[ROOT]SGS2 Easy Rooting Toolkit(zergRush Exploit) - Galaxy S II General

found a new method of rooting the SGS II tested and it work fine,,,
thanks to Revoluitionary to found script and to doomlord to make the tool
tested on SGS II Phone info:
KERNEL VERSION [email protected] #2
ok as of nov 25 2011 i can confirm that i just update my phone to
KERNEL VERSION [email protected] #2
it work using version 3 of doomlord tool and zergRush Exploit
here are the links
thanks to Revolutionary to develop the script
and to doomlord for making the tool
Doomlord posted this link on updated users devices that the tool help give them root check it out
if you like it please hit the THANKS BUTTON
cheers and enjoy

U must name the thread
[ROOT]SGS2|Easy Rooting Toolkit v1.0(zergRush Exploit)

sahibunlimited said:
U must name the thread
[ROOT]SGS2|Easy Rooting Toolkit v1.0(zergRush Exploit)
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done just did

Done root works whit,, titanium back pro,, my backup pro,, market access,,, more apps to come for test
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

I can confirm this worked on my GS2 running stock KG5 and it took 3mins max
Installed Orbot and Pandora right after (to play pandora outside the US) and it worked like a charm.
I also loved the starcraft references.
Thanks for posting it here, I would've probably missed it otherwise.
Now I wonder if it would work on my N1
Edit: It took literally 35secs to root my N1 running 2.3.6 oO

Worked fine on my SGS2 2.3.3

How does this effect warranty, as you are no longer flashing any kernels or firmware if you are using a stock firmware?
I assume you will not need a jig any more after rooting either.
To late for me as I have already routed, but it would be interesting to know for future rooting.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

this worked great on a 2.3.5 stock SGS2

Hang on, so I don't have to go through all the kernals Odin stuff to root, and I can just run this script on a stock S2 to root it?!?!

Thanx for the program. This works great.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Doodalicious said:
Hang on, so I don't have to go through all the kernals Odin stuff to root, and I can just run this script on a stock S2 to root it?!?!
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That is what discreption states. Nice isn't it

tipu2185 said:
That is what discreption states. Nice isn't it
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Yesum. Super easy and seems a rock solid root too.. very nice find OP and cheers for sharing...
Sent from my GT-I9100T

nobleskill said:
Yesum. Super easy and seems a rock solid root too.. very nice find OP and cheers for sharing...
Sent from my GT-I9100T
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all ways trying to bring new info to forums,, although im not a developer,, i can say i find all the stuff made by devs quite amazing,, on my last phone a x10,, i did lots of stuff, tested a lot of roms,,, whit this one im not doing that,, found that is better to kept thinks simple,,,

mrm1 said:
How does this effect warranty, as you are no longer flashing any kernels or firmware if you are using a stock firmware?
I assume you will not need a jig any more after rooting either.
To late for me as I have already routed, but it would be interesting to know for future rooting.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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you might check the link i post on doomlord method, he has included a unrooting scrip,, as for warranty i think you should be fine, i think you might not lost warranty once you run unrooting scrip,,, since it suppose to bring back your phone as it was before routing whit out the annoying issue of flashing the stock ROM you need...

Great! It worked like a charm! Not intending to Custom Rom just yet, removed all the system bloatware + carrier/samsung apps, ran SetCPU and reinstalled my JuiceDefender Ultimate!
Now the overnight battery drain is gone, 100% at 12AM, 95% at 6.30AM. My JuiceDefender is set to advanced settings though, with Data turned off on lock/unlock only activating once in 30 Minutes to check for data and to trigger on when certain apps are launched!
Can anyone enlighten me if Cyanogen's Stable Rom will increase my battery life and work as well as stock in terms of app friendliness and usability?

Doodalicious said:
Hang on, so I don't have to go through all the kernals Odin stuff to root, and I can just run this script on a stock S2 to root it?!?!
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yep mate just that easy as cake right

Worked on my SGS2 2.3.4 KI4

clearly best root method , without the need of kernel flashing.

Does it work on 2.3.5
Baseband: I9100XXKI4
Kernel: I9100JPKJ2
Thanks in advanced
Posted from Samsumg Galaxy S II using TapaTalk

Just dropping by to say that I am glad its working for u guys
If u have any queries/questions please post at my threads as I monitor those
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App


Best Rooting Method

So since as if we have already been abandoned by the Gingerbreak Project, what can you guys recommend to root my R800i without removing the ability to update the phone to higher Android in the coming months?
So you see I am really new to Android and I have little knowledge on unlocking bootloaders and the like that's why I stuck to Gingerbreak last month. Now that I have updated to 2.3.3, yeah everybody knows Gingerbreak no longer works.
I cannot consider reverting back to 2.3.2 since the 2.3.3 update really improved the battery performance and I'd still choose that over the ability to root on the 2.3.2. But then, bottom line is we really love our phones rooted.
So to cut the crap, anyone please recommend the best method to root the R800i (I would be open for tutorials) whilst preserving our ability to update to better versions in the future?
Ive not rooted or unlocked the boot loader yet myself as this is my first android device im taking it slowly but according to threads in the development section you can root and upgrade as long as you do nothing to the device before upgrading, root the phone then upgrade to 2.3.3
This means flashing backwards first obviously.
As far as upgrading in the future you will be better off flashing a custom rom if development goes well. Custom roms will take this device further than official updates will.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
narflynn619 said:
So since as if we have already been abandoned by the Gingerbreak Project, what can you guys recommend to root my R800i without removing the ability to update the phone to higher Android in the coming months?
So you see I am really new to Android and I have little knowledge on unlocking bootloaders and the like that's why I stuck to Gingerbreak last month. Now that I have updated to 2.3.3, yeah everybody knows Gingerbreak no longer works.
I cannot consider reverting back to 2.3.2 since the 2.3.3 update really improved the battery performance and I'd still choose that over the ability to root on the 2.3.2. But then, bottom line is we really love our phones rooted.
So to cut the crap, anyone please recommend the best method to root the R800i (I would be open for tutorials) whilst preserving our ability to update to better versions in the future?
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See here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1116090. Follow the steps and you shall have root on 2.3.3 . I have also opted to "freeze" the bloat this time instead of just uninstalling it, in hopes that when 2.3.4 arrives i can do the ota update again and still keep root.
Also @ -josh- rooting will not damage your phone so its safe to root. I am also a first time android user myself but following the steps in the thread above worked fine no problems. And even if it didnt you can use SEUS to fix a phone with a locked bootloader
I rooted my phone when i was using 2.3.2 and found a good improvement.
Then i updated to an unrooted 2.3.3.
Ive left it unrooted for now. 2.3.3 performance is better than a rooted 2.3.2 i find.
It would be nice to root and remove the bloatwarw and overclock to 1.5 ghz, which can now be done. But for now i am happy.
Aside from a few Gameloft games not working, 2.3.3 is outstanding.
Not going to root until something major happens. Only reason i can see to root is to clock to 1.5 ghz to get n64oid working better.
Other than that, no point imo.
i have already tried the 2.3.2 root then flash to 2.3.3 method to no avail.. i don't know what im doing wrong but i think it's because my handset's a HK one, had it bought by someone in HK then i am using it here in the philippines. i'm not considering flashing custom roms either since i can't trust others' hands playing around roms, hehehe.. sigh!
You can are not supposed to flash to 2.3.3.. You are supposed to flash your phone to 2.3.2 uk generic version. After root your phone and through your phone you go to settings /about/update software and upgrade it there without hooking it to the computer. Make sure that your bootloader is LOCKED, otherwise you brick your phone.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
All gameloft games work with 2.3.3. Delete all the data files in game/gameloft and redownload all the games. It will work
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
yah yah yah yah i did all that before and still nothing..
Deoxlar said:
All gameloft games work with 2.3.3. Delete all the data files in game/gameloft and redownload all the games. It will work
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
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I uninstalled all my non-working gameloft games.
Anyway i can get them back without purchasing them again?
narflynn619 said:
i have already tried the 2.3.2 root then flash to 2.3.3 method to no avail.. i don't know what im doing wrong but i think it's because my handset's a HK one, had it bought by someone in HK then i am using it here in the philippines. i'm not considering flashing custom roms either since i can't trust others' hands playing around roms, hehehe.. sigh!
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Use this to get to 2.3.3 unrooted. Everything will be put back to stock.
Yes go to the website on the stock android browser, enter your phone number. All games purchased for your business device will be there for one year.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
narflynn619 said:
yah yah yah yah i did all that before and still nothing..
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You are clearly doing something wrong, the only phone that can't be rooted is the version version of the play.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
Deoxlar said:
Yes go to the website on the stock android browser, enter your phone number. All games purchased for your business device will be there for one year.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
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Thanks for this info.
Unfortunately it didnt work for me. I only have one game in the list which was Asphalt 6.
Ive bought about half of them so there should be plenty more in the list but they are not there.
Ive emailed customer service. Not really that bothered if i get them back or not but i wanted to play Sacred Odessy again. It stopped working when i updated to 2.3.3.
Don't email them. Call them. Email takes more then a week for each reply. Calling us 10 minutes wait
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
sheise. i've been on 2.3.3 unrooted for weeks now and i'm sick of the bloatware... flashing a 2.3.2 UK generic ROM via FlashTool gives back an error that's why i stuck to 2.3.3 unrooted..
oh well, the root-the-2.3.2-then-update-to-2.3.3-via-OTA method suddenly worked today.. sheise!
Does flashing the phone complete erase everything?
crimsonnight said:
Does flashing the phone complete erase everything?
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It's better if you choose to erase personal files.. It's an option that you check off before flash. That being said, nothing on your sd card gets touched.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
so everyone still uses FlashTool? it gives me back an error so i used WotanClient. Worked like a charm! I'm now on 2.3.3 UK Generic ROOTED! and works like anything else here in the philippines!
Deoxlar said:
It's better if you choose to erase personal files.. It's an option that you check off before flash. That being said, nothing on your sd card gets touched.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
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Thanks, so if I want there's an option to keep all my data/settings? Basically I could flash a rooted version of 2.3.3 onto my xperia play running 2.3.3? Cheers

galaxy s bricked

hi guys,my galaxy s is bricked and don't know what to do!
i installed battery % mod,and after that my phone is bricked
first,i went to recovery mode and i made a clockwork restore,but after that i can't get to the recovery mode,and the phone is stuck at the galaxy s logo
please help me
Did you tried any of these solutions?
U could flash usin odin and thn flash rom agn that works for mi
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Press thanks if this helps
ok guys thanks for your answer +1 for both
yes,i wanted to flash it with odin,but i have a really slow internet connection (I couldn't download the f.w)
anyways I took it to a phone repair shop,it should be fixed tonight
btw,do you guys know what should I do in order not to happen again?
i did a clockwork mod backup,but it didn't help.
Erm....their isn't a lot you can do bud but just make sure the mod or whatever is for your baseband possibly invest in a higher speed of internet to save taking it to the shop each time lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
and you are right about having a faster internet
and another problem is that i just bought this phone 2 days ago,and I'am new to android,I was a great Symbian modder
Hmm 1 advice do not install addons not suitable for ur device ask in the rom thread before falashin other add ons
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this http://androidadvices.com/how-to-update-samsung-galaxy-s-i9000-to-jpjv6-arabic-2-3-3-firmware-2/
any safer way?
omar_killer said:
well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this http://androidadvices.com/how-to-update-samsung-galaxy-s-i9000-to-jpjv6-arabic-2-3-3-firmware-2/
any safer way?
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Use my guide but with an appropriate firmware from samfirmware.
Not a hell lot you can do about the download speed. I suspect it might have something to do with hotfile - I get incredibly ****ty speed from hotfile, but not from any other file sharing service.
There should be a few threads lying around in the general section about stock roms. Try downloading from there instead of ****ty hotfile.
omar_killer said:
well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this http://androidadvices.com/how-to-update-samsung-galaxy-s-i9000-to-jpjv6-arabic-2-3-3-firmware-2/
any safer way?
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Hmm u want to root it or sth? If u want to root it use my backup to backup apps as this does not require root than follow steps for darky reserection(dunno hw to spell ) to have a basic rooted phone than flash the rom u want
Or u could use galnet miui im usin right now quite good
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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Before you flash anything you gotta make sure you have 2 backup plans. One is, of course, the nandroid backup. The other is having a stock firmware file you can flash with Odin in case everything goes to hell.
In my case, I have a JPU stock firmware stored on my home computer and on my work laptop. Every time I screw up so badly everything is FUBAR I go back to JPU and works like a charm.
Ah also, along with the JPU I have a CF-Root flashable file for JPU (just needs to be Froyo specific, not firmware release specific) so I can have root.
That's the only advice that hasn't been given to you already.
In reality, the Galaxy S is pretty hard to really brick. The bootloader may get corrupted but there's almost always a way out.
ok thanks guys +1
i will flash my phone with 2.3 and when I'am bored with it i'll flash it with some custom rom
omar_killer said:
ok thanks guys +1
i will flash my phone with 2.3 and when I'am bored with it i'll flash it with some custom rom
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If u need help pm mi or reply this thread thanks
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Press thanks if this helps
ok,i will thanks for your help all!
it's a really great community for helping new people like me,it's way more better than any symbian community.
ok,i will thanks for your help all!
it's a really great community for helping new people like me,it's way more better than any symbian community.

ROOT @ FLASH KERNEL in 2 clicks, best way for a newbie :-)

!Don't work on Android 2.3.6+ .. only 2.3.5 and less! thanks Mittaa
Hi, im newbie and was gathering info from this execellent forum about root, flash kernel, custom recovery, flashing rom.. so i think there is most easy way for someone like me who is totally new to this, and i want to share it.
Step 1: ROOT, Download DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit connect phone to PC and click RUNME.BAT
Step 2: KERNEL, download DarkyOTA from Android Market, then select OTA > kernels, download and install kernel.
That's it you now have root and cwm recovery, ready to do nandroid backup and install custom roms.
First step is to backup your phone before you will test anything. When phone is off hold home+volUP+Power you will get into CWM Recovery and Choose Backup/Restore > Backup
PS: Make sure you have setup debug mode and checked unknow sources in your phone settings in step 1
Hope it helps to someone :>
Yes nice I did the same.
But be aware that "DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit" only works with 2.3.5 and not stock 2.3.6 (Mexico and Holland have got it).
Samsung have closed this easy way to root
Thanks for telling us, didn't know this im 2.3.5 lucky
Mittaa said:
Yes nice I did the same.
But be aware that "DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit" only works with 2.3.5 and not stock 2.3.6 (Mexico and Holland have got it).
Samsung have closed this easy way to root
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Well am a noob too... Any other simple way to root 2.3.6 ?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I think you need ODIN by Chainfire.. somewhere here on forums
here is youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6m8VSGmiRk
is this going to work on 2.3.3?
vylent said:
is this going to work on 2.3.3?
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yes sure
If this is indeed going to work on 2.3.3 then very good,...i just want to root the phone,nothing else...but in a very simple way
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
kbxdauser2011 said:
If this is indeed going to work on 2.3.3 then very good,...i just want to root the phone,nothing else...but in a very simple way
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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Then just use step 1: DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit
I did it and it's easy

[Q] Can I root after ICS

I removed root and went back to stock a couple of weeks ago getting ready for the ICS update. I have not reset my device and updated to ICS. Can I now root using the same method I used before. I used the Brk root toolkit and it worked great for rooting and unrooting.
If I cannot use that is there something new I should use?
Vipremod works like a champ
brlowe said:
I removed root and went back to stock a couple of weeks ago getting ready for the ICS update. I have not reset my device and updated to ICS. Can I now root using the same method I used before. I used the Brk root toolkit and it worked great for rooting and unrooting.
If I cannot use that is there something new I should use?
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Vipermod roots ICS just fine using option 1.
It must be early here or my brain is just not working. I have found a few posts on vipermod but I cannot seam to find the one with a link to it or how to use it. Can someone provide a link to the correct starting post?
Thanks again
brlowe said:
It must be early here or my brain is just not working. I have found a few posts on vipermod but I cannot seam to find the one with a link to it or how to use it. Can someone provide a link to the correct starting post?
Thanks again
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Thanks everyone that worked great.
Can this also be used to root a TF with a B90 serial number?
I got one for my son from best buy and black friday and he would like to root it now that he has ICS.
vodkaequalslove said:
Vipermod roots ICS just fine using option 1.
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Same for me on a BCOKAS serial TF101, which I believe is newer than b90.
Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note
Worked great on my B90 using option 1.

ROOT GALAXY SII - Another way to root Galaxy s2

Unlock Root Tools is a android root tool. Supports the Android 2.1,2.2 and 2.3Easy way to get root access Permissions!
the software can be found at : LINKS REMOVED
Try at your own risk but It worked like a charm for my SGS2,
How to Root Your SGS2:
To Root your phone you will have to download Unlock Roottool from the unlockroot.com. and install
1) Your device must be in USB Debugging mode.
2) If you have not installed Android SDK Driver , install it after installing the tool : Start Menu -> Programs -> Unlock root -> Install Driver
3) Connect your device to your PC, Run UnlockRoot.exe
4) Click “Unlock Root”, Enjoy
I did not test the "unroot" option of this tool yet.
So rather than use CFRoot which takes all of two minutes, I run an exe in debug mode from a source that I have absolutely no idea about the credentials of ?
No thanks.
Not the simplest method is it at all .
Errrrrrrr no thanks!
JJEgan said:
Not the simplest method is it at all .
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OK then I will remove the words "easiest and symplest"
No doubt CF-Root is the best and simplest for those who already started using the Odin.
CF Root method :
1) Get into Download mode
2) Open ODIN, select the file
3) Connect phone and select start
4) Done in under 30 secs
Much easier than this "unlockroot" method...
This may not be the easiest way to get root for us.
But for somebody who doesn't know what odin is, Windows user who doesn't even know there is a download and recovery mode on their phones.
Or for someone who doesn't want to mess up with jigs and flash counters.
For them, this could be the easiest way to root and unroot their phones.
That people will find this usefull, others should shut up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Silverwolf2 said:
This may not be the easiest way to get root for us.
But for somebody who doesn't know what odin is, Windows user who doesn't even know there is a download and recovery mode on their phones.
Or for someone who doesn't want to mess up with jigs and flash counters.
For them, this could be the easiest way to root and unroot their phones.
That people will find this usefull, others should shut up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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LOL.Well done mate!i mean even if you haven`t tried yet how do you know what da hell is this?do not comment and please shut up.Also i have rooted my old htc desire with similar method and it took less then 1 min without a hassle.it could be useful for someone.
I know a couple of people who used this on there galaxy S and they've not had any problems.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
People can root their device using any method they want.
When you tell people who have helped many many users unbrick their device to shut up Im guessing you are saying leave it to you to help from now on since you know more than them.
Thanks mate mighty good of you.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Android is all about alternatives. And this is a very good alternative.
So just cause most of you prefer one method does not make this an invalid choice!
So seriously if you have nothing productive to say, maybe you guys should shut it!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
This actually looks a lot easier than CF root... Reminds me of superoneclick.
I posted this like a month ago and got myself banned for this, it worked for me anyways, doesnt work on ICS though
Elisha said:
So seriously if you have nothing productive to say, maybe you guys should shut it!
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thank you
thanks for the good link~!
i use the siyah kernel. so actually, i don`t need any tool for rooting my sgs2.
but this tool is good i think.
Don't work on Brazilian's 2.3.6 rom!
Sent my ICS Xoom using Tapatalk
andpantanal said:
Don't work on Brazilian's 2.3.6 rom!
Sent my ICS Xoom using Tapatalk
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Hmmm, thanks for information, dont try on 2.3.6
Mine was shipped with 2.3.5 stock
This project stole code from jcase.

