Wont Charge From Outlet!! - Acer Iconia A500

when i plug in my power cord to my outlet and into my tablet it wont charge nothing the light wont do anything battery will just keep going down, help!!

Try different outlet
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azoller1 said:
when i plug in my power cord to my outlet and into my tablet it wont charge nothing the light wont do anything battery will just keep going down, help!!
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Also it would be good idea to unroot and reflash stock recovery if you changed it to restore the warranty of your tablet while you still have some power left in the battery (enough to be able to do that of course). That is if you are sure your charger works and the problem is in the a500.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App


[how?[ Charge phone only with usb

I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
If the battery is dead it wont turn on. Let it be for a while.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
EclipseX said:
I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
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Make sure your laptop is plugged in & charging as well, otherwise I don't think it will work.
Make sure you have the drivers installed as well. I read in the motorola site somewhere that the computer won't charge unless the drivers are installed. Also it charges much slower than the wall outlet does.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Usr USB 3.0 port if your laptop has one so it supplies more power. USB 3.0 will charge almost as fast as AC.
Beamed in from WinBorg 4G via XDA Premium app
Just let it be. it won't turn on if the battery is below a certain level. Let it sit and charge and it will eventually turn on.
Here we go again.. Only the 1,500th time this has come up..
yes.. Have you been flashing ?
And if it stucked on bootloader you will need factory cable...
Or ..
You can buy a charge only cable just like me, from ebay.. Very cheap.. The phone can boot without even battery! That's why it can be charged if you stucked o bootloader!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
EclipseX said:
I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
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Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
Wish u were in the us...I would just send u a charger.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
This happened to me and you need to plug it in an AC wall charger I left mine on a usb for like 3 hours and it did nothing but on an AC wall charger it took 5-10 mins then it terned on. Hope this helps.
designgears said:
Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
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You returned it because of battery life?. What do you mean?.
I tought you returned the phone because of the locked bootloader and because its a bit easy to brick it.
designgears said:
Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
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I respect your work but don't give absurd reasons for returning your phone.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium App
I have read a post about factory cable,it seems that it will be powered on forcibly when plugged via this cable even without a battery
How to make it? short the +5v and ID pin?i dont know,just search this board

[Q] Charging issue

Mine seems to only want to charge to 66%. Suggestions?
maybe try powering the tab down and see if it will get the rest of the way there?
Hadto cycle between on and off charging.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Were you using the outlet that came with the tablet or a different plug?
I noticed that when I used a samsung plug from my nexus S it would charge to 66% but using the plug in the box would charge to 100%.

Phone will not charge.

Friend has a my touch and won't charge. Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I'm going to go with "something's broken"
Could you give more details? Does the battery not hold a charge? Does the LED indicate that it's trying to charge? Does the phone power on when plugged in? Does it power on when unplugged? Does a different battery charge okay?
Yea I'm guess its a fried emmc. Makes no attempt to charge. No led. Even plugged in can't start or get to boot loaders so shell have to get a replacement.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
If the phone won't power on at all when plugged in AND THE BATTERY IS INSERTED (That's important. It won't power on when plugged in with the battery out no matter how well it works.) then the phone is pretty unsaveable.
does the computer see it when you plug it in?
Sent from my HTC Glacier Sense 3.5 using xda premium
OK so we got it working with a charged battery but doesn't respond to USB at all
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
If it works with a charged battery, and you see no response to USB - then the problem is most likely physical, one of the USB VBUS (power) contacts is disconnected/broken.
avengethis1 said:
Yea I'm guess its a fried emmc. Makes no attempt to charge. No led. Even plugged in can't start or get to boot loaders so shell have to get a replacement.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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i dont think a fried emmc would stop it from charging , my G2 had a bad emmc and it charged perfect , like they said its deffinetly a physical problem , my mytouch 4g has a physical problem too , mine charges but will not mount , and if it does mount it connects and disconnects over and over every 5 seconds
Sent from my Mytouch 4G Running Capychimps Sense 3.5 rom (v.4.0)

help me to revive my phone

Please help me, my phone is Atrix 4G, to unlock the phone two days ago when the phone can not boot. Installing the battery press the power button nothing happens, remove the battery, plug in the power only the green light in the light. How should I do?
Google how, to charge your phone without a charger, you will have to sacrifice a usb cable. After you put a charge on it, reflash a gingerbread sbf file. I suggest the 2.3.4 pudding full sbf since you want an unlocked device.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
thanks for your advise ,but when using a USB charger, the computer can not find the device, and I did install the correct driver.
ylyanleiyl said:
thanks for your advise ,but when using a USB charger, the computer can not find the device, and I did install the correct driver.
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What I suggested involves cutting the end off a usb cable and manually charging the battery with an electric current, if you would have searched there are several YouTube videos that show you how to do it.
If the phone won't start with a charged battery then you have no way of fixing it.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Try to borrow a battery from a friend who has a atrix or Droid X instead
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
or external battery charger from ebay for a buck
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

Power issues

Hi all I had problems with my nexus 7 being fully dead so managed to do the bootloader trick and charge it up again which is all fine and it's fully charged however when I switch it off it won't power back on I have to insert the charger wait for the battery icon and the switch it on for it to boot up anybody have any idea why
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
toonarmy85 said:
Hi all I had problems with my nexus 7 being fully dead so managed to do the bootloader trick and charge it up again which is all fine and it's fully charged however when I switch it off it won't power back on I have to insert the charger wait for the battery icon and the switch it on for it to boot up anybody have any idea why
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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This might help if you hold the power for a long time it should power on, if you have warranty you could send it in? Good luck........
RubbleTea said:
This might help if you hold the power for a long time it should power on, if you have warranty you could send it in? Good luck........
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Leave it charging for a good couple hours. It sounds like you really run it dry. And when in bootloader... You can literally run it dry. Always charge around 5% I would say.
LouisMarshall said:
Leave it charging for a good couple hours. It sounds like you really run it dry. And when in bootloader... You can literally run it dry. Always charge around 5% I would say.
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Its charged to 100% so its deffo not the battery dunno y it does it once i plug the charger in and boot it up it runs perfect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
toonarmy85 said:
Its charged to 100% so its deffo not the battery dunno y it does it once i plug the charger in and boot it up it runs perfect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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A lot of people are having a problem with the battery wire. Kind of a longshot , but if you open it up, the cord to the battery might be loose. I would look it up a bit more but a ton of users are having that issue.
LouisMarshall said:
A lot of people are having a problem with the battery wire. Kind of a longshot , but if you open it up, the cord to the battery might be loose. I would look it up a bit more but a ton of users are having that issue.
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Thanks for ur help mate but that was the first thing I tried it's really weird was thinking of sending it to Asus but not sure if I need a receipt or not
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium

