). I believe it works the same way the email does - by "push". Maybe when using autosynchronization it does this constant updates? What are your email settings? It's also possible that some Exchange setting is forcing constant updates.
Following the suggestion $omator found from someone with a HTC Incredible, I did the following
1. Moved all my appointments on the server to a secondary (non-sync'ed calendar) - this step may not be necessary but I had already begun moving them anyway to see if one was corrupted.
2. Removed my ActiveSync account
3. Cleared the data from the Email application (it was showing that there was still 76K of data associated with it after removing the account)
4. Turned off the phone, and turned it back on again.
5. Added my ActiveSync account back, and allowed it to sync all content (Emails and Contacts - Calendar was still empty)
6. Once everything was settled (including calendar sync) - I moved back all my appointments to my synched calendar on the server.
7. Happy days ! No more constant synching.
Thanks again $omator for the suggestion. I am always nervous about that "Clear Data" button.
happy to hear!
and the fix i was talking about in jvr
is enabling multi calendars sync or something like that
I am using a stock JVR and have this problem as well. I also tried the solution posted but that didn't work either. Any other suggestions?
Found root cause - Contact BIRTHDAY field !
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work.
However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
do not forget to report it also to google
somewhere there =)
Thank you very much for this find! I too suffer from this problem since leaving 2.1 (i think). To all others: this IS a bug, even in JVR. Just about when you think deleting & recreating your exchange account solved this, this problem tends to raise its head again (sometimes after a day or so). Two independent Exchange servers cause this problem for me. The result is that the Calendar still syncs, but at the expense of a constant 10% load, halving battery life. Its even visible in the sync settings of the Exchange account; the spinning circle icon never disappears indicating the looping process. This has been reported to Google multiple times (search but they dont seem to mind.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
LiverpoolFCfan said:
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work.
However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
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I have exactly the same issue with GingerBread on an HTC EVO 3D, I followed your instructions to clear any Birthday info on my Exchange contacts, I will report back in a few days to see if this fixes my problem.
I only started having the sync issue when my company upgraded to Exchange 2010.
We've experienced sync issues on my company (using exchange 2003/2007) after some microsoft patches.... we still have MS engineers working to find what the heck broke the sync but without success...

Exchange ActiveSync Push not working, HELP!!

I've found several threads, but none of which seem to help. I can't get my exchange account to "push" my email. I've turned on every option known to man to allow this to happen, but it just isn't happening without me having to refresh. Push works with my other two non-exchange accounts and it worked fine with my old HTC One M7. Any ideas?
I am having the same issues (exchange server not pushing email, have to manually refresh) plus phone is very warm and battery drain since the email is not getting pushed and I think the email app is trying to sync with the exchange servers and draining the battery. But email works (exchange push) with my previous phone galaxy s4 update to 4.4.4 with no problems
pss3054b said:
I am having the same issues (exchange server not pushing email, have to manually refresh) plus phone is very warm and battery drain since the email is not getting pushed and I think the email app is trying to sync with the exchange servers and draining the battery. But email works (exchange push) with my previous phone galaxy s4 update to 4.4.4 with no problems
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So, can anyone help us?
I get this problem a lot with gmail, yahoo, and hotmail. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. The only good news is that the new Gmail app (coming soon) will be able to handle multiple accounts from Yahoo, Hotmail, and Exchange. So hopefully that will be a better app than Samsung's mail.
PS> If you set it to retrieve every X minutes it will work, but it will waste more battery than push.
Ok, it's been a couple of weeks, so I thought I would ask again. Does anyone have a suggested solution to this? Am I the only one having problems with email not being "pushed" to my phone via ActiveSync? In doing a google search I see that this has historically been an issue, but there is no solution?
volrus said:
Ok, it's been a couple of weeks, so I thought I would ask again. Does anyone have a suggested solution to this? Am I the only one having problems with email not being "pushed" to my phone via ActiveSync? In doing a google search I see that this has historically been an issue, but there is no solution?
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Been using the new Gmail 5.0 app, it handles multiple accounts nicely. It doesn't use push, but checks every 15 mins. Overall I like it more than the Samsung email app, so I am using Gmail now. I deleted all the accounts from the Samsung app. I've also noticed an improvement in battery life (subjective).
I have the same issue
Hi all, it's been a LONG time since I've been over here. I recently got the Note 4 as a Christmas present from the wifey, she knows what I like. Probably helps that I've had every Note so it's a safe guess on her part. Yesterday I received the push update from AT&T which took it up to 4.4.4. Well, since that my push email works when it wants to. It will eventually push it but it could be anywhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours. This is unacceptable for me as I own a custom networking company that has jobs in all timezones and I need to get my emails immediately.
I have done all of the regular "troubleshooting" steps including wiping my phone and starting from scratch with nothing installed but the stock email. I even changed the SIM. All of the push/sync settings are enabled......ALL of them.
I would LOVE to use my Touchdown app which I basically keep on my phone now for the server search feature but don't use it for notifications because it doesn't show the email content on my Gear S. The only app I know of that shows that email content on the Gear S is the stock email app (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG).
Has anybody found a resolution to this? I haven't rooted my phone since my Note 2 but before that I'd been hacking them since these threads at XDA were WinMo only. I'll gladly put a new ROM on if I can get my email working and pushed to my Gear S again. Does anybody have any recommendations that may save me some time poking around?
Thanks for listening to my long winded story. I've been told I write too much. Happy holidays!
use maildroid app.
I have no problems with my MS Exchange account pushing the new emails. I remember reading in the MS Exchange set up instructions that if you set it up as a POP rather than an Exchange account the calendar & task functions will be disabled. Knowing that an Exchange account can be set up as one or as a POP email account I would make certain you have it set up as an Exchange account and not a POP account. Not sure if that has anything to do with the push feature but I thought it would be worth mentioning.
My Exchange email through the Samsung email app works fine and push email works. It's worked on every Samsung phone I've had on every rom I've tried so I guess I'm of no help.
volrus said:
I've found several threads, but none of which seem to help. I can't get my exchange account to "push" my email. I've turned on every option known to man to allow this to happen, but it just isn't happening without me having to refresh. Push works with my other two non-exchange accounts and it worked fine with my old HTC One M7. Any ideas?
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Sprint Note 4/Exchange 2010
I have also been seeing inconsistent results with exchange push email as to the timing of received messages. I was also seeing the battery drain issues associated with exchange push. Although I noticed the battery drain was worse while using cellular data as opposed to wifi. I have only been using the samsung email app with stock NK2, with Hybrid X, and BobCat roms. Same results on all roms. I have repeatedly gone thru the steps of deleting phone thru webmail, delete account on phone after force stop of exchange and email apps and resetup, added account thru email app instead of thru accounts. If I saw it in a forum I tried it. I do primarily use wifi whenever possible. I did confirm it was only exchange push causing my issues as I could set to 15 minutes or manaual and not see the battery drains.
i also had a Nexus 6 along with other devices prior to this phone and push worked just fine.
So yesterday I took the plunge and loaded MailWise. My phone is now using push and is working great. As it has on other phones/devices I have had. Not seeing huge battery drain even on cellular data. Yes, it is possible to see data icon stop running constantly on cellular data after all with this phone. 6 hours off charger today and still at 90%. Prior I would have been pushing 60% range. Receiving email notifications on phone either prior to my desktop outlook or at the same time. Which is normal. Specifically tested by sending messages to my exchange account using gmail and yahoo while having desktop outlook open and running.
I did notice thru webmail that my device now shows up as Android instead of SAMSUNGN910P
Hope this can help others

