Power issues - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all I had problems with my nexus 7 being fully dead so managed to do the bootloader trick and charge it up again which is all fine and it's fully charged however when I switch it off it won't power back on I have to insert the charger wait for the battery icon and the switch it on for it to boot up anybody have any idea why
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toonarmy85 said:
Hi all I had problems with my nexus 7 being fully dead so managed to do the bootloader trick and charge it up again which is all fine and it's fully charged however when I switch it off it won't power back on I have to insert the charger wait for the battery icon and the switch it on for it to boot up anybody have any idea why
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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This might help if you hold the power for a long time it should power on, if you have warranty you could send it in? Good luck........

RubbleTea said:
This might help if you hold the power for a long time it should power on, if you have warranty you could send it in? Good luck........
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Leave it charging for a good couple hours. It sounds like you really run it dry. And when in bootloader... You can literally run it dry. Always charge around 5% I would say.

LouisMarshall said:
Leave it charging for a good couple hours. It sounds like you really run it dry. And when in bootloader... You can literally run it dry. Always charge around 5% I would say.
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Its charged to 100% so its deffo not the battery dunno y it does it once i plug the charger in and boot it up it runs perfect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

toonarmy85 said:
Its charged to 100% so its deffo not the battery dunno y it does it once i plug the charger in and boot it up it runs perfect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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A lot of people are having a problem with the battery wire. Kind of a longshot , but if you open it up, the cord to the battery might be loose. I would look it up a bit more but a ton of users are having that issue.

LouisMarshall said:
A lot of people are having a problem with the battery wire. Kind of a longshot , but if you open it up, the cord to the battery might be loose. I would look it up a bit more but a ton of users are having that issue.
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Thanks for ur help mate but that was the first thing I tried it's really weird was thinking of sending it to Asus but not sure if I need a receipt or not
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium


[how?[ Charge phone only with usb

I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
If the battery is dead it wont turn on. Let it be for a while.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
EclipseX said:
I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
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Make sure your laptop is plugged in & charging as well, otherwise I don't think it will work.
Make sure you have the drivers installed as well. I read in the motorola site somewhere that the computer won't charge unless the drivers are installed. Also it charges much slower than the wall outlet does.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Usr USB 3.0 port if your laptop has one so it supplies more power. USB 3.0 will charge almost as fast as AC.
Beamed in from WinBorg 4G via XDA Premium app
Just let it be. it won't turn on if the battery is below a certain level. Let it sit and charge and it will eventually turn on.
Here we go again.. Only the 1,500th time this has come up..
yes.. Have you been flashing ?
And if it stucked on bootloader you will need factory cable...
Or ..
You can buy a charge only cable just like me, from ebay.. Very cheap.. The phone can boot without even battery! That's why it can be charged if you stucked o bootloader!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
EclipseX said:
I don't have charger right now...I need charge the phone....the battery die and I only have the original data cable :S
I plug in on my laptop, and a green light appear on the phone....but phone don't turn on
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Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
Wish u were in the us...I would just send u a charger.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
This happened to me and you need to plug it in an AC wall charger I left mine on a usb for like 3 hours and it did nothing but on an AC wall charger it took 5-10 mins then it terned on. Hope this helps.
designgears said:
Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
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You returned it because of battery life?. What do you mean?.
I tought you returned the phone because of the locked bootloader and because its a bit easy to brick it.
designgears said:
Welcome to one of the big reasons this phone got returned!
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I respect your work but don't give absurd reasons for returning your phone.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium App
I have read a post about factory cable,it seems that it will be powered on forcibly when plugged via this cable even without a battery
How to make it? short the +5v and ID pin?i dont know,just search this board

Battery drained out - not starting anymore

I was playing a game and my battery drain to the point where the device had to turn off.
I plugged it in after and it just wont start. Also once plugged in the battery charging animation dose not show.
I had similar thing happen to my nexus s when the battery drained out wile using the navigation and the way I resolved was to remove the battery and put it back in. But on the nexus 7 I don't have that option.
Anyone experienced this?
Try leaving it charging for a while, or try holding the power key for several seconds (like 60), sometime that will start a reboot.
Same problem for me
I have the exact same problem. I was playing Fruit Ninja and boom the nexus turned off with a warning that battery was completely drained. I left it uncharged for the night. When I tried charging the next morning, it wouldn't charge at all.
Not sure what to do. Have tried pressing the power button many times but still does not work.
Does anyone have a solution?
tcat007 said:
Try leaving it charging for a while, or try holding the power key for several seconds (like 60), sometime that will start a reboot.
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What he said, while using OEM charger should get ya going.
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bigsmitty64 said:
What he said, while using OEM charger should get ya going.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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This worked for me Thanks a ton. :good:
ranzzit said:
This worked for me Thanks a ton. :good:
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Glad you got it going again! :good:

[ Q ] not turning on

So my nexus had been unplugged and without charge for about 3 weeks or so, I've been very busy at work. I try and connect the tablet so that i can use again and the screen flickers for an instant and nothing happens, I don't see the white icon charging animation and no response after that. It's my tablet done or is there a solution for this. Thanks to anybody that can help.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
Have u tried to unplugged the battery for a couple minutes?
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
Qijos said:
Have u tried to unplugged the battery for a couple minutes?
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Yes sirrr and no response
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
Ok, I don't really know what exactly the problem is. But I think the battery seems to be dead. because if it is still good, at least it shows the indicator light when it's plugged with charger.. If u have a simple tool to test battery energy maybe u can find out. or maybe try another battery..
Leave it plugged into the charger for a good while and then hold down the power button hard, for about 30 seconds. See if that forces it on.
How long did you leave it plugged in for? It may take a few hours...
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It was plugged for like an hour or so and no dice.
I think im screwed
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
Not sure if it would help your specific problem, but my thread covers every fix known-to-man for issues such as yours. Check it out if you haven't yet.
Try leaving it plugged in overnight. I once had a laptop battery die on me, had to plug it in for like a week before it would turn on again.
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Your device is hibernating to prevent further damaging the battery. Plug it in... boot to bootloader... select power off using the volume keys... the tablet will now charge normally
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
najaboy said:
Your device is hibernating to prevent further damaging the battery. Plug it in... boot to bootloader... select power off using the volume keys... the tablet will now charge normally
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Thanks will try as soon as i get home
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
I want to thank everyone that pitch in to help finally got it up and running, i thought it was dead. Thanks again for the help i really appreciate it
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
nexus issue
SpartanVissepo said:
I want to thank everyone that pitch in to help finally got it up and running, i thought it was dead. Thanks again for the help i really appreciate it
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
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My problem is solved, I have a friend who had the same problems with the tablet Nexus 7 16GB, the back of the unit opens easily with just a fingernail to open a case as remote and actually the battery plug is not fully inserted into the camera, a little bit of nail to reconnect the cable and now my tablet displays well 100% load.
niamé said:
My problem is solved, I have a friend who had the same problems with the tablet Nexus 7 16GB, the back of the unit opens easily with just a fingernail to open a case as remote and actually the battery plug is not fully inserted into the camera, a little bit of nail to reconnect the cable and now my tablet displays well 100% load.
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Yup - there is a sticky that covers this method, and all the other methods as well. For anyone else suffering from similar N7 issues, be sure to check it out. Either go to stickies in this Troubleshooting section, or use this link.

How do I finally fix this instant battery drain problem?

i hope some of you have experienced this. i'm on carbon rom right now. sometimes when i'm in the middle of an app, it's just turn off and when i plug it in and turn it on the battery is at 0%. i've done a factory reset.
I have never had that happen before. Does your battery meter move? Like does it say sit at 50% for ages then all of a sudden your phone turns off.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
no, but it does happen around 50% from my experience.
rty1138 said:
i hope some of you have experienced this. i'm on carbon rom right now. sometimes when i'm in the middle of an app, it's just turn off and when i plug it in and turn it on the battery is at 0%. i've done a factory reset.
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Try out another ROM to see whether the battery drain still happens. If no, then it's the ROM's kernel.
Yeah I would try another rom or hell even stock. Maybe your battery is defective if a new rom doesn't help
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
How do you charge your phone? Using the stock wall charger?
usb from laptop
This used to happen to a friend of mine when the service centre guys open the phone they discovered that the battery was leaking so they had to change the battery the problem finally went away
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arpitnathany said:
This used to happen to a friend of mine when the service centre guys open the phone they discovered that the battery was leaking so they had to change the battery the problem finally went away
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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bought a battery. worth a try i guess.

[Q] RED light of death? or battery

Ok so yesterday I had my nexus 4 in the charger at 46 percent and i was about to send a tweet when the screen froze. thinking it was a simple crash i pressed the home button and no visual response then it powered off. now whenever i try to power it on nothing happens. i tried pressing the power and volume buttons. whenever i try to turn it on and i plug it in the red light flashes. sometimes it flashes continiously sometimes it is a solid color. so what can i do it wont communicate with the computer. im not sure what the issue is. is it a battery issue or is it impossibly bricked. i already charged it overnight to no avail.
oh and im running stock cm11 with the stock cm kernel. i just installed it the night before.
It isn't bricked it's a battery issue.
Leave it in your computer or car charger for a few hours at least.
If still nothing report back.
Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
failly said:
It isn't bricked it's a battery issue.
Leave it in your computer or car charger for a few hours at least.
If still nothing report back.
Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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i left it chargng overnight last night. nothing. im going to take the battery out and put it back then try again
dominiqueovalle said:
i left it chargng overnight last night. nothing. im going to take the battery out and put it back then try again
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Charging with the wall charger I guess? There have been reports of various members here on XDA that got their N4 running again after the RLOD issue by charging it with a car charger or with their computer.
Anyway, there are tutorials on YT how to take your N4 apart and fix the RLOD issue. There is also one on the Nexus 4 General section(can't post a link right now). Go to the N4 general section here on XDA, then it must be somewhere on the first page.
Good luck and let me know if you fixed it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
failly said:
Charging with the wall charger I guess? There have been reports of various members here on XDA that got their N4 running again after the RLOD issue by charging it with a car charger or with their computer.
Anyway, there are tutorials on YT how to take your N4 apart and fix the RLOD issue. There is also one on the Nexus 4 General section(can't post a link right now). Go to the N4 general section here on XDA, then it must be somewhere on the first page.
Good luck and let me know if you fixed it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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i will try to find the link thank you so much

