HD2 Adreno 200 GPU - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

just 2 quick questions,
I've noticed various Roms which state the GPU+ Patch (2D+3D) to improve the graphics performance, is this already applied on the HD2 Roms, if no, then is it possible to apply it to the HD2 Android Roms?
I've just noticed a HTC Sensation Rom ...
Which states that the 3D engine is Overclocked to boost performance, is this possible for the HD2?

it will be great for ours HD2's!!

raziel123 said:
just 2 quick questions,
I've noticed various Roms which state the GPU+ Patch (2D+3D) to improve the graphics performance, is this already applied on the HD2 Roms, if no, then is it possible to apply it to the HD2 Android Roms?
I've just noticed a HTC Sensation Rom ...
Which states that the 3D engine is Overclocked to boost performance, is this possible for the HD2?
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any answers Mods/Guys?

issnt Chainfire 3D already slightly doing that, but its more off utilizing RAM instead of CPU though...

jcsy said:
issnt Chainfire 3D already slightly doing that, but its more off utilizing RAM instead of CPU though...
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I don't think so JCSY ... Chainfire 3D Emulates the functions of Adreno/Tegra chipsets etc
it does not overclock the Adreno 3D Engine/processor speed. and as far as I have found, it is not intended to Boost 3D performance of the Adreno Chip through tweaks ...


Who is overclocked?

just wondering how many of you vogue owners are overclocked?
please post:
1) what speed are you overclocked to?
2) what program you used/how you did it
3) how stable is your vogue? (not at all, stable, extremely stable, how many soft resets a day, etc)
4) would you recommend it for others
thanks guys!!!
No one is overclocked on a vogue. This subject is beat into the ground. The vogue can't be overclocked by the overclocking tool that everyone talks about because it is a different processor. Anyone who says they overclocked it ran a rom and had a placebo effect.
jarlaxle said:
No one is overclocked on a vogue. This subject is beat into the ground. The vogue can't be overclocked by the overclocking tool that everyone talks about because it is a different processor. Anyone who says they overclocked it ran a rom and had a placebo effect.
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What the F are you talking about??? Its been posted many times that with the Sprint touch you can use the overclocker to go to 524 or 600 and many including myself have **timed how long applications take** to boot up and have seen a reduction in loading time aka faster performance.
Snazarian said:
What the F are you talking about??? Its been posted many times that with the Sprint touch you can use the overclocker to go to 524 or 600 and many including myself have **timed how long applications take** to boot up and have seen a reduction in loading time aka faster performance.
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Whoa! Relax there would ya? No need to throw a fit.
Snazarian said:
What the F are you talking about??? Its been posted many times that with the Sprint touch you can use the overclocker to go to 524 or 600 and many including myself have **timed how long applications take** to boot up and have seen a reduction in loading time aka faster performance.
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Really!!! What program did you use?
First I've heard of overclocking a cdma touch. I'ld like to know the software too. My stripped down rom is already fast, overclocked would be insane.
I do not think it can be done. I just wanted him to say HTC performance which is the overclocking tool that works on devices with a different processor. Don't get your hopes up. If you really want to overclock your vogue take the battery out and shake the phone as hard as you can in an up and down motion. If you believe hard enought teh placebo effect can be just as effective as with HTC performance.
You can not use HTC Performance to overclock the vogue. It will allow you to select the options but it will not physically overclock it as it does not support the Qualcom MSM7xxx chipsets. As they are dual core and can not support overclocking. That utility only works with the ELF which is the GSM version.

[Q] Darkstone's graphics tweaks and potential for GPU overclock

First of all I'd like to thank darkstone for these awesome tweaks.
I was wondering how these performance gains were obtained. Did they come at any cost to video quality and do they cause an increase in all 3d performance or just in certain situations? Can we expect anymore optimizations?
Is it at all possible to overclock our GPUs so we can get some decent performance out of our crappy z430s?
they tried but came to the conclusion its impossible h**p://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=710850&highlight=overclocking+gpu
Damn it, that sucks
Thanks for the link.
i think it is all about crap htc drivers , the original htc drivers for all of its phones are sh*tty what proves my point is the darkstone graphics tweaks that gives results better than stock android devices with same gpu on neocore (nexus (28.6) desire (28) ,evo 4g (25 ) HD2 with fix (31.5)
The speed improvement is noticeable with that graphic tweak, i have tired to play Asphalt 5 and it is much much smoother than previous build , even faster , smoother than the NexusOne and Desire.
can be del.
I hope there is additional room for improvement at least with driver optimizations. Real bummer that we can't OC though. Looking at that other thread, it looked like HTC didn't feel that the kernel needed to have control over GPU clocks...

HTC Titans CPU versus HTC Desire HD CPU (MSM8255)

Hello everyone!
I've been looking on the web for some time now about the new HTC Titans CPU,
clocked at 1.5GHz, named as Scorpion MSM8255 (same as ours (DHDs CPU)).
What do you guys think about it? Since our MSM8255 can "officialy" only hit 1GHz,
but now HTCs new MSM8255 can get it to 1.5GHz?!
I've searched the wiki also and i cannot find any differences.
Oh wait, is it that T at the end maybe? Just found it now.
HTC Titan: MSM8255T
Okay, so anyone know more about this? Feel free to comment
It's the same chipset. HTC did the same on the Flyer. They just OCed the cpu to 1.5 GHz since the cpu can handle it without problems.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
How easy is it to actually oc the dhd cpu and is it really wise?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
A fellow Bristolian! Hi!
How easy? Very. 1.3GHz is achievable on the DHD with stock volts (1.1V). Wise? Yeah, anything up to around 1.2V is sensible, and safe is far beyond that.
To be honest, nobody will need to go past 1.3GHz, virtually all ROMs run smoothly at that clock.
Haha hey nice surprise lol
Oh sounds good. Pretty new to this only just rooted and flashed custom ROM the other day. Wasn't sure if I should OC or not tho. Guessing it's going to reduce an already poor battery life haha
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
affinity121 said:
How easy is it to actually oc the dhd cpu and is it really wise?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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I've had mine at 2GHz. I clocked it down to 1,3GHz after 10 minutes since it got REALLY hot. But it managed to run just fine at that speed.
affinity121 said:
Haha hey nice surprise lol
Oh sounds good. Pretty new to this only just rooted and flashed custom ROM the other day. Wasn't sure if I should OC or not tho. Guessing it's going to reduce an already poor battery life haha
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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Well, all of the kernels undervolt as well. Almost all of them run the processor at 1.2GHz at stock voltage. So overclocking shouldn't shorten battery life. Also, remember that many of the ROMs have andrev or virtuous OC daemons installed, so they will be underclocked to minimum speed most of the time. So either way, battery life and performance will be improved.
As for overclocking to 2GHz, while it is possible, I'd very strongly suggest you don't do so.
But it does prove that firstly, the MSM8255 is very overclockable, unlike the larger processed chip in the Desire (which I think will really go as far as 1.2GHz only, correct me if I'm wrong...). The Flyer's processor is exactly the same, just selected (a process called binning) because it is "capable" of running at that speed at the required, and desired voltages with the required stability that the manufacturer (Qualcomm) wants.
lambomanx1 said:
Well, all of the kernels undervolt as well. Almost all of them run the processor at 1.2GHz at stock voltage. So overclocking shouldn't shorten battery life. Also, remember that many of the ROMs have andrev or virtuous OC daemons installed, so they will be underclocked to minimum speed most of the time. So either way, battery life and performance will be improved.
As for overclocking to 2GHz, while it is possible, I'd very strongly suggest you don't do so.
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Thanks for the reply. I'm currently using rcmix runnymede ROM and its not oc'd. Would a OC of 1.3 be wise on stock voltages?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
1.3 might be pushing it. Mine needs 1.125V to be stable. I'd suggest that you probably do the same just in case, or even better 1.150.
The safest thing to do is take a look at the NCTeam kernel voltages, and use those (use IncrediControl from the Market to change voltages). They should work for virtually everybody. 1.3GHz is the speed I needed on Sense ROMs to be very smooth, you might find it is less though.
The desire hd doesnt actually overheat much @ 1.3ghz (I use that + Performance governor when playing some games), so the CPU can probably be overclocked quite alot without any problems
Other phones overheat quite a bit @ stock speeds...
Mine is set to 1,6GHz and it can handle 3d gaming for hours with the case only getting a bit warm. I wrote in a different thread that WP7 is getting an update and it will be able to run on DHD hardware. Maybe some devs will be interested in porting it to DHD then. It would be nice to dual boot Android and WP7. I can almost see all iPhone users faces.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
314 said:
The desire hd doesnt actually overheat much @ 1.3ghz (I use that + Performance governor when playing some games), so the CPU can probably be overclocked quite alot without any problems
Other phones overheat quite a bit @ stock speeds...
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Just to make sure I was clear, I meant that 1.3GHz could be pushing it on stock voltage, not that it could be pushing the limits of the chipset for speed. I think everyone got that, and knows that, but was just making sure.
As for heat, my phone didn't even heat up at 1.3GHz. You can push very far with no problems.
haerigrek said:
Mine is set to 1,6GHz and it can handle 3d gaming for hours with the case only getting a bit warm. I wrote in a different thread that WP7 is getting an update and it will be able to run on DHD hardware. Maybe some devs will be interested in porting it to DHD then. It would be nice to dual boot Android and WP7. I can almost see all iPhone users faces.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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Don't forget that we need a wp7 bootloader. The android one can't handle wp7. Furthermore we probably have to repartition our internal memory (or sdcard if you want to run it from there) since wp7 uses other partitions than android (not sure about that, but i guess we have to.)
Sent out of my Free-Candy-Van. Your kids are safe in there. Trust me.

[Q] Banchmarks and reality

Hi. I have my HD2 with android 4.0.4 with HWA. My friend has Galaxy mini with 2.3.7 (CM7 rom). And he has better 2D and 3D score in all benchmarks. Why? I don't think Galaxy is so new and so better than HWA HD2... So are the benchmarks lying or I have really worse performance?
And questions to devs or people who understand it: why I have 5000 points in I/O on Dorimanx's CM7 rom and on 4.0.4 HWA I have 1000?
Galaxy mini has only 320x240 resolution, so it has a better score.
OK, but shouldn't I have better CPU and GPU (I mean Adreno) to process more stuff? But ok, I am not grumbling, I was just curious.
And what with that I/O speed? Because in HWA roms write and read is very very slow.
kubekpop said:
OK, but shouldn't I have better CPU and GPU (I mean Adreno) to process more stuff? But ok, I am not grumbling, I was just curious.
And what with that I/O speed? Because in HWA roms write and read is very very slow.
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With dorimanxs ROM you must of had data 2 ext enabled so the io scores were that high because of your memory card and on ics you are using your internal memory which is slower than ext4 partitions
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
kubekpop said:
OK, but shouldn't I have better CPU and GPU (I mean Adreno) to process more stuff? But ok, I am not grumbling, I was just curious.
And what with that I/O speed? Because in HWA roms write and read is very very slow.
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TBH, benchmarks mean nothing. All that really matters is the end user experience. If you're satisfied with the performance then it really couldn't matter less what you get in benchmarks. Think about it this way, a Galaxy mini might get a higher benchmark but could you really live with a tiny low res screen and TouchWiz (vs almost ANYTHING on the HD2)?
Thank you guys. I am happy about your answers. That's right. Mini has too small screen.
And one more thing: people (like Rick_1995) can play GTA 3 smoothly. I have still lags. I am not requiering 60fps, but ability of playing it comfortable Am I doing something wrong?
kubekpop said:
Thank you guys. I am happy about your answers. That's right. Mini has too small screen.
And one more thing: people (like Rick_1995) can play GTA 3 smoothly. I have still lags. I am not requiering 60fps, but ability of playing it comfortable Am I doing something wrong?
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Possibly that he is overclocking and you arent?
elesbb said:
Possibly that he is overclocking and you arent?
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I've been trying to get GTA3 running too. Even after setting the governor to performance and details to minimum driving wasn't possible. Does anyone know how to do it? Should we increase volts?
I cannot overclock above 1.2GHz (I don't know why won't they add 1.6GHz from Dorimanx kernel).
kubekpop said:
I cannot overclock above 1.2GHz (I don't know why won't they add 1.6GHz from Dorimanx kernel).
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Dunno why but for me on Typhoon CM7 there was no difference between 1.2GHz and 1.6GHz so I doubt there will be for CM9 either. I can give a +1 to GTA running poorly despite what others say.
kubekpop said:
Thank you guys. I am happy about your answers. That's right. Mini has too small screen.
And one more thing: people (like Rick_1995) can play GTA 3 smoothly. I have still lags. I am not requiering 60fps, but ability of playing it comfortable Am I doing something wrong?
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Nigeldg said:
Dunno why but for me on Typhoon CM7 there was no difference between 1.2GHz and 1.6GHz so I doubt there will be for CM9 either. I can give a +1 to GTA running poorly despite what others say.
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GTA3 on my phone:
elesbb said:
Possibly that he is overclocking and you arent?
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CPU running at 998MHz (no OC), I'm using unreleased drivers so it could be them.
Daycrawler said:
I've been trying to get GTA3 running too. Even after setting the governor to performance and details to minimum driving wasn't possible. Does anyone know how to do it? Should we increase volts?
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voltage wouldn't make a difference.
kubekpop said:
I cannot overclock above 1.2GHz (I don't know why won't they add 1.6GHz from Dorimanx kernel).
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How can you tell that the cpu is really running at 1.6GHz and the kernel is just not faking it ? Qualcomm, the company which made the cpu never released any info about how cpu is clocked in hardware, or the pll limits, the multiplier limits, what internal clock logic checks for etc..
Are they going to be released?
Rick_1995 said:
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That's how it runs on my phone as well. I definitely don't define that as smooth. I've played it on my Mum's Desire S and it was far better, with a much higher framerate and better resolution (although that's probably due to the smaller screen) so I personally expect more from the game. Also, what about Real Racing? Happen to have a video of that? Because I've heard that's supposed to work without lag but it most certainly doesn't (Raging Thunder and NFS: Shift do but Real Racing doesn't). On a side note, thanks so much for all of the work you've been doing to keep this phone alive, without people like you in the community this phone would be completely dead

[Q] Video Performance

I saw there are different way to improve video performance on W.M.
I read on Internet that my device has Adreno 130 GPU or GoForce 5500 (different sources).
---Driver Pack (2d and 3d)(by Neos)
---Turbo 3d and GfxBoost (3d)(by Chainfire)
---Diamond ATI Drivers (I don't remember)
1---Which of them impove video performances in the best way? Which give best results in benchmarks?
2---Can I install all? (I think no: it will apply only one of them...)
3---Maybe also the type of CPU change something? (arm/xscale)
4---Do you know other softwares like these?
Mich-C said:
I saw there are different way to improve video performance on W.M.
I read on Internet that my device has Adreno 130 GPU or GoForce 5500 (different sources).
---Driver Pack (2d and 3d)(by Neos)
---Turbo 3d and GfxBoost (3d)(by Chainfire)
---Diamond ATI Drivers (I don't remember)
1---Which of them impove video performances in the best way?
2---Can I install all? (I think no: it will apply only one of them...)
3---Do you know other softwares like these?
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Hi! Seeing your device uses either an Andreno or GoForce GPU (figure that out first, btw. Really important if you want to improve it) I'm wondering, which device are we talking about?
NeoS said:
Hi! Seeing your device uses either an Andreno or GoForce GPU (figure that out first, btw. Really important if you want to improve it) I'm wondering, which device are we talking about?
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I have a Toshiba Portege G910.
I read that a guy installed your driver pack on it and performance are a bit better.
Ah, the Portege. Yes, this device could potentially benefit from the driverpack.
NeoS said:
Ah, the Portege. Yes, this device could potentially benefit from the driverpack.
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Thanks Neos.
Can you answer my question in my 1st post? (Are Chainfire's apps better then yours? )
I'm not sure if GFXboost and Turbo3D work on the MSM7200 chipset. If I recall correctly, @Chainfire 's apps are made on and for the MSM7201A chipset?
The driverpack is a collection of tuned driver files, which give a better performance on most MSM7200 devices. Chainfire's apps are applications to boost performance in 3D OpenGLes. (correct me if I'm wrong, though)
And the only way to be sure, is to test it for yourself. :good:
NeoS said:
I'm not sure if GFXboost and Turbo3D work on the MSM7200 chipset. If I recall correctly, @Chainfire 's apps are made on and for the MSM7201A chipset?
The driverpack is a collection of tuned driver files, which give a better performance on most MSM7200 devices. Chainfire's apps are applications to boost performance in 3D OpenGLes. (correct me if I'm wrong, though)
And the only way to be sure, is to test it for yourself.
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I was joking.
So does it matter the type of CPU and not the type of video/graphics card...
I will try both softwares but I will do an Hard Reset bewteen their installation because I don't want to mix different things.
I will use GLBenchmarks to do benchmarks.
Anyway Chainfire doesn't answer me.
I only installed GFXboost but i have an error "Unable to find concurrencemgr.dll"
NeoS said:
I'm not sure if GFXboost and Turbo3D work on the MSM7200 chipset. If I recall correctly, @Chainfire 's apps are made on and for the MSM7201A chipset?
The driverpack is a collection of tuned driver files, which give a better performance on most MSM7200 devices. Chainfire's apps are applications to boost performance in 3D OpenGLes. (correct me if I'm wrong, though)
And the only way to be sure, is to test it for yourself.
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I ask you because you have a lot of experience about these things.
Your driverpack improve DirectDraw (2d) and Direct3d (3d).
How can I also improve : API / GAPI / GDI / Qtv Display / OpenGL ?
Other phones have update versions.
