[Rom][TeamGTP] Gingerbreaton 1.1 - Thunderbolt Android Development

Team GTP presents Gingerbreaton for the HTC Thunderbolt
After working on gingerbread in the little amount of free time yoda and I have had, we both feel it's to a point where we would like to share it with all of you. Overall we are sticking to the ideas we started with, simplicity, stability and speed. You'll see all three of those reflected in our latest build. There are many other changes that are planned including a toolbox and a few themes by yoda. Also as of right now this build is sense 2.1. We will be adding in sense 3.0 and 3.5 as soon as we finish getting everything ported over ourselves. Also, I am gonna do my best to credit everyone I can, if I forget to credit you for something feel free to send me a pm and I'll correct it.
Sorry for the slow movement guys, yoda moved on to a nexus and I've been really busy. It's me myself working on this but I'm very proud of what I've been able to accomplish. This should be just as good if not better than before
Screenshots coming soon
With this rom you are going to want to use the official mr4 release radio.
Download (flash through clockwork):
2.11.605.9 Base
Ziggy's recent kernel
1% battery icon w/percentage
Minor tweaks to memory management
removed extra animations (for now)
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Initial release:
2.11.605.5 Base
6 bar signal
Added Titanium Backup
Added Rom Stats (please opt-in only collects what device you are running and rom version)
Removed Recent Apps
Expanded 4-in-1 reboot menu (thanks to deck who let me reference his source and scuccia who revised it for the tbolt)
Got rid of paginated scrolling in app drawer (thanks to skyraider team)
Removed wood, and metal themes
Added a few subtle theme tweaks and animations (courtesy of UOT kitchen)
Custon "gas guage" battery icon
Removed Gps Icon
Added chainfire3d openGL drivers for smoother animations and better overall performance (thank you chainfire)
- You can download chainfire 3d app from the market to manage the drivers but they are preinstalled
Tweaks to system for performance and battery life (A thanks to imoseyon whose write ups on android memory management inspired me to tweak the memory and for his scripts)
Minor edits to build prop
cron task schedule set to dropcaches everyday at 3am(thanks again imo)
Swap enabled at default
Ziggy471's latest kernel (thanks ziggy!)
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Planned Features:
Toolbox (we are constantly working on this and hopefully will have it incorporated soon)
Added power control widgets
Sense 3 lockscreens (this has been a ***** to get working. Before you ask I just hate the sense 3.0 launcher so I'm gonna be working with the 2.1/3.0 hybrid)
If you are not currently running the radio and want to flash our rom flash the radio first in hboot. With your phone plugged in to your computer open up adb and use the "adb reboot recovery" command to go right from hboot to clockwork and flash the zip file you downloaded above. If you need help with this just ask and I will walk you through it. Also, if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask on our forums at http://www.gtpdevs.com, we will be more then happy to help fix any issues
[*]We request that you do not mirror any of our roms without express permission from either yoda1 or GTPdevs.[*]

reserved for further use

nice work man! running fast as hell with no lag, battery life is fantastic as expected from you guys. thanks for the hard work

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D/L link isn't working for me

same here . says file not found

Yep... file not found.
I'll go out on a limb here and assume byfarrr is either drunk or a tester. Lol

caspersfi said:
Yep... file not found.
I'll go out on a limb here and assume byfarrr is either drunk or a tester. Lol
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haha i'm a tester but it was the same link that was posted here. i'll get in touch with the OP to get it corrected. thanks for the heads up!
***EDIT: for some reason, link got cut off in the OP. all fixed now!***

yoda1 said:
reserved for further use
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Aready did it buddy...
And sorry about that guys, links are fixed.

No Screenies???

So basically, the plan is to make this rom a Runnymede-Sense 3.5-based rom? Stock Sense 3.5? No horrendous themes or any of that crap? Excuse me while I go jizz in mah pants

Dr. Hax said:
So basically, the plan is to make this rom a Runnymede-Sense 3.5-based rom? Stock Sense 3.5? No horrendous themes or any of that crap? Excuse me while I go jizz in mah pants
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That would be the plan sir. Plan is to theme sense how sense is supposed to be themed, through skin apks. Minus the few changes we make to battery icon and such

Grand Prix said:
That would be the plan sir. Plan is to theme sense how sense is supposed to be themed, through skin apks. Minus the few changes we make to battery icon and such
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Hurr? I thought it was basically porting the Runnymede rom to the thunderbolt? OR haha sorry if I'm annoying xD But if its just Sense 3.5, and you want to theme sense the way its supposed to be themed, then that leaves me under the impression its stock therefore, there is no need to theme? Or making different (optional) themes which are decent themes and are consistent (unlike far far too many Sense theme roms I've seen)
That reminds me, why have the only Sense 3.5 ROMs on the Thunderbolt thus far been ported from the Vigor? Am I the only one who thought it was much more logical to port the Runnymede's ROM? The Droid Incredible has had it for an eternity now
So this ROM is like to show how fast it can be (as its damn near bone stock) and Runnymede port is comin' right up? Again, jizzin in mah pants man xDD
Also, I should be able to make the animations stock by replaceing framework-res.apk in this rom from the one in the official gingersense build, correct?
Sorry if I talk too much lmfao i get excited about Sense :3

Dr. Hax said:
Hurr? I thought it was basically porting the Runnymede rom to the thunderbolt? OR haha sorry if I'm annoying xD But if its just Sense 3.5, and you want to theme sense the way its supposed to be themed, then that leaves me under the impression its stock therefore, there is no need to theme? Or making different (optional) themes which are decent themes and are consistent (unlike far far too many Sense theme roms I've seen)
That reminds me, why have the only Sense 3.5 ROMs on the Thunderbolt thus far been ported from the Vigor? Am I the only one who thought it was much more logical to port the Runnymede's ROM? The Droid Incredible has had it for an eternity now
So this ROM is like to show how fast it can be (as its damn near bone stock) and Runnymede port is comin' right up? Again, jizzin in mah pants man xDD
Also, I should be able to make the animations stock by replaceing framework-res.apk in this rom from the one in the official gingersense build, correct?
Sorry if I talk too much lmfao i get excited about Sense :3
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1) no extra theming to sense besides what you already see everything will stay the same. The only theming we are doing is in the form of sense skins. Different optional themes as you put it.
2) I've made modifications to the system to have it run the way it does and the way the kernel and rom handle memory and the other modifications I made are different than stock with it not having recent apps and such. We're keeping things simple so no heavy theming within the framework.
3) I will be adding in flashable zips for stock animations and other writeups on battery saving tips and such. Do not replace the framework-res.apk I will make the changes and have it in a zip for people who want it tomorrow. I'll also be getting the rom up into rom manager here soon as well.

04CiviCon20s said:
No Screenies???
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Working on it.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

Going to load this on my work phone as my personal phone got the OTA (or partial) GB updated from Verizon. Not sure why as I was running ER 1.7 and I had to load a new ROM just to get it to work.
Any chance you guys will do a stock battery meter? I really don't care for the gas gauge.

Sweet! Stock Sense 3.5! You rock man!! Just a few more to ask lmfao
You'll also put up flashable zips for stuff like (as you've said) stock animations, but what about stock battery percent icon (smooth sense icons), enabling recent apps, and extended quick settings? Not trying to bother you, I'm just curious to know what wonderful goodies lie ahead lol. Or you can surprise us XD

Dr. Hax said:
Sweet! Stock Sense 3.5! You rock man!! Just a few more to ask lmfao
You'll also put up flashable zips for stuff like (as you've said) stock animations, but what about stock battery percent icon (smooth sense icons), enabling recent apps, and extended quick settings? Not trying to bother you, I'm just curious to know what wonderful goodies lie ahead lol. Or you can surprise us XD
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I don't have a lot of spare time but I'm working on what I can. The rom is car theme based which is why the fuel gauge is there. I have to re-write some xml files to get all the smooth animations to works and it's not that re writing them is hard it's just a longer process than i have had time for. When we finish the tool box you'll be able to change the battery icon to stock and add or remove battery percentage etc. Most of these features you're asking about will be in the toolbox in some form. The extended quick settings are planned for a future release.
I do what I can to make things as fast and as stable as possible, and we'll try to get the toolbox set up asap but for the moment I'm doing everything I can with the limited time I have.

Sweet man, thanks. You're awesome! I very much appreciate the hard work devs put into some of these amazing ROMs, hell, I even love to use alot of bases to make my own. Its frustrating sometimes, but nothing more satisfying than having the phone run exactly as you programmed it to run!

Dr. Hax said:
Sweet man, thanks. You're awesome! I very much appreciate the hard work devs put into some of these amazing ROMs, hell, I even love to use alot of bases to make my own. Its frustrating sometimes, but nothing more satisfying than having the phone run exactly as you programmed it to run!
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What do you like to do in terms of development?


Benefits of CyanogenMod

I was wondering if someone could lay out a few of the benefits of flashing to Cyanogen versus stock (rooted). I have a lot on my phone and just wanted to see if it would be worth the time to switch and get everything setup again.
I looked around and didn't see any nice list of features/benefits that would be gained with Cyanogen.
I do love the fact that it is open source and community supported. That's fantastic.
Hope this isn't flamebait...
Stable (unless you're on a nightly)
Great codec support
Bluetooth profiles (HID being a top add)
It's the latest Android version in all its un-bloated glory
Update frequency is high
I'm sure I'm forgetting other things but its not limited to that.
I'm a Sense fan myself but CyanogenMod is worth the install. You owe it to yourself to check it out.
I ran CM7 for about a month and now am running the stock rooted OTA Gingerbread. It may just be ADW launcher but CM 7 is slow and laggy compared to stock gingersense. I like others had major issues with getting GPS stable and working. I do miss some of the mods but over all i'm happier on a sense based rom.
For me battery life. Ive tried every sense rom there is and im yet to find one with better battery life. And for me its not anywhere near slow or laggy. I dont really see myself ever going back to a sense rom, definitely not the one Sprint just pushed out.
wasnt said:
I was wondering if someone could lay out a few of the benefits of flashing to Cyanogen versus stock (rooted). I have a lot on my phone and just wanted to see if it would be worth the time to switch and get everything setup again.
I looked around and didn't see any nice list of features/benefits that would be gained with Cyanogen.
I do love the fact that it is open source and community supported. That's fantastic.
Hope this isn't flamebait...
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Honestly, check it out for yourself. You don't need to lose anything, nandroid backup your current setup and install CM7. You can play around with it for a while and see if it's for you and if not you can just restore your backup. Many people on here have 2 or 3 roms backed up and switch between them. My suggestion would be to read all the links in my sig, they should answer any questions you might have.
i ran it so i could connect my wii remote and play snes9x...there is something sense cant do!!!
netflix, googletalk video chat. way better keyboard. i miss a couple things about sense so i just bought launcher pro and use that for my facebook and agenda widgets. other than that sense roms are garbage to me. CM7 is great and once all the stupid little bugs get worked out it's going to be awesome.
i'd suggest flashing the roms with armon 2.3 recovery and sticking to the stable versions of cm7. i just had to start from scratch cause a nightly a while back through my phone for a loop.
give the latest stable a shot for a week and i bet you really like it.
DualSportDad said:
netflix, googletalk video chat. way better keyboard. i miss a couple things about sense so i just bought launcher pro and use that for my facebook and agenda widgets. other than that sense roms are garbage to me. CM7 is great and once all the stupid little bugs get worked out it's going to be awesome.
i'd suggest flashing the roms with armon 2.3 recovery and sticking to the stable versions of cm7. i just had to start from scratch cause a nightly a while back through my phone for a loop.
give the latest stable a shot for a week and i bet you really like it.
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How do you fully enable gtalk video? I can see people but people can't see me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Aosp. That's why I like it.
* CyanogenMod (advanced) settings. You can tweak it to perform just how you like it.
* Screen on/off animations
* Color rendering (to reduce screen power use)
* Regular updates
* Gingerbread well before sense roms. Even running 2.3.4 like me
* Developments are quickly included (ex: sd card read ahead value to increase read speed)
Just do a backup of your current system, flash cyanogen, play around and if you don't like it, just restore back to your original.
I was on CM7 for the past month and @ first I was in love.
Advanced bluetooth support (Wimote for my emulators)
Full Screen mirroring HDMI (Once again for emulators)
Speed increase (This didn't last long)
On/Off screen animations (Impressed the friends and relatives)
Cool Wallpapers
But, after awhile the bugs really started to get annoying
Negatives (YMMV)
Bugs (From random FC's, gmail stop syncing for no reason, wimax not wanting to stop without a restart plus other annoying stuff.
Speed (Eventually CM7 started to move slowly to a point where it felt like a chore to deal with my phone)
Well, Friday was the last draw when my sister's texts were not showing up on my phone. So, I flashed the new Sprint GB update and I am in love with my phone all over again. Even with the bloatware my phone is running silky smooth and I am experiencing no bugs. Plus for some reason my battery life has improved too. I was using Tiamat with SBC on CM7. Battery life become horrendous on CM7 and yes I did calibrate my battery.
When it's all said and done YMMV. The best way to find out is to NANDROID Backup and flash the rom yourself. You might be greeted to a whole new world of flashing greatness.
LexLuger82 said:
How do you fully enable gtalk video? I can see people but people can't see me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Lots of threads out there. I just followed the directions. I think now if you just flash the newest version of gapps and choose Google talk to install it'll install a properly working version. I'd read up on it tho.
Tubes6al4v said:
* CyanogenMod (advanced) settings. You can tweak it to perform just how you like it.
* Screen on/off animations
* Color rendering (to reduce screen power use)
* Regular updates
* Gingerbread well before sense roms. Even running 2.3.4 like me
* Developments are quickly included (ex: sd card read ahead value to increase read speed)
Just do a backup of your current system, flash cyanogen, play around and if you don't like it, just restore back to your original.
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That sums it up.
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I had cm7 and it got worse as time went on so I switched to decks 1.2v(based off cm7) much better and using latest tiamat sbc kernel...battery life is outstanding! And that's w out viperbiy scripts!
Midget tossing is a habit...2010 Midwest champion...hw 001
cdszoke said:
gmail stop syncing for no reason
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I've had this happen anytime I loaded something new, I've found that it can be fixed by clearing the Gmail cached and data and making it completely reload.
cdszoke said:
I was on CM7 for the past month and @ first I was in love.
Advanced bluetooth support (Wimote for my emulators)
Full Screen mirroring HDMI (Once again for emulators)
Speed increase (This didn't last long)
On/Off screen animations (Impressed the friends and relatives)
Cool Wallpapers
But, after awhile the bugs really started to get annoying
Negatives (YMMV)
Bugs (From random FC's, gmail stop syncing for no reason, wimax not wanting to stop without a restart plus other annoying stuff.
Speed (Eventually CM7 started to move slowly to a point where it felt like a chore to deal with my phone)
Well, Friday was the last draw when my sister's texts were not showing up on my phone. So, I flashed the new Sprint GB update and I am in love with my phone all over again. Even with the bloatware my phone is running silky smooth and I am experiencing no bugs. Plus for some reason my battery life has improved too. I was using Tiamat with SBC on CM7. Battery life become horrendous on CM7 and yes I did calibrate my battery.
When it's all said and done YMMV. The best way to find out is to NANDROID Backup and flash the rom yourself. You might be greeted to a whole new world of flashing greatness.
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Rom manager fix permissions every once in awhile fixes things
Battery Life Is AWESOME and stable
Try decks its a fast and smooth version of cm7 w tiamat 4.0.5. & viperboy scripts great battery life and apply darkhorse theme aka" tha jump off!"
Midget tossing is a habit...2010 Midwest champion...hw 001
Nice that someone actually weighs the pro's and cons as op obviously needed. There is a lot of hating going on here at XDA, All devs should support each other, not bash each other. I know I Haven't been a member on here long, but flashing roms has been a hobby for a while, I just wasn't a full blown flashaholic. Anyway, there are a lot of roms to choose from and though I develop my own, I still flash everyone elses to enjoy the experience, and learn. Everyone has the right to believe what they will, but there is a line between a thought, and posting. If some of these people where two feet away from each other, there wouldn't be all of this garbage talk. I thought XDA was all about exactly that, giving the people a choice as to what software to run, helpful guides and tips, a community, or actually a culture, if you will. Anyway, sorry.....Flash Away....

[ROM][WIP] EverVolv Eris Build 4 - 7/17/2011 [UPDATE]

EverVolV Eris
Build #4
This is a Port of the EverVolv Rom from the Hero CDMA forums.
Originating Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1089589
SCREENSHOTS (Taken from the EverVolv Website)
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Thanks to:
preludedrew - Droid Incredible, Evo 4G, Evo Shift 4G & Nexus one maintainer; overall support & development
cocide - Evo 4G; Web; Linux and overall support & development; Viewsonic GTab maintainer/support
milesje - Evo 4G; java and overall support & development
Adhvanit - Graphics and Droid Incredible support.
RyteSyde - web and graphics development; Evo Shift 4G support
TpyoKnig - Web support and hosting.
smoothtaste - heroc support/maintainer
Exxodium - Wallpaper graphics
Deck - What does deck do?
EverVol's Website can be found here...
If you like this Rom, please give the EverVolv team THANKS for the hard work!
Is this CM7?
No, this is a build that started from AOSP. However, some of the fixes and few features have been derived from the CyanogenMod Team, including the CM kernel.
By flashing this you have already voided your manufacturer's warranty. If you are flashing this, you realize that this is unsupported software. Your device may break as a result of flashing this unsupported software. I am not responsible for anything that might happen to your phone or you as a result of flashing this software. That includes but is not limited to bricked phones, world war, your alarm not waking you up and as a result you getting fired, or orgasms.
7/16/2011 BUILD #4
* Revised Build.Prop - Added Hard-Coded Memory Settings (Moderate Setting)
*> Using SuperCharger Scripts with this new Build.Prop mod has not been tested!
* Added GAPPS to Rom until further notice
* Changed Maps.apk (Version 5.6 from June GAPPS) to Version 5.2.0
* Changed Vending.apk to latest version
* Added 2D Gallery
* Revised font to STOCK Eris font set
* Modified DPI settings to 150dpi (Stock is 160dpi).
* Added Wireless Tethering
-------- Flash Over from Version 2 or higher will work fine. If you experience issues, please do a FULL WIPE and try again... --------
ODEXED: http://www.multiupload.com/HPKXT6ZG10
DE-ODEXED: http://www.multiupload.com/FFBZ9PO0YG
This Rom comes with Launcher 2 (GB Launcher) as a default. Evervolv has modified this Launcher for their Rom. If you want to change your Launcher, the below files can be flash from recovery to "ADD" the launcher of your choice. These files DO NOT remove the original Launcher2.apk file.
Go Launcher
Launcher Pro
ADW Launcher
* Cache2Cache by zach.xtr
* SuperCharger by zepplinrox
1. Place the SuperCharger script on your SD card
2. DL Script Manager from the Market
3. Open Script Manager and find the Supercharger script on your SD
4. Check Run as Root and run the script.
There are 15 settings, personally the aggressive or gaming modes work best for me, but most have better luck with the balanced settings. If it's your first time running the script, you'll need to reboot your phone to apply it.
* Miui Camera V17
* Miren Browser
* Stock 2x Camera Zoom (FlashBack)
* 9x Camera Zoom
* Turn it to Eleven (Sound Boost)
* Turn it to Stock (Revert Sound to Stock)
* Hi-Res Density (140 DPI)
* Stock Res Density (160 DPI)
* Stock Eris Font
* Stock EV Font
Remember to show the guys at EverVolv your appreciation for the Rom! It's a great piece of work!
Nice first one to post nice downloading now
Sent from my MacRom MR3 using XDA App
I'm downloading too - I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow after playing around with it for a while. Thanks for working on this!
I created a Rom monster lol
Muhahhhaaa... insert evil laugh here...
tazzpatriot said:
I created a Rom monster lol
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Sent from my EverVolV Eris using XDA App
Guys, please give me a lot of feedback on this... I want everyones opinion so I can improve this rom...
Thanks everyone!
Sent from my EverVolV Eris using XDA App
Just a few questions about this. I'm not trying to be mean or anything here, just looking for information.
What are the features of this rom?
Why would i want to use it over a CM rom or a different AOSP rom?
I assume it is gingerbread from the context of it asking if it is CM7, but this is never explicitly stated. The EverVolv site is also lacking in this kind of information. there is a wiki on how to install and stuff relating to specific phones/, and screenshots showing the launchers and the font they use, but no real information about the rom itself. point of fact, theres more information in the OP about these questions ("highly responsive, Excellent memory management and very lean!") than on their website.
Right now it seems that the major distinction is that "its not CM7."
after saying all that though, thanks for porting it! i'll d/l tonight for testing on the morrow!
C2C from XTR is hard to find on the page you posted... and supercharger I am a little confused on...
spyderkoz said:
C2C from XTR is hard to find on the page you posted... and supercharger I am a little confused on...
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Sorry guys, wrong link! I updated the OP, correct link is there for the script. I added some instructions for the Supercharger script. Once you get it going, it's pretty easy. The OP makes it look a lot more complicated than it really is...
It's been a bad day today
What's the difference between odexed and de odexed
Sent from my THE END using XDA Premium App
Odexed Roms are pre-optimized so all the apks will load faster... Odexed Rome cannot be themed also. Deodexed means there are no optimized files, which generally wont effect performance much and can easily be themed.
You'll notice a sought difference between them, the odexed versions runs smoother.
emarietta said:
What's the difference between odexed and de odexed
Sent from my THE END using XDA Premium App
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Sent from my EverVolV Eris using XDA App
Since I'm a ROM flashing junkie and work graveyard, I just loaded this up and am testing it out right now.
Observations from the whole 20 minutes I've had it on here: (de-odexed version, cuz I like to make patches in UOT kitchen ):
The default LCD density in the build.prop is set to 140, which I like because it give it a nice high res effect, but some people might find hard on the eyes. Also, keep in mind if you're going to stick with 140, turning off compatibility mode in spare parts will help a lot of apps scale and look proper at this density.
Wifi works, GPS locks on (haven't had a chance to test out navigation yet to see if it has the infamous force close or lock up the phone bug), softkey lights work, camera works (including double tap to zoom in).
Overall the ROM is very stable and snappy, great job!
fo0you said:
Since I'm a ROM flashing junkie and work graveyard, I just loaded this up and am testing it out right now.
Observations from the whole 20 minutes I've had it on here: (de-odexed version, cuz I like to make patches in UOT kitchen ):
The default LCD density in the build.prop is set to 140, which I like because it give it a nice high res effect, but some people might find hard on the eyes. Also, keep in mind if you're going to stick with 140, turning off compatibility mode in spare parts will help a lot of apps scale and look proper at this density.
Wifi works, GPS locks on (haven't had a chance to test out navigation yet to see if it has the infamous force close or lock up the phone bug), softkey lights work, camera works (including double tap to zoom in).
Overall the ROM is very stable and snappy, great job!
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Have you tried MMS on this yet? If MMS works then count me in!!
mrhousto said:
Have you tried MMS on this yet? If MMS works then count me in!!
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MMS is a go! , I don't use it hardly ever, but just MMS'd myself from my gmail account ([email protected]), and it came through with no problems
fo0you said:
MMS is a go! , I don't use it hardly ever, but just MMS'd myself from my gmail account ([email protected]), and it came through with no problems
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Thanks!! I'll be test driving this one for the next day or two!
i know in the other thread (macrom thread) that macordroid said he had a lot of free ram.
anyone else seeing this? i'm interested, but i just got the current rom setup the way i wanted and don't want to jump ship unless this is as compelling as it sounds.
looking forward to seeing more reviews
Thanks for the feedback so far guys! I'll setup a density change file for those wanting the stock Eris density...
Keep posting the reviews. ;D
Sent from my EverVolV Eris using XDA App
Anyone wanting to revert the LCD Density to Stock Eris (160 dpi), I have attached a couple of flashable files to replace the build.prop...
Stock will put you back at the standard 160 dpi, High will revert it back to the Rom dpi (140).
Cool - thanks for the flashables! I will try the 160 today and let you know. So far I really like this ROM - other than the small text, which is a strain on my crappy eyes! But this is really zippy so far, and everything seems to be working great, including Navigation (which I know seems to be hit or miss anyway...but it worked this morning).
Great job on this ROM!
Update: ah - relief! The update to the density did the trick. It also helped with some of the issues when looking in the settings-->applications, where the size of the app was cut off at the top, I don't know if the Eris can handle the smaller font in all cases due to its native ppi (or whatever it's called!).
I presume 160dpi will make fonts (and other items) slightly bigger ? I manually changed build.prop from 140 to 160 and rebooted but text is now SMALLER !
I did notice that the 'dpi' entry is listed TWICE in build.prop. It's my understanding that the "last one wins". I changed both too...

ROM Reviews: Looking for the best rom? Read!

-OP reviews are MY opinion, read through the thread to get more opinions from other people. If you still didn't get your answer, ask and get it! Thank you and good luck finding your perfect ROM.
To reduce the spam on this forum, I decided to make this thread where I and others who are willing to help are going to do little ROM reviews to show you how good is the ROM, I know ROM picking is "to each his own" thing, but, I (and others) am/are here to do an objective review of the ROM with stock settings.
I'll start with CM. I'll be dividing the review in couple of categories (speed, stability etc.)
AOSP - Vanilla (stock) Android ROM
Sense ROM - ROM with HTC Sense user interface and apps
Hybrid - Sense core but modified and removed some/all HTC apps
JIT - "Just in time" compiler - makes things faster
Overclocking - Changing CPU speeds
Kernel - "Bridge" between hardware and software
CyanogenMod 7.0.3 Stable:
-Android 2.3.3
-AOSP (no Sense)
-Fast and stable (JIT enabled)
-Overclockable to 768 MHz by defalut (no need for flashing new kernels, the included one is the BEST one for Wildfire in general)
-Customizable (Themes etc.)
-Personal opinion: It's best AOSP Gingerbread ROM for Wildfire for me. I've tried most of them, this one is simply the best.
-Battery life: 5/5 (1 day of heavy use ~20% battery left)
-Overall: 9/10
CyanogenMod 6 Latest Stable:
-Android 2.2.1
-AOSP (no Sense)
-Fast and stable (JIT enabled)
-Overclockable to 768 MHz by default
-Personal opinion: It's very good, but why being on Froyo when you're able to run Gingerbread, so CM7 > CM6.
-Battery life: 4/5 (1 day of heavy use ~10% battery left)
-Overall: 8/10
WildPuzzle (new):
-Android 2.2.1
-Sense ROM
-Fast and stable (JIT is not enabled due to instability in Sense ROMs in general)
-Few modifications to make it better and faster + modded framework
-Overclokable by flashing O/C kernel
-Customizable with flashable themes (My theme here - should work on all Sense ROMs)
-Personal opinion: Awesome and best Sense ROM so far, very stable, almost no bugs (I didn't find any), full Sense experience + live wallpapers in Sense, simply - awesome!
-Battery life: 4/5 (1 day of heavy use ~10-15% battery left)
-Overall: 8.5/10
JokerDroid 4.2:
-Android 2.2.1
-Sense ROM
-Fast and stable + few modifications (JIT is not enabled due to instability in Sense ROMs in general)
-Overclockable by default
-Customizable by flashable themes
-Modded Sense UI and framework - cool for me, I don't know about you tho
-Personal opinion: Good ROM, dev has confirmed he is working on Sense 2.1 Gingerbread ROM, I can't wait for it, but this ROM is also good, and has few different editions, check the original thread for more information, good Sense experience, just different look, try it if you're looking for some innovation but don't want to leave Sense!
-Battery life: 4/5 (Battery life is bad in the beginning, after few charge/discharge cycles is good as Wildpuzzles)
-Overall: 8/10
OpenFire (original) & WildMix (improved & themed original):
-Android 2.2.1
-AOSP (no Sense)
-Fast and stable (JIT enabled)
-Overclockable by default
-Personal opinion: OpenFire is good, but WildMix ROM based on OpenFire is better. Flash this if you want stock Android experience, which is more stock than CyanogenMod - don't forget WildMix is themed, so not that stock, but better.
-Battery life: 5/5 (Nice battery life even if overclocked!)
-Overall: 7.5/10
Note: For links to threads of ROMs and other very helpful things go on this thread by 3xeno. Thank you 3xeno!
Good job man, although i think that some roms were overrated....
Alyzembawy said:
Good job man, although i think that some roms were overrated....
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tell me which and why so i can update the thread. ty for the feedback, much appreciated!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
smokzye said:
tell me which and why so i can update the thread. ty for the feedback, much appreciated!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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Yeah no problem
I mean, if jokerdroid, Wildpuzzle and Cyanogen got 5/5.. Then why almost every wildfire user goes for cyanogen ?!
And I think that even Cyanogen shouldn't get 5/5... Some people don't like it and prefer the stock rom (even if they are few but...) + It got some bugs like bluetooth sending and receiving and others....
5/5 should mean that they are bug free, and almost 99% of users prefer it..
My advice to you is to extend the rating scale, maybe make it on "10"...
And re-rate the roms again.... If I were you, I would never give any rom 10/10 unless it's a rom from heaven, u know what I mean ?!
I hope I helped
Alyzembawy said:
Yeah no problem
I mean, if jokerdroid, Wildpuzzle and Cyanogen got 5/5.. Then why almost every wildfire user goes for cyanogen ?!
And I think that even Cyanogen shouldn't get 5/5... Some people don't like it and prefer the stock rom (even if they are few but...) + It got some bugs like bluetooth sending and receiving and others....
5/5 should mean that they are bug free, and almost 99% of users prefer it..
My advice to you is to extend the rating scale, maybe make it on "10"...
And re-rate the roms again.... If I were you, I would never give any rom 10/10 unless it's a rom from heaven, u know what I mean ?!
I hope I helped
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thanks again, fast response! i think ill expand the scale to 10! yeah i know what do you mean haha that overall was also umder my opinion but this is from userS not useR so ill change the rating as people think it should be! you give me your ratings so i can update! ty again.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
smokzye said:
thanks again, fast response! i think ill expand the scale to 10! yeah i know what do you mean haha that overall was also umder my opinion but this is from userS not useR so ill change the rating as people think it should be! you give me your ratings so i can update! ty again.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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Cyan 7 : 8.5
Cyan 6 : 8.0
Wildpuzzle : 8.5 (Only If u like sense, If u don't then don't mind this rom)
JokerDroid 4.2 : 8.0 (Only If u like sense, If u don't then don't mind this rom)
As for OpenFire and WildMix, I didn't try them personnaly, but I've heard my friends talking about it, and I think i wasn't pleased about what I heard ...
So maybe I give OpenFire : 7.0, and WildMix : 7.5... Not more.... Coz I still prefer Cyan 6 on them
What is the difference between sense and no-sense ROM ?
Karthus said:
What is the difference between sense and no-sense ROM ?
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sense rom has htc goodies, like different user interface, htc apps and many other applications that make android more intuitive for new users, no sense roms are vanilla android - means no modifications done to it, and its stock like it just got from googles workshop
ok in cars,
stock - no sense (original)
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modded - htc sense on top of it (customized)
get it?
so if youre fan of stock cars, youll get the first one - no sense
and if you like tuning them, youll get the second one - sense rom
alyzembawy said:
cyan 7 : 8.5
cyan 6 : 8.0
wildpuzzle : 8.5 (only if u like sense, if u don't then don't mind this rom)
jokerdroid 4.2 : 8.0 (only if u like sense, if u don't then don't mind this rom)
as for openfire and wildmix, i didn't try them personnaly, but i've heard my friends talking about it, and i think i wasn't pleased about what i heard :d...
So maybe i give openfire : 7.0, and wildmix : 7.5... Not more.... Coz i still prefer cyan 6 on them :d
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tomorrow is the daaaaay of thread update, thanks friend!
smokzye said:
sense rom has htc goodies, like different user interface, htc apps and many other applications that make android more intuitive for new users, no sense roms are vanilla android - means no modifications done to it, and its stock like it just got from googles workshop
ok in cars,
stock - no sense (original)
modded - htc sense on top of it (customized)
get it?
so if youre fan of stock cars, youll get the first one - no sense
and if you like tuning them, youll get the second one - sense rom
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So my friend what is the best ROM? The sense or no-sense? I mean is CM7 better than 2.2.1 sense ?
Karthus said:
So my friend what is the best ROM? The sense or no-sense? I mean is CM7 better than 2.2.1 sense ?
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Well, If u prefer speed more than htc sense, then go for CM7...
But If u prefer the fancy htc sense apps (like the camera - the gallery - the music player - the widgets) then get stock 2.2.1 sense ...
Note: Even if u go for Cm7 u will still have these apps, but not made by htc, the ones made by google, which i personnaly hate...
My advice to u: Stick to 2.2.1 stock rom... It's the best... When buying an HTC phone, u paid for these sense apps, so why remove them ?!
smokzye said:
sense rom has htc goodies, like different user interface, htc apps and many other applications that make android more intuitive for new users, no sense roms are vanilla android - means no modifications done to it, and its stock like it just got from googles workshop
ok in cars,
stock - no sense (original)
modded - htc sense on top of it (customized)
get it?
so if youre fan of stock cars, youll get the first one - no sense
and if you like tuning them, youll get the second one - sense rom
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Sorry, I don't agree with it at all. Infact, it is with stock android you can modify it to your liking till you are done. Sense restricts you to what it provides, and is hardly what you call 'customizable'. (I am not saying either is good or bad. Nor am I comparing their functionality. All I am saying that as far as 'customization' goes, No-Sense ROMs are way ahead)
3xeno, I was thinking about overclocking my wildfire...
I am on stock froyo 2.2 rooted, so i am gonna have to download kernel and so on...
So I wanted to ask, if i need to send my phone to repairs, will running
"RUU.exe" will return it back to the old kernel ?!
+ Is it safe to overclock, and on which range ?! (keep on mind that maybe I won't replace my wildfire for about 4 years, so I don't want to really make my proccessor life short) And thx
Edit: Sorry smokzye for using ur thread to ask 3xeno somthing
Alyzembawy said:
3xeno, I was thinking about overclocking my wildfire...
I am on stock froyo 2.2 rooted, so i am gonna have to download kernel and so on...
So I wanted to ask, if i need to send my phone to repairs, will running
"RUU.exe" will return it back to the old kernel ?!
+ Is it safe to overclock, and on which range ?! (keep on mind that maybe I won't replace my wildfire for about 4 years, so I don't want to really make my proccessor life short) And thx
Edit: Sorry smokzye for using ur thread to ask 3xeno somthing
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you can flash other kernel from recovery and make it overclockable, i prefer arcos nfinity mc4 kernel, and only apk you need to install is setcpu, ill send it to you, or even easyer, use search and simply search for setCPU, download, install and oc baby! (after u flashed overclock kernel of course)
if you install ruu the old kernel will be back, but if you got s off by alpharev x, you cant repair it for warranty unless you get the s on back and the original hboot.
if youre gonna have that wildfire for 4 years id say, you can overclock but not to the highest setting and dont stress the cpu much. yeah..
and, np
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
3xeno said:
Sorry, I don't agree with it at all. Infact, it is with stock android you can modify it to your liking till you are done. Sense restricts you to what it provides, and is hardly what you call 'customizable'. (I am not saying either is good or bad. Nor am I comparing their functionality. All I am saying that as far as 'customization' goes, No-Sense ROMs are way ahead)
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man i was reviewing it by stock settings and said that no-sense roms are not customized by default and sense roms are, read dude.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
smokzye said:
man i was reviewing it by stock settings and said that no-sense roms are not customized by default and sense roms are, read dude.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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I was referring to this point if yours:
so if youre fan of stock cars, youll get the first one - no sense
and if you like tuning them, youll get the second one - sense rom
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And now you read dude. You just contradicted yourself.
Anyway, seems you like to force your views on others and are not ready to take critique, so I'll leave you to manage your thread as per your wishes.
Sorry for interrupting your thread. Never mind me.
3xeno said:
I was referring to this point if yours:
And now you read dude. You just contradicted yourself.
Anyway, seems you like to force your views on others and are not ready to take critique, so I'll leave you to manage your thread as per your wishes.
Sorry for interrupting your thread. Never mind me.
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God, i made a wrong impression.sry, i like critique so i can make the thread better, im noob, i like to learn. second thing is that this was a missunderstanding because i used the wrong word. so, youre welcome in my thread and point me in the right direction!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
I have tried all Roms from Cm 7.0.2 to Nightly 145, Rempuzzle, DK Custom Froyo, JokerDroid, Wildpuzzle and so far JokerDroid 4.2 is my favorite.
-Its by far the best
-Hast the best kernel so no need to flash another one
-Its fast and responsive
-Has great battery life ( 3 days+ with quite a lot of WIFI+downloading+gaming+lots of talking )
-The HTC widgets don't stay at ,,Loading" each time you exit an app. When you exit an app and go to your screens the text inside the widgets ( like news, live feed, weather, messeges, mails ) are there in the widgets, no need to be refreshed by the system ( except when exiting heavy applications like games that you run for 30 minutes+ )
- I hate the theme though...but changed it using Smozkfield 1.1 theme and replacing Framework-res.apk and htc.resources.apk with the default ones from HTC Sense.
Dethox said:
I have tried all Roms from Cm 7.0.2 to Nightly 145, Rempuzzle, DK Custom Froyo, JokerDroid, Wildpuzzle and so far JokerDroid 4.2 is my favorite.
-Its by far the best
-Hast the best kernel so no need to flash another one
-Its fast and responsive
-Has great battery life ( 3 days+ with quite a lot of WIFI+downloading+gaming+lots of talking )
-The HTC widgets don't stay at ,,Loading" each time you exit an app. When you exit an app and go to your screens the text inside the widgets ( like news, live feed, weather, messeges, mails ) are there in the widgets, no need to be refreshed by the system ( except when exiting heavy applications like games that you run for 30 minutes+ )
- I hate the theme though...but changed it using Smozkfield 1.1 theme and replacing Framework-res.apk and htc.resources.apk with the default ones from HTC Sense.
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thank you for feedback! ill update the op with your opinions, and thank you for using my theme!
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
I tried CM7, Ruymanca's Hell Fire, Wildpuzzle,and finally Jokerdroid 4.2
So far I liked the Jokersdroid best. It is fast, with A2SD, trackpad wake and the sense goodies. Especially, I realized I cant do without HTC dialer.
For the theme issue in jokersdroid, i simply installed a theme from wildpuzzle zip files. And its all nice now.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App

[ROM'S!][UPDATED 1-12-2012] JimmyDene's Breakfast Series [4 ROMS total]

I am presenting the start of something good....
HUGE thanks to Krime922 for helping me organize the thread!!!
Jimmy Dene’s Breakfast Series: Mild (1.2), Hot (1.2), Lean (1.0), Lean&MEANER (2.0) & Maple (TBA)
Yes, my name really is Jimmy Dene, no I don’t make, sell, or distribute sausage or breakfast meats or items of any kind. I am having a little fun with the name and idea though! I am planning on a few different ROMS in a few different flavors. Different strokes for different folks; so hopefully I will have something for everyone in the future. If you’re like me and love some breakfast meats you will get the references below.
DISCLAIMER: You are flashing this at your own risk! I take no responsibility for your actions or mistakes during this process.
These will be regular zips ...WIPE, WIPE,WIPE....install in whatever recovery you choose, it installed fine for me on RZR and CWM (has not been tested TWRP 2.0).
NEW SITE TO DOWNLOAD ALL ROMS: http://www.androidfilehost.com/main/Thunderbolt_Developers/Jimmys%20Roms/
MILD 1.2, UPDATED 12/28
This is a mostly stock 2.11.605.9 base, its Rooted, DeOdexed, Zipaligned, Debloated (all unnecessary VZW stuff gone) Low Mem tweaked, bash enabled, 7in1 POWER and 4IN1 REBOOT. It is relatively virgin as some people prefer stock. I put nothing in the updater script to show progress....don’t worry, it will finish and should boot (I have flashed it about 10 times just to make sure LOL)
Hot 1.2, Updated 12/28
Low Mem Tweaked
Bash Enabled
init.d support
IMO'S latest kernel cooked in - THANKS IMO!
Stock Batt w/ 1% and smooth animation - UOT
New smillies - UOT
ICS animations - UOT
R3D's themed market - THANKS R3D (if u guys havent already, check out his Ikream 605.9 ROM. You will like it)
SD read ahead set to 3072
7 in 1 power menu
4 in 1 reboot menu
removed gps icon - credit adrynalyne and orkillakilla
6 bar signal - credit JMZTAYLOR for awesome tutorial!
build prop tweaks
custom scripts - credit SMOKIN1337 -
ICS gmail - google
HTC TRACE keyboard - thanks SEO
sense 3.0 lockscreen - thanks SEO
sense 3.0 weather - thanks SEO
inverted pull down credit chingy510 and buffogt
extra quick settings - IHTFP
probably more I an forgetting
Lean 1.0, Updated 1/1
Low Mem Tweaked
htc_ime still there (prefer it over aosp keyboard)
htc camera, contacts, phone, messaging
included modded launcher pro - (credit team liquid)
7 in 1 power
4 in 1 reboot
the rest is relatively untouched....if you want a "basic" look and feel this is for you.....if you want the full experience see below
BIG THANKS to R3D's!! Always there on gtalk to answer all my questions and bounce ideas off of
Lean&MEANER 1.0, Updated 1/10,
LEAN&MEANER ADDON : FLASH IN RECOVERY, NO WIPE NEEDED (this is purely cosmetic, not a 100% necessary flash) but it does look MUCH better IMHO
same as above but tweaked to the maxx!
init.d support
sd tweak to 3072
smooth scrolling
sense 3.0 trace keyboard - seo
6 bar signal - JMZtaylor
inverted pulldown - chingy51o , buffogt
removed gps icon - adrynalyne, orkillakilla
MANY build prop tweaks - android community
custom sick scripts - smokin1337
extra quick settings - ihtfp69
7 in 1 power - seo
4 in 1 reboot - seo
modded launcher pro - team liquid , R3d's
R3d's ICS market
R3d's quick search box
slightly themed - UOT, cleveRuse(some png's) myself
probably more i am forgetting!!
Mine are not the smallest senseless builds available (though 184mb aint bad!) i chose to keep the essentials in the ROMS : maps, you tube etc..... if u dont want em remove them with titanium!
LEAN&MEANER 2.0, Updated 1/12
Addon still works for this build so flash if u so choose
CRT ANIMATIONS!!!! - HUGE thanks to buffogt!!
Wake on volume - again buffogt
Radio info now in settings - adrynalyne for the tutorial
LOTS more build prop tweaks - android community
Rom toolbox included again - jrummy16
Titanium backup included - titanium track
I have also added to the server a BASIC_SYSUI along with the LEAN&MEANER ADDON they are 2 seperate things..flash whichever u choose, SCREENIES in post 2
true 6 bar signal - JMZ for tutorial
extra quick settings - ihtfp69 and orkillakilla for tutorial
semi transparent background - me
removed gps reticle - adrynalyne and orkillakilla
same as stated above but themed to MY liking, it might not be for u ??
it also includes random screen transitions...get spareparts from market, set it to fast and watch em FLY
if you try one and dont like it, just flash the other one over it, u should be fine (i have done it about 5 time to make sure)​
Maple 1.0, TBA
This is my first attempt at ROM'S so be easy on me
The Font in the screen shot below is called "MING" if u want it, here it is http://db.tt/tOFAbkAD flash in recovery, no wipe necessary
IF YOU LIKE MY WORK AND WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT IT,https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webs...=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted
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There is A LOT more to the theme, that's just a taste
And just one more
Lookin good man! Will download it in the a.m.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
damn that systemui looks just like mine.. no credit homie?
I used shifts3ns3 SysUI as a template....didn't know who exactly it came from...yes I will happily give u credit
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
I'm using NonS3nse right now, and I cannot wait to try your LEAN build!
jimmydene84 said:
I used shifts3ns3 SysUI as a template....didn't know who exactly it came from...yes I will happily give u credit
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
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Please make sure to give credit to all those who deserve it asap. See rule 12 below, when credit has been given I will reopen thread for you just pm me and let me know when your done.
2 lean builds will be up shortly
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
Ahhhh, dropbox suspended me...I will put them on multi tonight when i get home. SORRY GUYS!!
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
I got it before you were suspended... So far so good!
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Lean and lean&mean look interesting, I'll give it a try once you get links working again.
One question though, why didn't you include Imo's kernel in the lean build?
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Pender1 said:
Lean and lean&mean look interesting, I'll give it a try once you get links working again.
One question though, why didn't you include Imo's kernel in the lean build?
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I have actually done alot of testing with diff kernels....and i have found ZIGGYS kernel to be the best fit for my phone at least. So from now on it will be the stock kernel in all my releases as that works great on all phones....i will leave it up to you and your phone to decide what runs best.
jimmydene84 said:
I have actually done alot of testing with diff kernels....and i have found ZIGGYS kernel to be the best fit for my phone at least. So from now on it will be the stock kernel in all my releases as that works great on all phones....i will leave it up to you and your phone to decide what runs best.
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Just saw you had Imo listed for the hot build and was curious. Looking forward to some testing with these roms.
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im in the middle of a total overhaul of the builds....look out for good things in the near future
Been running lean for a few days and lean&mean since yesterday, so far so good. haven't really had much of a chance to test battery life but I like this rom's simplicity. I haven't found any lag problems so far or anything that doesn't work. I had to replace that awful launcher though(Go Launcher EX all the way). Would love it if lean&mean had a transparent dropdown menu though, just a suggestion.
U mean like this....
Was part of the overhaul, I'm gonna test it out all day tomorrow, if I get no issues, LEAN&MEANER will be uploaded when I get home
Sent from my ADR6400L using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
download ROM and addon!
i put ALOT of work in this one, let me know what u guys think!!
Thanks for all your hard work. Your ROMs haven't gotten enough attention yet but I'm sure they will. I had a quick question concerning HTC and Google's logging. Has anything been done to remove some stuff like htcloggers.apk or the other loggers? I know a bunch of devs have referenced this as their baseline for making security changes for their ROMs. Just thought I'd share. THANKS!
LEAN&MEANER has just recieved a BIG update!!! go get it!

MIUI v4 Discussion Thread

As we all know, the Galaxy Note was recently added for official MIUI support. MIUI China is working towards a first public build. Contrary to popular belief, MIUI v4 is based on the Stock ROMs rather than CyanogenMod 9. So, almost everything should be working flawless from the start -- as it was supposed to be. All in all, we can look forward to the looks of MIUI and the functionality of Stock ROMs.
According to the latest polls, 4x5 icon layout has been chosen as the default which is rather perfect for the Note's large screen. Here's the screenshot from the tweet...
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What's interesting to note is the S Memo icon! Although, that was expected since MIUI is based on stock Sammy ROMs, yet it's nice to have a "confirmation".
We'll also have the emmc bug then...
Though I won't be able to go to another ROM that doens't have per app DPI/Layout ever again...
what does it say about the emmc brickbug? will they have MMC_CAP_ERASE removed for safety?
also I guess that this means MIUI4 can no longer be considered AOSP ,since it's using TW as abase.
should be interesting though ,keep us posted please
Guess they are using lq2 base with rooted cf kernel.
but we can flash franco kernel etc. id wait for miui scotlands version of the official rom as they make it really better for samsung devices
^^ Exactly! I suppose we would be able to flash SpeedMod/Franco Kernel. So, we'll be safe from the eMMC bug to a certain extent -- of course, if we follow the instructions.
I'm excited because we get to retain all the stock goodness! I'm using PA myself and it'll be rather hard to switch to any other ROM. However, I'm a long time fan of MIUI and will definitely switch once it's available in all it's goodness.
Also, the MIUI theme contest which is going on right now should give us some great themes, which is lacking ATM.
love how they're asking the community what they want in the rom; how it should be done. only weak link is samsung, how a multi-million dollar company is out-shined by the dev community never ceases to amuse me xD.
iHoneyBadger said:
^^ Exactly! I suppose we would be able to flash SpeedMod/Franco Kernel. So, we'll be safe from the eMMC bug to a certain extent -- of course, if we follow the instructions.
I'm excited because we get to retain all the stock goodness! I'm using PA myself and it'll be rather hard to switch to any other ROM. However, I'm a long time fan of MIUI and will definitely switch once it's available in all it's goodness.
Also, the MIUI theme contest which is going on right now should give us some great themes, which is lacking ATM.
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I agree my friend. Some exciting times...miss miui... the amount of customization we can do...oh yeah!!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Ha ha I logged on to post a similar thread when I found yours. Cheers!!
---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------
Dynamano said:
love how they're asking the community what they want in the rom; how it should be done. only weak link is samsung, how a multi-million dollar company is out-shined by the dev community never ceases to amuse me xD.
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I don't think fb is the best place to get feedback. End users don't necessarily understand the concepts of developing or porting a ROM. Will try and push this thread to them, once it picks up activity.
iHoneyBadger said:
^^ Exactly! I suppose we would be able to flash SpeedMod/Franco Kernel. So, we'll be safe from the eMMC bug to a certain extent -- of course, if we follow the instructions.
I'm excited because we get to retain all the stock goodness! I'm using PA myself and it'll be rather hard to switch to any other ROM. However, I'm a long time fan of MIUI and will definitely switch once it's available in all it's goodness.
Also, the MIUI theme contest which is going on right now should give us some great themes, which is lacking ATM.
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of course we can flash a safe kernel ,but it would be nice if they released their own optimized safe kernel to begin with.
and yes I also think it would be interesting to see MIUI4 based on TW ,hopefully it won't have lagging or memory management issues like official ICS does.
MR.change said:
of course we can flash a safe kernel ,but it would be nice if they released their own optimized safe kernel to begin with.
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Don't expect much in the Kernel department. Everybody always switches MIUI Kernels ASAP mostly because they're not optimized for performance/battery. They're mostly just optimized to run.
iHoneyBadger said:
Don't expect much in the Kernel department. Everybody always switches MIUI Kernels ASAP mostly because they're not optimized for performance/battery. They're mostly just optimized to run.
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oh ,I didn't know that ,your MIUI V4 port was the first (brief) encounter with MIUI for me.
and since it was based on cm9 kernel it was actually very smooth.
here is hoping the real MIUI port is at least just as good
MR.change said:
oh ,I didn't know that ,your MIUI V4 port was the first (brief) encounter with MIUI for me.
and since it was based on cm9 kernel it was actually very smooth.
here is hoping the real MIUI port is at least just as good
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The official port should have a butter-smooth launcher just like MiHome for ICS.
iHoneyBadger said:
The official port should have a butter-smooth launcher just like MiHome for ICS.
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seeing that you are a long tie MIUI fan ,may I ask you what's so good about it?
when I tested your port the positive side was a feel of elegance ,and total customization even more than CM9.
the bad side however was the iOS look of the launcher which I hate so much,and the lack of an app drawer.
luckily the launcher can be easily replaced ,and since this is based on TW ,I can switch to it to retain full functionality ,while (hopefully) not draining all my RAM like the official sammy ROMs does.
so care to enlighten me to more positive points of this popular ROM ,ones that I won't find in CM9 (beside the TW functionality obviously).
thank you
Even I hate the fact that the launcher doesn't have an app drawer but there is an app for that -- MIUI Control -- it gives you a pull down app-drawer.
The best thing about MIUI is the fact that you can theme pretty much every aspect of the ROM with a click of a button. That's not the case with CM9. There aren't many themes for MIUI v4 as of now, however that will change in the near future.
Also, with MIUI you have the option to apply individual elements of different themes -- and then combine them into one theme file. That alone makes it the best ROM for theming.
iHoneyBadger said:
Even I hate the fact that the launcher doesn't have an app drawer but there is an app for that -- MIUI Control -- it gives you a pull down app-drawer.
The best thing about MIUI is the fact that you can theme pretty much every aspect of the ROM with a click of a button. That's not the case with CM9. There aren't many themes for MIUI v4 as of now, however that will change in the near future.
Also, with MIUI you have the option to apply individual elements of different themes -- and then combine them into one theme file. That alone makes it the best ROM for theming.
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exactly ,that pretty much sums what I know about MIUI from my ~1 hour trial with it
good to know that there is an app drawer ,can't stand a combined view of apps and widgets.
thanks again
I've already ask them about the removing of the emmc-bug in their kernel here and on their "what device should get miui next?" poll. Without any answer.
underlines said:
I've already ask them about the removing of the emmc-bug in their kernel here and on their "what device should get miui next?" poll. Without any answer.
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I asked them on their facebook page but forgot to check back on the answer lol
I have been using MIUI for more than a year on my HD2, which I have sold to get Galaxy Note. I can tell you that the nicest thing about MIUI roms is the notification bar on top. I don't understand why all ROMs don't have this notification / control panel that MIUI has.
No more widgets to turn on bluetooth, wifi or toggle between 2g and 3g to save battery. You just pull down the curtain, and switch everything on or off easily. So this is what I miss most on other ROMs.
The rest, its a very fast and smooth mobile OS. Simple to use, lots of themes and frequent updates with new features and bug fixes.
Not sure how well it will handle the S Pen, as this is one of the features that separate G.Note from the rest of the competition, but if they manage to get everything working well, I am sure that it will be a great success.
^^ Agreed. The main thing I like about MIUI is that it is a complete experience right off the bat. You get...
1. File Explorer
2. Backup
3. Monitor
4. Blacklist
...and so much more! Of course you can install all these separately for other ROMs but it's nice to know that they're all packaged with MIUI.
And yes, it would be great if they manage to retain all the S-Pen functionality. With custom ROMs we lose this functionality which then makes our phone like any other. Don't get me wrong, I love myself some PA/CM9/AOKP goodness, but then my phone doesn't feel any different from the S2 I had.
iHoneyBadger said:
^^ Agreed. The main thing I like about MIUI is that it is a complete experience right off the bat. You get...
1. File Explorer
2. Backup
3. Monitor
4. Blacklist
...and so much more! Of course you can install all these separately for other ROMs but it's nice to know that they're all packaged with MIUI.
And yes, it would be great if they manage to retain all the S-Pen functionality. With custom ROMs we lose this functionality which then makes our phone like any other. Don't get me wrong, I love myself some PA/CM9/AOKP goodness, but then my phone doesn't feel any different from the S2 I had.
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well the Spen still works in CM9 ,just without the Snote app ,have you tried installing photoshop touch? you get absolute control with the pen .
did you know that hovering the pen gives you a mouse cursor in CM9 ,while touching it will register a click ,just like a desktop PC .
but of course it will be nice tom have MIUI with all TW functionality ,IF they keep the performance a priority
