[Q] Help to un-brick the vega - Vega General

Hi there,
I´ve a Vega and I installed de vegacomb build 7. Discovered that once it was power off it stucks in the vegacomb logo endlesly. I updated to build 8.1 and the same problem came across.
I found a GTab rom and as the tablet has multiple names (mine´s is actually called dvc p10 P10AN class 3G version) I installed it by error.
Now there is no way to plug it to de PC in recovery mode again and it doesn´t start at all, the screen seems to get on, but nothing happens.
The power-back button combination doesn´t work any more. Any suggestion?
Thnx a lot!

make sure the tablet is fully charged and plugged into the
Mains when you try to enter recovery. It should get there in the end.
Please post questions in the general section. This is for development only!
Mods please move this thread.

This sort of happened to me, try this.
Tressy said:
I had similar problem i followed this
Make sure the charger is UNPLUGGED.
2. Hold The power button for 6 seconds and make sure the backlight is off.
3. Now insert the charging cable and the USB cable from the PC to the Vega.
4. Hold the back button for 2 seconds.
5. While still holding the back button ton hold the power for 2 seconds.
6. Then let go of the power button still holding the back button when is hardware wizard
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Sorry if its not the appropiate section. I posted here because brick mostly happens as a result of a failure of a ROM issue. Move it if you thinks it´s not the place.
I´ve tried B1scu1T method and still nothing.

In your Windows desktop make sure you're looking at the device manager to ensure you can see if a device is detected. Also make sure you have sound, it helps to know when a deviced is plugged.
Fully charge the Vega.
Make sure the charger is plugged into the Vega
Connect the USB cable from the Vega to a tested USB port directly on the PC (not into a USB hub)
Press and hold back and then press power on the Vega.
Hope it works!

I´ve tried the back-power button combination as I always do, the thing is now the device is not recongnized by de PC. Nothing appears.
Don´t know if anyone has another combination of buttons or solution.
Thanks again, when this is solved we can go back to the enless logo at the start, but now I have this previous problem.

sometimes it doesnt show anything on the screen.
so your Vega will have black screen. follow procedure to put it in recovery mode then execute DEFAULT EXE from Vega website it will open CMD window and tell you that device is not connected or just start installing.
if it says not connected then try again to put it in recovery mode etc till you get install running. It will work AFAIK recovery on Vega + hardware buttons makes it brick proof but i might be wrong there is always first time

After millions of tries it finally works!... Now we can go to the problem with the endless logo loop at the start up of the vegacomb 8.1.
Thanks a lot!... and never try a rom from other tablet!
See you in the ROM forum!

B1scu1T said:
This sort of happened to me, try this.
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Thanks this did the trick for me. Tried quite a few blind alleys


F'd up my vibrant i could use some help!!

hi guys... so i don't know how i got this vibrant soooooo far gone .. im afraid i have gotten it too far...
i was doing a odin back up and odin froze!... i did nothing for hours!!!! finally i shut off the program.... the phone rebooted into a screen with a picture of a phone with a triangle then dots to a computer!!!
omg!!! so im freaking out.. anyone know if there is a way back from this?? i can't even get back into recovery mode!!
please any help will do......
there was a thread about that issue, turn off your phone, unplug the usb cord, plug the usb cord. hold vol up and vol down and the power button. it will come on but when it goes off release the power button and keep holding down the vol up and vol down. should go into auto download mode. then u can reload it via odin.
xsilvercivicx said:
hi guys... so i don't know how i got this vibrant soooooo far gone .. im afraid i have gotten it too far...
i was doing a odin back up and odin froze!... i did nothing for hours!!!! finally i shut off the program.... the phone rebooted into a screen with a picture of a phone with a triangle then dots to a computer!!!
omg!!! so im freaking out.. anyone know if there is a way back from this?? i can't even get back into recovery mode!!
please any help will do......
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this is normal just continue to download mode as normal.
you can save your device through odin, plug your phone in to your computer and try to go into download mode may take a couple tries, and flash the stock ROM you can find on these forums
i have already tried the sequence to get it into download mode... it doesnt work... tried adb and nothing registers....
anymore ideas? looks like im going to have to do a warranty exchange.
The only way I can reliably get to download mode is: power off, remove battery, replace battery, hold both vol buttons, plug in usb. works every time though.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
ok so that actually worked!!!! i pulled the battery ... pluged the usb cable in and while holding volume up and down buttons i forced the battery in.. and now its in download mode!!!!
now here is my next road block.. whenever i tried to use odin i cant get pass that file analysis part and nothing happens..
any ideas? i looked it a thread and it said to reboot my computer into safe mode and disable digital driver sig.. still not working..
ideas on how to get pass the file analysis part?
Best way for us to help you, is for you to help yourself first, educate yourself and post this in the right forum please and we would all be more than gracious to help you out
hey guys thanks for all the help and suggestions... at first i just thought i would post in a development sections for some reason that made sense to me.. and im sorry if i posted in the wrong section....
xsilvercivicx said:
ok so that actually worked!!!! i pulled the battery ... pluged the usb cable in and while holding volume up and down buttons i forced the battery in.. and now its in download mode!!!!
now here is my next road block.. whenever i tried to use odin i cant get pass that file analysis part and nothing happens..
any ideas? i looked it a thread and it said to reboot my computer into safe mode and disable digital driver sig.. still not working..
ideas on how to get pass the file analysis part?
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are you using a .pit file? and if so is it the right 512 .pit file?
if both those are yes, delete the one on your system and re-download it.
I had this same exact problem a few weeks back Odin would hang on the pit file, just redownloaded and it worked like a charm.
and just a quick reminder of everything out for the Vibrant right now
Only stock firmware use the 'PDA' option a pit file, and re-partition
froyo firmware use the 'PDA' option and a pit file, no re-partition
JACs kernels use the 'CSC' option and no pit file, no-repartition
i have a Bell Vibrant and all the methods don't work. i tried the 3 button (remove batt,place in batt, plug USB, wait for the the ''star" to appear, hold VOL+/- and POWER and wait for the screen to turn off, release POWER, but it just goes back to recharging screen. tried it 40 times
tried the power off, remove battery, replace battery, hold both vol buttons, plug in usb. no go as well.
ANything else? I'm stuck at the boot screen (the 'S' glowing part).
This is what always works for me.
Unplug your USB from your phone
Makes sure ODIN is ready to go on your PC
Hold down the Down Volume and Power until the download screen comes on
Then plug your USB back into the phone
fire up odin
pull your battery
connect phone to pc WITH THE BATTERY OUT
hold volume up+down and power
put battery in while still holding those buttons
the screen will light up with....something. Wait for the screen to blink and then release the buttons.
You are now in download mode!
i will try those methods. Thanks.
crap, still no. just keeps showing the battery charging. i remember rescuing my htc magic so many times, but no go on this guy.....
Odin all fired up when doing this......
Deliximus said:
i will try those methods. Thanks.
crap, still no. just keeps showing the battery charging. i remember rescuing my htc magic so many times, but no go on this guy.....
Odin all fired up when doing this......
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Did you make sure that the USB was unplugged when you used my method of holding down the volume down button and power button together until the download screen came up?
If you are familiar with ADB. You can also power your phone on and then plug in the USB and then type in the command line:
adb reboot download
to get it to reboot into download mode.
You can also use this command from the recovery console if you are able to get to it.
mesajoejoe said:
Best way for us to help you, is for you to help yourself first, educate yourself and post this in the right forum please and we would all be more than gracious to help you out
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Dude, the Vibrant is new to us all. None like it. So dev wise its harder to explain and understand when we are used to coming from a one press method, now were using Odin, and Thor's hammer to flash our phones, which is god awful, no pun intended.
Dont flame your fellow Vibrant user cause he doesent understand the 613 steps it involves, and every other way to do so. Help the kid.
I am also in this position, just using a finger in the socket method, if its on it'l shock me, know what i mean. Just try it all. I have a feeling its getting harder and harder to brick phones because the manufacture is not retarded, they fix them right back, and ship them back out to customers who need replacements. I know this as a friend works at an AT&T shipping warehouse.
So cant we all just hit a bong, or get a long? And help?
If someone could explain all this 512PIT, PDA, and CSC, and Phone. It would help so much, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Just sayin.
"Oh man, I am so high right now, i have no idea whats going on."
aloxotls said:
Did you make sure that the USB was unplugged when you used my method of holding down the volume down button and power button together until the download screen came up?
If you are familiar with ADB. You can also power your phone on and then plug in the USB and then type in the command line:
adb reboot download
to get it to reboot into download mode.
You can also use this command from the recovery console if you are able to get to it.
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Yeah man, i'll try it again!! And when do I start typing (sending out the adb command) when the power turns on? Thanks.
Question is: when i press power+vol Down, the boot splashscreen comes on (Galaxy S etc etc).....
I am sorry you have a Bell Vibrant, it is a little different than my phone. I found this hope this helps
- Turn off your Phone
- Hold VOLUME DOWN + HOME Buttons
- While holding VOLUME DOWN + HOME Buttons press POWER Button until you reach Download-Mode
- Release all Buttons
I also read that some of the Bell Vibrants had their Download/Recovery mode disabled.
As far as the adb command I would start as soon as it powers on. It will say "error:device not found" at first, but just keep on hitting arrow up and hitting the enter in the command window until it accepts the command.
Good Luck

How to put my vega in nvflash mode?

How to do I put my vega in nvflash mode? I have a custom rom now and I did that before but I forget how. Everywhere where I read I get steps to get into ClockworkRecovery Mod but I need to get into nvflash. I want to instal a new rom but I stuck on this little thing
Hi there
This has been covered before, lots of times. Please use the search function before starting a new thread. It just adds clutter to a great forum.
Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179538 i answered in post 7.
And Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=989216
Take it easy
I read that and I tried that. What I get is that power off screen with, power off, restart, recover options and when I push power button slighty less my screen shuts down but nvflash doesn't apear in device manager, nothing happens
Nothing appears on the screen until you start the rom install. Check its in the right recovery in your device manager on the pc. Nvidia recovery should appear in the usb section. If not reinstall the usb drivers from the advent website.
Good luck.
Rememeber that the vega must be plugged.
I finally did it, thanks a lot! The problem was what you don't need to push buttons for 2 seconds each, just 1 second hold did the trick
partner22 said:
Rememeber that the vega must be plugged.
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Actually it is easy to put your Vega type tablet into nvflash mode without a power cable attached -
1 Press Poer button to start boot.
2 As soon as the screen lights up, press and hold down the POwer button until the boot is aborted and the tablet goes back to being pwered down.
3) Immediately start the Back Button, Power buttin, Back button routine and the tablet will now successfully go into nvflash mode.
Sw1pe said:
I finally did it, thanks a lot! The problem was what you don't need to push buttons for 2 seconds each, just 1 second hold did the trick
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hm, i have to hold the back button for at least 3 seconds on my surfer MN10U, only then it responds to debug mode by clicking power. i even dint get a feedback from windows. i only see it when obening hardware manager and see a "nvidia debug device" under usb devices.

LG G2 fully BRICKED no download no recovery

My LG G2 802 is fully bricked now. I can't get anything alse that LG splash screen, I tried entering download or fastboot mode but with no luck.
It happend when my ROM flashing software crashed in the middle of process.
Help me out guys.
i have the same. No download mode, no recovery. Ubuntu don't recognize my G2 (i try all tutorials). Only i saw LG screen. When i press vol- and power 2 times i have option FACTORY RESET but when i do this i saw only FACTORY SETTINGS PROCESSING and stop at this. After restart only LG.
witek_77 said:
i have the same. No download mode, no recovery. Ubuntu don't recognize my G2 (i try all tutorials). Only i saw LG screen. When i press vol- and power 2 times i have option FACTORY RESET but when i do this i saw only FACTORY SETTINGS PROCESSING and stop at this. After restart only LG.
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Exacly the same story with factory reset.
1. un plug device from wall or pc
2 make sure phone is all the way off (hold down power and volume down) untill it stops booting
3. hold volume UP while plugging device into pc
4. follow these instructions to return to stock http://www.droidgreen.com/lg-g2-official-stock-android-firmware-rom/
5. allow usb debuging in dev options and install unknown sources in security
6. to root your device go to towelroot.com download apk and install
7. to flash custom recovery use freegee its found in playstore
my phone havent got download mode. I flash KDZ on blue dots downlad mode. After this my phone has bricked. Only black screen. After this i have flash on ubuntu partitions and twrp. Ewerything was ok but after restart my phone dont go to TWRP. Only LG. Now i cant do anything. I havent got download mode and after VOL- and POWER my recovery dont do anything. On monday i will send my phone to service.
Well.. problem has been solved almost it self. As I said before I was trying do hold volume UP and plug it to the computer. But phone was showing only the LG logo and that's all. Linux didn't see it either.
When every idea was used I tried to completly discharge it. When it turn off i tried to plug it in and check what happens but AGAIN I saw only LG splash screen and I left it in that way. I came back after maybe 10-15min and I found phone in Download Mode. Linux saw it and without any problem I installed fresh ROM.
Really I can't explain this but it's just happend. So my advice, try any possible solution and method.
Good Luck guys!
Glad to here sound like your device wasn't fully powered off patience is pretty mine say on download mode doing nothing fir 10 minutes once [emoji106]
Tapatalked from a Cloudy G3.
"hit thanks if ive helped" ?
ick56 said:
Well.. problem has been solved almost it self. As I said before I was trying do hold volume UP and plug it to the computer. But phone was showing only the LG logo and that's all. Linux didn't see it either.
When every idea was used I tried to completly discharge it. When it turn off i tried to plug it in and check what happens but AGAIN I saw only LG splash screen and I left it in that way. I came back after maybe 10-15min and I found phone in Download Mode. Linux saw it and without any problem I installed fresh ROM.
Really I can't explain this but it's just happend. So my advice, try any possible solution and method.
Good Luck guys!
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Thank you, Ick56, for the ray of hope you've given me. My G2 is fully discharged since yesterday and I'm on the same boat as you - no recovery, no download, no fastboot, not detected by the computer. I'm trying your way now. My question is - when you plugged it in fully discharged, did you hold any buttons?
Thanks again and thanks in advance!
kaha6uc said:
Thank you, Ick56, for the ray of hope you've given me. My G2 is fully discharged since yesterday and I'm on the same boat as you - no recovery, no download, no fastboot, not detected by the computer. I'm trying your way now. My question is - when you plugged it in fully discharged, did you hold any buttons?
Thanks again and thanks in advance!
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Volume up when you plug it into the computer.
nms247 said:
Volume up when you plug it into the computer.
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Thank you for your answer, but I wasn't asking how to get to download mode. I was asking the OP what he did when his battery was fully discharged.
kaha6uc said:
Thank you, Ick56, for the ray of hope you've given me. My G2 is fully discharged since yesterday and I'm on the same boat as you - no recovery, no download, no fastboot, not detected by the computer. I'm trying your way now. My question is - when you plugged it in fully discharged, did you hold any buttons?
Thanks again and thanks in advance!
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I just plugged it in to the computer. Yes, it's sounds ridiculous but in some way after few minutes it worked. Maybe try it with volume up too, who knows what will happen ;p
Good Luck!
ick56 said:
I just plugged it in to the computer. Yes, it's sounds ridiculous but in some way after few minutes it worked. Maybe try it with volume up too, who knows what will happen ;p
Good Luck!
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Thanks again. Here's what happens:
1. While unplugged, I entered the Factory Reset mode and left it as it is (didn't push any buttons) in order for the display to drain the battery;
2. When the battery was drained the phone went off;
3. After waiting for a few seconds I plugged it into the computer;
4. The red led was flashing for a minute or so and then the LG logo came on;
5. I'm now waiting.
Will post again when/if anything happens
EDIT: Almost an hour now and still only LG logo
i have the same.
kaha6uc said:
Thanks again. Here's what happens:
1. While unplugged, I entered the Factory Reset mode and left it as it is (didn't push any buttons) in order for the display to drain the battery;
2. When the battery was drained the phone went off;
3. After waiting for a few seconds I plugged it into the computer;
4. The red led was flashing for a minute or so and then the LG logo came on;
5. I'm now waiting.
Will post again when/if anything happens
EDIT: Almost an hour now and still only LG logo
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If your light flashed red that means it is charging you HAVE to hold the up volume WHILE plugging it in in to enter download mode DONT DRAIN BATTERY TO COMPLETELY POWER OF HOLD VOL DOWN AND POWER UNTIL OT STOPS BOOTING THEN PLUG IT IN WHILE HOLDING VOL UP
Tapatalked from a Cloudy G3.
"hit thanks if ive helped" ?

Redmi 2 pro super bricked, help me!

last night I was playing with my redmi 2 pro and bricked it. What I did with was idiotic. I will describe the incident in depth.
My mobile was running on miui 8 6.7.21(lollipop) but I was having some issue with it, so I wanted to use a custom rom named XOSP. I know that this rom doesn’t work on lollipop bootloader but still I flashed the rom and obvious result is I got boot loop. I could still have fixed that just by flashing fastboot rom but instead of doing that I boot my mobile into fastboot mode and flash the emmc_appsboot.mbn via cmd with fastboot command then I reboot the device. now my device keeps vibrating, I mean if I try to power on my device by pressing and holding power button it starts vibrating in a loop. If I hold volume down and power button it vibrates 13 times, then stops for 1 or 2 second, in this pause if release power button and volume button phone stops vibrating. By the way no led light up or no light in display.
I have connected the mobile with pc but nothing happend, even I can’t find my device in device manager. I have all the drivers and mi flashtool installed and Driver Signature Verification
is disabled in my pc. I have tried to connect the device with battery without battery with volume button pressed but nothing happens. I even tried the resurrection method by connecting to point with wire but still nothing happens it.
Bro this is my only mobile and there is no xiaomi customer care in this country you are the only hope. I can’t buy another device within 7-8 months, so please help me to bring the device back.
Test point
Did this test point test point method not work for you?? -
Quick guide:
- Disassemble the phone and to weld together the two points (see attached picture).
- Connect your phone to your PC via USB
- Start MiFlash and make it all settings
- Set the phone battery
- Hitting, pressing "Flash" button
- Flash stuck on Attempting to connect Device - do not panic.
- It is necessary to remove the connection with the points and reconnect to the PC with the battery in the phone.
- The installation process will continue.
- As a result, the phone is loaded.
shanx_verma said:
Did this test point test point method not work for you?? -
Quick guide:
- Disassemble the phone and to weld together the two points (see attached picture).
- Connect your phone to your PC via USB
- Start MiFlash and make it all settings
- Set the phone battery
- Hitting, pressing "Flash" button
- Flash stuck on Attempting to connect Device - do not panic.
- It is necessary to remove the connection with the points and reconnect to the PC with the battery in the phone.
- The installation process will continue.
- As a result, the phone is loaded.
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gamernayeem said:
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You're very very welcomebro, cuz I know exactly how it feels !!
Let me know if you face any issues..
shanx_verma said:
You're very very welcomebro, cuz I know exactly how it feels !!
Let me know if you face any issues..
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a had a small problem after fixing the phone, when the phone booted up the screen was shaking and a there was dark shade around the a screen. though i dont have the problem now. Any idea whey it happened?
Never with me, so nope, no idea bro.

Bricked the Onn 100003561

I bricked it and adb wont dectect it on adb, i tried to flash the magisx rom on it and then it just didnt make it past the boot screen and gives me the orange state error, ive tried everything but its still not dectected by the adb thingie
just use the preloader, get mtk-client and then plug it in with power off. Sometime you hold volume up/down same time.
jphilpot7 said:
just use the preloader, get mtk-client and then plug it in with power off. Sometime you hold volume up/down same time.
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How do i get the preloader?
WalterHartwellWhiteSr said:
How do i get the preloader?
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its just become a paperweight now, tried fixing it myself and it broke. sad
WalterHartwellWhiteSr said:
How do i get the preloader?
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Get the mtk-client from GitHub, turn it off, sometimes you hold just the volume buttons and sometimes just plugging it in. The preloader only works when it is off.
jphilpot7 said:
Get the mtk-client from GitHub, turn it off, sometimes you hold just the volume buttons and sometimes just plugging it in. The preloader only works when it is off.
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it died and it turned into a paperweight and i cant turn it back on and i charged it for a while
You have to get the preloader to start. Also it is very touchy as far as how you get to it. You should at least get a error when you try mtk client and we can worth threw that.
I just bricked my kid's old one, but finally reflashed it. sp flash hands on the preloader part of the "shipping" image I found, but the newer "100003561_12-17-2020_Firmware" flashed & I got it running again. seems like it's preventing the downgrade. *sigh*
my biggest issue was getting the preloader drivers installed. finally found this file "Windows 10 MTK VCOM USB Preloader Drivers" to work on this hand build 2016 PC running a ryzen 1600x (LoL total dino) running Windows 11. found a youtube video, (sorry if this links not allowed but it helped me, please remove if this violates any rules)
but I didn't actually have to remove the battery ever. just has to let it set about 10ish (try counting to 30? LoL) seconds before connecting. basically...
get drivers installed
get stock rom downloaded & extracted
get sp flash installed
get sp flash ready (*open, *load generic d-a bin file, *load the scatter from the stock image)
then while holding vol-, connecting the usb-c cable from tablet to PC
sp flash then starts doing its magic, ends with a yellow bar, & a big @$$ green check mark
then I got back to this (LoL top secret) Chinese menu, vol- to last item, hit PWR to select (reboot cellphone) & then watch this onn. logo for what feels like days as it comes back up wiped clean as a baby's bottom
hope this helps

