[Q] plzz help me..!! - Atrix 4G General

hey people i have a motorola atrix 4g....running d latest CM7 i ve only 2 signal bars of 3G in my room , i use myphone as a wifi hotspot and i dont want the phone to automatically switch to 2g i want only WCDMA or HSPA, htc sense had d option to keep only 3g but here it isnt der...plz help...is der any other app which can do it.,,plz urgent.....ll b gratefull if u help...

call this number and you can set it as you want.


[Q] Weird Network Behaviour!!!!

Hi friends,
I was using a custom ROM by Wolfbreak and my network was behaving weirdly...
The icons in the top switched to E when at home and H when at office and when the icon was H,The network speed was more than 3mbps and when it was E the network speed was less than 1mbps.
And i have returned to stock 2.1 tonight just preparing my phone for oncomming GB update and i found that the network icon doesnt change to H anymore and i got stuck with 600kbps network spped.
Can anyone explain the behaviour and also suggest me how to get that H network with high speed GPRS while satying on my Stock ROM.
Your problem is probably because of bad signal strength or in your mobile network options you have use only 2g,...
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I dont see option to set 2G and 3G. As i told you im using stock 2.1 ROM...is there any way to check where the settings are? i want that H network kind of speed..
Your phone was able to connect to 3g before? You haven't changed cellular providers?
Are you using an x10a or x10i and what cell company?
It currently means you are connecting via Edge....1 way...and not 3g...2 way.
And check your MMS settings.
Im using X10i with Airtel as cellular provider and its the same sim i used earlier.and i didnt have 3G activated from the begining but i was getting H network.
Why cant you search?

[help]switching from 2g to 3g without disconnecting

Just as the thread title says I would like to know if there is anyway to switch between 2g to 3g without disconnecting 3G ..my old LG optimus Droid can do that but ,In the note a pop-up error appears and 2g disconnects and 3g connects after sometime ..
It would be great if someone could help Me put and enlighten me ..I'm really in need of this sstuff. (Don't ask me why,it helps improve my 2g speed and Theron which only Indians will know(its a free 3g trick) )
P.s ..I know GSM wcdma auto mode does something similar but is highly unstable and keeps switching between 2g n 3g..
Anyone helping will be rewarded with a thanks
Sent from my note using Tapatalk

[Q] Jellyblast 2G to 3G

Hello again, I've another question about Jellyblast so I've made a new topic
There's no way to change from 3G connection type from 2G but I need it because 3G use too many battery...
someone know how to change it?
I didn't found any Jellyblast 2G to 3G on search.
Thanks for reading~
Check it in settings >>wireless and networks>>mobile networks >>network mode.
Check gsm only.. And u will be on 2g network.
Hit thanks if I helped you.

Bug when switching 3g to 2g

Hi everyone, i've a little bug .. When i'm on my 3g data, everything fine, but when i'm moving place then it switch itself to 2g because of lower signal my mobile data network just stop working, it shows that i'm on Edge (the little E next to the signal bars) but i've no internet on my mobile, i have to switch off completly my mobile network then switch it on again to make it work .. still on 2g because of low signal..
The things is that when i'm traveling in train, i'm on 3g then it switch itself to 2g, and that's very anoying because i've to switch off the data then re-enable it to continue surfing ..
Thanks in advance for your help !
Please can you try and say if it make the same ?
3G spends on the area in which you are. If that place doesn't have 3G then you will get 2G.
edge is slow as ´1990s modem´s internet, thats why is no internet
rishabl1d said:
3G spends on the area in which you are. If that place doesn't have 3G then you will get 2G.
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Yeah i know but you didn't understand what i wanted to tell..
Just try, when you have 3g (H) go to settings and enable 2g only, this will change your mobile network from H to E (which is normal) but when you're in E, you won't be able to have the mobile network internet, to have it again, you will have to disable mobile data, and re-enable it .. until then you won't be able to have internet ! So not even push notification ! the signal bar in quick settings will remain "orange"..
But if you disable mobile data and re-enable it , you will still be on 2g, but you will have internet ! even if it slow (because of 2g, which is normal too)
Look i recorded a video !
please help me !
tlf55 said:
Look i recorded a video !
please help me !
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yes i face such problem also & the only way to solve is to switch the Mobile OFF & then turning it ON again
does any one have a reason or solution to this problem ?

How to force 3g only on exynos model?

I've been trying for a while now to force 3g only on my device and by that I mean change HSDPA revision to disable H+.
On my research it seems you can accomplish this by the service menu but I constantly get invalid code errors with special/"secret" codes, only a few work like imei.
Is it possible to access the menu in a different way or maybe something I can change to force the phone on 3g only?
Thanks in advance and if you want to know my reason is because h+ its not good signal but 3g is always strong.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
I.gonz said:
I've been trying for a while now to force 3g only on my device and by that I mean change HSDPA revision to disable H+.
On my research it seems you can accomplish this by the service menu but I constantly get invalid code errors with special/"secret" codes, only a few work like imei.
Is it possible to access the menu in a different way or maybe something I can change to force the phone on 3g only?
Thanks in advance and if you want to know my reason is because h+ its not good signal but 3g is always strong.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
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U can select in WCDMA ONLY From settings, now what understand from your question is u want 3G signals only, according to me its depends on area where u r, if 3G signals are available in area u r u will get 3G signals otherwise no.
jdomadia said:
U can select in WCDMA ONLY From settings, now what understand from your question is u want 3G signals only, according to me its depends on area where u r, if 3G signals are available in area u r u will get 3G signals otherwise no.
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Yes but WCDMA will still jump from 3g to h+ on my old nexus it at possible to disable the h+ and force the phone to lock on gsm-3g.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
